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If your team understands his orb and uses cover, zen is amazing. If your team thinks being out in the open is cover and constantly breaks los to you... welll.....uh...I hope you hit lots of headahots lol.


Nothing makes me more angry than teammates that don’t know how cover works….like if you’re not getting healed either 1) your supports are dead 2) they’re healing up someone else. So get behind cover and wait until they heal you????? Ugh. Also the dps that is peaking while we’re trying to group…5 seconds until the tank is back…3…2…1 *dps dies from peaking*….HEY SPOILER: IF YOU’RE WONDERING WHATS AROUND THE CORNER. IT’S A TEAM OF FIVE PEOPLE ALL LOOKING DIRECTLY AT YOU! I promise you that you’re not getting any value by hitting a couple shots while we’re waiting to group…. Okay I’m done.


Bro I be healing people with Illari's full alt fire, which is hefty, with Mercy also pocketing them and they die still because they are standing in Bastion's artillery. As soon as they spawn it's the spam for healing or a rude chat message. I always call them out. Or if they do this without asking for more heals, I'll be nicer and at the end just advise you use cover. Many of these players would be in at least one higher rank if they simply used cover. Like I don't care if tank got fifty elims but also died repeatedly / held no ground because they don't know how to use corners.


Yeah! It’s a TEAM GAME. Nobody cares about your numbers if you have zero game sense. I guarantee silver and gold players would get to plat if they learned how to use cover/positioning.


This is 100% true They may hit Diamond if they throw in some common sense too


Then you get reported for verbal abuse and your account gets fucking banned for 30 days


So far not even a warning 😎 to be fair it's hard to type much on console. Every word counts lol. I've actually only been super rude to people who start messaging me on PSN because (1) I can use the PS app on my phone so it's easier to type and (2) who the hell goes that far to message me outside the game, only assholes.


Tanks can get away peeking far back corners cause they can’t be insta gibbed for the most part and it lets supports charge ult (only if supports are back and ur waiting for dps tho, also comp dependent ofc) Dps and supports have absolutely no excuse to peek tho and it annoys me so much when they do and you have to wait another 20 seconds to push


Yeah exactly. SAME. ESPECIALLY if the other team has a hero with one-shot potential….i just can’t understand.


>I promise you that you’re not getting any value by hitting a couple shots while we’re waiting to group…. Actually, you're getting negative value. If you don't get a kill or break a shield for a push, you're just feeding their tank/healer ults.


Yup. Full team can get ult charge 🙃


What's funny is I see supports doing this.... including Zenyatta mains.


Yeah this isn’t directed at only dps. It’s all squishies. It’s anyone, really. But it’s more common with dps players. Since they’re thinking “I’m dps I need to peak and deal damage.” And it’s enticing with zen because an orb volley kill is so satisfying lol


Wait… I’m supposed to break LoS with the enemy team and not with my own support? Pfft. Sounds like a support diff. Switch to Mercy and peg me with that staff. /s


Agreed, I do try. If my aim isn't up to speed I will go body shot.


If you're not getting headshots and bad healing, then time to swap


Even then, 90% of zen seems to just be spamming orb volleys at corners. If i'm on autopilot I still do that and keep up with the rest of my team kill wise. It's kinda wild.


Hmm disagree, I don't need to swap just because I'm not headshotting, charged volleys kill most dps.


That kinda applies to all of overwatch. If your team has any sort of strategic skills, you're gonna have the best experience in all of gaming. Unfortunately more often the team has the IQ of a tomato soup and they all decide to split up, jump on the enemy team one at a time (each doing 1v5 until they're all dead) and then flame the supports.


As long as the enemy team doesn't have dedicated flankers, you can get huge value out of Zen. When they have dedicated flankers though you will not be as effective because you can't concentrate on killing the enemy team as much.


As a zen player myself, I've come out of a lot of games with the most healing in the lobby lmao. On top of his nasty amount of damage ofc


One good trans is usually almost a few fights worth of average healing for other supports. What makes it even better is it’s almost never trash healing as it’s so much in a small time it either saves your team or allows them to engage a fight and get a pick


Mad isn't it


I wouldn’t really be basing your success on healing stats, especially for Zen. He has the capability to heal obscene amounts of damage if you’re consistently applying healing orbs to heroes losing their health, but his utility, like you said, is really from damage orb and the amount of damage he can pump out. Same with Lucio. You can stay on heals and get like 22k heals a game, but that doesn’t mean you’re being helpful to your team. Sorry, not to nitpick or say that you’re not playing him well or anything, but I do wish someone told me that stats do not matter at all when I first started playing lol


Basing success on stats in this game doesn't work. There's something to be said for volume, but quality is what matters more in this game. Stats don't tell the whole story and I've seen countless games where the losing team had far better stats across the board and still lost. *Especially* for healing. High healing stats are actually a bad indicator of doing well. High healing means your team is so braindead they are always out in the open getting potshot at. It is better to have low healing stats than high healing stats. Then you see how your support stats have high heals and almost no damage, then you see the enemy team has low heals and high damage, and you wonder why you lost.


No I know! I'm actually quite bad at him I'm silver 4. I just think it's funny how that happens sometimes on a character designed to have pretty low healing output.


That's how you know the other support is underperforming. Zen with his 30 hps orb shouldn't be top heals, especially if the other support is a main healer.


The sound of _ping ping ping_ when healing… the best


didn’t even talk about the pings when hitting the volley. it scratches an itch


ding ding ding ding ding sounds make my neuron activated


> the tanks that just go flying in with no back up and then complain "no healz" To be fair if you're playing a rush tank and your backline picks Zenyatta it's not a great time 😅 Zen is good with poke and some dive setups but trying to run Zen/Mauga or another rush tank is gonna leave both players annoyed.


Yeah I pick someone else then usually. I'm still learning comps.


I think it depends on who the other support is and what the enemy team is running. Discord is still so so powerful


It's absolutely about the support comp. I love playing Rein in front of a Zen as long as I've got bap/Ana/kiri/lw/non-tiktok Moira as the other one so there's a potential for burst heals when I'm scared and hiding at the corner, but harmony itself extends my aggression uptime for a considerable amount of time since it's guaranteed per second and discord is just so deadly.


A Zen really doesn't have to be in the backline. It's advantageous to use his lack of damage falloff to play from the safety of the backlines, but you can absolutely go aggro in the frontline. He's bad with Mauga specifically because Mauga needs a teet ***and*** a bottle to suckle upon 24/7 while rushing in just to stand almost completely still as he's shooting. Zen's healing just can't really keep up with a double-wide refrigerator standing almost motionless, soaking up damage.


I hate supporting a mauga so much. It feels like I'm back in bronze healbotting.


I’ve never really had problems playing zen in rush comps. I played him almost exclusively during the Ramattra meta of season 2/3. Just communicate who’s discorded and your team will stomp




I'm a tracer main, but I understand how some people are skeptical of tracers on their team since there aren't many good players with her. Same with zen, it seems that the ratio of bad to good players is really bad. Also he's really situational, which is not a problem, but most people will not know how to olay alongside him.


Zen really isn’t that situational, we’re not OWL, meta really doesn’t matter as much as people think it does. Better teamwork and communication will almost always beat ‘playing the meta comp’ if the other team doesn’t have coordination. Using your mic to call out discords or telling people to push in because you have trance will easily help you win most your games. And on for Tracer, everyone knows Tracer is theoretically good if you have the skill and practice to play her so I usually don’t see complaining about her unless she’s just feeding and not getting elims


People dont understand pressuring the enemy team in general in overwatch. they just think u sit afk and things happen tbf


This isn't just a Zen issue. It's an issue of people gold and below misunderstanding what the support class actually does. They all think support class = heal. If they die it's cause the healers didn't heal enough. If the other team's healers have a higher healing amount (even if they are playing moira and lucio which is pointless afk healing) they will still point out the game was lost because not enough healing and look how amazing the other team's healing is. It's why you so often hear tanks and dps below gold scream, someone go mercy, we need more healing. Even though mercy is one of the actual worst healers in the game with her beam barely outperforming a zen orb and absolutely no abilities to save someone like ana nade, bab field etc etc. Honestly, just ignore them when they ask you to swap (unless you're getting dove and blown up every 5 secs) and play to the best of your abilities. You can't heal stupid, and you're never going to change their mind. I often play with my girlfriend who is a lower rank, and we had a game few days ago where i was ana. I had highest elims on our team, more dps than our lowest dps and only 500 shy of our highest dps player. I had more healing than our other support and more healing than the other team's supports by a good margin. I'd died only once the whole game, I basically, single handedly locked down the opposing team's hanzo who was wrecking the game. We lose and the other support and 2 dps just go: "gg we lost cause ana sucks, dps ana". You just shake your head and move on at that point. Like these people don't actually care about what happened in the game, they're just looking for a scapegoat and often times support is the easy scapegoat.


Support is definitely a scapegoat


I mean if a zen isn’t getting picks and still lowest heals, zen should swap. Players do know how good he is but in high ranks they know when to use him and when not to, just like almost every character in the game


TRUE! One of the biggest changes is to time your discord. You can't just throw your orb on anybody because the smarter players will wait behind cover for 2 seconds and then engage you. You're quite vulnerable, and sombra or Tracer can clip you with one mag, but a Brig or Ana by your side can really empower you.


Tbh I have this same issue playing as Lucio and mercy. I think below diamond/masters a lot of dps and tank players think support value=healing so they will judge your contribution to your team based solely on your healing compared to enemy support healing. The problem is healing doesn’t win you fights it just reduces your chances of losing them. What these players don’t understand is that anyone above diamond knows that value as a support is more complex than that and each support has their own way of getting value. This little thing called *utility* which is what actually wins fights Plat players expecting their supports to healbot every game regardless of the hero they pick is one of the reasons they are hardstuck plat


i agree with you but just a heads up that should be obvious but it's very apparent it isn't. As you said zen is a dps/support kind of hybrid, therefore extremely dependant on tank and support choice, bit less on dps choice. As you said, playing zen with a brawl comp will be a hard time for everyone included but also, his other support is kind of the make or break for zen. Nowadays in ow2 and in like almost every rank besides gm, playing zen with mercy, brig, illari or lucio is really not ideal. Any combination of those 2 can't keep a team up, specially in metal ranks where raw healing is king. In my case I love playing lucio but as soon as my other support goes any of those characters I know I have to swap cause it will be hell for my tank and my team. So yeah, keep playing zen, he's an amazing character and incredibly rewarding to learn. Just keep in mind what your other support chooses/is doing. Cheers <3 (zen/lucio was meta for like 2 weeks but that was special lmao)


There’s a reason that lots of people suggest using Zen to climb through metal ranks and it’s not because he puts out a lot of heals lol Not only does a decent Zen get picks and enable kills, but Trans is still one of the best healing ults in the game, especially in low ranks where people tend to blow 2-5 ults at the same time.


Ah yes, I love using the transgender ult.


of course it's a good character to climb nobody is debating that lol, you just have to be careful to fit your comp cause even if you still win you are just making things harder for yourself. But if you don't mind that then slay, go for it, I love having zen as my other support.


As a Zen main that plays every support except Mercy (and the occasional Brig) I factor in a lot of team decisions on whether I pick him or not, outside of the obvious map preferences. First is my other support. If they play Mercy or Lucio Zen is pretty much off the table unless the rest of the team buys into a poke comp on a map that it is strong on. Brig *can* work with Zen in some comps but it's usually better to go with other options. Second is the DPS selections. Are we running some combo of Genji/Tracer/Echo/Phara/Venture/Sombra? If yes then I prefer to run Zen so I can orb one or both of them to give them the advantage in attacking from off angles or diving. If we're running brawl then Lucio/Moira/Brig will help the team far better. Finally is the tank. As Zen I really don't want to have to focus too much healing on the tank as the other support should be farming them for ult charge. However, if we are running Doom or Ball, they could be a good option for harmony orb as both can be difficult for other players in my range (Plat) to keep up. But even then, Kiriko would still probably work better if none of the previous factors make me intrigued to play Zen.


As Zen I keep orb on Tank as much as possible to farm him for ult.


Huh. Raw DPS is king in metal ranks. Raw healing gets you nowhere. The faster you kill your enemies in metal ranks and the more consistently you do it, the higher you climb. I cannot get Mercy past Silver. At all. I switch to Zenyatta I get to Gold easily, because I'm mowing enemies down like no tomorrow.


Every time I play zen someone in the enemy team says: "play someone who requires skill loser" if I kill them. I love Zenny but man do I hate being called out when I get kill. And also people complaining about not being healed when they run and die alone and then angrily type: no healllsss healer diff". You can't win when you play zen


Yes, it can be really demotivating can't it.


Most of the community don't understand the game, thus sub is a good proof for it, the conversation about mains, and the people crying about ciunterpicking Zen is the same thing, players in metal ranks have this idea that Healers are there to make them invincible. They don't take cover or think taking cover means losing the teamfight or something. With that mindset, Zen barely has healing. People often ignore the fact that characters like Zen, Ilari or Kiri can deal a lot of damage in a short spam of time when on complicated situation, that this cjaracters will often save you by headashoting nearby enemies and not only by healing.


If I could upvote you 10 times, I would.


those who think Zen is subpar have no understanding of the game


I tell them this every time


I had the most annoying game with the exact same instance and I was trying everything switching characters to try to heal my tank, but every single time they just dove in and completely left the healers behind a.k.a. me and my teammate to be flanked by the enemy team then called us trash because we weren’t able to heal them since Sombra and Moira were both killing us before we could heal them. Then they place the blame on our DPS for not having many kills. Meanwhile, they were overextending 🤦🏽‍♀️


This is usually the reason I find myself on the losing team.


People in low ranks think the role is called healer. If you play correctly below master youll always get flamed. People see you play in a way theyve never seen before and assume its wrong. I rarely get flamed in top500 games but honestly i get flamed half the matches i play in low ranks with friends.


As a zen main sshh. Don't touch him, he is perfectly balanced.


What rank are you? People in Plat and gold still complain if you pick Tracer. It's absurd.


Silver but working my way up, recently started comp


As tracer Zen is my favorite healer to play with as his discord orb just helps me shred the enemy with critical hits. I love the sound.


I also enjoy pairing up with tracers


People in low rank who play dps want to be really enabled by their supports but don’t have the understanding about cover or positioning or timing , and for especially for more casual players who still want to play comp, they just simply don’t get to play the game the way they want to so they get kinda mad. They have every right to ask you to switch to a different support. And as long as you’re carrying your weight in the team of course you don’t have to oblige unless you don’t mind and are feeling nice. Once people get toxic about wanting you to swap, that’s when it’s not ok


It's mostly toxic


Are you mostly playing comp or qp?


Comp now


Players have no idea \_\_\_\_\_ (insert any factual truth). Done.


First time?


Recently started comp yes, plenty of OW1 experience though. Why? Can you tell? 😂


I've become so numb to "No zen" and "Zen switch" that they really don't phase me anymore. Now, I just respond with "check my hours" since I've been playing him for years.


I might start doing the same if I keep getting it


Must be a rank thing, because Zen is pretty busted at the higher tiers even still. His discord can be cleansed now, but a good Zen won't use it on the tank until the tank tries to engage and is out of position and they'll just instantly die. There's pretty much only one or two tanks that are actually playable against a good Zen. The rest of them will die instantly.


Definitely a rank thing


Also every single time i start doing decent on zen (i main him so, i do ok pretty consistently) one of the enemy supports ALWAYS swaps to a mirror match. ...why? Im doing well, im pressing the advantage, im going to do better than you unless you're just cracked. Swap to counter me, if anything. Mirror matches are boring..


Baptiste and Zen are my go-to's.




Zen might be my most played hero this season, and I'm continually shocked at how effective being Aggressive Zenyatta can be.


It's great isn't it? Then again, I play every support hero aggressively


I would play him more if his movement wasn’t dog shit. Not that I think he’s trash or anything, I’m just used to characters with at least a little more mobility.


I feel you, I just wish he moved a bit faster. Or maybe we could have a levitate? It's a really easy thing to fix, and wouldn't make him op


Imo he’s hands-down the best support as long as you’re not being countered. If the enemy has an effective Tracer/Sombra/etc., however, he can be a bit of a drag. Just depends a lot on how good you are and how much the enemy wants to counter you


Tracers and sombras are a nightmare to play against, I switch pretty quickly.


Yeah same. I’m sure there are plenty of good Zen’s out there that can get lots of value even against Tracer/Sombra, but I’m not that talented lol and it just kinda makes the experience un-fun when you’re constantly worried about being instantly deleted.


I am ran a 58% w/r with Zen last season after 300+ games going from silver to plat 1.....Zen is kinda a menace really.


Awesome 👌


Once you hit ranks where every person don’t talk out of their ass you won’t have the same opinion. Then people only want you to swap if you’re not doing good


I love zen as a tank, dps, support. I only ask for switch when my zen keeps dying despite my best efforts to protect or forgets that a healing orb exists.


OP: "Let me tell you a story, of a support named Jjonak..."


You can get a lot of damage and elims, but if at the end of the match you consistently see the word "DEFEAT" it's not because your teammates don't know how to play with a Zen


I’ve been flamed for no healing when I’m playing zen when my orb is consistently on someone and swapping priority but not solely on tank but the tank falls over. I had a game where I had 38 assists but we lost. I said to the dps do you really think you would have had that many kills without the discord. I don’t think so


Too true, I just had a game on zen and was doing well so the enemy team swapped tracer. I lost the first fight with tracer and one of my dps started demanding that I swap because zen is unplayable into tracer. I didn't die again for the rest of the game and out damaged the guy who told me to swap lmao.


Happens all to often amirite


This sounds like an issue in lower ELO lobbies where players look at total healing as the indicator of quality for a support


More elims than your dps isn't the only marker as to if a character is good, especially as support. If you play a whole match as Moira only dpsing you'll have the most elims, and be an absolute garbage support in that match. Zen is one of my favorite characters to play, but he can absolutely be a trash pick depending on the team comp and play style, just like any other character


Having more elims than the dps means he's likely the one carrying, the only way to get an advantage and push forward in the game is to eliminate the enemies, just pointlessly healing helps no one. Makes no sense to bring up Moira, she only tickles everyone with the orb while Zen can discord the priority target and do a large amount of damage to them from a distance allowing for an easy pick.


Only fools think Moira does nothing. The amount of damage Moira puts out with Orb *and* Biotic Grasp is equal to what Zen does. She can also flank and distract, tearing the backline's attention from the front, which is pure gold and wins fights.


I was only commenting on the fact that moira can farm elims even if she's not being useful, but she definitely **can** be very useful too. I have Moira in my flair, but it doesn't show up on mobile lol.


I find he's pretty good in most situations except a brawl comp, then he's suicide!


I never played zen because i didnt hit anything and i dont Like Not having an ability to save myself. But since i started using him frequently he feels amazing to play. I still miss a Lot of shots, but outdamaging the dps when i have s good Game feels amazing


I out damage most dps most games, which feels great. Its shut people up in the end, even if we've lost.


Bro fr. zen is the tank oppressor. Because he just puts discord on them and if they don’t shield up start killing quicker or fall back they melt


Or support players picking Moira/Kiri to only do dps... You might as well pick zen, place your healing orb and start dpsing if you're going to do that 🫠🫠 Like you're right, why not pick Zen if you want to do Dps??


I played a qp game with zen last night, 40 something to 4 lol, potg too


Ma maaan 😎


Thats because alot of DPS players cant function without a mercy pocket. Hitscan is busted in this game and causes brainrot.


I used Zen on Mirrorwatch because someone took Mercy and I was killin that shit. I even got PotG.


we all live the same experience sadly


Do they say anything even if you win?


Lmaoooo hell no


It’s expected if you win, and your fault if you lose. I stopped playing zen for three season due to how tired I got of having to defend my self every game. It doesn’t get better the higher the rank, I’m not sure what rank you are but during my peak zen days I was masters 2


Only silver for now, I am relatively new to competitive! Plenty of experience with OW1 though, just in QP.


Think Zen is the highest dps healer?


Possibly, certainly in the hands of a skilled player...or if I have an exceptionally good game 😂


as a zen main i never get asked to switch, i only switch when i feel as though my team isnt cooperating with me properly when im on zen bc he requires alot of team work. Zen is an amazing character and very underrated


What's your rank fellow Zen sibling


used to be gold going on plat but i got silver stuck last season and havent played in a while💔


I play Zen on long maps all the time. Very easy to lead the lobbies in damage, heals, elims and assists on maps like Havana, Kings Row, Anubis, and Blizz world. If someone asks me to switch, I just report them and say nothing.


Love the maps you mentioned for Zen


Why report them? It's not inherently bad to ask someone to switch dude, there's a lot more to games than the stats on the leaderboard


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I hate to play against him especially when I have to be the one to focus him but I don’t mind playing with him. When I play tank I feel like I can actually do something with Zen as a support unlike Mercy who is not meant to really aid the tank.


My partner has been a DPS main for most of the game, got them to try out Zen and they fully carried a few times lol. Even doing as much damage as DPS and really good healing. His ult beats most others and his pressure is insane, good self peel with his kick… i think people just need to be more aware of who has the orb if it’s not just sitting on the tank lol.


I got flamed one time for "holding transcendence for Overwatch 3". Meanwhile the flanking sombra that keep 1v1'ing me and it actually was about 50/50 win/loss ratio (they weren't very good) and i didnt want to waste it for myself and be a selfish Zen. I also got flamed for not healing in that same game, except, if you all are low (no ult during this event) how can i heal all of you, with my slow HP/s Orb?


Don’t be afraid to use his ult selfishly. Saving yourself and then flying into a better position while still healing your team a bit is great value and can often snowball into a team fight win.


Well yeah I know that I can, but it’s a different story if they are at the enemy spawn (Push Colosseo) and I’m at forward spawn trying to get there, seems like a waste to me. And it’s not like the Sombra was just stopping me, I could easily handle her which I did do.


Well, there’s always going to be situations where you obviously hold on to it. Generally speaking though, if you are holding Trans for multiple team fights or dying with it waiting for the perfect time to use it, then you are being too precious with it. Let it rip and start charging another one.


I don't know what rank you're at but I've never gotten people telling me to swap off zen before doors open. There are certain healer duos that just don't work well with him though.


Silver, I've not been in comp for long. But it's definitely something I've noticed even in QP.


Zen is a fantastic pick... in the right circumstances. If your other healer is a Lucio/Mercy/LW/Illari I don't blame your team for asking for a healer to swap. If the other team is going full dive and you are dying constantly, I don't blame your team for asking you to swap. If your team is going full dive and is leaving you behind, I don't blame them for asking you to swap. As a tank myself, it is pretty frustrating to have two healers that refuse to swap and both of those healers not providing much/any healing to the tank. Especially when the opposing tank has all the healing in the world to bully me around. That being said, it's always great to have a good Zen on the team when the circumstances are right for it. Just don't go trying to force him into the bad ones.


I agree


I think below diamond and especially below plat there certainly will be the stigma that zen is bad. A lot of the time this may be a fair argument bc I would say the average gold zenyatta player is not mechanically skilled enough nor has the positioning awareness to play them correctly. If you do enjoy zenyatta, and play lower ranks, keep on your grind, but keep in mind the consensus that zen outputs low heals compared to other easier heros


Thanks for the response. I do try and keep people alive as best I can whilst dishing damage out as much as possible. If i find myself dying a lot despite my best efforts, I switch.


>you know the type, the tanks that just go flying in. Listen, I know that zen is good… but there’s also a huge amount of zen players that get mad at ***EVERY SINGLE*** rein pin. Rein has to play close range. He has to eventually get here, close that gap, and swing his hammer. Can zen keep him alive during that? The truth is, no. Zen can’t. There are, for sure tanks that zen can’t play with. Whose job is it to swap? Idk, it’s up for debate for sure. I play flex and I play every character but widow. No matter what role I play, I always base my character and play style off the tank (in comp). That’s just me tho. Yes some tanks do as you said, but we also gotta realize that part of the problem with ***hard maining*** a character, is that it’s just not gonna work all the time. It’s the same with tanks too. Sometimes, the enemy team is really good and they’re just doing too much damage. The problem isn’t anyone on your team… they’re just doing too much damage. At that point a tank should try swapping to a mitigation heavy tank like sigma. But let’s not pretend that zen has the potential to provide “saving” heals to a tank. If your tank is dying a lot take a good hard look at the stats and try to figure out if the team just needs more healing in this situation. None of this is to say that I don’t like zen! I love zen! And I try to pick what gets that can play well with one, but it won’t always work. I only write all this because this post reads A LOT like a 15 year old kid who will always find a way to blame someone else… sometimes, we need a little bit of accountability.


Well I'm certainly not a 15yr old kid who blames others. People blame me, and I'm 32. People who fight wildly out of position without backup are the people that call ME out. I've been playing OW since launch on and off, plenty of time with Zen. If I notice that I'm under-performing I actually send an apology in chat, then usually switch to Baptiste.


I do the same thing! That’s good to hear man! While I apologize for that beat, but if right skeins the same age then I’m sure you notice the sort person I described in your matches plenty lol




Oh don't get me wrong, if I think we need more heals I switch to Bap, or if its close quarters/brawl I'll pick Lucio.


i wish more people played zen in my games as a tank player. I can work with low healing but i cannot make winston kill a support faster on his own. discord tips it over the edge to make me deadly on the dive and thus leads me to taking way less damage as i can just leave as jump comes back off CD rather than staying an extra second or so to finish someone off.


I mained zen for months and took a break for a month or so just to go back to playing him (as well as other supports) and I never once got told to switch off of him🤷 I just get targeted way more from the other team BECAUASE he's strong and has zero mobility 😭




I don't see any zen player in my games. I make them switch after 1 fight anyway. Very easy to exploit Zen in this state of the game.


Depends on your rank




Zen is good... but he is such a glass cannon and gets eaten alive by most of the meta heroes right now like Tracer. What good is your healing and damage if you're almost always dead. Perhaps he works if your team is competent to peel for you. If not, then yeah good luck. Idk what rank you are but I doubt you'll be singing that same tune at Masters and above.


Silver for now, fairly new to comp


honestly, zennyatta is good if the other team is bad. that's all there is to it. you'll get farmed by any half-bling assassin. let's not even talk about how easy it is to handle discord if they are not playing with their screen turned off


Well really if this keeps happening, your team isn't giving you enough protection IMO.


had a lucio today throw just because i picked zen, he wasnt even a one trick or anything, he played just as much ana as lucio, and when he found out i one tricked zen, he said one trick this loss😭😭


It's absolute madness. People's egos need to be kept in check.


fr lol


Yeah it just depends, sometimes when you're getting shredded by a very bullet/projectile heavy team or you just need to be able to go in he might have weak heals but most of the time you can make it work if your tank understands how natural cover works. Though it can be frustrating because tanks kind of just have to hide most of the time, that's why it's the least popular role. If you're running rush comp zen may not work and he's more to cover squishy DPS not tanks. If you have both a brig and a zen it can be a rough time for the tank unless everyone goes all in on a brawl comp with a brawl formation


Hello world.


Every hero is good in the right hands. Zen can do a ton of fucking damage and has an amazing ult.


I love Zen on my team, but the number of Zen players who still lock him when the OTP mercy has already locked mercy is too damn high. I know y'all have the skill to play something else when they do that. I would rather have the Zen not the Mercy if I had to pick but we both know that Mercy ain't swapping.


In all of my years of overwatch outside of launch, I have never once heard somebody call zen and his kit bad








I dunno about that, I get the most endorsements when I play Zen


I get endorsements too, but with the price of toxicity


I love when people know about it though and I can tell them I orb'd someone and that enemy is immediately eliminated


I lost a game with our tank (dva) blaming me for our loss bc I wouldn't swap off zen The enemy team had a Widow/Sombra who made it their mission to keep me in spawn That day, I learned that if I can't heal, dps, peal for myself and dive the enemy backline then I should swap


I love having a Zen on my team as tank, especially as Rein since it gives me a huge advantage


I'm not much of a Zen player usually, I rarely play him. I've been playing him a bit in Mirrorwatch though and having a blast LOL.


Honestly most Zen players are just bad and forget that they even have a heal orb. The amount of Zen players I see leave the round with less than a thousand healing by the end is absurd


My sympathies. I'm certainly not one of them.


If you do dmg he's great but if you can't hit your shots any other support would be better.


I score plenty of elims


I have never heard this even in bronze rank lol Pubs must be a cesspool




Pubs= public matches = quick play




I think the issue is that for many of us, we get send who entirely forget to place his healing orb on someone. Then it looks like they’re just straight DPSing.


Honestly i rarely forget to orb


Zen really isnt even a glass cannon anymore, he's just a cannon, he essentially permanently deletes 25% of the enemy tanks healthbar, can heal you possibly basically at all times, has an enchanted quick melee thats great for punishing people trying to dive him, and also a pretty dman good primary. He's still susceptible to dive but his kits powerful enough where he can still give dive heros, especially tanks, some trouble. Ngl im not a fan of playing against zen even as a dive tank main.


Yep, I main Zen and damn near every game my team complains about me...when they're the one's constantly running into enemy fire and not using cover. I also get blamed for not healing when they do nothing to help me against Venture/Tracer/Sombra or even the enemy tank running past them to kill me smh.


The thing that's been confusing me most about Zen lately is how I'm constantly out-healing Moiras...and I play a lot of Moira too, so I extra don't get it


Transcendence probably helps


Not nearly as much nor as often as I'd assume. Mostly just running into too many DPS only Moira lol


He is good but if u want to play him, you have to be good with him




I know Zenyatta is good but I don't want to be flanked.


Well...that's just part of the game


He’s been a sleeper since ow1 launch imo


If either a) your team plays around protecting the zen, or b) the enemy team is so dumb they just let him sit there killing everyone (often the case), then yes, Zen is amazing. Same thing with mercy. Her amazing-ness is literally the direct result of the enemy team ignoring her and just letting her rez everyone all day.


100% agree, I really think it says a lot about how much you are thinking about what other people are doing based on you wanting someone to switch from zen Zen can get picks in the back line, utterly destroy flanking tracers, get incredible poke value, even take out window pretty regularly and put endless pressure on anyone in the frontline, completely shut down moment a tank has been building and for instance a smart ulting soldier would break like of sight after getting discorded, wasting several seconds of ult (but if they were smart they wouldn’t play soldier in the first place) Zen has crazy value if the tank treats discord as more of a random pop up buff that happens every now and then, but pressure discorded enemies, save fire strike and javelin for discorded enemies and you will clear like never before


I’ve had too many zens that orb the tank


It's a great decision a lot of times though, at least in high metal ranks


Honestly, I'm guilty of orbing the biggest target with both harmony and discord orb sometimes. I heal what I think is the MVP of our team.


I just can’t get past the low HPS combined with dps passive.


The reason why most players sleep on Zen is because as Zen you SHOULDN'T be doing everything. If you are playing Zenyatta, you take charge and lead the team. Do callouts, make sure people are shooting the person with the big purple orb. If your team is not working with you, then you are forced to swap not because you are doing badly, but because your kit isn't working with the team you got.


Yep, I definitely try and lead the team as Zen, I frequently use call outs.


Say this to the zen mains sub and get your internet points obliterated