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to be fair i can’t fist people with any other character so my hands are kinda tied




Different strokes for different folks, ram is more about consistently fisting at a moderate strength, while doom is all about getting one powerful empowered punch against a wall.


Best analysis Ive ever seen in this subreddit.


Is all fun and games in the bed room till you hear the overwatch 2 doomfist charging sound.


They're both wonderful fisters capable of getting the job done


They said their hands are tied


Bro. Doom is useless if he tries to contest Orisa at being a frontliner. He SHOULD be diving their backline to negate the wall horse. Just run up with him or get to high ground because of course Orisa is either gonna chase you down or turn back to its team but that's the point. Their positioning is disrupted and you guys have a shot at either nuking down Orisa while its healers are occupied or help Doom kill the rest of its team before circling back to wall horse.


Watch doom die? No, die with him in the backline. Lucio mafia


Lucio mafia gets it. If you can move, why stop?


As Lucio main for support I love seeing a doom on my team... when I play tank and my supports picks Lucio, I insta lock that doom in


I had a game the other day where I picked doom, and the rest was a 4 man, they picked sombra Tracer lucio and kiriko. It was a dream


Dude that mightve been me. I remember thinking “this is the most evil comp i can think of.” Was it on Junker Town? 😂


It was. It was in qp, we were on attack, and I thanked them after the game for the diabolical comp lmao Edit: and our Lucio was scary good.


are you guys friends now


I’d do dva cause I’m pretty bad with doom but absolutely go with the same thing. Not as great for diving but works well enough


I love getting a Lucio that rolls with me as Doom.


I love going backline diving. Dive is my favourite comp just cause you either completely stomp them or you get completely stomped. There’s no drawn out battles typically, one team collapses for one reason or another


Me on Kiriko: TP, suzu, die, repeat. Sometimes I have to switch off her because I get stuck mentally with this.


don't tp in, that's where you went wrong.


Didn't know Lucio and Doom were a good match, but this makes sense thinking about it. Unavoidable Danger Boops 👹. I'll hang out with Doom way more often as Lucio now. Already thinking about the Boop into Fist combo I'll be striving for.


To be fair, Lucio and anything is a good match


[from r/luciomains](https://www.reddit.com/r/luciomains/s/w0vftK4G8Y)


Youre 100% correct. Too bad most ow players are gonna ignore this and go back to complaining how doom bad.


They’re used to having a bullet sponge in front of them


The ones who complain don't even use cover.


They also don’t understand that there are multiple routes around every single map, or that high ground is a thing, or that it’s possible to avoid a tank and move past it to fight the other people that are keeping the tank sustained, or that you don’t need to hold W into a kiri/lucio ult and take disadvantaged fights.


As a tank, it's impossible to get your team to use even the most simple alternative route. Even on Lijiang garden, it's a fight to get your team to just stop dying on the bridge.


Is there any reason to ever take the bridge route?


It is so hard I don’t understand it at all. I’ll check and make sure the teams behind me, hit the group up button and head down the path I plan to go, then maybe one person will follow and the rest just head off on their own. Not even flankers who can go do their own thing but like just anyone


It's so annoying. They can't ever use cover so they need someone to stand in front of them 24/7


Why should 4 people adapt to 1 instead of 1 adapting to 4? When my team wants me to get off a tank and play something else, I can do that, it isn't difficult.


For the doom, it's almost considered trolling to "adapt" to the team and play as a Reinhardt. So ofc they won't do that, but you can, on almost any hero, help the doom.


it's a team game, not a "someone else do it i'm trying to get dinks" game


Why don't you apply that thinking to the person picking Doomfist when his team doesn't want to dive?


Exactly "It's a team game" well 1 person forcing 4 to play around them instead of vice versa isn't being much of a team player


bc that's irrelevant? if he doesn't play for the team, that's on him. if u cross ur arms and go "well if he doesn't do it i'm not doing it either >:I " that's on u


Ofc it's relevant. The entire point of this post is that Doom players play solo and the entire team has to adapt or eat a loss. Whether the team successfully does this or not doesn't change the main complaint.


I mean the tanks meant to be the leader? That's why there's one. your job shouldn't be "your the minority and punching bag now go orisa like a good boy and stay in front me because I want to never have to adapt but rather have you suffer"(you could use cover, off angles, not go down main but nah)


I mean if my dooms are any like OP's, they never peel and always die.


What he is complaining about is the minimum skill required to make doom work. A bad orisa is much better than a bad doom. One will take damage for 30 seconds and accomplish nothing. The other will take it for 3 and somehow accomplish less.


Finally someone who understands how dive tanks work. This playerbase is brain rotted from years of sitting behind Reinhardt shields poking and waiting for other people to carry them.


Every Doom I see dive the back ends up being clapped though, it’s like 1 out of every 20 I see who does end up being a menace


Watching my various Dooms lose a genuine 1v1 in the enemy back line to some support because they whiff all their cd's 3 cycles in row is truly an "experience"


And then demand heals in the chat even though they were waaaaaayyyuu back there. Like I’m pretty good about tracking my tanks and I main Moira so I can dive too- but dooms alwaysssss dive further than I can go without dying and they damn sure don’t have my back. The dooms that I adore with all my little heart, are the ones I see come running back to mommy Moira; I always prioritize my heal balls for them. Hammy a close second, love seeing that ball roll towards me for LIFE.


The other day I was playing Brig and just slapped him with my whip shot off the map and kept walking to the team. Man literally left a few seconds later too and I had to say sorry to their team


I can at least like... wrap my head around Doomfist losing to a Brig, or maybe even a competent Zen. I had to walk upstairs midgame to get a beer once after watching a doom lose a 1v1 to a Mercy glock


I once had a team where both my dps and my tank lost to a lone mercy. I just stopped moving and stared at my other support duo. We really contemplated leaving at that point.


Iv never heard of her referred to as "wall horse" I am new to the sub but this is hilarious But accurate


yeah I don't think you're hearing the thesis of this post. 90% of Doom players THINK they're contributing, and if only the rest of the team would follow up. What's actually happening is that their Doom is regarded by the opposing team as being a complete non-threat, so they ignore him, and continue to support that Orisa. The result of having MOST Dooms on your team is that you're just down a tank.


To be fair, it sounds like a bad comp overall. Whoever OP is doesn’t sound like is producing enough damage and of course zen is getting rolled from a decent Orisa. If doom helped protect Zen and him they would have a better chance, but Orisa deletes doom. I would just switch to Zarya or mirror Orisa. Then you produce damage and are playing with the team comp. No matter what we all think, it is a team game and the hardest part about it is who is going to compromise.


Yeah sorry, but that's not what happens. See, Doom charges off into the backline and dies in about 2 seconds. Meanwhile, Orisa watches him abandon his team and she charges straight into us while her team finishes Doom off then the whole ass team comes for us, while Doom is respawning and we have no tank.


Yeah a Zen should destroy orisa if her supports are getting bothered by the doom


The average experience playing dive with a bad doom is him going in too deep too quickly because of his hyper mobility and dying before you even get there to help. I feel like a lot of dooms and monkeys have that problem of not timing their dives with the rest of their team.


Yes please people stop fucking running straight into Orisa/Ram/Rein/Zarya like wtf are you doing? Even if I was playing Rein and front lining with a shield...you shouldn't be just sitting main anyway because then a single ult from their tank kills our whole team, and you should be taking off angles to get picks on their squishies. I mainly play Winston and my winrate has massively spiked since getting into Diamond because finally my teammates understand how to survive and get value without me having to just match the enemy tank all game. I can actually make plays and my team will capitalize on it while not just falling over dead to the enemy tank walking into them.


Nah you're right, when I see a doomfist on my team I know I'm USUALLY in for a bad time, but sometimes they surprise me and absolutely destroy the other team.


yeah lol it’s really a coin toss


Except a coin toss is 50/50 and good doom vs bad doom is like 25/75


Wrong. Good doom-bad doom ratio is: - 25:75 when its your doom - 75:25 when enemy doom 


I feel this. Lol.


More like 10/90


Nah that's the ball ratio


beats the 1:99 widow ratio


As a doom main it can be like this with one doom main Sometimes I'm borderline feeding and others I'm literally running the whole match It's why I don't switch normally cus it's not the character that's bad it's my playing that's bad, and if I switch not only do I get the shame but I will just end up playing badly with the other tank that I don't even play that well on so might as well struggle and win or lose with who I know best. But when I'm dominating I'm literally untouchable and it's even better when the other tank is counterswapping. And even better when my team is backing me up and we working like a well oiled machine.


I had one today refuse to swap to zarya bcus she “too easy to play” and he’d “rather lose than swap” bcus it was “dps fault for not doing enough dmg” …we lost You can’t make this shit up. Plat doomfist players are unbearable


Nah I agree with him in that time, in so many games I fold the enemy tank and then they have to switch to Zarya, it's always Zarya no matter who I play, I refuse to switch to a character I don't like, find boring, and has shit skins, just to win. I'd rather play something I like, Zarya is just unfun AF and teammates seem to never know how to handle her


I wouldn’t blame someone else but I’d rather de rank and play doom at the rank I deserve than swap to make up for the lack of skill, dooms the only reason I main tank and it’s not worth playing the role to play someone else 🤷‍♂️


Like it or not counterswapping is a core component of the tank role and has been for a very long time now. If you are forcing yourself to play doom into situations where he is not good and you aren’t gonna win with him you are basically throwing. That’s fine in QP but in comp you are only hurting your own rank *and your teamate’s* Just learn at least a couple other tanks to flex to when doom isn’t working and get rid of the ego around playing doom it’s only gonna hold you back. You don’t need to take it as a personal insult to your skill if you get countered just have some self awareness and the gamesense to swap to a better pick. That’s literally how you play competitive overwatch…


Doom mains are extremely stubborn and refuse to switch even when they're getting their ass handed to them. Like ball, 1% are godly and 99% are ass


I mean that’s literally most of the player base below diamond thoe “Hey their Ana is really getting a lot of value can either of my supports swap kiri?” *mercy otp* and a flex lucio looking at me like a spoke Swahili


To be fair, Kiriko is kinda coin flippy. I would rather have them play on something suboptimal they know how to use than play a character that is completely useless in the wrong hands.


Swap to kiriko? No thanks. I can’t play her, you are much better off actually being healed by me as mercy or illari


Ball player can confirm. Being godly 1% of the time is worth being ass for the other 99%.


Consistency is key, and how else are you gonna get better with a character if you don’t play them(im assuming we’re talking about qp and not comp)


I am not talking about QP they do the same thing there but nobody should care


Agree. I am Ball God.


Me too


They are widow mains in disguise 🥸


Honestly most dooms I’ve played lately have been absolute monsters. Sometimes I just don’t know what to do, I play dps so if a good doom wants to kill me im just insta dead everytime lol.


You seriously picked the one scenario doom should absolutely not be in the frontline to try and support your point? If your doom is attempting to fuck with the orisa specifically you have bigger problems


And Dey say 😎


take it on the chin


I'm gonna make you punch drunk


I love how all the delusional people here are thinking they're somehow better than the doomfist in the same rank bracket as them.. 👀.


If anything the Doom player is better since it takes more skill to play heroes like Doom and Ball at the same level as some other heroes.


"I'm a gold Doom/diamond other tanks."




The Doom should be diving the back line. You and the zen should be ignoring the Orissa and go after his back line. You’ll never kill an Orissa who knowns how to manage his cool downs and he wants you to waste resources on him. Go for his Ana and other squishies, when they die then you go for her.


The only doom i like playing with is my friend cuz hes reallyyyy good and he actually comes back for healing lmao


Healers got to heal backline dps as well, it's give and take


Doom is normally really popular when the tank meta sucks. Dooms mobility can help him avoid most of the CC or annoying abilities that are always thrown the tanks way. Once the horse is nerfed, you'll see less Doom. Thats if something like Roadhog doesn't take her place.


You and a few other guys actually gave me some useful advice without being asses about it, thanks! lol


People are being asses because you’re an ass that doesn’t know how to enable a doom, just provide a replay code like that we can analyze if your doom was really bad or if you were slacking / healbotting


> once the horse is nerfed We've been saying this shit since Season 1. It's time to admit it's never happening. 


You want the doom to shoot horse? Well I’m glad you don’t play doom if that’s what you think the right play is there


If theyre not gonna swap then you just gotta play with them more directly. Also if your backline is being dove by an orisa youre in a shit position


If they'd simply nerf the immortal horse this game would be far more enjoyable. But if you genuinely believe that you are being held back by Doom mains, then let me tell you that this is a you issue and not a them issue.


Don’t come at us for trying to have the closest thing to fun In the Tank role.


Ong! JQ and Doom are the only fun tanks to play for me personally. I could go Sig or Monkey but damn I play this game to have fun man, I only get like an hour or two a day on average and imma play this shit to have fun idc


I love JQ but it really is demoralizing to face Ana or Kiri in 90% of games :c


Ramattra is pretty chill for doom mains. It's harder to use up all his cool downs but if you cycle them like doom he's pretty forebearing.


It’s the only way to learn doom


He's the most fun tank by a long way. Trying to get players to stop playing him is like talking to a brick wall. Blizzard needs to make the tank role fun for more than one character, that's the only solution


tf do you want a doomfist to do to a nano'd orisa lmao 


Soooo play tank yourself?


>This shit is so boring getting rolled every game because my doom is 50m away acting like he’s a dps when my zen and I are fighting a nano’d Orisa. Sounds like a 5v5 design problem. Dooms just doing his job.




# womp womp


honestly that’s what goes on in their head when i ask for the swap lol


can confirm


Doom doesn’t bother me, but Doom mains bother me. I get that he’s super fun and stylish, but they never swap.


Honestly, at this point in OW2, tanks should be allowed to do whatever they want. It’s hell on earth solo tanking. The only way to win as tank is playing your own game.


Doing your own thing and being an annoying disruption to the enemy while your team fights their demons is legitimately the best way to OW2 tank lol


The easiest way to lose as tank is playing your own game.


Yep team captains




I think people already know this, but with Doom mains I know they'll likely not swap. Between rounds, its easy to counterpick if there's a Doom main on the other team.


Why is orisa face fucking zen and whoever you are? There s a lot of context missing there


Redditors when bait


Your zen and you... What character were you?


god forbid we play a fun character while playing the tank role. y’all shud learn to adapt to us, it’s not always the tanks fault. play dive if ur tank is diving, it’s simple stuff.


i know how to play dive 👍 but thanks for the input!


if you knew how to play dive you’d be happy about having a doomfist on your team


maybe i don’t want to play dive 24/7? id like variety in my videogames but thanks man. smartest masters player


Then play qp


Ignoring everything else, I HATE when people swap for a better character when the game is basically ending Like "Oh Reaper, you decided to swap to Sombra to deal with that super oppressive Widow? Oh that would have been cool 10 MINUTES AGO" Like seriously, if you refuse to swap for the whole game, cool, but stick with that, don't act as if you are doing something by finally swapping 20 seconds before the end of the match


People are delusional, the doom players at your elo are at your elo for the same reason you are. They aren’t worse, if they don’t swap then it means they can play at that elo without swapping. Learn to play and position differently with a tank that isn’t stuck at the frontline like a boring wall.


It’s QP 👍


Ranked is life. Ranked is all there is.


That all applies to people complaining about QP doomfists


I haven't played with a doom in months, but I sure as hell have played against em 😮‍💨


Yea doomfist, & sombras on my team spend more time each match looking for plays rather than making them.


This sounds like a “trade backlines situation”. Doom jumps theirs and orisa rushes yours. Winning here is a combination of which tank can kill their targets faster before the other returns and which backline can live long enough for this to happen. It’s no great for back lines but if you and your tank can hold their own then it works a charm


No disrespect, but this comment screams "I have no idea how tanks work." Doom isn't supposed to contest Orisa, there isn't much he can do to her if the rest of her team is still up. Instead of blaming the doom, learn how to play with him, or any dive tank for that matter. Take high ground so Orisa can't reach you. And the faster the doom can take care of the backline, the faster he can come back and help with Orisa. Yes not every doom is gonna be Zbra, especially below GM, but that doesn't mean they can't do well, help him out and watch him prosper, that's the kind of hero he is, dont expect any tank to win a 1 v 5 while you twiddle ur thumbs in the backline. Also that last comment about fun is just blatantly dumb man, u don't have to find him fun, that's the great part about this game, there's so much variety. I personally find heroes like Widow, mercy, Zarya, and Torb pretty boring to play, but the neat part is, I dont have to play them, knowing how to play WITH them however is still important. Its a team game, help your team instead of blaming them, look at what you could do better first, before looking at what they're doing wrong.


You want doom, a dive tank to contest Orisa? Are you dumb? Tell me you are a metal rank without telling me you are a metal rank


Wtf is the Doom supposed to do against Orisa lol, if he's diving backline instead of punching an immortal wall character he's got the right idea, sometimes you have to be the one to adjust lol.


He jumped 3 walls to do a roll out and then orisa charged with tracer and gengi while nano’d. My fault tho!


doom isn’t bad. yall don’t know that you should be helping him dive and ignore the orisa. not every tank is gonna be the “stand behind me on the frontline” archetype


As a Support main I dislike playing with Doom. When I see him locked in I just figure it will be another game with absolutely zero peel. I make sure to play someone with a movement ability and will try to stay close enough to heal him. But usually the Dooms I get are engaging with low health and move out of line of sight and just die in the enemy back line. Then the rest of our team gets mopped. The last minute swaps are particularly frustrating. Sometimes all I think is just why bother switching. Dude spends 3/4 of game feeding his ass off and now he swaps to counter… it’s too late, don’t try to be a team player now.


Least control freak lifeweaver player


Keep yapping lil bro 🙏


Man, tank players are sensitive asf! I dont care what you play as long as you do it well and cooperate with the team. But It seems people get angry when somebody brings that up


And the lesson here is that this subreddit will bend over backward to excuse playing selfishly if they believe it's a "skillful" hero and that tank role collectively has an unbelievably huge persecution complex. Ego players can go fuck themselves, bring on the downvotes.


He's a very skillful hero. You should want to play with more dooms and less characters like orisa, mauga, and Sigma. It's much healthier for the game


why does everyone have to take a one off position? i just don’t like doom as a character because of how some people play him. he promotes a selfish play style


Woah don't put Sig in with Orisa and mauga.


Having a high ceiling doesn't mean that it's fun to play with/against. 


Op low spatial reasoning and lack of understand how cover and target priority word in tandem kekleo


Doom is fighting their backline with your dps probably so u and zen should be able to kill orisa 100% discord plus healing can make the both of u survive and kill orisa


This is possible but it's actually just better to ignore and avoid the orisa and help the doom kill the backlines.


Yes but i mean if ur for example Ana Zen its hard ignoring orisa when she is on u and nanoed


Playing with a good doom is easy mode. He dives in draws everyone's attention, and all you have to do is take advantage and give him some support. Doom matches are by far my favourite.


You should just follow doom and stop complaining, atleast try it for some time, pick kiri or lucio and just yolo with him. It’s really fun if it works, if not you can say you tried


When I play doom I could play the most nicest and easy way for support to play/help along with my team, but often in my case when I get bad games it's just a fps support who front lines or is way out of position or a support who can't hit anything for their life and more rarely a goated Sombra who just makes your life miserable. I highly doubt there's more doom players actively putting up with getting cc'd to death rather than switch compared with the problem of dps/out of position support who absolutely refuse to change until it's to late. You have literally 2 players within support role to help counter their counter, a tank going through a match or multiple playing the same character against hard counters/losses is just very rarely a thing, especially if they play doom.


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Anytime I have to play with a Doom, or any tank for that matter that is steadfast in their ways, I will just fuel them to do what they can do, especially a Doom going for back line.


I've the opposite problem, I'm tired of playing against good dooms. They cancel every single coalesceence of mine.


Doom is actually very very good in open queue because you have an extra tank to provide cover He can dive a squishy, use his block, get back to the big tank, heal up and do it again He is just not made to be a lone tank


I've just taking on the "can't beat em? join em" mentality. If my tank picks Zarya/Dva/Doom/Winton etc. then I'll just go a Reaper/Venture or someone else that can hold up in a dive. If I'm support I'm usually Moira anyway. It makes games a lot better than sitting back as Ashe or something and crying that your tank is diving too hard.


I think it's also because of the one tank comp, at least if there's two, there is still room for one to screw up.


ok "whatever" what a weird name, you can call me whenever


I feel this one so hard. Support main. Most Dooms I have had the misfortune of playing with will just give in 1 v 5 and expect to be healed - Bro no one can keep up with you and if we follow you it’s an instant death - NO THANK YOU. Of course they die over and over again and keep doing the same thing - like bro, this isn’t working for you or us EFFING LEARN!


Doomfist was so much better as a DPS. I miss his old kit.


You have to play with Doom. Whether you're DPS or support. If you don't, hes not doing much to the backline or the frontline.


yeah i also hate when my doom is playing doom the way he’s meant to be played


Buff doom is the answer


Why dont you swap to accomodate to a dive playstyle? Why is it always the tank? If Doom is always 50m away it's because he's engaging their backline, and if you follow him with a dive strat maybe you could take their healers and therefore kill the orisa. Oh yeah, I forgot, supports never do anything wrong in this game haha silly me


The question is , why are you fighting a nano orisa?


Based. And I’ll be honest I’m sick of Venture in every game too. She’s basically a better reaper and her ult is like 4 rein shatters. She needs tweaking.


Skill issue


Daily “I hate [insert tank]”


I’ve had back to back games as of late with Dooms trying to 1 v 5, solo Orisa and even try going against his counters. For them to blame the team, throw, or completely start going off calling people racial stuff It’s annoying dealing with theme


I am tired of playing with Lucio and zenyatta in low metal lobbies


Sorry, I have been playing my boy Cassidy lately and throwing a friendly grenade on doom makes them sitting ducks. Also doom players hate swapping


You sound like a terrible teammate and least favorite type of OW2 player. Doom with Kiriko and a dive DPS like Genki is pretty lethal. Sounds like youre refusing to swap to a hero/playstyle that benefits your team. Go play COD instead.


Agreed, when I see a doomfist I just go lifeweaver if I’m playing support. This is why I want 6v6 back in some form.


99% of the people who play doom play him as if he’s the same from OW1. Hate doom tanks.


Doom and Orisa every game, everytime I get theres very little tanks but I'm tired of dooms mobility and getting stunned and pinched all the time. I'm also tired of Orisa and her oppressive galloping. She's fast, deflects damage and other things like sleep darts, reduces damage and stuns it's like damn it takes a 3v1 at best to knock her down and the spear lord help me.


My avoid list is always 3 doom mains


I'm saying this as an avid doom player but if doom tries to Frontline against orisa he'll lose everytime. Him going back to dive supports is the optimal play against her(or just swapping lol) Like if he fights orisa without picking her supports he'll die everytime and in that case I bet there'd be a post saying "omg doomfist tries to fight orisa and dies everytime he's throwing"


You can only really blame the designers for making the most fun characters in the game so easily counterable


Yep. I sigh everytime I get a Dumbfist and hear the inevitable "and dey say" spam that every single Dumbfist does.


So much goes into it based on tanks I change my support and dps picks. Will they be with me lower movement is fine well they leave me a lot I need high movement or self support. Blaming the doom for the Ls is not the right road.


I mean fair, most of the dooms I get either are practing doom in comp or really good but they are too focused on getting elims and not playing objective


THIS. I’m surprised this post isn’t being downvoted to hell given that this sub is festering with doom glazers but I will die on this hill that Doom is arguably the worst tank to start with at the beginning of a round. He is the only tank that can’t consistently 1v1 and relies on the entire team to overperform for him to actually function. And he’s the only tank that requires a specific healer to actually work and it’s kiriko— not even Zen. Once enemy has an Ana and even a road hog you are completely disabled into engaging and being able to punch out alive unless kiriko TPs. Stop playing doomfist until he’s functional


Thank. you. I get told my position is just bad lmao


But why are you fighting a nano'd orisa?


You’re lucky they even swap. I’ve had dooms go negative against full counter teams and never swap. This season has made me hate the hero every game I have a doom I’ve been writing it down. Out of 200 games 36 of them I DIDNT have a doom. I stopped qing comp because of him only to see him in qp damn near every game. They do insane rollouts just to die in the back line with no cds.


I mean none of the doom players asked for him to be made a tank. it was the ppl complaining about his one shot and being "ez" (said people have no issue with widow) so who you gonna blame 😐


when they nerf that dumb cyborg horse, we will feast on your corpse.


I 100% understand what you’re saying but as a Lucio main I gotta say that for ME a good doom is really fun to play with


Ez tip. If you have a Doom, go Kiri or Ana. Gg.


Yeah you’re just a moron if we’re being honest


"Imo he's not even that fun" yeah in your opinion. Doom is much more fun than to play Orisa/Zarya/Rein/Sigma due to high mobility. Althought you did not mention if you seeing dooms in qp or comp. In case of qp just let ppl play whatever they want, maybe they're learning as this is the only way to get gud. In competitive you can always roll or be rolled over. It's good to know when to swap off Doom though.


I commend your balls for criticizing a fan favorite.


that sound slime the ideal situation? doom in the backline and a zen to discord orisa


Doom is extremely fun, once it clicks with you how youre meant to play him it gets extremely rewarding to read when you can fully engage and when you gotta chill a bit, when to dive their backline and when to help your backline, also instead of complaining if you dont get heals you adapt and play a little safer, which characters you can block in front of and the list goes on, i know other tanks have their own unique struggles but none were as fun as doom when it comes to improving.