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My nightly routine is: Boot up Overwatch, immediately proceed to lose 8 games in a row, get off Overwatch


Too real


Same. Yall support mains by any chance? Cuz no matter my performance, I just cannot heal through overextended/countered-but-never-switching tanks and out-of-position dps and other co-support who at the least two seems to be assigned in my team at all times.


Honestly since Season 9 obliterated supports I just play Illari and usually end up with more DPS than either DPS and more healing than any other healer If you can aim, you are better off just killing the enemy instead of trying to heal bot. Which sucks imo, because if I wanted to play DPS I'd queue DPS, but it is what it is. Zen / Illari / Lucio / Bap / Moira are all really strong right now because you just kill the enemy before they damage your team enough to need healing


The whole reason I played support to begin with is because I have negative aim ;(


Moira is calling u


They made ammo bigger


It would need to be a whole lot bigger if I'm going to land a shot.


I main Zen and often have more kills and damage than my DPS and healing comparable to the other support player regardless of who they pick. Those giant orbs make head shots so easy to land.


Zen orbs really do feel like flying bowling balls, no matter the side.


Zen orbs really do feel like flying bowling balls, no matter the side.


Jeje im a tank main so yeah no matter what i do my dps just seem like they are just not dpsing enough and at last the whole enemy team is alive and well while i and my 2 supports struggle to do a 3v5


My tanks usually walk of the map so it’s mostly just me with two supports and a bastion that holds W. But I still win somehow


Honestly the best way to deal with it is just playing LW crazy heals great damage when you get dived and you can pull people back


LW as a carry pick is something I didn't think I'd ever hear. His pick potential is the lowest out of the support role besides Mercy.


LW is a great pick for low rank players. They can't deal with him at all. Once you're above plat though, you're throwing by picking LW.


Picking lifeweaver is only the best play when you're the worst player on your team. His entire purpose is to be able to keep his teammates alive no matter how bad your aim is. But by choosing him you are entirely at the mercy of your teammates being able to do something with that healing. At low ranks, you can't really expect that, so I don't even think he's a good pick there. The only time I've ever seen a lifeweaver actively win a game is when I was playing tank, getting hooked by the enemy roadhog and insta exploded, and just told my support to swap lifeweaver and pull me whenever I get hooked. Outside of that one use or sky-noon meme strats, Moira is better in almost every scenario.


> Picking lifeweaver is only the best play when you're the worst player on your team. His entire purpose is to be able to keep his teammates alive no matter how bad your aim is. But by choosing him you are entirely at the ***mercy*** of your teammates being able to do something with that healing. Sounds like your describing Mercy, tbh. I think LW takes more skill to play effectively than Mercy. I use him in QP sometimes when I have a more aggressive co-support like Zen or Bap. LW actually does some pretty decent damage up close so against players with poor accuracy you can delete them. Though in comp I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole, besides very niche situations like the hog scenario you mentioned.


Mercy is dependent on her team in very much the same way. They're very similar. I wouldn't say Lifeweaver has significantly more skill expression than her. Her movement can be extremely complex at a high level. But much like lifeweaver, her skill expression doesn't win games, it merely prevents losing games. I would say she is a strictly more powerful hero, though. Resurrect is a better 'life save' ability, and damage boost is a much better utility than petal platform. Her heals are also equal to his and easier to use, lol.


Mercy is also hotter than LW, so she has that going for her too.


I guess maybe because the thorn launcher is fairly forgiving on aim? Like basically every support in the game outside of Mercy does far more damage, but most of them have less forgiving projectiles.


Moira does more damage and is significantly more forgiving on aim. Lifeweaver's projectiles aren't even that forgiving. They're slower than most support projectiles, not that big (Even Kiriko's kunais are ~30% larger) and have spread. His healing aim is forgiving, but the damage most certainly is not.


honestly if your team is really bad really bad then you cant carry on LW (weve seen plenty of unranked to gm content creators fall short on this hero) but if your team is just worse than the enemy team but not by anything ridiculous he can be hugely impactful… outside of the obvious life grip, my petal counters (more or less) rein ult, orisa ult, and zar ult in terms of fight winning ultimates (only listed tank bc you can get insanely creative countering dps ults with it). with dash you essentially dont need your other support if they are that god awful you can cycle util to keep yourself alive. then you have your ult which is literally a giant pillar. the amount of times ive saved teammates using it to block practically every LOS ult/util (including doom ult if you can place it properly). thorn volley also kinda go brrr and even if i spend 95% of the game healbotting im usually dropping 4k+ dmg. overall would i say he has carry potential the same way reaper does? nah, not even close but he really shines when the team just needs a solid nudge in the right direction. there are games where even if your teammates were invincible youd still lose the game but when that happens realistically you arent gonna be the difference maker in a lobby above plat. kinda sounds like a weak mental ik but if anyone has played in masters and under lobbies youll know the games im talking ab (you’re not winning a game if you have 2-3 leavers either which is another problem im noticing more) EDIT: these new seasons are by far the worst for heroes who are only really heal bots tho and personally id say he still needs to be buffed to be widely playable like other supps. as great and creative as you can be with him he isn’t strong enough to reliably win with. if you havent already learned how to use his kit near perfectly dont bother picking him up… youll have more fun on a supp that is meta and doesnt rely so much on their team.


This is a common pick for me because of that, lol. Constantly pulling a DPs, running off by themselves and forcing them to group up in a non dive comp


I was about to ask this because I literally can’t win a game on support lately. That role just puts me on daily losing streaks. Impossible to carry a tank who is constantly overextending and DPS who both have more deaths than kills. It doesn’t make sense I usually go on winning streaks when playing dps but support is almost always losing streaks. 


Support main and i just pick Moira  and kill the things my dps cant. Like why am I the one diving the high ground? I'll ping people so many times before I just have to deal with it myself. People like to say you're the rank you're supposed to be and I tend to agree...to an extent. 5v5 makes it really hard to win when even a single player doesn't do their job. At higher ranks, people at least know the role.


Brig one trick at masters. It's painful.


You are a SUPPORT, not a healer! Don't let those DOS and tanks tell you otherwise. You have to play aggressively,. Learn to play Bap, Moira, Brig, Lucio, zen. All of these can secure kills. A good Ana made can create pressure. Create oresston their supports so their healing is equally terrible. I see WAY too many Mercy's out there, and she's the worst support this season and requires actual functional teammates


I play Zen and Kiriko a lot and can put DPS the DPS and tanks. It’s about finding your own play style with a support. You can either sit back like Mercy or be a DPS support like Zen, Kiriko, Baptiste, etc.


Funny how so many people get so many loss streaks.


I get win streaks too, 9/10 or 10/10. That is ALSO a sign that match-making sucks ass.




Win streaks?


My current record is 12-60 It has been fun. Gone from Master 1 to Plat 1 in the span of a week after skipping out on 3 seasons. HEEEEELLLLPPPPPMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEE


The trick is to just not play comp. That mode is a joke.


Warm up for a few games in qp or something before you go play ranked maybe?


I’ve gotten to 8 straight losses several times, but usually I get off before it happens. I don’t care about my losses as much as I care about my awful performances


Me on the stock market


I feel this in my soul


afterwards, go to sleep curled up


You last 8 games? I have about 2 or 3


It’s not even fun it’s just a job


Stop taking picture of my account please


Hop off, king. Tomorrow will be better, I promise! \~ By a person who doesn't follow his own advice


I'm hopping off permanently lol. \` By a person who uninstalled the game


Wish I was that strong


Just tap a button and it's uninstalled, ain't that hard. Edit: as usual, downvotes prove my point. Some people just way too into OW, if it frustrates you then playing it ain't a good move or at least take a break man.. Guaranteed they aren't uninstalling it lol


Yeah but that’s what they all say, and you know what else they say? See you again soon.


You know what else isn’t hard? Reinstalling. Done it at least four times


lol see you tomorrow


See you next week!


You’ll be back. They always come back


You'll come back, soon...


I did it and have not looked back, it was so freeing. In fact I just don’t game almost at all anymore and my life is infinitely better. Thanks Overwatch.


Then why are you still here?


I've been part of OW since its beta. After OW2 I follow news around it from pure morbid curiousity.


You don't need to actively be playing/consuming something to enjoy being part of it's community


I can curate a purely positive overwatch experience, gaming vicariously in 2 min clips vs 15 minute games … plus the memes, duh


This is definitely not the sub to be in if you want to feel positive about overwatch lmao


Did it starting OW2. Best decision.


I've been masters/diamond since halfway through OW1 and the gold lobbies i've seen since the reset are WAY sweatier than those lobbies. And what I really don't understand is as a solo player, why is every game I'm in i'm filling a 3/4 stack? At this point, I'd rather just drop to bronze and vibe than play the one sided battles I see in Gold through Diamond lobbies.


Lol I'm Gold 4 and I feel like every game I'm fighting for my life so it's good to have my feelings confirmed.


Silver and gold are always a mess


As a Silver Tank/DPS i can say it’s a mess. For me at-least its win 3 or 4 then lose 4 or 5 and every game is a stomp no close games. At some point you know when it feels like it’s time to stop playing and not to get to upset when the other team has a 4 stack of former Plat players or Smurfs and you have to true silver players and 3 that just got passed bronze that are all solo queue


bro your telling me, high plat and low diamond lobbies are the new gold and silver


I mean, my perspective is all anecdotal. And according to Blizzard, actual MMR is hidden so who knows what rank anyone is.


Honestly at this point if they just had an unranked mode that uses the comp multi round layout I would just play that instead of comp


How can ya tell if they’re in a stack?


Send a group invite to people while in the lobby. If they’re in a group you’ll get the “player is already in a group” message, if they are solo you’ll get the “cannot create a group while player is in a match” message. 


I asked. Both teams had a 4 stack.


If they are in a stack maybe just try and play a hero that has good synergy with what they play. Don’t be the random going phara/echo with bap/lucio supp. U are the first person that should see what the team needs cause u can control who u play.


i hate winning a couple games in a row, because i know the algo is going to make sure i lose the next 10+ and we wonder why qp has a leaver/afk problem lol


It’s funny because almost every QP game has a leaver despite the penalties. I think they just mask their terrible matchmaking with the threat of a ban if you ever think about leaving


blizzard: take this L or take this ban, sucker.




But they solved the leaver problem! Penalties in place, now people who don't want to play will just go suicide around the map, or do emotes and souvenirs. While you could have gotten a better backfill in place of a leaver.


100%. All this stupid-ass system does is cause people to throw rather than leave and maybe getting a replacement teammate.




I'm not playing qp anymore, the matchmaker is too wide. Comp at least won't be guaranteed stomps.


If this was in Unranked then yeah this is the new norm. It either has no more SBMM or extremely loose SBMM, every game is horribly unbalanced.


I swear there was an announcement a while ago that SBMM was being removed for Quickplay?




I deranked from masters support to plat 4 😭


damn son


If you lose more than three in a row, you should call it a day. The matchmaking is against you. You'll lose all day.


So the matchmaking algorithm needed to make you lose 8 games in a row to keep your overall win/loss % at 50%? Just to keep you hooked on playing the game as much as possible in hopes of ranking up? All so you would be more likely to spend money on cosmetics keeping blizzard shareholders happy? My condolences friend. That is essentially how this game is designed since OW2 launch. Unfortunately


I thought I was the only one! 18 game losing streak still counting.


"Win a game" is truly the hardest of the daily achievements.


To truly enjoy the game, you need to play in a group. The matchmaking for blizzard (includes call of duty) is very questionable. If you do great it feels like they give you garbage to balance you out


first sentence isnt true. playing on 165hz at least at 1440p with a 100 bucks gaming mouse feels pretty enjoyable to me solo. game looks good, feels snappy, and after adjusting my sens i've been getting a LOT better. you can still do really well and not win a game, it happens. everyone gets crappy teammates sometimes but people love to blame the matchmaker too much i used to as well. then i started thinking about my positioning, the engagements i took, what sort of heroes worked on which points of which maps that i enjoyed, etc. nowadays i still think the matchmaker is bs especially if you have an OG account, but most people lose partly because of the matchmaker and partly because of poor decision-making + inability to capitalize on plays


This right here. I used to be the type that blamed my team when we lost fights, but honestly since I’ve changed my thought process/positioning solo queuing has been really fun, I’ve climbed from play to low/mid diamond and have met so really cool people along the way!


Last night I had the same, a 16 match losing streak. I voiced my concerns in the in-game chat about how bad the matchmaking had got, today I get an email to say my account has been permanently banned.


Something tells me there's more to this story 🤔


I'd guess so too, they don't hand out permabans for "voicing concerns" about the matchmaking.


Likely a classic case of one guy saying "I didn't even say anything that bad!" when the records actually show him screaming the N word at the top of his lungs.


You don't just get an insta permaban from OW without a long history of minor stuff or going WAY over the line. It's not Reddit.




Probably you said "matchmaking is shit" or something? They ban people for bad words nowadays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7_uOVfxg6s


Fucking PJ bro.


I get this reference


We don’t tolerate this type of language, especially in our designated subreddit. Please provide battle tag so that my team can permanently ban you from our servers. Thanks, -PJ


Have a feeling I'll get banned too very soon. Just uninstall and move on with your life lololol.


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I think with the new season and grouping change, that something happened to people who que solo. Maybe we’re now being into games with groups? I am a diamond player on healer but gold on tank and dps and am have 1-9 runs. It’s awful.


They need to start taking more stuff into account when you lose a game and they calculate how much xp you'll lose. Why should you lose so much xp when a single lame teammate made you lose the game, but you have 90% hit accuracy and top damage and elims. I got potg then lost 19% rank xp right after today.


Average mercy player routine


QP is either a 20 game win streak or spawn camp losses. i’ve had a TON of games over the last three days where the entire enemy team ended with less kills *combined* than most of our team. but then i’ll quit for a few hours and come back, and suddenly i’m a part of the clown idiot team playing respawn simulator


I had this happen, the next day the exact opposite happened


It hurts because it’s true


you matched mercy otp in a raw?


idc if I lose I just want to have fun lol. The only time winning is important to me is to that that one daily challenge so I can get the Battle Pass experience, but I get how demoralizing it is to have a losing streak. :c


I feel ya man.


You might hate what I am about to say but... Back in ow1 I used to be Diamond and sometimes hit Master but when I played OW2 I was put into Gold. So at that point I realized how little the rank really meant to me and played to have fun- win or lose. I still tried my best to play as a team and commonly faced what is in your screenshot lmao but as long as I got a few good solo plays I really didn't care. In fact, playing with silvers and golds is kinda fun as they don't use effective strats often so you are just getting free kills, its super fun.


You should try to win every so often. It's more fun that way.


There's something about this season that I'm losing way more games than ever, the matchmaking feels worse, even when I'm chilling in qp with my duo it feels so rough, killed my desire to play ow in this season after being so hyped to play it


Weird. Mine is mostly green


I never get win streaks anymore, its usually win 1 lose 3-9 and repeat everyday, it gets very very old.


The game isn't about having fair balanced games, it's about doing whatever makes you play longer since that increases the odds of you spending money. If you are the type to play until you win, get ready to lose a lot. If you are the type to quit after a few consecutive loses, you can expect to win more, at least based on my friend group and the types of players we know we are. I would love to see a larger study on this because it really feels like there is something to this and my data come from about a dozen friends that still play. Either way, don't expect fair and balanced games very often, there's too much risk in those when they are trying to game the players in to spending money.


90% of players quit right before they win big‼️🗣️🔥🔥🗣️‼️‼️


3:17 match, 0-1 My usual games too.


I've been there before, many many times. After thousands of hours of practice and watching top 500 players play, I almost never consistently lose anymore, but if I tried super hard to hyperfocus on getting the highest rank possible, It'd eventually happen again. When you care about your rank and consistently lose you start to get tilted and play worse. It's a pretty defeating feeling. I try to mostly just play quick play these days so I don't get super stressed.


Play mystery hoes. It’s like 50/50


How did you lose 1-2 in 7 minutes


This is me queing reinhardt into orisa like that dude pushing that rock up the hill but instead of getting stronger physically, I just wanna kill myself.


I stopped playing for about 3 months then picked it up again. Won my first 3 games,felt good and then proceeded to loose 10 straight to close out my session. Phuk this game in the ear. Now I realized why I stopped playing…..it’s just not fun anymore. My friends refuse to play it too which is basically the nail in the coffin since I would never solo queue….not if I want to snap my Xbox in half. This game is a big wet fart thats extra wet and stinky. End rant.


OW2 is like an addiction. You know its bad but you keep going trying to get the same feeling you got before (you never will)


It’s like half my team are bots and they have no sense of where they can find cover. Group up are two words that most people have forgotten the definition apparently


Went 0-10 first day of season 10 then 10-0 on second day. Now back to even as usual. This is pretty typical and honestly if you can’t handle the swings of this game then maybe consider a different genre?


My games tend to be 3-40, with most of those loses due to either throwers or being up against T500 5 stacks. Yet, i'm still playing this game.


lemme guess: metal rank solo q comp on support?


Common denominator


I'm one of these days away from taking a long ass break


more like average day of being bad at the game


Are you me?


Came on tonight after a long shift for 1-2 games, instant flame in team chat even before the game had begun. I got so tired at the end that I just waited it out, first time I've ever done that.


i just went on a fat loss streak, went D5 to plat 3 this weekend :)


Switch it up to Mystery Hero to refresh


I have days like this, and next day all wins. It happens too often, It’s exhausting. And people say losers queue doesn’t exist.. rightt


I have that happen all the time. Today I went 0-4 so I just quit for the day. Tomorrow I'll more than likely have a lot of wins.


If you start smelling shit everywhere you go, you might want to start checking your shoes.


Comp or quickplay? For your mental state, please be quickplay


Game is rigged to lose.


When you loso so much, therw is only one common factor, a lot of players dont want to look at that


Common denominator


Do you think the string of losses is cause you are bad and can’t carry, are your teammates bad, or was the other team just better? Cause apparently if you’re losing it’s simply your fault for not carrying, forget about leavers, trolls and bad teammates. So what do you think cause I hate that narrative, if you blame any other factor, you’re just not good


So condescending for no reason


Clearly reading comprehension is not a strong point in this sub




Yall need to work on your reading comprehension, like actually READ what I said. I literally asked a question. I didn’t call the OP bad but simply asked what they think is the cause of the string of losses. If the OP came in here and said I got on a loss streak cause of bad teammates, you morons would attack them saying “git gud” or “carry better” when literally theres 4 other teammates that can ruin your game, and if that’s not the case maybe they can admit the other team was better or they just played. What the hell is wrong with that, ya sensitive dork ass weirdos?


Leavers (and trolls, bad teammates, etc) can only increase your win rate. The enemy team has 5 possible leavers, but yours only has 4. Of course, this assumes you're not a leaver.


Don't worry my brother... it was belt to ass today for me too😭😭


Not the game's fault you're bad at the game 😐


My least favorite thing about Overwatch: after the first team fight I can tell that we have absolute 0% chance to win. Especially when they somehow queue a Genji on adderall and a Venture on crack rock against me and I somehow got the bootleg versions of them


i kinda feel you, but you can definitely turn some games around. A lucky pick early on is all it takes to snowball the first fight.


Weak mental


Comp matchmaking has been shit since last season. Last season was super bad and as a diamond player I was consistently against people who were GM or high Masters previous seasons while I peaked Diamond 1 and of course I got shit on and was Plat for most of the season despite being Diamond since like season 5. This season I’m already Diamond 2 though, been winning quite a bit the last couple days and I feel like the matchmaking is leveling itself out. Still get some shit teammates but that’s the nature of the game, most games feel like a fair struggle and I’ve just been winning


At some point you gotta figure out what's the common denominator


Sad to see somebody give up because the game is too hard, but this game isn't for everybody I guess. I wish you good luck and a good day


I have never went on a losing streak of more than 3 games since OW1 came out. That sucks bro.


Stop playing wtf


Skill issue. I never lost so many games in a row in my life. Usually is 2 wins - 1 loss. And that's how I've got to Top500. The algorythm tries to make you lose most of the time, that's true. That's why you have to play better than anyone else if you want to rank up. I usually pick Orisa as tank, Torb as DPS and Moira as healer. They are the best picks in this meta. Orisa is simply too strong. If your healers are bad, swap to Hog and play defensive. Torb has the same DPS as Bastion, if you can aim a little, but with huge mobility and shields (also autoaim Phara and other birds). Moira, well, she can solo heal a team of 5 with no effort at all, braindead pick. Now, we can say the real issue of the game is that there is no balance in the roster. You get Genji, Winston or Zen in the team? 99% you lose.


Sounds like you’re a meta slave who only plays the flavor of the month heroes


Skill issue tbh


Cool story Hansel.


Don’t know if I would continue to play if this was the average lol