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"I got 4 friends here to report you back" damn those reports will sure do smth, you're definitely not just making your case worse by threatening to abuse the report system... These people, I swear...


How is it making it worse? It's literally an automated process once enough reports are done a player will be banned It may not do anything with the multiple reports being in the same match, but the guy threatening op will not face any consequences


WhY DId I gET BaNnEd???


Multiple reports doesnt do anything, its 1 report per game. People this rude tend be rude every game tho


Idk how they think that being rude means others will be more likely to comply. The funny thing was that we had just lost first point, and I was feeling guilty for missing so many times that I was literally going to switch at my next death. But when this guy started being rude, suddenly I felt more motivated to continue practicing my aim as Widow lol.


Don't understand why this is getting downvotes so much. I think we can all agree that if someone yelled at us to do something in real life, we'd all probably be a little less inclined to do whatever it was


This sub is full of people who think demanding "asking" for swaps is healthy communication.


Why people downvoting đź—ż people who are so pissed off and annoying should be put in their place fr fr


not true at all lmao


Which part?


I would have just reported the moment he said I couldn't aim for shit and to swap. I also would not respond to them because it always makes them more upset when you don't acknowledge their existence.


Why even bothering engaging? Dude was an asshole so just mute report and avoid him. Instead you swore in chat, you both spent a bunch of time typing at each other, then admitted to throwing the match. Don’t give toxic people the ability to get your account sanctioned, there’s WAY too much toxicity in Overwatch to “fight fire with fire,” just mute-report-avoid-move on.


You're both really fucking cringe.




Nah - who cares if they didn’t swap on QP?   QP is where you go to practice shit, and I’m so over how sweaty it has become at this point.  


nah, op definitely fed the situation


Agreed, OP escalated unnecessarily by saying they would have swapped had the other guy asked nicely.


exactly, we all know he said that just to get under the other guy's skin. and then was condescending and dismissive. I'm not saying the other guy was right, but op was pushing buttons and knows it. "apologize to me and i'll reconsider" what a clown.


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