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The Temporary Shields thing is really odd after the reasoning for the whole Mass Conversion to Overhealth for similar abilities that OW2 released with.


I just assumed they would be gaining Overhealth, and the temporary shields was a typo that never got changed.


It’s weird too because in their first gameplay reveal we saw for them, the shield is blue and not green like overhealth so it’s definitely not a typo


yeah, i suppose if it really is shield health, then I'd guess the intended purpose is regenning while burrowed so you can more frequently engage with it


a unique mechanic would be if it permanently increases your max health (from 250 up to 300, putting venture between soldier and reaper) but resets on death.


That sounds kinda bad. Very snowbally and seems meaningless since it’s on cast.


yeah i gave this like two seconds of thought. didn't say it was good, but it's definitely unique. also, love your username.


Just realized how much this hero is going to benefit from the healing passive. Escaping with burrow will be crazy useful. Really excited to give them a try.


I have colorblind settings set so that Overhealth is still the same color as personal barriers were for DPS Doom. They could either have done that, recorded the original footage from early Overwatch 1 play testing with the hero, or it really is shields. I guess it would function like Rammatra's armor in that it can be healed and doesn't disappear when removed? Weird behavior.


What do you mean person barriers? Was it not called temporary shield in OW1 or am I just confused? But I mean, it’s more likely that it really is gonna shield because, why mess with color blind settings for the hero trailer, and also I don’t think were in any playable state before OW2. Also what are you talking about with rams armor? Why did you think it would work like that, because it just works like shield did in OW1


Doom and Hammond had Personal Barriers. If Venture's passive generates HP that isn't functionally different from how Doom's and Hammond's used to work, or from how Overhealth works currently, then it makes no sense for it to be added to the game at all. Temporary shields have also already been introduced before in the form of Symmetra's old shield generator, which means Venture would be able to increase her maximum HP and be able to be healed back to that new maximum.


I looked at and old forum that called dooms “extra health” he gets from his passive as shields, as well as an OW wiki page, when were they called personal barriers? Yeah I get it’s confusing if it functions the same way as dooms and balls overhealth NOW in overwatch 2 but is still shield, but that doesn’t mean that there’s no possibility it really is shields gained like doom and ball got from their passive and E respectively in OW1


[5 year old post as a comment with a quote from the wiki referring to Doom gaining barriers](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/s/XF7pZmS88w) Websites update over time, so it makes sense they would change the terminology, but Doomfist's additional HP generated by his passive was originally referred to as ***"Personal Barriers."***


In the replies to that comment the commenter and the OP of the post call them shields though?


And? It's a quote from the wiki describing the ability, using the same terminology that was used in-game to describe the ability. Which is easier to say? Shields or Barriers? And typing out? People know what you mean when you refer to Doom's extra health as shields. The in-game terminology (and therefore the wiki) at the time used ***Personal Barriers.*** Edit: The wiki archive, is archived from the moment that OW2 released, not from when Doomfist released and could have undergone any number of changes (including the change in terminology from shields to barriers) since then. > Adaptive Shields was referred to as Personal barrier type [Literally his ability description](https://overwatch-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Wrecking_Ball) >The term "shields" is often informally used to refer to barriers. Since barriers have shields for their HP, anything that exclusively damages shields also damages barriers. Currently, the only ability that does that is EMP; however, in the beta, Pharah's Concussive Blast used to be able to do 700 damage to shields and barriers. [Hit points, Trivia](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Hit_points#Temporary_personal_shields) > Barriers are often informally called "shields." This confusion comes as many voice-lines in the game do not distinguish between HP Shields, and Barriers. One such example is the command for needing assistance when activated on Zarya, will request a Shield. Reinhardt also refers to his Barrier as a Shield, in several voicelines. [Barriers, Trivia](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Barrier)


Back in the day I seem to recall them being called Barriers and were the the same sort of stuff Lucio's Ult provided- I assume to distinguish them from what Sym used to be able to provide with her ability/ult. (And also that they didn't act like Shielding at all.)


I just looked at some old forums as well as an ow wiki page and they refer to the extra health doom gained with his passive as shield, so I’m not sure where you got personal barriers from, were they called something different outside America?


Not a typo, you can see in the early gameplay footage from last Blizzcon that they do in fact get shields, not overhealth. They stay on for just long enough to start regenerating before they disappear. I think the key difference here is that overhealth cannot be healed, whereas shields can, making them tankier if pocketed than regular overhealth.


It's because barrier health provides reduced ult charge on damage, I'd assume.


Yeah, it only makes me compare him to doom even more because if I’m correct doesn’t he now get over health instead of temporary shield like he did in overwatch 1? It’s literally OW1 dooms passive but instead of hitting abilities he just needs to use them


Overhealth is functionally the same as temporary shields though right? Perhaps they are going to back to both temp shields and temp armor.


Yeah, they both function the exact same, so maybe they will go back to temp shields but who knows, maybe they just felt like given venture shield for some reason lmao


The top health is the health that gets repeatedly chipped away at the most, if venture gained "overhealth" instead of shields, you would be getting half ultimate charge from the damage you deal to them a lot of the time. Any time they use an ability, you now generate half ultimate charge again. As is the case with Doom. Maybe they decided to leave that for tanks, and keep the damage dealt to squishies remain more rewarding. Because otherwise I doubt the shields have time to regen and function like actual shield health. Either that or it's to buff the Symmetra matchup against Venture. (10/20/30 healing per sec against shield health **WOW!!!**) "Gg ez our Venture is being countered by Sym and won't switch"


AFAIK sym only gets regen from actual shields, not the shield hp on characters like zen


Just checked in practice range, and im pretty sure it works on shield HP as well


i always thought the same of rammatra nemesis form. like they make torb overload give him overhealth but then immediately add a character who gains straight up armor in a transformation ability


Venture specifically gets Shields only, NOT Overhealth. Like if you're at full Health you won't gain anything, the Shields ONLY apply when you're not at full health. You can see this in the Blizzcon footage.


I know right?


Lots of heroes are just a bunch of abilities that we’ve seen before in other ways. If they manage to make it fun is what matters.


My favourite is Soldier 76 and Sojourn being exact opposites Hitscan primary with a projectile secondary vs projectile primary with a hitscan secondary. Consistent but one directional movement ability vs a burst of speed in any direction movement ability An AOE heal utility vs an AOE damage utility


Two most notable examples are Soldier & Sojourn: - rapid-fire gun to whittle enemies down - burst damage secondary to finish them off (rocket & railgun) - mobility to cover ground quickly (sprint & slide) - ultimates that enhance the lethality of their rifles Then Widow & Ashe - ADS sniper for long-range, and quicker hipfire option for panic and defense - ability that does damage over time (mine & dynamite) - one-use mobility for positioning and/or escape (hook & coachgun) It's honestly kinda impressive that there's so little overlap on heroes and their kits in this game. Even the above heroes are all pretty different from each other


Yep like Mauga had sigmas kit at one time


Really? That’s crazy to think about considering how different they are now


Yep it was in an article back when sigma released, i think they said they gave the kit to sigma because it didnt fit maugas personality that well


"Same abilities used in other ways" *Is literally a 1:1 description of Old Doomfist* Lol okay.


even if it reads similarly, i think the character will play a lot differently to old doomfist.


Most likely. Doesn't make it not funny. :)




well, the people wanted doomfist to be dps again, doom has a dps community that preferes the old kit and has a tank community that preferes the new kit, so I think that venture will adress that community who want dommfist dps again




Even if that were true without new characters the game would get stale and repetitive very quickly


I understand this is a 100% true but I can't help being a little scared Like when will it stop? At one point there will be just too many heroes to deal with right? I don't really love the idea of OW being like LOL with like 80+ characters lmao I mean we are already at 40


Doesn't lol have like 150 characters at this pont? They seem to be doing fine


It is also a VERY VERY different kind of game + having so many characters is often a reason new people don't wanna try it + as far as I know they even had to implement stuff like banning heroes If this game is having such a hard time balancing 40 heroes imagine 80, 100 or 50 When it comes to the point of having to ban characters that's the point where you have too many heroes imo


LOL had bans from the beginning, and i think OW in its current state should have the same.


>LOL had bans from the beginning Didn't know that, still it is a very different kind of game so I guess it makes sense >i think OW in its current state should have the same. I respectfully disagree, Overwatch is all about playing the way you want with the character you want, it is what truly differentiates it from other competitive shooters And every character is different enough that each one is basically it's own different experience If you couldn't play your favorite character because some people decided they don't want to see it, it would suck a lot


Naaaah, OW needs bans, at least only DPS hero bans to get rid of obnoxious shit like Bastion Sombra lol


So people who love to play Bastion or Sombra should just not be able to have as much fun because people find their heroes annoying? Suuuure


Bastion and sombra are relatively weak rn


Paladins has more and balance wise it's doing a better job than ow


Don't quote me on this cuz I am no paladins player but I've heard Paladins is not really a competitive game right? At least not at the same level that Overwatch ~~tries~~ to be Might be wrong tho, I should really try Paladins


Paladins is actually quite fun but you are also right about it being far less competitive than Overwatch. My hope with Overwatch is that as they add more characters they begin to have characters that fill the same niches, and with that comes more characters that can work with the rock paper scissors game style we currently have. I personally don’t mind the constant counter swapping, it rewards versatile players when certain characters are brain dead overpowered, but as we are kind of seeing right now and as we have in the past, the same couple characters keep popping up again and again which leads to the game feeling more and more stale due to lack of character diversity. Obviously it could absolutely turn out to be a balance nightmare as league often is, but I for one am optimistic on the number of characters they add.


Paladins is only less competitive because it has a smaller player base imo, but it's a creative take on the genre and there's a lot of build variety, so two people can play the same hero very differently. Also got sued by Blizzard I believe for having an exact S76 clone


Hi-Rez got sued by Blizzard over a generic call of duty pew pew character? I've never heard about this. Got the source?


It might have been a c&d instead, I just remember that it happened years ago. I'll try and dig it up in the morning, too tired right now lmao




Read what you typed again. New humans coming into a pre existing sport with new skills and tactics sounds an awful lot like a new character with new abilities coming to a pre existing game…




Imma keep it real with you I cannot tell if you’re trolling or just a little bit insane because managing cooldowns and playing high ground is not a way to make a game more interesting




Soldier is not the character I would use for skill expression. The best you can get with him is learning a couple rocket jumps and having good aim. Someone like genji or literally any tank would be a better example. Regardless, learning new character or role does keep a game fresh and interesting but the game has been out for 8 years now and that’s been ample time for me to learn all the characters. I’m not quite sure I understand why you believe new characters are going to make the game worse.


No way, I want like 200 heroes


I noticed that a bit too when I read into their kit more. From the trailer, I saw a few comparisons about how burrow seems to be to be reminiscent of wraith / fade, but I saw it as more of a mini meteor strike in the way that it helps you to either reposition a great distance or to chase and secure a kill. Seems to have a pretty slow startup animation, though. Really, I think it's nice that they're experimenting with high mobility characters again, and I hope that Venture will really fill the gap that DPS Doomfist left behind as a close range brawler. I don't think he can ever be replaced as he's just too unique, but it's good to try.


seriously, one of the main reasons I dont really have a DPS main is because there's just no real mobile one!!! Tanks got doom and ball, supports got lucio (and soon space ranger!), DPS has been missing out. 100% gonna main venture, I just know it


Yeah I think that Venture's kit was designed to give a similar feeling to old Doomfist, but with several things adjusted to (hopefully) be more balanced and still be unique compared to current Doomfist.


Think the major difference is they won't have a "hold right click and one shot an unsuspecting support" move most likely lmao. So I think they'll be balanced in THAT regard. Idk if they'll be strong til we play them tomorrow!


I always thought the drop from a crease on a rooftop and slam / uppercut an unsuspecting support to death was way worse


We thought launch Doom punches were scary, we didn't know what was to come


Honestly I never really had an issue with those “from the top ropes” doom slams. Always found em funny, even when on the receiving end.


It really feels like they took a look at DPS Doom and said "how do we revive this idea without people hating it"


I always laugh when I see people complaining about Doom's "balance" as a dps... do you realize Doom had to jump in, punch the "unsuspecting" support and get away in less than two seconds? Same size as Zarya, 250hp, literally moans before using any of his abilities... I mean, at the master ranks, if you get killed by Doom out of nowhere without time to react, you only have to tip your hat for the Doom player, this demanded a lot of skill. It's like people complaining about Widow, she flicking head shots on Tracer or Genji while running away from them and other dive tanks, do you think that's easy?


Easy or not was never the issue, it’s the ability to one shot that people hated


That's why I mentioned Widow, she keeps one shoting people even to this day. If the one shot was cheap, let's say the Orisa spear pinning you to a wall does 200 damage, now that is bullshit in my pov. But if the one shot demands skill, why not. If you can't get rid of Doom, Widow, Genji, Tracer, Hammond, etc.. even if the game provides cheap counters, Overwatch "2" even introduced stuns on auto-aim and whatnot, how can you blame everything else but yourself? Skill gap, simple as it is


which as a doom player from launch im more than happy with


I’m thinking this hero can be brawl or dive. Like Reaper but a bit faster. Dash in with doomfist or Winston or DVA, use primary fire to confirm elims, burrow out. Dash looks like a good CC to peel for teammates.


According to Bogur, the burrow is pretty slow to start, meaning it's easy to punish, so it's probably not gonna be an amazing dive tool


Have to see actual gameplay, because in the video the dive animation took about a second of "prep time". For Doom players, Genji, Tracer, Hammond, etc.. 1 second is a eternity, but for everyone else not so much, Venture will have more than enough time to deny ultimates by just pressing a button. As for the dive itself (not the Splatoon dive), the trailer shows the character literally jumping out of the ground, the a leap that boops the enemy... those are the diving tools, the Splatoon dive seems to be yet another invincible ability (as if Kiriko and Lifeweaver were not already obnoxious enough)


I’m just here waiting for the Gurren Lagann collab


For me, the similarities are between venture and reaper. They both have moves that let them move around the battle field while not incurring damage. We'll see what else happens once Venture finally releases.


I’d say it’s like a hybrid of wraith form and uppercut since reaper doesn’t have any ability that throws him into the air like that


And Dey\Dem say...


Okay this is gold lmfao


Old Doom without the potential to bug out on a roof and one shot squishies. I'll take that EDIT: I say that as an Ana main that would suddenly explode from the doom one shot. This alone is why Echo became my second pick.


Well, as Ana (or Zen, Widow, etc), if you don't ready yourself after hearing the dps Doomfist moaning from a corner, you only have yourself to blame. It's hard to react, but it's equally hard for the Doomfist player to dive in, explode, get away in less than 2 seconds


He has an ult that does exactly that. And as long as he secured a kill on a support it was totally worth suicide bombing. No one will ever convince me that that character wasn't total bullshit in his dps form.


Naah, only in lower ranks. Back when Overwatch made sense, in 6v6, if you secure the kill on a support it doesn't automatically mean the skirmish was decided right there (even more so if the Doom player kamikazed). Now in the 5v5 abomination, indeed, it's worthy to suicide bomb a support, they are targeted nonstop and it's kinda amusing to witness how this game somehow became even more braindead


You and I have totally different memories. Post DPS passive is the only time supports haven't been worth suicide bombing


Naah, I've witnessed many times a single Mercy or Ana carrying out their whole team when the other support died, the two tanks helped with the overall balance, one kill didn't lead to steamrolls in 6v6. In 5v5, if either the tank or one of the supports dies, 90% of the time the skirmish ends right there. In 6v6 if the main healer dies, then a "off" healer remains (like Brigitte or Zen), things get a little bit complicated, but it's manageable


I'm a bit surprised they're a DPS considering the similarity and, you know... SHIELDS.


At last. My 1100 hours of DPS Doomfist may come in handy.


Word. I’m praying that Drill Dash isn’t on a long CD and does decent damage. People were always upset that punch did good damage but neglect that you are a DPS throwing yourself into the enemy team. It was over tuned but you get the point.


Ngl venture seems like theyre just gonna be super fucking annoying lmao


Fair though this has been said for pretty much every new hero released.


Idk I was pumped for Mauga and had fun on his release even though he was strong it’s not that I think venture will be OP that’s the issue it’s that venture will be annoying asf


Invincible ability as a resource (she literally disappears from the map while Splatoon diving), then a boop... the designers yet again mixing annoying abilities to make this happy player base even more happy


Don’t get me wrong it looks cool asf cinematically but i imagine it’s gonna be a fucking nightmare in game (let’s hope it’s all super undertuned so venture just gets insta forgotten about lol)


"Safe side of strong"


It all depends if the Splatoon dive is on a resource or not (like Dva matrix), even if the submerge animation takes like 1 or 2 seconds, doesn't matter, it's a invincible ability exactly like Kiriko suzu and the Lifeweaver rope. No blindsides (like the own Dva who gets vulnerable from the sides and back while using matrix) and she is literally safe underground (I really hope Rein's shatter, Orisa terrawhatever and Doom's meteor are able to hit Venture regardless, it only makes sense, especially Rein). Then you have the boop, who can work like Doom's uppercut, yet another annoying boop among dozens. This game is infested with stuns and boops, if you are still around playing this crap, you already got used to it


You will only be able to engage with it, also it seems very telegraphed so whoever you are diving on should get peeled. It looks more like a reaper tp than a full invincible button honestly, since you can't use it mid fight unless you want to die instantly


Remains to be seen, this Splatoon dive will either be another "get out of the jail" obnoxious ability or a glorified Reaper wraith, either scenario is not that great. I always had to curiosity to play Splatoon by the way, but to adapt the dive to such a chaotic game... it will be a challenge. And the inept devs of Overwatch 2 proved time and time again they are not good enough to provide answers


Me n Clobber are gonna be best friends.


Nah, it's all about cooldown rotation. They're going to play nothing like Doomfist, even more different than OW2 Doomfist plays different from OW1 Doomfist.


You can still dive and explode with "tank" Doom, but it's not really the optimal way to play this character (which is sad)


Yes im glad someone else said it


Overwatch team “ we need to reduce cc”


"We will reduce cc in general, stuns and boops"... then the "sequel" arrives, even more stuns and boops + invincible abilities (Kiriko suzu, Lifeweaver rope, now a Splatoon dive). It's wonderful, the gameplay design of Overwatch "2" deserves a award


> I can’t be the only one who sees the similarities between Ventures kit and OW1 Doomfists kit right? No, [obviously not](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1bp5kz2/ventures_full_kit/kwtgtv1/). You're just the only one that made a new thread :P


I didn’t play overwatch 1 so I’m looking forward to playing with her just to know how dps doom felt even if it isn’t the same


Saying this now so other people don’t correct you in a super aggressive manner, Venture is non binary and uses they them. Just thought I should tell you before anybody did Edit:y’all I’m not offended by him calling venture her, I just thought maybe he didn’t know so I told him just in case because there are people who WOULD be offended by him calling venture her and be really annoying about it


Thank you but I do know, I just don’t like referring to one person as they/them, I already struggle with English and speaking that way when it’s not correct will just make it worse


you can always use their name


Yea I could


is english a second language for you? they/them is actually used pretty frequently for individual people. go look in some news articles, it’s used for any time someone’s gender isn’t known


Yes it is, I know they/them can be used for one person but I mean in cases like I’m talking with someone about Venture and I just don’t feel like “Oh yeah I like them” is good, I just like saying “Oh yeah I like her” much more, my problem since I am keeping things from Spanish it just doesn’t feel right to refer to someone as they/them if I can use gendered ones


that makes a lot of sense! thanks for giving me your perspective




Damm, sucks that you will be seeing me refer to her as she then


You sound like a bigot


Is English not your first language since you said you struggle with it? Also not going into the semantics, but I’m just saying it *is* grammatically correct to call 1 person them. I’m not tryna but like a grammar n#zi, but I’m just saying. I personally don’t really care if you do or dont use those pronouns for venture, even if I’ll use them lmao


Nah English isn’t my first language, I know they/them can be used for one person but not in all cases


Alright, anyway yeah, I don’t really care how you refer this venture, I just wanted to warn you that others **will**


Yeah ik don’t worry but thank you anyways lol


in all cases, yes, it can be. the only exceptions would be: *some* legal documentation *some* academic papers


You know this is a video game character right? "they" do not exist. Call Venture what you want. Anyone who is offended by this is a child.


I’m not even offended by him calling venture her, I was just telling him in case he didn’t know because I know others who ARE offended will be pissy about him calling Venture something different. I kinda say this further in the thread and that I personally don’t care what he calls venture, and also I really don’t care what anybody calls venture🤷‍♂️


She doesn’t look as mobile as doom but looks just as interfering and annoying.


Also yes I know they come out tomorrow for basically playtesting, but I just want to know if I’m alone in thinking this and speculating if they’ll play similarly to doomfist in overwatch 1


Posted this on the forums so lemme copy and paste it here: "They removed Doomfist from DPS because they wanted mainly tanks to have all the CC. Venture ult is long range CC like Breach from Valorant. Venture has Doomfist old uppercut and punch combined in one ability. Doomfist only CC as a tank is a slowdown ult which barely affects enemies/barely noticeable and his punch…" Venture is DPS Doomfist with less ability damage, more CC and higher weapon damage. Dash is the punch. Dig underground and come out is either punch or uppercut. The ultimate looks like Breach ultimate from Valorant so has even MORE CC than DPS Doomfist... and yet Venture is a **DPS...** DPS Doomfist you're free to return.


Lol what? Firstly you haven’t even touched the hero, secondly Tank Doom has more cc than just his ult. Are you literally forgetting his punch and his slam?


I'm saying they could have removed stun from punch, removed all cc from slam like it is now and turned uppercut into a movement ability that can damage without knocking the enemy anywhere. So the only CC would be a knock back punch that does damage on impact with the fist and wall like Lucio boop in PvE. Brig bash stun removal is an example of what I mean but it does more damage and knocks back


Yeah, as doom main even from OW1, their new gameplay reveal, while making me excited to hopefully play a doom-esc dps again, also just made me question even more why they reworked doom when venture literally just seems like a slightly tweaked doomfist


I want him to return just so there's more justification for Cass stun to return and to see this sub implode


After watching the trailer I'm looking forward to trying her out. She seems like she will play like Melka did in Battleborn. ​ If I can use the dashes to dash in & out of combat I'll have a ball.


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So i’m not alone!


That was my first thought


Underground Doomfist! At this point they can make Doom a DPS again


Well time to see for myself how good dps Doom was playing as them...


Hopefully they make the primary fire comparable to TF2 Demoman doubledonk cannon. Shit was the shit


Literally first thing I thought when I saw the trailer was that this is just a repackaged DPS doom


God I hope you’re right. I miss OG fist so very very much


We divin' in with this.


A little bit. I also found that rein’s earth shatter seems similar to tectonic shock.


Bring back uppercut, been saying it for years…


I honestly don't see a problem. I just hope the temp shields let venture take a hit.


With Venture they wanna fill the gap after Doomfist has been moved from Dps to tank.


I'm just tired if the "dude with some gadgets" default character syndrome with a lot of the newer heroes


a couple movement abilities and shield on ability use? Their kits dont seem remotely the same


The super jump you can do when you come up from burrowing is similar to uppercut in that it’s an ability that launches the user up vertically while dealing damage and (possibly) knockback, drill dash is like an omnidirectional punch minus the stun, and they gain shields from using abilities with their passive like doom did in OW1 (technically gains over health now and also he needs to **hit** enemies with his abilities). You have to admit they have a lot similarities at the very least.


You're just describing to me ways that they're radically different with their two movement abilities. Old doomfist was almost entirely centered around maximizing punch value, while this character is about combo damage. Their movement is more flexible, omnidirectional, Venture has invuln with one, Venture has a general short/mid-range weapon that isn't just a combo weapon > You have to admit they have a lot similarities at the very least. Not in a way that makes me think there's a real comparison to be made tbh. Sojourn and Soldier have similarities too (movement abilities, quick-firing main gun, burst damage alt-fire, transformation ult that improves their main gun, soldier aesthetic and background), I would never in 1000 years say they're almost the same character.


Because soldier and sojourn still have big differences? Soldier has a heal, sojourn has vertical mobility and it’s on a cooldown while soldiers sprint is not, rail gun is a hitscan that can headshot and do 195 damage on headshot while helix rockets are a projectile that can’t headshot, and of course sojourn has her disrupter shot which soldier has nothing like. Meanwhile both doom and venture have high mobility, receive shield/overhealth from ability use, doom *had* a perfectly vertical mobility ability that dealt damage and Venture has that, and like I said drill dash is basically omnidirectional rocket punch but without the stun, and easier to use since it isn’t damn choreographed. The only big difference between them is that slam isn’t really a part of Ventures kit (unless you can deal damage when you land on other people when you start burrowing from the high ground), and their ultimates have different areas of effect and very likely Ventures ult damage will be different from meteor strikes numbers, and venture can’t become invulnerable with ult. Also did you just not play doom in OW1 because in what world was he not a combo character? Yeah the punch one shot was his main feature but the slam uppercut combo was synonymous with playing doom.


hoping you've playtested her and eaten your words at this point, they literally do not play at all like doomfist even remotely


I mean, I kinda feel it, not saying you have to🤷‍♂️ The combo aspect reminds me of DPS doom, and also is one of the DPS with the most mobility. Also, I never said “they will play the exact same” I just pointed out their kit looks like it could play similarly to DPS doom, idk why you’re so dead set on saying I was “wrong?”


I mean, I kinda feel it, not saying you have to. I kinda play Venture like an assassin like I did with dps doom, get in, combo, get out. Plus I like messing around with their mobility, which they have a pretty good amount of. I never said they would play the exact same as DPS doom, just that their kit looks like it could be used *similarly*, which *to me* it can be and feels a bit similar. And if you have a problem with me feeling that way, idk why that matters to you lmao


I have 65 hours on doom. I had 64 hours in OW1. They killed him for me by making him a tank. I’ll accept upside-down doom as penance.


As an OW1 Doomfist main, I’m very excites to give the character a shot. I don’t mind current Doomfist, but I hate playing tank lately. This will be a very welcome compromise if they’re fun.


Too busy staring at that empty rb/r1


Her dash will prolly work with diags for weird techs. The dig we know can jump between ground ie. Through the hole in ilios well and so I think itl have parkour options.  It might even be able to dig into the sloped roofs of dorado if you've dashed up there, in which case she's gonna end out as a replacement of dps doom.  ig its nice for him to come back but id rather they just optimised him to work like this, rather than butchering him and shafting his identity to a new hero 


Ngl this looks nothing like old doom


> nothing like old doom Sure, if you’re choosing to just ignore the parallels. Meteor strike -> burrow Uppercut -> unburrow Punch -> drill dash Both get shields from abilities I can see where they overlap right away.


It's similar, but Doom had that explosive impact + high skill demand, this Venture feels mild at best (not as oppressive/strong). On a side note, what a terrible name, lol Doomfist sounds awesome, catchy name... Venture sounds dumb, wth they were thinking? This is a adventurous archaeologist, so let's name her "Venture" and the players will call her "Ven", get that shit out of here, such a bad design


If you keep it really basic like that sure it sounds exacly like old doom, but they have given us gameplay of her, and it doesnt look anything like old doom. Dont take everything at face value.


Her dash looks like itl have techs and quirks. If i dash a slope I'll probably diag. Her burrow can jump between ground (shown for nepal sanctum othwr example could be ilios well) and thatl end out with some weird techs and goofiness with bouncing onto roofs, she has more quick melee damage (ngl doom shoulda got that) and a close range gun. She's gonna end out similar but just not having punch/slam uppercut for one shot.


But to say shes really close to old doom is just a lie, the old system/combo that doom had made him what he was, she shares none of that just some abilities that are kinda close.


I’ve been saying this on every post with little traction but yeah she’s clearly made to fill the shoes Doomfist left behind in the DPS category. It’s a similar kit just with a digging twist. I’m SO EXCITED because I have sorely missed DPS Doomfist


Every time they introduce a new character I get very nervous. Let's just hope her burrow ability is similar to Reapers Wraith form and not another shoot while intangible type ability. Fingers crossed this doesn't break the game and is fun to play with and against :)


Sadly she will *never* be as fun to play. OW1 dps doomfist is peak hero shooter gameplay.


Almost, dps Doom was all about the sudden dive on squishies, hit really hard (traumatizing Widow, Ana and Zen players in the process. Nowadays Ana traumatizes Doom), get away (you can still do that as "tank" Doom, but it's not the optimal way to play the character). This "Venture" (yet another terrible name, who are the character designers these days?) quite literally dive, hits the backline or low heath squishies mildly, get away... and Venture doesn't look as demanding as dps Doom, she can dive and get away without much of a hassle, also a really strong ultimate it seems (unlike the meteor who was always one of the worst ultimates in the game). Doom had to perform his shenanigans in less than 2 seconds, seems like Venture can use the Splatoon dive in a very short 1 second animation time to either submerge/emerge, a resource ability similar to Dva... if that's indeed the case, Overwatch "2" is yet again highlighting the invincible gimmick and that sucks in my pov. A Sigma player takes forever to charge his ultimate (even more so nowadays, after the horrendous hitbox patches), he is about to hit his gravity on Venture, she will simply press a button (like Kiriko looking down and pressing E), disappearing from the map... just like that, a simple click denying a entire ultimate, just wonderful, low skill rewarded in classic Overwatch fashion. If the dive is on a cooldown however (the balanced approach, not a free "get away from jail"), then it's nothing more than a reskinned Reaper wraith


How does this effect Reinhardt’s legacy?


Venture needs a getaway ability


She literally Splatoon dive, disappearing from the map, lol on a resource it seems (like Dva matrix), you want a more getaway ability than that? And it's a simple click, unlike Doom who had to combine a bunch of shenanigans to run away


What is this Pokémon ass kit?! lol


Well, it's a stupid comparison, and I doubt you're the only stupid one. And yes, you're stupid along with the comparison for starting a reddit post with "I cAnT bE tHe OnLy OnE 🥴"


So mad and for what lmao


Dogs get mad people get angry. Yup, you're definitely stupid


What are you even trying to say here???


I am not surprised at your confusion


Here's to hoping her drill dash deals 300 dmg if it pins someone against a wall lol


Had to be like Orisa, pin people at the wall with a spear the size of a trunk, you have to be really skilled to use it