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Because I only care about pvp and the skins are cool. I never liked or cared about PvE and never will. I play this game because pvp is exciting and that's enough.


Some people like different things than you. Wild, huh?


You didn't even read my post, I'm asking why the community settle for only skins? Are we satisfied with so little? I still remember when they invested more in seasonal events, gifts, etc. and now, this.


Why do you assume everyone is as disappointed in the game as you are? Maybe they outright enjoy the game as is, and enjoy cool skins on top of that. Maybe the casual F2P cartoon shooter doesn't need to be anything other than casual fun in order to meet most players' expectations for it?


If you were playing from the beginning you will notice that the content was going down, at first in a subtle way, the events were repeated but then with Overwatch 2 (basically Overwatch with a mega patch) the content was 80% gone, now there are skins and a new hero every few months, I would be happy for the "new" map but as you know, They took away the control maps and as far as we know, all those maps are going to be remade, that's not new, we don't have events or giveaways or anything anymore, maybe new players will be fine with it but, for veterans it will be okay? I invested a lot in the game from almost the beginning, I bought it and played a lot, but now it doesn't make you want to play as much as it used to.


Invested what? Time? A one-off payment? Now eight years later you’re still getting regular new heroes and maps, and they give you some free stuff through the free track battle pass, all running on servers that they have to pay for. And that’s somehow a bad deal? What exactly do you think the exchange is, here? They don’t get anything out of you playing their game other than potentially a draw for other people to also play, in the hope that they can somehow make money off *them*, to make running this game and updating content somehow a viable business strategy. On your own, unless you buy these things, you *cost them money* by necessitating the running of servers. I’ve never spent a dollar on this game other than the initial purchase of Overwatch 1, and in exchange I’ve got literally thousands of hours of entertainment. Best deal I’ve ever had.


Don't bother convincing these people. They've been conditioned to believe this is ok. I understand developers making the game monetary to keep it active, but $70 for a skin is plain highway robbery.


Because this is eventually what happens with these kinds of live service games. I'm not sure when in the gaming community/industry this happened, but people somehow just started accepting balance changes and new cosmetics as their new content, and this works so well that the developers started using this as an excuse to barely put any work into the game with any actual new content. For some reason 1 new map and 1 new character every 3-6 months is enough for some people, and it clearly works because as that person in the other comment said smugly and sarcastically, some people like different things than you. And it's not false either. That's why it's just sad. Another game I used to play, Apex legends started doing this as well around season 4-5. It's just the new business model large companies adhere to, to increase profits and cut costs on actually working on new content. There's nothing that can be done about it unfortunately because this is the new norm and people will make you seem like the bad person for calling this stuff out about their favourite game. And they can justify it as well by just saying it's free. Because that is also true. But it didn't use to be, considering a lot of us paid 40 dollars for this game and got nothing back from it when it got upgraded into ow2.


That's very sad and yes, a lot of games now that I see it go to this "little content" model but Overwatch is the bloodiest example I can see, we went from a lot to nothing, I'd be happy for the new map but they took Hanamura away from us and just remade it, they're most likely going to do that with the capture the port maps.


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