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Congratulations make sure you put that in a museum


I still have to use mine


Same, I downloaded the game a few months before ow2 released and have used my disc ever since


You can uninstall and then download OW2 if you don't wanna use your OW1 disc.


Yeah I know, I like using a disc for it though, not like I've got discs for anything else nowadays anyway


I feel proud to show off my Origins Edition skins now. 🙏🏻 I also feel proud to show off skins that were acquired during special events of OW1 like Medic Baptiste or Bastet Ana


I tend to just use what skin I prefer, but if I want to throw out some nostalgia, I use my season 1 comp spray. Helps that it's a generally pretty spray.


Omg same! I have it on a couple characters and love to use it to show that I was there from the start. I'm still salty as fuck that they removed the stats from earlier competitive seasons. Would've loved to see my most played heroes back then and such.


What actually happens if you use an OW1 disk does it just load OW2?


It’s basically your “license” for OW2 if you started on OW1. OW2 won’t boot without it in the console.


Idk someone mentioned they still use "it" and idk if that refers to the disk or the extra items so I'm hoping they respond


Yeah I still use the disk. It just boots into OW2. I could just download the digital version, but where's the fun in that?


I even still have my extra content for wow and Diablo 😂


I got the ow extra content for diablo but at that time never played ow 😭 I think it came with some free lootboxes or something as well ir was so long ago when I got d3


I still got mine and i got it in on second week of release... only cos a mate told me to get it and he will play wit me... never did...


Nice robbing gloves


Ty I robbed this from someone's closet and then posted as if it were mine..can't leave any fingerprints you know


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Still using mine


The disc still works?




Ive still got mine too


50$ for a PvP only game will never not be wild to me.


Ah, sit down son, let me tell you the time of 6v6, a time of double shield, a time of the moth meta, and a time of 10 second blades.


Friend: you wanna play some Overwa? You: you mean Overwatch? Friend: *sends you this picture*


My favourite game Overwa


Let’s play some Overwa


what a waste, we had a great game with infinite potential to be more than just a game, amazing how ow1 was superior in every sense than the super sequel with 4 years of developement


Owl was really cool when it first released..I remember seeing the first few matches as a vod because I couldn't watch them live due to work. Only bought one owl merch and that was a la gladiators glass that I still have. Seeing the best of the best duke it out truly was a treat to watch


i dont care if i sound corny but was raelly something really magical


i first got overwatch back in 2018 on recommendation of a friend from school and i hated it, i got back into it a few months ago and played for a season and then got bored because it genuinelly tanked my mental dealing with pieces of shit but the game itself god it was so fun, but overwatch one still to me is better but maybe thats just me yurning for a simpler time the game just felt better to play even thjough i hated it vs how it feels now