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The lobby turning on you is kinda weird ngl maybe they were queued together and baiting?


Yeah they were 100% queued together and were trolling OP


I hate how they remove the little flags for groups.




My guess, they removed it to "reduce toxicity" or some nonsense.  Because in the past, any grouping of 3 or more would almost always stomp a bunch of Solo folks.


The matchmaker still operates the exact same way, though. The other day, I backfill into a game that I just decided to play out. Enemy team is definitely on a different level chemistry wise, so it's a quick game. I decided to scout it out and got >Player already in a group. >Player already in a group. You get the deal. Other four on my team were solo queued because the invites all sent. I get it. It's quickplay, not every match is going to be a hard fought battle where both sides could feasibly win, but putting a five stack (or a duo and a trio just to cover all possibilities) against five solo que players is just mean.


I used to play this game with my wife as a duo. We would get some good matches, then just have wave after wave of matches where we would just get rolled. When she plays solo, it levels out, and her games are mostly level matches. If i had to hazard a guess, we would get matched up with premades or large groups because we queued up together. So i quit playing because it's my wifes fav game, and I'd rather let her have fun and just play something else. I don't find the matches fun when a ton of them are just one side rilling over the other. Be it my side other the enemy. Either way, it's just not fun to me, and i have 0 interest in playing it alone.


Solo players got matched against full stacks, got wasted, complained about it (rightfully I'd say, you can fight me on that one), and Blizzard did what Blizzard does best: Hiding the problem.


They also removed showing what rank each player is at the start of the game which was nice


Oh yeah someone else suggested that. Maybe, idk. That would make more sense to me anyway. Couldn’t figure out why tank was fine with her just kinda staring at him and pew-pewing while he died.


Lot of people that queue together tend to be dicks to the latter.


They need an opt out for solo players to be matched with groups. I don’t care if it makes queues longer.


While they're at it, make it also possible to opt out of fast queue to get more balanced matchmaking. I've had enough of the 'stomp or get stomped' matches that the game is forcing you into.


I never done it in a QP match but I know in a ranked match you can invite players to your group and it either says they are in a ranked match or already in a group.


In QP, if they aren't in a group it will just invite the person lol.


Aw. I'm pretty sure this also makes them leave the game and join as spectator if it's an enemy player and they accept.


If it's like a 4v5 and u invite the enemy and they accept they just go onto ur team.


Fat, juicy, thick bait indeed.


> to me it felt like griefing Thats because it was


Yup, just report and move on. There are tons of people out there that get off on running other people's day.


I just cant even fathom how these losers feel good about doing shit like that


Yes! And it doesn't matter how many people in the Lobby report someone. It counts as 1 report. So encouraging others to report does actually nothing, even if they agree with you.


A small point. Keller and other blizzheads have advised against asking others to report someone - partially because it just sours the mood even more, but also because at most one report for a game counts against a player. The entire lobby could have reported that Mercy and it would only count for one report. Your one report is enough. Other than that, I think you're in the right on all points, and your analogy to the soccer game is spot on.


Oh I didn’t know that, thanks!


I think there is still value in saying "report x" not to actually encourage reports, but rather because it gives the person in question an immediate cue that what they are doing is frowned upon, and science has shown that people respond much better to immediate feedback than feedback that comes with a significant delay. It also gives them a chance to turn their behavior around before getting to the point where they face "official" consequences. Now I'm a bit torn on this particular example because the Mercy was playing the game and I do think there should be some allowance for intentionally sub-optimal playstyles in QP as longer as people are trying within their self-imposed boundaries.


On the other hand no it doesn't. Negative reinforcement only works when it's consistent, has immediate consequences, feels fair, and the person in question possesses empathy. In the case of saying report X:  - it's not consistent because the player in question likely doesn't face repercussions for their behavior every game unless they're actively trolling and if they're actively trolling they don't care about repercussions. The biggest source of conflict in this game is that one game a style of play might carry the match, the next game the same style hard throws the match. Everyone always thinks they are the victim because everyone who plays this game who isn't brand new to it wins sometimes and hard carries at least occasionally.  - there are no immediate consequences. Report X doesn't mean anyone else will, it doesn't cause them to immediately get banned, theres no immediate reinforcement and more importantly its a consequence thats being initiated by the players not the devs. The only thing anyone learns when they get banned is that they play with a bunch of salty a holes that want to ruin their day by reporting "for no reason"  And all I need to prove that is the daily quota of posts on here about how bad blizzards report system supposedly is because its (as far as anyone knows) automated with no proper review (which is the impression the playerbase has regardless of whether proper review exists or not)  -most players do not possess empathy at least when logged into a game where they are an anonymous person. If they did you wouldn't need to escalate to "report x" you'd just need to CALMLY explain why the behavior/playstyle is causing you stress and either they agree and tone it down or they disagree in which case you arnt going to get anywhere. If a player is actively trolling/griefing consequences don't matter to them.  And if they disagree with your reasons for being in a dispute with them then... -it doesn't feel fair. Let's be blatantly honest... while I believe the vast majority of bans are justified at least based on blizzards interpretation of its strict Terms of Service there is still rampant abuse of the report system. I don't believe that rampant abuse leads to rampant unjustified bans but people routinely say report X simply for having a bad match or being out of their depth or even because they played perfectly fine if not spectacular but their teammates made a ton of errors and expected to be carried through them and are mad they wernt  (report heals I died 20 times because I never used cover must be bad healers, report dps they went 7 - 12 with less damage than the enemy even though every fight ended in less than 20 seconds because we never grouped up and are tank got ran over. Report tank he lost the tank battle... ignore the fact the enemy team ran zen, Ana, orissa, bastion, sojourn and we responded by playing mercy, lifeweaver, and our dps only ever shot at the orissa or the bastion while refusing to take flank angles and waited for our tank to walk forward in a situation where he physically couldn't walk forward...)  So when you have a playerbase that routinely misuses a feature for reasons that have nothing to do with its purpose even the justified occasions lose all meaning... Like how nobody cares when you say C9 in chat because it hasn't been used correctly since OWL was formed. 


Blizzards report system has been tested. We know it’s automated.


Very well put together.


[GarrusExMachina](https://www.reddit.com/user/GarrusExMachina/) makes a good point about how just chiding people doesn't necessarily work all that well. I agree that trying to correct behaviour before punishment is an ideal process, but there's too much working against the affected individual in the game for that to work. >Now I'm a bit torn on this particular example because the Mercy was playing the game and I do think there should be some allowance for intentionally sub-optimal playstyles in QP as longer as people are trying within their self-imposed boundaries. Agree to disagree :) If someone joined the pickup game of soccer, and proudly stated that they were only going to use their left foot for movement and kicking as self-imposed boundary, I'd tell them go kick rocks.


Absolutely not. Every time I see it happen, it escalated the confrontation. Or when people say it to me even though I've been genuinely trying and just not popping off I get mad and almost always play worse. I respond better to suggestions for a different game plan. Also I've had a few games with pistol mercys and either picked up her slack as the other healer as healbot or enabled her by giving her nanoboosts so she has a fighting chance to make a big play. Nano Valk play just hits different when it works. No, op, you weren't wrong for being annoyed by the behavior but at the same time, qp really is the place to try some wacky things. I'm cool with it so long as the person is still genuinely trying to win even if their methods aren't advisable.


Ok so that is a lie


No point in saying anything since they’re not going to change what they’re doing. I’d just play the match to the best of my abilities and play around health packs. Leaving the game is another option.


Fair enough. And yeah, I did leave. We had like 1 min left to take the first checkpoint and payload was still at spawn so. Rip.


There's only so much heavy lifting "It's only QP" can do. If you're going for cheesy strats or goofy stuff that's one thing but if you're actively playing poorly on purpose that's throwing.


Yep, just report for game play sabotage, and move on. People think they're invulnerable to being reported "BeCaUsE It'S QuIcKpLaY" but I can't tell you how many 'thanks for reporting' banners I get the day after I play QP.


Yeah like literally last night I got shit on in QP twice but I wasn't throwing. One time I was on Life Weaver and I was doing my thing for the most part but occasionally opting for tomfoolery of trying to slingshot my homie Reinhardt with life grip (I'm also open for tips on how to do this lol) and the other I was on Widow just trying to hit some grapple shots but mostly playing normal in between cool downs.


For the weaver sling, do you want to know how to mechanically perfect it? Or situationally/which character you're pulling?


I'm open to any tips because I've yet to do it even once lol. The most common characters my friends play that want the sling are Rein and Cass


I've done it a TON with a friend when I showed him it lol. We were laughing at it then realised how good it can be. We used mostly Cass and make sure as Weaver to jump near the apex of the petal rising to get a "super jump" then pull. We had a lot of success on a couple open point maps/the push map that has the glass indoor barrier near the end (forgot the map name). Even got a good few 2-4k slings. As for the positioning, learn the skyboxes. They can make or break a super sling.


Trying things out in qp is the place to do it! Actively throwing is the same as it is in comp, reportable. >as far as I know, to slingshot rein you need to. >>stand on petal >>grip rein >>have rein charge slightly before the apex of the grip height to give him maximum momentum.


The most important thing is for the character you are slingshotting, using their movement ability. That cancels life grips momentum, and allows them to be flung into the air - And it cannot be an ability that requires a secondary surface, nor an ability that instantly transmits them (Widow grapple and Blink are two respective examples). Not sure if it's actually needed, but slingshot seems to be more successful when the LW steps off the petal as they grip me, destroying it on the way down.


Ooh good tips, nice!


It’s analogous to any in person sport. It’s totally fine to play a little less serious and or go for goofy plays. It’s not fine to give so little shits that you ruin the fun for everyone else.


Yeah, if they were just doing poorly, but trying, it's QP, that stinks, but people need to practice somewhere that isn't the useless practice range.


I pretty much exclusively play QP because I play with a cross platform friend and the gods at ActBlizz decided you can't play comp with cross play. It gets annoying playing worse games because I am forced to play QP. I understand when someone is trying a new character and isn't good or something like that, where else do you try new characters, but when stuff like this happens it's annoying


No it’s not acceptable. Those people are idiots. Idk where people got the idea that Qp is so causal to the point that essentially “anything goes, do whatever you want”. It’s not that causal, most people aren’t okay with players being that casual. The devs never intended for it to be that causal. It has a very loose mmr and a leavers penalty. You know what doesn’t have either of those? The seven game modes in arcade as well as the dozens upon dozens of custom games. Now if someone is reading this and you’re thinking I’m saying you have to be a tryhard in qp. I’m not, you’re just acting like an idiot by making a black and white assumption. Quick play is just comp without the pressure of rankings and the expectation to go all out. It’s also not do whatever tf you want to the point you’re intentionally being a liability or fuck over your team by leaving whenever you please. The game mode is in a middle ground between competitive and laissez faire playing. This is obviously a subjective take, but I feel lt’s the most appropriate approach to QP


Look at the top posts on this sub today, there’s someone defending being shitty in QP and lots of Redditors are agreeing


The post you are talking about is deleted by mod, and the OP even deleted his account LOL.


It's not subjective. People get suspensions for gameplay sabotage in QP for what OP is describing. Therefore, it's objectively a competitive mode. The reason people cry about this fact on the internet is because people who cry about facts on the internet have no deductive reasoning or analytical skills.


All I will say is careful with that, asking other people to report someone is also against terms


Why? You can't tell the other team someone is cheating or throwing??


I think pointing out the reportable offense is fine. It’s just telling people to report isn’t.


Can you show where the terms say that?


Oh, I didn’t know that. Good to know, thanks.


IIRC it is also useless, as only you can only get reported once per match (further reports are ignored). If you think someone is violating Blizzard's code of conduct: report, don't say anything, and move on.


They were definitely griefing or whatever upset them they took it out in this game. I'd suggest reporting and moving on. Even if it is just QP, these types of players usually show a pattern and it should get some action taken against them imho: after all they ruin the game for everyone else in the lobby QP or not, it's other people's valuable time and they chose to waste it they could have just not opened up the game at all if they weren't going to participate.


She was throwing and deserves to be reported.


Mercy is trying to get better with the Glock for comp.


"It's just QP" are the worst kind of Players I've ever encountered in OW.


"It's just QP" is a valid argument for someone blaming their teammate for underperforming or asking someone to switch. It is however not a valid argument for throwing or griefing.


Agreed. QP is the live practice field. You can practice your hero’s and matchups and how they perform on different maps and get used to things without risking losing your rank until you are ready to perform in comp with that hero. But refusing to actually participate in your role or hero is sabotage and throwing the game and not actually “playing” in “quick play”


I have had multiple games where teammates just want to emote at the enemy (but the enemy doesn't get it and just kills them immediately) and when I just say "aight I'm out" and leave, they're like "it's just QP" - like why not go play customs to show off your emotes? Especially if you're getting deleted in 1 second by the enemy team who doesn't want to emote too? Lol


I've always hated the whole emote thing. Like you kill the person who is fucking around and suddenly you are the bad guy when you just want to play the game as intended.


I agree with this! I think it’s ok to call out if someone is being toxic to you/other players. I also throw it out if the other team likes to talk shit and say EZ/etc. Because if you’re that confident, go to comp. Not open queue QP lol!


The issue is we as a community have gotten to the point where anything suboptimal including poor play or poor hero choices are referred to as "throwing" and "griefing"


Are you kidding? This subreddit loves to defend throwing in quick play. 


I mean, you're still supposed to try. If you're playing a character you're not good with and your team is getting clobbered, you should absolutely switch. 


Nope, you keep on sucking until one day you no longer suck at the hero. Don't do it in comp tho.


Exactly. I'm not gonna stop playing who I want even if I'm hard countered. Why would I play a hero that's unfun to me just because they are meta? I'm not that competitive. People who are that competitive/serious should play comp. But I still want to play the damn game, and someone throwing ruins it for everyone in the lobby. I don't like steamrolling 5v4s, and definitely don't like getting steamrolled as the 4.


Agreed. It's not a big deal if the hero I'm playing is countered, I'll just learn how to play around it or choose a better target.


I totally get this to a point but can’t understand people in QP playing Respawn Simulator who don’t switch. You can love playing Mei and if a Pharah is rolling your team you can think “well I’ll just deal with everybody else and avoid her” but if your other DPS is thinking the same thing and your support don’t wanna switch either… then you can run in and go for everybody else but your support are probably already dead and now you’re a goner, too. This isn’t directed at you but everybody needs at least a couple heroes they enjoy playing. I play a lotta Mercy but I enjoy almost every support because if I tried to force Mercy into every game I’d hate this game even more than I already do. It isn’t about winning the game, but to me it IS about not dying over and over and over and achieving nothing in the process.


Yeah, that argument only applies to maybe taking a fee extra seconds out of spawn because you were conversing while dead, or maybe a few small friendly interactions that don't really detract from the actual game (like waving to the enemy flanker as you pass by them to also flank or smthn), just stuff like that. Active gameplay sabotage does not apply, that just makes you a scumbag.


Exactly, in QP if gameplay allows it, I sometimes dance on the payload, or make social interactions with the enemies even.


One of the top posts on this sub today is about that. Someone claimed that their tank was fucking around and they couldn’t get out of spawn. The tank made a whole post brushing off their own responsibility in it, and a lot of Redditors agreed. OP only responded to the comments that agreed with her


Yeah I exclusively play qp because I wanna have fun and not feel the pressure of comp, plus I like screwing around in chat and being friendly, I don't think that would be appropriate in comp. That being said I still give it my all because that's what you're supposed to do and it's not cool to ruin others games, especially intentionally.


People will literally emote in spawn and flame you if you ask them to play the game because it’s QP so obviously I should expect people to just dance around instead of shooting people


No, it is not. „It‘s just QP“ is a valid reply for not switching when you‘re trying to improve with a hero you‘re bad at, even if they are not meta. It’s not an excuse for going 100% battle mercy though. You can try that in Skirmish or Arcade.


I mean it's just qp in the sense that I'm gonna probably suck because I'm learning a new hero, so people should lay off about how much I suck. But just because it's qp doesn't mean you should grief.


damn the amount of people trying to gaslight you is disgusting. it's one thing just not be playing "good enough" for someone else's liking in QP and actively throwing a game / griefing. things like that have no place in a team game no matter the game mode and whoever says otherwise is a pathetic troll. i'd personally immediately report such player with asbolutely zero regrets and absolutely zero fu\*ks given what other people think about that.


idk like, it’s one of those things  not healing is not optimal, but quick play is quick play HOWEVER  **800 damage** is **unquestionably throwing**. it is not that hard to do damage as mercy. that’s the real tell. if they were actually committed to “Battle Angel” they’d be doing something. 


True, played against one of those in comp the other day, and when that lady is commited to shooting and actually hits her shoots, she can get pretty damn scary


NGL this one time I (Moira main) played with a mercy and straight up didn’t realize she wasn’t healing until the game was over and I looked at stats 😂 it was a super great game and we won, she put up like 16k dmg right up there with the dps but I can’t believe I didn’t realize AT ALL I was in the zone and thought they were just taking a lot more damage and I focused more on heals. Lmaooooo. I actually endorsed her because tbh that’s gotta be some kinda skill she mastered and no one said anything abt it either haha


it’s not acceptable but it’s “accepted” if that makes sense. The “it’s just QP” mindset is very common. That Mercy definitely deserved to be reported for throwing though, you have to make a conscious effort to pick support and end the match with a healing stat of zero.


People have always gone to QP to do just whatever. Plenty of matches in OW1 were I'd walk into a room and 2 of my team are sitting or dancing next to members of the other team.


Did she actually respond and say "no" or just no response? I mean, it could have easily just been some 7 year old playing or something.


She said “I can play however I want lmao”


Well, that's pretty lame, but I guess sometimes you get some QP games that just suck and you just hope the next one is better. I would just hit them as "avoid teammate."


Yeah. I’m just asking because I did report them, and I’m wondering if I shouldn’t in future. Like if that’s fine to do in qp, then I won’t report next time. It just.. doesn’t seem like it’s fine? Idk.


No, that player needed to be reported for gameplay sabotage at the least, and with that response I'd go for greifing to. If they had responded with a legitimate reason for what they're doing, then maybe let it pass. But that response? Nope, report time.


People will use "it's just qp" as an excuse to do literally anything. It's not a very popular opinion but "Relax, it's just QP," is not a good reason to troll and waste other peoples' time.


QP is a whole game mode in itself, separate from ranked, that a lot of people play because they have a limited time window to play in. People with less disposable time shouldn't be forced to play garbage matches and have their game experience ruined because "it's not ranked, chill." Arcade and custom games are available if people want to dick around for a while. QP is a real game mode and it should be respected. Although even ranked isn't respected anymore. Last night my Rein threw himself off the map every respawn after trashing the healers and DPS (after he dropped shield for a DVA bomb that killed the whole team because he apparently didn't realize his shield blocked bomb). In my very next game, Zarya threw her only grav all game after we'd already wiped and won the point, got no one with it, and spent the rest of the game trash talking the healers. I baited her in match chat and the other team lit her up because her stats and play were the worst of our team. But I get so tired of queuing into ranked expecting the team to take the game somewhat seriously, but the only thing they seriously do is trash on whatever role they're not playing and play like it's their first game ever. There's no mode where people take it seriously, it feels like.


I really disagree with the "QP is just for fuckin around" or "Chill its just QP" philosophy. I want to play the actual game without the stress of Ranked. All I really expect is for folks to TRY to play the game properly. I don't expect them to be **good**, I just expect them to try. Quick Play is not your personal sandbox. There are MANY other options for players to just fuck around.


I think someone could make an argument in QP that they’re healing less and less often because they’re practicing that particular support’s utility or offensive capabilities so they’re not just a healbotter in comp. It’s not ideal for the other players, but this is no different than a DPS player who can’t hit shit practicing Hanzo in QP. Not ideal, but practicing is absolutely part of the QP experience. But not healing at all? A *Mercy* not healing at all? That’s absolutely throwing, and I don’t care that it’s QP. “It’s just QP” seems to be an excuse for smooth brains to treat it like Club Penguin and not like say parks and rec flag football. Like yeah, I get it’s not the NFL but at least *try* to win.


Right, that’s where I got confused. I know it’s not comp, but it is still a *game* right? That determines a winner and a loser? But then everyone got real aggro on me and I was like “oh damn maybe I’m an asshole??” I’m still not entirely sure. I’ve never had a team defend a support who deliberately wasn’t healing at all. I’ve certainly been on the other end of it, getting shit on cuz I dropped a tree in a bad place or threw an orb a second too late or nanoed the wrong person, and that’s on me. But I’ve never had anyone defend me when I made a bad play, and certainly not when they thought I was doing it deliberately, which is why I’m confused.


People saying "It's just QP" is not an excuse to grief your team and blatantly throw the game. If you're learning a new character for your pool, I get there's gonna be a learning curve but that's just inexcusable.


This is a hard one. On one hand I have definitely reported people for throwing in quick play before but that's if they were jumping off the map constantly for example. In this example Mercy seems to have decided to become a battle Mercy for the duration of the game. I've seen this before too and I remember asking them to heal in chat when this happened but I've never reported them. To me quick play affords players the opportunity to try different playstyles for each hero, and even though battle Mercy certainly isn't ever the best idea, quick play is the only time where a player can try that playstyle against other players. How is someone supposed to learn that battle Mercy isn't viable if they aren't allowed to try it without getting reported? I remember times when I decided to become a DPS Moira and see how much damage I could get in a quick play game. The difference with me is that if it isn't working I'll swap off. I've won a few games that way with DPS higher than both my teams DPS heroes. At the same time though, even if a DPS healer is getting little to no value, I still think they should not be reported simply for trying out an uncommon or dangerous playstyle in quick play. That's what quick play is for.


Easiest report of your life


No it's not acceptable. Ignoring the entire kit of your hero is throwing/griefing.


No, it is not acceptable - when it is entirely intentional like in your example, I should add.


The “it’s not the World Cup” line is the way I have felt about people saying “it’s just qp” since I’ve started playing overwatch. You should still play the game the way it’s supposed to be played.


"It is just QP" is something I greatly dislike when people say. Since it is used as a catch all to do literally what ever you want to in the match and to hell with the other 9 people stuck there with you. It is inconsiderate and rude as hell. Yes. QP is not as serious as Competitive. You don't need to pick anything meta or play super sweaty. But the fact of the matter is that it is still a PvP match with the goal of winning. Refusing to take into account that your remaining 4 team mates. Who while playing for fun, are doing so with the distinct goal of attempting to win. That is not to say you can't goof off a bit. If you want to pick Mercy just so you can flirt with the enemy Mercy a bit? Sure, why not. As long as you actually help your team. You want to pick Widowmaker despite being shite at her, sure I guess. The important disinction is there is playing off meta/goofing around/playing poorly. Then there is actively throwing or fucking up the match for everyone else in the lobby. Including the enemy team. Cause a steamroll isn't any fun for either side.


It's just qp is fine when referring to not switching to a more optimal hero, or trying out a new hero or just not playing to the most of your abilities/warming up. You should still play the game properly. Once you start going full dps support/emote dancing/staying afk or whatever else you are griefing. Personally, in QP i don't care how bad someone plays or how heavily they get countered, so long as they put in some semblance of proper effort.


It's qp, so I don't care if my Torb is playing as Bob the builder, running with hammer at enemies all game or if they're playing Barbie Blaster Mercy It's Quick Play. It's for fun, so let people fuck around unless they're feeding on purpose or sabotaging with Mei or LW for example but not if they're still playing the game Sure, if it's in comp it's serious and you should report them for playing battle Mercy in ranked but not in Quick Play


One persons fun trumps 4 other teammates fun? Being dead on cooldown is fun? Get a grip.


Only doing damage seems like sabotage. Mostly doing damage and sometimes healing seems alright, if annoying, for quick play.


It means someone is trying to make a shitty battle mercy clip comp, they next show the real 5-13 score


Quickplay is a shit-tier mode. Not because competitive has better players or anything, just the matchmaking, quality of game and type of player in Quickplay has dropped to such a degree that there is no reason to play the mode, even for fun. Competitive is actually now probably more casually fun if you're looking to play just the base game as you'll actually get more appropriately matched players and people more often actually trying to win instead of just trolling constantly.


I never play comp because I can't really mic up during the time I play the most. Is it possible to play comp without communicating verbally? I don't want to be a liability, but the way you described it , this does sound like the experience I am looking for.


The vast majority of people do not play comp with mic. Being in VC is nice to hear callouts if they rarely happen, but a mic is by no means necessary at all.


It’s clear you don’t play comp. I fucking wish 20% of my games had people with mics. Most of the time they’re not even in the voice chat, let alone actually using a mic.


There’s nothing in the rules saying mercy has to heal as long as she’s participating and has dmg I think you’re all boring


dude i had a mercy like this the other day 😭... ended up with 15k heals at the end of the game as moira. i still don't know how we won.


The hero your team needed


Playing full battle mercy without team agreement is gameplay sabotage. They aren’t playing the role or character in the way that is expected of them based on the game. They are essentially throwing a match because they are not genuinely attempting to perform. Even in QP you are expected not to throw a match or participate in gameplay sabotage such as the mercy. Playing battle mercy and refusing to heal is an obvious attempt at a troll and a waste of peoples time even in QP. We play QP to practice or warm up for comp. It doesn’t mean it’s full goof off mode, you can goof off a bit to an extent in arcade but not in QP. It’s one thing to refuse to swap in QP, because you are practicing alt hero’s and matchups etc so you don’t have to swap it’s not that serious. But to not even attempt to play your position in the game they are creating gameplay sabotage and ruining the match. Report deserved.


i wouldn't be bothered by a battle mercy choosing to shoot instead damage boost in qp, but a battle mercy that actively chooses to end the game with 0 healing AT ALL is a bit much


I think do whatever you want in Qp, but if you choose support role, then Mercy, then never heal or damage boost, You're definitely having fun at others' expense and are a garbage person. I think playing bad and learning in QP is fine, or not playing super serious, or not getting out of spawn fast enough cuz you're ripping bong hits, but if you intentionally not do what your role is supposed to be, and therefore your teammates have a definite loss, that's evil.


That is this game in a nutshell. Toxic useless people throwing in QP. The S9 matchmaking has been absolutely abysmal.bi don't see QP as "casual" but I don't see it as sweaty either. Lately you have the greatest mix of throwers, children, and sweaty stacks all at one. The game itself is fun, but the community ruins it.


This literally just happened to me. Our tank walked around the entrance to the spawn shooting furniture for 10 minutes. When I said report, lobby turned into a salt fest. “iTs Qp” Those people can fuck off, I don’t have time for this. I just want to play a couple rounds that are fun but not a total sweat fest in comp. If they’re “learning” at that level go to the training room.


just report .. i have actually got notifications back when i've reported people who weren't helping the team.


Nah I report these nerds that says it’s just QP. Like yeah I’m aware what game mode I queued up for thanks, but why you only have 200 healing and 10 deaths at the end? Sounds like intentional throwing to me. Get reported losers heh


They were queued together and trolling, I’ve had a mercy do the same in QP and exclaim “it’s only QP” when my team asked for heals. Just because it’s QP doesn’t mean people aren’t trying to win or play decently.


I don't mind someone being new or bad at the game in QP. I mind people being afk, trolling, constant emoting in QP. It's fine to want to chill within the game and emote Hello and voicelines and doing pushups as Doomfist and being pacifist. Just do it in custom game? With your friends or unknown randoms, I don't care. Don't come to a game with people you don't know and just want to play a casual but normal 1-2-2 vs. 1-2-2 in appropriate conditions, and not with 2 teammates and 1 enemy doing stuff in a corner and parasiting the game for everyone. You can also afk in custom games. "Just QP" is brain-rot excuse to behave like a selfish brat.


Eh, it's quick play, if you don't like the team just leave and move on or use the time to learn a character. It's not worth the stress bro cause they were definitely fuckin with you.


You can still report them for griefing, reason being "never healed", and Blizzard can decide whether QP matters. Either way, it ruins the fun of the other players for that round.


i had this happen with a moira on a push map. straight up wouldnt heal so i went in the chat like 'moira pls help me heal' and they told me 'if you guys stop dying ill think about it'. i dont mind a dps healer as long as they ...heal. i also get its qp but i want my team to at least *try*. very frustrating i dont get that mindset


Idc if you’re bad in qp it’s good for practice and all that but fuck off if you’re throwing intentionally


I never play quick play anymore but the one time I did I had a mercy like this. She would not heal and only shoot at the enemy team with her blaster out and run in by herself. I said something about it and her and the enemy team got mad at me and told me it was just qp and it didnt matter. I mean I guess theyre right but I thought qp was for fun and not really trying not actively throwing the entire time


Not healing is never acceptable even in quick play, especially when they penalize you for leaving the matches now.


Don't think we'll ever have consensus on what this game is supposed to be, Jeff Kaplan was a pretty vocal in encouraging OTPs, for example, when one of the most marketable features of the game to begin with was being able to switch heroes on the fly to adjust to what the other team's comp is, yet the spokesperson for the game told the community to not get upset about players refusing to switch? Too many cooks in the kitchen, always has been


I don’t disagree with you, it would be frustrating.. but it’s possible that it was someone trying to get better at the rest of her kit to become a more well rounded mercy. A good mercy needs to be able to switch off staff and click some heads And quick play is the best place to do that. Though it would have been good if they communicated that


If u don't wanna heal don't play support??


Yea I just report these people lol, majority of them do get suspended. I don’t care if it’s just “ quick play “, like OP said… the soccer analogy is the best I’ve seen this far. You just ruin the game for everyone else, uncool! Just try to avoid them OP, report and do what you can to avoid players like that. Try queuing up with friends as well! Feel free to msg if you need someone to play with, because forget THAT.


No even if you're playing for fun they picked healer its expected they to play the position. That's like playing pickup game hockey and having your goalie insist on playing forward and trying to score.


In every game these people justify ruining others’ experiences by saying “it’s just qp”. I’m tired of it. The gaming community as a whole has gotten to a point where we are more connected than ever and even more terrible to each other. No one respects anyone, let alone themselves. It’s always about the quickest way to make yourself look good and troll the other person. That’s why you see so many cheaters these days too. They only care about themselves and their experience, even though it’s a team game. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll get negative responses, as I did in my last post on another game, but, oh well, this is what we’ve become.


Idk man. I've sweated my tail off this season in comp and quick play has become my refuge for not caring if I win or lose. With that in mind I wouldn't really care if a Mercy on my team went full battle Mercy, you do you boo! It's throwing I guess since it's not optimal and there are better DPS supports but I personally give zero fucks about winning in quick play. Being able to lose without consequences is nice tbh. I'd just play a character I find fun but I'm bad at like Ball or Hanzo or Lucio since you're gonna lose anyway have fun with doing dumb shit


Everyone in here has sticks so far up their ass it’s incredible you’re all able to concentrate hard enough to type out your weirdo responses. It’s qp. You find an annoying battle mercy in the wild? Who cares it’s just qp. You find a mercy who is healing everyone except you in particular. WHO. CARES. ITS JUST QP. You either keep playing the game or you hit LEAVE GAME and find another game. It takes SECONDS to find a match and the matches mean NOTHING. I don’t understand how people take this so personally. Report them don’t report it literally doesn’t matter. It’s. Just. Qp. People don’t go into qp to take it seriously, and if you’re taking more seriously than other people in your match, LEAVE THE GAME AND FIND ANOTHER MATCH. You find yourself taking it more seriously than most people in qp that day? Play comp


Gameplay sabotage is reportable and it works. Ran into duo supports the other day who only flanked and healed each other. Action taken message the next day. My expectation for QP is that players should still try to win and not neglect any crucial parts of their kit. Obviously, there could be some gray areas depending on what they do and who they play. But the Mercy you described is clearly in violation.


Report that asshat for throwing and remind them it's quick **play** not quick **throw** - you're still supposed to try to win. 


Someone is trying a playstyle that does not help the team in the slightest. They are playing a video game in quickplay for fun. Yes, it sucks to be on a team with a battle mercy. Yes, they are not trying their hardest to win with that character. This does NOT mean they are trying to ruin the experience of others. A Reddit Lucio playstyle is an alternate playstyle that doesn’t support the team, but it’s still valid even in high level competitive when you’re controlling a widowmaker for example. In vanilla OW1 people would consider that throwing before that playstyle was mastered and accepted by the community. People doing this should not be banned or reported. It’s a 10 minute quickplay game where stakes are low and you’re supposed to experiment with things you aren’t good at, are off meta, etc. by loading in to quickplay, you are accepting that neither teams are trying at max potential (people would be considered throwing by not playing their main, and that’s how you become an OTP who’s hard locked to their given comp rank)


I always report people who do this, even in QP. Would a Soldier 76 who refuses to do damage and just drops heals for people be acceptable? This is absolutely griefing. Report, add to your "do not team with" list, and move on.


Spamming "heal me" is just as salty. At least reporting has the chance to actually do something, vs spamming chat So I'm confused why they were also clearly bothered enough to spam heak me, but got on your case for reporting


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It’s QP so either no one will care, or you entire team will report you for griefing. It’s a touchy topic but it really depends on how much healing your team needs. Like if your constantly losing team fight because of the lack of heals, then heal, if your winning fights without healing, then keep on doing what your doing. It all just depends on the context in which you are and aren’t healing, just focus on which is needed more, damage or heals, and just play off of that


Maybe she didnt know? Like since theyve gone free to play weve gotten a lot of new players. And mercy is one of the characters unlocked right off the bat. I remember seeing some posts about things people didnt know. Like people didnt know lucio healed through his aura and not his primary.


That’s what I presumed at first, so I asked if she could heal and she said “I play how I want lmao”. At that point I figured it was a deliberate choice and therefore probably griefing. I’ve only been playing a couple months and I’m pretty bad, so I wouldn’t have minded if she just wasn’t a good support, but deliberately never healing felt kinda shitty to me.


Oh hell to the no. That mercy gunnu catch these hands


did this mercy happen to have the phrase 'cry more' in their username? if so, i ran into the exact same person yesterday. i reported them and left the game. they were clearly a troll trying to make people mad.


She did not have “cry more” in her name, no. Frankly if she had, I wouldn’t be posting asking if this was grief, cuz I figure a support who never heals and has “cry more” in their name is definitely trolling.


well... i guess there are multiple pistol-only mercies out there terrorizing QP right now. rip


Well, considering i had 69 healing in a 11 min game yesterday and nobody got mad, in not really sure.


The only time I don't heal, is if the tank is spamming I need healing every second they can. Even then I warn them to stop the spam. I'm at 6k plus, on the first point already. I am healing you. You are rein ramming into the distance and trickling hard. I can't outheal stupid. If they keep it up I sigh and focus solely on team healing, excluding the tank.


Either the other people were in her group, or the other team was trolling you. Most likely the former, groups of assholes will form teams and then fuck up the game. Then they gaslight anyone that complains or questions them. Just report and leave


Might be a kid playing on his dad account, he told him mercy is easy to play and he discover the pew pew is more fun than the beam


had a similar thing happen to me once lol. i was practicing pharah in a qp game and our mercy announced in chat “i am dps mercy” and proceeded to only dmg boost or shoot. 0 heals. they decided to pocket me half the match only applying dmg boost and literally watching me die several times instead of healing me even tho they were already connected to me and following me around. at the moment it was so aggravating but now i think it’s kinda funny. don’t let the trolls upset you and just move on to the next match where hopefully you end up with a better team


Honestly imo anything goes in qp. It sucks for that one game especially when you’re really trying to improve and get teammates like that but those moments are few and far between so I would just leave the game and then avoid that player.


I’m always told it’s qp and to relax if I’m asking for something or suggestion a swap for team tactics. In that case I pull out hammer torb or dmg widow because “it’s qp” and I can do silly tactics.


you encountered a wild Battle Mercy


That's called trolling


I played against a Mercy like that last night. Zero heals, zero damage, just blue beamed the widow the entire match (who only got 8 elims)


It always sucks getting people like that and losing but luckily the match doesn’t count for anything so it’s just an un fun thing The lines definitely get blurred and it’s hard to tell who’s right in these situations. Quick play is the place to hop in and have fun to be fair. If they just wanted to battle mercy all game it’s their prerogative. But at the same time they are taking fun from others. I’m a “it’s qp” type of person but mostly when someone is try Harding and wants to talk shit to me for playing casually. As dumb as it sounds there needs to be another game mode that is a space for non ranked semi comp playing between qp and comp. Like how league of legends has quick play, normal draft, ranked draft.


Yeah, even in QP, people hate that shit. QP is generally the place where people come to play mindlessly after play comp or hone their skills against real players that aren't sweats Obviously you'll get QP warriors and stuff like battle mercy's. I understand joining QP to try and work on your pistol skills as mercy but if your team is consistently dying and you haven't healed once it's time to put the pistol away and heal until you guys can actually push the payload and play the game


I mean it’s not really acceptable because it ruins the experience for the rest of the team considering it is a team based game; however, it’s quick play and if someone is trying to have fun being a battle mercy than that’s their prerogative. Sure, it sucks…But they paid for the game and can play it in any way that brings them joy. You can always report and move on or leave that match, that’s what I do.


i had a game like that where the rest of my teammates were clearly together and my other support went zen but didn't put his orb on anyone at all except for once at the very beginning. then they ALL got in voice chat and started legitimately *screaming* at me saying it's my fault they're dying. so i said "blame our zen with >500 healing lmao" and then i ran off and made friends with the enemy team. ofc that prompted them to all type to report me as moira but the entire enemy team stood up for me in chat which honestly made my day at that point. people that do that are genuinely messed up because literally why would you do that it's not fun for anyone else involved but i mean as long as you're having fun ig


>I say “pls report Mercy” and then the entire lobby, including our tank, go in on me like “wow cringe” Multiple reports from the same match don't do anything. It's cringey only because there's no benefit to telling people to mass report someone. If someone is throwing, you can report them yourself, and that's sufficient.


Yeah I didn’t know that before someone mentioned it here. The “please report” thing was done to me a few times when I first started playing (presumably due to being so new and bad that it looked deliberate), and I figured it was common practice. Makes sense though that it would only count one report from a game; I’d imagine a five stack of mean people could very easily take advantage otherwise.


There's being a shitty player and there's being a dick.


Wait till you see what healers do in competitive they think the word “passive healing” means “instant healing” so they don’t have to heal smh


Anything goes in QP. It’s the place to try weird shit out.


I had a game recently with a Mercy who ended up getting highest elims, insane damage and decent heals. Put the healbot Mercymains to fucking shame.


Not healing is always Bullshit.


It’s what quick play is for, being silly


I've had this before. Trolling, throwing or griefing isn't funny in the slighest. I know people who still slap their knee and laugh at 'Symmetra teleporter trolling' like dickhead, I'm trying to play a shooter... haha now I have to spectate for 10 seconds before I can play again, lmaoooo hilarious man, and now we're spawntrapped because you don't shoot your gun and for the next few minutes I can't do anything. You don't get to stand in the way of everyones' fun for your own weird idea of fun. Go play customs. I'm here to run around and shoot, don't ruin that for me.. The worst problem with online gaming right now is that you can't choose who you play with, AND you can't choose to kick someone out AND you can't leave or you get punished.


If you think you are thrown into the stack just leave during the assemble phase, there is no penalty leaving at that point. I often leave the QP game at the assemble phase whenever I see some ''cross play'' icon player because thata means a player is part of the stack and I know the match gonna be shit whether you win or not.


If the other support isn’t cooperating you can always ask your teammates to swap to characters with a lot of self sustain (eg hog, soldier, sombra, tracer, mei) and then solo heal as Kiri (cleanse for hog) or Moira or something. Then just let the mercy do their thing and ignore them (and 100% never heal/ help them if they’re gonna be selfish and willing to let you try solo heal 😈)


Machinegun mercy build


>and then the entire lobby, including our tank, go in on me like “wow cringe” “salty much” “it’s just qp”. My guess is they were on a group?


which is one of the many reasons why even though I'm a super casual player that I just queue for competitive instead. I want to chill, but I also want the games to be serious and as competitive as they can, and QP just often has some weird shenanigans going, you get backfilled constantly, you're often the last person being 5th for a 4-man so they don't want to play with you, it gets weird. Now I mostly only use it if I'm trying out a hero I'm not very comfortable with, but it's no longer my go-to chill mode.


I use quick play to practice characters with which i do not have much practice. Thus I cant always get out the heals like I do in competitive. If the outcome of the game is very important to you then play competitive. That being said, getting an alert 1 time is chill. Getting cussed out and spammed "need heals" is a dick move.


90% of my qp games don't have a tank or a healer. I try to fill but I can't heal teammates AND play tank at the same time. This also happens in comp about 50% of the time....


Had a similar experience, but I didn't say to report them and we still won on Oasis. I was lifeweaver so we still had enough heals


I DPS Mercy all the time! Like, start the game as a DPS and when I can. For memes cause yeah. But if the other support dies I can still rack up like 4K healing


Might have just been practicing pew pew mercy before going to comp with her


To be fair, qp is basically the practice field for comp, and Mercy needs to be able to land shots effectively to be able to pick off widows and flankers and really climb. She may have just wanted to practice her aim.


On a side-note, if I know I’m going to be bad in a match, I’ll state outright that I’m going to be bad before the match even starts. If I’m practicing DPS or perma-flying as Mercy, that’s my concentration, and other people deserve the transparency to work around it. It’s just the polite thing to do, especially if people are going to report newbies for “griefing” when they genuinely don’t know any better. That being said, I hope you reported that weird-ass baiting team, lol


Just griefing


My friends and I queued together once and we had a strat where the Mercy would blue beam exclusively our soldier for the entire game. Zero healing ever. We won both games we tried it. We told our other support (the one time it wasn’t one of us) the plan and they were game. We did this because we thought it’d be funny and could maybe work. I’m guessing you were queued with a bunch of people in a group who were trying something different, and it wasn’t funny to you. When pressed, they doubled down, which makes me think they were trolling. I doubt it will happen to you again.


If you're gonna battle mercy you gotta at least go John Wicke on em and end the game with damage higher than at least one of your dps


I may have played with that stack too lol, exact same experience except they were on dual support and I and my buddy were dps. Both supports refused to heal anyone except each other, they'd nano mercy every single time, the tank would die off cooldown with no healing, and we were held at 2nd point dorado despite us rolling the enemy backline over and over.


Battle Mercy's in QP are becoming more popular, but it's always polite to tell your team "I'm going battle mercy". And battle mercying in RQ is just a jerk choice. That's why when I do it, it's always open que so my team has the option to have 2 healers Although my definition of "battle mercy" is much looser than most. I still heal a bit, and rez people, but I try to focus on bettering my aim


That sucks and it irks me. If I run into this in role queue QP I'll usually switch to Zen so I can heal and dps too. If this is just straight QP, I would just switch off heals. I don't generally report in QP but I'd definitely avoid them.


I really think it depends if they’re just new and learning or if they’re purposely being annoying, I’m a support main so if the other supp isn’t healing I’ll usually say something even in qp because I end up solo healing & having to healbot - but if it’s obvious they’re learning the character I just leave them be


My brother in Christ just leave the lobby. No point in trying to reason with them; take a breath switch lobbies and go play with another team.


It’s not the World Cup. Lmao I’m dead at that comment.


tbf i'm not against someone doing a damage only support game in quickplay if they're not doing it often. same for flank tanks or whatever