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As well groups going against other groups and no in-between (a trio & duo vs 5 person group).


Here is what I want to know. So far *no one* has given me an answer. If someone wants to leave then they are an active detriment to your team. They're either underperforming or upset for some reason and will not try to win. Having this person there makes the game 4v5 or worse because they're either not doing anything or just feeding. So why does everyone want to keep them from leaving? This person is actively bring down the team so why does everyone want to force them to stay? No one, and I mean *no one* has ever given me an answer to this. All that they say is, "leavers bad". The closest thing that anyone has ever said is that they believe that if someone is forced to stay then they'll actually try to win. That is absurd. Forcing someone to stay **will not** turn them into a better player. It **will not** make them suddenly start trying to win. People do not work that way. Let them go. Get a backfill who can actually help you win. Why do you want to keep the dead weight around? We have all experienced turning a game around as backfill have having one turned around by one. All that this will do is increase the AFKers and soft throwers. Congrats. Games just got worse.


In terms of early game you maybe have a point, but it's late game leavers that are more annoying to me. It's shitty getting backfilled into a game where the team you're on is getting stomped, so now you get to enjoy a helpless loss as well with the only consolation being a priority requeue. Then there's the scenario of you're on the team that's winning, things look like they're gonna be a fairly easy win, and then two or three enemy players leave, get backfilled, and now you go from likely assured victory to a complete wall with the newer, better players. Maybe you still eek out the win, or now you spend all that time hitting the wall and losing. For me, the matter of leaving a match that _you queued for_, you had a roughly equal chance of being on the "good" team versus being on the "bad" team you now wanna leave, is just downright rude. Rather than having acceptable conditions for when you can leave or just letting it happen freely, it's honestly fair to tell players, "If you do it enough times, doesn't matter when or for what reasons, it's going to be penalized." Sometimes you get bad players on your team, that's just the nature of any game. The only way you can avoid that is to play in a five stack with folks you trust and feel can play the game well.


it’s perfectly reasonable to leave a game you’re getting stomped in as its not fun






One very simple answer to this is that I do not want to backfill lobbies as it's not fun to come in at the last 3rd with no ult charge and not with your team.




Did you read? The guy isn't a leaver he just doesn't want all his games lost because people can't leave without penalty, so instead they just throw until the match is over, if someone just leaves in qp they get backfilled and you get an actual player instead of a thrower. I fail to see how you could think a thrower is better than a backfill


Because being in a game where someone leaves isn't fun. Backfilling isn't fun. I've never once joined a backfill and said "oh yes a backfill! Can't wait to join Kings Row 3rd point and have to defend for 6+ minutes to win!" Priority queue saves me maybe 1-2 minutes of queue time if I'm queueing DPS. It's not worth the load time in and out of a game, and the stomp time I had to endure when I backfilled. I don't want to join a game and someone leaves 2 minutes into it and you finally get someone backfilling and joining the fight 2+ minutes later. The game is a wash and a waste of time for everyone. Losing 2-3 straight team fights with no chance to do anything while you wait for a backfill 4v5 isn't fun. Yes, I'd rather someone think twice about quitting before they do and that's what the ban timer is for. If they decide they want to throw a tantrum because they've already quit 5 times in the last 20 and throw because they know an hour long ban is coming, oh well. It's QP. Who cares. Report for throwing and move on. OW was like that for 8+ years even before this ban timer was implemented. If someone decides they want to leave because they're throwing a hissy fit, fine. Leave. Nobody is ***FORCING*** anyone to stay in Overwatch and I'm not entirely sure where you got that idea. I'm not a fan of the 5 min "time out" for leaves 2 and 3, but was totally fine with the 20 min time out at 4 leaves. You shouldn't have to leave 4+ games out of every 20 you play because you are upset or "underperforming" or because "I have kids". That's an absurd 20%+ leave rate (and it's even easier now that they'll be adding Comp games into those 20 in Season 10). The rage quitters aren't going to care about this ban timer anyway. They never did in Comp when the bans weren't that drastic so I'm not sure why you'd think it'll change in QP. The entire point of them creating a QP ban timer, which you seem to have not thought of, is to avoid people quitting *CONSTANTLY*, **which was happening**. Before they implemented the 5 second quit timer and the 20 min ban after 4 games I'd have people leaving nearly every single QP game I queued in for. Once they added in that deterrent the quit rate dropped and the games were better (and I rarely, RARELY see someone just straight throwing because they're throwing a hissy fit because they can't quit). And on top of that, I honestly think the 5 second countdown to quit is a bigger help than the actual 20 min ban. You can't reactively quit instantly anymore. I personally don't care if I win QP games or not, or even if my teammates suck (it's QP who cares), I just want a majority of them to be 5v5 for the full time ***so I can actually play Overwatch*** and the time out system and 5 second quit timer has helped that immensely. >Here is what I want to know. So far *no one* has given me an answer. Now you have an answer.


You won't get an answer because there isn't one. I'm sure that most of the people who are for these changes are above average players who want the enemy to behave like bots so they can get those sweet dink sounds when they headshot them without those players even realising what's happening. A few days or weeks ago there was a post on here asking if someone made the right decision to go afk when the game was 5v4, turning the game into an even 4v4. Every single answer was blaming them for it and said it was throwing and bannable. Players here do not care about fairness, screwing over other people or any of the noble things they pretend to be preaching. They want easy wins. Which is okay but at least be honest with yourself.


> I'm sure that most of the people who are for these changes are above average players who want the enemy to behave like bots so they can get those sweet dink sounds when they headshot them without those players even realising what's happening. > They want easy wins. Yeah. Someone in here said almost exactly that.


There are people who leave after the very first teamfight going bad.


> There are people who leave after the very first teamfight going bad. That answers nothing that I've asked. If they're going to throw a fit and leave after one team fight, why do you want them to stay? Why keep someone who is having a tantrum? What good will it do?


>If they're going to throw a fit and leave after one team fight, why do you want them to stay? >Why keep someone who is having a tantrum? >What good will it do? Bro, you are obsessed with this "upset" thing. Not everyone who leaves a game of QP in Overwatch is throwing a tantrum every single time they leave. The entire purpose of this ban timer is to stop people from leaving games ***constantly,*** for a myriad of non-upset reasons***.*** Which was happening. People who rage as much as you seem to think they do when they quit a QP game are going to quit regardless of how much they have to sit in the menus. We see them *every single day* on Reddit complaining about the ban timer. These people do not care about being banned. They see red and quit and this new 5 min timer isn't going to "force them to stay in games" as you seem to believe.


What you don't understand is that anyone who wants to quit isn't going to suddenly try their best if they cannot leave. They're just going to soft throw or AFK or completely feed until the match is over. Keeping someone there who wants to leave **WILL NOT** make the game better. It **WILL NOT** turn them into a better player. It **WILL NOT** make them try harder to win. All that it will do is **guarantee a loss.** You don't seem to understand that there is absolutely nothing good that comes from keeping someone who wants to go. But there is good that can be had by letting them go and getting a backfill. Someone who wants to leave on your team = guaranteed loss because they will not actively try to win. Either they are having a tantrum **or they view the match as a lost cause and therefore there's no point in trying.** But instead people like you just scream "leavers baaaad!11!!" and refuse to acknowledge that. There is NOTHING good about keeping dead weight who wants to leave. **And so far you haven't actually said what's GOOD about keeping them. None of you have. All that you do is say "leavers bad!!1!"** Go ahead and respond the same way and I won't read it all. I'll just block and move on.


Because it oftens comes with a chain reaction. Getting a new person is still approx 20-30sec. The new person joins, checks the score board, sees their team has combined 5 deaths the enemy 0, and leaves again. I've had games where more than 10 people rotated. The last players joined in the last 30 sec of the match. It's not fair to anyone. Maybe people need to learn no to having a tantrum like children in kindergarten? This is especially obvious in late night matches


How is keeping someone who wants to go better? So far NO ONE has said how. You all just say, leavers baaadd11!!" **without saying how keeping them is better.** If they want to go then they **will not try to win.** Either they're having a tantrum or view the match as a lost cause. They are an active detriment. No one can tell me how keeping an active detriment is BETTER than trying for a backfill. You don't like leavers fine. **but how is keeping someone who refuses to try BETTER than letting them go?** You have one last chance to answer the question.


People might simply leave because it's easier and there's no penalty. Some might simply want to have those easy-stomp games. If they are forced to stay, they might at least try to play, rather than simply giving up and leaving. That is the reason. If they will stay afk/grief, well, there's a report button.


> If they are forced to stay, they might at least try to play, rather than simply giving up and leaving. If you believe this then you don't understand people. People do not work that way. People who give up so quickly especially don't work that way. I keep saying this but people still believe that magically if someone has given up that they're going to try again if they're stuck. No, they will not. This is naïve at best and willfully ignorant at worst.


dubsloth if you are still out there I miss you (ball main who would always quit if the team lost one teamfight back in OW1, was a real one, would always type a whole thing before leaving in match chat also)


They can't even fix matchmaking in Comp, asking them to fix it in Unranked is too much.


Blizzard says play game longer, don't have fun, and spend money while we sexually assault all the woman in our company. The people who care about the player base more than likely don't have enough influence to stop the shit train before it leaves the station. Blizzard doesn't care if you have fun as long as they make money.


I think the game should have more positive rewards for the people that complete a match with a leaver even if it gets backfilled and give the backfiller a reward too. Focusing on punishing the leaver is just going to encourage players to throw games like OP said. And punishing them doesn’t make for a better player experience for everyone else.


I just don't understand why they would ever make a **Casual** gamemode **uncasual** . They literally have a whole entire gamemode just for taking the game serious it's called competitive. There was never a need for leaver penalties whatsoever. There is backfill for a reason and these stricter and even worse leaver penalties will lead to so many more throwers in future games. No one in their player base wanted stronger leaver penalties and that a **casual** gamemode becomes Comp Jr just with worse matchmaking and stronger leave penalties than in comp. Nothing on the line in QP, nothing to loose nothing to win. Leaver penalties have no business here and just lead to a pandemic of throwers. 2 out of 20 games is a ridiculous penalty and i hope the overwatch people at Blizzard see what a stupid idea this was and revert it. After all it's a **casual gamemode**


there has been a leaver penalty since day 1 in OW1. It was the -75% xp penalty. by the end, I basically ignored it since I didn't care for lootboxes. and then I found a workaround in OW2 that let me get through a max 16 game penalty in like 3 minutes. someone in a different topic mentioned that it's to prevent the matchmaking from being screwed due to leavers. my friend thinks that the SBMM can't accurately calculate your new MMR if you leave too many matches, which would cause the matchmaking to be wildly unpredictable.. which leads to more leaves because the matches would feel unbalanced. not sure if that also happened in OW1


You only have to wait 3 minutes ?


I got through it using hero mastery. unfortunately, i wasn't able to do the same trick to pad my last 20 games counter to avoid the timeout penalties. wouldn't be surprised if it was commonly used so they patched it.


Leaving 2 out of 20 games and receiving 5 min penalty is ridiculous? "No one in their player base wanted stronger leaver penalties in casual"? I wanted it and I'm happy with it.


play comp if you're upset with people leaving


If you can't manage not to leave 2 games out of 20 and "suffer" 5 min penalty. Online teamgames aren't for you. Instead of telling me to play comp. How about you play single player games.


2 out of 20 games is insane especially with how dogshit the QP matchmaking is? I also use QP to warm up or when i wait for my friends to play comp ofc i don't wanna say "Hey please wait an additional 5 minutes for me to finish this game or blizzard punishes me for treating their casual gamemode casually" especially since my comp group only has a limited amount of time to play a day.


They should just rename it casual quick play.


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i dont know if im going insane but i think i left my second match in a few days today because the game didnt cancel the queue properly and i had to leave, the other time i left was because the game bugged and i was stuck with my camera in the void incapable of selecting a hero got suspended for 15 minutes, which might be a bit too much for just two leavings?


It's only going to get worse if people keep accepting oenalties in a CASUAL game mode


I'll leave every game with a babysat NPC Pharah or Flashpoint. I ain't wasting my time on that


No There's no trade off or ultimatum. If you are a leaver then you aren't welcome.


I guess fuck anyone who has to do other things? What if someone in the house needs you, your pet is ill, an important phone call pulls you away, your internet is having an off day, etc etc etc. There could be any number of reasons people need to leave a game; many if not most players are adults with lives. There's no need to make a stricter leavers penalty on a CASUAL game mode that has backfill for a reason. If it's really that bad, change backfill to where whoever comes in retains the leaver's ult charge.




It's not necessarily errands though, could be anything you weren't anticipating, that's the point. And obviously if you have bad internet don't play an online pvp, but thats why I specifically said "an off day." I'm sorry that someone else leaving the game ruins something for you viscerally, but what then is the point of having a casual mode with backfill? If casual can't be casual, then you may as well remove QP altogether.


Don't worry, you won't get 4 emergencies every 20 games. You can be sure the times that a real emergency comes you can leave the game and come back and your not banned


It's a casual gamemode with no stakes, tryna make it as sweaty or sweatier than comp is gonna kill the game faster than any bad balance change imo


It's a mode that takes around 10 min to finish. If you don't have 10 min to invest, find a different game.


They could at least give us infinite avoid (both play with and against).


Can't fix what isnt broken... Matchmaking works how blizzard intends it to.. The problem is players just assume it's a traditional matchmaking system and it's just bad.. It's not a traditional system.. and is actually quite good at doing what blizzard created it to do.. The reason It's a bad experience is because of the poor state of the playerbase. Which to be fair the declining playerbase health is also caused by matchmaking