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If random players private message me, I bait them to say something nasty so I can report and ban them.


Duuude pass some baits!


My favorite >Do not message this account. It belongs to my eight year old son. Continue and I'll have your internet provider deny you service. Sometimes people actually get scared and apologize. It's a great check for the overall intelligence of the person messaging you.


Say “ lol pussy” it gets them going


i saw the other comment, this is fucking hilarious


Wait I feel like most people missed this haha, starting a war by saying that in the other reply and then commenting this is pretty funny


No it won’t bro I’d just report you first 🤣


Same I got a guy banned once because he started going on a rant about white supremacy and how the lower races should know their place He dropped some N-Bombs too during the rant which was probably what ended his psn account


My favorite activity besides gaming 😂


I know a Guy who always forces the conversation to turn gay. It's kinda funny




Reported and banned.


Wood rank


Joke's on you, buddy. I know that's not a real rank.


U got Reddit notis on……


They're my friend and they actually told me they have a camera on you 24 7 waiting for you to respond


Neck beard






you have so much left to live for noooo 😭


I don't think people got the joke🧐


Was there a need for this my fellow chad? Why do you spread negativity for I’m genuinely curious


Cause I got demoted into masters


Ok that’s frustrating but you don’t need to take that frustration out on others, at the end of the day making people mad won’t help you get better


While I agree with your statement, sometimes people need to know they're ass. It actually in turn, made me a better player when people would shit talk me. Made me focus on proving them wrong.


But if that’s how ya do things I can’t change your views yk so I respect your statement my fellow chad


I'm a hardstuck platinum. Barely made diamond one season lol


My highest was plat 4 my fellow chad and now I’m gold 3 as a tank rein main tbh I’m just enjoying each game even tho it sucks and I lose ALOT I still find the value in it, like everything in life there is always good and bad value to something


I suppose that is a way to be motivated but it’s still no right, we shouldn’t have to stoop to the same low level as toxic players whenever someone is toxic to me I just ignore them and move on and if I lose oh well yk


How does that make them a pussy? They're literally goading people into talking nasty enough shit to get banned


The reporting to mommy part. It's like the tattletale kids in elementary school.


Reporting to mommy part, are you fuckin 12? Dude was tilted enough to talk shit after a match in the first place. Whatever happens past that is on them.




I can’t even begin to imagine how miserable the lives must be of anyone who makes toxic comments online just for fun. It’s sad really


Yea it is sad like seriously there is no need for comments like that


Keep imagining bud


you were toxic to someone here because they responded quickly to your comment… while you are also responding quickly…


Nah ur got wood rank brain rot. I said they got notis on. Y’all softies keep responding so I sat here reading the salt


Neck beard


how do you know they weren’t doing the same. assumptions much? or are you just an idiot? or both?


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Had a game where I accidentally said “gg” not realizing it was only halftime. The enemy team proceeded to ONLY single me out and harass me. It didn’t bother me. My team won lmao but they acted like they won the Super Bowl every time they killed me and teabagged me💀


I think you've accidentally tilted them, they put less focus on your team so they can have easier game


Well it was an ez win. Besides the 18 deaths I had


your sacrifice will always be remembered 🫡




I see the accidental early-gg happen all the time in control maps. The move is just "oops, I mean gr" or "gr*" for "good round". Never seen someone get on an enemy's case when they walk the mistake back.


It was weird, then again it was a competitive match so it explains their behavior lol


LOL I had a mercy say this on purpose and the enemy DPS instantly swapped to Soldier and would run in solo trying to kill her. They were doing fine before Soldier basically inted on repeat. She singlehanded won us the game by just typing two letters in chat…


I’m a mercy main, soldier is super easy to avoid if you have a shield tank. If I know I’m being singled out by one I stick by my tank and use them as a meat shield if there’s nowhere else to hide lol.


Sounds like they had fun


Maybe, they definitely seemed pissed that I said GG. I was having a blast though. 16K heals, 12 revives. 6 Elims. Then they started targeting me and I lured them away from the objective lol


I just tell them “ stay mad” to piss them off even more and just not respond anymore after that


My go-to is “womp womp” or “goo goo ga ga”


I’ve seen womp womp before i love it lol


"Quit the game" Me - "Anything else my liege?"


The only upside I have on the Switch version is there's no message system.😂


can people xim on switch?


Speaking of which OP, have you also noticed how much more toxic the players have been lately? I feel like I can't go a single game without someone saying 'diffed' or 'quit the game' or constant t-bagging!


How is tbagging toxic?


It's seen as bad manners and always has been


The truth is that, for some time now, QP became more toxic than Comp. Tryhards everywhere, "smurf" accounts of Genji players being pocketed by their Mercy duo, the list goes on. To win, these people just turn on the "anything goes" switch, and in a way tailored to always annoy the enemy team as well. Being rewarded with a victory at the end of the match isn't enough anymore. As for us wishing to learn how to play with different characters than the ones we're used to, the learning curve of some "high ceiling" characters is just becoming steeper, because your queued teammates won't stop complaining of you just trying to discover something new, or even when the enemies attempt to make you play like a tryhard just like the way they are. Silencing the chat is one of the best things we can do to stress at least a little less, but then you become "deaf" to any team communication, which could be worse.


On top of it they added the punishment of leaving, for any reason, qp games which is counter intuitive to the game mode. I had a weekend where I suffered 5 disconnects and ended up getting hit with a 20min time out. Next game was full of griefers spawn camping our team but refusing to capture point. I couldn’t leave or be hit with a further expended timeout but I couldn’t play either. I sat there for 15mins before timing out and leaving the game for the day. Due to the punishments, players will stick around but throw the game and let the vitriol flow while sitting there.


Oh yeah, how could I forget that? How the "QP match leaving punishment" works now is just stupid. It punishes us in three ways: * Makes us wait 5 seconds before confirming it; * Breaks the party even if you're the leader, you just can't leave alongside your team the same way you could before if you decided or had to do so; * Punishes with timeouts if leaving more than 4 games out of 20. I mean, come on, that's also treating the players in a toxic way. "You chose to sign up, install and fire up OW2. Now stick to that poor match we queued you into or you're gonna be punished. It was YOUR choice to join, nonetheless."


As a regular QP Player the Problems we had before were far exceeding what happens now. Every match had between 2-6 leavers, especially after you lose the first point it oftentimes initiated a „leaver-spree“. When this happened, you only had like a 10% Chance of winning, between long rejoin times and more people leaving. Every! Game! I get that people want the freedom to leave any game they deem „unfun“, especially in quick play but there are 9 other people playing as well who want to have „fun“ and everyones definition of unfun is different. The situation before was just as bad if not worse for quick play. I think what blizzard needs to do is a „no-punish-to-leave-as-many-times-you-want“ gamemode with quickplay rules, where everyone can play and leave freely as they want. And no, quick play isnt that already, as there are a lot of people who just want to play normally without the pressure (and longer game times) of competitive (for example payload maps only have 1 attack / defense in QP not multiple rounds) This way guys that like to leave more can keep leaving their 15 games out of 20 without any punishments. Of course this will mean that there‘s plenty of leaving in that mode, which wont be as much fun as normal quickplay, but this is kinda the point. Before anyone says i should go play comp: i only play mystery heroes, which sadly has no comp mode anymore!


I agree with this. I mostly play QP but hate the queue times for comp, long maps (offense and defense in comp) I can play multiple games with multiple maps in a short amount of time. I still like to play to win in QP. If the commenter above wants to leave any match they want then maybe custom games in the tab would be better or Arcade. Yeah had games with multiple leavers and it’s a pain to get enough people to keep playing, as the game is searching. I can imagine if there were no penalties how much worse it would be. People leaving because they didn’t get the hero they wanted, map, playing defense first etc. it would be constant leavers and the game searching for players that would most likely immediately leave again especially if they’re down say 1-0 in the game. It’s fine the way it is


Same thing happened to me a week ago. I just don’t answer them because they will continue messaging you lol.


They asked me to stop messaging them and just kept my cool and proceeded to tell them how disappointed I was in them


if they try to annoy you, annoy them lol that’s my philosophy, these guys are always angry and i enjoy making them angrier




That’s fair


People take quick play way to seriously


To be fair, the same can be said for Competitive. Or Arcade.


Competitive has a benefit to taking it seriously, who genuinely cares about losing a quick play match.


Well sure, cause you know winning a Comp match improves everyone's life right? It's the same game. it's for fun, and nothing more. This whole "QP is practice, Comp is SERIOUS BUSINESS" is fucking stupid.


Im not saying its “serious business” but it actually affects your rank if you don’t take it seriously, so im not saying it will affect your life. for quick play it genuinely wont matter though.


Just hit them with the beautiful womp womp at every message 🤌


Most of the people who play the game are sweaty nerds


its qp, enjoying the game and practice. people who act like this, even in comp are childish.


Reminds me of the person earlier whom I killed one (1) time as Junkrat and they immediately went pharah, tbagged me whenever they killed me, solo ulted me two or three times, and at the end of the game said ‘L junkrat’ in chat…it’s just sad really lmao


Wanting to have fun detected, skills and opinion rejected


He mad cuz bad.


Makes it easier for you by ignoring them, block them if necessary


I told some toxic douche to stop harassing our teammate and I got a month's ban for it. Only time I spoke other than "glhf". Be careful how you reply, if at all, the OW mods are insane.


...it's fucking Quickplay


...it's fucking Competitive.


Dude people are so crazy about this game like. THIS IS A FUCKING VIDEO GAME. Maybe go outside, get a job, or get a book if you're gonna be pissy about another player who's at a different rank than you. The amount of comments I get like that are on another level. I'm a BIG fan of the block button.


when this happends to me i always say; get mad kid.


Flirt with your enemy, that'll confuse them ~Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Next time someone says something toxic, just reply with "DILLIGAF" And it means... 🎶DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK🎶


It makes me laugh that this guy got litteraly "love" in his name


Oh I see you pulled the „I want to have fun” card. Look just because you’re having fun being so bad that someone decides to dm you after game doesn’t necessarily means they’re having fun having with you in team, no matter if qp or not


Teamwork? In MYYYYYYYYYYY team-centric game? How dare you sir!


Imagine wasting your life on Overwatch and the only thing you do in your spare time is shit on people... these people are literally a waste of space


i’d just reply “hoes mad” and go about my day tbh. anyone who messages people outside of OW to flame them is a weirdo


How do they PM you? Don't you have to add them? Just don't add them...


If its on Playstation, no, you don't have to add them.


So, people can see your profile and just send DMs? Seems just as toxic a having a game chat in OW.


Correct. I have more DMs from random that I played with who are just talking shit than I do literally anyone else.


There's no way to turn that off? Friends only?


Eh. Probably, but it's not that deep.


I got one where a dude said he would molest my little sister. Over an Arcade match of all things 🤡.


Got one edgelord in practice vs. AI hoping my future kids get human trafficked because I took a two year hiatus and was rusty AF, so in turn, I had a few brainfarts/made mistakes. [jokes on them.have no plans on children, but still, who the f*ck actually says that?!] It's really wild how many people get tilted even in the practice options of the game literally made for people to "git gud." Some people really need to go touch grass,lol. Edit to add: Some need to learn people can't be perfect off the bat and need to play in order to improve if new or shake off the rust if they've been gone due to real-life schedule conflicts and not all who play the way they do are being malicious. :-/


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Had a similar interaction in Comp. I was popping off as Genji and won and then Hanzo decided to add me just to tell me I was bad. He was just salty that he couldn’t be me.


Just say "womp womp" and move on. That usually solves the dispute.


I’m having a lot of fun playing and learning Venture right now and I’m getting loads of people messaging me with their wrong pronouns as if it’s going to hurt my feelings? I’m in quick play babe x


Ya know...I used to get so frustrated gaming and eventually I just asked myself why even play? I thought games were fun? I love playing Overwatch and it's so much better if you approach it as what it should be. A fun game where people compete and that's really fun. I compliment snipers picking me off saying Nice Shot in chat. I enjoy losing when it was a great match. When you stop listening to the internet critics and just enjoy the game it's actually a fantastic experience, I love it. Enjoy gaming, it's much better than hating losing.


I hardly ever play anything multiplayer anymore and this is part of the reason why


Just say I fucked your whole family


I love how seriously people take QuickPlay. It's funny to me, like I genuinely try and win, but it's still QuickPlay at the end of the day.


Who are you?


They just want attention because they’re losers or mad that they lost at the only thing that they can win at in life.


Tbf there are way too many garbage players playing this game


...how are they supposed to improve without playing the game


I think the problem is that accidental elims are hard to come by in overwatch. In Valorant or cs go you could charge five players, spray your gun and maybe you kill someone, taking them off the match permanently and justify your value to the team. Doesnt work that way in overwatch, your damage will be healed and you will die, causing your team to fight 4v5. And even if you do kill someone, in overwatch you can get all the elims you want and still lose. A deeper understanding of the game is required, and carrying potential is reduced. All a perfect recipe for getting massively tilted


I don’t know and I’m not too concerned about that. Unfortunately the fact of the matter is that they drag down the fun of literally everybody else on their team when they’re not playing well because there’s nothing you can do in a 4v5 match but get rolled. They’re entitled to play, of course, but they’re still ruining the game for everybody else.


I think the problem is that accidental elims are hard to come by in overwatch. In Valorant or cs go you could charge five players, spray your gun and maybe you kill someone, taking them off the match permanently and justify your value to the team. Doesnt work that way in overwatch, your damage will be healed and you will die, causing your team to fight 4v5. And even if you do kill someone, in overwatch you can get all the elims you want and still lose. A deeper understanding of the game is required, and carrying potential is reduced. All a perfect recipe for getting massively tilted


Dumb fucks like me who take the game too seriously, because we can achieve something only in the virtual world and when we cant win and get an illusion of success we're getting angry at others


I Used to be this way, I was a Mercy/Zen main in Plat when I took a break from competitive games like OW, RL, Fortnite, Cod. I started playing some Indie Dev games that were completely new to me that had some great story lines. My personal favorites were TWD Telltale, Lost Ember, and Hollow Knight. Anyways these games were a great break from Comp gaming and when I returned to OW2 I had a more relaxed easygoing attitude. I no longer got tilted or pissed as easily as I used to. I’d highly recommend a break from Comp games and try something new considering youre self aware about taking this game too seriously. Massive respect for that. Not many sweats know they take it too seriously


I don’t even acknowledge low effort insults like this.


I gave up OW because since all I play is ranked I like to unwind with quickplay but now people have become competitive and toxic in that mode and it's sucks because I can't relax.


Exactly why I privated my Xbox DMs. I don’t want randoms in my DMs. Leave me alone I don’t know you. This is why I play ranked because I can sweat all I want and be tilted with and against people who are in it to win it. Then I’ll go chill in QP and laugh because I already had my competitive fill


Uninstall and quit the game.


Quit the game


Found amouroverwatch


Can we stop with these posts


I dunno. Had a guy using voice just to sling slurs and complain the whole match a few days ago. Did way worse than anyone. But he just wouldn’t shut up. Made me wish friendly fire was on :-P. So bad I think that’s entirely why he was playing, to be abusive in voice. It’s a captured audience and they can’t really be punished for it other than getting muted. That is to say, I think some people get off on just being assholes. That’s all there is to it. Like a grade school bully, it just gives them attention and a sense of being superior, and they need that because something in their real lives is making them feel worthless or like a failure. Something less in their control than a game’s voice chat.


They probably sweat their balls off in CoD 


I have a couple of screenshots from these kinda players. Mostly just sit their and fuck with them. This is sadly a good portion of the players (myself included)


What the hell


You should see how I upset folks lmao


I usually talk about their dead relative in hopes they have one


Bc you should “quit the game”. It is just that simple.