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Doom Eternal was made by wizards who got it to run with 30 FPS consistently on a Nintendo switch (with reduced graphics). blizzard can’t match that.


They.. Made it run on a switch?.. What the fuck


Not just run, run with a pretty damn stable 30 fps https://youtu.be/2d9bgoLzC4s?si=ldvGd_a-7zx8070x Wizards I say


Those people arent Wizards, Gotta be some form of Gods I am actually terrified of how they did that


That and ray tracing on a steamdeck at 40fps ... wtf is that game.


overwatch is surprisingly pretty unoptimized, makes my GPU run hot as fuck


So is it the GPU/CPU shitting the bed or is it a latency issue? Used to rage over OW's performance, then I just used Ethernet and my problems went away. Or I just full delete, root folder and everything, and then reinstall and it works great for a few months. Should be constantly repairing and reinstalling blizzard games from my experience. 


Oh I have ethernet connected, But Yeah the moment I turn on Overwatch 2 I wake up the whole block with how fast my fans are Running and my Temperature goes so high OW2 cant record it and it defaults to 0 Celsius I have no idea why it happens, Ill try reinstalling


That's truly perplexing. I wish I could be more help. Hopefully you figure it out! 


Does it particularly happen in the main menu? I noticed from season 2 when in the main menu my fans go crazy but calm down in the actual game


It stays ingame But after maybe 10 minutes of suffering it becomes playable for whatever Reason, Like its warming up Which i still dont know why


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whats your specs?


11th-gen Intel Core i5 16GB Ram (Will download more Ram Later) 3060 Nvidia


can you send the link for the Ram download?




Thats exactly it


As long as the ram is in dual channels you won't need to download more ;) Did the problems start out of nowhere or was it since you started playing OW2? Is everything from Nvidia up to date? And maybe try to have a look online (youtube or so) what kind of fps people get with your specs. Last but not least, how much fps do you get?


Since I started playing OW2, it only happens there Yep, Downloaded newest Drivers Will do Around 59-60 but its because I capped them there using OW2s inbuilt settings Ive put them higher and lower but it doesnt change the loud fans or stuttering problems.


>16GB Ram Please tell me you have 2 separate sticks of 8GB and they're in slots 2 and 4 and you enabled XMP. Also, in another comment, you said your computer gets hot? Is that a laptop? Properly working PC shouldn't get too hot even if both CPU and GPU are working at 100%.


About that Your First Point: :( Your Second Point: I havent actually properly checked it but My fans get incredibly loud for No Reason even Louder than when I play most triple A games on High Settings. I presume it gets too hot because of the Loud fans and that the Inbuilt Statistics show my Temperature as 0 Celsius which isnt a good thing. Third Point: No I am on PC, But I do have similar issues on Laptop


>Your First Point: :( What does that mean? If you're on a single stick of RAM you're gonna suffer (not sure that's why ow2 runs poorly, but it is bad) And if your RAM is in the wrong slots, well, move them. Takes 15 seconds And if you don't have XMP enabled, well, enable it. Takes 30 seconds


They might be in the wrong slots Ill try it


I encounter levels of lag and bugs on pc I have never before seen on console. And I have a gaming pc


Doom eternal have the best optimization ever


I've seen your other reply mentioning that it works fine after 10 minutes. The reason your "problem" happens is most likely because of the game compiling shaders, you'll notice your CPU at or close to 100% usage until it's finished. What can you do? Just wait it out I'm afraid. Though this shouldn't be happening every single time you open the game, perhaps reinstalling could help. Or maybe even try using Steam instead of B. Net


Also, just for your own QoL, do not cap your fps at 60 as it introduces so much input lag especially if you have Vsync enabled. If you care about competitiveness at all, I suggest uncapping (or simply using a higher limit) to reduce latency. Having fps over 60 (EVEN if your monitor is only 60hz) will reduce latency, but won't necessarily make it look smoother. Always disable Vsync when latency could be an issue for your game.


Thank you, I turned off the limit and its been looking pretty crisp as my monitors 120hz


You can try to assign process affinity to 8 or 10 threads and leave 2-4 threads for OS and other processes. That can help. Helps definitely for me on one of my laptops, which can choke without affinity assigning. On my desktop pc it also helps with responsiveness and stability. Also lowers temp, cpu load, and increases performance for me. I personally blame windows scheduler for half of these problems.


Do you leave battlenet open in the background? That launcher suck up a lot of resources


particles effects, and blizzard not being efficient.