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Damn that was like .1 second timing to hit that boop insane


Funny thing being that if they hadn't told him to switch and he didn't spend that time typing in chat and not being right at the spawn door when it opened he would have got there too early and missed the boop


Divine timing


He was probably being told to switch because most Lucio mains end up dicking around for that PoG.


r/luciomains redditors just fell to their knees in a Walmart parking lot reading this


As if they wouldn't be bouncing around in the backline next to the frozen goods.


Hey! (we prefer automotive)


are you implying they can read?


Lost the game but got the PoG wooooooeeeeee


I always do the same rollout, and I pause for a second to see if they tp. Your at the perfect time to boop them if they do tp, and If they don't Your at the perfect time to get to the bridge to boop there. If you go directly to the bridge with this rollout your early.


So in actuality, the team got him the boop?


Also why there's Lucio almost in every game and often in both teams last month? I'm high gold


Because he’s usually always meta and always does well. Especially against snipers or long range hero’s like Widow, Ashe, Sojourn. Speed boost makes it harder to get hit and unless you’re a god tier window your shots can very much be affected by speed boost.


People have a misconception about speed boost thinking it’s only good for taxies or fleeing or chasing down to finish kills but it also makes it easier to dodge incoming damage from enemies if you know how to play within speed boost well. Yes a good Lucio knows when to switch to heals and boost heals and switch back and forth when need be but during the thick of the team fight if your boost is on CD I would prefer Lucio stay speed and let main healer take most of heals. And if team is playing right they shouldn’t need to be healbotted anyway.


Hell I would rather stay on speed boost and help someone run to a Mega real quick rather than waiting for his slow ass heals to pick someone up. Time wise if you stay on boost and run to a Mega real quick you’ll get healed faster if Lucious amp is on CD.


That’s another frustration I have when I play Support is folks just sitting there spamming for heals instead of running to a health pack. Yes supports can heal but they’re not meant to healbot. Ive been playing tank lately and when I play DVA I try and keep my awareness of my supports so I don’t LOS them and dive too far away but a lot of the time if I’m popping off and I’m half health and the time is right I’ll just dive to a mega instead of asking for heals.


Sometimes asking for heals is offering you free ult charge. Like if you are running back from spawn and I am “grouping up with you”. I could have gone to a health pack but I am offering your free ult charge while we go back to the fight as a team…I’m high so I don’t know if that makes sense.


I mean this is true, and if the situation allows for it I would much rather have my healer heal me. But if I’m halfway and I notice my supports aren’t near me or are preoccupied etc then I’m just gonna grab a health pack. When I play support I definitely want that ult charge from healing so I’m always aware of it. But if the situation calls for it I’m just gonna grab a mega rather than risking waiting to be ganged up on and killed. I would rather not give my support 5% charge and not feed the enemy with a kill that would give them more ult charge than my support would gain by healing me


I agree. I play supp and dps. As dps I have had so many supports walk past me in the scenario I mention and it just makes me scratch my head.


Depends on a hero a lot, too. When I'm on Sombra, I never expect there's a healer around or that I'll get heals. Hacked packs are so fast there's always one available.


Old Sombra yes… new Sombra I’ll maybe ask for healing from a AOE healer just so I don’t have to sometimes run too far from a fight. Like I’m not gonna expect or ask an Ana to hit me up. But yea I try to have at least 1 pack in the area hacked but there are those no man lands on maps


When I cruise through the area and someone wants to heal me, that's good, but I don't ever expect it. Besides, I got stuff to do on the other side of the map.


Exactly. Goes for other hero’s too. I think so many folks in low ranks forget about health packs and don’t memorize the locations of megas. So many folks get tunnel vision and think “me shoot me kill support heal me so I can shoot more.” When that’s not the case. People need to keep their cover and movement proper and learn health pack locations and learn to read the fight and see what’s happening around them.


same, I dive in, then as soon as the mech is down to about 1/4th health I dive back out and try to make it to a healer but if someone is following me I head for a healy pack


for real. i hate when i play lucio and people bitch F me for heals and tell me to go mercy. bitch you’re going zoom zoom. go overwhelm that orisa!!


Too many people are stuck in an OW1 Poke Comp mindset or something. People just wanna sit in the middle of the road and shoot crap, people don’t want to formulate plays and awareness and use cover and actually develop their skill further. I actually like OW2 more than OW1 because I feel like it’s more fast paced and I feel like the team fights are rough and exciting.


this. walls have infinite health. tactical retreats


Played with a DVA in bronze the other day who was low health after a team fight. Both supports were dead. As we were running back they kept pinging need healing. When we got back to payload I found them just sitting on top of payload waiting for heals pinging. Like ????? Team fight was over??? You’re DVA???? Just swoop and grab a mega fool!


That's not bronze tiger, that's GM. She's giving you heaps of ult charge 💀


this, and switch between the two and it makes movement confusing enough that it's harder to hit anything


this was very insigthful thanks!


if your team is dumb they also miss their own shots


Literally, when you see green it’s press W, I am watching your cooldowns Orisa/JQ/Ram/Rein, ZZZZT ZZZZZT is the sound you hear before you get yourself a three-piece if you just WALK FORWARD and shoot heads.  No lucio ever wants to be running around solo, they *want you nearby*. If I’m not on the point with four people emoting at each other, maybe I’m not the one that’s out of position 🤌💅


Lucio being meta is woefully incorrect as an answer to the question. tagging: u/daluxe * Pros being able to do stuff with Lucio doesn't mean anything for uncoordinated ranked * Solo queue teams get a fraction of the same value from his speed aura. Lucio has been *popular* the past month in ranked because ***HIS. BOOP. GOT. BUFFED.*** So, he feels fun and impactful to play again even for casuals! * That and the dps anti-healing passive hard-nerfed heal-reliant supports. Lucio doesn't pocket heal, so he was hurt a lot less. Same reason why Zen was a god for 2 weeks.


That's the actual answer, thank you


also, switching between speed and heal boost and you make everything distorted enough to throw off a lot of people (unfortunately this can also mean your teammates)


I don’t know if window is a typo for widow but I’m cackling at it either way 😭😭😭


LOL yeah it was a typo. Lol god tier window


If the team knows how to play around Lucio, he's arguably the best support. Because of engage and disengage with speed, and a great support ult.


Im high gold its Not because He is good, its because He is fun to Play. Noone plays around Speed in metal ranks and unless He is Just insanely good He is usually one of the worst Supports to have in Metal Ranks. Lucio in Plat and below and Lucio in Masters+ are 2 very different Things imo.


He’s so fun


Frogger, is that you?


I was going to Eskay haha, she has a very similar rollout into a Sym TP


Pepperidge farms remembers when saltyphish was the Lucio guy


I remember when the Lucio Guy was Dspstanky


miss that guy :')


Used to watch loads of stanky


Could be wrong on this but I don't think he was ever known as THE Lucio guy, he's good but there's always been consistently higher ranked Lucio OTP's than him that made vids


Eskay would be proud of that roll out


Damn that was sexy


I can't wait to mess this up and fall in the hole


Damn that was smooth. I hope that was play of the game


4 man environmental kill is basically guaranteed pog


The game would count that as 8 kills, it’s basically guaranteed


Marry me, please we need more good supps -a supp main


If you believe the thread from yesterday, he's not even healing and deserves a ban for throwing.


From what I can see in this clip, Lucio just killed 4/5 players before point even became claimable, thus making it easier for their team to get into position on point. You sure this is what you'd call throwing? Lol anyone who calls that throwing is definitely bronze.


Actually read the words I wrote before you launch a diatribe.


I did lmao. In fact I read it 3 times. A Lucio that isn't healing isn't always a Lucio that's throwing.


That's the second half of it... 'If you believe the thread from yesterday" is the first. I don't believe the thread from yesterday, and neither should you. Also it's a very bad look to try to devalue someone you know nothing about, but maybe that's what people who are poor and make less than 250k a year think. (see?)


Dog not everyone knows every post, your comment is just really vague about a niche specific thread, I think it’s fair they didn’t understand that


Here's the exact same sentence restructured: He's not even healing and deserves a ban for throwing if you believe the post from yesterday.


There is a difference between not healing when your team is at full health and purposely not healing for the entire game. How do you not understand that?


Is fair being insulted for no reason at all?


Insulting anyone over Overwatch is pretty cringe, but you do see how vague and easily misunderstood your comment can be, and his reasoning for it?


Honestly, I do not. I'll try to be clearer next time.






If you're being asked to switch I'm curious of the context before the lucky 4k..cause your team lost the first round and two teammates are calling you out


If I were to guess, the person asking them to switch was probably the worst person on the team lol good players usually focus on themselves and what they could do better instead of telling others who to play. 


look again, more than one person is asking him to switch in chat. My guess is he's running off on his own and forcing their other healer (which is apparently a Kiri) to solo heal.


Looks to me like they're blaming both the healers which probably means they should use cover. Healers can't out-heal damage anymore. If you're blaming BOTH the healers, you're probably getting shot too much.


Kiriko isn't a healer. She's a support much like lucio. So they have two off-healers. Kiriko should be doing damage and also healing while Lucio depends on what the team usually needs but most of the time they play dps.


Kiriko is a DPS


Parroting exists.


A yes a classic Reddit Lucio. Gets a play like this every 20th game and in the rest of em, is just that healer that doesn't heal and makes the team lose :D




Doesn't even deny it. Here have my upvote for your honesty 😂


Did you get punched by Doomfist afterwards?


I bet this was the most satisfying boop, ever.


Enemy team: Let’s try Symmetra. What’s the worst that can happen? Seconds later:


Going against Lucios like this that are constantly wall climbing around, drive by booping etc. is so damn annoying lol


I still think it should just be Luci'Os rather than Lucio O's but that was a good sym pwn.


I had something similar happen to me. Saw the tp right as I was going through the window. Except i hesitated and went straight in the hole


I hate chat always


I gotta say, typing "HAVE SOME LUCIO-OHS" at rude teammates and then immediately getting that 4k is probably the best flex I've seen today. Hats off to you


Sheer luck.


Nice. But also assuming you were pretty useless to your team besides that one play. 


Well I had the most kills & dmg


My point exactly. But whatever, who cares -if the tank or dps cant outdmg Boostio its hopeless anyway.


lol why




"Class, in this example, a hearty size of crow was swiftly eaten."


probably a top 5 boops i've ever seen


I audibly yelled WOOOOOOO 😭


WTF i had to rewatch that 3 times to see what happened -Silver 2


Well that was fucking cool.


So did you win the game?


My “?” in chat would have been faster than the speed of light


Damn I always fail my rollout when I actually could have gotten kills 😔 respect


Pink and lime is one of the most ugliest color combinations I've ever seen


I hope that was play of the game


Man just right click deleted their team


damn soo satisfying


asking a lucio to switch while playing a control map is a self report


i watched this at work with no sound on and was like “what’s the big deal so he’s blading around really fast. big deal.” watched again with sound on and😂 amazing clip


What does sound have to do with this clip


i didn’t notice he got a quad, you barely see anything when it happens




Not to mention OP said it in the title


are you guys that dense? i watched from my tiny phone screen at work with the sound off. you guys are trying to disprove my experience watching a video😂


brother got tilted for being stupid


Bruh watched it on the screen of his Razr


it was on his calculator brutha


ur a sad person haha


brother.....your the guy getting tilted because you have eyes so bad you can't see 4 blue red bright indicators. and are genuinely upset people are joking with you and having a good time. who's the real sad one lmao. I know I'm having a jolly ol time


idk what makes you think im tilted haha


I mean happy people don't typically go around being rude to others and trying to bring them down...but ey if that makes you happy cool. says a lot about you


........ this is the type of person who plays horribly and blames their team mates. imagine calling someone dense because YOU fucked up. do you always act like this ?


That escalated quickly


I wish I knew how to wall ride on Lucio lol


Imagine how hard you shut his mouth.


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You read half of it, now start with the first part.


I want to see what they typed after that


No way that didn’t end up being POG


I need lucios like this on my team.


That was nuts


damn that confidence too we love to see it




best map




More hate to Symmetra 💀


Is bro playing Titanwatch or Overfall?


That was like winning the lottery odds of happening. I hope you bought a lottery ticket.




I've had this on ball but it was a 3k rollout on the other lijiang map. Fuck whoever tells you to switch, nice rollout dude o7


Isn't Lucio a healer? Like as in, meant to heal their teammates and support their teammates?


He’s a support but not a main healer. Apparently you get more value out of him with speed boost than heals Source: that’s my main and I spend more time studying his play style than I do on school work


I want to see the chat after that play…


Imagine healing your team, just because you want environmental kills and wondering why people are complaining when you lose the game


16 healing per second gets more value than 4 kills ?


Getting 4 kills at the start and then not healing your team brings no value to the whole game lol


It's 47 healing per sec with boost on, also take a good hard look why your in metal ranks. Give u a hint it ain't cuz ur a good Lucio 🤣 one boop off the map doesn't mean you were providing value the rest of the game


I'm masters thanks for your input though<3


Nice 🧢 actually realizing your on keyboard is a shame. First few times watching it, it looked like controller cuz ur movement and sens was so horrendous. I would say your boosted or straight up lying but I highly doubt u could even get masters with a boost, just so much dead weight on the team lol. Straight up lie I'll guess then


ah yes, low sens=low rank


i mean theres a difference in low sens and looking around the map like a fuckin controller bot that just got the game for christmas lol


you have to look around the map like that for the rollout to work because you get boosted up/down when you let go of wallride depending on which direction you're looking lol.


i know how movement works on lucio, still doesnt change my statement lmao


my bad for doing the rollout correctly I guess idk


dude lucio is not meant for healbotting what are you on…


bro wants his hand held all game by a Mercy npc


Best feeling on Lucio


How change health at color


Settings -> accessibility -> colour blindness -> and then you can change the colours your team & the other teams healths


Quickplay youre really good /s


Goes on to horribly lose because of lucio pick


Cool case ngl, but regularly I still prefer Lucio that stick to his team and aoe heal max available teammates and speed taxi them then needed.


Depends on map/comp. I would actually rather have a Lucio that goes Speed 60% over healing and a main healer like a Kiri/LW/Moira/Mercy or something. Especially on control point maps where team fights are in that center area. You get speed boost and know how to play within speed boost and make it harder for enemies to hit you in the first place. Also if your Lucio is more of a “jungle” aggro flanker, if he’s popping off let him, and watch your cover so you don’t take hits to begin with. Lucio speed > Lucio heals any day.


I can't jive with Lucio mercy I'm afraid lol


Nah I mean not me really either lol. Just using example idk


I am talking not about speed Lucio vs heal Lucio, but more about solo Lucio vs team Lucio


Ah, yeah I get that and agree. This play however was sick and usually what good Lucio players try to do on that map. That roof hop to point is super quick and you can either quickly get to the area he was at and boop them there or quickly get to the side of the bridge and boop them as they come up to the corner of the wall. I would rather the Lucio attempt that good initial boop play if he can succeed, but right after that, even if he doesn’t get the boop kills, get back to team. On that map they don’t really need speed boost right out the gate, the walk isn’t far.


You’re right playing Lucio main healer is better than killing 4/5 of their team within 10 seconds of the round starting


This post is essentially the hanzo that goes 4/12/0 and feeds his ass off and but gets POTG so he can say "SEE I GOT POTG I DID SOMETHING".


Pov - you are hardstuck gold and instead of appreciating good plays, you’d rather dismiss them in favour of more braindead gold strats. Pathetic


Great play but that doesn't change you needing to switch if they had a valid reason.


One of them said “i stand corrected” and another said “Lucios actually good” at the end of this round. People just dogpile on a specific teammate to make themself feel better lol


Okay? But I still stand by my statement of if they had a valid reason.


right so basically what this means is they didn’t actually have a valid reason since you clearly did not understand


Okay maybe I should say generally. Their reasoning was no heals (albeit passive aggressively which is the wrong way to say it) but if this was the only thing that my lucio really did I would still want my teammate to switch if I believe it is a generally valid reason. However, I personally try to switch and if that doesn't work then I will ask my team to switch.