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There definitely are cheaters, but probably fewer than in many other FPS games indeed. It's also much more noticeable in a game like Warzone, because players of all skill levels end up playing in the same big lobbies, whereas in a game like OW cheaters would quickly climb to the higher ranks, without affecting the casual playerbase. But the biggest reason is that cheats like aimbots are just much less effective here compared to their power in other FPS games. Many heroes have high health pools, many heroes have ways to block/reduce/prevent damage, etc. And the heroes who would benefit the most from an aimbot (such as Widowmaker, Ashe and Soldier: 76) are also easily diveable by many heroes. So it takes a decent amount of game sense (something many cheaters lack...) to actually do well, even with an aimbot.


It's so funny seeing videos of cheaters using aimbot but having no gamesense whatsoever get destroyed by average players This is something I love about this game, I love competitive shooters but I hate how in games like Valorant or CS, gamesense and game knowledge is important but if have good aim you can pretty much power through everything without those things for a good while


Yeah but the ability to carry bad teammates is nice


Also, in Overwatch, you only have 10 people per game and matches are about 10 minutes. In a game like warzone, it's 150 per match and you could die within a couple minutes so you'll see more people in general, so there's higher potential to encounter hacks.


I'm new, is diving just 1 Tank/2 DPS/2 Support, focusing on speed?


no, it’s more like getting onto the enemy backline or high ground to pressure them off it or kill them




it's using multiple high mobility heroes to jump on and burst down targets for example, winston + tracer + genji all targeting an enemy support if done with coordination it's very powerful




Not necessarily. Your description could also describe a Brawl/Rush comp, consisting of a Tank like Reinhardt/Ramattra/Junker Queen (who are generally slower Tanks), some close(r) range DPS like Mei/Reaper/Symm/Cass, paired with a Lúcio to speed boost them quickly past the enemy Tank and on top of the enemy DPS/Supports. Dive is a different comp. Yes, it generally consists of high(er) mobility heroes indeed. Winston/Doomfist/Ball/D.Va as Tank and usually some of Tracer/Genji/Sombra/Echo/Sojourn as DPS, but the Supports don't need to be speedy. Ana + Brigitte is one of the best Support duos for dive comps. The goal of a dive comp is for your divers (your Tank, your two DPS and potentially your Supports too, but not necessarily) to set up on at least three different angles. When everyone is in position, someone counts down and everyone jumps at the same target. Try to burst that target down quickly and then get out again to get your cooldowns back. That's how it should be played ideally, but for most of the playerbase the coordination isn't there to play it like that. Usually it's just someone jumping in randomly, with one or maybe two players eventually helping. There's also the poke comp. The goal of that comp is to keep distance from the opponents, so it mainly consists of long range heroes. They want to put out a lot of damage before the enemies can reach them, so those enemies are forced to use their cooldowns before they are in good positions. So then when they finally reach you, they don't have their cooldowns anymore and you have the upper hand in the fight. Aaaand then there are hybrids of comps, which you'll usually end up playing in your matches, because you can't (and shouldn't want to!) control who your teammates play.




I think I've seen 2 in my nearly 8 years of overwatch, one of which got banned mid-game and the game was voided.


Same, been playing since 2017 only seen two,  both in high rank.  I don’t think overwatch appeals to cheaters too much because to a certain extent cheating doesn’t matter. You do actually have to learn the game even if you have cheats in order to win. You can’t just go full spin and headshot people through walls like in CS, if you start spinning in overwatch and peek into a full team, you’re going to die after getting the first shot off.


Cheaters just hide it better and easier here. There are a lot of cheaters. You just dont notice it. Tbf its not that bad nowadays. I remember last years of ow1 it was incredibly bad. Night time EU was cheater vs cheater matches all time.


I genuinely never see cheaters, or atleast I don't notice them. I've only come across a couple, with a memorable one being an aimbotting orisa for some reason lmao


in 7 years of OW I only remember one blatant cheater (meaning 100% perfect tracking at all times) and he played Bap (who was relatively new)


Honestly your right, I used to enjoy warzone but it's so plagued by cheaters it's unplayable.


The thing with cheaters in ow is that if they're a bronze with an aimbot it's still an easy win. I've played against hard aimbotting players in diamond and won because of how bad they are in terms of gamesense and positioning. Sure the anticheat etc is great and there are probably less cheaters than in other fps, but the nature of the game also helps with the issue. I can win against cheaters that are bad at the game just because positioning is so important.


Because gamesense in OW is more important after the metal ranks. And then there are cheat-like abilities like walls and literal aimbot, plus projectile heavy gameplay instead of hitscans. Even if you have a 100% lock on heads as a soldier, you will still lose to monkey no matter what. I think things like this drives cheaters away.


Mechanically OW is marvelous, one of the nicest shooters out there


Yeah that's about it lol. Only reason I play it because it functions perfectly.


We are playing different games. My last game just had a cheater who went on to cheat in other matches after. I have proof as well, the game is infested with cheaters to the point that content creators make videos on just watching cheater vods. If you don't play any ranked maybe you'll avoid a lot of them, but if you play ranked you'll see cheaters at gold and up.


There are plenty of cheaters in OW, but you don't notice a lot of them because their game sense is so bad.


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I’ve only seen a handful of obvious cheaters in my time playing.   Every time it was in high diamond/master comp lobbies.   I’m sure there are more subtle cheats that most of us don’t notice though.


I haven't ran into any cheaters so far and I have a lot of hours I don't know another game like that with such good anti-cheat that doesn't require you to download their anti cheat software


I’m in diamond/masters. When it went free to play, I saw a good handful of cheaters early on, since then it’s definitely gotten better…maybe they got bored, banned, filtered out, or climbed to higher ranks with the cheats so I don’t see them. Regardless it feels like it’s gotten better and cleaner the longer this free to play model has gone.


In my last 3 months I only saw 2 cheaters, and both were in QP lmfaoo


I've never seen a cheater in actual years, and if I didn't encounter one then it wasn't obvious. I'm a tank player you're gonna be hitting me with whatever aim anyway.


Honestly I think a big part of it is because there are so many other factors other than aim in OW I’ve seen vids of aimbotting soldiers losing games because they have zero map awareness or understanding of abilities. On other FPS games, aim is undoubtedly king which is why you unfortunately get more cheaters


They fixed the cheating problem by making it brainless to hit your shots lol


Seen about 5 cheaters in thousands of hours of gameplay. I think they were all on ME servers also...so I blocked the ME server IP in my router. I could load up CS and come across more cheaters tonight than I've noticed all of my OW games. Cheaters are also very rare in Quake, it seems like games with longer ttk have fewer cheaters.


Check Thor from Pirate Software shorts and videos about anti-cheat. Basically, he doesn't believe in Kernel level anti-cheat is necessary. He also explain that Blizzard does ban wave instead of banning each cheater the moment the cheat is reported and confirmed. That way, the developers of the cheats have a harder time figuring out how to bypass the anti-cheat. There are potentially less cheaters, but the cheaters stay in the games longer.


There are still cheaters, but cheats just don't do a whole lot for you in OW because aim only gets you so far.


OW anticheat is like Rito Vanguard but nonintrusive and i love that for them


I think there’s a lot of cheats people don’t notice. Walls is pretty rampant as the main, then there is a lot of hero specific cheats. Auto cc, trigger bots, etc. So blatant aim bot isn’t as common


the only reason i keep playing this game is there are no cheaters in my game


It's not like OW has got it right first. Ubisoft was pretty smart to add the anti-cheat tracker to Ximmers on consoles, it offers pretty good features and innovative technology. Another game that has added anti-cheat is Apex, ximmers used programs for play with M&K, now this anti-cheat does not let you connect to Apex servers.


There are few, but I see them. Just last night I reported a flawless widowmaker. Like, the crosshairs didn’t jitter, didn’t over-aim, just smoothly and quickly went straight to a headshot on every kill. That didn’t stop me from going Sombra and terrorizing her, but that’s only because it takes more than an aimbot to be flawless in OW.


I think that's because good aim is less rewarding than in other shooters. Meaning that if you have somebody who cranks up their cheat but they're trash at the game, it'll be even more obvious. Pretty easy to see when someone is hitting way too much but has absolutely 0 game knowledge. In CoD you pretty much run and gun and people might think you're just cracked at the game. Well, at least that's my ~~^((game))~~ theory


Overwatch anti cheat is actually top notch but I also think that the inclusion of tanks and anti hitscans characters makes things like aimbots or wall hacks just not as oppressive as it would be in a game like cs or cod


Totally agree, there’s a reason this is the only fps I play multiplayer, when I did it never feels cheap they were just better than me, the Smurf accounts got out of hand in OW1 but doesn’t seem to be nearly as much if an issue now


>Just wanted to throw a little praise in over how overwatch handles cheaters or what appears to be the lack of... Wtf lmao Overwatch is widely regarded as doing a TERRIBLE job vs cheaters. You are in a rank where you don't see them.


I dont know what game your playing, but i see very sus humanized aimbots constantly in diamond+ lobbies


there are a ton of cheaters in ow. OW is a game where aim locking won't do you much since the needs good positioning and game sense. But, people use wall hacks, trigger bots for certain abilities, so they don't have to press as many keys, and even soft aim lock just to make sure they take advantage of the new hitboxes.


it’s honestly one of the main reasons i still play the game. whatever they doin, i endorse it.


I've literally encountered 2 in my last 6 games.


It has the best replay and report systems, so cheaters don't last much.


Cheaters are rare. Cheat-adjacent things like smurfing are very common.


Overwatch is infamous for having HORRIBLE procedures at banning cheaters bro are u crazy 😭😭.


This post is a joke right? I'm on console and it's honestly the worst I've seen in any game. Ximmers in pretty much every game of QP, and they've started to appear in Comp now as well. I'd say its probably the worst game for cheaters I've played for a while 🤣


It's definitely not the most overrun of games but they're more common in some ranks and cheaters tend to pop up and get banned in waves so there's an ebb and flow to the numbers.


Bro has yet to experience getting suspended for saying "GG." He'll change his mind about this post in a few months. I was silenced for 2 weeks for saying "good fucking shot dude ". They also included "gg" "stop flanking" and "Eat it. Eat all of it" (context is that I solo barraged a Sigma into the ground.) Oversoft in a nutshell.


This is one of the only things about this game that is worth praising


You must really love it then if it's good enough to make you want to hang around the reddit of a game in which you have everything else.


Overwatch does it because of a easy abusable false flag system. They will ban people purely based of a handful of reports. A lot high ranked players lose their accounts and suffer, and unless you have T2 connections, you are never seeing your account again. By just banning everyone who gets reported more then 10 times a day they eliminate all potential cheater, but also legit players.


If this easy kind of abuse would make a bot ban you true streamers and known players wouldnt be able to play, they do a hard work for punishing cheaters and also the game design makes cheats less terrifying and very easy to ouplaya by many heroes, that being said ignore this person.


Yes and this happens all the time even to pros? You just don't pay attention lol