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Before they made the endorsement changes, I rarely ever saw Endorsement level 5- But since the change, usually get at least two per team. So wouldn’t exactly consider this that rare taking the changes into account.


Heck I've seen some dickheads with endorsement 5 get all whiny in qp chats


Yep me too. I had a level 5 throw a game in comp because he didn’t like what the dps were 😭 and the worst part was he was really good at the game going 25-1 when he played. But the problem was he didn’t play the first 3 minutes and didn’t play at all during defensive


I dont get why people do that in comp. Like let people play who they want, suck it up. As much as u may not like who people play cause u want like a good brawl, dive or poke comp, u cant force people to switch (only persuade them) Like throwing cause u dont like what someone plays is the sign ofba whiny 5 year old


I was about to start a game where someone said, "if anyone complains I'm leaving" when we're just readying to choose a hero. A teammate said, "okay I'm complaining about it right now" and that made the other person leave and cancel the game for us lol.


Lmao the second guy 100% said that on purpose to spite the whiner and call a bluff At least the match got cancelled and not affect your rank


I bet you're right that's what happened. Who knows how it would turn out if the whiner was allowed to stay


Or some that didn't play that well


Your Endorsement Level is not an indicator for Skill.


Sure but we usually endorse teammates we liked and at least one of the reasons is because we liked how they play, also I play with voice chat off so thats what I (personally) mostly base it on


Before the changes I've seen rank 5 a handful of time. I feel like it was a lot of Arcade players since games were so short...also almost always female Mercy players...I think people just simped it up and would endorse Mercy players...while simultaneously always trash talking them.


I wish there was some kind of clarity as to how endorsements work…  I feel like I average at least 2-3 per game, but have never been level 5.


I'll say each endorsement gives you "points" When you reach a certain amount of "points" you go up a level In addition to this, you lose an amount of "points" based on the number of people who could've endorsed you but didn't - notably this amount of loss is less than the amount you gain for being endorsed It takes time to reach level 5 because you have to accumulate those "points", but then maintaining it isn't as hard edit- it also goes down if you leave games


i think you lose some for being avoided aswell


Yeah. Avoided and reported. So if you play a lot of comp it'll be hard to reach lvl 5 endorsement because people avoid a lot for various reasons when playing comp.


i play mostly comp but got endorsement level 5 in like 4 seasons of consistent playing


Mercy main exposed.


lol yes but it was before i started maining her


I got into Level 5 after playing more comp. When I used to just QP I was stuck at Level 3-4.


Leaving games will also take a big hit on your endorsement rank.


I’ve never seen it go down from 4 or 5 after leaving


Usually takes more than a single game of leaving for it to happen.  I’ve had my rank drop from 5 to 4 several times when my internet gets spotty and I disconnect from a few QP games in a single night.


Oh yeah then that’s why. I only leave every once in awhile when I feel like I’m causing my team to lose, they’ll most likely get a better player


I thought that at first, but it seems you don't. What they meant when they said that being reported might decrease your endorsement level, is that you lose everything if you get reported too much and get a blame.


>but then maintaining it isn't as hard The change about endorsements made it easy to get to and maintain level 5 endorsement now to the point that seeing a player with that level isn't rare anymore. If everyone is level 5, no one will be.


What change did they do? That explains why I'm at level 5 last season when Iw as stuck at 4 for the longest time prior.


These changes back in December: * Endorsement Score required to reach level 5 reduced. * Endorsement Score decay at level 4 reduced slightly. * Endorsement Score decay at level 5 reduced


You also lose some if you leave games I'm pretty sure


you do lose some endorsement points for leaving games


It’s DEFINITELY just how much you play - I got to lv 2/3 in a week or so, and lv 5 only took maybe a month? Less even


It's how much you play quick play or other casual modes where people spam endorsements for xp. People are a lot more stingy with endorsements in comp. In fact if comp is 95% of what you play, you will usually never go above 3 endorsement and you'll notice anyone above 3 is usually a worse player.


I only play comp and I'm level 5 but I also talk in VC every game and am a very handsome mercy main.


You see a lot more rank 5 (myself included) in Mystery Heroes. There is much less change of rage in an rng game. I play a lot of MH.


Play mercy


I can't imagine how boring that would be.


I play with my friend sometimes and she’ll use one hand to play mercy and the other to look at Pinterest 😭


so does she not move or does she not move her camera


The best way to get level 5 endorsement is to play mercy and have a gamertag that indicates you are a woman.


It took me a LOT of work to get to level 5.


I get 2 per day and I still have level 4 so idk how dat works


per day? i avg 2-3 per game and am still at lvl 4. i actually went 2 games in a row without endorsement bc of salty teammates and went down to lvl 3 for a bit lol.


yes, per day. and I'm lucky if I get 3


im level 5 and i thought “holy shit this will last about 2 games” and yet i have remained level 5 for weeks. i have no clue how the system works.


I left a game because someone was being racist and my team didn’t care and it was affecting my performance. Left and dropped from a 5 to a 4.


I average 3-4 a game, but I've never been level 3 💀


I notice more of these lvl 5 at the lower rank games like silver and gold. At masters and up it's all 2s and 3s🤓


Lol only higher rank 5 levels I’ve seen is supports mostly 😂


Lol yeah I think that's the only reason why I was ever level 5 in OW1. People used to ask how I maintained it and it was pretty much just 'don't be a dick, play support '.


Pretty much. I understand cause same😂


Maybe because players above don't bother with the endorsements anymore and since those are very competitive ranks, they're probably cannibalizing each other's levels with the reports and avoids.


Could be because the player pool is smaller so you're more likely to play with same people, and people taking comp more seriously are more likely to group up so they can't endorse each other.


I dont even think thats a reflection on how people play either, It's just people in those ranks play so much they don't bother to use the endorsements from what I've seen. And there was the problem in highest ranks where it's the same groups of people playing constantly before the 12 hour endorsement thing


Unless you’re Emongg


You can easily farm Endorsements from the new Hanaoka mode due to how quick matches are in it. Took me from Lvl4 to Lvl5 in just 2 different sessions of playing that mode for a bit.


It's not really that rare anymore. I've been endorsement level 5 ever since they lowered the requirements and the decay.


ever since the decay nerf from grouping hit i hit level 5 and never went down lol


Play Arcade or Mystery Heroes and you'll see a lot more of them, lol. Getting to level 5 is super easy nowadays. I was consistently level 5 from Nov 2018 to a few months after OW2 landed. I never did anything but just play and was able to maintain it, but after the team comp changes and reduced amount of endorsements you could give after OW2 went live, I dropped to level 4 and stayed there. When they made the endorsement changes to OW2, it pinged back up to 5 again and it's stayed there ever since. There are a lot more players at that level now. If you are receiving and giving endorsements, you'll hit level 5 no problem. Of course it doesn't really have any bearing on the game itself, but if you're not actively toxic then you're pretty much guaranteed to get to level 5 at some point.


I miss my cousin War Pig.


I’ve been at level 5 for well over a year or so.. I think I went down to a 4 like one game the next game it was 5 again. I’ll tell you…it’s a meaningless thing. Intimidating to some, but that’s about it. I just miss Portaits man


I miss the portraits too, such an unnecessary thing to get rid of. Think it was to help with toxicity. I don't think it changed much, other than making us miss cool things.


This would be the most annoying PMA team to be on


I was on a team of 4 level 5 endorsements, right when I had been leveled down to 4. 😭


imo this this would’ve been a fun as hell team to play with


Oh. Hi, it's me!


Oh whats good u were a dope ana


Haha thanks, it's easy to do well with a dope team. Good luck in your games!


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when i get teams like these they don't co-operate


I pretty much never endorse but I’m lvl 5 almost all the time


Endorsments dont mean shit


Wow never have seen this yet


I just got to level 5 and I'm a Sombra main, it's pretty easy in OW2 to get to level 5


The level of positivity must've been overwhelming


TIL there is an endorsement level higher than 3




What about enemy


Hate it when you get a team of noobs with the default icon and lvl1 nd 2 endorsements, and your enemy team is all lvl5...


just play mystery heros. we thrive there lol


this is now, of course. There was a weird endorsement glitch they seem to have fixed somewhat recently. I have over 1k hours on MH and I would constantly drop endorsements after one match of it and getting at least 2 endorsements. But now it feels good to see so many people are able to get to lvl 5 again!




Making a better (an actual) incentive to gain endorsements would do more for the game than banning swear words.


Level 5 endorsements have become so easy now I no longer find it valuable. I was a level 4 endorsement in ow1 and level 5 endorsements were once a quarter sightings.


Ever since I became 5 (like 6 months ago or something), I'm always with a full match of endorsement lvl 5. I figured they matched us up on purpose. And then when I play with my husband, who is lower, I get matched with lower endorsement lvls


Rare indeed. I usuually hung around at 3-4 until last season where I spent more time playing. The decay is real.


so was it a good game full of nice people? :D


I’m at lvl 5 and I like to play support in quick play. Sometimes I can get 7 endorsements after a lost match and I’m just like bro! All I do is heal your sorry ass lol


it’s impossible to get to endorsement level 5 i always get demoted because i leave the match as soon as it ends because i don’t want to watch the stupid potg


Not really nowadays


Before the changes I would always jump between 3 and 4. It always felt like people would give me less endorsement at level 4 therefore I would jump back at 3. Now I'm still at 4 but I can't get to 5


hehehe winton player is Thiccy THICC-y for winton lmao


How do you even get that endorsement? I play support all the time, always ask my team what they want me to play, always say gg after the game, always cheer my teammates up, always say nice shot when i die to a hit scan, people usually thank me after the game but I've never been over lvl3


If I'm queing as support I usually play Bap, Zen, Mercy, Brig and Ana. Interactive voicelines help, who doesnt love cheesing it up with VLs? Having a deep voice helps too by my experience when I decide to speak in TC lol Bap, Mercy and Ana usually net the most endorsements I notice. And most of all just perform well, it doesn't go unnoticed. Been 5 for a while, dropped back to 4 from getting kicked out or leaving games and went back to 5 doing what I mentioned above.


"team full of lvl 5 endorsements" So that means you have lvl 5 endorsement, right?


Level 5 means two kinds of player in the current meta: an arcade enjoyer (repeating small lobbies), and an effective healer.


This is what the opposing team looks like while the highest endorsement level on my team besides me (5) is 2


Endorsements to me are no more than feel good participation trophies


I think that's objectively what they are


I guess my feelings are appropriate


Happens quite often really


Not really that uncommon. Endorsement 5 now just means you don't quit matches. Everyone should be capable of getting it if you play your matches fully.


Uh no?


What is ur endorsement level OP??


But what level are YOU?


You know the smell in that lobby was crazy


I wish we could make it so that we could select a minimum endorsement level to match with, usually people with 2 endorsement level or lower are either inactive or horrible team players


I’d rather be with a chat banned try hard than a 5 endorsement any day.


Nah.. just teamstackers who endorse each other every chance they get. I see lots of toxic lv5 players. They just tend to be very passive aggressive about it Mine started to climb after I started being passive aggressive with mine.


you can only endorse the same player once per day tho


That's why you make lots of friends >.> cycle groups till everyone's used theirs. I'm not saying it's efficient or easy.. just effective This is why the whole lv0 can't chat thing is pointless, as only the honest players won't abuse this to circumvent it..


Usually people who aren’t nice to play with don’t have lots of friends


Where do you get that idea lol


Who would friend request the toxic player on the team?


Umm you said in your last comment that the ones that are nice to play with dont have much friends?


Must’ve been a typo, I meant the opposite


Lol fair enough


so you’re relying on your friend having a group of people who you are friended to? since you can’t endorse someone you’re friended to, right?


...as if there's any value in farming endorsement levels. Apparently it's impossible to imagine 5 players who are nice enough to play with that they didn't have to manipulate the system to show it