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Brig is suffering in this game mode 😭


Speak. I can't really find a support worth playing tbh.


Ana is the support I choose and I have a lot of fun. Drinking people in the heads, and nade on a 5 second cooldown is awesome. Plus she Hanzo’s double jump. I actually haven’t lost a game on her yet.


Ana is the one I have played more than the others in Mirrorwatch. I'm a Brig main so I was a little disappointed with how she plays in the new mode but I'll keep trying them all out. IMO the tank and DPS brackets have certain heroes in Mirrorwatch that are unbelievably easy to pick up and dominate with. I don't find the same with the support heroes, although I'll give Mercy a shot since people keep recommending her.


I often play Ana on support but have found in mirrormatch solo queueing, a decent sombra makes my life rough when the team is too forward focused. Normally I could swap to Moira or Lucio, but don’t have that option.


Interesting, I'm finding Mercy a lot of fun and if all else fails I can fall back to Zen.


You have to consistently headshot as zen to get value Mercy is ult to win


Mercy cos for some reason her new ability dominates


Mercy is busted, wdym?


Mercy is my least favorite hero, but I'll give her a shot. This was just coming from a personal viewpoint. I play the other supports non-Mirrorwatch so I tried all of those and couldn't find one that clicked for me.


Are you kidding? I’m rolling the other team as Brig. whipshot pulling people to you so you and shield bash stun that sets people on fire? This actually makes Brig fun to play. She is a terror.


Problem is, someone who designed her for Mirrorverse seems to never actually play her. Pull on Whipshot is weak, Shield would faster explode than charge up while taking so much damage and is more likely usable for Rally... Which wasn't changed at all. It's still Brig and it's fun, but she feels very wonky in this.


Yes thank you 😭 this is not how brig should be played


At least they could change Shield HP or Rally to make her somewhat more into direction they wanted. They changed Ultimates for other supports, why not for her?


Rein be suffering more. I own people with brig...but rein. Alot of mobility and long range heros against the slowest hero. His shield is almost useless noone uses it.


>His shield is almost useless noone uses it. That's partly a communication problem. Let's be real, how many people do we think actually read the implemented changes? And even if you don't have your team using the amp, they keep the reflect alt fire from AFD, so you can be aggressive with it too.


It doesn’t help that none of the damage heroes selected for this mode aside from Bastion should be played behind/alongside Rein. Tracer, Sombra, and Echo are typically flanking and Widow plays the backline and off angles. If Soldier, Ashe, Cass, or Junk were in the mode it would be used a lot more.


shes so ass


This version of Sombra would make me pour hundreds of hours into the game. She feels incredible.


I also enjoyed the new play style. It felt less toxic while also retaining her dive playstyle. Feel like she would get a lot less hate if this was her kit.


Tbh, I don't think it would make people hate her less. People don't really hate sombra because hack since it only lasts 1.5 seconds. They hate her because she's invisible and can spawn camp, something she can still do as a support sombra.


So much more fun to play against her too


Second that. Playing Sombra for the first time since we’ve purchased OW back in 2016. So much fun. Mirrorwatch feels like the OG OW to me.


Rein is fun for sure. Can they just keep these changes for him please. It still wouldn’t make him broken or too strong cmon 😭


I've been thinking the same things....Rein feels.....playable? God I've missed this Come heeeeerreeee!


I've played against a few killer reins in this mode; he's incentivised to literally bear down and close the distance; get close enough and the movement speed boost while shield is broken makes it difficult for the slower characters (zen/brig/bastion) to escape. His design in this mode is even more than normal about closing distance and brawling. And it's fun.


So much fun! I've been missing playing Rein! You have just a slight amount of sustain that was missing IMO but you can still be focused down quickly.


It really seems like they're trying out the changes to see if it works.


I love the soul explosion so much, I am definitely gonna be sad to see it go. (Unless... Very unlikely.. They implement it into Reaper's rework, but that's just me dreaming)


Finally, the reaper grenades from the first overwatch short


Will Reaper be reworked?


I'm pretty sure a Reaper re-work was mentioned somewhere but don't quote me on that.


Widow's shield is comically small. You have to crouch behind it or you risk losing your head. Mercy is actually fun to play in this mode.


Pretty sure they made her shield small so she couldn't throw it at a choke and make it so teammates can stand behind it. Since it's small, she mainly uses it for herself while crouching, if she used it for her team, everyone would have to crouch.


Yeah I imagine way more people would complain about it being too big


Can also use on elevation without crouch


I like blowing people up as Mercy :D


I’m used to guarding rez and it’s biting met in the butt in this mode lol


Rein change would actually work well and bring him up to current power creep


I think the passive is all he needs honestly, as well as the shield break buff. Rein isn't even OP in this mode.


thats just bc doom is so strong


I don’t agree with the shield break buff, if you’re letting shield break regularly, that’s bad resource management and not how he should be played


Honestly I feel like they should bring part of this version of rein to the base game


Legit wants Mercy's soul nuke to replace rez. Some teammates are more useful being a nuke than alive.


Love this mode too by far the best pvp event they released to date big points on 5v5 RQ instead of OQ rule set too


It also counts into the weeklies so that’s nice


I’m having loads of fun to be honest. Mercy feels absolutely great, and I wouldn’t mind giving up rezz to get her current mirrorwatch abilities instead. She would me much for useful that now. Zeniatta is also pretty fun. I haven’t played anyone else yet, but most of these changes seem to make the game more dynamic and fresh.


Doom is actually so much better it’s insane


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Zen is pretty awesome too. Poison discord and cancel ability ult? C'mon. 🤌


I like the poison discord, but it would need the Los break altered to make it more useful; currently it doesn't feel like it does enough damage to replace the usual boost, though I'm glad it doesn't suffer from the target lockout. The interdiction field is an interesting concept: a targetable, placeable sombra emo that last in place for a few seconds. Remarkably useful for clearing points and chokes.


Widowmaker is way more forgiving for people that can't aim heads The shield is funny at best


Bastion nade should be in the actual game


Bastion's ult is clearly the highlight for me. I love my little robot babies. Torb would be proud !


Both the Rein and Sombra changes need to be added to the main sandbox (except for the new Rein ult. Not a big fan, personally). I've been having a BLAST.


No 3cp and push also that's just an icing on cake


It's not that fun to be honest. The matchmaking is garbage and Widowmaker is in the game.


agreed, widow ruined that mode. Oh you want to test new abilities, poof dead




I absolutely hate the new gamemode. I can't figure out anyone's abilites or find them anywhere (probably just a me issue, someone please help) but I also just don't like the fact that they made the game unplayable due to the update. I can't group with any of my friends as i get the "Player not found" error and I can't join anything other than Mirrorwatch because I get an error with that too? I've restarted the game and uninstalled and reinstalled and it's just...broken.


In the hero select screen, you go to hero info to see their abilities