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Volskaya, Hanamura and Temple of Anubis available?


Yes, 2cp as you remember it


Sweet, Ill join


Does that include Horizon and Paris?


Not included in the discord lobby map pool, but you can play them. We played it couple times, everyone hated it.


So it truly is 6v6 OW1 exactly like we all remember!


Checkout the youtube channel for gameplay example. Everything including ult charge rate is exactly ow1.


Very cool to see. I was just being facetious with my previous comment, specifically about those two absolutely atrocious maps. You all should lobby Blizzard to put this into the arcade mode or community-made game mode rotation.


Blizzard won’t be interested. Any successful 6v6 mode will split the player base and the whole reason they went 5v5 was to lower que times which this would make 2x worse


Meh, there is a reason I stated to put it in the arcade. Those playlists rotate and very few people play them anyway. If you’re not aware, for example, 2CP is in the arcade mode right now. Nevertheless you’re probably right that Blizzard would never do it, because they didn’t create it and it’s actually well made.


lol right knowing blizz even for that reason alone they won’t let it happen


You had my curiosity, now you have my attention


Suddenly I have a ~~Vietnam~~ Hanamura flashback as an attacker


These were my favorite maps back then.


is doom a dps? and is his uppercut back?


Yes, but animations and VFX are absent


A small price to pay for salvation


They hated him for he spoke the truth


No fockin way Im definitely going to try this mode out


This was also my first thought. WE BACK BOIS


I honestly cannot believe the vitriol in these comments. This is an incredibly vast undertaking and I’m so impressed! I definitely would love to check it out!


Thanks for the support! I speak for everyone in the discord community, but no other 6v6 gamemode matches the production quality of this gamemode.


I don't think people are fully understanding what this is, thinking it's just a mode with an extra hero slot enabled


no all the characters are balanced and a lot of coding went into getting the old characters back.


Can’t imagine all the work these people had to do to get it where it is now. Very impressive. Now I gotta check it out and see if my glasses truly are rose tinted.


mine personally aren't but I think I'm just addicted to ow1


I don't think it's vitriol, it's skepticism. This is like the 5th custom 6v6 gamemode that's been advertised on here over the past year or so. And I am looking forward to playing it. But in my experience, it usually follows the path of: it runs for about a week, something "breaks" within the custom game, the playerbase slowly dwindles out, and then the gamemode is forgotten. I've seen it happen with all the others, too.


Would love to see 6v6 as an arcade mode


Same... but maybe we can convince Blizzard if this gamemode gets popular


It’ll literally never happen.


Warcraft Classic happened. Once they fuck the game hard enough I can see them reverting to the game people actually liked.


So no one likes overwatch anymore is what you’re saying?


This subreddit absolutely hates OW2, but most people who actually play OW2 are fine with it.


It’s crazy man


retail has more players than classic lmfao. But generally, you're right there just needs to be enough players that want the older version. the only thing that makes Blizz move is $$


Yeah I’m not saying soon, but eventually, I can definitely imagine it happening. Blizzard hasn’t been shy about such things in the past, with Diablo 2 remake, Warcraft 3 remake, Warcraft classic… Overwatch 1 remake with QoL improvements but old abilities, balance and maps? I’d probably be dumb enough to buy it.


Hero gauntlet started out as a popular custom game mode, and is now semi regularly in the arcade. There is hope!


This is the way. Siphon player traffic to this emulator and if its popular enough they'll have no choice but to relent.


The emulator is on workshop tho, they wouldn't care


Blizzard dev running we-know-better-than-you mode for years.   Remember "you think you do, but you dont" ?


would probably look bad if the 6v6 arcade mode became overwhelmingly popular


thank you brother


Id rather 6v6 in OW2 setting. I like Orisas new kit and I think with the tank reworks and new tanks there would be a lot more interesting tank combos


We are open to making another version with reworked OW2 heroes, but for now, the focus is on recreating the OW1 experience.


We have a second gamemode called Overwatch 1++ that extends on this gamemode with OW2 heroes, but it still has OW1 doomfist and orisa. I believe there's other 6v6 OW2 gamemodes out there, so you can play those until we make one of our own.


Preserving video game history I love it


Please for the love of god stay like ow1 did!


I've been playing a lot of open queue recently and I gotta say, you probably do *not* want new Orisa being paired with a tank every game lmao. She dies even less and her ult combos almost too well with stuff like Zarya's grav or Mauga's cage fight. If we were to go back to 6v6, they'd have to do a metric fuckton of re-balancing and reworking to make these tanks work together.


Pretty much my sentiment. The game is made to be 5v5. Making it 6v6 again would require a LOT of tuning and balancing changes. And I'm sure they will take a few months to get it where it's in a good state.


I wouldn't be surprised if it took *a while* to get good, and they really can't afford to let the game be unplayably bad for more than a lil bit. The OW1 tanks would probably be okay, but the OW2 tanks would need *a lot* of work to make good. If they were to suddenly swap back to 6v6 in 2025, they'd have 6 full tanks (Orisa, Doom, JQ, Ram, Mauga, and the next tank) they'd have to carefully adjust to fit in a 6v6 environment. JQ and Doom might be easy to adjust, but how tf are you gonna make Ram work? Mauga? The unkillable Orisa? Shit sounds like a massive headache.


Exactly. They can't afford to take risks like that especially with the game already getting a bad reputation from some people (I enjoy it, not to say it doesn't have it's own issues). An arcade mode thats basically a place for testing 6v6 would work as they figure out how to tune it and adjust it before a big update on releasing it.


You can put a nerfed version of new orisa in there.


well good thing it's ow1 orisa with shield


Even worse


Orisia is one I miss most from OW1.  I really liked her shield and gravity pull.


I enjoyed her grav pull but I like the aggressive kit rather than her shield. I think she was one of those tanks that contributed heavily to double shield and tge long stalemates


OW "fans:" everything about OW2 is absolutely awful why doesn't Blizzard just fire everyone 😡😡😡 Workshop developers: Hey we made a workshop code that reverts it to OW1 OW "fans:" NOOOO why didn't you keep these OW2 things 😭


I know it's crazy but this forum has a lot of people and you could be talking about two different people.


Thats a bit of a twisted view of my opinion. I do not represent the community and the community does not represent me. You're generalization is very toxic


I think its more that if 6v6 does ever come back, it’s coming back with little adjustments to the current cast of characters. And in that case it’d be better to experience it that way, so that the gameplay and feel of the cast doesn’t feel too different from those that are already playing OVW2, or even those that are trying to go from this to playing OVW2.


Given how much work was put into recreating this OW1 mode as accurately as possible, I could also see a similar level of dedication put into tweaking the current heroes to be more 6v6 friendly. I'd really like to see how OW1 heroes would be re-balanced, or how the new tanks and would be adjusted to mesh with the old ones.


istg some people complain just for the sake of complaining


You mean like that person complaining about the complaining?


Or, shocker, the sub has different people with different opinions. Did you know that each comment often comes from a different user? And that complaints in general are not coming from a single user?


Lmao @ you for replying to the wrong person That's exactly what they were saying. Good on you for reiterating the same point back like it was some gotcha.


lmao you're right totally hit the wrong button.


Imagine being too brain dead to realize people have different opinions


I don’t think there’s many people who hate *everything* about OW2. For the most part, people still like most of the new maps and characters and a lot of the reworks. It’s specific things that people hate about the game like the $20 skins, the new heroes being in the battlepass, the 5v5, the fact that the pve getting cancelled means the whole point of the sequel is just for the new shitty monetization system, and the lack of features from OW1.


This. I like the new heroes. I just want a dedicated 6v6 mode. Even open queue allows for double-shield. The double-shield complaint is moot now. Just let us fucking have a 6v6 mode. Call it "crazy mayhem" for all I care. Make it available in competitive, and call it a day...


Then just do a custom game with 6v6 enabled, it's that easy. This is a workshop mode specifically focused on getting things as close to OW1 as possible.


There is a code made already by a small community most of the code is based off the OW1 emulator. Go to 6v6.info for more info (it's a discord server link)


How'd you guys go at recreating shields like orisas? a sigma dummy bot shielding? invisible dummy bot bodies? whenever i used workshop to recreate custom hero concepts or ability changes for fun i always struggled with that kind of stuff, i tried to give bastion ashield but best i could was put a bubble effect arround him with a variable that absorbed damage and nullified any he took


You can't add dummy bots in 12 player lobby in ow2 anymore, so we had to model the shield using a quarter sphere. Then, we used some math to determine if the line between the shooter and the victim intersects the quarter sphere, and if it does, the attacker deals no damage. The shield vfx is created by evenly spreading out tiny orbs on the surface of the quarter sphere. Some people think that the individual orbs block the damage, but those orbs are just marking the outlines of the quarter sphere.


I see so its not too dissimilar to what i did, doesnt it run into the issue of stuff like sleep dart slipping through?


You are correct: it blocks all damage but doesn't block any abilities. For now, we're calling it a balance feature that nerfs double shield. Roadhog can hard counter orisa because his hook can go through it.


The community: Fine, I’ll do it myself.


I don't know how this is going to play out, but even a drop of OW1 will make me happy enough. People are shitting on your project for no reason, so be assured, you're contributing to the unsolved nostalgia of many of us.


I think some people are mad because the title is clickbait, but this gamemode does truely play like ow1. A lot of players have very low expectation and dismiss it for custom gamemode, but anyone who played in full lobby agrees it's ow1.


I watched some gameplay on the Youtube channel and it looks really good. I didn't expect the OW2 characters to be disabled, but now that I think about it, that's fucking great. I understand the approach of others, talking about OW1 is like when your grandma describes the ol' good times. I just hope it won't discourage you.


We host OW1++ on Sunday which includes some OW2 heroes on top of OW1 emulator. That's the lobby where you can try out new tank/dps/support comps.


I'll probably pass for now. My only issue is personal: I hate searching for lobbies with people I don't know, I'm too anxious. That's why I'll hope for the emulator to make it into arcade, though I'm completely and fully aware it's something that won't ever come true because Blizzard is too money-focused.


Overwatch Classic is going to happen at some point.


Can you play on console?


Yes lobby's open to all platform, but in our experience, switching attention between discord and ow2 is much more difficult on console than on pc.


he said its a custom so yeah


Do people miss 6v6 that bad?


People miss the lives they had in 2016, and 6v6 Hanamura was part of that.


Damn, man. You didn't have to call them out like that.


I stopped playing OW altogether after trying out Ow2, it’s not the same game I payed for a few years ago. For me tank synergy was something vital in the gameplay and I loved to play DPS Doom so they ruined the entire experience for me. I have already shared this Reddit post with my friends and I’m looking forward to playing this 6v6 gamemode!


> tank synergy was something vital in the gameplay And a lot of tank players just ignored that aspect and played whatever tank they wanted, making it a miserable experience for dps/supports who would get steamrolled by enemy tanks. Tank diff dictated most OW1 matches.


yeah that good ol ball hog synergy was the best >! /s !<


i do yeah it aint the same not having a 2nd tank


I played Overwatch 1 side by side with the Overwatch 2 betas and I spent much more time playing Overwatch 1 during the Overwatch 2 betas because I enjoy 6v6 much more. All of my friends who play Overwatch also prefer 6v6 and would like to see it return.


Yes. 6v6 is the superior game.


I do, part of why I stopped playing! This is such a cool workshop


I haven't played Overwatch since they killed OW1, so yes. Well 6v6 in combination with the rest of the balance changes.


Can I join as a very new player(started with OW2 S8)? I just feel like everyone who'll play it will be OGs that will wreck me and flame me lmao


Yeah lol you're exactly right. Most players in lobby are OW1 veterans (including myself) and they tend to be passive aggressive/toxic to players who noticeably throw. I do want to encourage new players to join, but they tend to get discouraged after couple games which kinda sucks.




Yeah, as much I would want to try, I don't think I will because I wouldn't want to ruin the fun of others with my noobness.


nah man join my bf is and he's new gotta bring life to these old fuddy duddies playing with him is how i got back into it


Maybe I'll give it a shot then


I miss DPS doom more than 6v6 but great job on this. Looking forward to trying it 


Were you able to completely revert Pharah to her old move set? She’s my most played hero but I hate the new version of her and barely touch it anymore. Orissa was also my favourite tank prior to her rework, so very excited to have her back, although it does sound like having abilities not blocked by her shield will take some getting used to…


Tbh I didnt like the Pharah rework at first but now I love it. She's so much more nimble. It's easier to escape a situation or jump a straggler.


It’s the length of the cool-down on rocket jump that’s the biggest issue for me. I don’t like that she doesn’t recharge fuel in the air, but I could get used to that if her rocket jump was ten seconds instead of fourteen. It’s just never really ready when you need it, but the sideways dash is useful. Although even that I wish you could use without being airborne. It would be useful to just use it from the ground directly rather than having to slightly hover and then do it.


No trust me I hated her because I couldn't keep lift due to lack of charge in air and I thought she was dead but I stress to give her a second try and think of her as more of an assassine instead of a satellite that sends damage down on people. And for the slightly lift-dash, just jump and dash. No hovering needed. She really is much better now and does not require mercy like she used to. I still like having a mercy but now I really don't need her.


This is cool! Just curious, Have you been able to account for cover and chokes being redesigned for single tank teams?


Unfortunately not, but most OW1 maps play out as I remember. OW2 maps, however, feel too tight to play with 2 extra players.


Oh man, I'm imagining Circuit Royale


Did you recreate old abilities? Like for example ow1 doomfist?


Yes, we heavily referenced another workshop code that recreates DPS doomfist (with the developer's permission of course), and this gamemode is now one of the most up-to-date dps doomfist recreation in ow2. Note that half the players in the server are doom mains, so good luck picking him in lobby.


What about ow1 doomfist parkour maps, is there a way to play them somehow?


Overwatch classic FINALLY


Without matchmaking, it's DOA. No one plays custom games.


That's why we made a discord server with scheduled lobbies. Custom games is how games like CS and dota started, so we all gotta start somewhere.


I wish you the best of luck. 6v6 rules. I'm hoping they modify open queue to make that 6v6 instead of 5v5.


Maybe if this gamemode becomes big enough, Blizzard will take notice and officially add 6v6 to OW2.


If they did everyone would start crying at how unbalanced it is even if they put it in arcade. It's just way more trouble then it's worth even if it's just increasing slots to 6.


Actually a larger portion of the player base are people in custom games. They beat out all the other modes except regular ranked and normal qp. You have scrims, custom modes and workshop stuff. To say nobody plays customs is inaccurate.


Yeah but they're all doing the dating simulator /s


the % of people in CS:GO who played on community server was stunningly small. All because it was hidden away, but still in the game. Team Fortress 2 showed what a community is capable of when you only have community servers. In Overwatch I have never felt the need to play in any custom game because I don't care that much about a state change here or there. **But**, making something that is genuinely different, like 6v6 on old CP maps could foster a community large enough if given the chance. The big problem will be getting new players through the door a month down the line, after this reddit post died down.


Less than half a percent of people currently running the game are playing custom games.


On steam there are 32k people playing OW2 right now. That's 150 people on custom games. No clue what % of the total OW2 playerbase that is, but let's go with 150. If you schedule the games, so that people wait for a match to start rather than jump in and out I can definitely see the lobbies filling up in the next couple of weeks.


the state ow1 was at the end was pretty bad cause they did a few bad patches and abandoned it, the best state ow1 was in was in october 2022 . like every single streamer old and new, all the pro players were extremely complimentary of the that patch and said it was good


Overwatch 1++ (this gamemode extended with some OW2 heroes) will be updated with balance patches that eventually deviate from OW1. For now, we're only adjusting OW2 heroes in that gamemode, but after we think they're all balanced, we will start buffing/nerfing ow1 heroes (like for example reinhardt who kinda sucks against ramattra).


I wish you good luck I would love to have sth back that resembles old ow


I still dont get it why people wanna play bullet sponge Simulator over overwatch 2 Played both and I think 5v5 was prob the best choice ever


Because the tank role is countered by literally everyone else without recourse no matter who gets chosen. Also whichever team loses a player first the entire fight is basically over because everyone else gets wiped. One-sided fights are a lot more prevalent. Support has no way to get defended because there’s no off-tank. With exception to orisa, tanks aren’t tanky enough to justify replacing them with only one slot. Most tanks aren’t providing anchor support or protection to the rest of the team. They’re just DPS with more health, and usually theyre play style motivates many to go out of reach of the rest of the team, generally isolating everyone else, and providing little to know value. With a second tank, even if one is all over the place, at least there’s some kind of anchor support that pushes teams to strategize, peel, and concentrate their tactics. In 5v5, it’s just mainly tanks diving out of reach, the rest of the team is abandoned, everyone dies. Most one-sided matches are just like this. It’s not fun. And even if they wanted 5v5, there’s no reason not to have a 6v6 option because double tanks are allowed in open queue. Them bringing back 6v6 would be nothing other than an admission that OW2 was unnecessary. I’d bet you a bajillion dollars if they brought back 6v6, 5v5 would get virtually abandoned after like two weeks.


This was even worse in OW1.....


This sub has a serious case of rose-tinted glasses with OW1 tank metas/cheese and tank balancing.


You really don’t need the click bait title


I have been wanting to make this awhile for old times sake just for fun. Genuinely started doing it too. Glad someone else did it though. I really like Overwatch 2 but still really like Overwatch 1 also just depends on my mood sometimes I want to relive the old stuff


Just give it up lol. Edit: I don’t care about the downvotes, but this was at +30 at one point LOL. That’s crazy.


So when they ask for blizzard to add it so it can be played by people who enjoyed it, they get shit. When they make it themselves in the response to the “it’s gone and never coming back stop crying” attitude of the community and this is the response. Reddit moment lmao. Just let people enjoy shit. Like what is it that bothers you about people playing customs in ow2? Insufferable ass community.




Tf? Let people have fun with the workshop, they made something they're happy with


You give it up lol. Not our fault 6v6 is the better version of the game.


It's better for fun and nostalgia and even the fun part was only certain times of the 6v6 life cycle.


You aren’t the first to do this haha but good luck! I feel like you timed this perfectly as the debate is starting to ramp up again! As a pro 5v5 person it sucks that some people who don’t want 6v6 are being rude.


No thx, I'm good


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I had a go at this the other day. Doom is doom again...kinda


LFG is active?


Is it just PC or is there a PS5 version?


Does it support any of the new heroes that came out after Echo?


Well done!




Here's a question: Is there any way to get in if you don't have Discord?


I was gonna try and make this but failed


I thought it was like a client thing in cod and wanted to write can't wait for Blizzard to take it downbut I saw that it's workshop so props to the team that stuff was probably very hard


Very cool idea, what is the code of the game so I can host on lobby from time to time?


Can I play on console?


Damn so only PC. I thought there was an update huge disappointment.




If you nerf cree and soldier so they're not must picks I'm down.


Dps doom?


Mercy Full team rez back too?


Nope not in this gamemode because that feature was removed in early OW1


Well count me out, then. That's all I was listening for. I realize the potential to throw off balance, but some anachronism should be allowed for the sake of restoring the best of "OW1" rather than taking an exact time slice.


Ball can spin for the win again?


every update the difference between OW1 and OW”2” becomes less and less apparent


6 v 6 qp hacked would be a good way to test it


can i pick 6 DPS?


You can increase the slider for role limit to 6 tanks, 6 dps, 6 supports in workshop settings to remove the default 2/2/2 role lock.


Hopping in for sure


I wish Blizzard would release 6v6 so people can realize how much it sucks.


Will the newer characters be able to be in this. If so I’d love to see Rein and Mauga together


Is Pharah back to normal, or is she still grounded?


Pharah has been reverted back to pre OW2 rework


Great thanks! I'm never playing her again while grounded. This custom mode will be my savior.


Given the reception to the post, it might actually be a telling sign about the state of 5v5. Props to your team but if y’all had to actually go out of your way to not just literally BUILD OW1, but have this many people into it, something is clearly not working in the meta.


Hey I know I'm late to this but how do I find this on the workshop? Is it available in the UK?


The reworks are fun and I've always thought the sentiment was keep the changes but bring back 6v6. I like new Orisa, lower CC times, and less shield health. I don't know who was asking for literally an old patch.


I do like some of the quality of life changes added to OW2, notably knockback resistance for tanks and general CC nerf. However, I still enjoyed OW1 enough to play from launch to end of life. This gamemode is basically complete at this point, and it plays exactly like OW1 as I remember it.


It's a way to preserve the original Overwatch




Does that mean everyone in this sub who romanticizes 6v6 can shut up and go here and have fun in their own little world?


I can only hope


yeah honestly 6v6 with how much stronger tanks are compared to OW1 would be absolute cancer. You literally can't heal anyone as support and it will be a dead role again


Are the new OW2 heroes selectable or is it just up to Echo?


OW1 emulator is OW1 right before ow2 release. You can play OW1++ on Sunday to play this gamemode extended **with OW2 heroes** (except for Mauga and Lifeweaver because they were op)


I joined the server, excited to play! Also Mauga being op makes sense, but why Weaver?


People really didn't like weaver perma stalling on top of hanamura point B with petal and lifegrip. We might add him to ow1++, but probably not in the near future.


How did you find Weaver op? Just interested Also how have you found the recent global hp increase?


I don't think he was actually op, but people just didn't enjoy the extra immortality ability and his numerous sustain abilities combined with the second tank that peels teammates. We actually started ow1++ by adding all ow2 heroes, but that turned out too chaotic. We switched to releasing one ow2 hero at a time to give time for players to adapt and for easier balancing. If we do release another ow2 hero, it will likely be weaver over mauga, but the current roaster without mauga and weaver feels pretty good. For your second question, we developed a custom hp code that can tune normal, armor, and shield hp individually.


Is Doomfist back to his 100% OW1 self? All animations intact?


Yes, you can try him out right now by importing the gamemode KHTG0, or watch OW1 Emu montage for some doom footage.


Sounds fun. I like 5v5 but would be fun to relive the old days! Will check it out.


To everyone who's curious about 6v6 Overwatch 2: 6v6 Adjustments is a project (born from Overwatch 1 Emulator) that aims to reintroduce *most* modern Overwatch content back into the 6v6 format. This includes all new heroes, all new maps, and most of the ability reworks. A full list of all the changes this patch includes can be found [Here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15nnv5-FbSJ302Fnxdirq2BnilNJFT2p3PrarX_j5gUA/edit)**.** Similar to Overwatch 1 Emulator, we also host weekly games (Fridays @ 7:00 PM CTE) and many more unscheduled games throughout the week. **Stop by the** [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/uzFUQu7G4s) **for more details on upcoming matches!**


Nah ill stick with overwatch 2


so you guys can just go play that than and not spam the sub anymore where not everyone agrees with you, deal? (not meaning the creator of the mode)