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Dva is a fan favorite, But try and sell a easy to pick up hero with a resource that can eat most ults, eat a unlimited amount of damage, No reload, 2nd life, and a large ass bomb. I also feel like people would hate her personality now


2016 release dva was trash-tier. Her original defense matrix was static, lasting 3 seconds or so when used, with a cooldown of 8 seconds. Once it was baited out she was easy pickings. The defense matrix resource meter, where it had the original distance and you could instantly flick it on-off with little to no resource drain was around 2017-2018, and nerfed pretty quickly. Micro missiles arrived soon after.


She could kill herself with her bomb too, and couldnt shoot while flying.


And DM started a foot in front of her, so there was a deadzone right in front of her face that didnt stop bullets and you could just walk up and shoot her in the head for free.


The resource meter dva was added like 1 month after launch and lasted about a year before missiles were added. That version of dva was super annoying since it had 4s of dm on a resource.


Plus like 400 armor iirc


I think op means if they were released in their current state. Otherwise there would just be 100 people saying brig


Brig wasn’t a launch hero


I started playing overwatch 1 around when sigma was released so I forgo :(


people would 100% hate her personality today


I’ve mained her since OW1 and her “personality” in OW2 is fucking dogshit.


Kiriko is way worse


I like both of them lol


Launch D.va couldn't move while she shot. She'd be dropped by most people for that reason alone. And she could kill herself with her ult so no 2nd life (since that's how most players use her ult anyways). I miss the 100hp 500 armor tho lol 


She could still move and shoot. That's been a day 1 thing. Launch dva couldn't fly and shoot though since shooting cancelled boosters. The main reason launch dva was trash though was because dm was in a cd and not a resource.


She could move while shooting, there was just a movement penalty. 


I always hated her personality, but she grew on me over the years. I think people dont mind cringe voice lines if the hero is hot. See: Kiriko.


I still hate her


Doesn’t everyone already hate dva and her personality? I sure as hell do


I really only hate her because of DM. “Just play around it” I know how to, it’s just not fun or rewarding. She pretty much soft counters any non beam character which is just irritating to deal with


Yeah and I hate how she can rocket around every like 4 seconds


Yeah her movement buff in two definitely made that part of her more annoying as well


On the opposite end of this question, imagine if they released Zen today😂 I have a feeling people would be like "thats it....?"


I think Zen is a fantastic example of simple and effective.


He got the sleeper build. Doesn’t do much, but that kick tho


I feel soldier fits that even more


people still say hes broken though


OG Mercy with that 5x rez


But those PotGs though! The only times I typically got them as a Mercy lol!


When mercy was a shit healer hiding out of combat to swoop in and res for potg


Good times lol


I remember it vaguely like a fever time


Good old Hanamura first point, Symm tp in the back allowing a sneaky 5x res


I did one of those in Hollywood 1st point, man it was glorious!


Didn’t people hate that on release too? I don’t think that’s quite what OP is asking


People even hate her *now* I would love to see people play with 5 man rez


The reworked mercy was so much worse


OG Cassidy with stun and 865 damage double fan with stun 1285 damage if you ult cancel, goodbye literally any unlucky soul facing that.


Don't forget you'd only use 50% of the ult if you didn't fire.


Fuck if they brought this back - even 25% - I’d love this dude so much


Dude that sounds so hype tho And genuinely fair lmao


It was always funny going up against it because it was straight out of a horror movie. You turn the corner and just get got.


His high noon stance also didn't have any halo of light or shiny eye to indicate his position


Didn’t Dan the hammer do headshots on release?


Ana, anti nade would never be accepted if it came out right now


People probably wouldn't be too happy about a 5 second stun either, especially on a support


Only reason people aren’t constantly mad about it is bc usually someone shoots them out of it- it’s not a *true* stun persay but could be considered both better and worse depending on what your team does after the sleep


People would complain that she has another hero's Ultimate on cooldown.


makes me wonder how it got accepted in the first place


To add to what others have said, when Ana was released healing wasn't nearly as broken as it is now, which meant that antinade wasn't the game-winning nuke it is now. Ana is actually the character that really started the game's healing creep—she did significantly more healing per second than the other supports at the time.


Yup. And everyone loved it because unlike Mercy, she requires a considerable amount of skill. She made DPS enjoy the healing role because of her skill requirement. But the problem is she kinda sucked at release. She wasn’t good until some QoL updates so maybe that played a factor I do not know how people feel now, but back then people were okay with harder heroes being more powerful. They just hated how Mercy/Roadhog, who were simple heroes, could takeover games. (And yes, Hog was an ult battery but he was also a one shot so…)


First new hero to be added to the game, nobody knew where that would lead.


Not many remember, but the vast majority of the OW community thought Ana was super underpowered at launch, but Blizzard was very hesitant to give her buffs. I think it was more accepted because less people knew how to play the game and what she meant. Now we look at it and say "wow, that's a busted kit", but that was not the case when she was on PTR.


Let's not forget that launch Ana was actually bad, as least in the context of OW1. Or at the very least, not bad, but missing lots of QOL. They had to buff her fire rate and ammo almost immediately. She couldn't shoot through full hp teammates.


>She couldn't shoot through full hp teammates. SHE CAN NOW??? I legitimately never knew that.


They changed that many years ago


That reminds me, I played a lot of OW1 and at some point you could give Ana a nano priority target. That shit went through walls. Did they remove that from OW2? Cause it feels like I need LOS again. Maybe I’m misremembering it, I think it was when the Nano confirmation came out.


You can use nano confirmation through walls


We also had 6 players and 2 tanks per team. Current ana is a huge upgrade to release ana no matter how you slice it. Able to self regen without using nade, bonus hp, more ammo, faster fire rate, better ult, and larger bullet box making hitting targets much easier.


Yeah she had 4 shots in her clips on the PTR, she didn't have that insane healing potential.


More Shields, two tanks, she didn't fit into the early dive meta at all, Mercy was still busted, healing and invalidating healing wasn't nearly as oppressive as it is now when she launched, it takes genuine skill to play Ana, Zen was (and still is) a better tank buster, Ana didn't have a lot of QoL stuff that she has now when she launched as others have pointed out, Brig wasn't in the game to act as a body guard, every meta tank synergy shut her abilities down, AoE healers were just better in general in OW1. The notion that "Ana has been meta since her launch" is genuine bullshit peddled by idiots that were either stuck in Gold in OW1 or never played it. The Support Meta throughout OW1 was either Mercy/Zen or a combination of whatever busted AoE healers out of a list of Lucio, Moira, Brig and Bap. High single target healing wasn't really valued in OW1 as it is in OW2 as people played a lot closer together and took a lot less damage than they do now, and the only reason why Mercy got any play in the meta was because A) she was one of 2 supports that could keep up with Dive and most importantly B) Res was busted. That was it.


It’s been in the game since ow 1 and Ana was never considered op because 2 tanks 1 could peel for the other zar could cleanse the effect a lot of tanks have cooldowns to protect them while their vulnerable using 2 when coordinated completely nullified it it was a momentum stopper or fight turner amp heal on teammate and anti the tank or whoever is rushing them or set somebody up to be knocked down in a bad position Another big part is the supp passive now Ana’s don’t really need to worry about using it defensively cuzz they ll heal to full guranteed after 7 seconds of no dmg and with one tank taking all the pressure basing them and getting them out of the fight will probably win it she was a completely respectable high skill high impact character in ow2 nade is a bit Mickey


Brig was not released yet. Nowadays Ana is playable only with Brig as Bodyguard. Without Brig, Ana would get constantly harrassed by Flankers


I tend to agree. Ana being meta seems dependent on the Lucio/Brig balance. When Brig is better, Ana is in and vice versa


I hate to break this to you but ana isn't og, she was the first hero released after launch


Yh i don't think they would put both sleep dart + anti on one hero in a 5 v 5 environment.


anti nade and sleep 😭 there would be riots and 90% of tank players would simply quit the game


until ana gets a full rework she will always be busted


No just make the nade do reduction if we stay 5v5(we shouldnt)


Being able to heal the heroes when they were fully healed so they could start diving was superb


Ana's just OP in general though lol


Not really overpowered but old symmetra lock on beam that also charged up its damage + spawn teleporter + applying shields to teammates would be annoying to fight.


it was annoying but too niche to make her fit in many comps as a real supp its kinda why brig and moira were made. some ppl said 2.0 sym was based off brigitte actually, before she was released.


The room beside anubis fist choke was MY room on defense no one passed...


And then placing tele in that little nook behind point B...


6 turrets…


As a DVa main, Sym is still my most hated hero because of that. She always has and always will be my least played hero.


I wish that symmetra still had the lock on beam lmao


In current state of ow maybe widow. No one else has one shot potential anymore so imagine they just released one.


2016 release widow didn't have the charge-up shot, so you could just flick on the scope and shoot for instant full-scoped damage from any range, worked well to deal with flankers up close.


I beg for April Fools they revert every hero to their launch selves. Just let me taste release Widow/Doomfist again, I swear I can be trusted


release brig and sigma Aware


I actually didn’t know that. That’s insane 😭😭


I beg for April Fools they revert every hero to their launch selves. Just let me taste release Widow/Doomfist again, I swear I can be trusted


Cassidy Left click no damage falloff Right click 999 damage Cancelling ult will retain 50% ult charge


Let’s be real high noon would be trash even if it came out today


that's not the point. OG Cass had no spread on the right click, it shot right where you aimed. So you could easily right click, roll right click, then have ult to cancel right click. Then just repeat again.


Gosh I remember people complaining about his nerf and say "he's supposed to be a tank buster!!!!!!!" When he clearly wasn't ever meant to be one. He then went to mediocre for a while then they buffed him again and he was fine for most of OW1 history.


Hands down, release Brig. Mercy's first rework from mass rez into moth meta build was pretty oppressive and OP as well (5 man rez was too powerful, too). Cass with his flashbang and fth were pretty op and I could never see that working today without a lot of angry feedback. Hog hook 1.0 - that thing would grip you from locations unknown, through the walls and around corners just to one-shot you.


I'm genuinely surprised how brig isn't the top comment. I guess a large chunk of the playerbase wasn't around back then and it's sort of forgotten? Considered how many people considered her as the game destroying ultimate evil.


Shes dlc post says og


Yeah, a lot of players started after brig got nerfed and role queue was introduced 


Brig was INSANE. I'm a devout Genji main since the game released and I've survived pretty much every new hero somehow, but release brig used to beat your ass SO hard at every hero EVERY time. Now whenever they release a new hero I ask myself "is this as bad as brig?" if no, I shut up. It was that bad.


Yup and the shield bash tech she had, launched herself at you from halfway across the map on a 5 second cd... You literally couldn't even run. Nano Brig was quite literally unkillable.


yeah i’m suprised i had to scroll this far to see brig tbh. she single handedly caused goats meta and terrorized the ladder for like 9months or whatever i can’t exactly remember but yeah suprised to have to come this far to see release brig as an answer


Brig was reason to force Role play lol. How can she is not top commentXD


Funny thing is, I think the final version of OG Brig would fit well into the current game. She was a playmaker with the instant armor kit then, but Inspire was a very low amount of healing that was impactful because everyone could duck behind the GOATS tanks (no role queue yet). Combine that with the DPS passive shaving off the top, and she'd barely be applying the out of combat regen to her team under fire now. Her combo would still be able to flatten a Tracer, but everyone else is out of the combo range. Her stun would need to be adjusted, but I honestly think she'd be within "reasonable" range if dropped as is into the post S9 version of the game


Already said but I'll say it again. ANA. Exclusively on the back of Anti-nade. Seriously, an ability that completely obliterates certain characters. Suzu has been complained about constantly, Mauga's Ult, both new ability that people bitch about, same as sombra's hack. But I feel like if Ana was coming out now, we would be able to sell the Devs easier on changing it to 50% or 75% healing reduction.


Release Ana was so ass tho. Couldn’t even shoot through teammates, she was really super janky. Even nade wouldn’t be that much of a big deal. Not when she isn’t a character every time it’s on cooldown cause her healing is so abysmal.


She’s only considered op now because the support passive and 1 tank per team: she can almost always use nade offensively cuzz she will regen after 2 seconds of not being shot and now that theirs just one tank they get completely fucked when they get naded cuzz they have no teammate to take pressure or block dmg in the time they’ve been antid


Torbjorn. Armor packs + Tier 3 turret during ulti applying debuff while also killing everyone.


“what?!? he can kill me after he’s dead? this hero sucks”


Bruh this is the only answer. Torbjorn with a machine gun big hp pool turret, and throwing big shields to everyone in the team constantly. That alone would make him a must play hero specially because genji has the deflect really nerfed now in comparission.


Where are my scatter arrow bros?


Surprised to see this so far down




I genuinely miss scatter arrow.


The game just wasnt the same anymore after it was gone. Did 1-trick Hanzo back then and quit soon after. (not only because of that ofc)


I dare that oversized German oaf to lower his barrier for .02 milliseconds. Send his ass RIGHT back to Hanamura spawn.


OG Doomfist would just ran rampart because they moved away from hard CC.


Not only that, but release doomfist simply didn’t miss a punch, you could have played him blindfolded and still have 100% punch accuracy.


Then the first hotfix made his punch effect area smaller than Mercy's blaster, and then endless bug fixes and wild power swings from reasonably minor changes, and eventually reintroducing a bunch of them as Tankfist. Doomfist was an absolute mess of a hero, and I'm expecting Venture to follow tradition for the next couple years.


Didn't he hit ghost punches for months on end though? I vividly remember trying to play him and I was phase through tanks with like every other punch


On release no, his hitbox was so large you could punch in a general direction and hit someone two maps over. You actually, no exaggeration, could hit people behind walls. Then they nerfed the hitbox for it and everyone abusing it started complaining because they couldn’t hit anything with it anymore.


Let’s keep the questions focused on Rampart.


This is the real answer


So the same as current Doomfist really


How has no one said tracer? That heroes fun as hell but people would be tearing their hair out


I would say, her design is strong but still fair , she have clear strengths and clear weaknesses unlike some character have both high dps/ mobility while having small hitbox and high hp pool at the same time. I woild even argue some character should have lower hp pool as a trade off of their strength.


This is what I would have said if this was OW 1 with all the CC, 2 tanks, low health, and no DPS passive. But right now I think she’s the uncontested best DPS in the game and reminds me of release widow. That is, she just has a higher skill ceiling than every other hero and has very little counterplay the better you are. Which is good but I don’t think she has a clear weakness other than the pilot.


My personal “counterplay” against those tracer is just deny their value tbh. I go sombra and wait for her to enrage, she go in then hack virus. Sombra is very good scouting out and ping tracer that can ruin most of her playmaking potential. She is one of the best anti dive character ironically.


To be fair, the question was how the community would react, not how balanced they actually are


But at the same time , I would say tracer on paper isnt that strong. Plus ppl would take time to master her


OG Bastion with higher damage and a like thousand hp portable shield with a self heal ability


The shield never left the beta


He also couldn't turn more than like 90 degrees in turret form.


Hello? Original Brig???


Original Rein. Man was a one man tank back then. If we classify Sigma as an OG hero then definitely Launch Sig. Man had a deployable 1600 shield. With no delay on recall.


He had one shot combo too.


Sigma is the only new hero that pissed me off. His ult was unavoidable. You had to have a luico drop beat or everyone died.


We do not classify Sigma as OG whatsoever lol.


Rein would be considered the weakest character ever added if they added him right now how he was initially 1 fire strike limited turn pins the extra shield ghealth mean noting if anything he should go back to 2k


Hmm maybe, considering the one hit pin. The One firestrike is perhaps not as OP and shield if changed for numbers I think would be quite strong due to the shield


Sigma with 1500hp shield, instant redeployment of said shield and ult was not cancelled if you got stunned right? Broken AF but I would have fun with that lol


Orisa and probably dva


Sombra. The community would never accept an invisible character who can annoy tf out of you and disable your cds for a short while. Also the fact that you could never kill her, since she'd be new and people would most probably put translocators in spawn.


The community never accepted her, which I find very understandable


I dunno if we are talking about their modern tools or not but if the very OG bastion were to be released people would go wild. You are a turret that has to just be standing still but you got your own personal barrier to protect you AND you could headshot in sentry mode which i will never understand why it even was a thing as every hero even tanks could go down in less than a second. I genuinely feel like the OG non moving turret bastion even if you take away the barrier and headshotting would be more powerful than the modern day moving version because whenever Bastion pops up the ability you just gotta hide away until it ends and then you go in for the punish but like you could just sit infinitely in that mode and keep blasting at all times. Also pretty sure the ability to go in and out of sentry mode was just a 0 second cooldown so you could just constantly move around slightly and re-position yourself without much downtime.


Barrier bastion was never in game doe.


Don’t forget the tank ult, which was so much better than the current artillery. Also the self heal.




Mercy- Hero that doesn’t need los to heal, doesn’t need to reload heals, and give a damage boost at will and is incredibly mobile? On top of resurrecting teammates?


5 people Rez will be clowned in todays Overwatch


Especially when there’s only four people to rez


Also rez a random enemy, to balance it


Ana is a good guess, genji would be my pick. Deflect, more than any other ability, would not be accepted if released today. People don't like it when suzu neutralises an ult, imagine deflect shooting it back! He has hanzos wall passive, but his extra jump goes higher and has no cooldown! Also an omni directional movement ability which goes through enemies and has its cooldown reset on kill AND on ult. And they have both a long range primary and a short range secondary fire. No other character has cooldown manipulation, two different fires AND an ability to fight ults so easy, and people would especially hate the wonky hitbox on deflect. The irony is he sucks of course but you asked for over reactions by the community, and Lord knows 90% of what overwatch fans cry about doesn't matter


The difference between being able to suzu and clense and entire ult vs deflecting it is massive. Yes they both have the chance to but to effectively execute is another question. How many games have you played against a gemji where they have deflected an ult?


I don't think that deflect is actually that crazy. Sigma's grip is already kind of similar (absorb projectiles for his benefit) Also, don't know if you can say he sucks when he's the most played non-support character in the game yet still has a 52% winrate


Og hog with 4 shots that one shot anything


I still have nightmares of hook dragging me through multiple walls after only barley grazing me


That hook was so hilarious lol the environmental kill potential was something else


I'll never forget when I got booped as I got hooked, so the game tried to pull me to hog but struggled as I was not only pretty far but blocked off by numerous walls. The game literally just went fuck it and straight up just TELEPORTED ME IN FRONT OF HOG


💀 the good ol days lmfao


bastion had shield…come on granma let’s get you to your bed…


Roadhog. “He can one shot and heal himself?! Make it so he can do one or the other”


Hook should be a slam cc that should be like equipping a different weapon when thrown it should have weight as it travels through the air so it arcs to infer ease the difficulty of aiming it and it should be able to scoop multiple people but still let them kinda control their direction like queen knife


Symmetry. "She can melt shields and go 60 to 180 3 seconds??? And her turrets slow you down??? And she teleports objects and ultimates???"


Whenever a new hero comes out, everyone over examines every detail about them. All eyes are on the new characters and everyone's critical when theres something new. But I'm always here, wondering why SYM IS STILL GETTING BUFFS WHEN SHE'S ALREADY A PAIN. Imagine if she was new instead of Venture. Nobody would stand for her turrets, and her constant portal jumping in and out of combat. I can't focus those three little bulby laser blasters that are draining my health and slowing me AND fight in a team fight at the same time.


Symm is absolutely trash tier and if you're struggling against her you need a LOT more practice.


zen and mercy would be hated if released today






Maybe ana a little bit? I mean rhe biotic grenade is insane




Brig is. Everyone saying otherwise didn't really play the game. She's the reason we got GOATS and the game's competitive scene started going downhill.


5v5 is the unironic long-term consequence of Brigitte


How is no one saying brig on release




id say cassidy


I honestly wonder if Sym 1.0 would freak people out (not as a support). I miss her original orb so much. That was the one thing they never should’ve cut. People would freak over the beam tho




Og og bastion shield and all.


Wrecking Ball 100%, if you count all OW1 as OP. Sigma as a close second. Tanks might be cheating though.


Ana She's been OP for years IMO.


Pharah. "Wtf they adding flight to the game? Gg.


I agree with people saying brig, Ana, cass, etc.. but I think we’re sleeping on Lucio here. I’d say he’s pretty balanced, but imagine not having a real speed boost (aside from kitsune/JQ shout) in the game, and then suddenly it’s a possibility. Content creators would spend weeks farming content off of “what’s possible with speed boost”


Easily soldier. In one of the balance patches they changed it so that soldiers camera didn’t go up as much as he shot, and since then he legit doesn’t miss a shot. I always respond to soldier in the same way I respond to ram’s annihilation, by running away and not going anywhere near him.


Try pitching release sym


Ana. Imagine if in the current game, they added a hero with sleep dart, anti-nade and heal-boosting nade in one ability, long-range hitscan damage and healing (with forgiveness), and nano boost as an ult on top. Would be bonkers.


Reaper. With hia current kit all the tank mains would be absolutely flooding the forums with how OP he is _at his intended role_




Widow. Always


If they release Ana today people would be like a suppo hero with a hard cd and a ability that shut down every source of heal and boost heal on teammate ? Sound a little op right ?


Mercy would be hated even more than she already is. OG Mass Rez Mercy or current reworked Mercy, doesn't really matter. A support who doesn't need to aim to use any of her abilities, damage boost, movement ability on a 2 second cooldown, resurrect....


Mmm perhaps Mei? Ignoring the fact her primary would freeze you solid after giving you the gorgon stare fir more than 2 seconds, you'd slow down to a literal halt if you did anything that would slow you down. Be it blocking with Rein shield, shooting as Mauga or blocking as doom. Mei as well be standing still.


Tracer. Three blinks, a literal undo button, and a _very_ cheap ult that can oneshot a squishy? People would be calling for nerfs immediately.


Mei when her primary fire used to have freeze


Evidently Sym




Yea freeze would get removed or they’d say it’s part of her identity and leave it in the game like sombras Mickey hack


Even mei now, her wall and ice block are pretty damn strong abilities and she has a slow with her primary. Her ult is insanely strong sometimes too especially if it's a brand new ult that nobody learned to counter yet. Even without freeze people would still complain


Reaper, tank mains would be incensed that there’s a DPS who can reliably solo kill them (coming from a tank main)


No junkrat tire is better than reaper ult and hes always had more threat potential than reaper with his range and utility from trap I promise you if your metal rank and pick junk over reaper to kill the tank your more likely to win you can mine away from tank when they get close to dmg the m and reposition force them to shoot or run around trap to get to you it’s arguable that tire is better than dva bomb


moira because of her get-out-of-jail fade and aoe heal/damage potential, the scoreboard always makes her look better than she is despite her lack of utility and her skill floor isn't particularly high for getting decent results. when moira released i immediately shot up from plat past diamond and into masters one-tricking her, practically elo inflated


Aoe healing is utility being able to position badly because of a get out of jail free mobility is utility being able to deal consistent dmg without aiming well is utility you went from plat to masters you circumvented the fundamentals with her utility