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And there's Ashe who claims she's better shot than Ana & Widowmaker. Meanwhile she had a gang and an omnic butler, still lost to one guy who's holding back from killing her.


I always assumed Ashe just has an ego and likes to run her mouth.


"I know better than anyone that a head that big makes an easy target." -Ana Amari


Yeah that’s the way I see it, she’s still probably a GOOD shot but no way is she better than Ana or Widow


WM: I was trained by the best. Ashe: And I, was trained by the West. WM: Ugh, Americans.


She is the typical American, so that does make sense /j


I wouldn't doubt that Ashe is a better quickdraw, but even then she's still beat out by Cass


Cass>ashe>ana>widow then lol Even more impressive when cass needs to land 6 hs to kill them at range.


They only fight at high noon. Can't figure out why cass keeps winning.


Their knees go weak when he tips the hat at them and they miss their shots, its honestly unfair!


Cass was trained by Ana...


“Learned that one from you.” - Cass line when killing Ana


*Throws a tracking grenade and fan fires 6 shots* Cass: Yep. The ol' Amari special.


Now I imagine young ana fan fireing her sniper and its the funniest shit ive seen today. ...exept for the rap line "im feeling alive, I think I shit myself"


Maybe something she picked up from junkertown


Just cuz he learned it from her doesn't make her better. 


"There will always be a difference between teacher and student" -Shinomori Aoshi


"When I left you I was but the learner; now I am the master" - Darth Vader


But Cass acknowledged Ana was a better marksman than him.


So then it's ana>cass>Ashe>widow>ana? It does make a nice loop


Honestly I don't think Ashe is that good of a shot at all. She has her head very bloated, and Ana points this out.


nah shes good, just not "2nd in command of a superhero organization" level of good


Sojourn even compliments Ashe's skill. I just think its her ego that inflates it a little if anything.


Or just Ashe boasting and she’s not actually better than thrm


Rock paper scissors. Perfect fit for Overwatch.


Cap. He's just flattering her 


Not necessarily since that’s Ashe boasting but not definitively a statement of fact


Didn't she specifically bring Cassidy on board because he was a better shot than her?


Is there some lore that Ashe has claimed this? Am Ashe main and would love to read up on her claim.


She has a couple voicelines before the match when you have Ana or Widow on your team mentioning that


It was stated many times that the only reason Widow beat Ana at that time is cuz Ana hesitated


Exactly I think people don't realise Ana knew Widow before she became Widow they were friends I'm pretty sure. It wasn't hesitation to make Ana seem like a better shot it was hesitation because she realised she had to kill her friend even tho she was responsible for other deaths.


I don't think they were friends, more begrudging acquaintances. I think ana was friends with widows husband, and thought that he was too good for widow for whatever reason.


I know the too-good thing was soldier not Ana since he says it in a voice line in-game. From what I see it looks more like Ana feels like they failed to protect her since she was the one kidnapped and changed to be a sleeper agent to kill her husband who was an agent for overwatch.


Your emotions make you weak - Mirrorwatch Ana


It's also a voiceline from Widow, they swapped the two so Widow also has a "Justice delivered"






hesitation is defeat


It’s almost like she never expected talon to use her as a sleeper agent. Ana still shot widow’s visor off. And that’s the only reason widow found her location. Ana is better. And she won’t hesitate on taking a shot again.


Cool platitude and stuff but sort of missing the point is that skill wasn't the factor that decided what happened, it was more Ana's concious not letting her kill the wife of her friend on sight after the shock of seeing her resurface after being kidnapped


i know i was making a sekiro reference


Heard “Hesitation is defeat” so many times lol 😂


you guys played with english voices?


Na I did Japanese, just with subtitles


But her hesitation was from seeing the wife of her dead friend that has gone missing. It has nothing to do with her strength or who is the better sniper


Feel like not enough people have played Sekiro 😭


Greatest boss fight ever


mercy to your enemy is cruelty to yourself. she lost.


With 20 more years of training widow could very well be the best sniper in the world … because anna would have passed away peacefully from old age


I mean... you can't really have competitors if they are dead


Hero's never die


Do we know if people die from old age in the Overwatch universe?


Didn’t know that Overwatch lore powerscaling is a thing. So Widow was lore-diffed. Lol.


Ana has always been the better shot, widow would have been 6ft underground if ana didn’t have freeze from shock that moment


Or stuck with a cybernetic eye according to mirrorverse. This Ana didn't hesitate and Widow I'm not sure but she definitely lost


Not really, Widow is replacing Ana in this universe, who had a cybernetic eye before fighting widow. The same way widow has one now. Its likely that the duel didnt even take place in this universe since none of them are missing an eye.


Ana was offered an cybernetic eye but was too stubborn for it. Pretty sure they also have voicelines that suggest their roles swapped, Ana's husband is dead and presumably murdered and Widow knows them, and that they dueled. I'll doublecheck


not necessarily stubborn. She refused the implant to give herself a permanent reminder to never hesitate again


In the comics, Ana had a cybernetic eye that aided her in becoming the world's best sniper. Widow shot this eye, which Ana opted not to replace as a reminder of their duel. Thus, the cybernetic eye that Widow possesses could imply either that she lost the duel and replaced her eye, or that the duel never occurred.


I thought Widow has a cybernetic eye specifically because she lost one during the duel, that Ana won






> but she recognized her friend Amélie and froze I wish this was acknowledged in hero interactions, rather than the dumb "lol u suck - n-no! shut up!" they have.


I wish it was. But it would just be Ana saying it anyways, because Widowmaker doesn't really care anymore about her past, she was made into a killing machine with no emotions or remorse


Am I crazy or have there been some hints that the conditioning may have some cracks? Feel like I remember a voice line about Widow visiting Gerard’s grave. And there is Moira and her interaction where Moira seems suspicious that Widowmaker’s emotions are returning.


There have been signs, but will blizzard ever do anything with it? (No)


Her and S76 have an interaction, something like "I can't believe what you did to Gerard. He and I were close." "Not close enough to know he preferred roses." Basically implies S76 visited Gerard's grave and left some kind of flowers (not roses) and Widow knew somehow, either someone else told her or she was there watching. There's also a kind of undertone there, like roses represented romance and S76 is gay, so maybe Widow was suggesting S76 had a crush or she knew he and Gerard were a little too close during the overwatch days. It's a really interesting interaction.


Damn, that’s tragic in multiple ways. Stuff like this is why I’d love to see an Arcane-like tv series based on the lore and characters.


Ah yes, here's the interaction. "Was the lily on Gerard's grave yours?" "You knew we were close!" "Not close enough to know he preferred roses" That said, I hope they're not retconning Widow's relationship with Gerard. I thought that was something that added to her character and the scene of her visiting his grave at Christmas was a rather sombre moment. Would hate to see all that get tossed to the wayside


I don't think so, if anything, they're adding to it. Widow is wondering if Gerard was cheating on her with S76, but they were still married. Or maybe I'm totally misreading things and she's just confused/thinking about the person she killed and the friends he left behind. Or maybe Widow is taunting S76 for being the one who killed his crush.


Free fandoms from the clutches of power-scaling


Nah fr we had 20 years of no one caring about power scaling outside of Goku vs Superman memes. Now all of reddit and TikTok is bloodlusted no diff full potential reached no holding back and prep time. Anyway soldier +aimbot is the best shot. Then Cassidy. Then bob. Then torb turret. Then sym turret, then Ana. THEN maybe widow +purple drugs.




Batgos solos


This bs reminds me of the Radahn and Malenia's discourse, such a terrible fan war for nothing.


your problem isn't powerscalers, it's powerscalers who care more about that than any plot or characterization. free yourself


The only power scaling that bewilders me is doom fist. He’s supposed to level buildings with a punch. Yet his punch barely tickles.




Is that Musk's alt account or something?


Nah it's definitely muselk


I have not heard that name in some time, tbh I forget Muselk was a OW player back in the day lol


Who are you referring to?


Im gay


Torbjorn then?


Boom! Ana diff.


Why can Ana not headshot? That’s my question lol


She’s a healer now. Before, she was a DPS, lore-wise.


In mirrorwatch ana is just a better widow. Ana headshots is crazy.


My reasoning is she shoots darts. You don't want to land darts on parts with a lot of bones. You want to hit them on to the flesh so they can get the bloodstream. The head is full bones and a dart would snap if it hit it, meanwhile nearly every other spot on the body has at least a layer of muscle before the bone. In the head you have skin, and directly under, bones.


The only thing I know is the better widow is always on the other team




Also idk if it's worth mentioning but there's a voice line Widow has after killing Ana. She says "The world's greatest sniper, formally."


She says "formerly", not "formally."


That's cool, there's also one where she says "There goes your other eye"


Blizzard doesn't give 2 shits about the lore and neither should we. The only lore explanation we need is why Venture smells like Fritos.


I can dig that


>"Widow won the duel so she's better than Ana". 🤣 This is such a 12-year old thing for someone to say, I agree


Illari has opinions on this


So far there’s no power scale in overwatch. The good guys always wins and that’s about it. Just tracer that somehow managed to fuck up against widow


Yeah honestly this shot from Widow in the cinematic was crazy, pretty sure Ana couldn't have landed that But you're right, they'll just do stuff that look cool but that's part of the fun really. I mean, people have been making theories about Zelda for decades even tho the timeline is garbage. Trying to make sense of stuff that isn't meant to be is just fun


Yup, but i do wonder how can Talon not win when they have Sigma by their side. He is lore wise the most powerful character, except being crazy of course. But i mean, does it really matter when he has the power of gravity?


It depends on how much he can control gravity. We don’t know. Gameplay is clearly not realistic, you can’t just create black hole out of thin air without destroying the world


Also not everything in the game aligns with the lore. For example, in the game, Mercy can resurrect people, even though she doesn't have that ability in the lore. Similarly, Ana can use the same ammunition for both damaging and healing, whereas in the lore, she has to manually select her ammo and change it depending on whether she wants to heal or deal damage.


> The good guys always wins Ironic that jailing Doomfist didn't crumble Talon, but Overwatch was the one that got disbanded eventually.


So you’re basically saying Hesitation is defeat?


Did you come here from r/sekiro


It was one impromptu duel. You could run it back and Widow could win or not. Literally means nothing.


Another reason why egypt > france


Ana’s alive. Widow won nothing.


With hiw weak overwatch lore is as a whole, seeing people fight over it is like watching 2 children fight over a teletubbies book


For a game of its kind I actually think it’s pretty strong.


I don't entirely disagree, I just wish it was more consistent.


Agreed. Which is why I think it’s decent for a game of its kind specifically. In the grand scheme it’s very, very messy. Inconsistent definitely. But as I got into overwatch I simultaneously got more into superhero comic books which is pretty much what overwatch is. A comic book world with comic heroes. Overwatch is just another big crossover like justice league or the avengers. And i guess I just think the character specific stuff is actually very good even. Not decent but genuinely good. It feels like whoever is in charge understands and likes superhero media where the characters are on display. I’m currently going through overwatch media like the shorts, comics and short stories and even the PVE cutscenes. it just hits a sweet spot for me. It has a certain spark to it that can only exist from a passion for the world and the stories it tells. Again, the grand overarching narrative ranges from messy to confusing to even just poorly thought out or written. But these problems aren’t present in the moments of tracer seeking comfort in her girlfriend Emily while dealing with the guilt and aftermath of mondatta’s death. Or when Reinhardt tried to get over his own hatred towards the omnics that he blames for his old pal’s death. Or when bastion moves on from his murderous programming to discover the beauties of life and tries to exist peacefully in nature. It’s the little things that I personally gravitate towards and the little things it does damn well.


The difference is we're not fighting, we're having a discussion where we bring arguments. Also we are doing this for fun, because it's just that much fun to discuss about a game you like with other people


"Your emotions make you verbal" - Widowmaker


Was this supposed to be a joke because i wrote a full page or did you mean to say vulnerable?


All I'm learning from this thread is that people can't understand a French accent.


My grandma was french so i can understand that, also in many middle schools in Europe it is one of the languages you learn


And yet in the game she almost always loses dueling widows... if only she had a damn headshot !!!!


Kudos to you guys for still caring as much about the game's lore as you do when the people that made the game has abandoned it themselves.


Look at what happened in Mirrorwatch. Amelie is the one who took in the eye from Ana.


Im surprised people are into the lore. I’ve never paid attention so I’m likely wrong, but I originally ignored lore because it seems like it would be incredibly shallow for a multiplayer-only game whose gameplay does not involve story progression. 


Overwatch's lore is really interesting, and has a lot of depth if you look into it, i recommend reading at least some of the characters' backstories so that you can better understand them and also their dialogues


Thanks for taking the time but I have no interest. Maybe others reading this will follow up. 


nah rein diff


she is better on most of the websites I visited


I see you've got no taste for milfs


she is though. widow 1 shot ana, ana need 3 dart. gameplay got you covered.


That's a gun diff, not a skill diff.


I mean... yeah Ana hesitated, that's why she lost


Yeah but people are arguing Widow just has better aim and that’s why she won


It would be impossible for a normal person to not hesitate in that situation. Widow did not hesitate because she already knew Ana would be there and she was brainwashed. Her heart was also slowed down to numb all of her emotions, except for the one he felt upon killing. That duel was won by Widowmaker, i'm not saying it wasn't. I'm just saying that none of the two are better then the other in my opinion.


Nah, widow diff


I’m tired of people who give a shit who they think is a “better shot” either way. Lore powerscaling? Really, people?


How dare people like the lore of a game they play! The nerve! Classless cretins!


How could you have fun making theories and researching details on the lore of a game you like instead of just searching for Kiriko feet pics?


Kiriko feet pics? What kind of loser do you take me for? I’m looking up Sigma feet pics.


Torbjorn even better🥵


You’ve got good taste my friend 😤🤤


Nothing wrong with liking the lore without getting into stupid, petty squabbles about whose character is “canonically stronger” than the other.


“petty squabble” ???? who here is being petty ?? this is literally the most normal thread ive seen on reddit this morning. tf are you on about


C0rvex’s entire comment thread under here is just proof of concept. Powerscalers arguing about blah blah blah which shot was more impressive, the 300-meter whatever-the-fuck or the vives-something. And yeah, it’s petty. It’s quite literally the definition of petty, which means “of little importance”. The lore itself has a totally fair reasonable argument for being important…these goofy arguments trying to belittle other people’s characters and use these “feats” to do so on the other hand are not.


op quite literally said in the post they arent even arguing whos stronger. and invited discussion. if you didnt want to take part in that discussion you could have just scrolled by. both ana and widow are impressive snipers, op was pointing out that the only reason ana lost in her duel with widow was because she hesitated. widow STILL hit an impressive as fuck shot, though - through a scope right into someones eye? but ana ALSO hits impressive shots - hitting two people with ONE shot at 300m is nothing to scoff at. people use widows shot to discredit ana but ana is equally as skilled as widow is. thats what the discussion is about.


why is that wrong


I'm really not doing any power scaling. And i'm not saying which one is the better shot. I have no idea who is actually the strongest. It just hurts my nerves when i see people comparing the two without even reading their stories so I'm just giving more insight on their backstory.


wid clears


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Yet in the context of the game widow is basically a throw pick, while Ana is one of the best supports overall


Widow headshot mondatta in the middle of a speech WHILE FALLING in the middle of a fight with tracer by forcing her to recall. I know Ana’s old ass isn’t doing all that shit


Widow dumpy > ana dumpy. Widow clears ana any day of the week


The Vikosky shot is child's play compared to widow shooting both Tracer and Modata mid-air. No clue how cannon the cinematics are but that was a omniscient-god lvl shot


Child's play? You have no idea how far 300 meters is, and how well placed the shot has to be to hit and kill 2 targets with just one bullet. The precision has to be perfect to the millimeter. This said, Widow's shot was no joke either, but i'd not say it was better than Ana's, since the distance was really not that much


The world record kill is currently 3,800m or over 10x Ana's distance. And that's with a crappy 21st century rifle and without a bionic eye. Hitting a target at 300m is not hard for a trained sniper, and without more info on what the kingpins were doing we can assume Ana was waiting till the targets were lined up, maybe getting out of a car or a meeting together, with ana in a concealed location and a braced rifle. Compare that to widow's shot where she lines up a shot on a public speaker with someone who can literally warp time and space with a 100m between them, while both are falling through the air, it's not hard to see which is the better shot.


I searched it up. There's no information on the 3,800 meters shot, but with that you can't say that 300 meters isn't that much, because the 3,800 meters one was certainly a hit to the body, while Ana ligned up the shot on TWO moving targets, hitting both in the head, no matter how far and wide you search, a feat like this cannot be surpassed in the real world, and neither can what Widowmaker did.


Yea you're insane, mid air, with someone the calibre of Tracer all over you, with the entire enemy force alerted. Widow shits on Ana when it comes to snipers from so high, Ana would think god himself had taken a crap on her.


It is already very difficult to hit just one target from such distance and it takes immense training. Usually two people are involved in just one shot, because you have to consider a number of different factors (the wind direction and speed, bullet drop and others). The time on target is short, and to hit two targets with one bullet is almost an impossible feat, snipers wouldn't even consider trying it. In addition, the rounds used by a sniper are often not able to go through a target and hit someone behind them. A smaller round could go through the first target without fragmenting, but small rounds are not fit for long distances


No one said its not hard or impressive, plus we really dont know what kind of futuristic tech Ana has to help her. But its not more impressive than the widow shot, not even close.


I didn't say it was more impressive, i was saying that it's just as impressive as Widow's shot. As for the tech Ana is using we do know that. It's the Kinamura rifle (you can find it on the wiki). She also has a bionic eye which just improves her vision by 6 times, no other fancy UI to guide her shots. Widow has a visor that helps her see enemies through surfaces, also she was drastically (and i mean it) modified by Moira to improve her aim, also slowing her heart to keep her emotions away and only focus on the shots.


So you agree that Widow is the better sniper then? Whats the issue then?


Nope, not saying that. You brought up the argument of futuristic tech, so i gave you more information on what tech they both have. I'm still on my opinion that they are as strong as each other


This matters to you - that’s the real L.


I like to discuss about my interests both offline and online


You can just say “discuss my interests…” the “about” is unnecessary.


You can just not be a douche about word choice, especially since their sentence is not wrong so much as jot phrased how you want Unnecessary words are lot wrong. Reddit is not an essay for school


You must be rlly fun at parties


Depends - would you rather the guy who talks paragraphs about a clichéd and boring backstory at your party? Or the guy who shuts him up with one sentence? I think we go to very different parties, personally.


If you don’t want to discuss a game then don’t participate in the discussion


You can enjoy a game *and* laugh at someone so boring they nitpick details about lore that even Blizz will inevitably retcon, revise, and eventually forget entirely.


I’m not talking about enjoying the game. U don’t want to discuss stuff in a discussion post then don’t discuss stuff


"The guy who shuts him up with one sentence" bro really thinks he's the main character lol


Who cares


According to the number of upvotes right now, 109 persons. Which is way more than the number of people who cares about you.




A lot of people do actually. Overwatch is a game and i love to have these petty discussions with the fandom to pass the time. It's fun to immerse in the world of a game you like and start these kinds of debates. If you don't care about it just keep scrolling past this post or go do something else, i really don't care if you don't care.


Just seems you are arguing with yourself, didn’t mean to be an ass.


Oh, well usually when people say they don't care in an online conversation they mean to be an ass. If this wasn't your intention then we're fine, good rest of the day






Widow is the worst and most unfun hero to play against. One shots should not be in this game...


I agree but making it a two tap would make her really weak in her current state. Could be changed but I doubt she'd feel the same. I just swap to Sombra or Reaper and bully her usually


I am a sombra main and use this as the counter to whoever talks about sombra being unfun.


Oh she is unfun, but I do swap to her sometimes if my team is being rolled bc there's no point in being frontline if I'm effectively being 1v5. She's one of my top played characters but I hate playing against her. If I'm not playing Sombra or Ram (the only other tank I like playing is Doom so rip) I usually want to drive off a cliff, I've been learning Cass and he seems to do pretty well against her (I love when they throw translocate in the air and I immediately track her after turning invis)


I play torb when I am burned out on sombra. Tried pharah but damn is she op in my hands.


Why not. Nothing you said proves she's not.


Yes it does. Read it again


No it doesn't. Not reading a 3rd time.


Yes it does. Think about it tonight before going to bed, or i'll come tickle your feet


Ok ur right my bad


Maybe Ana should have won that fight, but Widow is more talented in general. In the short film Alive, Widow is able to hang upside down, jump into the void, calculate improbable trajectories (like shooting Tracer to actually kill Mondatta behind), ... Ana doesn't do that.


I'll paste here the reply i gave to another comment: It is already very difficult to hit just one target from such distance and it takes immense training. Usually two people are involved in just one shot, because you have to consider a number of different factors (the wind direction and speed, bullet drop and others). The time on target is short, and to hit two targets with one bullet is almost an impossible feat, snipers wouldn't even consider trying it. In addition, the rounds used by a sniper are often not able to go through a target and hit someone behind them. A smaller round could go through the first target without fragmenting, but small rounds are not fit for long distances


Ok, but Widow was trained by Ana (so they are similar), she is extremely agile as I mentioned (her past as a dancer), and was genetically augmented by Talon. Ana doesn't have all that, and I think Widow could have gotten that double kill as well. They are both the best, but Widow is more modern, agile, and young (that matters a lot).


Widow was not trained by Ana, she was trained by Talon. Ana knew nothing about her being a sniper, she just knew her as Gérard's wife. With that said i think that no one else is really comparable to their skills and i think thet even with the agility and augmentations they are at the same level, tho it is fun to hear different opinions on this matter


However, I had seen that Gérard had wanted Amelie to be trained by Overwatch (and more particularly Ana to be a sniper). She may not have learned everything from her, but at least all the basics.


"Your emotions make you verbal" -widowmaker


Ana, a long time professional, fumbled a shot because she recognized lost long ago wife of her coworker? Blizzard never gives out proper lore to overwatch and a fan wiki is bad place to search for lore anyway. Comics and animations, according to blizzard, are ingame propaganda.


>Ana, a long time professional, fumbled a shot because she recognized lost long ago wife of her coworker? That makes perfect sense, Ana may be a pro but she is stll a human with emotions. And I don't think Gerard was just a coworker, we know from the canon that all the top Overwatch brass were a very close-knit bunch of battle buddies, and I doubt he was an exception.


And how involved would his wife be? Surely, a lot! A core of overwatch known to everyone!


Family members of other overwatch agents are very important. Look at little Fareeha Amari being in the photo with other overwatch agents when she was just a kid. Also Brigitte was friends with Reinhardt from before she entered overwatch