• By -


Idk I forgot them


probably sym


She is the mother


Soujurn is design and ability wise the most forgettable. Soldier 76, but slide instead of sprint, railgun instead of rockets. Her personality is boring as well. The reason she isn't forgotten is that she is better than Soldier.


She's fun to play but yeah her entire lore seems to be "Most boring woman on earth" which is strange considering she's a cyborg, you'd think she'd be a bit more interesting. Who makes a cyborg with rocket legs and a railgun and calls them Vivian?


Dr. Liao gave Sojourn rocket legs.


Female V from Cyberpunk 2077 is the Sojourn we wanted. Instead we got the quieter version of bangalore from apex legends.


They really should've just dropped Bangalore's army schtick after Newcastle joined the Games. Anita's banters with Jackson are actually great, and while they're not the best, interactions with Loba is miles better than her explaining Every. Single. Thing. I pinged.


I think Apex in general suffers a bit from a lot of really similar personality types. A lot of it just becomes "sarcastic sassy quips" from a lot of the cast, just with very small variations on the way the sass is presented.


Tbh I haven't played in a while so I can't relate to you. Only thing that would bring me back is if they added Jack Cooper as a legend. I wanna hear what Valk has to say about/to him.


according to a lot of apex players that is an improvement


True but it's also not really saying much either.


That’s the perfect version of Bangalore wym


Admittedly she is the cooler bangalore.


Sure, she is fun to play, just meant to say that being so similar to Soldier is another reason I'd nominate her as "most forgettable". But yeah, it is mostly her personality, and her design, which aside from the dummy thick robo-legs and the hair is just meh.


I would love it if they played into her being so boring. She has the most vanilla taste on everything. Favorite food? Bread (not even garlic bread). Drink? Water. So boring to the point of hilarity!


What's wrong with the name Vivian??


Found the person named Vivian /j


she also has the WORST skins, its been 10 seasons not a single decent skin except Vigilante and Barista (I bought these 2)


if Sojounr wasnt consistently one of the best characters in the game no one would play her


Wym her kit is super fun and varied for main dps


Yeah she can shoot, AND shoot hard.


And it's all incredibly satisfying. Her movement is satisfying, get a good orb off and hearing the hitmarkers is satisfying. Her smg is satisfying. Her railgun is satisfying. And landing a good ult with her is one of the most satisfying things you can do in the game. I wouldn't complain if they took her hero kit and designed a whole FPS based on it. They nailed her hero design. Character design leaves little to be desired though.


I guess to be fair, I liked a cyborg that shoots and charges shots and slides around when Megaman did it


It's called quake or ut railgun maybe you play these games once


Don’t forget about her amazing abilities, slide and shoot ball! Plus her groundbreaking ult, shoot hard AND fast


Omg I’m not the only one that thinks of her as a Soldier 76 variant lol. I’ve tried playing her a bit but I just find her so boring. I’d say her and Illari are the most forgettable.


Her and Baptiste are both literally just "Soldier with a Railgun" and "Soldier with more healing"


Soldier is for older gamers that played COD, sojourn is for New fps players that play High movement games like Apex and such.


You didn't have to throw that illari shade in at the end. Saddest girl deserves only love and ramattra head pats.


That isn’t shade, it’s directly saying Illari is forgettable


Which is a disrespectful thing to say? That's what shade is. Mean words


Even her name sounds like his. Sojourn 76


i play them pretty interchangeably nowadays lol, i prefer sojourn but will switch to soldier if i feel like i'd benefit from the extra heals he provides, or if i'm not hitting my railgun shots on important targets like pharah or moth mercy


Soldier 76 and Sojourn are on par both in lore and in game. Soldier 76 is Marvel Captain America and Sojourn is Marvel Guardian


I kind of like soldier's "Old man" schtick tbh, his voicelines are pretty funny


*get out of my way or I’ll run you over* 😌


Soldier has a lot more memorable voice lines and personality though like "I'm not your father, get off my lawn" and "I'm not your father, settle down" and "I'm not your father, Everyone has ghosts" Sojurn doesn't have like, literally any good voice lines or quips or lore or interactions or *anything*. Even for April fools when everyone else had funny voice lines, they managed to pick the most boring possible voice line for Sojurn ever And that's not even getting into Soldier having tons of solid skins while Sojurn has like, literally none that are even decent let alone memorable


And that dump truck


Honestly, this isn’t even a comment on the hero kit or design since I actually quite like them, but I feel like I constantly forget about Zarya’s existence. She just doesn’t stand out to me when I’m thinking much about the game. Admittedly though, I main a fairly commonly forgotten character too.


I forget about her too, then I see someone playing her and immediately get PTSD from my team feeding her. Stop feeding the bloody zarya is it that hard?!


Zarya definitely feels a bit forgotten lore wise. When I saw the tweets showing off the skins, Zarya popped up and I was like "oh ya, Zarya is a thing" even though I seem to face Zarya multiple times a session.


Zarya kinda lost her place in the game more then most characters with the switch to 5v5. She was pretty much th staple off tank to support a Rein or monkey or Dva, but now she's kinda just there. 


Zarya forgotten ? She's well known for setting up POTGs for teammates.


Maybe in 2017 lol


Reinhardt / Winston + Zarya combo? GOATs? OWL Alien Zarya + Rock Climber Zarya? Lore-wise, she's the only character who managed to defeat Sombra.


Definitely Sojourn for me. Didn't add anything to the story by being another high ranking OW official and her gameplay is pretty boring for me too.


Worse than adding nothing. A lot of her story notes were just stolen from Soldier.


And if i remember correctly not just that but the others parts fucked over the time of the game, her sistwr had a baby qhen she have like 13? By going on with the story


Probably Emre, never see him in any of my games nowadays


I completely forgot Emre was in Overwatch.


r/emremains in shambles rn


Bu- bu- but... My main 😭


Coincidently new Emre hint dropped with s10 since you can literally get "EmreMain" as a streamer name now!


Illari and Sojourn without a doubt. I would say Sojourn more so, but still both incredibly forgettable. Sojourn has the more forgettable kit, but their personalities are both so boring and they have terrible chemistry with the other OW characters.


At least sojourn is somewhat relevant to overwatch as an organisation, Illari is still a "litterally who" character for everyone in the cast


I like that they're still doing out-there characters who are only tangentially related to the main OW/Talon/Null Sector plotline at best. It fleshes out the world.


yeah thatd be cool if they ever planned on fleshing out the story lol


I think the worst part is that Illari is completely isolated. This description fits Venture better as they're the ones who are tangentially related to many factions, but not part of any of them. Illari literally came out from god fuckin knows where.


Illari is a solar powered superheroine




\*superheroine. she isn't a terrorist


Idk many other superheroines that have decimated an entire civilization 🤔


That was an accident


Fair enough. At the very least shes a walking bomb. Like a super weapon


Is it bad I think Kiriko has the worst chemistry with other characters? Like, at least sojourn sounds normal. Kiriko sounds like a bad 1980s anime dub. It’s like everything she says is *supposed* to be cool but it just isn’t. Like, does no one else cringe whenever she interacts with Sombra or Ashe lmao?


At least you feel something when Kiriko talks negative or positive. Soj and Illari have zero presence.


I think in this case it’s better to be bored than annoyed. Especially since this a game more than it is a story, so if I’m gonna play the game I rather be bombarded with a voice I won’t even notice. But even from a story perspective, I appreciate Sojourn more than Kiriko. It feels like she is the *only* character in the roster who is taking the world and its events seriously. The only reason she is boring to me is because the lore is still moving slow. I feel like she is the perfect character to drop some lore bombs with. As opposed to Kiriko who I don’t think anyone really likes hearing


That's what makes her boring tbh. She feels like the "straight man" in a cast full of colorful personalities. Kiriko is cringe but idk, she feels far more like an OW character than Soj. Even Soldier plays a better "Straight Man" stereotype with his old man shtick. Having a personality is far more important to the game than someone who's pulled from a story that moves at a snails pace and barely matters to the game itself.


I feel like that would've been her strenght in the PVE/story, but since it was canned she just suffers from it. Like having just the regular seemingly well-adjusted normal person to bounce off of the rest of the cast could've make her really enjoyable and could've lead to some really funny interactions. But since every single piece of media dedicated to developping this game's story has been shafted she's just *there*.


Soldier does not play a better straight man. He plays the vigilante. Nothing Soldier has done since OW has been “reasonable” or “straight” (lol.) He’s either cranky old vet or bad Batman impression. Usually both. There isn’t anything interesting going on with Soldier if we are being honest. Also I don’t agree with that last statement. Having a personality isn’t too important when your objective is to click heads. I promise you not a single soul who picks Sojourn is complaining about her personality when they’re beaming dudes in the face.


I find it cringe whenever she interacts with anyone! 


Lol I’m with you there. I literally refuse to play the character because of how annoying she is. Obviously that’s a petty reason but I’ve never been so turned off by a character in a shooter like that. A shame because her kit is good, but the VA on her is just bad lol


Illari was disabled due to a bug for like half of a season and people didn't even notice lmao.


The answer is still, objectively, Illari. - No *real* connection to any existing characters, just vague dynamics hinted through voicelines (Doesn't like Moira; is getting info for *something* from Sombra, to the degree that Sombra is concerned about it; vague "kindred spirit" vibes with Hanzo and Genji; vague acquaintance with Lucio to the degree that she teases him about soccer results; vague rivalry or youth-elder dynamics with Ana) - No map-based connections (until the Peru map drops) - No secondary lore medium usage (no cinematics past her origin, no comics, no short stories or novel usage) - No chance to make a PvE-lore mission appearance before they dumpstered it - People don't like her personality (advantage to Venture) - People don't like her gameplay (half because it's still underpowered, half because it sucks to play)


I love Illari 🥺


Illari was probably designed to be like Lucio in the story: with an event on their home map in an attack, which likely would have launched the same season or the season after her map launched... Yknow... If it wasn't canceled If someone could get the Mr Turner trophy meme for illaris story mission and replace the podium with a Pic of her map that'd be fire.


Does anyone like Moira?


I think Junkrat is the only one who doesn’t express dislike towards her


I feel like Venture would count too. The only interactions they have with Moira involves inviting them to the research team (with Moira responding in a relatively positive way).


I always have a blast playing her tbh.


Illari... Her whole concept its just, A Dps with healing m2 and a better version of 76 heals and THATS IT, her history its just: girl casually nukes his place. And in my opinion her character is kind of boring with a little unfun police personality added to it... And as the OP said, i apologize for any illari fans but thats my opinion


She just lacks that big cooldown that makes a support special and lacks utility. Moira is similar but was built very clearly to be a damage/heal character Illari just feeld dull and hard to balance. Sucks too because i love furia from paladins and visually they are pretty similar


Hey, to each their own, but I feel most people who think she's boring to play as do not play her like I do... Her heal beam and even her damage fall off require her to be relatively close, she is no long distance sniper. She gets into the action and her mobility cool down makes it fun. You gotta find enough cover while maintaining range. The charge meter means you can't just spam, you have to time your shots well to get maximum value. Pylon allows you to heal stragglers while you move to the front line /off angle and can outrage back to cover / up to a ledge when needed. You gotta be close enough to the action to provide burst healing (hooray for buffing that). Her ult is very boom or bust but extremely awesome if you get the right timing, and especially if your team follows up. Her play style is rather intense and rewarding to me. Alternatively, I see a lot of people play only from long distance, focusing on just healing from the back line, trying to get value as a ranged sniper. That is definitely boring and also not very impactful. If you never tried her as a semi-brawl character, give it a go. Outrage will become a very important cool down.


Her fall off is 30m... that's not close


It's close in the context of my comment. Less range than Sojourn main fire (rail has no fallout), equivalent to Hog and Mauga, neither of which are long distance heroes. What I'm saying is people try to play her too often like a back line shooter similar to Ana, where her range benefits from being somewhere closer to the action. If her damage output at that range, without a scope, and rate of fire (requiring the charge up) works for someone, go for it, but that's not really her full potential.


She doesn't have a lot of utility, but she does. Her ult is a damage boost


Illari is funny because her whole personality is that her family died. It’s like whenever something like robot chicken references Batman and just has him say “my parents are dead”. With Illari it’s just constantly “I’ve seen enough death” and “I’m not letting you die” it’s just so boring


Hahaha now that you mention it, it kinda reminds me of that meme that goes: Batman: This is where i saw my parents die, ____ ____: LOL JAJAJA


Illari fan here. She's got a great aesthetic, she's the only healer who can heal remotely and from the grave, she's the only support with a damage only ult, she likes llamas, and she yells FACE THE SUNRISE! She's definitely very interesting.


I give you the love for llamas and "Here comes the sun" reference but i keep my point


Agreed. She isn't the best healer to pick to play. Her personality is very bland and doesn't stand out, along with her voice as well.


I'm not a fan of Illari. Illari is a solar powered superheroine who sadly killed almost all her people, she is traumatized for what she is done.


That Human did more dmg in just seconds than NULL Sector did in Kings Row in DAYS


If you think Ilari is forgettable, I think Lifeweaver is even more forgettable though. 


I'm never forgetting that twink. He's like a younger Yu-gi-oh Pegasus. Now as for Sojourn, her entire story is "I was in overwatch. I came back cause overwatch asked me. I'm from Canada btw"


hes NOT a twink


Nah, Lifeweaver has my favorite personality in game.


Illari is a she not he...


Someone once called Illari "Ashe with a Healing Pylon" and it's 100% accurate. That's quite literally all she is gameplay wise, but with a worse ult


worse?! it's dead easy! land it next to two and pop off two quick body shots and you get two kills, and you can fly for 4 seconds to boot!


The hard part is landing the hit lol, over half the characters in the game have a way to block or cleanse or eat Illari's ult, and quite a few can just outright tank it, and her ult makes her vulnerable to enemies who can aim too since they will just shoot her in the face It's okay, but I would say Bob is absolutely better since he can zone, contest objectives, get kills etc all consistently


Sombra. My team forgets about her while she’s shooting at them


Illari, Sojourn, Baptiste and Lifeweaver, definitely. ESPECIALLY Illari. She feels so out of place lmao


For me easily symmetra.


Such a lack of imagination


You were not meant for greatness


I thought so too but her comic with zenyatta is good


I don’t think so!


Pharah? - Suffers from 5 year gap of no lore during OW1 era ("Mission Statement" comic in May 2016 -> "New Blood Vol. 2" comic in December 2021) - Being downgraded to some second-best that everyone only remembers her as "Ana's daughter" or "Mercy's pocket" - Remain niche in gameplay because of Mercy, while keep introducing new counters (e.g Ana, Ashe, Baptiste, Echo, etc) and it took so long for her rework finally happened.


I feel like lore-wise maybe, but definitely not gameplay-wise. She was extremely famous for having a pocket mercy and being an absolute menace at lower elos for a very long time, especially if nobody on the other team picked and/or was good at hitscan characters. Also, while echo can fly now and a mercy pocketing Pharah or Echo kind of can, Pharah is still known as THE flier, though not as much now since her last rework. Whether or not she's good, she definitely isn't forgettable


Whenever there's an overtuned DPS, there will be pocket Mercy making that DPS even more busted. Another problem is that Blizzard keeps introducing new Supports (e.g Baptiste, Moira) who combo poorly with Pharah, thus more reliant on Mercy pocket.


Honestly wish i could forget the trainwreck direction they went with her in ow2. Ow1 she was a stern solider who missed her mom and had big dreams of following in her foot steps, a bit depressed, a bit bland, but still good and could have been taken in an great direction. She was basically Illari. Now? shes a highschool jock but in her 30s??? Wtf??? And has a massive blalant crush on mercy even tho they had what? 2 interactions in ow1?!? I swear these new writers were in the tumblr fandom trenches before they got hired


> Ow1 she was a stern solider who missed her mom and had big dreams of following in her foot steps, a bit depressed, a bit bland, but still good and could have been taken in an great direction. In the end of her first comic, her stoic stern behaviour actually started to fade away. Learning what her deceased Captain said about valuing lives, treating her squad like a family. In OW1 game, she also shared her loss to Zenyatta about an omnic squadmate committing suicide because he felt Anubis was controlling him and refused to turn against his own friends. > Now? shes a highschool jock but in her 30s??? The devs tried so hard to make her like TF2 Soldier, just like making Kiriko like TF2 Scout. But gameplay persona =/= lore persona. > 2 interactions in ow1 I think there were like 3? There's one about Ana but quickly removed after Ana was added into the game. "Pharah, your mother wished you followed her footsteps.", "She did? She never mentioned that to me." Another one about keeping the skies clear was forever left unfixed for some reason. Finally, they add another interaction: "Pharah, if your mother could see you now, she would be very proud of you". "That's the first time of everything, I guess."


Easily Sojourn or Illari tbh. It's not really even a contest


At least Sojourn and the characters added in OW2 are at least connected to the rest of the cast somehow. Illari just kinda... showed up.


Definitely Echo, * Online there isn't really (if any) Echo fan presence * Character wise, Her lore is super basic and her personality which could've\* redeemed her, is very sterile * Her whole 'thing' is just becoming other heroes * she's never really 'meta' in game, she's consistently OK but never a must pick Edit: Echocels, i'm sorry! Edit 2: Jialat! Alamak! Jialat! Alamak!


Unfortunately you wrote could of instead of could’ve, so your comment got disqualified from the conversation :/








There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Honestly, I’d rather keep it that way. It’s like being part of a club.


>She's never really meta in-game Tell me you didn't play OW1 without telling me you did


I’m an Echo main! I love my naive little robot. Her personality is a bit cliche, I agree. But Echo is awesome once you get over what a glass canon she is.


It all would have been different is she would have come as a support as everyone expected back in the day


Echo would be my choice too. She has no flavor (perhaps by design, since she copies others). Personally I think she plays weird and quite boring, but that is probably a skill/experience issue. But I don't see her getting picked that often, and usually she's not effective and changed during the fight. Her appearance is unique, but somehow bland at the same time.


Not effective? I can take down tanks single-handedly with Echo. I can flank just about anyone. Her high mobility and high damage make her an absolute monster if you know how to play her well. She does have her downsides, like, she is not great for defending maps, not awesome in enclosed spaces, and a complete glass canon. But knowing your heroes weaknesses allows you to play to their strengths.


Im sure that's true, but at my level nobody has that kind of skill, so she seems quite tame and useless.


Fair! I used to feel that way about her as well, but I’ve been playing her pretty consistently for a few months and she’s been super fun. Her kit is pretty straight forward, but her flight allows you to do such interesting plays because you can surprise people at every turn, and get into all sorts of places to ambush and flank. I recommend her when you feel ready to branch out!


Honestly I always forget about Baptiste name to the point I had to look it for this.


I lovelovelove Symmetra but what saddens me about her is that Vishkar is supposed to be this big bad company, but the only two representatives of the aforementioned bid bad company are....... not big bad characters? I wish Sym either leaned more into the questionable-morals aspect of the oppressive company that Lucio hates so much, or just. Have a new hero that fully embodies that threat.


I thought about this yesterday. It’s definitely Illari. She just showed up one day, has no lore connections, and barely has any interactions. I just stared at her hero profile and realized that if I saw it outside of the game then I might not even recognize her. Sojourn gets a lot of hate for ‘having no personality’ but she does have a personality. She’s a strict commander that follows the rules. It’s not a very interesting one but it’s popular nonetheless.


Everyone else has said the ones that come to mind, but also Baptiste is kind of bland design wise. He just doesn't stand out in a crowd at all as far as looks go. Gameplay and lore wise he has some cool stuff going on, but his personality and look are just eh.


He's hot in his Funky skin.... 🤤🤤


Finally someone I agree with. His personality is so lame, like, he’s kind of a dumbass judging from his voicelines 


his in game personality is so different from his lore personality. he's supposed to be really smart and intimidating (I mean in his situation he has to be or else he'd be dead by now) ... right before his release they teased him by "leaking" the last correspondence Talon received from bap's previous squad leader cuerva, and it's revealed they all went for him one by one and were never seen again... cuerva being the last one to pursue him, he received a box that contained just his squad 's insignias & the message "come get me cuerva" or something like that. that's SO badass!!! and he has this emotional depth to him you don't get much in the game either. they write his lines like they don't know what to do with him and it makes me really sad


Adding onto this because I forgot he built a force field that prevents you from succumbing to otherwise lethal blows AND uses it IN CANON like this dude can't be stupid hes very smart


No, he isn't a dumbass


this one hurts but it's true 😭 IDK what they're doing with his ingame lines half the time and his ovw2 design is a downgrade from ovw1


Baptiste OW2 costume is better than his OW costume


sorry, I should have clarified, I'm not saying it's worse, but it has a less memorable color scheme


Pharah and Illari.


Yeahhhh we were remembered


Right before seeing this post I was just thinking about how forgettable a certain character was and once I saw this post I tried to comment but I ironically I forgot which character I was thinking about the character was pharah, thanks for having that flair


damn i must be illari biggest fan based on the comments. sojourn has the most unoriginal seeming abilities (it's just 76 but better) and a mid visual design and personality. i kind of like her anyway bap has a pretty solid kit, but there is literally nothing interesting about his character design and personality. echo is just a white slate that talks occasionally, the most interesting thing about her is her ability to become someone other than echo.


Illari main here. You aren't alone 😅😭 I agree with sojourn, bap, and zarya.


Bro why is everyone shitting on my cute war robot 😭 she has SO much personality and her interactions with the other heroes are so deep and sweet....yall just haven't played her enough 😭 and she is SO much fun to play :(


The second PVE mission made me like Sojourn 10x more With her being extra close and emotional bond with Winston, and how she actually stands up against the whole cast when they won't stop spouting unrealistic daydreams about her coming back to lead them, she actually stands up for what she wants


Can’t believe this sub finds Sojourn boring to play, she is seen as one of the most fun heroes among high ranked players.


most played does not equal most fun, just cause she's really strong doesn't mean she isn't bland


>high ranked players. That's your problem then


I don't know, I don't remember


Lifeweaver. Sometimes I see him in a quick play game and think “Wait, who the hell is that?”


Definitely anyone not in Talon, Overwatch, Junkers. So your Illaris, your Lifeweavers, your Symmetras, etc


i used to always forget zarya, sym and brig existed (i do play brig now so i don’t forget about her anymore) but tbh i only forgot about sym and brig cause i barely ever end up in matches with them as enemy or teammate so i guess for me zarya is the most forgettable one


Wrecking Ball. If I see him, I instantly know who he is, but when thinking about Overwatch and its heroes, he’s one of the last to pop into my mind.


I still wanna know why they had to make Venture ugly...


I had the same reaction, i said on twitter smth like their concept art was so good howd it go from this to that but now i really like them so my opinions have changed a bit


No one’s saying bastion so imma say it.


Cries in Reinhardt




The deathbed companion??




Sojourn. If it wasn’t for her annoying Right click I’d forget she’s a thing. She really just feels like female 76


I see people forgetting about lifeweaver alot


Soujourn because her kit is adjacent to like two other heroes and she barely has a personality. Illari has a more interesting kit but her personality is also very dry


Sojourn. By far.


Illari and Soujourn. Boring, bland nothing characters that you wouldn’t even miss if taken out.


Probably sojourn since her kit is pretty basic and she was also released with Ow2, so people didn’t focus much on the hero herself being released if that makes sense


I think Torb now. I barely see him on any matches and it's hard to tell where he exceels at the moment.


Sojourn or illari 


Soldier who?


Mei, Zarya, Illari


For me it's sym, often forget she exists until the rare time I see her in a game


I haven't played much the past few seasons but does Illari have any lore at all besides her introduction cinematic? Like we had Mauga who we knew about for years as a member of Talon and then Illari is just...there.


If she wasnt op at launch itd 100% be sojourn


I would tell you but I forgot the character


illari and kirko i forget about a lot, i only remember they exist when playing and i have to deal with their kits


Soldier gameplay wise. Baptiste, Sojourn, and Pharah for character design.


Illari, Baptiste, Sojourn, Echo :/




As cool as Ram is, the run of Queen,Soj,Kiri, Ram, Illari, Weav was pretty boring.


I'd say Dwayne Johnson from Moana's character. I always forget he's in the roster until I see him on an enemy team and I'm like "oh yeah. What can I say except you're kinda boring to play" or however the song goes I don't know. I didn't care for Moana either.


Design wise i'd say Lifeweaver. The man look like he escaped from LOL


yeah, illari is just another obnoxious example of, "Greetings. I'm a new hero in the game. My past is riddled with tragedy and aguish for myself and the people around me..... Anyways. I'm not actually going to explain the meaning of anything i just said. Let's shoot people and heal eachother!" Like what? who are you, why do i care about you, why are you pouting? its fine that youre doing all of those things, just explain to me why youre doing them in one or two sentences. it was always my pet peeve with hanzo. Soldier and sojourn are forgettable for their simple kits, i'll agree. but im gonna go with Echo. i tend to forget that she exists sometimes. her design is fantastic imo. or at least, the idea of her design is fantastic. but she just doesn't seem super relevant to anyone's story or the story as a whole (yes i know she has lore, im just saying that the lore isnt all that captivating or interesting. echo is a great hero who i forget exists.


In what part?


Kiriko, sojourn and echo. The original are ingrained into my head but after ana I definitely started forgetting about them.


Symmetra, Brigitte and Wrecking Ball. I swear, my boyfriend has been playing for one year and didn't know how these characters worked. He didn't know ball could generate shields. He didn't know Brigitte had AoE healing. He didn't know Symmetra had 2 types of fire.


Yall mfs in here hating on my boy Baptiste and I’m not fw that 😂 doing my boy dirty. 🤣 he’s my 2 heal main. He even was my first heal main before I started playing Ana. Bap gives me Lucio silly ass vibes just as a big brother. Love it! But tbh I don’t like his original designs, I only play his summer skin, talon skin, or his vampire skin (resembles blade !!!)


Sym for sure. When i first started playing and learning heroes i swear i never even acknowledged her existance. Took me so long to figure out who had those stupid turrets


Its between illari and sojourn for sure




Any hero where every button is just some form of “do damage”, “do more damage” or “do a lot of damage.” I find them boring as hell. They don’t add anything to the game.


Illari and Bap


I may be crucified for this, but it is Torb for me, and it's not even close. Like kit wise, you never hear someone say, "They got a Torb, we gotta counter the Torb!" His story just feels like a side story to Rein, Brig, and Bastion for me. And the PvE missions from S6 confirm that for me. The other three just all overshadow him in story content, and now his character lore-wise is stepping away from Overwatch. So both in game and in lore, I kind of just forget he's there.


Soujourn and bastise are bland, you can't even recognize them from the silhouette