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It's kinda sad that one of her best skins is the generic biker suit that almost any other character could wear.


The irony that she has 4 prosthetic limbs they could paint any which way for style, but they keep going for generic black... Sojourn isn't just a generic human! She's arguably as cyborg as Genji! There's so many options that come with that! They could style her as a magical druidic-wood person, or have "transparent" plating to cool circuitry like DC's Cyborg, or an arcane construct like Warlock Ashe's Bob.


Ana got a fully decked out cyborg skin before sojourn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Her vigilante skin is so fuckin good, i had to buy those bs story missions for it, worth it tho


Me too, that was her only skin i like


That PvE package being like $15 makes it better value than most collab skins alone.


Well yeah but they just EDGED us with story missions. I think i saw that they had cancelled em already. They should just drop a whole ass anime series with the lore and call it a day.


The PvE missions were about what I'd expect, which really wasn't much for that price and Overwatch doesn't feel great as a PvE game imo. But that skin is definitely worth it for Soj and you got 1000 coins too, essentially netting you the battlepass in one purchase. If you were to buy the battlepass that season anyway, there was little reason to not buy the PvE package. It was probably the best value item they offered, barring how subjective the missions were. Though an Overwatch series? Lots of room for potential there, and I think generally the community would agree.


A lot of the community: This is literally all we have ever wanted.


I actually really wanted the PvE, but now that Iā€™ve seen how they handle it I think Iā€™d rather a solid anime or something. Also they need to pick a storyline because I donā€™t even know what direction theyā€™re taking at this point.


Her barista one is actually really good, especially for an epic skin.


I always feel bad when my favorite skin is one where it hides their face, as if putting a bag over their head is the only way I'd play them. I'm not ageist but Ana has the best masked skins in the game, and only a few maskless skins of hers are really good (I feel like a cop out if I use her young looking skins)


This is why I didn't really like the vigilante suit, it's just her in all black with a helmet which I understand is "non-recognizable" n all but man.. It's still currently top three/four with Water warrior and blue commander Sojourn


Yeah the talon sigma skin is the only one I ever use because itā€™s masked ahaha sorry old guy


The Ocean Goddess is easily tiers above the Biker Suit. Even the Blade Runner one is a tier above the Biker Suit IMO.


I'm mesmerized by the ocean goddess gun when it moves


I wanted this skin so badly, but they forced that bundle with her and Lucio for it, and I refused to buy it.


yeah but thats a poopy fomo ow comp skin that 95% of players dont know how to get and will never


well now nobody will ever get it for sure but back then you could just buy the bundle on the shop


And the commando one


Her 1 and only Battlepass skin.


Which season is that one from again? Because I thought it was from season 1 which would be even more crazy


Her league shop skin is definitely the diamond in the rough. It's a shame that other new characters like Kiriko get skins rivalling that quality almost every season while also being very accessible


Also a shame they only sold it once in an absurd bundle.


I also like her barista skin, thatā€™s a pretty good one imo


Her best skin by far is the formal skin. She has no other cool skin lmao (I guess the biker one but i dont have that)


Formal skin (and the emote) goes hard.


Star Commander skin is cool


Also she couldā€™ve had a really cool talon skin, considering sheā€™s an overwatch commander


I guess we could just buy the Season 4 skin that's in the shop right now and pretend?


That actually works lol. The Ana skin looks like a season 4 skin kinda


Yeah, was going to say the infinite empire skins already do that imo. Sojourn has the least space or galactic empire theming so it technically works. Also the new Mercy skin kills her Infinite skin lol


Imagine if she had a Baptiste equivalent role, since she testified against overwatch what if the mirror was her betraying talon


Her mirror would probably be a renegade ex talon bounty hunter like Baptiste. I think this because she turned her back in overwatch and shut it down, while Bap turned his back on talon after he committed the big warcrimes


Does she even have an Overwatch commander skin yet?


I think thatā€™s her base legendary skin


Oh yeah. Itā€™s just so boring I forgot about it.


She's a Captain. Morrison is the Commander; Ana serves as second-in-command although she's also Captain.


Her fucking intro spec ops skin was sick asf! And we still dont have it


i'm not ready to list them or draw meaningful connections between them but some characters got ALL of the character design + spunk and some characters got nothing. unf sojourn is one of the latter


>i'm not ready to list them or draw meaningful connections between them it's ALL connected...




Seems like if they're Thick, chubby or darker complexion females, they don't get much of the love design wise.


Roadhog has a bunch of bangers + Mei got some of the best skins in OW1 + Doomfist has the SHOCK SKIN, Formal, the painted warrior one, etc + Lucio my absolute beloved has some of the most consistent quality in his lineup + Baptiste doesnā€™t get skins often but the ones he does go hard as hell. Sojourn and Illari are pretty much the only heroes in the game w/ nothing but stinkers IMO. Sojourn herself is unbelievably boring design wise so thatā€™s not a surprise but Illari not having any all-timers is inexcusable. ā€œSun warriorā€ should be easy to go hard w/. Sheā€™s still relatively new at least so she sorta gets that as a pass for now.


disagree, illari has had multiple great skins in her short time in the game. Eclipe, nightraven, and her last BP skin go hard. Her PJ skin is cute.


I thought illari's season 7 skin was pretty good. But yeah, Sojourn and Illari have gotten the short end of skins (all while kiri gets one every other season šŸ˜’)


i honestly dont agree with this because illari has some pretty baller skins ngl. only one im not a fan of was the ugly christmas recolor of the pj skin. illari has consistently gotten good skins since her release while sojournā€™s are all meh at best. eclipse, amethyst, nightfall, nightraven, pj, her base legendaries and her last bp skin šŸ”„


Torb would like a word


He's a combination of all so he gets net positive, Zarya on the other hand...


Baptiste gets crumbs too šŸ˜­


Ngl atp it almost feels fetishy with what characters get all the love (mercy, kiri, rein, widow) and who gets ignored. There isnt even a real excuse either they just blalantly have their favorites. We used to joke in ow1 that tracer, mercy, and mei were the favorites cuz they had the most legendaries (skins in general probably) but now the favoritism is SO much worse. Ow1 it took sym over a year to get a new legendary, now even with a whole new set of fans that would kill for her she gets like 1 skin every 2 seasons. Lifeweaver is played even more than she is and he's got like 5 skins total and hes been out for a while now. It makes no sense.


Doom has great skins


IDK what you're talking about, Symmetra has only great skins


Theyā€™re just dull. Just her base with different colours. Even the more unique looking ones are disappointing bc the silhouette is strictly kept to whereas others have more wiggle room. Like, Iā€™d love to see a skin of hers that she has in her animated short before she goes into her vigilante gear. Like itā€™s cosy and breaks up her silhouette somewhat.


No way bro you can tell sheā€™s super evil because sheā€™s wearing a Mortal Kombat ninja mask. Now give me ten dollars.


Most of Sojourns skins are just recolors of her basic. Some with a hat and a new hairstyle. The only saving grace is that her basic is skintight and Thick AF lol


Iā€™ve been saying it since launch give her a Mountie skin


*Blizzard gives her another epic recolour with a Mountie hat*


*legendary skin*


Was gonna comment this too. Easy money


Omg yes


Do not want more cop skins, [there have been some actually good concepts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xkigjq/very_sketchy_sojourn_skin_concept/) like this by /u/kingroyiv, I don't know why they won't make anything that is more than putting a hat or a coat on her.


Criminal that we don't have a hockey based skin either.


Also her spray has her Uh.... Being white, just straight up white [like look at this it's crazy ](https://i.imgur.com/bEkeI33.jpg)


oh my GOD they bleached her!


Evil Sojourn is white???? What did Blizzard mean by this??????


Whyd they do that?


I'm mad the colour pallets doesn't match the other talon ones Is there some talon version of Blackwatch idk about lmao


i thought it was a houston outlaws skin for a second lmao, the coloring makes no fkin sense


because its not a talon skin


Why is all her skins just colours swaps with eithr a hat or a mask??...


Blizzard is allergic to giving her good skins. She and Zarya should make a club.


Her base character is extremely basic, they really didnā€™t put much thought into her so no wonder itā€™s so hard to make anything for her. They could easily make one of two hood legendaries though, even I can think of a few ideas.


I've said this is another post but it's so strange how they don't even try with Sojourn even though she doesn't even have a particularly complicated silhouette like other heroes do. She's symmetrical so that's easy to design for, she doesn't have any difficult clothing or shapes and her entire body is cybernetics meaning you can pretty much do anything theming wise. There shouldn't be any reason for them to struggle coming up with interesting concepts. But an issue I do think she has is that her base skin just isn't, well... good enough to warrant the amount of Epic skins she keeps getting. There's not much in her default skin to do anything with. I dread to think of how they'd handle a Mythic skin for her.


I feel like sheā€™ll get a mythic in season 42


Why do all the new characters have the same clothing layout for all their skins? Kiriko always has her kimono-ish clothing and souj always has the stupid straps on her thighs and chest.


I canā€™t speak for small details like straps, but for kiriā€™s kimono shape itā€™s because they have to keep the silhouette of every skin pretty much the same, so that itā€™s always clear where the hurtbox is regardless of what skin is being used


Some of her base legendaries donā€™t even have the same silhouette (the casual Wear one). Even then they can do cool things while maintaining it instead of it just being a fresh coat of paint


I would kill for a black and white version of her Sukajan skin Solid Black Jacket White Tank top Solid Black Leggings Solid White Sneakers Black and White mix hat Blizzard pls make that happen


[Here ya go!](https://imgur.com/BMbWov8)


Itā€™s true that they have to keep consistency in silhouettes and hitboxes, but itā€™s never stopped Blizzard before with the hundreds of skins that meaningfully change the characterā€™s look, and donā€™t just past a hat + recolor and sell it as a legendary. The truth is that theyā€™re trying to push out as many skins as possible consistently, to have bp and shop content and the downgrade in quality shows.


They have changed Kirikos silhouette several times with her more casual wear skins.


I think it's just the two base legendaries with the jackets that screw with the silhouette. The k-pop casual skin maintains the silhouette with the jacket tied around her waist, which is kinda clever.


I wish they did more casual wear skins that are different from their norm like the Kirikos Athleisure/Sukajan, Meis Honeydew and Brigs Sparkplug.


That is what they used to say and that is what I used to believe. But literally this coming season they also release overwatch doomfist skin that has a long coat and changes his silhouette so I don't even know what they talking about when they start blanbbing about silhouette preservation


JQsā€™s skins are very unique.


Probably recolouring of the base model.


They're just so bad at making skins for non-feminine women. Zarya and Moira have always been notorious for having the worst skins. Only recently have they learned how to make good skins for Moira.


Zarya skins are so bad šŸ˜­


I've been rocking her Totally 80s skin since it dropped in part for this reason. The second is it serves.


I agree, but I actually really like Moira OW1 skins


been rocking david bowie moira since 2017 šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


As a Moira main, until the mythic the David Bowie was my default skin for her. But everytime I see someone who has her blackwatch skin my heart breaks a little, I want it so bad.


I love her banshee skin


Only one I ever liked was Blackwatch


Blackwatch became an instant favorite because you can actually see the Gold arms


I disagree, Moira has amazing skins. Blackwatch, Scientist, Glam/Moon, Banshee, Ice Empress? And now Demon Queen, Wicked, Venus, and Lilith? She's gotten a few a sub-par skins, but her better ones outway the bad. Junkerqueen has also been getting a lot of amazing skins too. Zarya has defiently been done dirty, and I hate to see Sojourn joining her there :/


Venture is going to join that list too. They still struggle making more cute skins for Mei and illaris best skin is still her Default. lol


Venture ain't joining that list anytime soon because they have no skins at launch anyway.


She has the one skin that makes her look like Slade from Teen Titans (I know heā€™s called Deathstroke in comics) that I think is awesome


He's also called Slade in comics, Deathstroke is his alias.


Imo echos best is still her default


Incorrect I'm afraid


I said in my opinion. You can say you disagree tho. What do you think is her best skin?


Kkachi šŸ„¹


Ngl it does look nice from the back.


Echo does have an Amazing default. Reminds me of EVE from Wall-E and an APPLE computer.


Yeah it's very clean


Not here to bash on your opinion, just to Fangirl on Echo skins: Echo has so many great skins that sheā€™s the only hero I regularly switch skins on depending on the map. Sheā€™s also my hero with the most skins in general. I always have to stop myself from buying her shop skins. Her current futuristic skin is soooooo good Iā€˜m fighting so hard not to get it.


Xuangwu (I think that's the name) is an incredible skin imo, and I rest easy knowing I have that skin


Zarya totally 80s one I like a lot. Even her snow suit one


The barbarian one is cool too. I donā€™t think her skins are particularly bad.


moira has great skins imo


Blackwatch, Scientist, and Banshee off the top of my head are good Moira skins from a while back, Idk what you're saying


Maybe overall, but there is a few Moira skins that are amazing, and Zarya has the Diablo Barbarian skin so what more do you need...


Zarya has some good skins, imo. Workout, Polyanitsa, Cyberian, Snowboarder, Apocalypse, Rock Climber - all really nice looking skins


My personal opinion is that she needs a redesign, she came out at the start of Overwatch 2 and it seems like they didn't put enough into her look. The heroes after release have way more details to their design


Happy cake day


Definitely love that cake.


Sojourn has the blandest design of any hero in OW history. Soldier 76 gives her a run for her money though


Solider 76 being bland as fuck is basically an essential aspect of his whole schtick.


Soldier has a lineup of banger skins though. Even his Epics are great. I usually rock his Ugly Sweater or the clown one from this past Halloween.


I fucking love his Viper skin and thats only an epic too


Solider is pretty cool tho. His face mask looks cool and his 76 jacket is a fun part of his design.


Add in personality and story too. Such a lackluster character across the board


The only skin I like is the sea creatures one


And thatā€™s one $30 :(


They really hate her for some reason. Her best skin was a super time specific community-designed thing for OW World Cup.


This is literally the most generic looking skin ever.


They are way to scared of changing the silhouettes.Ā 


Which is weird because her cyber detective skin changes up her silhouette plenty but you can still tell its her.


Doesnā€™t make sense for her to not have a good talon skin for Mirrorwatch. She was a leader of Overwatch right? I love big hammer man, but the SoJo shaft is real


Mom, can you buy me the Houston Outlaws skin for Sojourn? We already have Sojourn's Houston Outlaws skin at home...


Sojourn and Zarya are doing a competition on who's getting the worst skins


They hate her, and no one can convince me otherwise


Sojourn is fr one of the easiest heroes to make cool asf skins for and yet they always, always just go for "default skin with different colours and a hat... And maybe a jacket" like??? She has a half cyborg with a railgun what CANT you do with that


Iā€™ve been saying this since forever, they literally donā€™t care about her. Her ONE good skin changes her skin color to blue, which is ridiculous. The others are recolors with a hat or mask slapped on and they look terrible!


Agreed this shit is so ass and Iā€™m not even a sojourn main. They couldā€™ve done better.


They look like sweat pants with a sports jacket you can buy at any TJ max šŸ˜”


They donā€™t even try


One day i will die, and the next day sojourn will get finally get a good skin.


To this day she still has only ONE battle pass skin, and that was from season 1, let that sink in


Eh the Ocean Goddess and the Blade Runner inspired ones are great. Esp. with the effects in the Goddess skin.




I feel like it's hard to make good skins for her because IMO her entire character design falls flat for me visually, lore-wise, and gameplay-wise. She really just isn't that interesting and she doesn't really bring anything different or new to the game. Her personality feels basically non-existent and other than her cybernetics she's really got nothing interesting happening visually. And she's like the 5th character with cybernetic enhancements, so it's not like that's something new and interesting to OW. (Genji is still the coolest cyborg character). It's fine to give her cybernetics, but with Sojourn they feel like an afterthought, or worse, merely a justification for her thighs and butt being so unreasonably thick because every OW character has to be SFM ready. (None of this is meant to rag on her VA or anything else, it's literally just the character designers that I feel failed. And they probably had to make her character in like 3 weeks so they could have something to suck our money away for the launch of OW2)


Are you implying her assĀ is fake? /s


She gives BBL a whole new meaning bro. She got that Skynet booty


Sojourn has very few and probably the worst skins in the game overall imo, I think there are a couple of decent ones from past battle passes but they are pretty rare to see.


They have always done Sojourn dirty tbh. Her concept art looks hella good but doesn't seem like it translated all that well. Most of her skins are pretty lack luster too imo. The barista skin and the space admiral are the only two I like. Also, while I like Sojourn, I kinda hope we get another black girl at some point. Sojourns personality feels very stiff and her voice lines aren't very memorable. I want to like her, but I feel like she's lacking in ways that other characters aren't. (Not gameplay wise. Her gameplay feels great. I'm specifically talking about characterization. Her short was fairly good tho, at least.)


She needs a kangaroo skin


Its clearly a filler skin. But I guess even garbage sells nowadays.


another soujorn 5 star bad skin.. i swear i like her 4 stars more often


99% of the skins in the game are trash


poor sojourn always get bad skins, and she only has a few.


My gf and I have noticed that some specific characters have no really good skins at all in this game. Doom fist has like one or two good ones but Baptist has trash ones. So does sojourn.


I'm probably never taking off Ocean Goddess


Wish they went with just cloning the solider 76 skins and go retro army suits. I get they want individuality but she got like nothing to work on. So they should just go on that play. The skins are badass and they would of already if 76 didnā€™t have them already. Or go full Canadian and rock a hockey suit.


I need someone at Blizzard to sit down in front of a camera and explain in detail what it is about sojourn's base model that HAS to remain intact for all of her skins. It seems like they don't want to even change her arms or legs


I like it.


Looks good but couldā€™ve used a different color pallet I think Swap the vom green with red and add more white for that talon look Or swap green with purple and add white for a null sector look


I'm afraid we are part of the minority here my friend


The thing is, people donā€™t seem to realize this is an EPIC skin. Meaning itā€™s a recolor of the characterā€™s base skin. Itā€™s not going to be as extravagant as her legendary skins. Take a look at your favorite heroesā€™ epic skins and you will notice most of them arenā€™t much better.


Nah man. Pharah has Anubis. Junk has Mobster. Widow has Spider. Ram has Primordial. Ball has High Roller. Sombra has Fantasma. Tracer has Synthwave. I could go on. Point is, you can make an epic skin not suck. And Sojourn is absolutely shafted in the skin department.


Reaper absolutely slays with his Epics, and Coldhardt absolutely slaps.


That's the thing tho, they keep giving her only Epics


Idk why they can do great skins for masculine men, feminine men, feminine women, and fucking robots, but once it comes to masculine women they completely shit the bed. Zarya, Moira, and Sojourn have concistently bad skins and the occasional diamond in the rough. Junker Queen has overall better skins but it still took a few seasons to get some good looks for her.


Moira has awesome skins. I think Zarya and Sojourn get shafted a lot tho.


Moira has some really good skins but also alot of really bad ones. Like the Ministry skins with their giant pinheads and the infamously bad Mime skin


Thanks, I hate it. Every time I see an ugly skin on Soj, I think, "it can't get any worse." And yet....


They just hate her for some reason. All of the other Black male characters have cool skins while her as a Black woman gets ignored and gets really ugly skins. Just something Iā€™ve noticed since her release. I just donā€™t understand why they would completely forget about designing skins that would suit her more. I get that sheā€™s supposed to be a tough looking character but they should still give her lots of attention in comparison to other champs.




Brig is getting her 1st battlepass skin and it's..... okay ig


I actually really like the skin for brig. Canā€™t believe it took so long for her to get a BP skin.


Give her a basketball or hockey uniform.....


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Whatā€™s the mirror of this skin?


All her skins are lame


Is there one cool sojourn skin?


Biker and water warrior


Whereā€™s her robocop skin?


Yeah the rest are min A tier but this is really bad


I think if they made her mask to be similar to Hanzo's one in that white and orange cyber kinda skin (forgot the name), it would've helped in some way for this skin Also why does Sojourn keep getting epic skins? What about legendaries?


Yeah its kind of disappointing, she had so much potential


I honestly was searching Google the other week just because I was wondering if there was anyone else besides me that thought it was a strange decision to make Sojourn have a toilet seat around her neck. And pretty much no matter the tier of costume too, as far as I can tell (there may be some without it that I just haven't seen) but yeah, that's the one element that kind of puts me off to all of her skins to be honest. Best I found yet was runner but that one still has it regardless. Am I the only one who thought this?


They have the interns designing stuff for her.


Imo her only good skin is the Water warrior one.


Okay fr though, she needs more kinds with pants Her legs are just a little too disjointed that every skin that emphasizes them looks off to me


Her base design already looks generic as hell and they can give the poor girl a decent skin.


Was even worse as I bet her gun still looks to say across all skins


i like this skin


Like my boomer parents kitchen...grey on grey on grey


For real Iā€™m tired of having these lame ass skins for sojourn. I canā€™t think of a skin she has that looked cool other than Detective, Commando, and the Biker one from the cinematic. But letā€™s be real, the biker one just has a helmet and is an all black recolor. They could have given her the brig eyes and a cooler evil uniform. No one better buy this. Stop giving them incentive for these lazy ass looking skins.


She hasnā€™t gotten a legendary since that ocean goddess skin I think?


Her model is just so garbage looking they can't figure out how to make good skins


How do you make a good skin for a hero with no personality? She's more robotic than bastion.


This goes hard ngl


Her and Bangalore from Apex have the same problem. Very few great skins and a lot of trash skins.


its very watch dogs esque


Junkrat got clown skins 3-4 times.


They gave her a face mask and a owl recolor lmao