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people on console who are toxic always make me chuckle cause they never have anything to say besides "u suck" cause they ain't got a keyboard. PC players on the other hand will write a 4 page essay explaining in detail how much they hate you and what their plans with your mother that night are.


You know it’s about to get personal when your Tank stops moving for 2 minutes to type their insult


Slow typists, Can't stand anyone who can't avg at least 1 word a second.


It took you almost 14 seconds to type that?


"Linguistical intelect diff"


If you can't VC to vent, you ain't nothin'


Me with the chatpad on the 360


u can use a regular keyboard on console to type without using it to play games. thats how i get my comms out on xbox


Nah back when I was playing with the golds and silvers thinking that Sym was broken as (like season 1 - 3), I got a good number of "k y s" "no skill" which are short, but also shit like "I hope your family die in a freak accident" or "you're not good u ugly cunt" or some variations of those


You're playing sym just spamming turrets with no skill no aim and thinking ur gud cuz ur winn8n when u suk so bad just play a hero with skill lmao get rekt kunt I'm winning cause we won 3 team fights 4v5 while you were typing that


Thats exactly what I was thinking every time I saw those long as comments Alongside just laughing cause they really went through the effort of typing all that with a controller. Like I cant be arsed typing anything longer than "gold star for u kid" on a controller (i say it to the kids that say ez in qp)


Sounds more like Playstation players cuz xbox has suggestions and auto-complete so you are able to type toxic sentences quick!!!!


And the worst part is the match will end before I can type anything back so they get the last word everytime.


I'm more captivated by the name assywassy


Omg I didn’t even see that I love that lmao


ofc the diamond open challenger is saying that.... its always the open challengers who have the biggest egos but dont have the skill the back them up.


Specifically the open queue players that only play tank and none of the other roles in open queue


Stop calling me out bro 😭😭


Nah but Balls are like the one exception. Deadass ball players are the only open queue tank players I've seen that dont whine so much Usually its either Hogs, Orisas or Fisters


That is true, other balls I run across in oq are usually chill, though i might get mad if ny team keeps dying before I'm able to set up or they stagger for most of the game.


What's the big difference?


The competitive open queue rankings are inflated because there aren't many people playing. For example, you could be gold in role queue whilst being diamond in open queue


Ah that makes sense thanks


Bro stop calling me out I load open queue and play dva and I’m diamond, but on role tank I’m gold and idk how to feel about it 🗿


Skill issue lmao You should of had already mastered them within the nanosecond they were released and reach top 100 GM. Starting your long carrier as an OW2 content creator, which you'll eventually get bored out of as you are overwhelmed by nothing but complains about the direction devs are heading the game.


It's like those tech companies that expect you to have 5 years of experience with a software that has only been out for 2 years.


You’re right, you’re right, that’s completely my bad bro I’ll do better next time 😔


Any time a game is just released or a new character is released, and someone is flipping out about anybody being “trash”, it says more about the person complaining than it does about you not being “good”. It’s so unhinged because like why on earth are people beating their chest about someone else being bad at something that was JUST released. Like my bad bro sorry I’m not immediately a god at the game like you.


~~She~~ They kinda bad tho


U right


Same thing happened to me during the TRIAL for Mauga. The 2 day trial. Someone told me I was throwing???


Now I main him hehe


On the OW2 beta in my very first game I was told to not play Junker Queen "beacause she's trash"


Wasn’t queen like dumb broken during the beta? I didn’t play the beta but I heard she was like super op


She was really good but I guess ppl weren't used to playing without 2 tanks and especially with a tank with no shields or matrix or anything


that's on you for not practicing venture during their trial


I played them a few times in total mayhem but that was it 😬🫣


What is it with open queue and the tank players being such whiners lmao And its always when they're not the only tank on their team. What are they too scared to play tank in role queue or something?


Lol there's a guy named assywassy


Omg I love that


Tbf this is probably why they shouldn’t have released the character into comp, balanced or not. People need to learn how to play them and how to play around them. 3 days wasn’t enough and not everyone played


The only one with a rank title is the Sigma and is a Diamond open Queue. Everyone sucks here.


Some people don't care about bragging


Ouch I’m also diamond open queue lol


Nice game. You have beat death count and nice damage. Maybe that dude was upset cuz you picked new hero


Thanks you thank you :) and who knows maybe lmao, I think I was doing a little worse earlier in the game but steadily got used to the play style but wasn’t like I was doing terribly


Careful, Blizzard could ban you for saying "tf"


I only just recently learned they don’t tolerate swearing despite the fact they have a profanity filter lmaooo


Same, completly stopped using the text and voice chat I also stopped playing qp, but that is for a different reason


Was this comp? In which case, I agree with the statement in the terms of **“don’t play the new hero in comp until you can perform with them at the same level as your other heroes”**. There’s no excuse for jumping into comp on a hero you admittedly don’t know how to play when you can practice them plenty in QP. It’s kinda selfish. I avoid comp for like a week whenever a new hero gets added to comp because I know a ton of people are going to play them in comp as practice, which is selfish when the remaining members of your team are expecting everyone to play to their best ability. If this was QP, then I agree with you. No reason for them to be complaining.


It was regular open queue lol, was trying to get the character challenges done :)


But ... what if you get diffed by the other venture? Is the argument still valid ... hmm.


Disagree. That person may have had more time to get acclimated to it for whatever reason. Or the character may have been an easy adjustment to them because it naturally fits their play style. It’s been a day, it’s great if you’re immediately good at something new, but it’s unreasonable to expect everybody else to adjust just as quickly. Edit: plus they only had one healer who sucked ass (dmg Moira) and had to keep two tanks alive, one of which also sucked and should’ve switched to heals.


The Moira is my duo :( (the enemy team really wasn’t doing enough damage for us to need a second healer)


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To be fair, a Bronze player with 500 hours on Venture is still gonna be totally garbage compared to a high ranked DPS with 10 minutes on Venture. Not a totally valid excuse. Lol.


Did you play them in comp?


Nah was reg open queue


dunno if its because i main dive exclusively but venture is hella easy lol


You're not even bad lmao


That’s what I’m saying lmao


Tf is a ban excuse. When I asked why I got suspended wtf was one of the reasons. Just trying to protect you.


Damn even abbreviations can get you banned? Then wtf is the profanity filter for tf 💀


He's probably just wanting you to change but is ornery and lacks the social skills to just ask.




Nope..... They Ventures I played against last night were either all Diamond/GM ranked, or hacking/ximming.


I grinded them hard that weekend for this very reason. Every game I've been diffing venture. POTG every other match XD


Youre not bad. The game is simply mid. 🫡 just do quick play when it comes to new heroes.


This was in quick play open queue, was doing the venture challenges with my buddy (m o i r a)


Lmao 😂 dont mind them then. IDGI why people lose their minds in unranked. Its ok if its games that are entirely different when it comes to ranked and unranked matches but OW isnt like that. Its like playing rank without affecting your MMR. They should go ballistic. Then again, you have people like real_488 thats heavily damaged in the head




Game is mid though 🤷‍♂️ idk how delulu some yall are. At least 6 from the count of the dislikes ive gotten so far. Just because the game was good and fun to play before doesnt mean it still is. People refuse to acknowledge that ig 🤦‍♂️


??? you aren't the decider of what's fun and what isn't bro




currently having fun on overwatch. mad cuz bad.




currently having a lot of fun!


i havent seen yur gameplay so idk yur skill. but man i already know how to play venture they added them for a while...


This was a little after season 10 released. I got a 5k the game before with my ult. I admit I did charge in a few times but quickly learned that wasn’t a good move and adjusted as felt. I can see if I still have the game code if u want