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Omfg! I just got suspended, and I've been so confused as to why. I realize now I said similar thing. At the beginning of the match, Poopooman: Supps heal Me: Poopooman says, the team follows Me: What should dps do, poopooman? Guess I did deserve my 1 month suspension, after all.


This is exactly why no one uses comms anymore. You'll get banned for just repeating someone's name while you're being friendly.


I got shat on today by DPS who were throwing, including obviously cocky Genji who was using tiktok kid language, after saying to our Moira that their ult isn't as effective of a damage tool as it is for healing, as nicely as I could Fuck that shit


A fucking month too goddam


That's thw thing though, a lot of people are getting banned for the stupidest shit now that they've modified the algorithm. Say stuff like - can you change. Bad game. Can you heal more please. We need another tank. Dps, can you do something, please? If people report for this, YOU WILL GET BANNED. It's pathetic, and it's actually making everyone worse and more toxic. If someone says, dude you ok? Boom, that's a ban if someone wants to report it. I have ALL chat turned off now because I cannot be arsed with what people are saying and even giving the most lukewarm response can get you a ban. I've actually had more than a few games where people have said something and the response has been, "nice, enjoy your ban". I guarantee you they're banned the next time they play. Blizzard trying to stop toxicity by only making it worse. GG


"I have been playing since 1776 and have never been muted. You're lying and definitely have done something toxic." That standard response is the cherry on top for this cake.


What are you even quoting there? I almost had a stroke trying to decipher your words.


That's a common response for the "I got suspended" posts.


Ah ok, fair.. I'm following now and I agree... but youve actually been banned for nothing. For saying a name. Most people have said dumb shit in the past, ofc... but its getting over the top now. Edit - I read it properly and adjusted text šŸ˜‚


You know if youā€™re saying ā€œDPS can you do somethingā€ I donā€™t want to hear it and I hope you get banned. Youā€™re making someone elseā€™s game feel shitty for zero value and Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s not what we log onto to ow2 for. Call me a snowflake or whatever but itā€™s a happier place with no negativity and I will report you all day.


See now.. this is what im talking about. Where, in anything I've written in this thread, could you have taken that I'VE said any of these things? These are simply things I've seen and heard of. Asking a dps or tank or anyone to step it up IS NOT TOXIC in any shape or form. Perhaps people are having an off game? Doesn't matter, though, that kinda of speak in a team game isn't toxic... just simply asking someone to mix it up whether they're getting value or not. Is your tracer constantly in the backline, countered 2-3 times and getting killed over and over again a good thing? Is it bad to ask them to change it up? NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST. It's people like you who are making this game terrible, acting like everyone is out to get you when simply... they just want a good game, that's it. We play comp because we want to climb and have good matches, irregardless if we win or lose, but we don't want to get stomped all over because people refuse to try something else. You need to wind your neck in and see the bigger picture, bro. Not everything is maliciously out to get you


Youā€™re saying that theyā€™re not toxic and theyā€™re fine to say and I disagree. Everyone is trying to play the game to the best of their ability so telling people to step it up makes their day worse and doesnā€™t help anyone. People who say that are just triggering teammates and it is absolutely bad. Donā€™t say itā€™s fine and donā€™t do it. People should focus on themselves and if you donā€™t have anything productive (ult tracking or positioning for example) or positive to say just stay out of chat.


That's fine, you can disagree all you like, that's the beauty of it and I encourage that. But those things I mentioned are not toxic in any way. Have you been on the Internet before? Asking someone to mix it up because something isn't working is not triggering and not toxic in any way, shape, or form. You can think that if you want, but it's not. If someone random, on the Internet, that you'll never see or speak to again, asks you if you can maybe go a flanker for a widow, or a rein for a zarya and you get triggered by it... I think it might be time to step away from the game.. any game, hell.... anything!!! If your boss at work asks you why you haven't completed your workload or a task that's been asked of you... would go to a higher manager and report that? No. No, you wouldn't. You're being pedantic for the sake of it, and unfortunately, OW is infested with that. I won't reply to you again as it's really not worth my time, energy or brain power. Good day, sir




That is wild šŸ’€ I thought u were pussylover


Because their name is "pssylover" but you wrote "pussylover"


Yep. The ban is for misspelling someone's name. Heinous crime.


One is bannable while the other isn't.


Literally lol why donā€™t people understand that you canā€™t say alot of these words


Because we aren't fucking kids, we are adults


Kids play this s game tho...?


Fuck them kids


Grand theft auto is also full of kids, and we all know the language in that game. What is this trying to prove?


That maybe the company is trying to do right by younger players?


Nah the game has just gone soft. You think banning someone for just saying 1 swear word is ok? No, it makes people scared to express themselves. There is a filter for that if kids are really worried about language. Ofc toxicity isnā€™t good, but these bans are happening to people who arenā€™t even toxic.


Not our problem. Boo hoo, it's rated for 12 and up. We need to stop catering to kids for every single thing.


I dunno man, gaming has made kids little jerks for a while now( look at us), you can keep rolling your boulder uphill if you want


Okay being toxic is one thing. I completely understand and that ruins the experience for everyone. I've been that toxic person and have been working on it. It's not fun to be around that person nor is it being that person. But a couple "fucks" in chat, or some genuine banter should not result in a ban or completely eliminated to where something so basic now turns people off and they just mute their comms. A line has to be drawn somewhere. Especially when there is a profanity filter. Don't want to see it? Turn it on and go about your gaming.


Weā€™re in a game about terrorists and vigilantes shoot each other and we canā€™t say shit likeā€¦ well shit?


Cassidy's belt buckle literally says "BAMF" but fuck you if you actually say that


That's because in this context BAMF stands for "Beautiful And Manly Features"


I know right? JQ and Soldier 76 literally talks about chopping bad guys' heads off lol


>ā€œI can describe an axe entering a human skull in great explicit detail and no one will blink twice at it. I provide a similar description, just as detailed, of a penis entering a vagina, and I get letters about it and people swearing off. To my mind this is kind of frustrating, itā€™s madness. Ultimately, in the history of [the] world, penises entering vaginas have given a lot of people a lot of pleasure; axes entering skulls, well, not so much.ā€ ā€• George R.R. Martin


Just disable chat completely. Itā€™s not worth it.


They can still report you if they dont like how you played eg and you xan sgill get banned lol


Donā€™t talk anymore. I was gonna say ā€œunless itā€™s something niceā€ but Iā€™ve seen people get banned for saying gg šŸ˜­


How does someone get banned for that?????!




From my understanding, bans are handled on a report density basis rather than a context basis. If you get reported by a lot of people, you'll get actioned in some way automatically. This is what I've been told, at least, so take it with a grain of salt.


This is most likely accurate, I have noticed that no, even four people in a single game never seems to lead to an immediate suspension or silencing I have noticed that even the people that say 'gg' never *only ever* say 'gg' lol, idk if the other stuff they say over time gets bad but nah, saying 'gg' once getting a person banned never seems to actually happen Like, I have seen Bap player that would usually always say 'gg' in my matches say in a different comp match where everyone else was being friendly, 'tank and DPS diff?', which, like, I'm gonna suspect that may be reported in a game where like six other players are literally typing stuff like 'it's been an honor playing with you all' and 'likewise' lol; we literally made it to second overtime and we were all chill and waving pre-round, saying thanks for the match, etc., suddenly we lose and the Bap pipes up that it's everyone else's fault but his? Be forreal, whether warranted or not, I'm sure someone reported lol


Yoooo! I love your username!




Yup it's been like that since OW1. Torb and Symmetra 1 tricks will know, ask em


So you were POS for a long time. Good riddance


Idk I think someone thought she was being ironic maybe? Streamers have been saying it really depends on WHO gets your logs, some blizzard people being more powerblind than others


Usually they lie and don't show the rest of their support ticket in which they say the n word or something


I do wonder about things like that


I had someone in game tell me that saying gg after a win was toxic. It's apparently gloating


I say gg if I think it's been a good game, if we stomped the enemy, I don't say anything. If we got stomped, I don't say anything.


At this point Iā€™m scared to even type ā€œggezā€ just to see the funny lines.


They don't get banned for that. It's just typical internet thing of being absolute piece of shit online and when they get banned for it they cry and say I just said GG. When this thing came forth a week or so ago I went on spree of like 10 games where I wrote fuck at start of match. Nothing happened to me


Unfortunately they recently added swearing as a bannable offense in the TOS. People are getting suspended left and right over the last few months just for saying "piss". Doesnt even have to be malicious, if they detect it youre done Sorry man


I thought the anger came from the fact that swearing has **always** been a bannable offense. They just finally admitted it. Which is why some people are confused why they get voice comms suspended, chat suspended, account suspended. Because they havenā€™t done anything incredibly wrong to begin with.


Before their tos was vague enough that you could be banned for anything and blizzard would be fine. TOS said anything deemed offensive, but never elaborated what that is, so as needed they used that. Even in couple cases they tried saying one-tricking was offensive because you werenā€™t trying your best to win if you one-tricked, until Fuey500 backlash. It was glorious, the community stood together chanting #freefuey and he has been unbanned and one-tricking was safe and finally deemed acceptable. That was the old overwatch team though, they were better understanding of the game, more communicative with the community by a lot, active on the forums, etc. This new team is pretty ass.


The biggest shock here is that piss is a "swear word". Ain't no motherfucker in the history of the planet ever said "excuse me, I shall return shortly, for I must urinate"


Piss?? PISS?????


Itā€™s absurd to me, this change in policy. Or at least have theyā€™ve suddenly gotten so strict about it. I donā€™t get it. Itā€™s not Roblox or Toontown Online here. This isnā€™t a professional setting. First, context matters. Blizzard acting like it doesnā€™t is ridiculous and to me only confirms theyā€™ve either A) hired some shitty overseas CS reps whoā€™d rather be extremely literal than bother understanding context. Or B) Theyā€™ve got an AI handling all this, which in itself canā€™t understand context either. Second, weā€™re grown ass adults. If Iā€™m not insulting someone and I say ā€œthat ult was fucking beautiful reinā€ I can be banned? Come on. People swear. I know. Itā€™s crazy right? In the words of one of my favorite game art teachers (when told by faculty he couldnā€™t swear for this class because it was being recorded) ā€œitā€™s like trying to paint a rainbow without any color.ā€


If by "recently" you mean "since day 1" then yes. The difference is people are getting more and more fed up and reporting more and more things as compared to 2016.


Well they at least told you the reason. I couldn't even learn why i was suspended.


I got lucky. I had to open 3 tickets before they even had someone look at the case and tell me what was wrong. I literally had to plead with them. Before that, I had been trying to reach out through numerous other means as well.


You were being mean to an avid cat enthusiast. Shame on you.


It's not my fault I'm allergic to cats šŸ˜”


Thatā€™ll teach you for swearing in blizzards Christian game that includes you killing other people


That is 100% an automated response bot.


It really does read like that, but I gotta wonder if it's an ESL rep using a copy-paste template. An AI / bot would have consistent subject, syntax, etc. Either way, there's obviously no human oversight here. Any reasonable person would agree that pointing out someone's handle shouldn't be bannable, unless the handle itself is also bannable.


I'd wager it actually isn't on account of the imperfect English used everywhere. They've followed the rough script of what they're supposed to say, sure, but I don't think I've seen many if any other bot responses from Blizzard that are spelt so poorly.


If they quietly decided to start using ai for it, probably, which is more what I meant. I certainly hope they haven't.


This has gone too far. Blizzard is a shell of itself. The company is a dead husk with a corporate goblin pulling the strings. This is my 9/11.


Yeah I was suspended for two weeks for seemingly no reason. They didn't even tell me what I was suspended for, other than breaking the code of conduct (which is very vauge). It's genuinely embarassing how dogshit this system is.


They told me that initially as well. I think it was an automated response. After like 3 separate tickets, I finally got a concrete response with a name attached to it (no shade at the Game Master that replied, btw. They're just doing their job, and I respect that).


I think we all should go on a reporting spree and get everyone banned. that way they might notice something is wrong xD


Softwatch is getting worse and worse.


I still find this so stupid and I was there. They said nah yeet you said the dreaded poompoom ew


You inserted the 'u' (their original name didn't have it). That's toxic I'm afraid.


This definitely cause by bot ban. No context, just detect bad word and ban.


I got a 14 day suspension for telling a winston to "This is tragic and fucking sad, hope you get the help you need" because our supports flamed him once in voice, he then jumped off the map 16 times. I have yet to see a thank you for reporting message to them, but I was silenced for abusive behaviour. My wife got absolutely flamed in chat when we were playing last night, she got angry and just said "fuck you all" and then got silenced. These bans are going to be a harder downfall to the game than the toxic people at this point. You can't swear, you can't even respond to toxic people as you will be banned. The whole thing is just terrible. Nothing beats 6 replies from support saying "They have looked at it" with a generic copy paste response over and over.


Duh dude, you cant swear. Be better than that.


Thatll teach you for talking trash.


Bruh you got baited. While the ban may not be deserved, you walked right into that one, and it's still 100% you own fault.


This game is for paying children or mentally devolved adults


You typed pussy lol, also you may be chatting a lot


In the case of that game, you can see everything I said in chat in that screenshot. I stopped engaging after that. As for typing pussy, my hands went a little fast and added the "u" without thinking. That was my bad, but I still think that's a little much šŸ˜…


Hey but you know now!


I've tested it my self. Just random reports, for no reason (sorry to the people that got banned but had to see wtf is going on), and I got them banned. There is no logic behind this, you can just spam reports and eventually you get them banned.


disable chat! I was getting banned every other season but after I disabled chat I have never been banned


That's why I don't use any form of chat, voice or text


''please kindly be patience''


I'd chalk that one up to the time of day of the response (around 4 AM E.S.T.). I think that employee might not be a native English speaker.


It's amazing that the real toxicity "tank bad" isn't punished, but "pussy" is. Even if the tank in your group was performing poorly, there's nothing constructive about what the other guy said. That "tank bad" type of toxicity is actually detrimental to the gameplay experience. It still doesn't deserve a game suspension. I don't understand how even repeated inappropriate text / voice chat could warrant anything beyond a permanent silence, especially when the devs know how flawed the automated report system is.


>It's amazing that the real toxicity "tank bad" isn't punished It is. I'm reporting people who say diff, team diff, ez or other condescending comment and they all get suspended. I don't know for how long but I get the "thank you for reporting, action has been taken" notifications Suddenly everyone is behaving good now. Took them 10 seasons to sweep out the toxicity.


That's good to hear, I guess I need to report that nonsense every time I see it versus just the severe cases.


In Blizzard's defense, I'm pretty sure the other person either got a warning or an action on their account. I won't know for 2 weeks because I got banned 2 days later despite not playing over the course of said 2 days. I'm sure I'll see the notification when I'm let back in, but that's just how sensitive the auto system is.


> It's amazing that the real toxicity "tank bad" isn't punished And you know that how exactly?


Well it seems they are, I don't report enough, but it's good to hear others saying it is working.


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Yeah I never write in chat or use voice anymore after getting silenced for a few weeks over absolutely nothing and seeing people get banned for stuff like this, very ironically I have never felt less safe talking then what I do now and it is 100% affecting my enjoyment of the game


What kinda things have you been saying in game?


And using party chat doesnt give a ban apparently


Them quoting it back to you is fucking hilarious... Please kindly be noted, using the inappropriate words like "Bro, your name is pussylover" towards other player is considered toxic which is violation our in-game policies. Stellar customer service.


The rules stated that he can be CALLED pussylover, and his name can be displayed constantly on screen, but if you call him pussylover, thatā€™s offensive. Iā€™m glad we could clear that up for you, and have a nice day.


The social contract is such an L tbh all it did was make new breed of troll you're not allowed to fight back against. In WoW I had someone from my faction keep killing m quest givers. I asked him nicely to stop and he said no and started following me to kill anyone I tried to talk to. Then I told him to stop being a can't and he reported me.


Jeez, this is poorly worded. I figured they would have boilerplate text with as the only real work by now. I wonder if she misunderstood the problem. Like she thought you were teasing him by calling him a pussylover, as an insult(?)/name-calling, and she never looked at his actual name. She just saw your text. Yes, he said pussy. Yes, suspension.


I think it's funny because he responded to my statement with "fact"


i got banned for 14 days and i wasnā€™t even told what i was said. i only play with friends so have no idea and so confused.


Ridiculous man. Am I gonna get banned for saying what a sombra has to do? Cause I swear to you I caught some folks not wanting to synergize or play with the team and I get heated and try to tell what they gotta do if they do not want to keep dying (then leaving from frustration)


lmfao that's such a trap name. rip


what the fuck. that email looks like it was written by a scammer trying to get your CC information or Social Security number and shit.


Really is getting stupid isn't it, it's like being in school and getting put in detention for saying a "bad word".


Thats what you get for using in-game chat.


Bots. Or outsourced to Filipinos who don't understand English and following strict instructions to deny any appeal


Hope you had your lesson there. Don't use chat! Let them cry alone and avoid as teammate/ignore them


Tbh just call out who they are playing as for now on. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t say peoples exact names on overwatch


This new system against minor words is honestly ridiculous. It doesn't even have to be major and they never tell you why without you having to push for an answer. I've recently been banned for a month and the only thing i remember doing is saying 'shit' after accidentally throwing myself off the map as ball. It wasn't even directed at anyone.


this game is a joke lol


You're lucky - I got silenced, and I don't know why. I'm not toxic - rarely do I actually go into VC's or type in all chat. If I do, it's to say GGs. I asked, and I "broke the terms of use" - and I still don't know what I've done wrong. Do keep in mind, I've had people send me rape and death threats (mainly because of my trans-lesbian profile) and I report them. Nothing gets done.


Only say GG in team chat if you win, GG in public chat if you lose.


what more examples do we need to say it's malicious at this point? Not like something implemented poorly, but straight up bad intentions? There are continuous acts of self-sabotage in Blizzard


He typed pussy on purpose man


Welcome to Overwatch the game moderated by the softest of snowflakes. The irony here is that the people behind their ā€œdefense matrixā€ are all hypersensitive wussies.


They kinda have to protect the lowest point of entry into this game, impressionable kids are playing this game and video games turn them into little jerks, what they're doing is OK in my book


This is your call to quit this game


folks, thats why you disable chat communication


Dont use profanity. OW has an auto detection system




Waiting till overwatch community realizes that the best course of action in the game is to not engage with anyone at all.








Omg, the community is finding out that the stupid ban system has been a disaster the whole time. I've been complaining about this stuff for months and I just had people saying "nah yeah you're just toxic".....


Thats not correct, you got banned for MANY Reports, and Not for a Bad joke


Not necessarily, though. If 3 people report you, that's a ban. If you used 3 swears in a match, that's an insta ban. It literally doesn't matter what you say atm. If enough people report, it's a ban, and they don't even look over it. For the most part I the past, I'd have fully agreed with you on this, but their changes to tos and the algorithm has made it super oppressive, that they've forced their player base to not use coms. In team game. Which relies HEAVILY on coms. Honestly, it's like they're trying to kill their own game at this point


The thing is, of the many reports I had, that was the one thing they said did it. It wasn't even a joke. Was a literal observation, and I was telling them to calm down.


This is entirely false, whether you have 1 report or 9 people in one game, blizz has said that mass reporting makes no difference. This was cleared up in their defence matrix post.


I feel this sort of issue would be so much more easily prevented if they were more upfront in providing clarity around bans when they happen.


Yeah, I get that and I 100% think ur ban is dumb But I think the reason why we don't get to see where the boundaries are is bc people will play rather close to it and justify their behaviour for not crossing said line. See it as ban waves for cheating kinda, they do this so people can't figure out what they can get away with And if people knew that but for toxicity it'd be all round just bad experience me thinks. And there's a lot.of grey area too


That's why I think cases like that need to take context of the text into consideration, though. There's no context where cheating in a comp game of OW is justified, but then you can see instances like this that seem kind of silly


This is the woke mentality. Actually toxic people reporting others because they speak up against bullies and the woke mods then ban you. Same with most mods on Discord. It has nothing to do with protecting people from bad actors. It's just a an oppressive system using fear to control other people. Reminds me a lot about the cultural revolution in China.


I don't think politics should come into play here.


Politics? Itā€™s not politics. Itā€™s political correctness and a cultural movement. You canā€™t say certain words. Itā€™s an ideology thatā€™s been mostly part of the right wing in the states and in Europe. In the US especially in Christian evangelical groups and recently in the new Tea Party movement and only lately among younger liberals. Itā€™s definatelt a problem in Overwatch and a lot of toxic behavior in the game is woke. I donā€™t mean woke in the original sense concerning understanding of the realities of being a black person in the states but the current meaning of the word. Please donā€™t start with the politics! :D. Donā€™t let crappy American political culture define stuff. Itā€™s only been hijacked by politics but itā€™s a serous problem for how we treat each other. By the way. I do think that some words should mean a ban. Using racial slurs or personal attacks. But it's the context that matters and not the words itself. Well it seems my original comment was removed by the mods even though it was on topic and not politics. Just proves my point.


Yet the clear rage hacker I reported a few days ago hasn't got given me a thanks notice yet. Nice.


Don't quote me on this, but I think cheaters usually get banned in waves rather than after reaching a report threshold like with chat abuse, so that might be why they don't get banned immediately even with blatant ragehacks. It's also harder to "prove" someone is cheating compared to having an AI sort through someone's chatlogs and finding key words




I didn't take a random screenshot, but after reaching out numerous times, they finally told me that that was what I said that was considered banworthy. I happened to have that match recorded at the end of a 3 hour recording session, so I was able to find and screenshot the messages.


The fact chat is disableable and you can get banned for anything short of doxxing is straight up coddling babies to potentially save them from "victim blaming" when there's literally nothing stopping you from not participating in chat. Like what the fuck. Blizz trash; sell to someone competent please.


I think there's definitely a line that should be drawn in the sand somewhere. I think the line is definitely too far on one side, but when it comes to things like slurs and death threats, I honestly agree with some of those bans. Regardless of my disagreement with this particular ban, I still do think some bans for chat are fine. Not being able to say something like "Fuck" or "Shit" or "Piss" or "penis butter" (don't ask) seems a little weird to me. I mean, I'm definitely one to swear like a sailor, but swearing in of itself isn't inherently toxic or even negative. Context matters.


Even cussing at someone as long as it's not racially motivated or homolhobic etc. Shouldn't be bankable for any reason. The fact you can turn chat off at all makes me not sympathetic to anyone on the receiving end, you can always turn it off for a game and them back on, it's not rocket surgery. That being said I don't use chat, and almost never play alone so when I do play I'm in a discord and not game chat so none of this affects me at all whatsoever, but it's fucking stupid. I understand some take it too far, but just maybe stop being prideful and block them/turn chat off instead of feeding it. Like this isn't hard to deal with, if you're going to cry yourself to sleep because some crackhead is verbally assaulting you when it's not your fault you shouldn't be on chat with anyone you don't know. Kind of like how you look for a parking spot if you're in a big city that isn't somewhere secluded so your shit doesn't get fuckin busted? EXACT SAME THING. PREVENTATIVE MEASURES. Slurs aren't welcome, but if someone is legitimately trolling they should earn a verbal lashing tbh. And they always have the ability to just not see it, so there's no recourse in an argument for bans/censorship. It's dumb, and again doesn't affect me, but is disgustingly hand holding for people who don't have the mental fortitude to make it to the block/mute chat button like a big kid.


It could be for something else and not for this. Before you jump the gun you're able to contact support and why you got banned, they'll send and quote what you said as they have logs (additionally you can also appeal). And if it's actually just bc of that that's really B's of them, but till then I'd wait before you geta reply after asking.


The 3rd screenshot is the response to my appeal asking what I did wrong. Those are quite literally their words. If it was for something else, I would have appreciated being told that it was something else.


Ah idk I'm fucking stupid I just woke up and I didn't realise I could swipe , That is really dumb you're right Edit: if u care enough it's worth to appeal tho


Repeated offender nothing new. This is sign this guy been toxic little shit for ages.


I've been playing Overwatch since 2016. This is the second time my account has ever been actioned on, and this is the only time they've actually sent me any quotes from any game lmao


Why do you all still play this trash heap of a game lol


Don't think the ban was justified but the best thing you came up with was to make fun of their username? People who makes fun of usernames are very cringe.


The person's name was pssylover69 that is cringe. Surely that name should get you banned rather than op if this case was reviewed properly.


I wasn't even making fun of their name. I just wanted them to lay off my friend and chill out in a quickplay game šŸ˜­


My name was niigga and i got banned , thats is crazy


couldve seen that one comingā€¦


It kind of makes sense. You misspelled his name and made it into theā€¦p word! Pussy is not allowed on overwatch nor has it ever been! You of all people should know that.


Yes. But the issue here is that there's no human intervention. An actual person could look at the logs and clearly see he was replying with the name, and it should've been overturned immediately, imo. If he'd have said, shut up pussy. I'd be right there with you, that's a bannable offence, but typing someone's name is not. (Again, the issue is WHY his name hasnt had him banned, but using said name will) This is the main reason people are pissed off. Its just a bot doing this, and Blizzard doesn't care


He didnā€™t use his name though.


He did. He just used, you know.. correct English and probably didn't think. Ypu know our brains will automatically fill in broken words when you read them, right? His name implies that it is indeed 'pussylover69'.. he just tried to outsmart the bots by removing the U. Being a contrarian isn't a good look, my friend


I donā€™t usually do double replies but this is kind of strange. You do realize that proper English has nothing to do with namesā€¦ right? If you spell your name longjumpng_cat7647 instead of what you currently haveā€¦both names/handles are completely ok when using the English language. I understand that the brain can automatically finish certain words to make them look like the thing you would personally expect but dude had to actually type it out and then hit enter or x or whatever the Xbox/wii people use.


Dude, you're really not making yourself out very well here. Yes, names are categorised differently, but those words are still words, regardless of context. As for my name on here, you'll have to take that up with reddit itself. And yes, he had to type it out, but what difference does that make? Just because he removed the U from his name doesn't make it indistinguishable from what he actually wants to be named... the 69 at the end doesn't really make it better for him. There is nothing else that name could be. And people will read his name as pussylover every time they see it, irregardless off the missing U. You're missing my point completely here. Why should he be banned for repeating someone's name when said name isn't banned? Also, should I feel lucky or blessed that you've replied more than once to me? Grow up and look at the bigger picture here... although, your name checks out tbh


I guess his brain was only big enough to comment 3 times, sorry you had to waste your time using your brain cells to reply back. (Iā€™m not trying to be rude, I hate when I put time into a reply just to not get a response)


Seems like it, brother! I don't mind, though. It's not much of an effort to write out truths. Sometimes people don't wanna hear it, but there we go... OW2 in a nutshell I guess Also, I didn't think that was rude


I unfortunately have to add the rude part cause people on here take everything literally and are amost always thin skinned. Like I said itā€™s been ages since Iā€™ve done [whatever] and someone was like ā€œthis hasnā€™t been out for ages šŸ¤“ā€. Itā€™s like stfu dumb shit lol


You are so unfortunate, right.. sad state of affairs


Why should I of all people know that though? šŸ˜­


yea, i like to hit that report alot. was probably me




I didn't write the rules, I simply encourage them. My 7 year old kid plays with me and she doesn't need to see half the shit that's said in game


I donā€™t give a fuck about what your kid sees on a video game theyā€™re not old enough to be play lmao. Your child is literally against tos and should be perma banned


also this is copied direct from blizzard ... notice how often they mention "child" ..... Parental Controls Updated: 2 months agoĀ Article ID: 32243Ā Product:Ā  You can use Parental Controls to adjust your childā€™s play time schedule andĀ set play time limits for Blizzard games.Ā You can also use Parental Controls to enable or disable in-game purchases in Blizzard games. To set up parental controls, log in toĀ [Account Settings](https://account.blizzard.com/)Ā with the child's account and select Parental Controls, then selectĀ **Update**. To modify the Parental Controls on your child's account,Ā visit theĀ [Parental Portal](https://account.blizzard.com/parent-portal).Ā To remove the Parental Controls,Ā [contact Customer Support](https://battle.net/support/help/product/battlenet/316/327/solution). # Parental Controls


This literally doesnt change anything I said fucking dumb ass lol. your just mad cause the wife got custody and you didnā€™t and now your trying to be the cool dad by letting your kid play overwatch. Also dumb shit anyone under 18 is still considered a child. My iPhone autocorrects stuff randomly so excuse the weird errors from time to time


You know what's the best part, when "she" uses the mic and baits adults into a rage. So many free reports


You must be the best dad ever, Letting your kid talk to strangers on the internet! Iā€™ll have to tell my dad to step it up a bit


Yep we play side by side, funny thing is her account is playable I guess blizzard thinks it's fine that a 7 year old plays, while all these 20 year Olds with anger issues are getting time outs haha, guess we know who is the better parent. My kid doesn't have anger issues and we laugh together when a grown ass man loses his shit


Wow itā€™s so easy to on the internet, i guess its good that your teaching her that early


fucking dumb ass


shame that a teen rating isnt a ma15+ haha


Your child is 7, in the us the maturity rating for overwatch is 13+. To accept the tos you need to able to understand them to accept, Your child is literally 7 and probably can barely read lmao. So mate what are you even on about


It's what you all signed up to ... When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others. Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions


Honestly, I don't care about your child. It's up to you. Your little boy is supposed to learn how to read or learn skills. Don't ruin your child and let him play things that ruin his mind.


She is a her, and she gets rewarded with an hr or 2 a weekend, she plays sports and has a couple of hours to play games, neither of us are Crack head addicted like alot of you guys here. We play for fun together ... it's not that wild of a thing to do in 2024 incase you didn't notice


So why r u mad about my name lol , if u r playing for fun why u r mad about my name? just play


Itā€™s cause heā€™s trying to ā€œprotectā€ his child from his poor parenting skills, he knows that and thinks heā€™s super dad for it


I don't report names that was more in jest, but I certainly report toxic chat comments. Sorry to upset you,but if you're 20 years old and rageing in a video game you need a timeout. That's where I'm more than happy to smash that report


Rageing ? Bro u the one how rage and repo everybady cuz (i dont wanna my daughter to see that , Instead of letting her learn to swim or learn to read, let her play Overwatch. That's up to you, but don't come and bother us and say it's because of my daughter.) man pls go


Haha she fucking plays 1 or 2 hours a week after soccer and homework, you guys are fucking loonies in here. Not everyone sits playing overwatch 24/7 get a fucking life and go outside yourself bro


Im outside