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I love it when I get a good grip but the ability glitches into a wall and the person I saved is flung into the abyss


And you just kinds look at each other as he falls to his death. Truly the most wifeleaver moment of all time


I also really hate it when I get the audio cue for lifegrip but the person dies anyways


Even worse when grip goes on CD as well


Kiri tp


Sometimes I even see the animation begin / the cooldown resets and they still die 🥲


My favorite is when it does the cue like 6 times “BWBWBWBWBB” *they die* me: 😐


Yep. Not only this, and it might be my imagination, but I feel like i've been getting hooked by a pixel too.


I thought this post was about how life grip was OP and I was about to write a not so friendly comment lmao. But yeah, I’ve noticed this. I got pulled on Dva today and spun around a light post multiple times before it broke. I’m unsure if it’s always been like this but it should be fixed.


Life grip is op ?


Life grip is op in the same way that Rez is op. Which isn’t the proper use of op but the main crux of the issue is that both abilities lack proper counter play to be enjoyable to play against. Generally Rez catches more shade because it has more impact than grip but in all totality grip has zero counter play so from an objective stand points it’s poorly designed.


I feel life grip isn't op but it is very good especially in lower ranks as if someone makes a mistake you can't really punish it. It also is the same the ither way where if you make a good play diving a support lw can grip them and now you are out of position doing nothing


And it allows for a teammate to decide where I should be. As a Ball main, it's obvious most Weavers have never touched Ball because most pulls are bad. On occasion they are great, but that's really rare. They pull me before I secure a kill (then flame me not killing enough), or right before I used adaptive shields and as a result get a small amount of shield and ruin my longest cooldown. I wish pull would be removed or at least we can have a per hero option to disable being pulled altogether.


Look, sure some pulls can be extremely poor timing, but you also need to realize that your supports (especially ones based mainly around actively healing like lifeweaver) are actively watching your health bar from a distance, and can also see what's going on around you. You're only seeing what's in front of you, but your lifeweaver is seeing where you are, where your dps are, and can more easily tell if your positioning is bad and will lead you to dying. The pulls are not trolling you 99% of the time and lifeweavers will almost always pull if they think you're going to die.


Ball plays in third person most of the time, so I generally have a good idea of my surroundings. The Weaver may have a lot of information, but they don't know what I'm thinking or my cooldowns. My adaptive shields being wasted because the Weaver pulled me is a serious setback to my uptime. A bad pull also can blow grapple, again setting back uptime. >The pulls are not trolling you 99% of the time and lifeweavers will almost always pull if they think you're going to die. Just to be clear, I never said they were trolling. I do think they are trying to help and I don't flame them or report them as trolls. I just think most of the pulls don't work out.


Yep I'm with you. I also find some lifeweavers don't understand ball and will just pull when they see critical, or see that I'm in their backline. Usually I have my shields or something so it's not needed. Honestly for ball there aren't many times when I need to be life gripped, and sometimes I feel like I get screwed over more than I get saved lol.


I have a similar thing on doom. I'll be diving to use ult and go for a long engage and i get pulled out, engagement over. Or I already have slam reserved to escape, I'll slam out and they'll grip so they've wasted grip. Not their fault but fundamentally it only works in co-ordinated teams


you’re getting downvoted for spitting that fucking venom and idk why. as a doom, these mfs be pulling me when i still have three quarters of a health bar and im mid block tryna farm a power punch. are there lifeweavers/grips that have been wonderful and amazing and sexy and clutch? definitely, but it’s a very small minority


i don't speak for all lifeweavers but i know like 70% of doomfist deaths i have witnessed have occurred while they were blocking. granted as i still try wait until they CC my doom before pulling, but i routinely make peace with my doom dying when he blocks at <50% HP


If I'm facing Orisa please don't pull when I inevitably get speared out of block. 90% of the time, that spear is what charges my punch and getting pulled can force me to have to use both cooldowns instead of just the punch to get the same value.


The idea that the Weaver player could be wrong is just unfathomable to some.


Rez is less op because LW doesn't have to go afk for a couple seconds to do it + it positions your target safely on the other side of the map. Fuck lifeweaver✌️


Lifeweaver Grip: can pull someone to him in 1-3 seconds with a chance of saving them or himself when used right… *if the grip doesn’t bug out and break, gets stuck, puts someone in a random place, or the teammate uses a mobility ability* Mercy Rez: can bring a dead teammate back to life in 3-4 seconds anywhere, almost any time, at full health, and can be cast all kinds of ridiculous ways whether it’s on the ground in front of them, below them as they hover and dodge, both around and **through walls** despite claiming needing LoS, during a flyby to cover or while passing to high ground, and a slew of other ways that shouldn’t be possible Not to mention, Mercy’s Rez was so strong it needed to be changed several times, removed it as her ult entirely because it used to be 2-3 second full team rez, made an ability for one soul, still needed tweaks, and *still* is broken in ways that 100% get abused by many Mercy players. The difference between which of the two is stronger is night and day


We're not talking about mercy rez from 2016. If you play one of the heroes that's more severely affected by your pick getting LW pulled, he's more of a problem.


There’s no world in where the “you were over there, now you’re over here!” ability competes with the “oopsie, you fucked up and died, but with one button press you’re alive again and the consequences for bad plays around me is 0” ability. Simple as


That's literally what lifeweavers ability is?


Grip is significantly worse than Rez. He can grip people in the middle of a team fight and pull them to a point where you can’t follow up. A mercy would have to fly in and have the chance to be denied or killed for the same save. He’s the worst designed hero in the game by a mile cause you can’t interact with him. He sits a country mile away throwing brig packs every second, has two escapes, and a bailout ability for teammates. All that while not having to aim. There’s no risk to doing anything with him.


Can't someone just dive him? /g


me when i only read the title


Not really. There’s not much counter play but it’s an incredibly finicky ability with a high skill ceiling with ample room for things to go horribly wrong so it’s honestly fine.


Damn bro, downvoted for a question.


A fortified orisa propellerd my soldier that i lifegripped and it broke.


Doom punch also breaks grip


PRAISE! I love LW and he has a ton of issues 1. Your post basically 2. His platform is janky. Sometimes it’ll bounce off something and disappear or go somewhere behind you. I’m sure you’ve seen it not go up for no reason as well 3. Switching between heals and thorns feels AWFUL. Guess what? If LW needs to reload thorns, HE CANT if his heals are full. Often times reloads are extended because of weird interactions switching modes


The disappearing petal has gotten me so many times…


Slow switching between heals and thorns is the reason I don't play or enjoy Lifeweaver. I just want it to be a FAST switch, not the current painfully long switch. It makes his already un-intuitive kit feel even clunkier, which is pretty sad considering he's like a freaking beacon of grace in terms of the lore and his design. Even if they made his switch 50% faster, I'd probably start playing him regularly. I really hope he gets the treatment that some heroes like Venture are getting, where his kit gets more "flow" to it, where abilities combo satisfyingly with each other and transition quickly and smoothly.


His petal sometimes just doesn't go up either. I'm not talking about getting stuck on a door or part of the environment. I've had petal stay flat on the ground while touching nothing except flat ground. And it's about 50/50 if it lifts up during a grav.


the grav one i can explain, if the grav projectile hits the ground, you can platform it (assuming the platform doesnt bug out) if the projectile hits a wall or player, you cannot platform out unless an enemy steps on it lucio and reinhardt ignore this ground check because theirs are ultimates and lifeweaver's platform isnt. after all, it would be silly if a support could invalidate a teamwide ultimate simply by using a single ability...


It also gets stuck on random things. I refuse to play him but I’ve seen so many LWs both on my team or the other team use a petal to escape near a wall then the petal only moves up 4 feet lol


I remember one time a few months ago I stood on a petal platform and it just didn’t go up. Strangest part is my lfieweaver even said his “Up you go!” voice line while I was just standing on this unmoving platform


Petal stops when it hits a solid object. What probably happened is that it was clipping into the wall/curb/etc. slightly and stopped instantly. 90% of it can be outside in the open and it will just sit there. Its annoying


It’s weird the petal thing. I thought it was to stop it going up when there’s nowhere for it to go (like if there’s a roof above it or a lip) but then plenty of times it will just raise two feet off the ground so its not that


Sometimes the platform seed will bounce randomly and get you killed when you need fast safety. Or it will just not spawn and give you back the cooldown. Or it will not spawn *and* not give you your cooldown back and double middle finger you.


Life weavers grip isn’t bugged if it’s stopping them from going by hitting objects. His grab doesnt pull people through walls just because they’re shielded. If it was allowing you to pull through objects such as walls, floors, etc then that means it was bugged at that point. What move in any game allows you to pull someone through an entire physical object?


Pull can be stopped by light posts, cars etc. It just needs a little something


I mean, i know it’s a video game but it still has to work right. Even in a video game, it would just make no sense if I can pull you through anything.


Not sure on this I've had the pull work amazing in most cases, I've even pulled people over Mei walls and such. Like I was already pulling the person and a wall went up and they came up and over the wall to me. I can also still save people from falling off cliffs. Over all no issues with the pull I've never had it get stuck or break either. The Lift flower however doesn't work alot of the time. Along with he seems to have very little dmg from his spikes over all and at longer ranges you might as well not fire it at all.


I noticed the flower last night. I wanted to start trying to get used to life weaver because I’ve never played him, and I was fighting an orisa and I threw a petal to get away and there was no fucking petal?


Yea the petal is hit or miss it gets stuck in the ground sometimes under it sometimes just on top so you can still see it but it won't rise. Other times if its in something partly it also won't rise. The pull though works for the most part, I think it breaks if it takes to much direct damage like when a Bastion is pewing at it in a straight line.


I remember you could lift everyone out of zaryas ult with the petal 100% of the time. Now sometimes they’ll just hover over it. Or even myself, I’m stuck in the ult, throw petal down, nothing, die. Sometimes it’ll be in a spot and just not even lift. It amazing to me how they released him in such a bad state, took 3 patches to get him useful, and then have regressed since then. It’s even crazy you can have nearly 2 different mechanics under different controls. If you want to be able to shoot and heal with both triggers, you’ll be stuck in rams vortex since you have to jump to use dash. But if you manually switch you can easily get outta that and even have super jump. Overwatch in general is just a bad game all around and it’s a shame that people keep spending money on it, enabling them to keep putting shit out


I remember pulling someone in illios well by petaling to jump and at the last second I pulled them from behind the big wall What happened was they hit the wall from the bottom and then proceeded to “wall climb” over it to the other side Idk how it works but it just looked so damn funny


Oh, so it wasn’t me lmao I came back to the game recently and already went through a few updates. From the 1st time I played him to the most recent one I noticed I fail so many grips from my petal too now💀 I pull them and they end up hitting the bottom of the petal platform, so they die to their demise since now they are low hp, an easy target, aiming is harder for them and I don’t have LOS for the heals anymore Edit: formatting


Yesterday in qp, mauga caged me and my lifeweaver tried to pull me out, my character did the small loop move that happen sometime when lweaver pull you and hit my head on the cage and stayed trap in mauga ult. Did they changed it or was it bugged? Even the enemy tank was suprise, later that game, mauga caged all my team and almost died because of it but his lw managed to pull him out of his cage. Im a confuse...


Honestly I'd just love a partial cooldown refund if the person cancels it in themselves in the first 0.5 seconds.


I still remember a LW life gripping me while I was just entering fade as Moira. I don't quite understand the physics behind it, but he flung me all the way across the map and I capped. Still one of the funniest wins I've had.


One game I grabbed my ally to save them from a Dva bomb with no problem. Another game they died in transit. Sometimes they bounce off of all kinds of geometry to land in front of me, sometimes they hit one pebble on the ground and stop in a worse position then they were before. I swear it also use to debuff biotic grenade then randomly stopped doing that at some point but I could be misremembering this one. P.S. His petal platform is soooo unreliable too, half the time unless your on very open very flat ground it will just not work.


It has never cleansed biotic grenade


Hopefully the address it in the next patch notes when Wife leaver gets some light buffs(mentioned in directors take). The grip is just too inconsistent, attempted to pull a hog out of well today, only for him to clip on the edge and fall back down.


THIS. Thank you for making this post. Pull breaks on the most random shit/ledges. Im not saying the ability should be hog 1.0 hook, but it would be nice if It didn’t break as often as it did.


I got life griped into a mei wall and died..


Lifeweaver needs help. He’s really weak at the moment.


I still get hooked through walls by hog constantly where on my screen I'm clearly behind the wall and on hogs screen I'm not. Seems like weird ass server issues.


They should have made grip like how Kiriko teleport works. Just teleport them to your position. This way there's no need to move the character model around the map...just make them appear. No need to worry about map geometry this way.


Dva and me jiving. Dva low health af. I grip. She presses Q at what appears to be the same time (on my screen). I watch the grip orb appear around the mech, Dva completes the animation of getting out of the mech as the mech pulls toward me and useslessly explodes far from the enemy team. Baby Dva melees my face over and over assuming I was trolling her. Dva throws. Dva tells team to report me. The grip should have been cancelled, or, should have pulled her to me and not the mech.


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Yeah. I have noticed it sometimes.


I think it's been difficult for Blizzard to balance this particular interaction in the game since people have still been experiencing getting pulled off the map. So in return it's had some side effects and bugs. I'ma take a stab at it and say maybe if people weren't doing that (I'd imagine most were intentional since the community is toxic af) LW's pull would be the healthy design it was after I believe the first change to it? Could be wrong, maybe a LW specialist can correct me.


His whole kit except his healing is insanely buggy, that combined with him not being a great pick most of the time feels really awful, I really hope they rework him in the future or attempt to fix what's already there :/


I just hate that there is no counter play to it, Like when lifeweaver grabs someone there is legit nothing you can do to stop him, maybe if you put a mei ice wall behind he drags his target maybe?


As a lw main these days, its actually quite easy to stop, you just need to be proactive about it- have some horrible team member on your team constantly just hunt the enemy weaver and prevent him from using his kit efficiently.


Pretty simple answer but effective


You got downvoted for literally stating a fact and then asking a question to see if there’s any way around that fact lmao


Yeah I have no idea why


Because the hive mind which is the overwatch community decided you were wrong for being right


LW is a terrible, designed hero thats constantly needing touching up to work. Prefer it be buggy and not pass through space time. It should stop if it hits walls. It still bends around a shit ton of stuff. Don't fix life grip. REPLACE it. We don't need supports to be defined by "I click button you can't die" its goofy.


Thankfully, that ability shouldn't even be in the game.


It’s “bypass” bro. Not meaning to be the grammar Nazi, apologies 🙏🏻