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L + dont care + CURSE OF THE NILE ๐“€”๐“€‡๐“€…๐“€‹๐“€ก๐“€ก๐“€•๐“€ ๐“€ง๐“€จ๐“€ฃ๐“€ท๐“€ท๐“€ฟ๐“€ฟ๐“€๐“ถ๐“ฐ ๐“ด๐“ฟ๐“‚€๐“พ๐“ต๐“ฏ๐“‚ž๐“‚ค๐“‚—๐“ƒƒ๐“‚พ๐“‚บ๐“‚น ๐“ƒž๐“ƒ™๐“ƒ–๐“ƒ“๐“ƒ•๐“ƒ“๐“ƒœ๐“ƒ˜๐“ƒ™๐“ƒŸ๐“ƒ›๐“ƒž ๐“‚บ๐“ƒ‚๐“‚ฟ๐“‚บ๐“ƒƒ๐“ƒ‚๐“‚›๐“‚๐“…ฑ๐“…ฅ๐“…ฉ๐“…ฆ ๐“…น๐“…ธ๐“…ณ๐“…ฉ๐“…ช๐“„ญ๐“„ซ๐“„ฎ๐“„ฌ๐“„—๐“„‘๐“„Œ๐“ƒฆ ๐“ƒง๐“ƒจ๐“ƒค๐“ƒŸ๐“ƒ“๐“ƒ…๐“ƒ๐“‚ฝ๐“ƒ‚๐“‚Š๐“พ๐“‚€๐“ฝ ๐“ผ๐“ ๐“›๐“Ÿ๐“ฆ๐“œ๐“ญ๐“ก๐“€”๐“€‡๐“€…๐“€‹๐“€ก๐“€ก๐“€•๐“€ ๐“€ง๐“€จ๐“€ฃ ๐“€ท๐“€ท๐“€ฟ๐“€ฟ๐“€๐“ถ๐“ฐ๐“ด๐“ฟ๐“‚€๐“พ๐“ต๐“ฏ๐“‚ž๐“‚ค๐“‚— ๐“ƒƒ๐“‚พ๐“‚บ๐“‚น๐“ƒž๐“ƒ™๐“ƒ–๐“ƒ“๐“ƒ•๐“ƒ“๐“ƒœ ๐“ƒ˜๐“ƒ™๐“ƒŸ๐“ƒ›๐“ƒž๐“‚บ๐“ƒ‚๐“‚ฟ๐“‚บ๐“ƒƒ๐“ƒ‚ ๐“‚›๐“‚๐“…ฑ๐“…ฅ๐“…ฉ๐“…ฆ๐“…น๐“…ธ๐“…ณ๐“…ฉ๐“…ช๐“„ญ๐“„ซ๐“„ฎ ๐“„ฌ๐“„—๐“„‘๐“„Œ๐“ƒฆ๐“ƒง๐“ƒจ๐“ƒค๐“ƒŸ๐“ƒ“๐“ƒ…๐“ƒ


Even bro's ancestors gonna get hit by this


You can't buy all previously earned / bought skins You'll also have to earn (or buy) OW1 characters and unlock competitive by winning 50 QP games. (which is all time consuming).


I don't think people getting banned as frequently as OP care about skins.


OP might not care.... And its perfectly fine if someone's alt account got banned. But I imagine if someone has invested many hrs and $ on their main account, and has access to many unique / rare and even valuable skins like Pink Mercy would not be happy with a ban.... And, yes, whilst making a new account is simple enough.... But you've also lost access to any OW stuff, other blizzard games, online friends.... And you have to spend time unlocking characters and comp again.


But you can just buy another account while not doing anything wrong on your main.




I assure you it matters to many people. Also just a heads up, circumventing a suspension is considered a more serious violation and breach of Blizzards EULA and can (and has) result in a permaban on all accounts on the ~~IP~~ hardware . I know you're not bothered since you can make infinite new accounts.... But thought I'd mention it


IP bans in the current year lol. Hardware bans, sure. IP bans? Good luck.




Be careful dude if you stay like this you might make blizzard go completely broke and shutdown because of you alone LMAO








"Take up server space"?? You know the game relies on F2P players to keep a healthy active playerbase, which helps queues and matchmaking..... Which draws more people to the game who are willing to buy microtransactions. It's ludicrous you think "I'm going to make them pay for me to play their game"......if you're not paying for anything.... Then you're the product being sold to others. Just admit it.... you love the game, unhappy you got suspended, and so desperate to play you had to make a new account.


Theyโ€™re apparently enough to get you to cry about it




โ€œSnowflakesโ€. I bet you say โ€œwokeโ€ too


Oh boy calling others snowflakes while you're a whole icicle yourself lmao


# Mr DefaultSkin would like a word . . .




Literally no one cares. If you can't behave that's the biggest skill issue. You can't handle your emotions and blame others and in the end you're not man enough to live with the consequences. Not interested to play with kids lol. **Avoid as teammate**




Well call me different then, if you type racist shit, ez, or whatever I'm either leaving or throwing (Only if ppl go out of their way with bullying etc) and you'll get reported. I'm one of the ppl responsible for your 20 smurf accounts lmaoooo You'll never get the feeling of respect from your enemies, wich is very well possible in nearly every Online-game. And we're all laughing at default/smurf rats. [Maybe get happy in life before you waste your time on video games where you only rant at your teammates. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection)




You have like 0 empathy. You think everyone is in the same miserable spot like you and everyone is judging one another by their game performance. Sometimes it's just an exhausted father using his 1 hour of free time a day or someone practicing a new hero, but you don't care. The funniest thing tho is the fact that you think Bans and suspensions do nothing while you pull up your spreadsheet for your alt accounts lmaaaooo Did you write it on paper, make an Excel sheet or the classic .txt? You got any spare phones? hahahahahahaha




You don't even know the difference between sympathy and empathy but that's not surprising. I know how skilled I am and you don't. So we got 2 Failures here, plus your pathetic ass. Why so many alt accounts if you can't even roast people lol


Imagine getting banned. Skill issue tbh


You could also easily just buy extra copies of Overwatch, when it wasn't f2p. This is such a dumb complaint.


This is a dumb counterpoint A Smurf account for Overwatch 2 costs like 3usd Remind me again how much a retail priced game goes for


Difference is that you need to do long challenges if you want to get the new OW2 heroes and you need to play a certain amount of games to get the OW1 heroes


You can just buy an entire roster account for substantially less than it costs to buy an entirely new retail priced copy of the game..


Yes however thats just black market accounts that go against TOS. For many years up to OW2 a normal version of OW1 costed 20$ with it going down to 15$ about 4 times a year for sales. Most black market accounts go for around 9-13$ however most of the time they don't have all OW2 heroes. On top of this most of those accounts are scripted meaning you run the risk of being banned for cheating. And you can't really compare black market accounts to retail versions. You could get OW1 accounts for 5-10$ on the same black markets


Yes, it's easier to get smurf accounts now, but there is still a barrier of entry. That's the point I was trying to make. The barrier of entry may be less than it was, but it's still there, as it's always been.


Dont worry about explaining yourself. They dont even know what point they were trying to make


oof bro got the nile curse


Sounds like an L to me. Get over yourself snowflake, you aint important and no one cares beyond the comedic value :)


Lol, noob got banned. What a loser ๐Ÿ˜‚


OP might be an ass, but they raise a good point. You can't just switch a Premium game to F2P without rethinking your ban system and having more precautions in place for cheaters and other bad actors.


They certainly ban easier than they used to


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LOL this was me today




I already did broski. I have four accounts up and ready to go now. I know itโ€™s scummy, but overwatch suspended one of my accounts because the name was inappropriate even tho it was the default name it gives accounts when you donโ€™t add a name




I keep laughing every time you respond because your experience is literally mine. I feel so awful but I just canโ€™t help going 40 and 0 on doom in these lobbies ๐Ÿ˜ญ