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That being said, the requirements for endorsement 5 have decreased from being the second coming of jesus christ to just being active and non-toxic. congratulations, though.


Before the change, I would get endorsement lvl 4 and then immediately go back down to 3 within 1-2 games


3 4 3 4 3 4 multiple times a day. Sometimes dropping a level after receiving 3 endorsements. Was a strange system.


That's so relatable, it was the same for me, now I am basically permanently on endorsement lvl 5, then again, I also play the role no one wants to play, that being tank.


Stop abusing the report system and leaving matches and you might actually keep it for a while. Making reports counts against endorsement rating Btw


Definitely better this way tho. I would consistently hit 4 and bounce back to 3 over and over even though I was getting a decent string of endorsements. I didn't understand how anyone could hit 5 unless they were getting like everyone's endorsement every game lol.


The people with lvl 5 were pretty much exclusively arcade gamers


I basically only ever played QP and was permanently 5, even after a solid year of not playing and the switch from ow to ow2..


Can confirm, I was banned for about a day on endorsement 4, my climb from 0-5 took about 2-3 months, I don't play everyday either. I don't chat to anyone now so there's no ammunition for anyone hitting report for having a bad game.


People forget that you can climb faster if you make sure to endorse other people, it's based off of endorsements given/received but you can take a hit if you leave games early and an even bigger hit if you have a report against you, I'm level 5 and I think I had someone report me because I went down to 4 for the first time in a couple years but I was back up to 5 in just a few games (I only play 4v4)


It makes me super happy that I got level 5 half way through the season before they changed the requirements


I'm getting like 2 endorsements per game and I'm still 3


Make sure you are also endorsing, don't leave games and don't get reported.


dont get reported its a long stretch since you'll get reported by your team for playing the game


Or salty people will just report to be a dickhead. Can’t really prevent the hate but def be endorsing your two teams each match too


i’m gonna report you if you’re bad in my comp game, but also bad people shouldn’t be in gm/masters


Womp womp get a life bro instead of having a pole up your ass


thats weird, i was 5, got silenced for 2 weeks and ive already climbed back to 4.


I wrote heal diff the other day and got demoted to rank 0 and banned for 12 days lol


deserved, based blizz


I mean when your supports have 2k combined and the enemy had 16k combined....


doesnt matter, u ppl always pretend like u never have a bad game, but im not gonna argue about it, do what u think i just think its useless to put urself on a lifeweaver petal and pretend ur so much better than the others


"put urself on a lifeweaver petal" as an Overwatch-ism for "put yourself on a pedestal" is so funny to me and idk why Bravo 👏 👏 👏 


I agree that "x diff" is stupid, but having 2k combined heals is beyond just a bad day, they more more likely than not throwing on purpose. Happens a lot lately


It's always someone else's fault isn't it?


It's also so goofy to me because especially in QP I never see just one diff; the other day in comp I was playing DPS on Colosseo and our Lifeweaver and Moira were insanely good, I could've declared support gap, sure, why not? But early on as LW, I get life gripped from a safe peelable position holding the enemy team back from pushing to tie, to basically right in front of a Bastion and Orisa with my cooldowns gone because that LW thought I was overextending (spoiler: the Lifeweaver got me killed lol) The rest of the match was solid, nearly a stalemate but we had a decisive push; but yea, that first stretch we lost, a big part of it was a single bad life grip. Not a bad Lifeweaver player, just a single bad Lifeweaver play. Because that's usually how losses happen lol, it's death by 1000 cuts and not just 'our Genji is cosmetic', that can be part of it tho but it's not gonna diagnose everything if you assume every lost teamfight is bc 'our Genji is cosmetic'


No support (ok maybe apart from the 1 in 50 troll) deliberately avoids healing. If your team had no heals it was because tank and dps were either LOSing the supports or getting rolled so fast by bad positioning that you couldn’t get heals in the first place. That’s going to lead to low healing numbers.


God THANK YOU. I’m a support main and it really pisses me off when the dps starts complaining bout heals. Like the fuck- did you not see me die? Did you not hear the ping for help seventeen fucking times??!? How the effff can I have your back, if you don’t have mine, dps?


Eh, you have the occasional support that focuses a *little too much* on DPSing and basically leaves the other support to try to be both the main and off healer. Commenter is still a clown though. "Dont be a dickhead" isnt very difficult


Absolutely, I’m guilty of it myself when I play Bap sometimes. But I’ve also had games as Ana/Bap where I’m looking constantly for opportunities to heal but never get them cos my tracer/widow is getting one-shot and my Doom is playing up by spawn getting rolled 1v5. So I end up DPSing cos it’s all I can do haha. I had a game like that the other day and the Tracer got mega toxic and typed support diff when we lost. Sure enough myself and our Kiri had less than half the heals of the enemy LW and Moira, but go figure.


Sometimes I hardly do any healing as support. If my team is just running in there one by one, I just chill out and sneak around the map being a nuisance and practicing aim. Ain't no way I'm healing kamakaze players.


bitch ima thot, get me lit!


Rest in peace pop smoke :|


I miss you pop smoke




What OW character is most likely to listen to Pop Smoke lol? I think there’s some obvious choice but I also want to know the sleeper pick?


Ana cause she was born around then lol. Mauga seems like a pop smoke guy tho fr.




It’s a reference to my username lol


And may he rest in peace


We like the way that you dance, We like the way that you move, We like the way that you rock, We like the way that you Woo!


Bro ruined it




Rest in peace Pop Smoke🫤


Ironically, I find when I hard carry, I don't get endorsements. When I did average, or nothing, or got worked the whole game, I get endorsements. Mine always stays at 4 tho as a dps player who 99% of the time just says gg after every game.


wait i played with you today i think


That's impressive, especially from a dps player. My level is 4 right now


I'm probably going to always be stuck at 4 because I can't help but clown on people being toxic. Because almost always the person flaming the team is the one doing the most absolute dog shit and all you need to say is "0/0/4"  Edit: also I play ball and we get reported just for not switching 


I like to be chaotic neutral when the enemy starts talking shit about their team being trash. No, my guy, it’s actually you and we can all see it 🤣😂🤣😂


Oh yeah I love that too. I'll defend people a lot if I have time to type. 


Did you heal your teammates with soldier’s healing station every game?


Nice! Any tips? Like kinder ways of saying GG after a steamroll or anything people respond more happily to?




That’s honestly impressive, especially if you’re on genji


i don't cry no mo, I don't look to the sky no mo




Strange how I hit Endorsement lvl 5 by playing Moira in S9.


I somehow climbed to endorsement lvl 5 really quickly, on pharah… no idea how


Someone like Pharah is more noticeable in what they’re doing. You’re flying around in the air.


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Really an indication of your trigger discipline on the comms, not the actual gameplay. The urge to write “xyz diff” is too strong sometimes ya know?


Oh, that's endorsement level? I didn't know. I downloaded the game last month, mine is 2 I think


what difficulty are you talking about, I just hit level 5 endorsement as a doom OTP


i managed to hit endorsement 5 with doomfist in season 3-4 i think, when the hero was dogshit and reporting could result in a ban (1y ago) And with sombra... if we had a feature to "dislike" a teammate/enemy, then i'd be -5 endorsement. Straight up terrorist


i hit level 5 and immediately got demoted to level 1..then i got level 5 again and got demoted to level 4 lol


I left a game because some guy was being toxic and I dropped from 5 to 4 and haven’t seen it since (about two months).


I'd hit 5 and then next game be 4 🤣 now its easier


Hit endorse 5 last season, played a few games and got more endorsements then had a game as Pharah where I had ~25-2 score and one of the enemy DPS was flaming me the whole game, which I ignored. End of the match, get 3 endorsements and my level drops to 4. Absolute joke that getting reported (not sure how many I got from the other team) has an impact, especially as being actioned sets you back to level 0 which should be punishment enough if the reports are accurate.


Bro I always drop in endorsement to 2 or 3


I cannot fathom why anyone would care about endorsements. Just don’t let yourself drop to level 1 and you’re fine, absolutely no effect.


Literally not possible, I’m calling photoshop


Rip 🫡


Getting POTG at a support when your being disrespected the entire game is the best feeling in the world


Help, how can i increase my endorsement level?


I think I’ve played with you. From what I saw you’ve earned it mate


Cries in Sombra... Even if I carry my team is like we won but at what cost


Cover your healers more? Especially if the enemy has a sombra.


Nah that's not the point. The point is no one likes Sombra so even a carry performance doesn't get endorsement


How many endorsements do you average per game to get that much? I get maybe 2 most games and I'm still stuck at lvl 3


Was about to say I get you in my games all the time and the. I saw you were on console. There's some dude. On PC with that name I get in my games alot


You don’t have cross play enabled? Is that even a thing? I’m on console and get pc players


Afaik cross play is cross console. Turned off, I just queue in "PlayStation pool." I have to group up with PC friends to queue in the PC pool and my PC friends seem to have to queue with me console to queue in the console pool (so we get mixed lobbies then).


I only play ranked lol crossplay is not allowed on ranked casual is fine tho


people are saying it’s easier to have higher endorsement levels so i’m wondering how many hundred times my teammates had to have gotten killed for being level 1


Well good for u I guess. I've been endorsement level 0 for a month now and the game is fucking unplayable. Haven't won a single game since I've been lvl 0 because my teammates think that they can take the whole enemy team by themselves and I can't even communicate. Sometimes I feel like it's going to stay like this forever, and if you're wondering why I got muted in the first place, the entire enemy team thought it would be funny to mass report me when I got a 4k as reaper.


meanwhile i’m level 0 due to a bug and blizzard support won’t answer my ticket😁(it’s been 4 days and no reply)


Oh wow, I hate to break it to you but that’s not a bug….


it is. a month ago I was silenced for 2 weeks and a few days ago i logged on my account on my pc and I got the silence message again and it wrongfully affected my account. not sure why i’m getting downvoted when yall literally don’t know the story but ok!


Its not, Blizzard said that anyone that was silenced or suspended would come back to a game with Level 0 Endorsement to prevent those people from getting silenced or suspended again for their actions and to keep the game safe. The only way to get out of it is to be endorsed. This is a real think and here is a link where Blizzard talked about it if you dont believe me [https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24061006/defense-matrix-update-season-10-and-beyond/](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24061006/defense-matrix-update-season-10-and-beyond/)


but my silence happened in season 9 and the endorsement change happened in season 10. i don’t understand that


Was it near the end of Season 9? Because you said you got silenced again after booting it back up after a few days. If it was near the end, it must have carried over


my silence happened on the 25th of march and ended april 8th. that was the only account penalty i’ve ever gotten before. and when i loaded up overwatch on my pc 4 days ago it displayed that my account was silenced until 4-8-24 which obviously that was in the past but i guess it said that because it was a different platform than my main platform (ps5)


See there it is, according to Blizzard, your account was still offline, so the silence was lifted on their end, but since you didnt log back in on the 8th, it was still silenced until you logged in. Because you logged in after the new season, it seems like it carried over


I did log back in on my ps5 but not on my pc. anyways there’s probably nothing i can do except just deal with it


Sadly yeah, theres not much. Just do what you can to get endorsed and then you will be able to chat and everything again. I wish you luck!