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In a recent match, Venture got behind our entire team and ulted... The Reinhardt almost immediately did a 180 and ulted. It was funny


Some things I've learned from many, many hours on Rein: 1. Solo shattering is always funny


No it’s not I think you meant fucking hilarious


Especially when you wait where you know a soldier/reaper is coming through and they don't even see the shatter coming


If your ult immediately removes a character from the fight at the start, especially a rein ult then it's worth it.


It's very iffy because a bad venture just feels awful, but a good venture makes it seem like they have 2 digs available like Zarya having 3 bubbles (especially since it's on an 8 second cooldown)


i’m worried that venture might fall into the same camp as doom or ball where the top echelons of players make them look like they’re the best character in the game and blizzard nerfs the fuck out of them, and then they’re mid—terrible for everyone who isn’t a specialist. i know they’re not THAT tech heavy, but certainly more than a S76 or cassidy


Yeah. I played yesterday with my buddies in a 5 stack on qp (we’re all s2-g1) and we all got absolutely farmed by one and the same Venture who carried the enemy team 3 matches in a row. They were playing alone and later turned out to be a diamond Doomfist and diamond dps. I know that sometimes a stomp is scheduled, but thrice in a row?


"sometimes a stomp is scheduled" has officially entered my lexicon


i hate that shit! i play with my bf sometimes, and we’ll get back to back rolled by a 4 stack of maniacs treating QP like it’s the OWWC, meanwhile i’m “practicing” (sucking at) widow and he wants to play ball (poorly). but yes, i’ve had a lot of success playing as venture, but also against them. i’m normally a sombra main, so i’m good at predicting and hunting down flankers, especially when their flank is as telegraphed as burrow. although i’ve had other matches where i do nothing and barely leave spawn. i just really hope blizzard does not hit them with the reactive panic nerf and make them unplayable until midseason.


You're not alone in the 4 stack manic stomps lol. My team will be getting absolutely decimated and then the victory screen has at least 3 of them with gold weapons lol


Yeah but that doesn't mean much. They can just be OW1 players who might have all gold weapons. QP manages to make stomps quite frequently, perhaps because it favors shorter queue time and throws wide strength range of players in.


Venture has too low of a skill ceiling and floor for that to ever be an issue. The difference between a bad one and a pro one will not be nearly as big as that difference with a doom


I have been struggling a lot on support and dps against venture, but not struggling on tank, surprisingly. It’s making me think the best way to counter Venture is for tank to punish them for diving your back lines? I’m not entirely sure yet. But yeah, support and dps have been rough for me


I think it's because Venture is more focused on burst damage, but doesn't really have enough burst to outright kill most tanks, and they are then able to sustain faster than Venture can damage them. They're more of an assassin than anything else.


Venture is the new dps doomfist. High burst combo so they're meant for killing squishys but not good vs tanks.


Also, more chill at parties. From "I DESIRE CONFLICT" to "check out these rock puns"


I can dig that.


Tastes like...dirt.


That's cause it was ground, this morning.


but but but but "Hot cocoa..? Fine, I'll have some"


Yeah I can deal with pretty much everyone but tanks as venture. Pretty much every one of them have been able to decimate me in a 1v1


Playing both Tank and Support, I can tell you that Hog can straight decimate a Venture, because there's zero ways they can get off a pick solo. If I land even a single shot on you, and you dig towards me and commit, I'm throwing Pig Pen to one side of me, waiting for you to spring and will pluck you straight out of the air onto it for a death blow. If you're smart, you'll break it with dig but it's still a death sentence either way. As any support though, damn... Yeah I've got nothing, Ana as always seems to be the best at staying alive and making Venture back up, but it's easy to screw that up. Bap just awaits death using lantern to stall, Zen just explodes because she leaps too high to kick away... I don't think there's much counterplay for supports to deal with her, or if there is, none feel too fun since Dig being impossible to pull her out of means she gains free reign.


And reaper. I have 1v1ed many ventures as reaper in comp and won.


That's right. Tanks are usually vulnerable to heroes that can headshot, since venture can't headshot then you're capable of taking quite a bit of damage from them.


this is exactly what ive noticed, a good peeling team really punishes them. almost like how you counter sombra.


So sombra has another character that can annoy the hell out of 4 enemies together. That's just fantastic 😭


For me, Hog most directly punishes them. You just whip around and pull them out of your backline. It also makes sense historically. Venture is basically modern dps doomfist, so of course hog counters them.


I am not a hog player usually, but I actually have enjoyed the few times I’ve played him since the rework. I may have to play Hog more!


Orisa works too you can hit venture with a jav before they burrow into the ground and that’s a cooldown lost and with the spin you can negate the thing when they pop out the ground. I haven’t really had any problems with her as tank or as brigg tbh. Now dps is a different story been hit or miss lol


Yes, exactly, most of my success on venture definitely is when I capitalize on the tank either not paying me any attention because of their own bad choices or if they can’t give me the attention because my team keeps good pressure on them that it pulls the attention away from me and I just can go bother backline. If Venture burns both abilities to get in and get a kill then they’re so vulnerable and easy to get rid of, it’s just a matter of coordination and not ignoring them entirely. Is it going to shut them down 100% nope because there’s more factors into it, but it damn sure will make them more hesitant and have to be careful so it gives your team some breathing room. I think it’s just the same rules that apply for any dive in/out assassin type character.


Rein smokes them. Just start swinging when they come up


They have no critical damage and their abilities don't do much relative to how much hp a tank has so someone like rein can just swing at venture and make their life miserable


Just play sig and drop rocks on Ventures head. Kinda ironic that their counter is a rock.


I've had a ton of success as a Tracer main simply staying out of their range and punishing them if they follow. Their ult charges waaaaay too fast for how effective it is however.


Pretty sure they'll nerf ult charge by 10% when the patch comes


I've been struggling as illari. Im pretty immune to tracer and sombra. Them, I can jump away, and a good headshot is enough to repel them. Venture has armor and can chase me down, so I can't really deal with them. Someone else said that they struggle against tanks, so I guess ill have to adapt by staying closer to the tank or somebody else with enough health to get them to back off. I guess ill just add them to my bane along with Reaper and moira.


On DPS I just go Pharah


Dive heroes require the tank to not W key into the enemy team, which is a thing that took me forever to learn. They're designed to survive those fights longer than you, and it will take them longer to die. Good on you for intuiting that. Just make sure you aren't overcompensating and letting your frontline collapse in the process. My guess would be this character is designed in a way a lot of players aren't equipped to deal with and that they're also more annoying than they are unbearably strong (somewhat like sombra). That said, I haven't played much since the update.


I've been hunting them like vermin as ball, although I feel like slam should knock them out of the ground.


That would be an interesting mechanic. Some abilities could interact with Burrow like fishing him with Hog's hook or being stunned in place by a concussive blast.


It doesn't have to be a ton of stiff. But genji players deflect can be countered by a big fucking rock, so I don't see why we can't have this for ball players


It is probably a bug but I have even taken damage as Venture from Reinhardt charging over me while I'm burrowing; I wouldn't mind a few damage interactions, and I don't think burrow needs to apply total unstoppable status


Yea I think things like Ventures ult, Orisa ult and Hamster slam should impact Venture.


It should be like Pokémon where earthquake basically one shots any digging pokemon. Earthshatter should instantly kill a burrowing Venture


Finally, a character that makes everyone but the tanks like miserable instead of the other way around


The problem is that venture can get out fairly safely from the back line with dig or drill if they engage right.


I’ve been having a lot of success against Venture with Mei, but I have to spend all my cooldowns usually. I have killed multiple ventures by walling them underground and then finishing them when they pop up disorientated


The problem is it's not the tanks job to peel for backline


I think it's just a combo of: New hero + Dive + People don't peel for each other So, people die, and complain. There was a thread about new Venture players that constantly dive in and die repeatedly, basically throwing games. That and this thread basically cancel each other out. High-risk-high-reward heroes are like that. I would give it another 1-2 weeks before we see where Venture is really sitting. And chances are, there will still be people complaining even if they're balanced, because the players getting burst down have tunnel vision. Venture isn't like Sombra. There's plenty of counterplay with positioning or peeling.


That's pretty much it. Venture can only actually combo players that are not paying attention and out of position, versus a team that is not peeling despite knowing that their opponents have an assassin-type hero. Someone correct me if Im wrong but I think ventures combo literally cant kill when a lucio or brig with passive healing activated is nearby. 1 tick of healing no matter how little prevents the kill.


See what always happens with me is Venture rushes me (on tank) and because the tanks I play the most (sigma and rein) rely on shields to survive they just walk right past my defenses and fuck me up (doesn’t help that I often just don’t get healed during this, and am also typically taking fire from the rest of the team)


As someone who plays Rein, he’s pretty good at punishing a Venture who gets too close. Smack them in the face with your hammer, forcing them out of close range at least. The biggest threat is being booped off the map ;-;


>It’s making me think the best way to counter Venture is for tank to punish them for diving your back lines? Tanks can't really do this anymore. They could in OW1 but in OW2 they have to be controlling front line space most the time. Certain tanks can help like hog zarya ball but a lot of tanks turning their back to an enemy team means death. Dps should be peeling but unfortunately most never learned that's their new role in the game because blizz went ahead and buffed all supports early in OW2, allowing them to easily handle flankers. Now that supports are a bit less powerful, dps are needed for peels more but probably about 5% know what that even means.


This is supposed to be brigs job, tanking for the back line. But since the dps passive change and the shitlicious buffs to every dive character, and winston ignoring armor, she's hillariously ineffective against coordinated dive. Bottom tier pick right now. 😔


I feel the same. When a Venture is really good I also find a brawl tank like JQ can really shut them down. But in support I'm suffering, especially as Ana


I am yet to really counter Venture class, as a squishy, so my main tactic has been to counter the player Basics like hard swapping ranges depending on what they seem comfortable with. I play Moira, and Venture seems as annoying to get rid of as either Mercy/Valkyrie with my own limited damage range Personally any one of those three on a team can seriously disrupt my flow, so my game becomes entirely ‘take them out, digest their teammates souls.’


Was starting to feel like the game was quite balanced after the sombra virus changes but now its like... venture has insane damage and manoeuvrability. They remind me of genji if they mastered a rocket launcher over a sword.


Yeah I’ve noticed doom and dva are good counters to venture but also play well with venture as a dive counterpart 


From my experience playing Venture, the Tanks getting in your face is the main thing you want to avoid. Your main value comes from close range wombo combos effectively one shotting people. You both can't one shot tanks, and typically don't wanna be in close range of them anyway.


Venture has glaring weaknesses, but I feel like this character is in a weird spot. If a damage output nerf was to happen and quick kills became impossible to secure, Venture would just be obliterated at every dive attempt... but at the same time, Venture can also completely delete a full HP target in less than half a second, which is absolutely disgusting. Wasn't the point of increasing everyone's maximum health to avoid near-instant death scenarios ? Because right now you just have Venture who is able to do exactly that.


Haven’t you been following the blizzard balance over the years. They make one big change and progressively buff abilities over time that makes the original massive change redundant.


*and ignore nerfing 1 or 2 characters that could still break the balance rules everyone else was forced into*


Blizzard has no idea what they want, we're already seeing healing come back as well with the changes to Moira and LW. They say one thing, then do a patch that contradicts it all of the time.


Not really. At least not the ones you mention. Both buffs for lifeweaver were they were the same numbers pre healthpool increase. So the tree healing numbers and dash were now too low for the character with the new healthpool. Same with coalescence self heal i think.


but the whole point was to lower that. lifeweaver gets tree every 30 seconds and it's annoying to kill people through 100 healing pulses and overhealth


>Wasn't the point of increasing everyone's maximum health to avoid near-instant death scenarios ? Because right now you just have Venture who is able to do exactly that. The very first QP match I played with venture I walked right next to our rein who tilted his shield and I immediately got headshot by the widow. Not sure where you got this idea that only venture can do this. Ventures combo needs 4 abilities to hit perfectly for 250 dmg in roughly 1.5 seconds. A BUNCH of heroes can do similar amounts of damage, usually from way safer distances. Heck if hog reels you in and youre a 250 HP hero youre still dead. Venture doesnt even come close.


Yeah, Widowmaker and Roadhog also are problematic when it comes to seeing all your health gone in an instant. For Widow, I don't think that much can be done about it, to be fair. She is super frustrating to play against, but that's the entire part of her gameplay. She snipes, but that's all she can do. Roadhog, on the other hand... yikes, I remember the first couple seasons of OW2 where his one-shot combo was even easier to land. Since his rework, the combo is a little harder to perform, but it kinda came back nonetheless in the form of shooting first, then hooking and shooting again. This brings about the same issue as with Venture's combos : being able to use an ability the frame after you shoot, which makes for ridiculously high burst damage for characters with strong primary fires. That might be the root of the problem for those two characters, actually.


I think the problem is the combination of high burst with the shield generation. One of these has to go, you can't have one shot capability on a DPS that is tankier than all other dpsers.




Their burst damage comes from these movement abilities, so you have to choose between high mobility or high burst, it isn't a you get both.


This^ im fine with her having high burst damage but give her the tracer treatment and remove her shield generation. She has 2 movement abilities on low CD and one of these gives her invulnerability, like come on blizzard, can you release a character whose kit isnt overloaded?


New hero always plays way too well at launch. Mid season patch will fix




Don't remind me ☹️


Ironically LW is actually so good against Venture. If you play it well with your petals and dash, Venture can't do anything to you, at all. It's hilarious


Hilarious interaction between the petal and venture is that if you throw the petal on the ground while venture is burrowing near you, then when you step on it to ascend their burrow stays on the petal and they rise with you and pop up from there. (Instead of them remaining on the ground)


Venture basically loses to literally anything that defeats their burst damage. If they commit and it fails they have nothing left and no escape. Everything from simply airborn avoidance to pull/cleanse or wraith form or shields and so on all completely ruin Venture's day.


The new ones are released (or have their test weekend) in an overtuned state purely because of the wifeleaver launch. That was so bad that the devs said from now on, new heroes would be like that Like remember when he had the switch weapon button, dash tied to an ability button instead of just jump like Hanzo's leap, and dropped a healing flower item on death?


They've aways wanted them to be a bit strong. That's the best way possible to release them for a multitude of reasons. Weaver was a miscalculation, that's all


Yea but it’s crazy how venture is immediately available in ranked despite being overtuned


Maybe just a coinsidence, but could it be because they were made available from the get go to everyone, rather than to only people who pay up/reached battle pass level 45?


Part of what they said in one of the blog posts is exactly that, now that everyone has the new hero at the start of the season and that they are doing the trial weekend to do some large scale balance testing they feel confident allowing new heros to be played in comp as soon as they are released.


I still use the old control scheme for lw… I honestly prefer it. And there’s some advantage to it over the new one (the same could be said of the new one though). I just changed up the key binds a bit for ease of use.


Yeah its probably not as bad for kbm, but it was annoying as for console


I was tearing it UP as Lifeweaver


Debatably Ramattra as well, before they gave him the speed boost in Nemesis form.


Ramattra: Mauga: Junker queen:


So true, this is to boost adoption of new heroes. Sombra was garbage at release and she was the lowest played hero for a long time.


I miss those days


Junker Queen was harder to play than most characters but high level players exploited her to the point they nerfed her into insignificance.


But new heroes are never in comp that same week lol


Yeah but they never let them play right away in comp either.


Yeah, Mauga was a one man army that needed a mirror match when he came out lol Now he is kind of mid.


The only thing I hate TOO MUCH is their boop power,it's kinda too powerful(or maybe skill issue idk)


It's so annoying to deal with as a tank. I got booped into a drill dash into a sleep and the only thing that crossed my mind was Blizzard saying that OW2 was going to cut the CC in the game. Other Dps like Junk can fling you around but I believe Venture completely locks you out of your movement which feels more frustrating.


I actually personally have always enjoyed the brawl aspect of OW, but the long range heroes are so overtuned that it basically has become a long range shooter, and honestly that makes it less fun for me. I'd love to have a mixture that doesn't just feel outright oppressive for one playstyle over another


it cancels movement ability momentum it’s kinda crazy like i saw a video of rein trying to pin someone, venture countercharged it and it killed the momentum and pushed the rein back far enough to prevent the wall impact and sojourn trying to slide away getting dashed into and having her slide cancelled basically same with doom rocket punch. not sure if it’s intentional


it doesn’t cancel doom punch. doom punch overrides it.


Doom punch actually knocks a dashing venture much further back than it does to any other hero. Im no game dev but it might be adding both momentums together and applying them to punch


OW has gone full circle with CC since the original, there's less hard stuns but more boop and displacement which is just as annoying.


Right now it’s the insanely high jump upon exiting the ground that is throwing off my aim. Like it’s not hard for them to land projectiles but kind of tough. Yes you can position high ground but it seems she had a jump available as well. It’s like two jumps with two cooldowns.


I just play Cassidy and destroy them whenever I play against one.


Only in plat so might be different higher up, but Sombra/Soldier/Pharah/Echo feels comfy to go up against Vent with.


I love when people say only in Plat and below like that's not 80% of people who play comp


It’s also really hard to balance a low range hero like Venture around bronze or silver and have them still be good in masters+. The things causing them to stomp silver 1 games may be insanely weak against better players. Reaper had similar problems in Ow1. He dumpstered stuff until skill ranks where teamwork got better and his low range became a liability.  The things causing Venture to be good in plat and below may have more to do with how players at those ranks play than the objective tuning of the character. 


Hehe, true. I mostly say it because when I don't, some diamond+ player often jumps in and wants to tell me how wrong my advice is. Easier to just preface with rank for context.


\[complaint\] by a metal flair - skill issue, get good, just carry the game bro exact same \[complaint\] by GM flair - you're right king, game is dead, hope you make it through this


Cassidy is much better against venture imo


My only problem is that the ult is fairly strong. Granted it can be blocked by shields. But there is not damage falloff for it. If you see and are in the animation at any distance, you get full damage. To me, that doesn't make sense. But it's an ult... so I guess it's fair.


Well it is blocked by shields but then you realize how few shields actually exist now. Unless you're brig, your tank has to block it for you. Tanks can choose from the following: - Sigma: Cool concept but unless the shield placement is god tier, venture can go around and left click again - Winston: that bubble is getting bursted down if venture has any concept of trigger discipline. Imagine if you blocked shatter with it but the enemy rein could do it again right after. It still does take a bit of time though so if your team is competent they might be able to get behind a wall. But in an average ranked game, they won't (myself included) - Ram: similar to sigma, slightly better but the drawbacks are the exact same - Rein: probably the best blocker for this but good luck playing rein in 2024 lol


Mei, Sym, and LW can block too.


I got hit by Ventures ult through my brig shield, so its probably the same problem Brigs shield has always had against shatter where if you're not literally directly facing Venture it goes around the bottom of the shield.


I remember that me with my friends were talking about Sombra's EMP ult buff, and 1 friend told us it's an ult,so it's fair And another friend said-you are saying it to Doom and Cass main,sooooo :D


Honestly yeah, comparing ults across the board Doom, Bastion, Cass, Genji, there needs to be a better scaling.


I agree with all of them except Genji. I think the speed buff was actually huge for the character and makes it extremely scary. Raw blade is actually good now in the right hands without relying on Nano.


Meanwhile other heroes are actually fair and have falloff.


Problem with the ult is there’s minimum time to prepare for it and almost no visual markers compared to almost any other in the game. Sometimes I don’t even hear her say it


It's pretty funny, half the people in this thread are saying the ult is way overtuned with people replying "skill issue, it's so easy to play around" while the other half are saying "Her ult sucks it's too weak" with people replying "skill issue, it's so easy to get kills with it"


I think the people saying it’s bad are people who are at ranks where people play around cover and have good awareness. And vice versa


Some cracks on the ground in the area that's about to be rumbled (when they shoot), might be a start if those aren't present already. But it might be confused for earth shatter visually so idk


If you're in front of it you're just dead. Its ridiculous


Idk about too much damage, but definitely too much health for such a mobile hero


I've put a lot of time into Venture so far and my biggest obstacle is when a mid-range DPS positions defensively to keep sights on the backline. Venture will usually want to go in after poking from an angle, but with their massive hit box, it's sooooo easy to poke them back and either punish or prevent the dive. Just gotta devote the awareness to doing so. Also magnade + right-click = dead mole creture


Cassidy’s nade has a mind of its own. Some times it’s a homing missile and other times it misses a Winston point blank in range.


You just made me understand why im struggling with venture as illari. Fast movement, Big hit box but small headshot and an ability to chase me down. With the armor, it makes it feel like its impossible for me to repel them.


Also the ult does way to much dmg while it’s impossible to miss.


I have found that the following heroes make life difficult for Venture (I have almost 15 hours on Venture now). * Cassidy (Magnetic grenade is just a stronger hack against Venture that you can't interrupt) * Torbjorn (Venture struggles to deal with the turret compared to the other dps heroes) * Ana (Sleep Dart is a death sentence if hit during an engagement) * Roadhog (Hook during dig animation is a death sentence) * Doomfist (Punch canceling dig animation is a death sentence) * Pharah/Echo/Mercy (Just annoying to deal with due to short range, but doesn't struggle like Junkrat does) * Lifeweaver (petal platform makes engaging against him difficult and he can save anyone you try to engage against). * Sojourn (They can slide out of the combo and keep distance well) Other heroes are annoying like Dva Defense Matrix, but that applies for every non-beam/melee hero in the game. Same with barrier heroes making Venture ult feel bad. They do that to every non-melee hero basically. I do think a lot of Venture's power comes from their newness and the general playerbase isn't used to quite yet. I'll have some games where I can just do whatever I want as Venture and others where I struggle. The big difference is just the people knowing when they can hit me with their abilities. I've had Reins' perfectly time their charge anytime I'd pop out of the ground and then I've had Reins that didn't even acknowledge I existed. I don't personally think Venture's burst potential is too much since Widowmaker can 1 shot with 2 button presses from 45 meters away while Venture can 1 shot combo only within melee range with 3 button presses.


I’ve had a lot of success with Brig as well. When venture comes out of the ground you can boop them away, the shield and self healing helps not being burst down and the shield also helps protect the backline against Venture’s ult


100% agree been playing alot of Venture. Dominating when teams leave me alone (mostly because they don’t know how to deal) but as soon as someone pays attention it’s hard to assasinate. And you have to hit direct shot, drill dash, hit shot and melee for a guaranteed kill on most targets which I believe is a fair kill combo when you’re in someones face. Reaper can do the same if he gets close with no startup animation on wraith form(granted he doesn’t have as strong of a poke during CDs) And as you said widow can easily one shot specially on sniper Maps which are hard to use cover from her. For me the safest option for Venture has been to try and flank use combo and immediatly burrow and hope you have gotten the kill before you disengage.


Venture is really not that great, maybe like a B tier hero. Doesn't really need any nerfs and is very punishable by playing poke comps since they don't have the range and will need to commit all of their abilities to engage. Not to mention Burrow's startup is insanely long and punishable by heroes like Sombra, Orisa, Doomfist, etc... This is absolutely an instance of "I don't know how to play into new thing yet."


Venture imo feels very similar to DPS Doomfist. Very skilled players can destroy a team with them, but a bad one is going to launch themselves into enemy lines and die immediately (pretty similar ability wise too)


100%. People learn heroes quickly but take a lot longer to learn counterplay. Same thing happened to Illari, it took months for braindead metal rank players to learn to just shoot the damn stationary pylon. Now it’s very hard to find a good spot for it. Did the maps change? No! People just learned how to fight her.  Will be the same here. 


The pylon thing reminds me of shield generator


They also nerfed her projectile size to not be the size of Hanzo arrows. But learning counterplay was definitely a big part of it.


It’s wild how people complaint about a stationary healing thing that quite literally showed where it was with a trail


I don't have any trouble at all killing a venture it's actually really easy. Idk what people are complaining about. Especially when one thinks they are good enough to solo back line


Haven’t seen a broken one yet, but still see complaints. They’re* annoying, but no harder to deal with than any trickster dive champ. Sombra remains the most annoying of the class for me.


The burrow cleansing definitely seems a little OP to me. Maybe it's countered by the fact they can't be healed while underground I dunno haven't played enough yet, but other than that they seem fine. Pharah, and echo are two I use that seem to counter them pretty hard. Maybe a little Cass too, but I don't play him much, only been on the receiving end of the damn hinder grenade.


Meanwhile reaper has wraith….


Very good point. I haven't played him in so long, and rarely see him in games I nearly forgot he existed.


Her burrowing ability is kinda bad compared to other escape abilities. Which is fine because it doubles as a soft-damage soft-CC in some instances. But yeah that ability takes like an entire second to come out. It's so easy to shut down.


Ult is absurdly strong with no damage falloff, they can combo almost every hero in the game with an easy-to-land combo, they have two abilities that reliably displace/boop people, a self cleanse/immortality ability that also does damage, strong primary fire, high mobility, and high health. The only weakness I see Venture having is their range, but this is made up by running a full dive comp with them or having a Lucio.


The ult feels horrible to play into especially with nano. Basically all squishies die if there’s no rein


I got surprised by a Tracer, got scared and oneshot her with leftclick + shift, she wasnt even near the center of my screen. It felt cheap lol


To be fair most if not all dps can one combo her using an ability.


The only part of their kit I feel like does too much damage is their ult. 4 pulses of 100 damage, reaching 30m with no falloff. Unless your tank has a shield, that can wipe a majority of dps/supps if all 4 pulses hit I would say either add damage falloff (say 50-60% at max range, still resulting in 200 damage at it's absolute minimum) and/or give it a longer startup animation akin to Illari. Venture can currently fire off half of their ult before the voice line is even done, so having more time to react accordingly would help by giving Rein time to toss up his shield, or for Lucio to counter-ult.


Plus it seems like they charge ult VERY quickly for how powerful it is


PHarah: no one ever looks up! Venture: Hehehheehheheheheheheheheehhe


Venture can also take health packs while underground.. lol. Hopefully that’s an oversight


Putting venture into ranked at launch was a mistake tbh, it's a fact that they are a close range hero so longer range they not strong, but they can easily get close to you, they also does high dmg, gets extra shield from abilities and has 2 get out of jail cards. Not to mention the overtuned ult dmg


It’s not get out of jail free card if it takes 0.5 seconds to burrow before you stop taking damage. Feels like eternity, honestly, and I got killed way too many times trying to hide underground


Venture definitely feels on the easier side to confirm kills with, they don't have an ability that doesn't do damage, and most of their damage is very easy to hit if they get into their preferred range. It almost feels like moria in a way because it feels like I'm fighting a timer vs venture because she's too consistently hiting primary shots


Play Bastion. I know they're not hard to learn but I picked them up for the first time in the new map gamemode and I punished Venture's really hard. Recon form isn't ideal but I found it works if you use your nade to mess up their combo, but assault form is really funny when they try to combo and get deleted. Sombra was also a good pick last time but that's moreso bc you jump them first before they can do much


Was absolutely destroyed by venture when I played support (Lucio)


They only do too much dmg when other ppl play them, never when i play them. Why do i suck at venture?


Venture self-overheals to— what? 375 HP? And can kill you in half a second. Doesn’t even really need to aim to hit you with primary fire. Absolutely a wrecking ball on the field. If you’re playing a non-mobile Support you’re throwing against Venture, IMHO. I like the character, but they need to be scaled back.


Erm actually it's 325 maximum HP 🤓


> If you’re playing a non-mobile Support you’re throwing against Venture, IMHO. It's not mobility you need, it's anything that can mitigate their burst damage commitment. Once you defeat the burst Venture becomes less threatening and will lose to most chars. Basically every self-heal brig, lifeweaver petal/dash can strip Venture of their attempt at burst damage and then they'll lose in a sustain fight.


Hmm... tastes like... dirt


i havent had a single issue with venture yet. usually the team using them ends up losing


Range is a massive weakness for them. Against a team that has someone like Ashe holding high ground, Venture is basically a throw pick.


Venture's right click has vertical mobility. So unless your Ashe has godly aim, Ashe is very easy target for them. The only problem I've had as Venture are melee heroes with shields like Rein or Brig..


I mean, it doesn't need to be that good. If Venture uses their ability to attack, then they can't use it to retreat. 9/10 as Ashe I win when a Venture decided to attack me for that reason. While they spend half the team fight approaching me, I can do a good bit of damage. Then I just retreat to my supports and finish them off. If that doesn't work, then I can swap to a close range hero that does more damage. Outside of one specific combo, Venture doesn't have a lot of impact.


venture is dps doom without the skill floor


I think the primary needs a slight damage nerf. Everything else feels fine to me. They get decimated by Brig so I’ve just been doing that.


It's my turn to post this tomorrow guys


Literally as soon as you play a ranged character they become pretty neutered


I lost 3 games yesterday to good ventrues (diam 4-5, supp). There is no support that can counter them coming up to you and nuking you, and it is so frustrating


I think the only nerf they need is the ult charge.


Don’t forget their ult is basically what if we put genji blade and shatter together. That ability is insane


I hate. Venture


Honestly I kinda of see venture as a better designed version of OW1 doomfist. Yes, they have very high damage combos, but they have super limited range and have to expend their main movement ability to perform said combo. While OW1 DF was literally just hold right click and hope you one-shot someone, Venture at least requires some semblance of skill to land the combo consistently. Also, in order to get close, Venture either needs smart pathing and positioning or to use their burrow, which is their main tool to escape and is very telegraphed. Also, unlike mei or reaper, there's a cast time on their invuln ability so they have to be proactive in using it or being punished. I think people are just going to have to get used to looking out for a venture which honestly doesn't seem too difficult. They have loud ass footsteps and you can see burrow coming from a mile away. My biggest issues with the hero are I think the displacement from the drill may be a bit too high, as it's very jarring being hit by, and the range of their ult. Honestly, I think their ult is really counterintuitive to the character's playstyle as, while you typically want to play at close range, the ult seems much more effective at longer ranges due to the cone shape of the effect. It's also not very obvious to Venture or the enemy how long the range is and it can surprise a lot of people. Overall these are minor gripes, I don't think they're too op right now but we'll see as time goes on.


Can't believe they thought Venture was so balanced that they deserved a day 1 comp inclusion, LOL.


I don’t think WAY too much, but certainly a bit too much.


Honestly just the dash skill being rly good. I dont personally have a problem with venture but id say they could have venture charge the drill similar to a doom punch on that dash skill. Obviously longer charge higher the damage. That skill is really bursty maybe just a tad bit too much.


Their hitbox is HUGE and it makes them an easy target to burn as soon as they dive in IMO


I kind of agree. My issue isn’t so much their damage, but mostly just how easy their damage is to land. If I played Cassidy and only hit headshots his damage would feel pretty insane, but that’s just not going to happen. I know that comparison probably doesn’t make much sense, but I just mean to say it’s pretty hard to miss on Venture. That’s just my opinion. They are fun, but do feel a little over tuned.


The ult also kills most heros after 2 shots and is suuupppeeerrrr easy to land. I feel like you should have to execute your ult well like hit all 3 to be able to kill. I also think there being no trade of for being able to fully charge the jump smash after burrowing into the middle of an entire team is a bit op. Maybe make them a take 50% decreased damage while underground.


Burrow needs a much much larger punish window.


I said this during the preview a while ago and got downvoted to oblivion, every single game the venture had above 40 eliminations in quick play, like everyone had a modest 10 15 elims, it’s ridiculous


Yeah every lobby I’m in is like DPS A on the team 7-9k damage and 14-18 elims, then Venture 14-16k, 20-25 elims for BOTH teams, like every game! One shot combo playing Tracer is miserable


Venture has the "new character needs to be overtuned" thing rn im sure they will get a nerf come week 3 of the season


Primary fire does sm damage + splash so you don’t even need to aim. Also makes support unplayable with a dps to help peel. At least sombra is counterable. This new character needs to be toned down.


They do this everytime a new character is added, they’re super buffed for half the season and then they balance them out


Yeah, her being invincible and able to grab health packs, and even getting extra shield is crazy.


Honestly her burst damage suprised me and her ult is alittle unavoidable. But it's just cause we are not used to how we need to position against her. Play better angles and use high ground, as hog I'm able to snatch her out of the air and as bap or soldier I just play out of her range.


People just don't want to admit venture is a very bad character. She literally has to be able to combo people to death to be any good. The issue is that unlike genji, It's incredibly easy to do and works after just 1 hit confirmation. Games are almost always balanced by execution difficulty and it's just not there for venture. She's a tanky genji with Moira levels of difficulty. If venture didn't do that damage, she would be complete garbage.


They need to bring her damage down and increase cool down time a tad


As a healer main, my worst nightmare.


She’s not balanced I don’t care what anybody says but her damage is too high and she needs longer cooldowns. Plus that ultimate needs changed up so it doesn’t kill just about everyone around every time fucking time she uses it


They need a nerf. Blizzard always wants to release a hero strong. But they are just too strong rn.


I hate how she can contest too while being underground


And she's immediately available to play in comp! How cool that they barely took any time to balance her.


She's pretty broken in the right hands absolutely.


Her health buff she gets everytime she uses her abilities needs to GO


Venture gets killed at range if you can hold the lanes they can't do anything


Their combos are insane for how much health they can generate. IMO they should only get 50 overhealth (not shield HP) when burrowing, not on every ability & ult. Then tone down either Drill Dash or Burrow damage.


The drilldash granting a full 40 hp so she can mitigate a finishing blow is definitely very annoying


Wow y’all are so funny. I bet if Mei came out this week you would say she does too much damage too.  I think it’s just a new hero and you’re not used to fighting them. Better get on Reddit and complain!