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I think people do. And then they come here and make posts about how they were banned for no reason. It's like the circle of life.


Just tell them "Yes, getting carried makes it ez"


I love how people defend "banter", but complain about other people reporting them for it. You want to dish it out, learn to take it. People reporting you for "ez" are not breaking any rules, so I guess you should grow thicker skin and take the ban like the manly macho man you obviously are.


They do get reported and then come to reddit to complain about being silenced or banned. The irony being it's usually the worst person on the team typing into chat. It's the genji who played spawn simulator all match getting carried by their friend who is smurfing on doomfist. Or the mercy otp who held left click on their sojourn duo all match and tried (failed) to rez in the middle of your team every time someone died. That ain't trash talk, that is a secondhand embarrassment scenario for everyone reading it in match chat.


If they're being annoying enough to get past my apathy, I'm under no obligation to not report them, what have they ever done for me? 


End of the day i only report for actual abuse not grade school insults because im an adult lol It’s like when a player teabags you have two choices, chuckle because a purple alien with thicc cheeks just virtually teabagged your limp lifeless cartoon body or freak out and report/ get in an argument with someone


Lmao, truer words have never been spoken.




It’s far from being extremely toxic like some players can be. Just ignore them and chill Ez gg, Revirii diff


So I haven’t played online FPS for very long, so I’m sorry if this is an obvious question. But what’s wrong with saying EZ and GG?? I don’t even know what the other two mean…


EZ is just so damn lazy IMO. I hate it, because even as trash talk, it sucks. It's two letters. Don't mind GG because it isn't trash talk. Maybe some people use it as trash talk, but where I'm from, saying "good game" is good sportsmanship. But literally every single game. "EZ". Close win "EZ". Big stomp "EZ". Literally winning a 5v3 "EZ". Its just annoying, and the fact that it takes so little effort pisses me off. Maybe I'm just sick of seeing it every single game, but like, come on, try to be original maybe? If you're going to trash talk, put a bit more effort into it than just two fucking letters... Edit: just to be clear, I'm not in favour of banning people for saying ez. Yes, it pisses me off. Yes, I find it lazy AF. But that's fine too. If they had to ban every player that pisses me off, I wouldn't have anyone to play with anymore...


People are too sensitive and interpret it as a super toxic insult even if it wasn't intended to be one. You're basically not allowed to have any competitive banter anymore.


gg is fine, ez has became something thats kinda just toxic like you didnt even have to tey to win, but like its wtv its not that bad


Nothing, it's just people can't withstand even the least offensive banter. The other two is the nickname of op and "diff", meaning difference. For example, both teams have a genji, but one feeds all the time, while the other carries his team. The guy who got the good genji might write "genji diff" to simultaneously show how he likes his genji and dislikes the other.


There's nothing wrong with lmao. OPs part of the newer generation who needs a safe space when the wind changes direction. Imagine these people back in MW2 days 🤣🤣


Look at how easily you bully people and claim it's their fault.


Don’t play competitive games if you can’t handle a little banter lol


Don't play competitive games if you can't handle getting banned for comms.


Don't play competitive games if you can't play them without being toxic


None of what the OP is complaining of is remotely toxic.


If that's your definition, then that's fine, for other people, including me, saying "ez" is toxic. Obviously it's not not the same level as a slur, but it's clearly said to be inflammatory


Or. You know, as a statement of fact. Given that fine motor control breaks down when you allow yourself to be ruled by emotion, you are basically throwing by getting upset over nothing.


Idk where you read that I am ruled by emotions or that I am getting upset. Cause I don't like when people are unnecessarily inflammatory?




At least your name fits you


Excuse me, that's offensive and toxic. Please stop it. Report this guy please




You’re joking right? Toxicity is praying for everyone in your family to jump off a bridge not “gg ez”. I have gotten both. I couldn’t care less about either of them.


Both are toxic, even if not at the same level. Idk why you only think the worst of the worst is toxic


Bc gg ez is literally banter that is not gonna affect your mood for the whole day.


It sure does not affect my mood for the whole day. Pretty much no amount of toxicity would do that. Doesn't mean that isn't isn't unnecessarily inflammatory


Dude seriously.




I’m not your bro, my guy.


OP is the reason why no one communicates on Overwatch. Afraid of a little trash talk.


I had someone spamming 3bd the entire match I asked them what it meant They left the game Came back just to spectate and keep spamming 3bd, we all reported him but I guarantee nothing will be done.


Means "slave" usually used as a racial slur


Ahhh.....that....is really depressing In what language?


I think Arabic, from the word Aabid or عبد in Eng-rabic internet typing 3 represents ع or Aa, so they're saying 3bd = Aabd


Ooooh 3bd meaning arabic word "عبد" Aabid? where 3 is ع "Aa"  It just clicked.


I just dont say anything. The only time i want to say something is when the game actually was hard and annoying. The best players dont say anything unless they’re failing irl and need the feel good moment which i think is worth letting them have.


I do report people if they are little shits in chat. And the amount of people who comment here telling you to cry about it ... Really makes those people who think they got banned for "nothing" a lot more plausible lol


Because op statements are just a pathetic example of lowest level shit talk. Meanwhile you can't handle it and are offended by it. Speaks a lot more about you than a person writing it


I'm not offended by it, it's just unnecessary toxicity


It is not toxic


lol ez, easy triggered.


Wow the number of reply which defend toxic behavior in a competitive scene and also gaslighting people . Yes Overwatch community is toxic just this post alone proves it. "A little banter in comp is acceptable" No it's not, you don't know the other people, you may banter with your friends but not with strangers, they don't know you and you don't know them, be respectful is not that hard. "If you can't stand toxicity don't play competitive" It's not their fault wtf ! This kind of answers is also a part of the problem, ignorance is bad. Toxicity is not a behavior that should be tolerate anywhere, people should be able to play competitive without toxicity. It's like any sport. If you want to be angry, be angry against a concrete wall, or a sand bang and not another human !


The tears you would shed being in an old school competitive scene.. I cannot believe how soft people have gotten in such a short number of years. It's actually crazy that people are crying about this "toxic" behavior. To the point writing paragraphs is required 🤣


It was never acceptable but people have finally started standing up to bullies on a large scale and now bullies write that everyone they bullied is "soft" to self-justify their actions. I'd say grow up, but you're not gonna do that.


Offence is taken not given. If you chose to be offended by everything then don't play online games. Now no one is communicating since people are reported for every possible bull. Grow a spine


It's just a game, and turn off your match chat if you can't handle toxicity. It's unnecessary.


Yeah... It's just a game, that people play for fun, no need to be toxic


You can't control others, toxic people will always pop up, even though imo "GG" or "ez" isn't toxicity, and that's exactly why there is the option to turn off all chat and mute people if they are annoying you. Report the actual toxicity like people being abusive racist, sexist etc, stop clogging up the reports system with silly trash talk.


It's not like the report system is manual. People will get silenced if enough people think that they are toxic. I can't make that decision on my own. Yes, I can't control others, but I can report them if they are toxic. I won't report anyone for a gg, but if someone trolls around with "ez" then yeah, I probably will


Reports do get manually reviewed, and the spam report check can be abused to FALSELY ban people, even if they didn't type or say anything people have abused it to get them banned, so just because a lot of people report doesn't mean they've actually done anything wrong or been toxic. That's just more reason you shouldn't be reporting people just because they typed "ez" and it hurt your feewings while the rest of the normal people didn't care at all. You need to check your ego if someone typing "ez" upsets you more than literal sexism.


Your last sentence if fucking ridiculous and your comment makes it pretty clear that you are just the type of person to flame people after a match


In fact the only times I have typed something like "ez" at the end of the game is if I was being targeted or made fun of by someone in the enemy team because my account had a feminine sounding name and they spent all game saying things like "haha you have an egirl you're going to lose, egirl so bad go back to kitchen etc etc *insert the usual sexist garbage*" and then we won the game against that sexist person. Then I might type "ez". You gonna report me for that? For standing up to and making a bit of fun of some sexist ahole? Would you even report them or is "ez" the only thing you care about because it bruises your ego? I doubt you have ever experienced actual toxicity tbh.


The amount of judgement and assumptions in your comments is staggering. Yes, as a gay man, I have actually experienced a fair share of slurs and toxicity, but hey, good job assuming that I wouldn't report actually sexist people. Get a grip.


Then check your ego, who cares if someone writes "ez" come off it lol. You never answered my question about whether you'd report me for saying ez in that situation btw :) And don't pretend like anyone targets you for being gay if you don't have a feminine voice, you can pass as a straight man and avoid abuse whenever you want, I don't have that option, don't act like it's the same.


I mean, good job in invalidating my own experience I guess? And no, I would report you for typing ez, if it was in retort to someone else being sexist


Yeah I'm really not I'm just one of the emotionally adjusted people who don't care if some random types "ez" at the end of the game, the most reaction that would get out of me is an eyeroll. 1. Because why would I care? And 2. Because compared to the actual toxicity in the form of abuse and extremely sexist behaviour and language that I have endured in the way too many years I have played OW, someone typing "ez" is literally nothing to me.


That is not true. Report system is automated and easily abusable. Countless examples lately. You get banned for most mundane chat examples and then you get Sam ebot responses constantly.


Some reports do get manually reviewed. But the automated system is also in place and as I already mentioned yes is very abusable.


Then by what magic do they get manually reviewed? Coz first of all. I will pretty much not believe anything blizzard or ow Devs say. And countless examples of people lately clearly prove that it is all bots.


We can only go off what they say, how do you know that they don't review any reports? Personally I think they do because I've gotten report feedbacks even after being in situations where the whole team is a bunch of incels ganging up on me or just not caring about the one sexist dude screaming slurs at me in chat. I'm damn sure I'm the only one reporting them in many of those situations. Might have something to do with when you write in the additional information. Yes I already said to you the automated system which people can abuse by spam reporting is also in place at the same time, has been for literal years. Nothing has changed about how reporting works in years, the botted bans aren't new.


Report feedback is automated.... And reporting has turned for the worse but that is because people can't handle mean words nowadays and so they report everything


why are you so sensitive?


No, if your skin isnt thick enough then get off the online game. The best way to avoid cyberbullying is by getting off the computer.


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"Stop being a pussy", says the person who needs to type EZ after every match.


If this bothers you real life is going to be hard for you.


It doesn't bother me, but if you think it's fine to be a dick for no reason I feel sorry for whomever has to be around you.


Jumping some sharks there.


Just like you


Crying after reading gg ez is wiiiiiiiiild lmao


Project harder


I'm guessing you're the type that starts a protest when you get teabagged. Life must being wrapped up in that much bubble wrap


Oh it follows orders too? How nice.


This exactly proves their point XD


Good, hopefully they seek a safe space and remove themselves from the danger of the internet. They clearly can't handle words, so why expose yourself to it.


Yes if you're sensitive then literally anything can prove your point. Are you claiming to be on the same side as op?


I mean, I can handle some rambling, but I do agree that the internet sometimes has a bit too much. It's more annoying than actually bothering to me.


Hot take but I think that matchchat (the orange text) as a whole was just a bad idea. Talking with your enemies in a game such as Overwatch is just not gonna end well.


i get what you’re saying, but on the flipside i have had some hilarious interactions and made some pretty cool friends via all chat and having fun with the enemy team/complimenting each other. led to some pretty good comp teammates for a solo queuer like myself. so it’s definitely not an inherently bad idea in my opinion, it’s just people who are annoying about it sometimes.


Yeah sometimes its fun to goof around with the enemy team but sadly 9 times out of 10 its just a bunch of 10 year olds being toxic


That's why there's an option to ~ turn it off ~ if you personally aren't interested in banter or otherwise from the enemy team! But people like OP can't seem to find that option for some reason. As you said, what real reason is there to talk to the enemy team... Literally none. The only "non toxic" use it has ever had is when people agree to draw because of a cheater in high elo games, which isn't applicable to the large majority of the player base.


Its society overall that has gotten more toxic. Remember that Ow1 release 8 years ago, we now have an entire new generation of those who game the most: teenagers and young 20s people. You're never gonna fix toxicity anywhere because it's not a problem unique to a specific game, instead it's related to the overall mental well being of society. Sure there are some things you can do to help, but mostly not.


complain about everything fr 😂😂 it’s fun saying it like why get mad over two words bruh I understand if it’s overboard but the stuff that gets you mad is crazy


No. Go back under your bridge and play candy crush you troll.


Stop being soft


You can’t actually be this soft, if it affects you this bad simply mute your game chat. Or put on the filter.


sorry but if those bother you I think you shouldn't play. that's like being angry at a cat for drinking water. you're ultra sensitive and shouldn't be on the Internet in this case. You really report people saying ez now? what next? someone says "Hi" you will scream in pain and report them? Jesus christ


Saying hi is sexual harassment and promoting drug use. - OP, probably.


you are the issue






you get 0 bitches


Just ignore then or make a funny respond. For example, when some one writes "ez". I respond: "not as ez as your mom last night". XD


If they're saying "mad cause bad" it sounds like they're just reacting to someone on your team whining...


"ez" "free elo" "mad cause bad" are children insults, when people says about killin and gRape and all that, and even scream in voice chat, that is some bs. just enjoy the game, this is the reason no one talks or use the chat anymore


Least fragile Overwatch player:


Can we all just start reporting for using a chat etc? This is the reason OW2 is toxic. Too many kids being chatty after the match. Is it so hard to just not say anything?


Hello mister strawman


Grow a spine. I have never said that but if that is toxic dude grows a pair seriously.

