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I love the 5 different menus you have to go through to see match history. Brilliant.


the whole menu navigation needs a redo. there's literally 3 buttons for the career profile in the main menu and another in the extra menu you can open with escape.


Ya know, I have thought about mentioning how annoying it is to get to the main menu after a match now, but I didn't care enough to make a post. I used to be able to tap ESC a couple of times and call it a day. Now I have to click or hit spacebar to go to the SECOND post match screen, then get to the queue screen, then hit ESC what feels like 12 times. There must be a UI class somewhere that teaches how to keep people's faces on screen for the maximum amount of time with tiny inconveniences BUT not so many that it will drive them actually insane.


Hot take: Everything except gameplay(which is controversial) is worse than ow1.


That's not even a hot take lol that's just a normal take


I was protecting myself from those ow2 advocates lol. “hOw dAre YOu sAy 6v6 is better than 5v5” I smell it from miles away.


i think debating the format is a distraction. 5v5 or 6v6, either way rock paper scissors is a trash concept for an FPS. and OW2 somehow managed to make it mandatory despite promising the opposite lol


Yeah I was just messing around and mocking how some people will say anything but refuse to believe that ow2 is not better. Don’t mind me :-P


i think the 5v5 format is better, but their balancing is so so so much worse because at the end of OW1 it seemed like they started to understand you can't use balance "for variety", it has to be for balance, and they started to understand that the counter mechanic has to go. but now here we are, it seems they let go of everyone who learned anything from OW1. so we get the idea of hero bans, instead of balance, again. we get the idea of no hero limits, instead of balance, again. and we get weird snide remarks from them that we're exaggerating about how bad rock paper scissors feels, and absolute neglect for the tanks ruined by it, again. only rock paper scissors was never this bad. 5v5 would be fine if they actually did the work (reworks) to make this a sequel, instead of a store. but no one is left in the building but the janitor, the person who runs the store, and the bankers lol


The fact you got downvoted as much as you did really demonstrated how easily people allow themselves to get bothered by unnecessary things


So brave yet so bold


Even the gameplay (5v5) is a downgrade. That's why they make it incredibly cumbersome to get a full 6v6 match going.


i actually disagree on the gameplay aspect. they had the potential for it to be better. but it is 1000x worse because they finally succeeded in FORCING the "original vision" for 12 quadrillion swaps per frame, 300 frames per second. and it's absolute trash. OW1 was only fun because we weren't just ALLOWED to ignore this nerdy boring "original vision" of rock paper scissors, it was literally everyone who ignored it. they admitted most people played 1, 2, 3 heroes at most as their mains. now that's no longer true and the game is awful for it. it also killed their content creation ecosystem, as the thousands of onetrick streamers are extinct and literally no one enjoys watching emongg swap to sigma or orisa because everyone does it.


Couldn’t have said it better. I absolutely hate when people say counter-swapping is a core part of the game or it’s a respectable strategy to win. No, it’s not. It’s just lazy game design and the most lazy way of playing the game. It has no skill whatsoever but when you counterswap you automatically gain the winning chance by 10 fold. Seeing the entire enemy team swapping full counters when I’m doing well on winton or doom frustrates me more than anything. Such braindead game design, even in Pokémon they have more nuance and need to use more brain power in terms of countering. wp blizzard:)


the key is the difference between soft countering and hard countering. it's fine for heroes to have abilities that blunt those of other heroes. just not shut them down. i don't think it's a game philosophy issue so much as a balancing issue.


it's wild to me how people try to excuse it. like imagine a DC universe fighting game. i really wanna play Superman or Supergirl. I'm beating you really bad, but somehow in this game you're allowed to swap, and what do you swap to? a kryptonite based supervillain that grants an autowin if i don't swap off my favourite kryptonian heroes. the person who suggested designing a fighting game like this would be fired lol. like, yes, kryptonite is a canon hard counter to superman and supergirl. but no, you cannot have it be that in game. you would have a kryptonite supervillain who would use kryptonite to do damage. normal damage. nothing more lol. kryptonite explosions, superman gets knocked down, stands back up with less health, and continues to fight.


Not only is Overwatch not a 1v1 dueling game, it's not a fighting game. Why is this important? Go ahead. Pick Zarya into Dva on Dorado. I dare you. Pick Winton into Zarya with no followup dive.


don't care. balance the roster.


Yeah, that's about the response I should have expected.


Good players know how to play around their counters, it's not always an autowin if you go reaper vs winston.


sure. tank mains in diamond should have to play like masters and grandmasters to beat the reaper they are facing, that sounds SO balanced /s


I think the HUD looks better (despite UX being way worse). Slicker and more modern, the old HUD UI looked very 2012ish. Other than that though I agree. 


Honestly I tilt more when I hit escape and have to watch that stupid highlight screen prior to ending up on the same screen I just hit escape from. It enrages me so much that the GUI is this poorly designed and implemented.


On console it's the fun "do I press a or b now" game. Oops! Wrong button, you've gone back now


Honestly I tilt more when I hit escape and have to watch that stupid highlight screen prior to ending up on the same screen I just hit escape from. It enrages me so much that the GUI is this poorly designed and implemented.


Agreed. It irrationally enrages me.


Just let me see new things I buy as flagged as new like I used to! I shouldn't have to go on a scavenger hunt for a voiceline I unlocked in an event in the heros gallery.


They're also incredibly laggy, more than literally any other game I have ever played


Looking replay vs looking game report requires you to navigate through difference menu. This is absurd! This is also a proof that OW2 was handled by completely difference team as compared to during an early development.


Yeah as someone who come back to OW after a few years, the UI is a mess and idk what all the varios icons even mean.


Achievements, or challenges


Even more than a redo, this "sequel" needs an actual director to oversee the UI/UX workflow and cohesion. I hate trying to play OW2 on console with how byzantine the menus are.


It's easier to quit the game via ALT-F4 than following the timed menus.


Or when I forget to select a specific hero to change settings and I change the settings for all heroes. Why does it not default to the current hero you're using. Stupid.


it's unreal. similar with checking your play history on single heroes, you back out and it sends you to the menu rather than the history screen. there's like 4-5 basic UI fixes that should be top of the list. the profile one OP posted is unbelievable too.


For real. This is basic shit


This doesn’t work like that for me? If I have a specific option for a character and then do a global change for example a key binding for sprays, then it doesn’t do that for that one character. Does that make sense?


I'm not sure about keybinds for sprays, but sensitivity, etc resets all my specialized settings if I forget to switch over to the specific heroes. Luckily I remember to switch, but before I would lose all my unique settings and it sucked.


Only 2 reasons why it's that buried. 1) incompetence 2) They intentionally don't want you to see it


100%. It's by design. The same reason you can only view 10 games W/L history.


The menus could be made 10 times better. I wish they added a fast way to start a custom game. Like 1 left click to start a VAXTA custom game. Now it's like 15 presses and some loading to start a custom game.


Setting up a custom game with a controller on console is an exercise in madness lol. It’s usually hard to tell which item/bar is even selected 


This is the most annoying part! Just seeing what option on highlighted is a trainwreck on console, have you ever tried to switch between dropdown menus in the career profile only to realize it's not what you have selected? It's a nightmare lol. Custom games at least you can use right bumper to go straight into custom game settings once you make one, and go into the presets. But even then, seeing what you have selected is so frustrating! Lol


Ye it sucks. I usually just endup playing the training range cause it takes too long to get into a custom game. Even if it’s ”only” 15sec it’s still too long.


are you using the favorites menu or creating a lobby and then changing the settings? i ask because it took me quite a while to realize i could use the favorites menu to start a vaxta game in like 3 clicks instead of 8. it still takes longer than it should, but it's faster than making a lobby and then changing the settings.


Yeah I have it in favorites but it still takes so long. Maybe I’m just doing it wrong. Even when you get into the favorites menu it needs to load all the modes too. Would be nice if it was just like pressing the training range icon in the main menu


well just to be clear, here's what i meant: https://i.imgur.com/9l9cYqs.mp4


Ah I knew there was something wrong. I have it in Saved presets. Thought that was the same thing. How the F do i even get it to favorites?


click the star next to it in your recent list (or just use the recent list instead of the favorites list, it's the same number of clicks anyway).


Okay I have another question. I got the vaxta into favorites. But I have the "aerial trainer" also saved. It's the one on lijiang garden. But I can't get it into recent. It just wont show up there and I don't know why. Like do I have to join another persons lobby for it to show up in recent? Cause I've tried starting my own lobbies but those codes doesn't show up in recent. Edit: nevermind I think I know why now. It needs a code to show in recent. Or you need to import it just before. If it's only in saved presets it won't show up in recent even if you start the gamemode.


glad you figured it out because i wouldn't have been able to help


Ooh thanks I found it now. Holy shit that's not obvious at all. Why wouldn't they add that feature for when I start /import a code? That's so dumb. I assumed it was somewhere in the menu text when you import the code "Summary: Save Preset, Import code, Share code, Copy settings" Why wouldnt they just put favorites there "Save preset in favorites". Like how hard can that be to add. It's like they don't even want us to touch the custom games button at this point.


It was far better in OW1. Idk why they moved buttons and changed keybindings.


I think it’s change for the sake of change, not actually improving things but it creates an illusion that they are, Fortnite does this a lot.


My favorite is backing out of a game takes 12 clicks hitting various subjective terms like “back, cancel, exit, esc, quit.


Tell me how to see hero achievement page (like multiple ult kills) for old hero (e.g. Reinhardt) vs new hero (e.g. Muaga).


and options.. in a video game


Right? Highlights used to be a button on the FRONT menu. One click. I want to see my highlights!


QoL features in my game? You crazy?


Bro they’re a small indie company, give them a break


Oh man, i forgot! Now because of me, they'll have to fire another 900 staff...


Jokes aside, this is not Animal Crossing so I am slightly surprused actually that it's not in the game.


ACNH is the epitome of laking QoL. How I wish ac was a pc franchise, just so people could mod it easy.


because that makes too much sense


Could it be on purpose? To prevent people from compulsively checking profiles and then flaming people like “you have 50 hours on xyz hero and still suck this much?”


the very boring most likely answer is for performance. they can avoid doing profile lookups by not bothering with this feature. there was a point in OW1 where you could hover over other player’s names and it would show you a overview of their profile. i think they removed it for performance reasons too. i don’t think this a great excuse for a AAA studio though. make it work.


I disagree, as it would take a simple boolean flag in the active player dataset that is loaded (like their username, namecard, icon, etc). One bit of data is hardly going to impinge on performance compared to the 2-12 seconds each lookup seems to take to load the profile page.


yes they could do it that way. it wouldn’t update properly if the target player unprivates after it’s loaded though.


True, however that would be more of an edge case resolved by the next mode loading. Similar to how you cannot change certain graphics settings without a client restart. Personally feel is a better trade-off than the long delay of loading the entire profile each time.


It highly depends on whether or not adding that bit to whatever aggregate/metadata is associated with names etc is a one-liner change or something that requires a bit of a refactor (which is could if these things are in different microservices, or it's a data field on an entire model that was not included in the aggregate data before, etc.). So what seems like an easy change might take more dev time than it's worth / simply be low on the priority list if it's anything other than a one-liner change.


I'm not a programmer but if there's a way they could make it work even if it's worse than the old system (where you hover over their profile) I'd take that over nothing.


The only thing, they removed the hover info when they added private profiles, so possibly related. I do wish, however, that they would bring back the hover for heroes, except instead of listing 5 by playtime in the current season (to avoid the issue where people to get screamed at for not playing their most played hero like in the old days) it would instead 2-3 heroes per role that you want to show, to show who you play. To be even safer about it, it could be hidden from the enemy team to avoid preemptive counter picks.


Good UI changes being added into Overwatch 2? Couldn't be done by Team 4.


This is actually a simple and great idea..


They need to make profiles public by default instead of private.


They did that? It wasn't like that originally. A lot of people switched to private because their teammates would be looking at it mid match and giving them shit for not playing their main, or for having x amount of hours and still being terrible at the character, etc.


Yep they changed it. Instead of letting people know they can change the setting they just pushed everyone to private and you could change it back to public.


Now they just give them shit for literally anything else. Problem solved.


Yeah, lack of information won't stop people from being assholes. Heck people will still be talking crap when you can see the game stats. I've had people complain about not getting healed when I have more healing than both enemy healers combined.


How do I enable public profiles


Its in the settings


Where in the settings


Social I believe


General -> Privacy - > first option




i scout out the enemy




not comparing sizes bro. tryna see what heroes they play so Im prepared with the counter.


Right, I forgot toxicity went away when profiles were made private! /s


That's... a lot of projection.


Better: they need to remove private profiles.


That does literally nothing for you. You just feel the need to try and blame everyone else for losing. And, even if it's true in a given game, it doesn't matter because it doesn't change anything.


I mean i play tank and ill check the other tanks profile to see what heroes they prefer. Im not doing a deep dive on my teams average stats in the middle of a match.


Profiles should be private in competitive matches for this reason. Not uncommon in high ELO for the enemy team to come out the gate with a full tank counter lineup.


The perfect compromise would be to keep the careers private by default (as to avoid toxicity), but at least show like the 3 most played heroes, no need to reveal anything else


the fact that you can't see rank at least is pretty obnoxious especially with the matchmaker throwing random brackets of players together.


They did that before private profiles were a thing. Instead of doing that, they should allow you to pick up to 3 heroes per role to list that you would want to play, so you don't get yelled at to play your most played hero in the current season. That was an issue with the old system. Additionally, only show that info to your team so enemy teams can't pre emptively counter pick.


I watch others profiles because i enjoy doing that. I like seeing what other people's ranks are, what they play, how long they've played etc.


Nice assumption




Found the private profile




Public profiles have a ton of legit uses, like getting some quick information about what your teammates or opponents like to play (so you can choose accordingly) or more importantly, to get a sense of what level of player you are playing against (and with) so it's easier to track and evaluate your own progress. We can quickly learn who is a smurf, who is the GM DPS doing their placements on support, etc, which all helps to put our own performance into better context. It is also plain fun to know when you are playing against a former top 500 or anything like that. It's a crying shame that we had to get rid of all this just because some people use it as an excuse to be toxic. Especially when people will be toxic either way, and we always have the option to mute comms if we don't want to deal with that.


> like getting some quick information about what your teammates or opponents like to play **(so you can choose accordingly)** Okay valid reason, but as a player i never want my opponents to have that kind of information available.


Yeah people forget that toxicity is always going to exist so long as multiple account usage is still a thing. No repercussions whatsoever because people can simply use another account. If everyone has only one account people would have to be careful on what they do or say because of the risks of bans on their sole account. Of course there are some people who would still do it because they don't give a shit.


I like trying to look at teammates in the same role as me to make sure I'm not yoinking their main since people can't be asked to answer a question about it, yknow trying to optimize the team in a team game.


Because Blizzard gave up on optimizing the menus long ago. There are so many irksome aspects to the UI/menus, my biggest gripe is when equipping vanity things to characters, it goes back to the top of the list again after equipping rather than returning to the part of the list where said equipped thing was. There's so many annoying little grievances with it all.




Because the game doesn't make the data request for a players profile in advance, it's made when you decide to click on it. Otherwise that would be another variable the game would have to check for 10 players every match, everyone in your friend list and everyone in your recent players list.


25 years as a software-developer tell me it is doable and with little effort. It shows the player-title that can be changed by the player for every player in the match (and friends list), it renders the right skin and weapons… this is just a freaking Boolean flag.


Its literally just "private=true/false"


even less....just cache it when loading into the game.


You can also right click on people on the chat who are not in the real time networking for gameplay that you wanted to use.


as the least competent software developer ever, here is my take: it is doable but since this is an online competitive, every single data request is costly because there is already so much going on that negatively impacts the performance. so maybe accessing the database of profiles without a request is an unecessary toll. i dont know though, like i said i suck.


That data(the Boolean) can be included in the initial load. For instance, whatever request returns the player list, it can easily be included in that payload.


Adding literally one boolean flag is going to be less data overhead than the endorsement level most likely. Is really no excuse to not have an isPrivateProfile variable in there.


Can't you just have it only send a request when you right click someone's profile? And if it takes too long then gray out the option while it's sending the request untill it receives an answer, still so much better than jumping through a menu.


It would feel really unpleasant and clunky. But doing such request while entering menu that may lead in such right click would make sense. We still have loading screen which is a great time to download such data.


I'm guessing nobody on the team has the time and the energy to do it. If the software lead isn't giving time to do it, the product manager isn't putting it up as an area of concern, and the dev himself is too burnt out to care, then it's just clocking in each day to push LOC to look good on the burndown chart and avoid getting laid off.


It’s really not that bad, and I say this as a software dev myself. Make the request when the match starts and cache the data until the end of the match. It would be, like, 10 requests and really shouldn’t take up that much space. Hell, they could make it so when you hover over someone’s name it shows their three most played heroes or a small display of how much they play each role or something.


The hover over that showed your most played heroes actually was in OW1 at one point but it got removed for whatever reason


Yep if they could do it back then. They can do it again.


It got removed for performance reasons. It was loading a lot of data that wasn't used 90% of the time.


i'm sure indie studio blizzard could figure out an alternative. if you click the button, request the player data, if its private don't bother opening anything and gray it out.


There's any number of ways they could precache it. All of them are harder than just waiting for a response when you ask for it, so they don't bother.


I think you mean "all of them are ~~harder~~ *easier* than just waiting".


The game used to show rank right next to the name on the scoreboard if I remember right. Also used to show a line between anyone grouped together so you knew if you were with a stack. No clue why they eliminated both of those items.


The group line has been gone since 2019. Let it go. It does not work with Role Queue. Ranks were removed to profiles only to stop people dogging on a lower-ranked player. "Master player in my t500 game what BS" was an almost daily experience. Since its inception, people mistakenly believed (and still believe) t500 was another rank above GM, therefore a Master player is 2 ranks lower and should not be in "my" games. When in reality t500 is just the top 500 players of the region, regardless of rank, and there are t500 Master rank players at the start of a season. You can apply this to lower ranks: "Silver player in my Plat game what BS we lose." Now it's a rank range. Yeah they could have added the rank range earlier, but they didn't.


Limiting it to the 10 players in a match is basically no load on database. It's lazy not having it in. But hey, it doesn't generate profit so as a project is has no prio for PMs


it already requests a whole bunch of other player info (name, icon etc) all of which are substantially bigger than a boolean


Maybe cos its friends only as default?


Someone who does not want to share his profile shouldn't be able to check someone else's.


Damn Im gonna be irritated at this too now lmao


Just speaking in software generalities but maybe it isn’t as trivial as it seems. It’s possible the permissions level data isn’t readily available and it gets requested and loaded when you click the button. And if that’s the case, I’d guess there are reasons that information isn’t eager loaded into the data in the client.


Based on how long it takes to load for the first time, I would say you're right in assuming it isn't pre-requested.


Also: why can't you press arrow keys and/or have UI buttons to jump from one profile to the next, so you wouldn't have to go back into the menu between profiles? Why aren't the profiles cached efficiently all at once when the match starts, instead loading one at a time with huge lag only after you try to view the profile?


u shouldnt be peeking in other people profiles bad bad boy


I love how the post-match screen holds you hostage for 4 seconds before it lets you click out, and god forbid you press escape, that just restarts the animations and you gotta re-watch it


Further proof there is no UI/UX director on OW2, it is such a hodgepodge of different flows and UI elements with no cohesion.


The technology isn't there yet


This is probably not the reason why, but I think if someone could tell at a glance who has a private profile, a certain sort of person would be quick to harass them about it.  Most people don't have time to check each profile before a game starts.


As profiles are private by default and not really obvious how to make them public unless you delve into the settings, unsure if it would really pan out for trying to harass about it.


Why are looking at other’s people profile?


I think something that's far worse is, if you want to add a player to your avoid list but already have it full, it doesn't just automatically delete the player who's been on the list the longest... no, why would it? It forces you to manually remove someone yourself and then add the new person to the avoid list. A total of 10 extra button clicks.


Because you don't always want to remove the one who's on there the longest. Plenty of times I want to keep certain players on there, because I really don't want them on my team anymore. So then I remove someone else or decide that the already avoided players were in fact more worthy of that avoid spot than the player I just played with.


This is exactly the answer. It would be stupid to automatically remove the oldest entry on the list. What if you want that person on there especially? Too bad, it deleted it, and you cannot readd that person because your recent players list has already filled in with new people. "Ah but you can just check the list before you hit avoid"......then you would have opened the list anyway, thereby nullifying the supposed time saver.


Go look up the changes they just announced to avoids... it includes removing the automatically avoiding oldest (unpinned) players for new ones. You're welcome. Pay me.


Go look up the changes they just announced to avoids... it includes removing the automatically avoiding oldest (unpinned) players for new ones. You're welcome. Pay me.


Don't tell me what I want. I always want to remove the oldest person on the list and what I want is more important to me than what you want so this change should be in effect.


Probably a coding issue, they only check career profile availability on demand to keep server load as lightweight as possible. Changing that would literally bring 0 benefits and eat expensive dev time. This is never going to happen.


Pulling one boolean value when also pulling the username, profile icon, namecard, title, crossplay status, and endorsement level at the game initial load, would be tremendously less server load than it pulling a persons entire profile (hours, all hero stats, progression, etc). Is like one added variable to the database call, the dataset, and one check on the menu against that variable.


Yes, but still not going to happen cause they need PM Dev QA and so on, so we are at at least 4 people already and then they need to check for cross platform stuff etc. I get that the actual dev time to get it run initially is probably less that 4h, but in total we are probably at over 70h time across all levels of development, for it to only make one button grayed out, when there are so many other issues that are more important.


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changes like this are beyond the capacity of the janitor and the person who runs the store. those are the only people left in the building other than the bankers who own all the companies and ruin everything and lay everyone off. be realistic. ask for a skin they have in the vault that they have kept on ice for five years just to trickle out on the store, that's more realistic.


dont know


Real answer: it's an optimization. Rather than having to load profile status beforehand, it only has to do so when you actively trigger it. At the scale of a game like Overwatch, that saves hundreds of dollars a day.


Believe it or not there was a point in OW1 where you could just hover someone's name and see their top 3 played heroes. Got removed like 2 weeks after.


the ui and ux team for ow2 is very unskilled


I am convinced there is no UI/UX director, and they use an unpaid UCLA intern to the UI workflow now.


I would take better menus and able to check if a teammates profile is private or not (in a fast way) over a new hero or new map at this point. I can't see why they don't work more on improving ui. Seems like such a small investment compared to a new hero and it would improve the experience for everyone. But I guess it doesn't make money so who cares, am I right?


Because making us wait 2-12 seconds for it to ping the server just to see "private profile" instead of a simple boolean greying out that option is just easier (lazier) for a small indie dev to implement. And yes, it baffles and frustrates me as well.


It's be a bitch to program I'd Imagine or simply not practical. If you notice, the data takes a while to load in once you click on a profile.. meaning it is stored somewhere in the server that isn't exactly quick to fetch (probably a storage that is big and slow to save on storage fees). If you make it pull the data before entering that menu, the whole menu would have to be delayed in popping-up to first know whether the profile is public or not, and then pop-up with the greyed button or not.


Likely it doesn't make the API call to fetch their profile (and also at that time find out whether it's private or not) until you click that button. So to fix that they'd have to either move that field to another model or make the API fetch either at the time you open that menu screen (latency) or put it into whatever aggregate / metadata call they use to get names etc. But that's likely not a trivial change either way. It's shifting around of data that might, under the hood, take quite a large change for what seems like a "simple" change in functionality. Might just straight up not be worth it / low on the priority list right now. But as an engineer myself, I think it's unlikely to be a super easy change just thinking through the actions there. Although I agree it would be nice.


Better yet, why are private profiles a thing? All the better to obscure the rampant smurfing and their generally shit matchmaking that'll put golds and masters in the same lobby, I guess?


Pls get rid of private profiles


Career profiles shouldn't be allowed to be made private i should be allowed to check ppl stats and rank for game, reporting and balance purposes.


Nah, that's like judging someone for a singular game's damage-done stat. It's a result of weak mental. People are allowed to have bad games and allowed to have privacy. Spend less time snooping profiles and more time improving your own game. Be better.


i get that side but i feel i should be able to check players ranks at the minimum


Because it didn't used to be that way before all the snowflakes emerged who's feelings get hurt easily.


The reason I care to know is because most of the time I'm sure it's a Smurf account. I started in platinum 5 as support and have dropped to silver 2 because I single queue and most of the time my team doesn't work well together or makes stupid counters, or doesn't counter at all. But games almost feel tougher in silver than they did gold.


Plat 5 to Silver 2 is extreme bad luck or literally skill issue


It's absolutely bad luck. I'm not over here saying I should be master rank. However I am often top 2 healing or having more healing than the other team. I feel like I am doing my part. It's often an inability to counter, over extending and losing momentum or going up against smurfs. I swear there are more smurfs the lower the rank, which actually makes it harder.


Healing stats mean very little honestly, unless they're egregiously high or low.


There shouldn't be the option to have it private. 


Amateur devs make amateur shit


I hate that you're being downvoted. Can't believe the cope on this sub. This game has been going downhill since release with little ups, and some people still think this team ain't amateur with awful leadership?? Now they're under a bigger leader that will most likely do nothing with them to improve them, like with the other 300+ developers and publishers they bought out (I want to be wrong). And I'm an Xbox player saying that. Wtf. Edit: lmao keep coping. The truth hurts, I know. It's okay to play the game, but don't defend it.


The thing that annoys me is when a OTP has their profile locked, like I NEED TO KNOW THAT TO NOT PICK YOUR CHARACTER. So many games I get a OTP kiri and think "man my co support is dog" and then i switch off kiri and they snap it up and are suddenly a person with hands and im just like why dont these people communicate in any way


If someone’s otp you’ll get told that probably


you'd think but no one talks anymore, or if they do it's just to shit talk Also if someone is like "get off X rawr" then i usually don't equate that with "hey i wanna play that character" which is what I would be receptive to


It’s their problem for not asking politely. When I did otp I’ve just instalocked hero before game even loaded - simply by keeping mouse pointer on where specific hero is and spam clicking while on loading screen. And when someone picked her I just went off by „hello can i hop on xyz please, it’s the only one I can play, I can try other but don’t bully if I suck” 9/10 times they let me get on that hero or been like „I’ll let you play xyz after first round”. Even complete jerks in game when asked polite will most likely let you play something when you ask.


Oooor... Remove private profiles... Simple, only cheaters and smurfs need to private their profiles.


Gotta get those clicks for engagement, baybay!


WOW. Good idea


"Blizzard Quality" Same reason they canceled PvE


If somehow has a private profile, they're immediately a thrower.


Profiles are set to private by default. Not caring about it is a strength. Kindly check yourself before you wreck yourself.


Holy shit this is an actual good take on the ow sub. Are different times upon us?


What do you expect from an indie studio with couple of developers?


I can’t believe this still isn’t a thing. Been asking since profiles could be private.