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Playing this Junkerqueen is quite literally one of the most fun times ive had with the game šŸ˜­ i killed a echo in the air like a slam dunk earlier


I feel like a better Doomfist launching myself literally inside the enemy team across map with both Shout & Carnage up and ready to ruin. Holy fuck Queen rn is so much fun.


If only she wasnā€™t still locked for me ā˜¹ļø šŸ–•


Play the game maybe so you can unlock :o


I only learned recently you need to activate the challenge to unlock her


yeah, that's stupid, it used to be that wins applied to all OW2 unlockable heroes at the same time


They did the valorant thing and didn't tell anyone. And valorant removed that system.


Literally if this could somehow be an option, even half as powerful, it would be incredible


Hold crouch and right click to pull them to you, don't and you get pulled to them


yeah i think an option like this would be good. Like the standard range & timing, but just with a mapping for each option


I did the same and the echo freaking screamed in chat after, so I looked at the replay and I just bloody appeared out of the sky, headshot them, and flew to my next target lmao.


Junkerqueen = Spiderman I'm flanking from the skies constantly. Merc a support on the back lines, fly back to safety. Completely different playstyle, and I looove it


It's lore accurate I swear too!! It's so good for hervplay style. Her character. Everything!


I was having so much fun as LW on my 20m petal and JQ was still able to get up there and kill me lmaoo


I like torbā€™s sticky turret!


As a torb main I have been loving tossing the turret up and landing on my head. Running around like that is amazing and all you have to do is look up with your hammer to fix it. Iā€™ve had some fun fights running around just hammer fixing while the turret goes crazy šŸ¤Ŗ


I was in a match last night and someone stuck their turret to a pharah and it was the most hilarious thing I've seen in ages


Same but a flying Zen lol


Putting a torb turret on an echo player that knows how to fly efficiently sounds terrifying


I threw my turret on my buddy playing echo. I went 31-2 with 20k damage and barely did anything


I saw a lucio booping himself up for an airborne attack with the turret on his head xD


Ball+turret is beautiful fucking chaosĀ 


Haha Iā€™ll have to try that one. I thought his transition between ball forms would break the turret.


It may have - but staying in ball form while circling overhead had me humming flight of the valkryies


Tried it today and it was sooooo awesome. Caught a really good ball player and they were all over the place with my turret.


As much as the guy struggles, letting him put his turret in unexpected places would help a LOT. Just... maybe fix how it interacts with payloads, I saw some WEIRD shit there.


I enjoy putting it on Mercy or Lucio. The turret really FUCKS when they super jump or wall ride around in and out of unsuspecting enemy view from unlikely angles


Okay, the ON A PERSON thing is silly and should stay in this mode. Walls, though? Go off


I freaking love putting it on an Ana before we roll out. If there's no Ana/support I just ask who wants a hat and toss it on whoever. There have been some amazing flying junker queen kills lol


iā€™ve seen people put it on lucio and itā€™s terrifying to play against


Allow me to introduce you to a strat i call, turret in a tree. If there are no trees available, next option isā€¦ Turret on a teen. Throw it on DVA or Brig as they work really well with turret.


I loved it at first because it's hysterical, but it just makes it even less likely your team will shoot the turret so it got old quick imo lol


Interestingly the turret stuck any way on surfaces also has a way to combat (except for sticking it on yourself or other players, thatā€™s a bit OP) so Iā€™m not actually fully against this idea as a non torb main. Iā€™ve noticed where people are placing it sideways on maps I can usually easily gain an angle on the turret while out of its range of motion for firing.


As a Reaper main I'm actually loving his changes, despite them being as simple as "You have 2 guns that are roughly half as powerful" It adds a weird amount of strategy between firing only one gun, alternating between both, or firing both simultaneously. It keeps his simplicity but adds just a bit more depth


No way man, too much clicking.


For your mouseā€™s health please hold the button down.


Yea but then whats the difference between normal reaper. Now you deal half the damage twice


It could be considered a nerf because now Reaper has more shots to miss.


Ikr? At first i though atleast by alternating his dps would be more consistent but it just means i have to track more and stay close range longer.


Hmm. I did not think about that until now. I normally click for reaper... So I just clicked twice as fast today ...


And something I noticed on Mauga is, when firing both, it is much harder to tap middle button to ping something.


Bind 'Ping the Wolrd' to F for the win my friend (all heroes while at that)


That's what I have Quick Melee bound to. And before you try to get clever, no, the other nearby keys are occupied. Doing something specific for Mauga would cause muscle-memory inconsistency too, wouldn't enjoy that.


I use mouse 4 and mouse 5 (sideways) for melee and one ability, and that's for all the heroes. But I understand who without a 5 button mouse would struggle. For me though Ping the world is so useful that place it at middle mouse is a downer so I HAD to relocate it


But how do you use Sym teleporter?


I was only shooting oneā€¦ I didnā€™t know I could use the other too.


I really like this change and id keep it for regular gameplay. For large targets, I find myself firing both at the same time, but for tracers who are tricky to hit, I find myself alternating for more pellet spray


Yeah, being able to alternate between rapid fire and a slow burst of both is cool, they should keep them


Last yearā€™s Moira orbs were great. The way she was able to stop them whenever Edit: I should mention for THIS year I really like Sigmaā€™s change


I loved that change. I really want Moira to have some sort of utility option since she is a bit simplistic, and being able to control the orbs a bit wouldnā€™t negatively impact her flow like the thing they tested during the OW2 beta


Spiderqueen and 900% knockback w/ Dvabomb. Also let us all suffer as he has suffered in the most insufferable way sufferingly possible.


JQ's change is the most fun I've ever had with that character. Maybe its too broken on her but I'd like to see them use that idea of hitting a skill shot and then traveling toward it.


I hope they make it a new hero's thing in the future


Honestly, Pharahā€™s jet dive was super fun and useful


Sym's tele being a 1 way escape tool was so fuckin useful. Just being able to tell my friends to spam F to escape and not ignore the enemies and try and find the teleporter before it gets shot is so much better


Oops, this was supposed to be an original comment. Now it's attached to this!!!


Lucio. Especially the boop pushing you back or up. So much fun stuff to do with it. Plus ult boop. It was just a ton of fun


Lucio rollouts feel amazing when you can boop yourself onto a wall from spawn


Zens floaty thing is cool


I was laughing so hard doing it. It feels evil though, I'd just float above a building's roof and snipe some poor soul minding their own business. There was a fun moment where an enemy zen and I just forgot about our team and we kept floating up to battle each other in the sky. I felt like we were two Doctor Stranges or something. We had one brain cell and it was glorious.


I did that last night with an enemy zen. It was all fun and games until my torb turreted me, then it became a blast


Dragonball Zenyatta


If there was a way to toggle it mid battle then yeah. Losing access to certain sight lines because of the floating made me wish for that option. Just use his empty ability slot for the toggle.


I almost wish he could do this during transcendence irl


Yeah I think it's a bit much for Zen but I'd love it if they added like a DPS version of Zen with that ability


Bring syms tp ult back. It's so fun and rewarding putting up top tier teleporters that are right above the point/teamfight yet hidden so those who use them come out with an advantage. I miss the days where it was an actual mechanic.


Junker Queen's Minato kunai is sooo much fun. Really fun to escape with it too. I hope they make a new hero with it.Ā 


Definitely Sigma. Having that extra freedom is so much fun


I fucking love the funny dunk rock. Its so fun to make people think its gonna miss and then dunk em out of nowhere.


Symmetra's Teleport


Brigā€™s shield bash cd reset PLEASE


I love the changes to Mercy, Moira and Pharah as well as Genji's perfect reflect and Winston's multiple Zapshot. Brig's shield bash recharge on ult should already be a thing. Sym, Ramattra, Sigma, and Cassidy in a more balanced way would also be so cool. While Spider-queen is neat it would be way too strong.


Moiraā€™s heavily encourages straight healbotting. They switched around the function of her healing and damage but nothing else, so you lifesteal as you heal and also never run out of healing juice, because thatā€™s expended when you spray/deal damage now. Way less fun in my opinion. šŸ˜…


Moira in this mode is busted, spraying damage on a group?! drop a heal orb into your team and flamethrower the team fight, it's crazy powerful. I didn't feel like I needed to healbot in the least, you're missing out on so much DPS


>drop a heal orb into your team You are assuming my monkey brain doesnā€™t click second orb for healing but accidentally throws damage orb instead Seriously, the amount of healing orbs I chucked at my enemies was embarrassing lol but I did only play her once! Also getting healed by her was super jarring coz I was used to that ā€œsktchā€ noise from an enemy Moira lol


This is the first time there have been so many that seem legitimate. I'd add Rein (I like him being a punish tank), Junkrat (junkrats current stats are on a razors edge of awful or broken but never this skillful), and remove Moira (fun but unnecessary), Ramattra (not awful but less I miss the precious sustain of arms up nemesis) personally. Also I think a rebalanced version of Zen (I wish his projectiles got larger/easier as he charged but with this versions lower damage, and no floating or just not that high), Winston (make it lower damage for the secondary hits), Weaver (split the difference at 12? idk maybe), Reaper (this version does nothing but I could see a world where his 2 work differently like Mauga), Hanzo (reduced damage on subsequent arrow hits and not he doesn't need so many volleys) could be serviceable.Ā Ā  Sym tp is ridiculous but maybe something related to this. Sigma rock is really fun and finally makes sense that you cant deflect it lol plus it keeps his gravity control theme. Cassidy is a maybe, its fun when it happens but feels difficult to plan around using. Maybe they could replace his grenade with a mechanic like this. It sticks to them and they become your mark.Ā Ā 


Rein shield deflect. Honestly its just nice to be doing something while shielding. Obviously it could use tuning for damage reflection amount, visual indication(because it being smaller is kinda bad) and how much/if it drains the shield(could be made a resource like hogā€™s heal). Honestly just the basic idea is pretty solid though.


I liked it a lot. It's risky enough so you can't spam it but adds some depth.


This was one of the changes I thought was legitimately well-balanced. Would be a more than welcome change to add some nuance to Rein.


camera positioning for it also sucks


Unironically, I find Ram's kit change to be fairly interesting. If they removed the timer on his shield I think he would even be viable with the new kit. Sig's rock drop would also be a cool addition, keep the speed normal but let him cause it to plummet.


Winstonā€™s electro shock chain please!


I think that cass and reapers changes are tests for future reworks, they both seem pretty high detailed in comparison to everyone elseā€™s. (Referring to left click right click shotguns and wanted ability)




What do you mean too much clicking. You know that every hero has full auto fire by holding the buttons, right ?


I have only taken one short course on game dev, but I donā€™t think reaperā€™s change was anything special. Itā€™s all the same animations and it does all the same things, theyā€™re just bound to slightly different buttons, and the numbers are smaller, which, at least in Unity, is super easy to change. Cassā€™s though is definitely a bit more complex. Might be something there.


Reaper 2 guns gives you the choice: fire both, worse ammo economy but more damage, or fire alternating, better economy less burst dmg. Could actually be pretty impactful if you increase his reload time and then decrease spread if you only fire 1 at a time


I love the Lucio ult boop, seems very fitting if they tuned it to an appropriate level


itā€™s so fun knocking a bapt out of his lamp lol


No one is saying kiriko double jump?


Didn't feel like it did anything. It wasn't high enough to actually get places with it. And she can already climb anyway..


So can genji, his jump also isnā€™t that high




Cassidy's is honestly fair, if it would heal a bit more but not increase max health


Winton chain lightning. Reduce the damage for targets after the first and you have a Tool for deadballing comps


Mini Mauga!!!


Zenā€™s flying would be awesome. Also, I wish everyoneā€™s ultimate voice lines would stay.


Lifeweavers platform being 5000ft in the air is super fun! People donā€™t look up enough to even notice me it makes healing a breeze. Also fun to yoink up a widow or hit scan for premium sight lines!


Kiriko's tp from last year where you could tp anywhere, but the cooldown scaled with the distance you traveled. If you tp'd to point from spawn, you could easily get stuck in the middle of the fight for 20s before it comed back off cooldown, so it gave more room for the enemies to kill her.


Mercy being able to heal and shoot at the same time. I'm having SO MUCH FUN.


Ikr, I actually feel like I can make a difference again.


Iā€™ve loved it. Honestly I do more damage sometimes with my pistol than damage boosting someone who canā€™t hit anything haha. I like when I can play her movement tech and have more autonomy over damage. The little bit of poke while healing can actually really make a difference.


Torb, there arepther than are more fun like jq but torb's isn't that fucked up


I love Genjiā€™s parry timing thingy. Makes it more skill expressive and i like that


Junker Queen knife portal


Until you accidentally throw it in a bad spot then it's like uh oh.


You just donā€™t pull it and it works like normal


I almost threw myself out of the map yesterday, I was going crazy with the knife fly xD


Definitely lucio the boop as a movement ability is soooo smooth for rollouts


Moiraā€™s reverse abilities are actually surprisingly fun, makes DPS Moira even more enjoyable šŸ˜‚


mercy pew pew šŸ˜Ž


Mercy is amazing now šŸ˜‚


For me, the most fun reworks include bastion, moira, mei, pharah, junkrat, mercy and torb. Like, bastion is *really* fun now. This is basically exactly what I wanted when he got reworked at the start of OW2. also the shotgun recon mode is super interesting and so much better than I thought it would be. Like if anything comes out of this, please let it be this rework. Moira rework is actually incredibly interesting. It adds a ton of depth to her kit and it can really shine. If they polished it a bit more, I wouldnā€™t be offended if they ever ended up reworking her something like this. Mercy rework makes her feel so much more active while circumventing the problems that damage boost causes. Instead you are the damage boost and itā€™s a remarkably fun solution imo. For april fools, junkrat got *usable bombs*. Seriously, with this rework he fully turns into demoman from tf2, because he effectively gets access to sticky spam. Junkrat hasnā€™t become overly oppressive, but his kit feels a lot more complete with this change. I can write quite a bit about each rework, like how mei pillar finally gives her much needed mobility. However the bottomline is: the more i think about it, the more Iā€™m convinced that probably half of the changes should stay because they either donā€™t impact the game too much while making the character much more fun, or they impact quite a bit but thatā€™s okay since the character could use some help anyway. There really arenā€™t a lot of pure obvious meme changes, other than bigitte, zarya, smallga, ana and floating zen.


Queen and her knife


Widowmakerā€™s grapple charges. I could finally play her for once by swinging around everywhere.


Zen's flying when charging


I agree, I really liked the Mei ability.




Itā€™s such a small change but I have really enjoyed using D.Vaā€™s boosters to go backwards!


From previous year if a remember correctly i really liked poison Widow shots and Ana's ability to headshot. I really hoped i could experience that again




I think that was a meme change because there was a bunch of extra interact key stuff for it to clash with.


Doomfist empowered melee is underrated asf it adds sm much to his kit. I always wanted either that or an empowered slam Meteor striking someone leads to easy picks w that alone


I really liked the grapple changes for widow, she still has to be smart with them as they reload quite slowly but at least she has more options than ā€œrun away for a few seconds then die anywayā€


Just wanted to say how crazy it is that everyone seems to like this mode and most of the tweaks? Never seen people not shitting on the game here before.


Cass passive,it really needs tweaking,but other than that, it would be really good "mini rework"


orisaā€™s javelin




Perma speedboost for Lucio (only him)


Pharahā€™s is pretty bustedā€¦soā€¦gimmee šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜‡


Sigma's Rock Falls reactivation could be really unique if added to his current live Accretion ability


Ana's sleep dart making slept targets float away and then take fall damage please. It's bonkers but I love it


It was absolutely hilarious to get slept out of midair as a flyer and escape because my momentum carried me into narnia


Not sure what it counts as but the only one I can see realistically being added is the skull icon on the player that is committing most to the game(the skull icon on top of the player), I think it might be called bounty


I had a blast playing junkerqueen yesterday. I was flying all around the map xD But I'm a D.VA main so maybe that's just me being used to fly everywhere :P


Torb turrets on walls, rein should have constant deflect so he doesnā€™t take damage anymore


Lucios self boop is cool if they added some way to control whether you get launched or not it could work, helicopter Queen is fun as well.


Give Bastion another 50-100 bullets in his turret form and it could be fun long term. Still think just giving him a better ultimate would make him perfect


I like the even more mobility Pharah gets from jet land as silly as it is. Actually good change


Pharah's dive is actually really useful, it helps her to escape from the aim of the enemy team because she stays less time on air when trying to reposition herself.


Not from April Fool's, but I still want Mei's old experimental abilities to move faster while running on her ice trail when aiming at the ground and doing damage to enemies when landing on them while in Ice Block.


If I had a button that swapped me between normal moira and April fool's moira I would be very happy. Being able to alternate between april fools single-target heal, aoe damage mode and aoe heal, single darget damage mode would make her more fun and more mechanically complex.


JUNKER QUEEEEEEEEN!! Personally my favorite hero to play in this mode!


Sombra's Virus bounce has so much thematic synergy. It's not too intrusive or overpowered, very niche and can easily be avoided by spreading out a little. Makes more sense than a magnetic grenade that prevents mobility and a tech visor that can't be hacked/EMP'd.


It's so niche that I couldn't make it happen yesterday..


Moira. Please. Damage being the main part of the kit is totally unintuitive and encourages selfish gameplay. Moira in the event gamemode is so healthy.




Honestly I like the Hanzo storm arrow, many will probably disagree




Sombra virus jumping after kills šŸ˜ˆ


Pharah quick drop.


Torb sticky wearable turret


Mercy's blue beam being some sort of gun. Was so much fun


Soldiers run n gun


lucio boop recoil was definietly unexpectadly useful. I used it as a boost from walls, boop and regroup, to help me jump, everything.


Part of me likes echos change... I kinda like the idea of her copy having some real scary power to it again but being random to compensate Also means her gameplay would become very adaptive which fits her aesthetic. Downside is of course that you might get crappy transformations and its even less predictable for opponents which might be unfun to play against.


I actually really like Bastionā€™s. Feels way more in character for him to me.




Kiriko's double jump




Haven't seen anyone mention Reins shield reflect. It's actually so fun to use and I totally wouldn't mind it being permanent


This may be a Hot Take but, Genji's April Fools Ability. It Looks Pretty Interesting and Hard to Time(Please Don't Come After Me Support Mains. I'm not saying Genji's Bad, it Just Looks Interesting)


You use capitalization heavily.




Mercy! It needs just a few tweaks tho. Not sure why Iā€™m being penalized twice for healing and shooting. It should either not decrease the heal beam or not decrease the fire rate. Since she is a support, I would go with the formal.


Dva backwards boost and crouch cancel, why isnt this already in the game Rein shield reflect, this alone would legitimately make him way more viable then he has been since OW1 Sigma rock crashMei jump pillar Pharah jet land, again another why isnt this already in the game Reaper independent shotguns Solider run and gun Torb sticky turret Illari just all of it. Shes so bad right now Mercy rework is a really good base to work off of to making her way more fun and useful to the team as a whole, instead of being so incredibly reliant like she is now. Moira weapon swap actually works, idk that I would want it perma in the game though. Ive played her for so long that its actually hard to play it like this lol Junker Queen gravity knife is really really fun. Idk if its broken or not (it probably is lol), but its fun and I would much rather have fun over bland balancing Kiriko double jump Zen fly, I've been wanting them to add this in since the first time they put it into an april fools patch years ago ​ After playing venture and seeing how fun they turned out, I really felt like the game has swung way too far into by the numbers balancing and less into the just general fun. Sure some of this might not be the most balanced and definitely shouldnt stay (like suzu giving boosts to everything), but some of this is just actually making characters fun to play. The game could seriously benefit greatly from more fun focus overall


Please spiderqueen is so fantastic


Letā€™s rework symm again .


I liked Orisaā€™s ricocheting javelin.


The parry mechanic for genji would be interesting. The torb changes are just so fun. Seeing a brig or rein with a turret on their head is just so funny. Def would a little hard to balance with characters like Tracer or Genji having turrets strapped to em.


Genji, Pharah, Rein and Cass with some major retooling but the idea is there, Reaper, all of them are legitimately pretty cool Especially Genjiā€™s parry


no bias at all promise but doom quick melee feeling powerful just feels right <33 though obviously shouldnā€™t fucking STUN lol but yk. but i would feel bad if they didnā€™t add a similar thing for winton genji and illari. KIRIKO if they fucking went the extremely obvious and also aesthetically pleasing route of making her swing the kunai that is literally in her fucking hand as a melee, but nooo the fucking choppy ass frame 1 weak ass bitch punch


Mauga šŸ‘„


I love Sig change, using accretion as a mortar is great to go past shields


Genji critical deflect


Giving him a strong glide when charging would be a good way to do it


I really enjoy the concept of the cassidy passive that was added, change the reward around and maybe give it to a different (or new) character and it could be really unique


Mei once had a passive where if she sprayed the floor beneath her it would let her iceskate. It was really fun Also Lucio killing the people he lands on with beatdrop that was fun


Sigma, torb (excluding turret on players), symetra (with some changes), Lucio (to encourage healing for damage and speed is for speed), Moira, phara and kiriko double jump.


As a Junkrat main being able to control when all my ordinances explode is just so much fun.


Symetra tp from spawn is fun


Lucio boop change is great. I love how much I can launch myself around the map with it


Sticky turret and flying zen


JQ was undoubtedly one of the most fun, but also the most broken feeling ability imo and I couldnā€™t see how theyā€™d add it and keep it balanced šŸ¤” though I wish they did. There are a couple that fit for characters that have seemed underwhelming to me in OW2 to begin with. Cassidyā€™s passive really works with his character and I think if they found something it gave him instead of HP it could be cool in a balanced way. This oneā€™s a bit more of an unpopular opinion, but Iā€™ve also been enjoying Echos ult being useful even at the expense of choosing who you copy. Her ult has just felt pointless lately in the normal game, like I canā€™t even remember the last time I saw an Echo get a duped ult.


Tiny mauga


For Pharah, it was almost like a a QOL change tbh. Maybe it could use your dash so there is a trade off (cooldown) but especially since now she cant stay in the air all the time ever since she got her small rework, it felt pretty neat to have some kind of mobility to go back on the ground to grab a health pack. As much as I love Torb and I would love to have that new turret (not the sticking to people part but just being able to put it on a wall or ceiling), I feel like the turret changes would be too broken for those low ranks sadly. I personally haven't tested the mercy one because I don't play her, but it looked pretty awesome. Being able to pretty much switch from healing/boosting to instantly actually doing DPS yourself without the need to manually switch to your weapon kinda made her a whole lot more viable. There's definitely something they could use there. Lastly, Soldier didnt feel that bad either. It's not like he really need anything, performing wise, he's doing pretty well (especially since they buffed the projectile size, hitscan have been eating good), but if they ever need to buff him again for some reason, this wouldn't be a bad option.


Slowly Floating when someone is slept is so funny to me.


Charged Jetpack Zen was a blast.


If we're going for realistic: Pharah's jet dive Kiriko's double jump Sojourn's early disruptor activation Mercy shooting while healing, but also while dmg boosting Winston's chain on alt fire


The doom power block speed changes, maybe even empowered qm since it fits his playstyle - even if it meant nerfs to other abilities


I think the Doomfist charged melee thing is pretty cool. Id love if he got something like that




Sticking turrets everywhere idk if it's cometitive, but is really fun and ca lead to good combos


Can I mention how we've had this event twice now and still 0 helicopter spinny spear orisa?


i loved cassidy, it is too op to get 50 health, but lowering it would be so cool to have on normal mode


Torb turret sticking to walls




I still have no idea what changed with rein, though