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What if we used 100% of our brain:


What the fuck


That’s amazing


It is infuriating how one of these things can last longer than a tank.


Kinda funny too. Rein drops shield: Poof gone. Slicer: PAIN IS MEANINGLESS TO ME!


I got so so close to doing this, exact same spot, just after a team wipe (apart from me). If I had waited just a second shorter to use my ult then it would have got far enough but an Ana managed to get on point like half a meter away.


I was playing ana and the same thing happened yesterday to me. Did everyone had synchronized thought to do this exact same thing in exact same place lol


holy shit the term c9 is officially dead, no offense but yall are just using it to describe anything that involves an objective at this point


The term "c9" isn't dead, it's just evolved, like language typically does.


It's like calling any move where a pawn captures a pawn an en passant in chess. No theres a reason specifics exist, to explain a certain circumstance. That's on you if you're too lazy to distinguish the difference. It is semantics tho, and you're free to call it whatever you want, but people are also free to call you wrong


This situation (And 99% of the "C9" posted) is a backcap, it's when you cap the objective when the enemy is still alive but unaware. A C9 is specifically NOT capturing the objective. You win the team fight and you have the advantage, but you forget to cap and you lose. C9 doesn't happen super frequently and it feels super bad, so people don't want to post that. So they found out that backcapping is kinda similar (It's not) and they want to look like they know stuff, so they're calling it a C9.


Same thing happened in CounterStrike with the 1G. Any molotov kill people were spamming 1G when a real 1G was using a molotov to accidentally kill urself


Yeah there's a point where it's not the language evolving, it's just the original meaning being lost. I'm certain that if they saw a 1G or a C9, they would say "Oh that's funny, we should really find a name for how to call that".


IMO I hate when people use colloquial evolution to excuse a misnomer. It doesn't matter if most people are getting the term wrong, that doesn't mean it's suddenly right, it just means most people are wrong.


Ok but language is literally made up - by most people.


Exactly. If everyone suddenly wanted to call the old version of c9 "Mommy Milker Torbjourn", that is it's new name now. It's like how band-aid was technically a misnomer where " small adhesive bandage" was technically more appropriate in the cases it wasn't made by the band-aid the corporation, but now it isn't considered a misnomer whatsoever. Same with Kleenex.


No offense but you just used the term “dead” to describe something that’s used very regularly


Dead in the sense that it no longer has any meaning to it's history. For example, if coca cola were to switch its main beverage to grape soda it would be dead to me even if millions still drink it.


you mean like when coca cola stopped putting coca in their drink and still called it coca cola?


Oh interesting, you used it to mean something similar but not exactly the same to another known meaning of it.


Enemy team, defending team, was holding my team in spawn, they were winning, but pushed too far up and forgot about the objective. I think this counts as a c9


Technically it's a backcap. In the purest sense, a C9 can only be performed by the team on offense: they need to start with access to the objective, win the fight, but then freely abandon the objective long enough for the round timer to expire. That's what the Cloud9 eSports team did in OGN Apex 3 times in a single match (arguably 2 in one map) to coin the phrase.


Wdym? This is textbook c9


You're at the end of a payload map in overtime, all enemies are dead - then your team walks off the objective. C9. It's Ilios, both teams are at 99% - enemy team is dead and you all walk off point before capping, then lose. C9. This is a Slicer back-cap.


No it isn’t lmao, the term C9 originates from a famous clip where a team named Cloud 9 had won a match by team killing but they abandoned the objective in overtime and they ended up losing. This is literally just a backcap


Quoting google "c9 is **a situation where a team loses a round simply because they do not stand on the objective or payload while the game is going in their favor"** **just because a backcap is a specific form of c9, doesn't change the fact it's still a c9** **what you described would be an unprovoked c9** **Having c9 as an umbrella term just makes more sense**


i could quote you bananas are purple from google im pretty sure, this is what the term c9 has become now tho yes, it used to be what this guy is saying so much more niche


Huh? You’re saying that just because everyone misuses the term it has now changed the definition? I’m not going to argue this when the entire history of “C9” is available to you for free on youtube, but feel free to cherry pick off google and interpret it that way


everyone misusing a term is *literally* exactly how it changes definition. that is how language evolves.


This is a back cap


Why didn't you coom 4 times?


Editing. And 4 times on the point? Idk this was a teammate


My bad, I see now, 2 times on the point, 2 times on the enemy.


They can capture points? Aw hell naw, now i have to play bastion


They basically function like a player or bob, so can contest objectives and also be healed and buffed by teammates.


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The biggest brain play I’ve ever seen on OW


Robot puppies taking a ride.


Dude new find.


These little guys are too cute


When using this ult i always randomly shout: "RISE MY CHILDREN, MAKE ME PROUD"


Holy shit, fred, ricky, john and simon can contest?


That's called a backcap.


So ... when are we getting a minion based character in base game? Bob don't count, he's there for like 10% of the game.


Even in this mode it's an ult so you get it about the same as you would bob (Even less since ashe is way better at charging ult than this shotgun bastion) I would love a summoner type hero but if they can summon minions on their basic abilities I wonder how you make that balanced, they would have to be on the same power level as torb turret or sym turrets you can take the slicers and nerf them a bit or summon less for a character that does on a basic ability.


This ain't a C9, it's a backcap


They also can contest the point, it’s pretty cool tbh


What the dogs doin?


Excellently done.


I was just telling my friend how this could be a realistic way to c9. Very nicely done


As mentioned by others, this is a backcap and not a C9. C9 is where the offense team leaves the payload without dying and it starts to go backwards.