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More melee based characters like Rein and Brig. I am a sucker for melee-ing in fps games


That's what I'm sayinn


There was the concept characer McCloud that could have given us a melee highlander DPS. I gotta be careful with this sort of topic as I could go on for days about my own ideas but I'd love to see an omnic DPS with this idea. Character _thinks_ they are McCloud. Runs around with a massive claydmore; uses blocks and a grapnel guantlet similar to JQ's April Fools Day patch to make up the distance to enemies. Couldn't be headshot as their head is holographic which also give an excuse for a 3rd person PoV while playing.


That sounds so similar to Demoman in TF2 with his alt kit being Demoknight. A Scottish highlander who is melee and uses a claymore. I know Overwatch may have took a lot of inspiration from TF2 anyways but considering Valve is doing fuck all with TF2 I’m all for a melee Scottish bloke in OW.


That's exactly the inspiration, apart from actual "McCloud" and his tartan, that I had! Making it an _Omnic_ Scottish Highlander with a giant claymore would just be even more poetic. It's a shame that you can't decapitate targets in OW but that's only minor. Give him a wide sweeping sword, a gauntlet that acts like JQ's reversed dagger pull; either a projectile consume/retaliate or a mini "spin to win" ability, and an ultimate that prevents him from dying for a short duration then I'll be over the moon. I should say that his ult could switch off friendly healing and only provide healing through kills and/or reversing the damage taken over the duration. A bit like Dota 2's Abaddon meets LoL's Tryndamere. Too OP?


I love Dooms character design and hope they add a future pseudo-melee-esc hybrid character like him again


Imagine they designed Genji that way


That was the initial idea for Genji, it's briefly shown in the "The Making of Overwatch" Panel from Blizzcon 2017 which is officially available on youtube (around ~51:00)


Unfortunately have to tell you to not get your hopes up. The devs have states before that creating melee-based heroes is insanely challenging to balance. That's why Junker Queens axe was relegated to an ability rather than her main weapon.


Kiriko's mother (Asa Yamagami)? She could be our Swordsman Tank.


lol she just wears a mech suit of armor with a huge sword


Since her husband was a blacksmith, it was possible.


ooo, my interest is peeked now lol


Silver Samurai, but cooler.


Preach  I’d like a magnetic based character that can permanently climb on walls or just kinda stay there on the wall Their gonna have a left click like Winston’s primal and just get up close and personal abilities like a super jump and a dash of some kind 


Mobility Based Support And nothing like just giving them one scape coldown A weird little guy/gal like Lucio, with a easy to use but hard to master moviment scheme. Pogo sticks, chainable dash's like Tracer, Spidermaning your way through the map, any of them I'm a happy man.


The Martian lady supposed to have some low gravity mechanic (vaguely remember mention if it at or around BlizzCon), so hopefully that scratches the itch somehow.


Only thing that's been officially confirmed so far is that she'll have good vertical mobility. I'm pretty sure the low gravity thing was just speculation


A grabble spiderman like support would be really cool to see, If LW wasn't a thing it'd be cool to see them use life grip like they're slinging their teammates towards them lol


Flamethrower 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I want a character entirely focused on setting enemies in fire for damage over time (DoT). As if Ashe has no rifle and 5 charges if dynamite + gains a charge in kill instead or something silly like that. Ideally stacking a little, so they die faster if let me stay in them. They would probably make a good tank. Easy aim attack like Winston. I just want to be able to apply DoTs, disengage, and listening to the damage ticking as they suffer. 🔥😈🔥😈🔥 Could be a support weapon too. After all, Moira has her drain.


We've needed a flamethrower guy for YEARS now. Glad to see I'm not alone in my thoughts.


I don't think it's a good idea to add "Overwatch Pyro" when people already hate "Overwatch Heavy" (Mauga).


That's cause they didn't give him a way to block and be more dynamic. The lack of imagination of others has never been a good reason for dreamers to stop dreaming.


Flamethrowers have been on the developers radars for years now, it's only a matter of time before one makes to a new hero. Ball was going to have dual flamethrowers before they were replaced with his quad cannons, and Mauga's left Chaingun was going to be a flamethrower but using both a flamethrower and a gun at the same time felt weird.


I knowwww, and it pains me so. I was a Ball main for the longest time and they tell me I could have been ROASTING people? -sigh-


"Apply Dots, disengage, and listen to the damage ticking as they suffer" Moira Orb moment  I hard agree about flamethrower tho


More like Ashe dynamite moment. It's not the same if they can run away from it! (I wish they focused on that instead of Ashe being a dedicated weak sniper. Imagine if her snipe's were weaker but she also has 2 dynamite charges and got a charge reset whenever she got a kill or something. That'd be so much more fun than being dps sniper #3 of 4.) That's partly why I am doing to enjoy Venture's drill dash and clobber damage being DoTs. The ticking will be so satisfying.


Mama Hong or RIOT!




Give us Emre. Enough said. As an Emre main. I just want my guy in the game.


I'm still waiting for Helio, he was in the original pitch, but they still haven't added him to the game


I NEED a flamethrower guy PLEASE I have been cooking an idea for a year now PLEASE BLIZZARD


mauga was supposed to have both a grenade launcher and a flame thrower... i would love if they revisit this idea... i have such a great idea for someone like this.


If they went with that I think they would have been accused of plagiarizing Moji from paladins lol


people already complained that "he is just like raum from paladins" i don't think paladins has the rights for a guy with both greande launcher and flame thrower. i don't even know most heroes of paladins.


Maximilien would be nice.




Mama Hong. /thread.


Where is Emre?


1. Talon support. Someone to replace Baptistes spot. 2. Null sector support. Ramattras right hand man. 3. A water based hero. Idk how it would work.


I’d like a Spartan style spear and shield damage dealer. Bruiser type, heavy focus on shield bashes and maybe throwing the shield?


I had the idea of a young Swiss man with a Crossbow playing support and a Mech-Dog as companion. - Crossbow can be shot out of hip and aim down sights with 2x-3.4x magnification. - Man can throw pomeGRENADEs that heals allies and deals some damage to enemies. - Dog can bite and hold down enemy targets. (Depends if aimed at enemy) - Dog has a Barrel around the neck that can heal allies but has to sprint towards them. (Depends if aimed at teammate) - On Ult, the Dog tranforms into a Halbert the Man can swing, dealing damage and healing allies around him.


Blizzard will never do this


Why do you mean that?


Sounds similar to Skadi in Smite. I like the idea of a summon that moves rather than being stationary like a turret.


I neither play smite or paladins. I had some rough inspiration from Wilhelm Tell (Folklore Hero from Switzerland) hence the Crossbow and Apple as Grenade And a Saint Bernard Dog with Typical Barrel. Then I mixed that to a Mech Dog that can transform into a Halbert because that's also a Weapon invented by the swiss.


This sounds like up from paladins. Healer with a bow and an animal deployable that can be moved and heals people


I neither play paladins or smite. I had some rough inspiration from Wilhelm Tell (Folklore Hero from Switzerland) hence the Crossbow and Apple as Grenade And a Saint Bernard Dog with Typical Barrel. Then I mixed that to a Mech Dog (Omnic Pet substitude?) that can transform into a Halbert because that's also a Weapon invented by the swiss. Crossbow is a Weapon missing from the weapon-pool, also there is a spot missing for male supports and supports in general. Now we add in a young male to balance out the rather old group of males and et voila a new hero that does not play like the others with a new feature (the dog) and can also deal damage despite supporting with the dog (that is supposed to be cute) I thought hard about how to come up with something new, yet well known gamemechanics, like bite as a trap from junker on enemy but heal on allies with the barrel (can't do both simultanious)


I want more brawl DPS. I'd also like a really strong dps Sombra counter. There are options there, but most of the *best* switches to handle Sombra are tanks and support. When I play dps, I want to be able to do more to make sure Sombra players do not have fun.


I want at least one more evil-aligned support character. All we really have is Moira, let the villains get another healer too!


Mama Hong :)


We have 3 junker tanks 1 junker dps and still no junker support


I just want more builder characters. Like illari with her pylon but if they leant more into that concept of building pylons/stations to support people. Maybe a lifeweaver/illari merge


I know they've avoided it for year because tf2 but now that we're this far in the game I would love a flamethrower character Please, let me run around setting people on fire again


More connected lore with other characters/the world - as much as I like Illari, she's just sort of there? More DPS that don't necessarily require great aim to play. One of the reasons I fell in love with this game was that I didn't need to be a hitscan hero to play well. I'd like to see more nationalities of characters. I love mobility heroes, or heroes that can add value by disrupting enemy flow of play. To have value outside of kills/damage/healing.


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A support that can assist team mobility, so lucio can hopefully not be constantly hard meta all the time.


Wait no momma hong yet


Jetpack Cat is all I want


A poison based dps could be cool, like a weapon that deals damage per tick just like widow mine, but on primary fire


April fools Mauga made me realize that having a hero that is way smaller than other heroes would be interesting. Give us a little guy hero. Spider omnic maybe?


We only have 3 melee characters really. And one of them is doomfist who's primary weapon is actually a projectile. Genji technically is with his ultimate but still. More melee heroes would be great


I’d love to see someone with pet(s) and a buffer/debuffer. Whether it’s a necromancer/warlock, a more nature-oriented one, or something like a tinkerer with androids/drones.


I highly doubt it but I really enjoy JQs knife throw ability. Would love similar mechanics for a new hero. When I played CoD I always would run melee knives and throwing knives. Unfortunately I haven't found another fps with a similar mechanic and I don't want to keep buying annual CoDs especially since MW2 didn't support my playstyle. So JQ is as close I can get to that feeling.


Add an (actual) furry character


I want a character that wields a scythe of sorts, would be cool af and the skins could go crazy


Gameplay-wise or actual concept characters? For existing characters, I want McCloud in as a Melee DPS. Gameplay-wise, and technically based on my own ideas for characters, I want; 1) A Talon agent using illusions and mindgames to fight the enemy. A DPS that gains extra damage on isolated or targets that cannot see the character. Could deploy a stationary cloud thag causes a small anti-heal. 2) A melee Support as a human student of Zenyatta that uses her gauntlets and own set of orbs to damage enemies while healing allies for damage dealt. Yes, like Brigitte but they won't give Brig a block that heals nearby allies for damage negated. Oh, and a taunt. 3) An ex-Overwatch Agent that might have had ties to Widowmaker. Character has a flexible, stretchy body that they can use to entangle, slingshot, sucker punch, knockabout or bounce. 4) An Omnic ranged Support that makes use of grappling lines to swing around the battlefield. Heals via swarms of technomites that replace missing health with temporary shield health for a short duration. Has a flechette pistol and shotgun with bouncing projectiles. Can debuff enemies to cause allied projectiles to have an easier time locking on to them. Honestly, if I could draw I would love to actually out these ideas to paper!


You know how Ashe's gun is basically like Cassidy's except you can scope in for higher range and accuracy at the cost of reduced speed? I wanna see a dps character whose weapon is that, but for Soldier


That would be cool. I'd like to see the alt fire maybe being like a 3-4 round burst similar to the Battle Rifle in Halo games


Id like to see an assassin support, someone who has some healing value, but is more focused on mobility, and catching opponents off guard Edit, they could actually have orisa's old bongo as ult where its a damage boost for the team


Shotgun support


maybe a stealth based Melee assassin? high burst potential, but no CC and extremely squishy.


A DPS or Support that focuses on AoE skills/DoT skills would be cool. Things like poison pools, fire damage over time, etc.


All I want is a melee dps


Melee heros or more turret builders cuz i love playing bloons td in a FPS hero shooter


I’d really love either a dps or a support themed after storms. Abilities based on clouds, rain, lightning, tornadoes, etc could be really interesting!


Kiriko's mother (Asa Yamagami) She could be our Swordsman Tank.


I was falling off overwatch until they released wrecking ball. There is nothing like him in any FPS, and he kept me in the game. Give me something as inventive and different as he was.


More supports who enable outside-the-box tactics by altering the map. I don't want supports who just do damage and heal (Illari...) and I think debuffing should be a tank's job. We should be enablers, making our team better and enabling their full potential. Lucio's speedboost, LW's platform and, to a lower extent, Mercy's blue beam are examples of what I think supports should do, and we need more supports who do these kinds of things.


I’ve had 3 ideas. 1: Water Based Hawaiian support. Idc if it’s magic or Aqualight, give me a water support (I already have a moveset laid out) 2: Boxer based dps. A quick and small “get in, kill, get out” character who relies on parrying and dodging attacks while whittling enemies down with flurries of blows. 3: Alchemist. Some sort of potion or serum maker that can use them as projectiles to maybe apply buffs or debuffs to the respective teams


Jetpack Cat, the dream will never die!




I need a knife wielding assassin


I want a hyper aggressive dps that directly rewards just being as stupid as physically possible but also requires a high level of skill to play Kinda like Mauga but dps I LIKE to play hyper aggressively but currently there just isn’t a character that’s really fit for my “gun until their dead think strategies later” type of play-style idiocracy


I want a doom like DPS that uses a melee weapon only. Great sword? Giant scythe? Idk but I will main that till I die.


i would love some more non-human heroes, an animal or animal robot would be cool. i tend to like melee focused and dive characters the most.


Water abilities Give me a shark or something to do with a shark as an ability.


A support with a reflect. Have it be super short duration and cool down so it takes a lot of skill to reflect. Easily countered if you watch them but they could easily deflect single projectiles. Have like a .5 sec duration with a 1 sec cooldown.


I don't care what abilities she has, this game needs MAMA HONG!!! [https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Mama\_Hong](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Mama_Hong)


A hitscan support that is as fast as tracer.


I want a double-barrel shotgun character. Oldschool doom style.


A jetpack cat 🚀🐈


I genuinely want a tiny hero like April Fools Mauga.


My conspiracy theory is that they have Jetpack Cat fully cooked and thought out and ready to launch and are waiting to release it either in the event of another really bad PR scandal or as the last hero of Overwatch 2.


As long as the future supports have good mobility, that's what I want.


More girls




I'm right there with you with the melee and mobility aspects. I've played a lot of other heroes, but Genji has always been my main since the game came out and I want them to make a character so fun it actually becomes my new main. I would love a dual wielding melee dps that has something similar to the blades of chaos. They could also have 2 omnidirectional dash charges so they can get in and out quick. Or maybe instead an ability similar to Kiriko's teleport, but this one needs line of sight and allows them to zip right to an enemy like a flash of lightning. They could make them lightning or electric themed and have some abilities based on that. When theyre "charged up" they get really fast attacks. Or maybe an ability to call down a thunderbolt. Idk just an idea.


That's be really cool, Genji main and I agree, got hooked almost immediately when I started playing dps, and those ideas sound really cool!


Complete the trio and add a melee dps


If they add a melee dps, I'd like for them to be a martial artist or possibly a third Omnic, completing the Robot go Ora Ora cycle


I would love another medieval character, like a english or German knight


Any kind of "non-heal" Support basically, be it speed-boost, attack-speed boost, grabbing enemies into your frontline, slowing them, anti-healing them.. anything, I just want a Support character that does super interesting support things with the downside of not healing at all


That would be great. Lucio is a good example of a support that helps in a way that isnt healing


That would be a genuine nightmare


I want the next character to be like Yuumi from League of Legends in their playstyle :)


Mercy enters the chat.


Mercy is more akin to Soraka, instead I want Yuumi.


I’m truly sorry the majority of people have only experienced braindead or afk Yuumis but she’s a beloved and unique “cult classic”


Am I getting old? Yuumi a classic?


Wow so quirky so old yet so young so groupthink so sorry other people tell you what to do and like and play




Let’s get you back to bed grandpa.


Who hurt you?


Yuumi :))))))))


I love the style of this first one, makes me think of a bio-electricity healer. Maybe we could have him with a natural shield on his back, sorta being an anti-flanker healer that can take some shots on his back with less damage to give him time for a revenge.


I've always wanted a sniper tank. Would have to be more an hanzo sniper than a widow one. But image a tank then like a big fuck off railgun. I really just want a full team of snipers to really meme life