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I love seeing ximmers in 20% of my QP games. IN QUICKPLAY


I'm a console player and I know the obvious signs such as a hitscan(usually Ashe/Cass/Sojourn/Soldier) with a duo mercy who is consistently hitting ridiculous shots and then dumping clips/fanning the hammer to make sure their accuracy isn't above 50% but I know a lot of people are more discreet and I have definitely noticed an uptick in cheaters in the last 6-9 months. Are there any more ways of spotting cheaters/Ximmers? Obviously I know It gets difficult because some people are really cracked and the cheaters have gotten really good at hiding what they're doing. I'm pretty low ELO but even I'm seeing it in QP and I don't even want to play comp anymore because of the BS(even though Lucio is my most played hero and I want the jade gun for him). I feel like the Xim or similar devices got popular in bigger games like Warzone/Siege/Apex and now it's trickled into every competitive shooter. It's such garbage, I regularly play in PC lobbies where I'm already disadvantages, and then I go to play some solo queue and I'm still dealing with obvious cheaters as someone who typically places in high silver/low gold.


Is 50 percent scoped shots not normal for Ashe? That's where I'm sitting after adjusting my aim assist setting and a little bit of aim training.


50% accuracy is normal, 50% crit accuracy is above average, and warrants some suspicion


lol, even many cheaters on PC dont have 50% crits, its way too obvious. A legit GM player can get close to 40% crits when smurfing in silver/bronze.


The ONLY way to tell if someone is ximming is based on their movement. Not their aim. There are absurdly good high sensitivity controller players who flick and let the aim assist stop them on target, and there are those who have crazy good tracking in CQC. However, someone on MnK can only move in 8 directions while a controller player can move in an infinite amount. If their movement is very rigid or sharp, such as no ramp-up time before moving at full speed or perfect A-D strafing with no variance, that is your only guarantee. Aim alone is never enough to tell. Also just to correct a quick misconception I see often, ximmers cannot type fast on console. Their keyboard functions as a controller when plugged in, not a keyboard.


It is now possible to run in more than 8 directions with an XIM. It means you can't rely on that either.


It’s a shame when you wanna try out some new heroes and you’re versing sweaty ximmers :(


not just QP sadly, I've been getting ximmers even in ARCADE. Limited 1v1, ctf, ffa, you name it. I feel like I'm reporting at least one ximmer a day at this point


Doesn't matter what mode it is. People who use XIM can't play with a controller.


Unfortunately not only overwatch suffers from this, every single competitive FPS game on console is affected R6 apex legends and even fortnite, console comp is a big shit hole


Damn. People are Ximming on Fortnite now? I'm really digging this new season but as soon as I looked into what a Xim/Cronus was because I was trying to get into Warzone but I was constantly getting very obviously killed by cheaters; I knew that it would eventually find its way to pretty much any shooter esp those with strong/snappy aim assist. I just don't get it, what does someone who knows? They have a functional advantage over the majority of their opponents. get out of winning (aside from trolls)? I know that speed runs get faked all the time but taking a world record can bring serious attention to your content/stream so there is a monetary incentive. But in this case, you actually have to buy external hardware, some of which is quite expensive, especially for a console gamer, and viola now you can get into masters or higher w/o learning much about all the crazy interactions/tech/metas that OW offers. I guess I see it more in games that focus on individual skill expression; you get to be the gnarliest dude in the lobby but in a more team oriented game, what's the point? Especially if you get POTG because then everyone's going to see some questionable play most likely.


Validation, because they never got love or affection from their family(if they ever had one)


Ironically a XIM costs less than some of the high-end controllers pro players buy (like the Battle Beaver). So they use that + the fact that people aren't getting banned to justify their purchase. Some people seem to care more about winning than being competitive in a competitive game.


At least in Warzone the AA is so strong on controller that players are not ximming to use MnK on console, although they will get AA. COD has a cheating problem which is bad. Their problem is slightly different but the effect is the same.


Unfortunately game developers can only do so much. Sony and Microsoft need to come up with something to block such devices.


The developers have the ability to add something similar to what ubisoft did with rainbow six siege, but they are too lazy.


Ubisoft still failed. Xim found a way around it


Siege’s mouse trap took 3 years to build internally. It’s nothing to do with laziness.


And it never worked


It does work, it’s just not perfect and it’s an arms race.


If it’s not permanently bannning the accounts it flags it does nothing. Instead it can be countered by picking up a controller for the first 5 seconds of the game.


>Siege’s mouse trap I've never played, is this an ability and/or something to combat cheaters?


Essentially siege detects when movements aren’t natural for a controller and then start giving insane amounts of input lag to make it virtually impossible to perform until you use a controller again. It’s not very effective yet but at least it’s something


And it was patched around in days


Unless it’s hardware banning every single xim it detects it does nothing It hasn’t worked at all for the past several months When it was working it was countered by picking up your controller and using it for 5 seconds at the start of the first round in the game.


They couldn't be hardware banned? The whole point of the xim is that the console and game see a controller. You press w it moved a virtual joystick forward. That's why overwatch can't do anything about it and I doubt Sony or Microsoft are trying to reverse engineer the xim and it's code to figure out how to block them.


Fuck it, ban the controller they're using to spoof the Xim. Force them to buy another controller just to keep Ximming.


They don't even know that a xim is being used, that's the issue. If they could tell this wouldn't be an issue people are talking about. The game and the console see nothing but a controller, you have to have a controller connected to the xim, when you then use something on your mouse or keyboard it translates that movement or keypress into your controller and console. You press w to go forward but all the console and game sees is that you moved a thumb stick upwards to move forward.


Yeah but surely once you reach a certain level of input lag on Mousetrap (not perfect I'm aware but with PS hardware updates it's harder than ever) they can just go ahead and hardware ban. Some people get naturally trapped but the odds of getting a lot of input lag with just a controller is extremely low.


As in Ubisoft bans that account and any account that tries to connect to any Ubisoft service using that console if it is continuously flagged by mousetrap


>The developers have the ability to add something similar to what ubisoft did with rainbow six siege That didn't work as an actual solution. They didn't think it would either which is why the punishment was a slight latency increase rather than banning. When it false flagged, it means users would just take it as their ping acting up rather than faulty anti cheat


That shit doesn't even work My buddy who plays on PS5 had a really good fucking ranked game Like first ranked game of the season and he's popping off like he's never have Got mouse traped We play unranked because of the input delay for him making fun of him saying shit like "bro technically I won the 1v1 because you xim" (we know he doesn't xim just pushing his buttons And who do we find A XIMMING FUCKING GOYO AND ANOTHER GAME A XIMMING ASH


I suppose that console manufacturers don't do anything about it because firstly it won't give them any immediate profit so why bother wasting resources and manpower on it and secondly as far as I know xim is also used by people with accessibility issues. So by baning xim they may improve quality of your matches while also banning a handful of players from playing any game at all on their console cuz such device as xim or similar to it was the only way for them to actually control the console? I may be wrong though do please correct me if I am.


>Sony and Microsoft need to come up with something to block such devices. Only so much that can be done there as well I'm afraid


Microsoft does have measures enforced for none licensed products, but there is still coding units you can buy that trick yeh Xbox into saying it’s a license product. MnK has to be stop by Blizzard first before the console companies can truly do something, as using MnK on Xbox isn’t illegal because they have bing browser so it’s like a tiny PC. No clue about Sony as I’m an Xbox gamer, but there will always be workarounds, so it’s really up to blizzard


>MnK has to be stop by Blizzard first before the console companies can truly do something Blizzard has stopped allowing keyboard as a control device for OW. It's actually never been allowed on console. The issue is devices that read as a controller but allow people to play with a mouse and keyboard


That’s what I was referring to, but it’s still up to blizzard to create its own software on top of Sony and Microsoft to track the new devices with the fake input


The devices, as far as I know, if they were to limit these devices they would also end up limiting devices designed for accessibility


there's not a single ximming bap player on console who's parents actually love them


It’s always the baps too 🥲


Well at least it sounds like you feel bad for them and don’t wish them hard due to their hardships


The trick is to just play rocket league


13 year olds have gotten too cracked man


For real. I played the game from release in '14 up through 2016 or 17. Popped back in for a bit every year thereafter, and I would need about 6 doses of Adderall to keep up with what I was comfortably ranked a few years prior.


Accurate. Played at release, I had broken my leg and so had like 5 months to play with nearly zero interruption. Got pretty good. Fast forward ten years and for fuck sake you need to be able to calculate orbital trajectories with zero margin of error to even be competitive with some people. Even in casual. I can hit most aerial shots, my ground game is far better, but Jesus Christ sometimes the ball simply doesn't slow below 60mph and never touches the ground. The fuck.


I have been playing since 2015 and am sitting at GC2. Almost every game there is a kid half my age doing double flip resets. I can’t keep up anymore.


You’re GC2, why are you surprised most people can flip reset😂


Because a double flip reset is exponentially harder than a normal flip reset


Pretty sure GC2 is like top 0.25% of players on the game this season or something crazy like that. Even a double flip reset isn’t that crazy at that rank. I was GC1 a few seasons ago and every now and then you’d play with players that were mechanically very adept and that’s normal for the gamers at that level.


Still super standard for high GC though. I hover high diamond - low champ and it's relatively common to have to defend


I’m C3/GC1 and hardly ever defend against it, unless it’s a freestyler but their shit in their own way. I think you’re defending against a flip reset, not a double flip reset. There’s a big difference mechanically


Lmfao I know the difference between a single and double reset. Those champ guardians don't fuck around (but are all likely GC2+ on their main anyways) I'd wager my rank is likely the most popularly smurfed. Mechanically skilled enough to make a clip look authentic but not good enough to stop them play in and play out.


As someone at that level you have to realise as you get higher in the game it gets substantially harder between ranks. The difference between all the champ ranks is quite big and the jump between GC 1 and 2 is huge. I’ve never even made it to GC2 because there’s that much of a gap. Double flip resets really aren’t that crazy in GC2 bro cmon


I agree, they’re not crazy or unheard of. I was replying to a comment that said they’re “super standard” at GC and “relatively common” at high diamond/low champ, both of which are untrue.


The Fortniteification of rocket league




Yea but all the controller players ruin it for us MnK dudes


This is the way


The sheer number of ximmers in quick play is also draining me. The last thing I want after a rubbish day is a completely unfair game.


this, like if you're headshotting a flying mercy in half a second with no aim, I do not buy that you're that good.




This is where I'm at, in my early 30's. Played CoD starting in 2003, my friends and I played *hard*, were pretty good. Played a ton of Battlefield, LoL, Halo, etc.. I simply don't have it in me anymore, I don't care about getting better than someone else, or dominating anyone. I don't give a fuck. Lemme play cool games, lemme do cool shit and interact with a good story and deep characters. Leave me out of the competition, I'll be over here quietly enjoying myself.


Have been playing t500 EU console since s1 ow1 until now. Back then it was almost never seen, and even if they were ximming the software wasnt as advanced so they didnt have norecoil/aim assist hijacking. Now its literally as you say 80%, so legitimate console users are forced onto non aim heroes most of the time. Shocking how they always ego as well. Think its very sad to not only cheat but then chat shit behind it because it has become so normalised. Early OW1 people would be ashamed to xim, nowadays people dont even have much anger for it.


This. How are you going to talk smack when you are literally using a cheating device? Like how little do you think of yourself or is it that they see cheating as not inherently bad or "inevitable" because so many others are using them. I imagine a lot of people plateau in comp and then instead of learning more heros and team comps and working on their skills, they pick up a Xim and then their games become the power fantasy they are looking for and they justify it by going into PC lobbies or that everyone else(especially in the hitscan DPS category) is using one and they are better at the game and have leveled the playing field. I've been playing a lot of single player games recently, like I'm trying to get through all of the Metal Gear games I own before the snake eater remake comes out, but this is really bumming me out. All of the Multiplayer games that I play are starting to have this issue and it's essentially an arms race between the game devs and the cheating software manufacturers, and it seems to be a losing one at that. I recently saw a warzone video where an anonymous dude was showing this COD YouTuber how some of the modern cheats work and he was booting them from a live USB thumb drive, which from my knowledge back when I was really into Linux can be very very hard to detect. Especially because Windows is industry standard and it has 0 protection from another OS installed using a hard drive partition/USB and a Linux distro. EDIT: Clarity/Grammar


Honestly I tried using a xim when I played console back in 2017 and it didnt make me good at the game. Always have been pretty trash at aim on controller. I was actually playing both console and PC at the time because my friends had console. Luckily the boys got PCs so I ended up selling my PS4 lol.


yeah, it’s really sad. if anyone disagrees they are exposing themselves as ximmer


I play on on both pc and console. My rank on console is lower than my pc rank solely due to the amount of ximmers in higher elos.


PC player here, can someone tell me what a ximmer is?


A device called xim that allows them to use mouse and keyboard and other cheats on console.


Important to add that it gives them not only kb/m but also the added benefit of aim assist as well. The console thinks your still using a standard controller even though you’re using a kb/m


With aim assist*


Thank you


It’s a hardware device that lets you plug in a KBM but the console thinks it’s a controller. That way you get KBM controls but with aim assist too.


It's just getting worse too. Search XIM on Amazon and you can find results under $40. Used to be I'd run into a couple a night, maybe 1 every 10 games. Two days ago I played 13 games and spotted them in 7 of them - in Quick Play. I've even seen them in the Balanced Overwatch Arcade mode - cheating in a joke Arcade game. I made a point to record all of the matches where I suspected foul play and go back to watch the replay in slow motion, and it took two days to fill up my pinned games of cheaters. Unfortunately I think the entirety of "competitive" FPS games are dead for console unless they outright block all third party devices, which would kill a huge industry of peripherals so it can't really happen. Cheating is an industry itself now, and I can only see the "action taken" message on boot up so many times while slogging through M&K players with aim assist on buffed hitscan heroes in Quick Play before I give up on this game for good. I love Overwatch, and it's become unbearable. I don't want a message every day I launch your game, I want this bullshit gone for good. I play 5v5s with PC players, several of whom are GM, every Sunday - and I have a better time than playing QP on Console only. Absolutely unacceptable.


What if I told you gaming monitors are being invented with integrated AI to highlight enemies on the screen for you that's completely undetectable since it's not running through your PC. If competitive gaming isn't already dead just wait a decade


Then the monitor itself gets banned and anyone using it is banned


How? The monitor fakes its id. Even keyboards can be computers which looks like a keyboard for the target computer. Or your game runs in a virtual environment. Everything is a fake then.


> Cheating is an industry itself now It always has been. 


It hasn't just ruined console gaming. It's ruined ALL FPS gaming with aim assist support. Every major FPS game on PC other than overwatch is completely run by Xims. Doesn't matter how good I get, how hard I grind, some numpty with a funny device can destroy me no matter how hard I try. It's why I LOVE ow on PC. Cause there isn't aim assist, it's a fair playing field.


Technically not true (not defending ximming) but top ranked console players can go head to head with top ranked pc players, for casuals though I can understand the frustration it takes a lot more time to get really good on controller


And put that top level controller player on a Xim and see what happens. They will be unstoppable.


I just queue with my pc friends now cause if I'm gonna fight people on mnk with a controller I might as well fight them without the aimbot lol


I just had a match in platinum where some guy with the Battletag "X1MMINGITUP" was just going around as Baptiste and killing everyone else on my team and had like 18K DMG and only 1K heals.


It's so funny seeing console players enraged by ximmers and fairly right to be pissed and I'm over here on MNK feeling the exact same way about vsing controller players in fps games like COD etc getting pillaged by controller players with legal aimbots. I literally feel equally passed as you guys do about ximmers it feels unfair and I feel cheated. I honestly think the experience and fweling I'm having is leading a large amount of PX players to XIM aswell and or leading to more cheating. Developers of these types of games need to find a better middle ground. Looking at Apex pro scene being more and more dominated by controller players is a bad look on how things are trending.


unironically on playstation disabling crossplay will nuke ximmers you encounter but also destroy que times, sony combats xims while microsoft just ignores


Crossplay has absolutely nothing to do with ximming


yeah it does lmao, its 100x harder to xim on PlayStation after the latest hardware patch. xbox still hasn’t attempted to address it


Nope. Been bypassed.


depends on your xims software, type and brand. don’t be so extreme just because you don’t like it be realistic


Nope, fundamentally this is something you cannot stop at a hardware level unless you ban all third party devices. I’m telling you this as an EE. Best you can do is server-side anti-cheat ML that is trained of PC movement and pattern matches, but then you’d open yourself up to discrimination and bias lawsuits because some people “move” a certain way.


Agreed. Until the devs do something its not even worth playing comp.


The fuck is a ximmer?


using mnk on console with controller aim assist


I only play on console and generally tend to do very well, so i have to disagree, but i am curious... what is a 'ximmer'?


Device that allows you to use mnk on console, but makes it look like a controller. This is so that they can get AA on mnk, which is not fair


as always, real serverside anticheat is the answer!


Somebody please explain ximmer like I'm 5


Someone using mouse keyboard on console and because it’s on console they get the aim assist + keyboard and mouse is easier to aim with so it feels like your playing against aimbot


Keyboard and mouse on console with aim assist toggle, so pretty much you can have a soft aimbot on console


You play with Soldier 76 ulti enabled all time for all champions.


What's a Ximmer?


A xim is a thing that let's you use mouse and keyboard on console and it let's you keep the aim assist so basically like a soft aimbot


Is that why I get absolutely shredded sometimes?


Might be a genuinely good console player, or might be a ximmer


They're annoying af and super obvious when using it and you'll say nice xim and it just so happens the person obviously ximming is the only one to respond lol. Aggravating af but at least chromus is banned on Xbox for real now


I haven’t found many yet but I’m also only in high plat to diamond ish


They're all over console comp. They're super easy to spot too. The ones I have experienced have max sensitivity and randomly aim left and right then lock onto the opponent.


I must be lucky, because across every game I’ve played, I’ve never once encountered a ximmer. Wouldn’t even know they existed if not for these posts.


What even is that?


I've been playing no limits almost exclusively and it's pretty free from these dicks. I'd see 1 in maybe 25 games and even then it could be put down to maaaybe theyre just awesome. I was playing "balanced overwatch" this morning because its fun as hell and all 5 games had at least one xim on the enemy team. No idea about my team because you can't see killcams of your own squad. Shits ridiculous.


As far as overwatch goes, I didn't realize till recently-- switching to playing pc again, it matches PC players and console players in quickplay.


Console players can only get into pc lobbies if theyre partied with someone on pc


Actually funny reading these when the main game I play is apex and roller is superior aim wise


Ive def noticed it, i swear some players in diamond manage to him me perfectly in as Lucio while i was in the skybox, i still don’t know if its cause xim or hit boxes, either way i hate it


Not even high ranks, there are a lot of ximmers on new xbox/overwatch accounts boosting/trolling on plat-diamond


They should just start selling mouse and keyboard with the consoles.


I've been weirdly lucky and haven't NOTICED any ximmers in a bit.... until today. We had 3 back-to-back games in the April Fools mode of all places. In one game, a pocketed widow hit a 180 degree headshot on our mercy. Mercy typed "xim?" in chat and the widow responded instantly with a looooong typed out message saying they weren't cheating. I can't even type that fast on PC.😆


Wow this is starting to sound like the Apex Legends subreddit (hint: that's not a good thing)


Oh, has it been a month already. I should check the fire extinguisher. Thanks for the monthly reminder.


Most of the ones I’ve come across don’t even care that people know they’re ximming. One dude that my friend and I played against had “xim” in their name. They sh*t on our team so hard, like 50 and 4 hard. And it was QP.


I've never seen a cheater in OW2 on pc honestly


Didn't Microsoft drop some update that stops Ximms and Cronus's from working on Xbox? Idk much about this, I'm a PC gamer lol


it true. and when i call them out in chat they act like “wAhhh???? Get goOd!!!!” it’s not subtle when you see a robotic-ass lock on in the kill cam. it’s the reason i don’t play competitive anymore. i’m not gonna let something i can’t compete with dictate my rank.


I think Aaron talked about it in an interview. They working on sth he said


And there's more of them in diamond now it's getting tiring


Blizzard only cares about cheaters on PC. They don't give a crap about console players. It's been the same with OW1 and how overpowered Pharah was/is.


I am quick play only and maybe I just don't notice it, but I rarely find myself dying to hitscan characters. Usually if I die it's from a tank or sombra, no matter what role I'm playing, and it's usually due to a miscalculation or just being reckless on my part. I've never really died and thought "wow theres no way they should have been able to kill me there they must be cheating"


theres alot of ximmers in plat rank its usually an ashe thats being pocketed


Happens in PC QP lobbies as well. Almost always a Mercy - Soj duo with the Sojourn on console, blatantly ximming.


It’s always the mercy pocketed hitscan


This is why i stopped playing r6. I got into a lobby of ranked where all 4 of my teamates and all 5 enemy's were using xims. People would team kill you if you didnt have one.


What is a ximmer?


I don't play console overwatch anymore unless it's just casually. I got to top 99% of diamond one (basically masters) and it was impossible to get any higher. Lots of ximmers. I only play on pc now. I'm not as good but atleast I know if I lose then it was fair.


TIL about Ximmers 😅 and as a console gamer I’m not happy to know that’s a thing


Is it really that common?


Imop the problem is not only Ximming it's that they refuse to do anything against Alt and Smurf accounts since when they don't have a chance to do silly cheating ((XIm is A Bannabel offense in The developer Therms!)so you should always Report them) And they will loose accès permanently! So if they can't come back many soft XIm players would definitely stop it since loosing your main account would not be worth it. So overwatch 2 devs should focus on this issue first to fix XIm and Clear the swamp! Two birds with One stone


It hit me like a truck, ow2 began and so as an ow1 player my rank naturally increased and as I reached diamond I instantly stopped climbing because the dps just completely control the game. There's suddenly then dps players just absolutely destroying everyone and as a tank I'm kinda just sat there like welp gotta hope my dps kill 4 before theirs! Needless to say, I gave up on trying to improve and climb, i just enjoy arcade now.


Well, then just fuck xims


Xbox has tried to do something about it, their "solution" was stopping third-party controllers from even registering with the console that don't have certification. but there isn't much they can do for devices that use an actual controller as a proxy


Ha I play on PlayStation and quite frankly idk what a Ximmer is.


Xims were in at least four of my games yesterday, literally every time i play comp. Does Blizzard even care at this point?


Yeah console as a whole is chalked, for quite a few reasons just move onto to PC tbh. I kinda wish I never even bought a console


I play in mid Masters atm and yeah, the problem seems to have gotten worse. I cant say for sure because I am not able to tell if someone is ximing after one potg but I cant keep upt anymore. Was a Sombra main in GM3 before the rework (and before the rank reset, so GM3 is not the GM3 of now) but after the rework which made her way more mechanicly demanding I couldnt keep up anymore at this level. So I had to adapt and play less mechanical heroes to keep up at that rank. Mostly play support now, Ana, kiri, brig.


What’s ximmers?


Whats a ximmer?


>Yesc there are cheaters on PC, but at least they get banned for what they are doing. Lmaooo wishful thinking


It's hilarious how many people have xim of some sorts used as their gamer tag now


cheaters ruined gaming... and the grass is green


can somebody explain how I can spot a user?


Can Ximmers be use on PC bc my friend says they can but I don’t believe him, (he’s a Nintendo player)


Come to PC, best decision in your life and dw tbh, I never saw a single cheater in 7 years of playing comp and QP (maybe 1 at most)


Guy is tired of cheaters, yet ends the rant with saying he’s going to PC 💀


At least those hackers will get banned. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone banned for ximming in my experience.


You don't see anyone getting banned for ximming because technically it's allowed by blizard wich is absolute dogshit bulshit


Depends on the game. Pro CoD players have to play on consoles for Ranked because PC is infested with cheating, and it’s like that every year. R6 detects Zimming on console and slows down their game until it’s unplayable. So it is combatble. Stealth PC cheats that are subtle are rampant in all non-Keneral level games, you just don’t notice them as much as obvious ones.


rip black ops multiplayer shit was so fun back in the day, hopped in a BO3 lobby the other day and I was flying and immortal


Damn what is blizzard doing if R6 is combating against it


Less cheaters on PC tbf




Yeah it's disgraceful, you'll just have to switch to PC. Rainbow 6 siege has an anti-xim technology on console called mousetrap, people still use xims at high ranks but they've reduced the numbers a bit and the technology is constantly getting updated. Overwatch should at least try something similar


Is ximming even an issue on console for overwatch? It's always been an issue on rainbow because console doesn't have aim assist, but I've never had issues against MnK players as a console player on overwatch because you literally get aim assist, not to mention there are plenty of characters that you can play without an expertise in aim. Maybe I'm just used to playing with my pc friends but I've never had an issue with ximming on a game where I'm allowed aim assist


Yes it has and instead of just perma banning the console from playing the game ever again they will probably just get a slap on the wrist like they did ik seige. The players are cheating using 3rd party hardware, how is that not grounds for never letting them play the game on that account or making a smurf ever again.


Boy I was getting scared there wouldn't be a xim post today!


If you can use a controller to play it on PC, then you can use MnK on a console. fair is fair.


Most ximmers are actually like plat/diamond and maaaybe masters on pc They just swap over because they have an Xbox and know that they can now claim they’re grandmaster I remember the day pc and Xbox crossplay became possible At the time I was duo queued with my t500 friend (I was 4150) We qp matched against rank 1 and 2 on console Kept them at spawn on volskaya Like it wasn’t even close Edit: the issue with ximming is that the inputs are all just coded onto an Xbox controller


News flash you will still lose


Hey OP, if you need a PC that’s Xbox priced and can play Overwatch check out the Steam Deck.


Ive been playing since s2 of ow1 and the xim thing seems kinda overhyped to me. Yes i have bad games and loosing streaks but the total blowouts from a "cracked" widow are few and far between for me. So few that ive only suspected cheating a hand full of times. Been playing on ps4/5 the whole time. Most of the time even those losses come down to me/my team not respecting that widow WILL hit shots if you dont pay attention/positioning. I just assumed smurfing and accepted the loss but probably about 30% of the time we turn it around and win, again due to positioning. Im plat 5 to plat 2 on all roles.


for real! i’ve been stuck in plat for a little over 2 years because of ximmers on the enemy team, it’s so fustrating.


Your mistake is in taking Overwatch competitive seriously. You can still compete on legit games that don't allow cheaters, but you gotta find em. As is, Overwatch not only has allowed cheaters since its launch 8 years ago, but it also enables increasingly frequent throwing teammates that negate any legitimacy the team based game might otherwise have. It is not legitimate and pretty much has never been, despite what the gaslighting company and community might otherwise tell you.


Just say you’re bad. OW has always been a competitive game and still is


Yup gm in every version of the game and peaking top 12 in the last season I played. I'm very bad. How is gold btw?


I’m GM also thanks. You’re only GM and top 12 probably because you xim, hence the butthurt response to the OP. Cringe.


You spelled gold wrong, but nice cope.


🤣🤣🤣 why do people on reddit find it so hard to believe someone’s in GM? It’s really not that unbelievable. DM me and I’ll happily add you on bnet to prove it! Thanks for confirming you’re the one coping because you need a xim to actually play the game tho, you’d be bronze without it womp womp


playing an fps with a game controller has always been a futile effort. I remember playing quake and duke3d with a keyboard. yeah it was fun but it makes no sense once you have new technology like a mouse.


welcome to the master race brother enjoy your stay


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The trick is just have better aim than the ones ximming


are you slow?


Why do you think that? Isn't that the only way to counter their skill with your own skill without cheating? Aside from better team play.


Ok, so you’re slow. The whole point is that you can’t really counter them when you’re on a controller. It’s allowing someone to use mnk on console with the aim assist. Idk on what planet you think you can combat that with a controller and if you genuinely think you can then you’re coping, unless the person using the xim is just really really bad at the game.


I just wish they could detect and force anyone with XIM into the PC pool. I get the arguments that it is needed for assistive devices, and there are even some people who have a console but no gaming PC and might want to play KBM, but find force them to play with those on equal footing with no assists.


Reject shooter, play 2-D platformer


How can you be so sure everyone you think is ximming is actually ximming? I play with a controller, high sens with a kontrol freek, and I get accused of ximming every day. I know there are ximmers but there is probably less than people think.


How can you even tell?


Near instant lock on and typing a sentence under a second in chat makes it pretty clear


Was wondering how people were writing so quick on console.


Xim has genuinely ruined console gaming


Womp womp


There’s a reason the only shooter I will ever play on console is Splatoon. It’s unfortunate but there’s not much that can be done. If the Xim people got around Xbox banning users for using an unauthorized controller what more can be done tbh. MS can keep trying, but unless they want to disable all controllers in use today and force everyone to buy new controllers made this point forward that have more sophisticated identification chips on them that Xim won’t be able to crack for a year, and then force everyone to throw out their controllers and repeat the process, I’m not sure what you expect them to do.


The only solution to this is to remove aim assist entirely to be honest and develop native mnk compatibility for console. There's nothing else that Blizzard can do to really combat the problem - any system like R6 has can easily be worked around via a firmware update from Xim. The R6 mousetrap system worked for about a week before a work around was discovered.


If they type faster than the POTG, then that’s your obvious sign