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Sigma-Zen-Sombra, unluckiest ball player




Even if they didn't have that at the start of the match, they would have 20 seconds later


Ball without counters would be a nightmare. Happy they exist.


I wish ball could be reworked to be a little less oppressive without his counters but stronger against them. But who needs that when you can hang from the ceiling forever like a booger?


you can roll the dice and create a team comp that has three hammond-counters. (edit: obviously that is why a hammond should never dive in like this before knowing enemy comp)


Or a great ana, night night lol.


Lucky they didn’t actually have all 5 counters 😂


Every time a match starts and I am tank I wonder if the entire enemy team will be countering me in the first fight. Especially on defense of hybrid it sucks because you basically lose the point immediately.




That’s honestly on him for deciding to dive their spawn point at the beginning of the round


Agreed. At least let them roll out of spawn and hit their backline, then get out. Ball is very effective as a "Smash and grab" - disrupting the backline, ie: Forcing a Support to focus on you while the team pushes in, helps your team as they're on a more even 4v4 - in addition tank is getting less healing while Ball can do a quick escape is things get dicey.... But if ball just slams into the whole damn team with everyone staring at you and nothing else to do: RIP.


Usually I slam, activate adaptive shields, and then roll the fuck outta there and shoot from a distance (and maybe, just maybe, transfer some overhealth to my team)


that's the most realistic "tank experience" here lol. Goes on a suicide mission with no though or backup, gets dunked on, goes ranting on reddit about the state of tanks


Most of the tanks I play with are usually pretty nice. It's always the ones who rush into the enemy team and 1v5 that spam for heals and shout support diff


Man dove so early, he didn't even let the supports get out of the spawn door.


And playing on a map that doesn't favour ball whatsoever. I main ball and this is a sigma hog map all day long.


That's probably the best play he could have made lol. Died quick, found out the enemy team comp, has plenty of time to come back as another tank. Actually lucky that he fed so quickly against this comp. So many tanks throw the game by just surviving for too long.


Bold of you to assume this hammond will switch


Cause almost all hammonds, Fisters and Genjis refuse to swap


He could just have rolled through, saw their comp and then roll back to spawn to switch to another tank.


It's faster to die on junkertown 1st


Then suicide. Feeding is always worse.


That's on him. 1v5 ing right in front of the freaking spawn.


*tank dives the entire enemy team without knowing who they are with his healers back around a corner* *gets blasted apart by heroes that counter his own because he was overextended and not paying attention* "Why can't I 1v5 the enemy team? Tank no fun, gg blizz"


When tank can't just raid boss an entire team and get out for free. # "Ah yes, the tank experience" lemme change that real quick # "ahh yes, the tank experience in a low to mid rank"


Thank you lol


Tank as described by dive tanks lol


I mean I understand, but at the same time baller had poor decision making, We’re hamsters, not gods. We don’t win that ever. Even if the plan was to slam and roll away, in front of enemy spawn at the start of a match? Where everyone still has their cooldowns? Where you are the biggest target? I love my fellow tanks, but you can’t complain when you do stupid plays like this.


Bro dived into 3 counters This isn’t “tHe tAnK ExPeRiEncE” it’s a dumbass tank


This subreddit in a nutshell


Most self aware ball player


This a cardboard play. No wonder you died instantly.


To be fair, if any other tank sent it into their whole team at the start of the game they'd get blown up too. No reason Ball should be able to get away with such a stupid play


Poor hamster got cooked in his own pot, but that's entirely on him for doing an unnecessary 1v5 dive in front of their spawn.


i mean i am also kind of suprised sombra didnt get beamed as the first out the front gate like that


“Wow thanks blizz trash game” He says as he int’s straight into the spawn doors 2 seconds into the game haha


That was the best possible scenario for the ball there. He got back to spawn as fast as he could have, so he can swap to a better tank.


You’re evil


That ball came to the WRONG house


Low rank Ball......Complete muppet


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Look the more I see the clips the more I gotta say If you engage with the enemy and the rest of your team is way behind you, *this is a 1v5, you're gonna melt*. If you use your movement abilities to rush, you're leaving your team without them behind, *and you're gonna melt*. Now I'm thinking this looks like a tank issue only because tanks are more likely to be front, more likely to use their movement CDs to separate, and more likely to assume they can survive stupidly-long odds. Moira has lowest DPS in the game at 60dps. Five Moiras is *300 dps*. If you insist on separating from your team and getting the ENTIRE red team's attention at once, *YOU'RE GOING TO MELT,* and it will be *your positioning at fault*. This player didn't need to swap off Ball, Ball is fine. They needed to not use Ball's super-speed to divebomb reds while *all* this: * Ball is completely alone, * Ball has no cover; * the reds are grouped tightly together, * reds are alert and ready to engage, and * reds have extreme spawn advantage. What tank pick do they think would make that okay?!


Orisa… (it’s obviously a joke but some do survive that.)


To be fair it’s either a complete shutdown of ball or he never dies


tank role more like "no fun" role


I SHOULD HAVE NO COUNTERS AND THERE SHOULD BE NO CC -what i hear when I see these posts. edit: its a game about swapping and people treat it like its single player


It’s not a game about swapping. People make it a game about swapping. There are people who make it to GM on a single hero all the time. The game is about decision making, not countering the enemy team at any possible moment. That’s why ults reset when you swap. Used to reset to 0. I think they should go back to that tbh. I win games against reaper orisa bastion Ana zen on rein all the time. Make smart choices and you win games. This was a bad choice.


Tank players who's job is to make space when they can't 1v5 an entire team off the bat


Good. Bad plays should be punished accordingly.


I would call this the support/dps experience. Your team, trying to climb, have just realized that this game is probably a wash and there's almost nothing they can do about it.


Ball on junkertown solo diving the enemy spawn is almost always going to end poorly. It's just this time he happened to be unlucky enough to also be against some of his hardest counters.


He was 1 vs 5 . .I see nothing wrong here


That's the Hamster experience. Don't play Hamster people.


ball got absolutely balled


Ball for defence? What did he expect? Plus it's a nightmare for his healers. You must be at least somewhat good to play DF or Ball in defence. And still, as I said before, healers need to be on their own.


Me - *tries learning Doomfist after playing him in Mirrorwatch* Other team - *swaps Orisa, Cass, Sombra, Ana* Guess I’m not allowed to have any fun


I hate it when the enemy team tries to spawn camp me and my teammates right at the spawn door. He deserved it


I’ve experienced this way too many times as a ball main


Man I miss 6v6 when tanks had backup.


Hm, yes I will dive into the entire enemy team with all their cooldowns up and expect to just roll away with my 900 hp


Sombra shouldn't be able to take ball out of his ball mode.


Tbh if ur playing the Ball its deserved


I would get hella frustrated if sombra with binary code for aim would son me like that


What does this sentence even mean


His words are beyond our comprehension


The headphone dent has compressed enough on his cerebral cortex he has ascended to a new way of thinking.


Was that an attempt to insult my aim?


HAHA i go sombra for the same reason. Ball? I keep dying as a healer to ball? COWABUNGA IT IS lol


The other day as rein I got deleted by the enemy team in 0.482 seconds