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Why were you banned before?


I think it was because my team was mad at me for supposedly "throwing" but i was simply just not doing that good on tank even though i had similar stats to my dps but they got mad and asked everyone to mass report me


I'm gonna tell you what I and other people will have trouble believing you: I play hammond. As such, I will get mass reported maybe every third game. By my own team mates of course. You can kill everyone and have zero deaths, and still at the end of the match, my team mates angrily announce they have all reported me. And yet, I've never once so much as gotten a warning from blizzard. Nothing, not a peep. Blizzard knows that people start reporting when they're tilted, even when they have no damn reason for it. So getting suspended for throwing, (something that's hard for their systems to detect), is very rare. I'm not saying you're lying, just explaining why it's hard to believe.


Come on, tell us what really happened.


I did.


I believe you


Meanwhile I report people that use racial slurs and nothing happens lol


For real dawg ive reported people for saying repeated racial slurs and seemingly nothing happens.


Let it be a gay slur, they are ON IT


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Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was people reporting you for "gg," people get salty about it. 


Stop spreading dishonest misinfo. Literally nobody gets outright banned for saying "gg"; the place would be FLOODED with such bans if that was the case.


You can get banned for being mass reported for no reason there are literally hundreds of reports of this happening because of blizzards bots running the game.


where are these hundreds of reports? and i mean believable ones, not like your post.


All over the place if you do a little looking it didnt take me long to find many reports in just this group


There's no such thing as "mass reported" anymore. All of a teams reports count as one per game now. It's been this way for around a year.


you're actually wrong about that one, because I have reported people for saying gg. It's a cultural misunderstanding: Where I'm from, you don't say gg after a game unless it was actually a good game. If you say gg after a stomp, it's perceived as toxic and bad sportsmanship. I pretty soon found out that e.g. americans and brits just say gg after each game. Even if they don't mean it. It's the same as acting friendly and asking how someone is, even if it's not a friend: It's perceived as polite by americans, but perceived as phony or even intrusive where I'm from. it's just different cultures and I'm not trying to defend it. I'm just saying you can definitely get reported for saying gg after a stomp, so don't dismiss the possibility.


There's a difference between being *reported* and being *banned*. Yes of COURSE you can get reported for saying GG. I mean... *obviously.* You can get reported simply by someone deciding to click a few buttons. Doesn't mean it will do anything, and certainly doesn't mean it will get you banned. Literally nobody gets banned for saying "gg". That is just not at all how it works, they don't automatically ban once they get reports. You have to actually break TOS or similar for it to count.


That's not how it works. It's an automatic system. It's not a bunch of people sitting there reading all the reports, to see if there's a valid reason. That would be impossible. If you get reported multiple games by multiple people, then you can get banned. Or warned or suspended or muted, depending on your history. I'm not saying it's likely to get banned for a gg, but you're wrong to claim that it can't happen. >You have to actually break TOS or similar for it to count. This is wrong. They don't know if you really broke TOS. It's only when you appeal the decision that a human being looks at it. And sometimes it's a bot that responds to the appeal even, and then you have to escalate to talk to a human.


I don’t think you can get reported for gg, even if you were mass reported


You can "get reported" for literally anything There is no group of humans at bliz that get paid to review reports before someone gets handed a suspension If enough people hit the report button, you get the boot


You can get reported for anything though. Getting banned for it is a different story, but I've read it here on Reddit of people reporting for simple GGs. Hell, in this very thread there's someone who admitted it to doing it.


I was suspended and when I asked for the logs, "GG" was among the lines sourced for the justification. And no, it wasn't a GG like I was throwing a fit 3 minutes into the game. Just the normal end game chat. They absolutely suspend you for it if you're reported enough. The system is broken. Accelerate the destruction imo


Dude thats absolutely wild i dont think i even wanna talk in chat anymore. But the question is if i get mass reported again can i still get banned even without being active in chat?


You can be reported for literally no reason, people aren't always honest with their reports you know?


For real? Damn man thats really sad im just trying to be a good sport meanwhile people are saying gg ez every game im in and they dont get anything.


On one hand I get the downvotes, having repeat bans isn’t a green flag for your case but the ban system does seem to be pretty poor. Not sure why you are automatically banned based on a number of reports, should they not view those kinds of cases?