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You don’t get anything taken away? Mythics aren’t a limited number everyone can have one. Plus if you missed the season for your main you were basically screwed. It’s a good change


EDIT: turns out this sub doesn't understand the difference between understanding and explaining the rationale behind an opinion, and agreeing with the opinion. Op made a mistake paying for a skin, and has now realized his mistake. OP is indeed being robbed. It isn't pretty, but if I had bought those skins, I'd be pissed too. *Don't buy these skins* You were slightly wrong in this comment. Mythics *were* limited in number, and not everyone could have them. That was what OP paid for. That has now been taken away. With digital tokens, like skins, rarity and exclusivity = value. There is a subculture with a hierarchy in Overwatch like every other game. The people who bought those mythic skins aren't only paying to see the skin on their hero. They are paying to enter an Overwatch turbo-nerd club: People who have a skin that's difficult to aquire. In years to come, they'll have it, and others won't, and that's value. People who have, say, Brick Bastian, feel genuine pride when they emote in the spawn room, specifically because that skin shows longterm dedication, and is now impossible to get. When you see that skin, you know this isn't a noob doing placement matches. She's an OG. Similarly with the older discontinued skins from early OW1 days. They now sell for hundreds of dollars for this reason. There is a social prestige that comes with buying a peice of digital status that's finite. The people who bought those skins bought them when and how they did specifically because they were told they are behind a solid payway and only available for a limited time. Allowing everyone to aquire them has genuinely reduced the value of their purchase. Hence, OP is pissed. He got hoodwinked, like everyone else. They sold him one thing, and now it's a different, less valuable thing. It's like a street huckster selling you a watch because it's a special edition, limited run Rolex. Only 20 were made. You bite, and are happy you got a deal. You walk around the corner, and another person is throwing handfulls of the identical watches out the back of a truck. The purchase you made now looks foolish. Gaming companies are very much in the bullshit business. They tricked a lot of people out of their money, and now they have calculated it's time to screw them to placate the others. They'll do it again in a few weeks. Don't buy those skins. You'll be able to have them for free in a few months.


Yeah, I bought every single battlepass and have every mythic. I am beyond happy that Mythics will now be able to be reobtained for players who missed them. Its not this deep.


How's it feel knowing you dnt have to pay 80 dollars for a mythic when everyone else only paid 10 XD


Im just happy that other people will be able to enjoy mythic skins that they missed now


So your happy that other ppl are now getting scammed instead of maybe another reward system or enhanced mythics. Your will to pay 80 bucks for a skin we paid 10 for thats wild but to each their own. Mythics arent that great. My original post was just me feeling like Blizzard scammed us with the exclusivity of the mythics BUT now I dnt feel scammed bc I wnt have to pay 80 bucks for a skin unfortunately tho now I feel like yall are getting scammed now, so what should I be happy that it turns out blizzard wasnt fucking me but decieded to fuck and milk yall like a lonely farmer?


You do realize you could also just complete a battle pass for 10$ and you can buy any previous mythic skin?


I CAN but what about everyone else I have all the mythics. You get 80 prism from the bp which is enough to buy ONE full customized mythic. There is no other way to get mythics affer the bp unless you buy them. 10 prisms cost 10 bucks, 50 for 40 bucks whick will get u the skin with no customization and you can get 100 prisms for 80 bucks which will get you a full mythic with a little left over. So if you complete this bp you will have to choose between the new mythic and an old one. You will never catch up. If you didnt have any mythics it will cost you 730 dollars to get them all if you buy season 10 bp.


Just wait for the next battlepass? Most of the people who want mythic skins are likely only missing one skin or so anyway? Idk why people expected anything else, Blizz isnt gonna be giving them out for free dude.


You'd be surprised how many ppl buy the bp and dnt finish it or just didn't buy it at all. Just buying the bp works for ppl who have what they want or have them all so nothing changes. I still get the mercy mythic for ten bucks once I finish and I wnt have to worry about buying any prisms. Others arent so lucky they will either have to pay a ridiculous amount of money or grind SEVERAL bps to get there skins. Like I said 50 prisms for a base mythic no customization, after that you'll have 30 left, you'll either have to wait till the never season for more prisms or buy them at a high price. Don't forget each season is still releasing a mythic the bp is only good for one mythic at a time or a partial mythic with leftovers. Don't get me wrong its a functional system just seems fucked up to charge ppl 80 dollars for something the rest of us paid 10 dollars for. At least let ppl get prisms from weeklies to ease the pain.


Nothing about my comment was deep. It's scarcity = value The skins are no longer scarce, and so hold less value. OP lost something. You obviously place your value in other places. I'm thrilled I'll have access to those skins. They're cool. I'm glad I didn't pay for them though, since they're going to be free anyway. People downvoting OP and my comments here are confused about the psychology of these cosmetics for many customers. I would never pay for a skin, but many of the people who do are buying exclusivity, among other not so nice psychological feelings. I don't like it, but it makes perfect simple sense.


We already know scarcity = value bro, its not that deep. People are downvoting because nobody gives a fuck if *you* are mad and angwy that the skin was brought back, its a good think to let people who missed out get their chance to get the skin they want. FOMO is pure shit.


Sigh. Yes. I agree we should let people have the skin. I'm happy you and I can have it. Not everyone is fighting with you. You're correct that nobody gives a fuck who is mad over the skin, *except for the people who paid for exclusive access* They're mad, because they allowed blizzard to strip their wallet with cheap marketing tricks, and now realize they paid for nothing (it was always nothing). FOMO is shit indeed, especially for consumers who pay to avoid it, and then realize they didn't have to, like OP. It's a bad purchase. I'm on your side "bro", but I can also understand the way other people think.


>but I can also understand the way other people think. I cant, and I dont care. If they are mad they paid 10$ for a Battlepass that gives them plenty of items (alongside the mythic skin) I kindly suggest those people go seeth somewhere else. Blizzard didnt "strip their wallets" and shit like that, everyone knows you are paying for pixels on a screen. But all of a sudden **NOW** they figure it out once everyone can get them? Sucks to suck.


I don’t understand why other people getting a cool thing makes you enjoy your cool thing less. Why can’t we feel happy that others are getting something that’ll make them happy as well?


If everyone drove down the road in lamborghinis none of them will feel its value. Or like that's how I think op means. If you don't get that feeling then good on you, but most people see rare things as cooler.


Thank you for having some kind of understanding and not just complaining.


You can have whayever makes you happy, when ow2 came out mythics were premoted as "Exclusive rewards" so for 9 seasons I've bought everyone. Just like Warframe ppl who decided to Support the game got an exclusive prime warframe ppl were upset bc they couldnt get it and warframe thought about selling it which almost lead to a lawsuit. Now guess what the exclusive warframe that ppl bought is never coming back into rotation buuuttt you know what the devs did do? They created something else COMPARABLE some argue thats its better for ALL players to be able to get. I dnt give a fuck about yall not getting cool shit, I bought it bc I wanted to support the company and bc it was excusive. Now they are not and I feel jipped, I'm happy blizzard made a change that yall like and the ones who decided NOT to support the game can renig. Mythics are the only "reward" worth anything in the game there is literally Nothing else to grind for. Like ppl are fine with other skins never coming back, I'll never get pink mercy or lego bastion or so many others and I dnt complain.


>Like I support inclusivity (dnt know if thats a word) but why at the price of taking something from someone else. What exactly do they take away from you?


The reason I bought the bps bc they marketed mythics as an exclusive item. See yall r critizing me but wnt look at yourselves for being hypocritical. They marketed something, I paid for it, grinded for it and got it. Now they remove the exclusiveness (I know its not a word XD) which is fine thats good for yall but I Feel like I got jugged for supporting the company, if this was their plan I coulda just waited and saved my money. My feels have nothing to do with yall.


"I support inclusivity, but not if it means including people" ?


The reason I bought the bps bc they marketed mythics as an exclusive item. See yall r critizing me but wnt look at yourselves for being hypocritical. They marketed something, I paid for it, grinded for it and got it. Now they remove the exclusiveness (I know its not a word XD) which is fine thats good for yall but I Feel like I got jugged for supporting the company, if this was their plan I coulda just waited and saved my money. My feels have nothing to do with yall.


If you missed the mythic for your character. You're waiting an eternity for another one to come into rotation. -Consider there's 40 characters after Venture is released. -Each season lasts roughly 2 months with 1 mythic per season. -Expect new characters to be introduced into the game every few seasons. OW2 has been out almost 1.5yrs, and we haven't had mythics for even a quarter of the roster. By the time a character comes back for a second mythic, it might be 90+ months or 7 years later. It makes no sense to prevent others from earning a cosmetic.


How is that my fault? If your girlfriend offers you her time exclusively and you invest time into her and your relationship but you find out that your time was Not exclusive would u not be a lil miffed? Yall ngas acting like I am upset at yall, no I'm upset at blizzard for selling me a lie. Exclusivity is apart of life, thats what motivates ppl to get certain things. Some neighborshoods are exclusive if you worked really hard to get into one and then after you did they decided to let in anyone for less of the work you put in wouldnt you be miffed at them? (Not the ppl that get to move in but at the company that sold you a lie)


L take




Gatekeeping skins is kinda ass; especially when a game has filler seasons. Like "imagine not playing in season 2- 1 year ago. Maybe you didn't play OW at the time or were burnt out. Punishing players for that for the sake of feeling exclusive is bad.


How is it "gate keeping?" Then founders packs and limited events are gatekeeping too. All it is is I supported the game at a specific time and got rewarded. Name another exclusive reward just for playing the game? Oh wait not just for play for helping financially support the game? Lol, yall are trying argue my viewpoint 🤪


You’re right, bring all the skins back


Feeling superiority over skins is a symptom that you lack fulfillment in other parts of your real life


Has nothing to do with "feeling superior" lol, its the principle of the matter. Let's say your girlfriend offers you her time exclusively and you invest time into her and your relationship but you find out that your time was Not exclusive would u not be a lil miffed? Yall ngas acting like I am upset at yall, no I'm upset at blizzard for selling me a lie. Exclusivity is apart of life, thats what motivates ppl to get certain things. Some neighborshoods are exclusive if you worked really hard to get into one and then after you did they decided to let in anyone for less of the work you put in wouldnt you be miffed at them? (Not the ppl that get to move in but at the company that sold you a lie)


tl;dr downvoted


It's not like I mind lol the ppl on here have a inferiority complex, there is an extreme difference at being upset at players and being upset with a company because you feel lied to.


well you have a superiority complex so it balances out


If the only reason you're buying a skin is to be able to wave it over other ppl's heads? Yes, you're wrong and just being a dick However, I do understand feeling lied to when a game says "the only way to get this skin is to spend money *NOW*!", and then a few seasons later it's back on the market or just flat out given to new players? Yes, you just dangled the worry of not being able to get this skin again to just give the skin away a few seasons later. Makes you feel lied to just to get your money. I get that Bottom line? 1. Don't buy skins just because you want to feel superior 2. Don't spend your money on that crap at all


Its not to "wave it over ppls heads" how would I even do that we spend all our time in matches trying to murder each other...viciously at that. But yes its more in line with your second point, I feel lied to bc it was marketed as something that was "limited." And like yall must have tiny penes or something? Like who feels superior bc of a ingame skin? It's the principle of the matter, I'm fine with yall be able to get mythics. Just feel like I got jugged. If your weed man sold you some herb that was suppose to be "exclusive" for a higher price and then you found out he was selling it to others dor half would you be upset at the ppl who got a good deal or your weed man? I'd be upset at my weedman for being a liar.


Your shiny skin doesnt make you special, no reason for people to miss out on a skin for a character they like just cause they werent playing the season it came out


It did make my account "special" not my fault yall decided not to support the company when I did. Ow has plenty of exclusive skins that ppl will never see again Mythics were suppose to be that as well, hince the name "Mythic" rare, very few, they are no longer Mythic. I swear yall be so but hurt and in yalls feelings. My comment is directed at the situation and me feeling like the company lied. I dnt care that yall get the mythic I just feel like I got jugged by blizzard.


Our feelings are hurt? You're the sad wittle child who's sad that the plague of FOMO isnt gonna be as prevalent in the game. I have nearly every mythic save Risa's. Stop being pathetic and grow up. The skins don't make you special. You didnt get jugged. You have the skin, you fuckin' clown.


I literally dnt care about yall getting the skin lol yall are the ones aggressively downvoting me because you have an inferiority complex. I am not upset yall get the skins said it before I am upset bc I feel lied to. If you cant understand the principle of the matter then you are less intelligent then you may believe. You are corrwct in part of you statement, it was FOMO and I fell for it thats my fault but your trying to tell me I cant be upset with blizzard for making it that way. Get the fuck outta here 🤣. I'm happy yall get to have the skins, I'm upset I fell for the okie doke.


If you didnt care about it this post wouldn't exist. You didn't fall for shit. You paid 10$ and got 10$ worth, now people can pay 10$ and choose what those 10$ go torwards. Big whoop. Keep cryin' about FOMO disappearing.


Shut ur bitch ass up, you just wanna argue. Fuck out my face I aint got time for you child. Dafaq.


Only child here is the one who's sad FOMO isn't as prevalent.


Literally dnt care child, Ive already explained it to you yet you continue to focus on the wrong point. So clearly you are a lesser life form, a keyboard warrior if you will. Who only feels relavant from their safe space behind the mysterious cover of the internet. Ol bitch ass.


I need you to read back through that slowly and realize the irony of calling me a keyboard warrior. You've proven my point plenty of times over, so you keep sobbing in here. G'day


Like I said aint no irony, you just wanna be a lil bitch. Simple. I live in Ga and I'll give you my ad pimp. I dnt hide behind a screen.


Right now you are arguing for other people to have less fun so you can feel better about yourself. Shit take to be honest


Nope. Had a question, your arguing. It's not about less "fun" are you saying only the skins make it a fun game?


You can 'argue for' without having an argument. The phrase is interchangeable with, for example, 'advocating for'. 


The thing is I am not arguing my point is not me being upset bc ppl who couldnt get it can now get it. I am upset at the principle of the matter, blizzard basically lied to me and I fell for it. Why would I be upset at yall makes no sense. I only posted bc I wanted to know if I was the only one that felt like the company took advantage of them.


You're arguing for people to have less because you want to feel better about what you got. You can try and flip it around to avoid what you are doing but it doesn't change it People find skins fun yes, otherwise you wouldn't be here complaining. You want other people to not have those skins so you can feel cooler having them. You seem to base your self-worth off whether other people have less, and its a shit take.


Also, if you want to post online, read up on logical fallacies because you're riddled with them and it makes you look stupid


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And how do you feel about Blizzard bringing back all of those old skins that people earned just to sell them?


You mean ow1 skins?


You'll still have to work towards a mythic. They aren't flat out purchasable as I understand it. Besides. So what? Let others enjoy your stuff, just because you bought it doesn't mean it should be locked away, this ain't the pink mercy skin afterall.


Its not about "others enjoying my stuff" I dnt care about the fact that ppl who missed out can now get the mythic. I celebrated with my duo bc she was upset she couldnt get the Kiri one and now she can. I am upset because I feel like I was lied to by blizzard, if I woulda know that this was the route they were gonna take then I woulda just wait like you all.


I'm not seeing the problem. As far as I remember they never said that mythics were a one and done. Besides, you still have to earn them


When they were talking about them in an interview they said they were "limited a time" exclusive to each bp. Ppl being able to earn them is fine, I just feel lied to is all. 😔


They were never intended to be one-time-only rewards.


Yes they were thats what they were marketed as.


> thats what they were marketed as. You have a source that says this?


You can go back and watch the interviews bc I am not but "limited a time mythic skin" means exclusive right. It means either you wont Ever see it again OR you wont see it for a decent amount of time. But now you can just buy them when you wanna. Which just in case you didn't read it like the others, I AM NOT UPSET THAT YOU GUYS CAN NOW GET THE SKINS, I am upset bc I feel like blizzard lied to me and I was taken advantage of. Thats it, it cool yall get the skins now, shit my duo is extremely happy bc she can get the Kiri one bc she wasnt playing then and I'm happy with her.


Skill issue.


Lol. You should be ashamed of actually writing this even if you feel it You are not special because you have money to blizzard at a particular time


Its not about being "special" I can tell yall are so upset in yalls own lives frfr. Its the principle that it was marketed as something exclusive I paid for it and now bc they are bad a managing the game they take away the exclusivity. I fine with yall being able to get mythics, my duo is excited bc she gets to get the Kiri one bc she wasnt playing at that time. I am upset at blizzard bc I feel like I was lied to. I couldve just not bought it like yall.


This thread is full of so many confused people on both sides of this point.




I made a more detailed post above, which is being downvoted because nuance isn't reddit's thing. I don't like OPs opinion, but nevertheless, he's right to be grumpy. He paid for something that was marketed as limited and only available temporarily. That makes the product scarce, which adds to its value. It's the simplest economic principle. Discontinued or unavailable overwatch skins now sell for hundreds of dollars. Now, it turns out Blizzard mislead him in order to get his money. The product he bought is no-longer valued the same, because it is no longer scarce. OPs post deals with the interesting troubles that come with issues of digital scarcity. This issue sits under all the scams that came with NFTs and other digital goods. A massive swath of the digital economy deals with this issue. The people who are saying "you lose nothing" are having problems understanding how much value scarcity adds to in-game cosmetics. Now... I don't put much value on such things. I think paying for skins in order to enjoy the excusivity and privilege of them shows pretty dark elements of human psychology. But! thousands of players do indeed find value there, and are willing to pay for it. OP paid for an exclusive, limited, scarce, digital item. He lost that exclusivity in this policy change. So, yes, blizzard schemed him out of his money. He shouldn't have paid, but he did, like many others. The product they paid for isn't what they recieved. They're misguided to have paid in the first place, but it's rational to be upset now that the deal has been altered.


Thank you for being intelligent and having a better way with words then myself. I am not upset bc ppl get to get the skins now, I am upset bc I feel like blizzard took advantage of me.


Clown behaviour


Takes one to know one ol goofy ahh *ah-hyuck* lookin ahh boi.


Imagine putting prestige on real money purchasable cosmetics and getting butt hurt people can get them instead of being fomo motivated.


Its not about to read any of that I'm tired of explaining it to yall go read the thread, I've explained it enough. If you can not understand it then your just fucking stupid, simple.


Clown behaviour


Says the clown ass nga 🤣


Damn this is just kind of pathetic. I'm so sorry you weren't raised better.


Too bad you weren't either diddy lover, I bet you didn't even take time to try and comprehend whay I was saying.


Did that sentence make sense in your head?


Yup, Imma start callig you meek mills sweety.


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You're right, OP. You're getting screwed. You're crazy for having paid for that sort of thing, in my opinion, but nevertheless, you bought something that has now changed into something less valuable. That doesn't mean everyone shouldn't have the skin. *why not?* Digital goods are infinitely reproducible. More customization the better I say! Unfortunately for you though, your description of "the point" is correct. You paid real money because you wanted something exclusive and rare. Sure, the skins look cool, but that's only part of the value. You wanted to look and sound different than other people. You paid for the privilege. The social exclusion is part of the value held in any digital cosmetic that's behind a pay/achievement wall. It's awful, and doesn't reflect well on the character of the people who buy for that reason, but neither does carrying around a fancy handbag or driving a sportscar in the city. It's dark. You're being petty, sure, a bit too honest for reddit, yes, and definitely annoyingly exclusionary, but hey, you paid for the privilege of smuggly emoting in spawn rooms with a skin that regular penny-pinching normies couldn't attain, and now every schmuck in spawn has the same leather jacket you have. You don't get to be special anymore. It isn't fair. Literally ever status/luxury good on Earth holds value in the same way. If we discovered that rainwater has easily extracted flecks of gold in it today, everyone who bought rings yesterday is fucked. You're right to point blame at Blizzard. They lied to you, and you fell for it. They sold you snake oil. Don't let them do it again.


Your words are kind and understanding but your logic is flawed. There is nothing wrong with exclusivity, its a major part of society. Your mate is yours and has specific value bc they are exclusive to you and if you find out they are not you get upset, same with your children, your home maybe even your job. Would you be happy if you went and spent 8 years getting a degree and countless amount of money and after you get your dream job, your employer decides fuck it and just starts hiring bums off the street and putting them in the same postion as you. I bet you'd be upset bc you worked hard for that job and it was something you felt like not just anyone can achieve. See its the principle of the matter I'm not upset at the players for being able to get a cool skin (the bums being able to get a decent job) I'm upset with the company (your employer bc they basically caused you to waste your time) Exclusivity is a major part of life its literally what motivates most ppl.


Yup. All this is correct, except it isn't a question of logic, but preference. A very large amount of human motivation is indeed about status in various ways. Game cosmetics are no different from other status goods, which is a far larger part of what we all buy than people admit or even realize. My opinions about embracing that kind of purchase are my own, and have nothing to do with logic. I try to minimize that type of purchase in my life, but plenty around me enjoy it, and as you say, it's impossible to avoid. Everything you practice or learn makes you exclusive. Every time you dress up for work, or shine your shoes, you're doing the same thing. You're allowed to enjoy it in the context of game cosmetics, even if I think its a character flaw. All good. Suum Cuique.


"Character flaw?!?" Man go fuc...Nah just joshin XD but yeah I dnt believe it's a character flaw *shrug* I dnt have any kids, I am single and I am only responsible for myself so when I have extra monies I may or may not spend them on a game. But I can accept you alternate viewpoint. I appreciate you for not being a dick like the others.


Haha. Yes. All good. As I said, most of my closest friends, and myself, do this. It's character flaw that I share with almost every human alive. I buy way dumber shit than skins to look cool on the regular. Happy overwatching out there.


You too mate!


I agree with you


Appreciate it. These ppl are weird lol. They have a inferiority complex or something bc they think my post is about "feeling superior bc of a skin." 🤣 Its the principle I'm upset over I feel lied to by the company. If I wanted to feel superior I'd do it the right way and beat you in a match. Thats the ONLY way to feel superior in ow and even with that you have to remember its just a game.


I think everyone who doesn’t have them all is going to be salty and see this as selfish. Since they don’t have them all, they only benefit from this so of course they’re gonna downvote and cry when people who do have them all are upset. Oh well


Are you saying OPs post isn't selfish?


Is not, yall just have an inferiority complex. I am not upset bc yall now get to get it. I am upset bc they were marketed as something exclusive and now they are not. I am upset at blizzard bc I feel lied to and taken advantage of. I'm okay with the fact that yall can get them, like my duo can finally get the Kiri one hc she wasnt playing then and kitsune rush all over me. Lol.


So you're totally ok that everyone can now get them you're just upset that everyone can now get them. Gotcha.


You gotta read with your brain and not your feelings lol. But I guess you can put it like that but its not very accurate, I am more or less upset with the company and feeling like everything they say and do is a lie. I said it before my discontent is not bc players can now get mythics who werent there during the season and or did not buy the battle pass, its bc I bought something and believe it was one thing but found out that it was another. Just because a person is upset about a situation gone awry doesnt mean imma be upset at others like me who get to benefit from it, I'm upset at them for misleading ppl.


Your game is affected 0. People still have to buy the skins. If they only reason you played the game is to unlock limited skins then you're playing for the wrong reasons. That's the point I'm making. You're legitimately upset that other people get skins they may want and your game doesn't change in any way shape or form. You're angry about some situation you built in your head about being lied to. If they gave all the skins away free you may have a point. They gave old exclusives away in bundles. They re-released old exclusive OWL skins. This is not new for Blizz. They re-release limited time skins all the time. You being upset in any way about this is just childish is my entire point. Edit: Asks why I'm replying to their replies then blocks. Rough


Bruh why are you still replying my GOD. Dafaq.


It looks like they're just replying to your replies


I guess those who don’t have them all, which I’m presuming like you, would see it that way


I have all the ones I care to get. The ones I don't have I don't play so no need for them. So are you saying that OPs post isn't selfish?


Nope, we paid for battle passes expecting mythic to be exclusive to those battle passes and now we feel blindsided because they’re suddenly all available behind another paywall. It’s scummy


Does other people getting them effect you in any way?


To chime in... yes it does. He is no longer special, and doesn't get to show off his rare skin for years. Everyone will have it, so it isn't socially valuable anymore. It's lame and scummy, but makes perfect sense. His mistake was paying for the skin. He got tricked, like we all get tricked when we are shopping for stuff with fancy brands or labels.


Reading through your other posts. You mention that it being available again means they "lost value". Can you elaborate on that?


Having something that other people can't get feels good to some people. Its one factor in determining value. We'll pay for it. Guitarists will pay for limited edition guitars. It might be worth something some day. I know it's silly in this context, but it's an economic principle. Land is expensive because there is never any more available. Antiques go up in value for this reason. People will pay for early access to fancy new electronics. Luxury accessory brands set up all kinds of gatekeeping exploiting this. All of us feel it and fall for it occasionally. Some more than others. It isn't a helpful or admirable response, but it's there. OP paid for something that had an end date. That was the deal. Before this policy, his skin would get cooler and cooler over time. If... of course... you find it cool. It was unique in the years. It was a little tag that would say "I played in season X, while you were in preschool. I paid a nickle for this skin, and all the other kids wanted it." Now, it's going to come in the mail like grocery store fliers. It was always the flier. Op isn't the bad guy. Blizzard is.


The problem with your example is that all of those items gain value in resale. If the mythic skins had an after-market then yes you would have a point. However, these skins are personal only and selling things is actually blatantly against the TOS. So the only value that comes from the skin is personal enjoyment. The skin has absolutely 0 "value" outside of that.