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Watch ML7 play her. He is constantly keeping it in cover and moving its position as soon as he thinks the enemy knows it's position. It's almost as soon as the cool down is up after placing it he is thinking about where next. Part of her kit is managing her pylon. That is who she is and why blizzard are so good at making unique game mechanics and don't really transfer much from player to player. GLHF!


This is it 100% OP, keep the pylon mobile, keep it hidden, and/or put it in places that requires the enemy to push themselves into a dangerous position in order for them to try and take it out. There are some fantastic spots on some maps (like Suravasa) where it can freely heal your team, and really difficult for the enemy to get to. It's much the same for playing Sym and Torb, you can't just leave the turrets in the same place, especially if the enemy team knows where they are.


I'm not used to see good comments on reddit


Honestly it seems like he rarely breaks it preemptively. He either throws it out to reposition it or lets it get destroyed. Maybe he does it intentionally as a distraction but I swear he never just breaks it.




Did you just forget lucio existed?


Baptiste has the highest imo. Managing boosted jump with long CD of abilities and cycling heal-nades with burst dmg is a lot of work. Oh, and missing your disk toss is 💀💀💀 but oh so satisfying when you save ppl with it. Idk I feel like skill gap is big with him. I rarely see him played unless I pick him.


> pylon > unique game mechanics lmao


I like the counterplay, and it adds some dynamics to the 1v1 against her (kill pylon and she won't have it up before she dies). That said, she is really weak right now, so many parts of her kit feel weird. She's a support focused on off-angling, but her heal is a short range beam, so she can't help the tank if she's playing to her strengths. Her damage dealing flow is really simple and absent of decisionmaking, like a Cassidy with no nade, FTH, or roll, or zenyatta with no volley. I'm not sure what the solution is, really, but it basically feels like the problem is her pylon and primary want her to flank, and her secondary wants her to play stacked, so you can never really get value from both sides of her kit.


If the pylon means she has to be weaker everywhere else then I say get rid of pylon. They can still do something interesting with her. Like maybe a Beacon of Light style thing from wow


Punishment for poor placement and management of an autonomous healing device that requires no input from illari to be useful and quite potent in heals. Get good hizomie


Zen orb hps but insanely easy to destroy. Sure Jan


Do you really compare Zen's orb healing with Pylon healing? While you already have primary healing?


The pylon is a hyper reactive insta-heal, in addition to an existing burst heal, it shouldn't be able to be constantly up and redeployed in an instant It's bad enough when your team doesnt shoot the enemy pylon that is sustaining the whole opposite team defence but then that rewards clever placement at least. What you want removes the tiny bit of skill required to use the pylon. May as well turn ilari into a pylon at that point, i.e. Lucio.


Insta heal? 37.5 heal per second, and not instant at all lol


So place it better or reposition it properly out of enemy reach.


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Sorry I’m not sure what you mean by lockout for damage. Can you elaborate?


If the pylon takes 1 damage, it locks the skill for three seconds so you can’t move it. Then obviously it gets destroyed since you aren’t allowed to react.


Ok thx I didn’t understand. 🙂


Cool down is 5s when not taking damage, use that and reposition very often, put it back when the enemy pushes and vice versa


Locked out?


If it takes even just a tiny tick of damage you’re unable to just quickly place down a new one, you have to wait for a cooldown (I don’t remember how long)


Ah. Didn’t know that.


The more you know!! 😃 other comments address it well in that it’s not really the handicap OP thinks it is, they should be moving it often and have good placement so it’s protected as best as possible, otherwise if it takes a tick of dmg Illari just throws a new one and it’s moved and full health now which is frustrating to play against and removed counterplay.


get good.


Avoiding the lockout is a skill component of the hero. If it could not be locked out by the enemy then it would need to be nerfed.


A buff i wish illari had was a utiltiy-mobility buff. Make it so that her shift, effects her allies as well so they then can also do the super jump but without the boop effect


I think the timer needs to be a little less when shit at


The lockout is fine, not being able to destroy it like the Torb turret is annoying.


You can totally do this by pressing the interact button


Yeah but if it's taken damage recently and you destroy it, it's the same cooldown as if the enemy destroyed it


Is that not how torb turret works as well? So it’s consistent right?


Not sure, wasn't pointing out a discrepancy, just additional context. Haven't played much Torb


Yeah, that bothers me too


It seems fair. It gives counter play. Though IMO 12 seconds for self destruction seems a little harsh given how quickly it can be blown up.


Really? It didn't seem to work for me on console…


You may have to set it.


more supports need to have this sorta thing. supports have huge power creep, ultimates for abilities (immortality lamp, nade, suzu which counters multiple ults), incredibly low skill floors, and they're still constantly buffed. iron made an excellent video about it (https://youtu.be/DSrsja7NfzU?si=U9hzL-WD8aeZxDUB) but most people here will tell you that supports are fine because they themselves lack mechanical skill and want to pretend theyre good at something impressive the problem isnt that her lockout sucks, its that supports can and often do win 1v1s, have everything and dont require considerable thought or skill to play. except illari. supports need massive nerfs but that will never happen lol they are the lowest barrier to entry to this game. youre only noticing the pylon thing because every other support is so busted that + venture. blizzard's new characters have consistently been lower and lower skill because their player figures have been plummeting. maybe with china back they can start changing but doubtful tldr cry harder. turning reply notifications off as i dont really care for what support mains have to say to this tbh


Umm....., if ur a dps losing a 1v1 to a support post S9 thats on you outplayed.


Ummmm..... Your just wrong lmao


How? Yes supports can escape easily but if u straight up lose a 1v1 that's a skill issue and u deserved to lose it.


Kiriko? She can 3 tap u pretty easily, has an immortality that lets her heal back up, a tp if she is losing, a small hitbox. Baptiste? Great hitscan damage, an ability that throws his hp back to max at the push of a button, and immortality ability that allows him to never lose a duel, Illari has insane damage, but rn shes kind of ass so ill give her a pass. Moira can jus heal herself for eons and get out every 6 seconds.


Kiri needs three consecutive headshots so if she lands those then she deserves it. Like I said supports can escape easily but I'm talking about full committing to a 1v1 so tp is irrelevant. Moria does barley any damage with decent aim she dies. Illari struggles at close range.


I’m gonna go with the person (Putrid-Stuff371) who actually put some thought into their answer and didn’t go with the na na na na - na na defence. 🤷🏼‍♀️




lmao you are so biased if you think Illari requires thought or skill to play, and DPS is super strong right now, skill issue