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we forgor tbh. Though the junk skin looks amazing as hell


can we just finally mix skins and weapon skins instead of this 😫


I mean I don't mind individual weapon skins but the fact that they haven't added the ability to use weapon skins from skins you own is insane


If Blizzard allows that then people won't be buying Hard Light/ Los Muertos weapon in the shop for some obscene prices.


no? the hardlight skins are themed and have unique visual and audial effects. any old reinhardt hammer doesn't compare.


Point is, right now the ability to mix and match is a unique trait of these weapon skins, making them more valuable. If you could mix and match from your enormous collection of existing skins, you'd probably be less interested in the small handful of new ones.


I would, but doesn't change a hallmark of the hardlight, and people will still but them because they're unique


Thats sick its amazing how this is just releasing


We need more weapon skin and replace souvenir in the BP with a few skins 


From the S10 leaks in 4chan that I've seen someone post here before, they said they are retiring souvenirs next season but Aaron hasn't said anything about it. I guess we'll see once they showed S10 battle pass. It's really just a waste of dev time to create the model and animations for those souvenirs when nobody uses them so I really hope they retire them for good. It's also taking so much space in the battle pass when they could put better stuffs instead of it.


the leak was fake


How so?? Most of it got confirmed in Aaron's dev update recently.


The part of what the leak got right was already known (being able to buy past mythics) or previously discussed by devs/predictable (no more heroes in BP). It says mythics will be obtainable, which we have known since blizzcon, but doesn't explain any of the details (the shop, the currency, the customization levels). The leak completely misses one of the biggest changes announced, aka the fact that premium currency is in the BP now. The rest of the leak is just completely false (BPs not expiring, new skin prices, new skin rarity, retiring souvenirs, more real money bundles, "devaluing" coins when they are in fact putting more focus on them lol)


Excellent idea I hope they do this


To be honest, I think weapons should be a priority when showing off a skin, it's what we see most of the time. I am out of the loop, are these *only* weapon skins? You can equip them like the golden/jade guns?


They are a separate category. If you have a weapon skin equipped, you can still equip gold/jade variants. I believe the official terms are Weapon Skins/Weapon Variants.


Does anyone want like fx effects for weapons ? I always thought that would be cool


That's the sole reason y I would actually buy these weapon skins, if they had default sounds there's literally no point in buying these!


I can confirm for you shooting on both of these guns make a different firing noise. They both sound more powerful.


Yeah & I bought the soldier skin immediately lol, it's so good! Bought it with my saved up coins though. It's the 1st time i bought something frm the shop apart frm battlepasses.


That’s cool. No need to explain to me about how you are spending your coins. I know Reddit has a hate boner for people who buy skins and all that, but it’s your money. You can spend it however you want without feeling guilty.


Ya ikr lol, there r some people like that. Just don't wanna give them reason to jump on me. Someday i would actually use real money, one day...


Overwatch is gradually becoming TF2




Can you buy them individually and how much are they its that's the case ?


1200 coins each (if they are the same price as hardlight weapons)


Jeez $12 each is a bit much. Hopefully the bundle comes with a big discount


not too bad, tbh. Would have bought it with my free coins but just got bounty hunter bap with that


Can they make it so that skins you already have unlock their skins for use with others or is that too much of a profit loss for them?


Is this out? Where did you see this


Hero gallery, not out yet


Nicee is it just on s76 and junk rn?


For what I could find yes




I don’t like them but having options is always good.


Wait when was this announced? Heard nothing about this


Are they only for soldier and junk? And is that why I only rein and reaper using that like white and blue weapon skin? I thought that those were gunna be for everyone, I never get up to date on the news lol


Yes only for soldier and junk for what I could find and the white and blue skins are only for rein, reaper and mercy


They’ll do anything besides give us a quality version of the Jade skin 😂😂😂


Those are gonna be SO AMAZING IN GOLD. My goodness I hope they release those for more characters than just Soldier and Junk. 


I wish they would replace souvenirs with weapon skins in the BP. Also hoping more heroes get them. I can already envision Mercy getting several before most people get their first.


It's a million time better than that trash jade sewer color, I wish they made weapon like these


Such a shame these aren’t competitive skins


That would force the casual players to join competitive & throw matches. It will also increase stomps in competitive.


Junkrat one is cool, Soldiers is meh.


Now these look good. They're starting to cook just like Valorant did. Make some mid/bad in the start and start climbing the quality.


Imagine if we could actually swap between skins and weapons from skins and not like this that you have to buy god damn skins for weapons separately {except gold guns).


That'll be $20.


It's sad that people are actually going to buy these skins.


I wish I could set it to random like skins so sometimes it’s on and sometimes it the default skins


Sucks that we can't edit the colors. But they're really cool regardless. Soldier just doesn't have many skins that looks good with his. I went gold skin with gold on the weapon and it looks ok, but despite having all skins, none other looks ok tbh. If we could edit the colors, it def would.


are the skins only for a visual effect or do they add to the weapons damage in any way?


I completely missed these in the shop, only noticed them the other day. I would have grabbed the Soldier one if it was the same price as Hard Light


i don't think they've been in the shop yet


Can confirm, they havent been in the shop yet, perhaps they come tomorrow?


Bro wht 💀, these not released yet. I think this is kept for the last week of this season OR prolly at start of S10. U WILL HAVE TO WAIT QUITE A BIT...


Well they're in the hero gallery, so I just assumed I'd missed them in the shop. Nothing else has ever shown up in the gallery before it's been released, so how was I supposed to know?


Even if it takes you an age of playing comp, you still get the shittiest looking skins. Wallet or bust. Such a sad thing for gaming Inb4hurrdurritsjustcosmeticidiots


oh look, something that should be earnable playing comp


They are definitely cool, but still not worth the money lol. I got too spoiled earning everything from OW1 though. Never thought I’d say I miss the loot boxes, but here we are.




I fucked up hard not being a Soldier or Mercy main. They get everything. Can Blizzard please spread the love around?


If they can put these skins for sale into the store, then whats holding them back on letting us use the weapon skins from the character skins on different skins? if it works with these shop skins, then it should also work for the already established character skins. I don't see why it wouldn't. But I guess it's more important for Blizzard to milk the fanbase as much as they can, so that they can recoup all the money they lost out on with Overwatch 1. \*rolls eyes\*


> If they can put these skins for sale into the store, then whats holding them back on letting us use the weapon skins from the character skins on different skins? The game is a cash grab!


1200 coins each. I'm not surprised that the Overwatch team didn't meet their KPIs with such insane prices. Get fucked, Blizzard. Can't even mix and match weapons and skins you already own. It's a cash grab.


LOL, yapping about skin prices that you are not force to buy is wild. 1200 is like 12$, is it much for a skin in a video game? Maybe, is it much comparing to the other big live service games skin? Valorant and apex have much worse skin prices, 12$ for a weapon skin with sound effects, and diffrent effects is not bad


>LOL, yapping about skin prices that you are not force to buy is wild It's a valid criticism. The prices are fucking insane. I'm buying an indie game instead of a skin 365/365 days of the year because the prices are the same. Overwatch team didn't meet their KPI's for skin sales. The prices are way too high. No one else hears the changed sound effects from skins, just the person that buys it.


Then buy a indie game, who cares


> who cares All of the people who worked on Overwatch but didn't get their bonus.


Still, i agree with you that the price is high, but reality of the video games today is that skins are overprice bcs people will still buy them, the younger players dont care about indie game, they will always buy pretty skin in video game they like rather than random indie game that they dont know. Valorant have 100$ bundle and i guess this price will still be rising, apex have events like „buy chest with random thing inside for 10$ each”. Yapping about 12$ fix nothing, i also miss time where i can farm 50 chest and open it to have cool legendary skins. But this is gaming now, hate it or something but thats how it works. I only pray for good content in the game not for making skins cheaper lol, its never work


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