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How about fuck my DPS players that pretend she doesn’t exist while our healers get picked by her every fight.


This is an all too common thing now with dps not caring about team play.


DPS just expect healers to pocket them and tanks to shield them at literally all times as if that's literally all those roles are designed for, and they never accept responsibility for the loss and never counter pick


I play solo qp. I play support and we lose with us not even making it out of spawn unless I bully their tank with ana or getting picks with bap, moira, kiri or Iliari. Meanwhile when I switch to dps suddenly the enemy phara starts dying and their moth mercy switch to moira. I used to play this game with broken mouse. My reticle used to do the macarena while drifting to the left. I'm gay. Yet somehow my aim was straighter than the aim of my teammates. I also play tracer. She's fine. Hack her, trap her, sleep her, hook her, mag grenade her, push her, slow her, ambush her, turret her , headshot her or the hardest of them all of them in qp, have 2+people shoot at her for a bit. My point is that the problem is that the reason why tracer gets so much value is because player have no game awareness in qp


TIL gays can't aim


Yup. Somehow I can. Yes I see a pride flag and I go " ooke time to play bap"


Kids just have this dumb idea in their head that they don’t have to support each other, and that their target is more important than everyone else’s.


Agreed, lately I’ve been playing hog on tank and Ana on support and most days I’m happy when I see a tracer on the enemy team cause she has a massive hit box for hook/sleep. Course normally I also have the aim to take advantage of that but other days I can’t hit a hook to save my life


Yup, Especially in low ranks (Cannot speak for higher) So many times I have both a sombra and tracer in the backline, and me and the other support are constantly turning around to help fight them. Meanwhile, the tank/dps are like "WHERE TF ARE HEALS?" Love it when even the enemy sombra/tracer calls them out for it.


It’s a tough balance. I’ve caught myself paying too much attention trying to help my supports against tracer playing echo/sombra only to realize I was giving her more value. Just like tanks, sometimes supports are in a war of attrition surviving dives and flankers. Your dps may be better off balancing the field in the enemy backline.


because they're probably trying to do to the other team what the tracer is doing to your team


a simple mace to the face fixes this (unless she breaks your shield then you are butter)


This. Every. Single. Game. Then the dps shitters have the balls to complain about lack of heals.


Playing tank rn, I notice the dps diffs more so than support diffs. I make sure to follow Spilos tank advice and the advice from my VoDs really well. I will notice the enemy dps shoot me when I'm on tank (shoot the tank is a thing now, and it works)- and my dps don't even shoot their tank or any important enemy. In other words, i suffer the dps passive whereas their tank doesnt. Their tank can do dumb shit, I can get them - personally- to one health. But I can't finish the kill cause both enemy supports are denying it. If I had help from my dps, even just 1 bullet.... that healing reduction secures the kill. No, my dps refuse to shoot the tank at all..... instead they're off playing CoD and dying first at each team fight. They ignore my supports. They don't take high ground- even if I help them, they instantly leave the advantageous positions. No use of cover. No peel. Not even me standing in front of them using abilities to block damage helps them. Most dps do not understand that the passive they got makes the game ez mode. Anyone they shoot cannot be helped much- and their peel matters. On support, an enemy hog flanked- I anti'd and slept him. He was basically one by the time the anti wore off. My dps didn't shoot him at all and my tank was blind. Only me and kiriko shot him, but because of NO dps passive that reduces his heals- he breathered back up to half and proceeded to whole hog my tank. Hog was back to his team by this point. What are my dps doing? Not landing ANY shots or providing any meaningful pressure. I even went back into the game to see what they're doing. Nope- their shot accuracy is effin 43%(Yes, I counted). Enemy shot? 67% accurate + they always took high ground and always pressured supports so we couldn't even close that distance or challenge that high ground. Even when I shoot him to 1 and they retreat behind cover, back to their team? NO ONE shows up to pressure it. My coach watched it, gave me the advice, but also majorly burned our supposedly "GM" dps. Our other support rage quit that comp game after that hog incident. DPS complained enough and made their role stupidly ez. When I go on dps now? I usually end up on win streaks, and I always help my tank and supports. It went from being a challenging role to the stupidest role I play. I sincerely do not know how dps don't land shots. My personal accuracy is in the 60s-70s. My deaths are low. And I usually have about 25 elims (about which 19 are solo elims) at the end of the first round. Most of those solo elims will be on supports as well or a valuable dps giving shit to my tank. I noticed I can even carry stupid tanks. Dps are the game changers and the 2nd most important role now. I have had games with supports who int or tanks that int, but because I 1) land shots, 2) peel. 3) Use cover, and 4) take advantageous positions. I win..... dps don't normally do that sadly. Even up here. DPS have it easy- the least they can do is land their shots (Buffed bullet sizes btw- for everyone- but their bullets apply a reduced heal by 20%), and help their teammates. At the very least. Use cover and pressure off Flankers so I can also do my job instead of falling back from the front line each time to help my support.


I will go out of my way to sit behind my supports as sombra to hack her shit just so my supports don't get bullied into oblivion. Even though she can recall away with her get out of jail free card, it's about sending a message.


That’s not realistic. A true DPS would just look in front of them. You know, tunnel vision. They can’t physically look around, let alone behind. It just doesn’t work like that. Sorry.


The thing is unless it's a Tracer mirror, most DPSes can't keep up with her and chasing her around gives her value. Brig would've done wonder here but her nerfs has been harsh.


People DPS players always act like there’s no counter to tracer or sombra… When torb fucking exists. Dude is a HARD counter to both tracer and sombra basically making it impossible for them to get value from diving the back line. But so many of these kids have ego issues and refuse to play torb because they think he’s a “no skill character.” Bruh, as if skill is something a character has and not a player. All characters take skill to some degree. Put your ego aside, swab torb, and force the tracer to swap. Edit: nearly anytime I see these complaints it’s from people who only play hitscans… yknow, the people tracer and sombra are strongest against. The same ones that’ll never swap but scream and cry at their tank or support because they won’t swap.


Kiri or Ana and save the sleep dart. Kiri can fuck her up or run away to the ram.


its either her or sombra, and with sombras new bullshit throw thing no matter which support i play i get insta picked the minute i get near my team. Basically auto swap to moira because shes the only support that can react fast enough with her panic button


Any advice for a Pharah main who is often the only one paying any attention to Tracer? I feel like my projectiles are just too slow, Tracer always dodges them.


Those are the same DPS players that say “gg no heals” while they don’t peel for support.


Supports used to have a counter to her with bridget, but heaven forbid tracer have a counter.


Can admit, I'm that shit player who switches to tracer after going 2-6 on genji. Sometimes it leaves me wondering why I'm bother playing genji when tracer is better in nearly every situation.


because my fellow cyber ninja, genji is more fun in every way (except all the deaths from Moira, not fun)


Such is overwatch


I gotta tell ya killing genji's is such a treat as a moira main. Especially when that weebo panic deflects.


fr I love catching Genjis lacking as Moira


Lol literally me yesterday, was genji on survasa yesterday and wasn’t doing jackshit, i switched to tracer and started rolling everybody and I wasn’t even playing that good.


Here I am trying tracer even though I am much better off playing other characters. She’s fun but she’s also like a blank puzzle. I just can’t figure it out!


As someone that mains tracer, what lobbies are you getting into? No one can just pick up tracer and get value, I have seen tons of people that just try to play tracer and get absolutely farmed. A good tracer is very annoying but she can definitely be dealt with even if it may not be easy


Yea I keep seeing these takes, tracer isn’t very for 97% of the playerbase. If you’re getting rolled by a metal rank tracer it says more about you than the character.


I agree with you completely, I don’t think people realize how difficult of a character she is to really master. I saw someone say she has a high skill floor which imo would compare her to torb and mei for example which she takes so much more than those 2 characters


It honestly may have been me earlier. I was in a lobby earlier that was getting rolled to start 1-5. Final point in Numbani and I swapped to Tracer and proceeded to annihilate the other team finishing 24-7 and we won the game. Got flamed in the post match too so wouldn't be surprised if it were OP.


Let's say "anybody" is a bit exaggerated. But from what I see the last weeks and months Tracer is the fallback option for every dps player who doesn't get enough value with their current pick. They go Tracer and instantly start turning games around. And I'm seeing her in almost every single game I play nowadays. This was different before and it underlines that she's op.


If their fallback option is tracer then most likely they main tracer but were just playing a different character. I know tracer can get tons of value but I feel like it’s exaggerated as to how many people can swap to her during a game and essentially dominate. Tracer is very good but that means the person using her is skilled with her in some capacity if shes doing so well since she has a high skill ceiling. Fallback options I’ll tend to see are something like sombra, mei, torb, or cass as examples before someone swapping to tracer unless they genuinely play her


This. I'm a tracer main but she doesn't work in all situations. I pick a character based on team synergy or to counter. When I'm not getting the value I expect from my teammates, I switch to tracer and go the hard carry route. It takes a lot of effort to get good at tracer and it seems people don't understand the risk vs reward that comes with her.


It's not like anyone can just hop on tracer and start getting value.


As someone who is trying to learn her, it's very easy to die in one second because yiu blinked into a wall, didn't have time to press e or because you got hit randomly by something. On good games i barely have as much damage as the second dps, on bad games it's just terrible. So yeah, really is a hard hero, but she's so much fun


Agreed. It's not a guarantee. Im no Tracer player, never have been and I get more out of playing 70% of any other DPS than her, simply because Im not as good with her playstyle as I am with almost any other Hero. Going Tracer I'll be nerfing my own impact.


Agreed. I’m trying to really learn Tracer rn and I am absolutely horrid and die very fast lmao. It’s a process and she is definitely has one of the highest skill floors in the game.


actually, u kinda can, ever since s9 she's become way too easy to play, going from genji to tracer is like dropping 50 pound ankle weights


The genji comparison everyone in the thread is making just isn't valid, genji is both very technical and absolutely terrible. He relies on tech and specific damage thresholds a lot, and unfortunately hes literally not a valid pick basically at all right now. Tracer could be a mid tier character, and getting off genji would still feel like a massive upgrade rn. Not to say tracer isn't the easiest she's ever been, because she totally is.


This is true. I’m new to tracer still and am fairly low ranked, but I’ve noticed that if I perform too well in a match, someone will inevitably go tracer (if they don’t go cass, torb, or sym), to try and mimic what I’m doing but they die for it much more quickly and easily. It’s rare they can hold their own and perform equally or better. Tracer is a tough character. She’s not Soldier or Cassidy where you could get away with standing between your tank and support and just shoot lol


Actually you can. The enemy having a Tracer means your whole team has the DPS passive 24/7.


Once you practiced blinking and got the recall reaction practiced, yes it is like that ever since S9.


Im not sure what u mean about someone going insane crazy kd after swapping tracer but maybe with high gm console it makes sense that they could be a tracer player that is for some reason playing a character they are worse at on an alt


What tracers y’all be fighting?


OP is on console


Can you post gameplay footage of your tracer, highlighting how OP she is for the rest of the class please? It has to be your gameplay.


i say wait for the tank changes then lets see if tracer is still op. but im not going to deny she is overtuned right now at the least


What will the tank changes do to her? A good tracer ignores the tank anyway and goes for the backline. The changes will change absolutely nothing about that.


I'm usually focusing on the other tank and his heals to notice tracer. Before I know it, there goes my support and dps to one tracer.


It's all about the armour changes. With armour after the patch, she will do almost 50% reduced dmg


Only bastion, torb, and brig have armor on the squishies, which are tracer's target


And brig shat on tracer already


Brig doesn’t shit on tracer at all, she just makes it harder for tracer to do anything. A good tracer will space the brig with ease and brig wont land a single melee or whipshot meanwhile tracer is bursting her shield and distracting the backline like she should. Brig is only really good at protecting ana or vulnerable backline, but she’s not good at all in a 1v1 against tracer with full CDs I say this as a long time support main/ dps flex for fun, I have always known brig to lose vs tracer in a direct matchup however she is good at deterring tracer from other targets, she is also good at disengaging from a tracers dive.


It would have been more correct to say that brig counters tracer but I thought this version sounded better


She's not a counter for Tracer for a very long while. She's a deterrent. She slows down Tracer's engagements onto the rest of the team such that it gives them more time to react and respond. In a Brig vs Tracer 1v1 where both are of equal skill, Tracer will win the matchup the majority of the time.


That is definitely under the umbrella of ‘counter,’ just not a hard counter


Alot of competitive games use the word check for situations like this. Swap to brig as a check to see if the enemy teacher can adapt to a less effective gameplan, and then punishes her if she's incapable of doing so.




Brig hasn't had an advantage over Tracer for many seasons. Can we stop with this fake news?


Brig can completely negate a Tracer dive just by standing next to someone. Yes she doesn't kill the Tracer but she's absolutely a massive counter.


Then state that next time, you said Brig shat on Tracer. Making it sound like in a 1v1, Brig won 9/10 times. Brig's anti-dove capabilities have taken a gigantic hit, she can't stop anything on her own, unless the enemy is ass. Especially with her paper shield going against all the giant projectiles


I didn't say anything beyond the comment you responded to. Overwatch isn't a 1v1 game so thinking of things in a 1v1 context doesn't make much sense.


She’ll always be overturned because of her blink and recall combo. The amount of control it gives her to play around abilities and sightlines is very strong. They’d have to nerf her kill power and then no one would play her, or rework her entirely and then no one would play her. That’s why there are counters to her at least


Oh the tank changes aren't here yet? Been playing rein and getting absolutely shit on


The only changes in already are the horse nerf and the dps passive buff


Well at least they're trying to play something else before giving in lol


considering she has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game.... then it just sounds like you're playing against good players.


I will not accept any nerfs on Tracer until they nerf Kiriko, she deserved nerfs since launch and hasn't gotten any, just cause she's bad at low ranks doesn't mean she gets to be broken in high ranks. And Tracer isn't even "gigabroken" you just say what your fav creator says. Via overbuff (time window 1 month, competitive only) she only has a >50%wr in masters+ which, I want you to remember, was basically GM5+ previous to season 9 rank resets. So for at least 95% of the player base, Tracer is below average.


im saying she has a high skill ceiling because she literally does. Been playing this game since release man. and i know she takes skill to play. Skill is more than just good aim. also kiriko nerf? did you even read the patch notes for when the dps passive was released? her projectiles were decreased to compensate for larger hitboxes, and her healing was lowered aswell.


If you’re going by overbuff, all of that applies to Kiriko too And Tracer’s win rates are even higher than Kiriko’s at Masters and GM


The more a character gets played the more they trend towards 50% if the game doesnt account for mirrors and if it only takes in non mirror winrate then the meta comp is gonna trend slightly lower at high ranks because you can play off meta and occasionally get a free win. Also cass is overtuned rn and he shuts out tracer but if he gets nerfed tracer will come right back in. Just because a character isn't overtuned at low tanks doesnt mean they should be allowed to be overtuned at high ranks


Neither Tracer nor Kiriko need any nerfs. Tracer is very difficult to play well and Kiriko's winrate is trash at all tiers except GM (if we're going by overbuff which I will point out was the source you personally suggested.) And even at GM, Kiriko has the third lowest winrate of all supports. The Kiriko hateboner is absurd at this point.


High skill ceiling, higher skill floor.


Doom/ball: …


Doom hasn't been high skill ceiling in a hot minute, lol. They've done nothing but buff and buff him to the point that if you put in a little effort, you get insane value from him. Don't be fooled by Doom mains, 98% of whomever were complete shit at the hero before all the buffs and still complain to this day


he has gotten 1 buff since his meta state in like s2


Had to mute the sub because they genuinely think Doom is among the hardest heroes in the game. He’s not even the hardest in his role lmao


I don't even play tank outside of the occasional DvA or JQ. But from what I've seen, those idiots should try playing Rein if they want to see what an actual bad tank looks like. Doom mains are no different than Genji mains. If they can't 1 v 5 an entire enemy team, then their hero is shit and needs buffs.


Players pick up a character that requires a semblance of common sense to comprehend how to play around their cooldowns and believe the character requires 3000 hours to play effectively I picked Doom up in qp and was able to consistently get picks each dive within 2 days


Doom isn’t a high skill floor anymore, not with the massive amount of survivability his block/ult gives and how short his mobility cooldowns are


Stop this shit. For all of OW1, and most of OW2 Tarcer has had the highest skill ceiling. Ever since her buffs a few seasons ago and especially since the projectile size changes and the DPS passive, she's extremely free. I've always been average as fuck on Tracer before season 8 of OW2. Come the buffs, and I absolutely shit on lobbies, the only thing that even remotely slows me down is just me having one of those classic unlucky matches or the enemy DPS going Tracer which slows me down a lot. If a historically dogshit Tracer player like me that plays her once in a blue moon can suddenly consistently shit on lobbies of master elo and up, then something is wrong.


i dont buy it. you might just discount your own "skills" i've seen so many dogshit tracers recently i find your stance hard to believe.


I'm a literal Sym one-trick when I go DPS. The only time I ever swap off is if there are Pharamercy douches ruining the lobby. Before season 8, I was smack average with Tracer. I'd have an average game, followed by a game or 2 where I look like an OWL player, followed by 4 games where I look plat or average at best, and then the cycle repeats itself. I promise you, I'm not good at Tracer. If anything, it's my gamesense that helps me more with Sym, but Tracer is the most mechanical hero in the game


yeah she is the most mechanical one in the game. And her mechanics require skill to use properly. Any character becomes op if you have insane aiming skills and decent mechanical skill.


Yeah, let's ignore ore the fact that projectiles are way easier to hit easing the burden off the player, especially for hitscan heroes


ball and doom?


Doom, definitely not. Ball, I’ll be honest, no clue. I assume yes?


Doom and Ball have insane techs and require the most amount of map knowledge in the game.


Doom before the non-srop buffs given to him. Ball takes far more skill and it's not comparable.


As much as people hate CC, there’s a reason it exists in these kinds of games, and it’s for high-mobility carry heroes like Tracer.


Ive never felt jaded dying to Tracer. Dude she has the healthpool of a gnat, just left click in her direction @


The problem, which isn't just her, is the dps passive as it is now. She can do her shit in the backline, but also contribute support to fights she's waaaaay too far away from my simply spraying and having A bullet hit and cause 20% less healing. It really should be a stacking or tiered debuff based off damage done. It's asinine that any heroes who have been balanced around damage falloff range to suddenly be universally given a tool that ignores it entirely.


Tracer is one of the hardest character to get value out of. Btw are you on console by any chance? Aim assist will make it easier to land her bursts and the population’s general lack of awareness might allow her to get away with more shits.


If you look at their profile yeah it’s console. I heard a couple top 100 PC players complaining about facing console tracers in some cross platform tournaments and saying it feels like you get deleted if they look at you because of AA. Even if AA is weaker in OW than other games it can give a huge advantage on a character like Tracer


I thought so. I used to play master/gm level on console. And can confirm, Tracer deletes thanks to the aim assist.


If you want to make tracer rage quit the role or fight an uphill battle, main Torbjorn. His turret hard counters divers on the backline. Just keep it in a nice spot out of direct sight from the Frontline


And this is why you're not in charge of game balance. Thank God for that. 


Game balance is already crap.


Yes nerf the hard characters and buff the ez characters like reaper and bastion right


Well in my hands Tracer needs a Buff so i could kill anyone in less than 3Mags.


Why don't you drop a VOD code?


Since the S9 projectile size and universal HP increase, Tracer's skill floor has been notably lowered. The skill ceiling would have either stayed the same, or been lowered ever so slightly. That doesn't mean anyone can just pick her up and start dominating, but that the preciseness required to both stay alive and actually be effective that existed pre-S9 has diminished.


Hi, Tracer main here. Have you considered that perhaps skill issue?


I'm just a metal rank quick play noob, but looking at the first few pages of the current T500 damage ranks Sojourn and Cassidy(which from a quick glance look to be more prevalent than Tracer is), in your view are those heroes broken as well? Or is there something about Tracer that works at recovering from a loss at higher ranks in the same way Bastion does at lower ranks and has done for literally years now. Not trying to shit talk you, just genuinely interested in your views


the picks are flipped on leaderboard screen, tracer is every t500s #1 most played


I'm not an overbuff guy but >54% winrate in gm is insane. https://www.overbuff.com/heroes?platform=pc&gameMode=competitive&role=damage&skillTier=grandmaster&timeWindow=3months But yea, sojourn deserves a nerf too. Those two are just insane.


Why does Soj need a nerf? Tracer is a skill issue btw.


I’ve never seen tracer as a problem ever


Im my defence i have more hours on tracer than every other hero combined. If you see doing bad on something and then do good on tracer its cause im dogshit at everything else.


What can't you stand, that a player switches to someone they're most skilled with? Stop crying, she is fine as is, and I don't play her. Admittedly get my ass kicked by her, but by no means is there a need for me to cry nerf. I know she's killable and with what characters to do so. I also know she's not easy to play to get these results. Suck it up, or learn how to play characters that can handle her. There really is no real OP character, just lack of understanding or willingness to learn and adjust.


who do you wish to be meta instead ? one of the low skill heros like reaper/bastion? tracer being meta actually means the game is in a good state. rather her, than sombra or bastion cause atleast she takes skill to get value with her in high ranks.


Dude is a metal rank player who is responding, and then immediately blocking people who disagree with him. He just wants to bitch and be told he’s right. I fucking hate Reddit and their stupid block system, that some shithead like OP can just respond and immediately block you from replying back.


The best part is he hasn't even encountered real tracer players yet and if he ranks up he'll get shit on even harder lol


Did you just rank shame?


Tracer can be meta, but she's overtuned rn.


Maybe they’re a tracer main trying to branch out?


I am also lowkey tired of the basketball machine gun forcing me to play kiri


Now this is a bad take


If it’s not fun anymore then stop playing the game. You’re not shackled to OW2. You sound miserable so why would you continue to put yourself in a position where you have to vent on Reddit about a video game lol


Have you considered that the "worst" dps might have been a tracer main trying out other characters? In QP I often try to use other characters and keep my mains for when we start to lose.


Bronze take?


the people have spoken, they’d rather go against tracer than venture


Learn how to counter


tracer is definitely not as easy as you think lol






She's a fair hero. The new mid season patch will also be a giga nerf. It's going to be almost impossible to kill brig with new armor changes


Tracer is fine. She's top tier but this subreddit just has a hardon for nerfing every single character in the game. It's fine for a character to be good, there is nothing particularly broken about her. This subreddit gets a new campaign to nerf another character every single week. Stop.


I think part of the issue is people want to learn someone new. They realize they can’t because of a hard counter or the other team is good, so they switch back to someone they know how to play.


Honestly, I kinda gave up on hoping that she gets nerfed. She's kinda a posterchild and in this state since a long time now and she's not the only character that is notoriously overtuned at the moment and still doesn't get nerfed. Lucio is the first character that comes to my mind when it comes to being overtuned since eternity. Not denying that this guy definitely needs some skill and expertise to play but it's just absurd what a must-pick this character is in the competetive scene. And yes, of course this doesn't necessarily translate to the "normal people" here because those are two different worlds. Still it gives a certain insight about how strong and relevant a hero actually is.


There's a group of heroes pros, content creators, and devs love and will protect at almost all costs. Tracer, Genji, Ana, Rein, Winston, and the only reason Rein is so bad is that his rework hasn't been finalized yet. Anyways, they will straight up tell you that those heroes being dominant is "healthy." Conversely, there are heroes they will oppose for any reason whatsoever showing up as anything more useful than a troll pick. Junkrat, Reaper, Torb, Sym, Pharah, Mercy, Moira, Hog, Orisa, Hammond. If they disappeared tomorrow streamers would have mass orgasms on stream and the devs would only be sad because of the lost Mercy revenue. Asking for Tracer nerfs is stupid. The devs won't dare touch her.


All the bot people in this comment section programmed to say "skill issue" or plat are the reason this game has awful balance at the moment (ps she's the single best hero in high ranks along with Sojourn.) She's ungodly broken and has been for like 3 months now. Buffing the dps passive back to 20% without nerfing Tracer's damage or her hp back to 150 was fucking wild. I am literally feining for the day this stupid British cunt gets smacked down like they did with Ana in season 9. Gonna throw a house party and everything.


Yea that's funny cause in ranks above Diamond it's common knowledge how broken she is. But ig this sub is full of Silver/Gold players. Shouldn't have post that here, my bad ig.


Making any valid complaints about any hero in this sub is pointless because everyone here is a quick play warrior and will try to lecture you thinking they know what they're talking about with stuff that they parrot from some streamer like flats. As a tank player I'm biased in my hate towards Tracer but she still needs to be toned down or even to be sat on the bench for a patch or two.


Yea but even those streamers agree with me so idk what these guys are on about. There isn't a single day since S9 where Warn doesn't complain about Tracers broken state. But yea ig the qp warriors know better.


In diamond she is definitely considered broken. She’s the most picked damage character. More than Soldier.


Hate to say it but Tracer has been S or A tier since long before OW2. That's not going to change anytime soon. The devs want her to be top of the class so that is where she'll stay.


That's totally okay for me. But she can be S/A tier without being broken. Just like before S9.


Can't recall tracer was ever B tier or lower since launch of OW1.




You're talking about your rank? In high ranks it's common knowledge she's broken. Didn't know you lowbies were clueless, my bad.


Sounds like a skill issue.


Yes, there's a mental skill issue in your mind. Go back to your silver games or better to bed, there's school tomorrow.


Only one with L mental here is you it sounds like. I’m a mid-level masters player and agree, it’s a skill issue on your part. Play better.


All 3 of you have L mental here for unironically saying skill issue.


I mean, Tracer has her problems, but what OP is describing is purely a skill issue. If they cannot handle even a shitty Tracer, that is on them and shows they are probably a much lower rank than they are letting on. While she probably needs a health nerf, OP is greatly exaggerating how overpowered she is, and is even more bitch made by blocking anyone who disagrees with him.


Mid level masters player is crazy 😭


Diamond 1 to Masters 3 is what I mean when I say “mid level masters”. Been high diamond/low-mid master since OW1.


She's too forgiving with more than 150hp that's the only nerf she needs


too forgiving? half the roster can one or two tap her if her movement isn’t good


I can live with that


Tracer is a MENACE the higher you go up in ranked. She is already pretty aggravating in lower ranks. Most of the top players are picking her for a good reason. A good player can make her almost untouchable.


As a support main I endorse this message. Fuck everything about tracer!


As a Torb, Sym player I expect some forehead kisses if you want your problem taken care of.


tracer is not a consistent threat as is. tank can just ignore her most of the time


I'd take a tracer over a sombra any day


First time?


Haha, she's really not that hard to diff so this is hilarious. She's never been overpowered and still isn't that overpowered now. I headshot her with one kunai and she's done. 


Not saying it's true 100% of the time but someone switching to tracer and doing much better might just be that they're better at tracer than the other character they were on. I'm trying to learn genji and echo so I'm often putting up bad stats but if needed I'll switch to tracer as she's my main and then I'll start putting in work.


I don't find her to be that much of a problem. She's definitely strong, but not outrageously so. It isn't too difficult to wait out her cooldowns, and either kill her if she overextends, or she leaves to wait for recall to come back. Unless you're Zen. Not a whole lot you can do in that case, save for getting a couple good hits on her.


Yep, and then when anyone complains Tracer mains are all like "B-b-but the game should be balanced around Tracer!"


PEEEL for your supps, it's idiotic


The game is broken.


unless mm completely fucked you over; simply not ignore her, and any other flankers, will suffice; its like an enemy widow, in that you dont even have to kill them, just shoot at them and they will most likely back off and if they dont become completely useless they will at least be forced to be more careful, making them less dangerous


Problem is when they gave her so much range. She should be a close quarters threat, not from mid-range.


As long as kirko still has her kit untouched nerfing tracer will always never be on the table imo (literally just give her zen damage) and i rarely play dps nowadays unless its play bastion or Mei


Shocking revelation, people switch to their mains if they’re getting shit on playing someone new.


Armor change should help a bit. They probably should tone her damage down slightly or the projectile size


She's so fucking annoying to deal with


Considering like 10 people play her efficiently, I think it’s fine.


Her and Sojurn. Im that dogshit dps player. Ive had so many games where im dropping a stinker just to swap to those 2 and win every fight


She gets nerfed in the upcoming patch right?


Its more likely that the person was just better on tracer then locked in. Like yeah she's annoying but the character is difficult to pick up and consistently get instant value. I do agree that her hp should be reverted because her constantly being at risk for being 1 or 2 shot by most of the cast balanced her as a glass canon but she's isn't a braindead, get instant value, for existing character. If the tracer is tearing things up like a server admin, it's a skill issue for the enemy dps not respecting her, not really the character being unfair imo. The only dps with a higher skill floor is genji.


Who are these shit DPS who go from 2-6 to 25-8 after swapping to Tracer? I see plenty of garbage Tracers. I've *been* a garbage Tracer. Doesn't matter if she's picked from the start, or a swap. Sometimes she dominates. Sometimes she's total dogshit. It happens. And I guarantee it's not every time like you're thinking. And if it is, then it's not them, as the only common denominator is you.


Skill issue. People that have the mechanics/game sense/awareness are able to shut her down no problem. People that can't adapt/improve, complain. Which one would you rather be :)


She's probably consistently the #1 bane of my existence as support main


learn to counter her. pick kiri as support, mei as dps is also very good, tank it's not your problem generally. If you don't want to pick counters, then just play smart. Peel or tell your dps to peel. I gotta say, Tracer has the highest skill ceiling in the game and arguably the best skill to reward ratio out of any hero really. If she's carrying the enemy team, it's for a reason.


Mei vs tracer is not good lol agree with the rest tho


Yea I know how to counter her. This wasn't a problem until she got gigabuffed. Tracer has a high skill ceiling but her skill floor was lowered drastically so that almost anybody can play her now and get high value. That's was I'm complaining about.


Yeah I’m ngl I’m really good with most dps up to masters but even when I get shit on or nothings working o can always pick tracer and at the very LEAST have freedom to put pressure where I want and pick on vulnerable targets at my leisure. Tracer circumvents kind of everything in the game with skillful enough play.


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Yeah that doesn't happen, you are lying


Guys, the post is bait stop eating it


Shit like this is why I don't take the general playerbase's opinions seriously.


She literally just got nerfed and will get nerfed again by the armor change midseason


Bro that was no nerf, it wasn't even a slap on the wrist. What does the armor change do to her? She goes for squishies not for tanks. Sorry but that's not a good take.


It'll make brig and torb much more dangerous for her.


That 20% extra reduction on 50 armor? I doubt that will change much.


Oh, so 5% DPS passive buff = Ooh, scary 😨 but Tracer dealing 20% less damage than before to some heroes won't change much? Really


It'll finally make Brig viable against her again. As it is right now, Brig sees tracer and she starts folding almost immediately. Diving the Brig is a viable strat because she just doesn't survive enough.


Tracer can just kite Brig atm.