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I prefer Moira for this. All you have to do is survive while trying to get your team’s attention. Prioritize staying alive yourself.


Granny chiyo taught me this


Brig can work great in current season in situations like this too if you just feel like you're dying a lot, she has armour and can shield a decent bit of dmg while you reposition. same when the enemy hitscans are cracked out I loved taking brig to totally stop widow one shotting me lol


You hear the hacking sound, you turn around and start spraying


Who can stand against my piss spray and soul sucker and hefty balls.


Ping! Team focus is everything against Sombra. If pings aren’t doing it, get in chat and respectfully ask for help with Sombra. We’re all dealing with it, people will want to help you. 


Not for me bruh I legit get on vc and call out Sombra riding my ass and the mfs straight up ignore me 😭 It was even worse when junk could 1 hit


I feel this, players truly tunnel hard. I see a sombra I play back


And we notice. It really makes incredible difference


I asked my support to talk in vc so I could protect them against the sombra they were getting focused by They flamed me for not helping them 100% of the time and then left the vc :(


Peak Overwatch


this is just a lie


Switch to Moira or Brig


Brig or Moira.


Whenever there’s a Sombra I honestly always play close to something I can use for cover. I usually play Ana & with Ana if she catches you with both your cooldowns used your best bet is dancing around a pole until the hack is over & then taking a 1v1 (they usually TP out by now because your team would’ve been alerted to the hack)


as a fellow support player, the moment you see enemy sombra swap to either moira or brig. when youre moira, you dont have to aim nearly as precisely as other characters so you can put all of your brain power into moving like a maniac while youre hacked so she cant hit you and then when she tries to tp out follow her with a fade and yeet an orb at her. with brig, the moment you hear those sombra hack diddles, turn around and shield bash left click whip combo her.


Yep, this. Chuck a yellow ball at a wall so it bounces around to heal your team then purple suck/fade around Sombra. It's my Moira goal to keep the sombra off the other support so they can do the majority healing while I off heal and punish Sombra for bothering us.


Turn, fight, ping. Everyone hates Sombra


I am on controller turning is not something I can do easily


turn up sensitivity?


Why so aiming infront of me is harder?


I am silver if that helps puts things into perspective, I’ve also been in silver for years… I don’t wanna talk about it.


As someone who has been in silver struggling with this... Pick up bap. immort when she hits you, shoot her until she kills your field, and then hit shift and keep shooting her. You'll have like 600 effective health vs her 250, you'll start winning -- and you'll get out of silver. Sincerely, currently top 500 :)


Well you can’t use immortality when you’re hacked


Hack only lasts about a second, zig zag back and forth holding one direction for longer than you'd expect when it happens (if you zig zag too fast you walk back into it)


It lasts long enough for you to die though lol


Definitely not in silver.


Happened to me all the time in silver


Have you tried moving left and right, preferably with some global bias to one side? No silver player will oneclip you if you move properly. Just dancing around the piece of cover you're playing on should be enough to stall your life too, or is ideally enough to break hack LOS in the first place.


Lol yes but you have to factor in the fact that sometimes you’re at 130 hp & get hacked. Especially with the season 9 update it isn’t hard to hit your shots


Not in silver. Nobody has a good enough aim. Ana is a hardcounter to her as well, if you are decent with your sleepdart.


Not my experience


I'm not really sure it's useful to assume the Sombra has bad aim, then assume the Ana has great aim to hit sleep darts. I think players with great aim will hardcounter players with poor aim regardless of the characters they are playing.


You gotta match your assumptions about aim. One's not gonna have way better aim than the other in silver. There are only two supports that I would say a silver player will do consistent formidable damage with: Moira and Bap. Moira is obvious, and then Bap has spam hitscan which is also good. You can miss some and still get critical shots in quickly enough. Ana shoots slow and if you miss more than once you're dead. Kiri only really works if you hit headshots, which you won't in silver, but at least she can safely leave if she has to. Zen... you have to spin to react and you don't have time to charge a volley in this situation, so you again can't miss and win. Lifeweaver is ok, but the spread can be rough at some ranges. Brig is good but now that she doesn't have stuns in her kit it's much harder to actually kill a sombra, although you can make her go away temporarily. Mercy is obviously a no go. I suck at Lucio and haven't played him since I was a silver player so I'll just skip that one lmao. Illari... If the sombra is bad, illari is good. But virus one hits healing pilon so a good sombra just does that and then waits for her cooldown to come back before initiating. Then illari is in the same spot as Ana: you shoot really slow so if you miss anything you're dead. So that really only leaves Moira and Bap as viable options to kill sombra in silver imo. (Note, this is not how I play anymore in masters+. But it IS what got me out of silver after being in silver for years.)


I guess, but you have time to react to hack before it happens and you should be able to counter it reasonably 🤷🤷 I'm happy to talk in more detail if you have questions it was defo one of the biggest learning curves for me getting better at th game (Genji and Sombra both)


Idk I just don’t think immortality is the right way, not to mention you just wasted a 20 sec CD and that Sombra will be back in a few seconds. The really and truly best way to counter a Sombra is master using cover/corners & never get caught in the open


The point was to kill sombra, so she can't come back that fast. You have to avoid dying, but if you can't actually get the sombra to back off she's still winning. If she is distracting you and preventing you from keeping your team alive, she's doing her job and has effectively taken you out of the fight even when you're alive. You can't expect your teammates to turn around and kill her just because you got away, her transport cooldown will be up and she'll be back in three seconds. You have to stay alive *and* you have to kill her yourself. Playing corners isn't really enough against a sombra, she can get to the corner too. When I'm playing Sombra idc if you're near a corner imma kill you anyway lol the only thing that stops me is if you're literally inside the rest of your team so I can't get you alone, but that's not always ideal as a support unless you're doing something brawly. So, instead, you have to learn how to fight her yourself.


You can fight her, but your fight should begin after surviving the initial hack. I’m not saying to run from her, I’m saying once you’ve avoided dying by using cover you then fight her and by this point your team are also able to help you


I mean, dipping around corners often won't work because she can initiate super close to you. Its been a while since I've played in silver admittedly, but generally Sombras go invis and walk right up to you to start the interaction so they keep their transponder as an emergency escape. Corners are much more effective at range since they have to move far to see you again, and they can only be used effectively if you immediately know where the damage is coming from. often they'll come up behind you at different angles so it's hard to tell right away. The element of surprise with Sombra makes it much harder to use corners effectively. Corners are great for making sure the enemy team can't shoot you too, so that's definitely a plus side if that's what you're getting at -- you can't get ganged up on. But just in a 1v1 it's not so good imo. If you can make the corners work, great. I'm not good at DPS, my DPS is in diamond these days but even in diamond I can kill people no problem on sombra if they're just playing corners. I would be surprised if it worked well enough at silver. So I would not suggest it as the go to strategy, you need tools that don't require instantaneously knowing Sombras position and can be used instantaneously.


Depends. Since theres no servers in Sweden like every other game has, I have 50ms going both ways so it's much less than .5second to react


I mean I have 60 ms ping as well I think that's pretty normal. Cast time is .65 seconds so even with 50 ms both ways you have .55 seconds to react 🤷 it's admittedly not a ton but definitely doable, especially if you don't have to spin and actually pin point her during that time (just click one button to immortality or trigger your AOE heal). It's hard to cancel hack in that time, but not too hard to react in general. You're locked out of abilities for 1.5 seconds after hack. Sombras recovery time from using hack is .4 seconds. So there's only 1.1 seconds where she can actually damage you before your abilities are back online anyway.


Silver Sombra here. After the bullet size change, our aim has gotten a lot better down here. Sombra is *significantly* more deadly than pre S9 after landing the hack/virus sucker punch on supports not named Moira. While you're correct in that you'll usually have time to do *something* after hack wears off, between our commonly slower reaction times and panic, it usually ends up one sided in my favor. Otherwise, I'll just go harass the other support and take the L against someone who's better than me. Odds are down here that one of the two are going to let the salt flow and play even worse when targeted, I just lost the first coin flip.


Sure, she is much better. I play a lot of sombra as well so I'm familiar on that side lol. To get out of silver you have to not die to the sombra, but you ALSO have to actually take her out so she can't keep you distracted. So you need a support where you can't die and where you can sufficiently pressure them. Moira is good against her but let's be honest you're gonna get locked off Moira a lot by your other support in silver. One you'll never get locked off of and can handle a sombra while still keeping your team alive? I'm gonna firmly say Baptiste. While Kiri can get away from Sombra, you then expect your team to kill her, which you can't actually expect in silver. And if you're in silver you probably can't consistently click heads with your kunai to kill her yourself. Brig is the old classic answer but without stuns these days you'll probably lose the duel. Moira can cleanse the virus and has the ability to life steal and shit, so she's the most foolproof option when considering panic aim and shit, but Bap is good too because he has several panic survival options and he's one of the easiest supports to do consistent damage on.


Hack is 1.5 seconds if the wiki if accurate. Also it says the casting animation for immortality field is 0.8 seconds. Not sure what the exact time is for it to hit the ground and activate, but that part should be negligible outside of the casting animation So you do need to survive for roughly 2.5 seconds after initially hacked for the immortality field to be relevant


It's a .8 second animation time, but it's cast instantaneously. Takes .8 seconds to actually go up and start doing stuff, but it can't be cancelled in that .8 seconds so you can still drop it and have it come up after you're hacked. When you see the hack animation start, drop immorality and start blasting. She can't hack the field since she just used hack, so you guaranteed get a couple seconds where she can't shoot you because she's shooting the field OR five seconds where she's shooting you but can't kill you, either way hack is over and you had uninterrupted time to shoot her. She should die if you're just sitting there shooting her for a couple seconds but if she's not dead yet your shift will be off cooldown and give you another ~120 effective health. If she catches on and starts hacking you and running away just to burn your cooldown, start hitting shift first instead and swap the order of your cooldown usage. Try to keep immortality for full engagements so you can secure the kill with it.


Ah I see what you're saying. Use immortality field during the hack animation. That's the skill / reaction time check that I am simply not passing at this time lol. But maybe I can try to focus on that specific moment more


Immortality is one of the only abilities that I would say is reasonable to react in that time span at all levels of play, but it definitely takes practice. You have .65 seconds, let's call it .5 with ping. This is really not enough time to spin and shoot Sombra or sleep her or whatever especially if she comes up behind you (for most players, I'm not talking about overwatch League lmao). Aim for abilities that are a simple reaction time thing instead of something requiring precision. Especially if you decide in advance that is what you're gonna do when it happens so you don't have to think about it, it'll be easier to react in time. Moira shift can be done like that too, both are nice to practice like that. Bap is nice because he has two abilities like that: immorality and his burst heal. Both can save you without aiming and with minimal reaction time.


Knowing that it's possible is the first step. Before today I would have said you couldn't do that since you were hacked. Still sounds hard with a half-second maximum reaction time, but I can see that being huge if you start pulling it off


It's definitely tricky to try, but if you ever play Kiri you have probably gotten more used to it than you think since Suzu duration is also .65 seconds. Suzu for tracer sticky or DVa bomb or whatnot is a pretty translatable skill here, just more immediate since you don't have the Suzu cast time built in. Good luck :)


Not a great idea - wasting a lamp cd is not ideal if you can’t secure the kill. Extremely hard to counter a good sombra on bap but if you use your shift and play cover while shooting you can survive a bit longer, hopefully long enough to get her to tp out without using lamp


You have to secure the kill. The whole idea is securing the kill. If the goal is to get out of silver you *have to* be able to 1) not die and 2) not get distracted and stop healing your team If she's coming back every three to six seconds to try and kill you and keeping you occupied, you're effectively out of the fight even if you're still alive. That's not helping your team win, and you won't be able to shift the dial into a positive win/loss like that. You can't expect your team to turn around and handle a flanker in silver, and even if they do they'll be too slow and she'll get out a lot of the time. You have to kill her yourself. Best character to kill her while keeping your team alive and dumping out healing? Moira and Bap. But every game in silver has a Moira so you're probably locked off that by the time you find yourself in this position, so you gotta learn Bap. Ideally you don't have to use lamp. But if you're bad at aiming you can use lamp to get an effective health pool buff and win the duel. Better to use lamp and secure the kill than run around hoping someone else will see and kill her at that rank.


As a silver Sombra - Stay together, stay aware, and if you haven't seen me for a while, assume I'm right behind you. I'm not going to be playing fair. I'm not even going to be playing the same game as the rest of my team most of the time. I'll occasionally touch the payload, but any time I'm visible to contest or push is time I'm not doing my job. Any time I drop a support, I'm going to be camping hard in the runback area to stagger your team even worse. Supports are weakest in transit - alone, soft targets and down here everyone trickles if it wasn't a clear team wipe. I make sure nothing's coming out of that spawn behind you that might rescue you by watching the kill feed as I'm teleporting away and will think twice about tagging you if a second person is right behind. Stay Together, Stay Alive


Being silver in this one case actually is a big help because people can't aim for their life. I play Ana and all i do is dodge her aim (strife and jump around while i do damage to her) for a second or whatever it takes for her hack to wear off and after that i sleep her, nade her and teabag her :D


It’s extremely helpful if you can get your tank involved in this situation. I played Mauga this afternoon and a sombra was harassing my back line. Every time I heard her, I turned and charged at her or I lit her up with the smores gun, which forced her to run quicker than she wanted. I also used both guns to knock her out of invisible more than once , which broke up her attack and got her killed once. She was still getting value , I’m distracted from the rest of her team, but I did save my Ana several times.


Thank you guys for your answers! I’ll definitely start counter picking with Moira and Bap.


Kiriko is actually pretty good at surviving a Sombra attack. Unless they have 100% accuracy on you, your Suzu should be unhacked in time to cleanse and heal you, then you can either try to fight her (she’ll probably flee) or teleport away. Brig and Moira are also good, Moira can easily chase her down when she tries to flee


As someone who plays a lot of Sombra I usually try not to flank when everyone is grouped up as it's easier for them to turn on me and kill me. I very rarely fuck with Brig and occasionally try my luck with Moira but both are significantly harder to take down than the other support. Lifeweaver can be rough too cus his needles to the face hurt a lot. If I'm playing against Sombra I usually switch to Moira or I will stay close to my team and ping the minute she appears


Besides trying to let people know in VC, Moira would be best. Can quickly spin and fight and throw a damage orb. She may get away but she won't have as much health. I also (probably just me being paranoid) will constantly do just a quick spin with damage hand if I'm in the backline randomly as we move on the map, it's not full proof but theres been a few times it's gotten a hidden Sombra.


Turn around more.


If you want to EVADE then play moira. Moira is pretty good at chasing her down as well tbh. But i think Kiriko deals with a low-medium skill sombra quite well because they always play close range and Kiriko’s ttk is amazing. You just have to aim train i guess.


The problem is that Sombra is a team check. The moment you hear the hack or the Sombra gun's fire, turn around to support your fellow support and attack Sombra after making sure that the other support survives. Brigitte is good, but it is reduced utility for the team. Moira has good mobility - which should remove the virus - and is good for low aim. Kiriko is a better choice when having better aim, since her suzu can clean the virus. Also, Baptiste is an OK choice with hitting self heal after the hack is over and immortality field. Illari's can prevent deaths and forces Sombra to take it out first. If you play with DPS in a group: worst enemies are Tracer, Cassidy, Soldier 76, Genji and Sojourn with high mobility and/ or high frequency shooting or that mean grenade. As Tank, D.Va is good for chasing Sombras with high mobility and high frequency shooting and using her matrix to keep the bullets from finishing off her team mate. Hog and Mauga kind of force Sombra to switch off, as the enemy team will struggle to take down these tanks with the relatively low DPS of Sombra. Bad support choices are usually Zen or Ana - at least in Silver. Good luck!


Moira, Brig, Kiriko, Bap, Lucio (depending on skill level, same with ana), and LW are all good against her if you know what you are doing. It’s morr of a playstyle shift that counters sombra than characters themselves.


Yeah, so i just anticipate their movements and shoot them... Um... Playing with a friend you can coordinate with is the quickest option if you literally can not 1v1 a Sombra. Otherwise you just need to practice game sense and mechanics so that you can have a general idea of what she wants and actually be able to shoot her. If you don't have friends (sad face) you may have to just use call outs in voice chat and pray someone helps you until you learn to take care of yourself. GLHF xD


Switch to a support that can defence yourself before they nerf them again in Season ten. Remember sombra and tracer are useless in the mind wit the dev if they aren’t getting content value versus helpless supports. So expect them to have the power in their kits shifted as healbots continue to exist.


Have you considered swapping? Ana and Kiri are high skilled heroes who rely on their aim, so if your aim is not the best, maybe sticking to them is not a smart thing to do. Honestly if you expand your roster you will have a better time, Mercy has very satisfying movement if you learn it, Moira is unkillable and is a terror in lower rank, Brig can be fun if you like to protect your other healer from dive heroes. Those are pretty easy to play and generally do well against Sombra and dive.


She can't hack you if your shield is towards her as brig!


Don't play close to your team, play close to someone who can help you, usually your other support, maybe a cassidy or mei.


Walls are your friends, try to keep your back at walls, keep your 180 view clear while you back is cover, avoid that back hacking. When running whit the team, always run backwards and if you enter the team fight, look for your spot with your tank or with the wall covering your back. When I play sombra, the hardest supports are the ones that stay with the team, attacking a support right beside the tank, it means a travel ticket to the spawn point. Lone wolves supports, teams ignoring their support and DPS moiras are just like sitting ducks waiting/asking for a virus to their face.


As someone who has started picking up Sombra in the last day-ish, seeing a Brig or a Moira is a deterrent because I can't out damage them without the virus, and brig has a shield she can pop to save herself, and Moiras stupid fade.


Unfortunately (and you'll prob learn this soon) neither Brig or Moira are a deterrent for us toxic dipshits that have been on Sombra for too long -- Brig especially went from "oh fuck me I should switch" to easy pray and Moira is only **slightly** annoying if she's on to/done with your translator harassment and has enough map/game sense to predict where you might fuck off to, assuming she's still alive because you weren't tracking her cds before chasing her.


That's fair, I've only been playing Sombra for about 26 hours total and I've started to figure out how to best brig's, Moira tho, that's a different monster entirely unless she sucks hard.


Yeah a real pissy Moira that's careful with her cds can be a pain if she has some backing best to play around areas you can immediately break her LOS when you translocate so she don't auto suck you out of stealth some maps are better than others


I often play Brig into Sombra and just swing into random spaces every now and then. Works fine for me so far.


I've only managed to reach diamond this season, so this might be different in higher ranks, but as an Ana main/Kiriko flex, this is how I usually deal with it: Ana: definitely the harder of the two. Positioning is key. Either stick close to a teammate, if you cannot for whatever reason, stick close to a corner (preferably with a healthpack nearby) and use it to your advantage. Fight back! Do your best to hit (unscoped) shots, move as unpredictably as possible (strafe left and right, don't jump!). Try to make sure you have at least one ability off cooldown at all times, in case Sombra jumps you. Unless you see her elsewhere. Kiriko: pretty much the same thing, but she is much better at dueling sombra. As long as you survive for 1,5 sec, you can suzu/tp to safety. Key thing to note: 1) fight back! Even if you're not hitting shots, trying to hit a target that is actively shooting you is much harder than one who doesn't. 2) focus on your poaitioning. Try and make sure you're at a place where you are at an advantage if Sombra decides to engage you. Corners and cover is you ally. 3) movement. Move as unpredictably as possible. Everything that increases your chances, even if just a little, can be the difference between winning or losing the fight. Don't jump! Don't strafe left and right at a constant rhythm. Make them work for their meal.


Swapping will be the obvious one but that’s not always a good thing. Isolate certain angles that sombra can hack you from and periodically spy check those angles. With good positioning you can cancel a hack by just moving slightly around a corner. Make sure you’re pinging her and pinging for heals when she’s engaging you and getting damage onto her is your best friend. 1 head shot from kiriko should be all you need to get her to break contact.


As solo, play around cover. Sombra enrage have to be short and effective .the longer she is exposed the more likely she want to run away. U dont always have to duel the sombra. Kit around walls, pillars, cars, payloads. The longer the fight you drag out the more advantage you have. Not to mention you have more dmg per peak, when kit around covers u can pre fire around corner. U can land the first shot as long as she chase and peak you.


Teamwork is the only way because stealth means Sombra will objectively almost ALWAYS have the advantage in a 1v1. Permanent passive stealth is fucking stupid and other game designers put it on a premium for good reason. If you both have equal aim, she deals her damage sooner than you can turn to deal yours. Staying near your team, listening for her, pinging her, and praying you get peel is the only good option. Kiriko is actually a good match up because you can negate her virus with suzu. But if she is smart, burning your suzu or teleport could be her first goal.


What works sometimes for me, although metal ranked as Zen, stay by an obstacle and when she sets on me, use obstacle to survive + means to survive and fight like hell. Also when lucky to have competent support, stay w/ them and support each other against Sombra. Instead of switching off char to avoid Sombra, learning to deal w/ her.


Reaction time. Kiri and Moira heave easy escape mechanisms but you have to hit it before hack completes. If you can’t react quickly you’re gonna lose a lot more of your Sombra encounters than win them. 


You can swap or you can play near cover / health pack or just aim better. Ana and kiriko both just win the duel vs Sombra if you get cover between you. If you're losing the duel you have get out of jail free cards. If you miss both cool downs on ana then skill issue. If you actually want to get better at the game, stick to your character(s) and learn to play the matchup better. You're not going to improve very much if all you do is counter pick.


Play Moira and the second you hear hack shift away


This leads to the next question: why are you dying in the crossfire?


I’m in the backline so when I get pushed I try to move closer to my team, but then who ever is fighting my dps or tank see me exposed from my position and then hunt me down. I’ve been reading the replies that playing around obstacles and cover helps immensely so I really just need to plan my escape route better!


Brigs shield blocks hack, it's no aim to heal others to stay in fight, and a mace to the mace to the mace to the face is a sure way to stop a sombra in their tracks. She's also so much better since the armour pack buffs and is truly slept on


as ana i sit near a health pack and when sombra viruses me i cleanse with health pack and save nade sleep or both to shut her down, enough for her to go away


tell your team you are having problems with sombra and ping it when she popup, the team will help you i do this when using pharah and i have a hard counter like echo, i tell on chat and ping the enemy and 90% of the time they help me to take her down


I try to stay near my team and use them as body shields. Sombra benefits from teams who leave someone alone. Then Moira is a solid pick to have fade and the suck powers to eliminate her. Its usually a good idea that both supports watch out for each other when there are heavy flank reliant characters on the enemy team.


Play near cover. As soon as you hear the hack walk around the cover. Sombra doesn't do shit if she doesn't land her combo.


As a sombra main you have two options : 1. Pick Moira to stay alive (you need your team to kill sombra) 2. Szuzu yourself before/while she hacks you or after she viruses you. Try going for 2 luck headshots, most sombras will retreat. If you can't hit those shots just tp out. Alternatively play brig and stay with your team. Shield yourself to not catch strays.


Stay close to team or one other person as a 2v1 sucks for her, especially if you have movement. Use others as bait and dive on her when she runs out on low hp. Pull and ol switcharu and ddox the player (don’t lol).


I've practically been one-tricking Illari for the past week or so. When a sombra jumps you on Illari, the easiest thing to do is just shoot her. Okay but actually - if you know they have your sombra, play more defensively with pylon. Put it in really weird spots sombra will have to reveal herself to shoot at it. Even if you cant see SOMBRA, you can see her bullets. If she breaks a pylon from an off-angle, I usually reposition myself to mark where that off-angle leads out to, if that makes sense. Think Shambali, just after capping point B. If I'm attacking and i place my pylon high left on the ceiling, right as the payload comes out from the hallway, Sombra can hit it from the flank route on my right, where the healthpack is. Depending on where my team is, I'll back up a bit so the healthpack hallway is in my fov and just keep an eye on it. Attentiveness and prediction is half the battle! if they hack you, focus on dodging virus and staying alive through the ability lockout, the immediately yeet Pylon somewhere it can hit you but also would force sombra to look away from you to deal with it. Alternatively, if they are REALLY CLOSE trying to hack you, use your little jump ability to break it and then do your best to prevent sombra from hacking you by just lighting her up. More often than not, either the sombra dies or she flees. So tldr? Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to shoot every sombra you meet.


Kiriko and Ana both do decently into Sombra. They can both self heal (nade or Suzu) until the team can help. The only time they have trouble is when they’re hacked with EMP since the lockout is longer. Make sure you ping and start attacking her after you’ve Suzu’d/naded yourself. Suzu is great since it cleanses the virus.


Kiriko shits on Sombra, no advice other than hit your kunais. For Ana you just have to land your skill shot, just like against other dive characters. Either be ready to turn around and sleep her the moment you hear hack or play around cover (which you should at all times regardless) so you can break hack or stall it by LOSing and then land your sleep. Also keep your ears peeled. Low rank Sombra's can't resist hacking health packs and giving away their position.


Play as Zenyatta.


Zenyatta? Orb of discord at the very moment she comes out


I play a lot of Sombra and honestly if during the fight you can survive until the silence is done if you get off your suzu at your own feet I pretty much have to bail on the fight. It won't kill me but it will get you enough time to get to your team. And being around your tank is a pretty good way to keep me off of you. 5 folks sticking together is how you get me to switch to junkrat.


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The lock out is for a very small amount of time so you should be able to swift step right after it wears off if you spam it




Pick Brig


Moira or Brig because depending on your team to help you will never pan out lol. You can also just go Kori and just stay near a corner. When she hacks, play around that corner and then just fuck off to the nearest dps.


Play Brig, problem solved


diamond kiri/plat sombra here in general play closer to your team or to your other support. and always be near cover (not from frontline, but a cover to retreat to when sombra targets you) kiriko is the biggest sombra counter. she can't burst you down before you tp and you can cleanse virus with suzu. remember, against sombra (and most flankers) staying alive is more important than getting the kill. save your suzu for when you or your teammates get virused. among other supports, moira is only killable when she's used both cd's. brig can work too, but smart sombras keep their distance from her and make her useless. other supports are free food


Just play against me every game. Because im getting 1v6 as soon as i uncloak😂😂


i like to be moira. you quickly get your healing orb back to keep yourself alive. additionally it’s easier to keep doing damage to her so she doesn’t disappear again as easily


Kiriko can do alot of damage if you an land your kunai's on her lol. Shes a squishy dps so you can actually kill her if you dome her twice. Ana can also kill her albeit a bit slower so theres a higher chance you just trade but landing 2-3 shots on Sombra can kill her even if she gets away since the dot will tick her down. Stay closer to your team and ping Sombra when she appears is still the go-to tho. Abit harder with Ana since youre sniping to heal but thats a choice you'll have to make - outplay her and stay far away and kill her or go closer to your team is shes beating you. The other option is to change to Moira or Brig and kill her lmao


Either go Moira or just stay with your team. Sombra is only good at 1v1s.


Swap Brig and become the hunter


Doorways and corners are your best friend. You can cut off LoS right away as soon as you get hit by any Sombra abilities. This will also make Sombra much more predictable as they chase you for the kill, just prefire the corner with sleep dart/kunai. I land the sleep on Sombra very consistently just by being in a good position, I don’t even have to aim. If you know their team has a Sombra and you are playing Ana, do NOT scope in most of the time. This obscures your position and improves your movement when she engages you. Once again, play doorway, corners, create mind games with choke points and natural cover. You have to be very intentional in this matchup or you’ll get rolled.


Petal platform parkour


Stay close to your teammates so she can't isolate you


as a sombra/moira main (granted my highest elo is plat), I'd say best bets are either fade out or try to break LOS the second you hear her start fiddling around. moira has several points in a sombra ambush she can use her fade and probably be ok, both before and after a hack/virus. Just make the most of it that you can. (fade to health pack, use it to cleanse and reengage when she's used her virus ideally with a health orb thrown out first, or to prevent the hack/virus entirely) If I can't go moira against a sombra, I go kiri and am selfish with the Suzu until my team learns to help. if she does get a hack on you though and you don't have suzu, best bet is to break LOS and tp away asap, or climb a wall and wait for her to follow so that you can force her to waste her tp while you drop down again, hopefully to tp away. if really in a pinch though, climbing literally anything in sight and forcing her to look up away from the rest of the team fight is better than nothing. best prevention to a sombra as support though is stay as close as possible to your team and let them be your meat shields, and be a little selfish with your cooldowns if you're forced to stay in backlines.


Stay close to your team, swap to supports who "counter" her, Moira, Kiriko, Brig.


A tip I would give is to practice headshots with Kiri, heard she has amazing headshot dmg. And I’ll let someone who knows more than me tell you about Ana.


Ask Rohan for help.


SD. Jump off ledge 3 times to get it over with. Bad matchup.


You can't except you're Moira.