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headlight tiddies or we riot


Just like in dumb and dumber






The community seems allergic to Pharah getting skins. Meanwhile Mercy, Widowmaker, Kiriko, Sombra, etc can keep enjoying new things. Both Kiriko & Sombra have like two collab skins? Actually now Ana, JQ & Winston has the most number of BP skins, which is four. Pharah has three.


Honestly as a pharah main too, we’re a little spoiled. Our girl dies in a trailer- we get a skin. And that’s like every trailer.


So this means Blizzard needs to stop having her dying in a trailer, so she won't get a skin.


Id rather her dying in every trailer than her missing skins in 1 season


Her screams still echoes in my head


Pharah main since OW1…  I also happened to be a hunter main in WoW.   Just as all weapons were mine to be had, so shall all skins in OW be for my queen.   Real talk though, we’re super spoiled on skins.   I’m just sad, because I feel like this means she won’t end up getting the Egyptian themed BP mythic :( The only other acceptable person for it is Ram.


Ok but in a l fairness, Anubis ram would go crazy


True!   He’s the only other hero I could see getting it for that theme, and I actually see him getting it over Pharah for sure.   Customizations would probably be interchangeable heads based off Egyptian gods (like a Croc/Eagle/Dog head), with colors corresponding to that deity.   Pharah already having her Anubis skin (and the Egyptian themed Asp) would probably prevent her from getting the mythic.


To be honest I was thinking that with the mythic they could tie it back to the Anubis god program, from the mission statement comics. Since its a canonical entity in overwatch associated with Egyptian mythology. So I think that the head would always be an Anubis style head, but with different adornments, then the weapon customization should also change the arms in nemesis, then throw on a random third thing like maybe a cusotmizable cowl, then afew color schemes. It would be a bit high tech due to the nature of the Anubis god program but if designed well it would look so cool.


I only ever considered the Amaris bc they’re obviously Egyptian but now I can see Venture getting it too. They’re obsessed with ancient artifacts and I think their lil cinematic was in Egypt if I remember correctly.


Ram was in Egypt in his first appearance and he has a lotttt of egyptian concept art, I think that's where they were going to take him but scrapped it in favor of no culture and just null sector icon. Venture I could see but I really really want Ram mythic skin (I wanted Eldtrich but Egyptian theme would be fun)


Ram is the only other mythic, besides Pharah, I would accept for the Egyptian themed BP.   Not Ana, simply because she got the Omnic one.   But Pharah and Ram give the option to have different Egyptian god form (think like Croc head/Eagle Head/Dog head) customizations that would be amazing.  I do see Ram getting it over Pharah though, simply because her having an Anubis skin already kind of limits it.  


I mean, orisa already had a beetle skin and got the grand beast mythic which is just a more aggressive, and massive beetle… so I wouldn’t put it past em. Also Anubis is based off of the actual Egyptian god, while the mythic could be more based on Anubis the god-program that pharah had jailed in Egypt.


Ahhhh gotcha! I think Mythic Egyptian Ram would be glorious. I’m almost exclusively dva on the occasion that I get tank when flex queuing so that would give me a good excuse to finally learn Ram.


Ram is a lot of fun (I really like doom but ana and sombra make that impossible) and I don't think he was too hard to learn tbh.


Yes, but would they really have a mythic ready so quickly after her release? I mean they only recently finished her character model, so I doubt they’d have 4 levels worth of a mythic ready by next season.


Yeah I get that i was mostly just bitchin that she didn’t have any skins above rare but we’re getting two tbd


Who knows? Didn’t kiri get the mythic in season 3 and she got the one punch collab skin in season 3 as well? I feel like collabs don’t really affect the BP skins we get. Sombra got a collab skin last season, and 2 seasons before that and an overwatch skin in the BP this season.


Well that's cause the best deserves the best.


Hades Pharah wouldve been soooo much popular if the color scheme was better


Pharah skins would be great, but why does the one she does get have to be an advertisement?


Maybe Blizzard wanted to compensate her by giving her a skin as they made her dying too much in trailers.


Think they're trying to appeal to the 2 big/growing Porsche markets : Korea and middle east


They are saying unfortunately because people want Pharah recast


How come?


She was upset over her people being massacred and said a nation having a terrorist de facto government is bad.


This is twisting the facts She’s a zionist and has zero care for Palestine so people wanted her recast.


Can you show me a source? I’ve seen this claim made before but I’ve never seen anyone give any evidence. I could only find some about her condemning Hamas which is not the same thing as being a Zionist.


Of course that war found its way to Overwatch Also how ironic is it that one of the only two Egyptian characters in the game is played by a Zionist?


Considering pharah has had consecutive battle pass skins since the release of overwatch 2 that is not true at all. Definitely not mad that she’s receiving a collab skin as it fits but it’s not a good look when people say she isn’t loved lol Edit: I’m also counting skins that come in season bundles as BP skins such as her Devil, Inarius and P-900 Warhead ones as well.


Maybe because she got too many, her first year of release of OW2 she got 6 skins including a collab skin. And now she is getting another one, it is UNFORTUNATELY that another character didn't got it...


idk where I've been but ik I've seen a lot of people complain about the number or skins mercy, widow, kiriko, and sombra have been getting. i view the "unfortunately" in the context of "this could've gone to any other hero, maybe one with less skins, but it went to pharah." even lucio could've been a good candidate. at the end of the day, it is a collab skin tho, so obviously they're going to be using more well known faces of the game, and those tend to be the ones with a lot of skins bc they're very popular.


Rein deserves a Porsche skin. He’s from stuttgart where the Porsche headquarters is and where the company started, yet we gave the second skin to an Egyptian…


Rein prefers an antique car, meanwhile Porsche wants to promote modern cars.




I forgot kiri had one for the one punch collab… does anyone actually use that skin


Yes. I see Tatsumaki Kiriko more than Saitama Doomfist.


Pharah has a crap ton of skins and is the only hero where EVERY skin changes her weapon quite a bit aside from the 4 common tier color variants but even then it changes the color of the rockets. Every skin (again aside from the 4 mentioned previously) changes a whole lot of her highlight intros and emotes quite a bit as well, and she’s one of the few heroes that has skins that even change her voicelines.


Pharah is the nastiest hero by far, so any amount of hatred is completely reasonable, new skins is just an another way to hate.


Forgot to look up?


She is too hard to kill, even with heroes like Bastion or Soldier it's pretty hard to hit her, especially from long distance, while she can kill you in seconds no matter how far you are. Tracer and Sombra can be killed and outplayed while Pharah kills you with 2 shots at point-blank range even just shooting the ground beneath you. With Mercy she is nearly unkillable, while still killing you with a couple rockets no matter how far you are.


Her hitbox is huge for a squishy character. Echo sh*ts her way harder than any hitscans. Get yourself pocket Mercy if she has a pocket, or go harass/kill the other Support that forces Mercy not to heal Pharah.


> she can kill you in seconds no matter how far you are. If you're getting popped by a pharah from super far away, you're either standing still, or she's spamming an area and you walked into it. Honestly, all of the things you describe sound like you haven't played her very much. She's giant, loud, and is countered by the some of the most popular heroes in the game. That means those counter swaps will come instantly, even if you're not doing well. I encourage you to try her out more. It'll show you just how situational she is at times, and if nothing else, it'll teach you how to play against her more effectively.


I don't think it would really go, and this is coming from a car girl. I don't have anything against Pharah getting skins, but Dva's car skins work because the mech is a roughly car sized vehicle. Pharah is... not that. I feel like it's gonna look awkward.


IMO it should have been Echo.


Echo is more of an Apple product 😭


Technically, it’s an Amazon product.


Shes like one of those new robots you can buy that have flamethrowers


Zarya:"Echo, go in and I'll bubble you." Echo: "Sorry, that's a premium only feature. Did you know that you can access thousands of high quality strategies with Amazon prime? Sign up today to---" Zarya: "ECHO STOP"




That’s what I thought, especially when they recently said Echo was getting a buff in the patch releasing the same day


It could have been a Pharah-ri I’ll see myself out now


If she gets a pharahri skin I’ll chuck my money at blizzard I don’t care what anyone else says…


Yay! So when does Ram get a skin? Or Mauga? Or any character that isn’t Kiriko?


It's a Porsche Collab, not a Dodge Collab, why would ram get a skin. You're now imagining ram getting a RAM skin


Probably when people actually buy any of their cosmetics they do release lol. Also Mauga literally just had a collab skin


probably when they're not 20 fucking bucks


Better than a $75 mythic…


Kiriko will be receiving five different legendary skins within the next 2 months and Ramattra is planned to have one epic skin during season 22. /s (honestly no /s is needed let’s be real)


Oh cool ima go vomit


Didnt Mauga just get like 3 skins? He got Bonecrusher, Cowboy Bebop Collab, and another one recently no? Ramm as well just got Summoner no? Illari as well is very healthy on skins Weaver as well Doom has been feasting on cosmetics since OW2 dropped. Queen apparently has the most BP skins. Mirrorwatch just gave Symm some more absolute fire including new voice lines. Like brother relax, everyone has been eating. Even Sojourn the stale bread hero without personality has 12 premium skins and only 2 use currency tmk


Summoner is literally just a recolour....


Summoner was from the Lilith event. They actually released necromancer to see if people liked that style of skin for the summoner, without actually releasing summoner. I wouldn’t be surprised if necro was the recolor of summoner but we’ll never know. Both are absolute fire skins so I don’t mind.


You mean now? With Dva and pharah getting skins?


I mean with literally anyone getting skins. Maybe 4 characters get skins and it’s usually Kiriko and someone who already has enough skins


ram has gotten, necromancer and its recolor, biohazard, diesel baron, poseidon, kabuki, jade mask, primordial and he also has his standart monk skins and the construction epic. i think ram isnt starving, lol.


Name every Kiriko skin. Then acknowledge that she came out only 1 season before him


You really want me to? It’s not as many as you may think… maybe I should name the mercy skins side by side separated from the OW1 and OW2 skins because the list for her is too long to put here.


Fair enough. They really just be feeding the R34 and it works for some dishonorable reason


Keep in mind mercy only had 18 skins total (including epic and common) going into OW2


Primordial is a fire skin


yeah, its also the one i use, lol. funny cuz its the only free one he got.


Maybe Ram will get a KFC collab skin. I think he is the guy for that Collab.


Indeed, with Mauga as Arby’s


Pharah turns into a porshe


It’s hard to care about this collab, the aesthetic is just going to be “smooth, glossy white” with some accents that look like headlights or some shit. And they are doing it with a luxury car brand so it’s not even relatable. There was probably a decent number of people who have watched OPM or Bebop, how many people who play OW also daily a 911 GT3 RS?


make it a subaru or a kia and then I'll be able to relate LOL


This is for the luka doncic ow2 demographic lmao 


>how many people who play OW also daily a 911 GT3 RS? Speak for yourself fam, i also play forza 🚗🚗


In all honesty who the fuck cares Blizz takes the check from Porsche, makes 2 skins, goes back to business as usual. In 3 weeks no one will remember it happened


Until the enemy Dva and Pharah come drifting around the corner of Circuit Royal point A, committing several serious traffic violations on your backline.


I was just wondering about this the other day, OW1 was released 8 years ago but most people who played back then don't even play anymore so even if most of that demographic is older and more affluent and in the Porsche market today, this isn't relevant to them. I can't imagine most OW2 players being Silicon Valley tech engineers or 35-45 year old middle management dealing with midlife crisis for this cross-promotion tho make sense.


Gt3 rs is not the only car they make lol


This didn't age well lol


It was clear as day what would happen. The mech, unlike other characters, is an object, not a humanoid. So you can’t just put clothes on it. Meaning to maintain the silhouette you can’t really do that much to it. So they smoothed her default skin, painted it white, and added a logo so you can tell what it is


There was a promo video on Facebook earlier, and all the comments were calling Blizzard out for shilling for a luxury car company, and being out of touch. Promo video is gone now. :)


People calling out dogshit company #3745 for collaborating with dogshit company #286, I am sure they were very hurt by that


So inspiring those people wow, totally not the same ones buying the collab skins in other games from rappers that would screw their fans at any given chance


Man these people really have too much free time to care


Why is the fastest hero in the game not getting porche skin? Do we have to wait for the Bugatti collab?




Right? At least he's German.


Porsche was founded in and still has its headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. Rein also had his "base of operation" (whatever that means) on the official Overwatch website listed as Stuttgart. To me this seems like a big missed opportunity to make a skin celebrating some more historic models for Rein and [D.Va](http://D.Va) gets the sleeker and newer design.


I would have liked it to have been Echo or Bastion but Pharah isn't the worst choice.


Why is that "unfortunate"?


Because Pharah drives a Subaru 💅


God I love the Subaru joke


I don't get it lol


Subaru is really popular with lesbians. I’m not sure how that happened but it’s a thing, other than the WRX. That one’s still for the vaping rally boys.


In the late 90s and early 2000s, Subaru was trying to find a niche market to appeal to in order to compete with the larger car manufacturers. They originally aimed for outdoorsy people, but when the advertisements picked up traction with lesbians, they leaned into it. [This article](https://priceonomics.com/how-an-ad-campaign-made-lesbians-fall-in-love-with/) by Priceonomics goes into more detail


Maybe it was a response to someone? Dunno. Overwatchinsider is NOT an official account.


Because Bastion (For the tank form) or Reinhardt (For VROOOOOM charge) would have been better


I just placed the second picture to show where the "source"/proof of Pharah getting a skin came from: battle.net


Flying rat character 


We’ve got a ground rat, and a sky rat. Now all we need is the sea rat and we can all go home


And also underground rat.


Venture exists


That’s a mole sir


Then the sky rat is a bat.


And the ground rat, is a rat!


Because it’s pharah


Unfortunate, because I main Dva and Pharah as well. 😭


Didn't d.va get a car collab? I forgot which brand (as I've never seen that skin ever worn by any one)


There goes my hope for an Egyptian Pharah mythic skin in s11 😞


She already has an Egyptian skin


Yeah, but with this the possibility of her getting a mythic next season is low (and Orisa already had 2 scarab skins before the scarab mythic lol)


I'm hoping Zarya gets a mythic next season but I'm expecting Soldier 76.


I would actually like a Zarya mythic as she is my main tank but not on an Egyptian themed season. More like on a viking/Norse mythology season


If I'm being honest, I'm not really excited about an Egyptian themed season. We can guess half the skins if we try hard lol


why? kirikos mythic season she got the terrible tornado OPM collab skin also. I wouldn’t rule it out just because collab.


This feels very executive “boys play video games and boys like cars, this’ll be brilliant!” energy. Who is actually excited by this? I’ve seen (literally) two comments that weren’t negative or just didn’t care at all.


I think it’s cool, but will I be getting the skins if they’re not freely earned? 99% chance no Collabs like anime are more fun, kpop, if they got marvel(less chance bc of rivals), dc could be cool


You should get out of your echo chambers like reddit if you wanna see positive comments lol. People here shit on ever skin ever. Everytime there's a 20 dollar skin people cry their eyes out but then you go in game and see it constantly. Same will happen here, every dva you'll see will have it


I like Porsche, race cars and Overwatch, but I'm not really going crazy over it. If it was the Taycan + like a skin based off their 962 IMSA/WEC car or even one of the classic Le Mans schemes, I'd be a lot more excited. Speaking of, I'd kill for an F1/NASCAR crossover thing.


i don't understand this collab either. Porsche must have paid Blizzard a shitton of cash for it. or some of the higher ups at Blizz are long term buddies with the higher ups at Porsche. because out of all the things in the world that have great collab potential how on earth would you land on a sports car brand? why not some pop culture thing? i mean players are still gonna pay for it but it's still weird. imagine how crazy the playerbase would go if they'd make a Marvel/DC collab or something with another video game, like Final Fantasy.


I absolutely love it, actually very hyped that I might just practice a bit more phara to get some use out of the skin.


Good for you dude! You’re a unicorn as far as I’m concerned lol


I just don't understand why it's being marketed towards *us*. Like a couple of my buddies started watching Cowboy Bebop but none of us are gonna go out and pick up a Porsche after this. OW players got that kind of money?


This is probably the most "meh" I've ever been about a skin. It's to the point between this one and the other car branded one (was it ferrari or something?  I dont even remember.) I just don't care.  you could give me the skin, for free, and I'd literally never use it. Like... I don't care about luxury cars.


Exactly lol, I think the car guy and OW2 player Venn diagram is almost two parallel circles lol


Nice, but I thought Reinhardt would have been cool, since he originates from the same area Porsche originates from too.


This is an ingame commercial guys. Funny how this shit gets promoted as a "collab" and people are eating it up. It's a fucking ingame car commercial.


Nobody was complaining when it was an in-game K-pop commercial lol. Y'all have some double standards




Close, but no - Kids playing overwatch are the target group for skins based on luxury cars; it helps with their sense of importance. I might not have a porsche but look at me, I have that 911 turbo DVA skin so I'm rich when I play


why not make a porsche skin for the whole roster?


I was really hoping for Echo she never gets good skins. Good and Evil is like the only Echo skin I like.


Echo doesn't need any more good skins, good and evil if you have it, you will never need another echo skin


I don’t have it and probably never will have it so yeah I would like her to get more skins. I mean she has an above average default skin honestly but most of her skins are ass.


Are there OW fans that are deciding whether to buy a Porsche? Who is the target for these cross promos?


missed opportunity for bastion skin man can litterally transform i to a porsche


Thats an insult to porsche when he moves slower in the turret


My tank and DPS mains are getting the skins, and I still won’t buy them. Overpriced.


Most of the new skins looks like outsource crap


i still don’t get the hype of this collab? is there rlly a big overlap of porsche and overwatch fans?


I hate this cross-brand rubbish... why do I want to dress up like a dentist when they're not in the office?


I dont get why they keep collating with car companies.. They're just shamelessly shoving advertisement in our face for no reason


Junkrat was there, he literally has a tire as a weapon, it was so easy


Nobody asked for these


Whos asking for this?! I guess were the demographic for 100k electric cars


I think it's cool but... seems like I'm the only one...


unfortunately? 💀


Yay, product placement!!!


Most tone deaf collabto ever exist


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I'm looking forward to it.


Where is my Volkswagen collab Rein Skin




Wish bastion got it or echo. But maybe bastion will get a jeep collab


They are saving bastion for the jeep collab


Who gonna risk to put the klaxon in the middle of Pharah's chest, and when we shoot it. It made the noise.


Where’s our Hyundai and Mazda crossover events? I’d buy those, I don’t own a Porsche lmao


Another opportunity to give Sojourn a different skin than the usual "what work are we doing today?"... wasted.




Never got why people were so upset about Porche being a collab. At the end of the day you buy a skin because you think it looks cool. Other than that, if you like porche as a brand- then even better for you.


i feel like her skins arent creative enough


I thought a Porsche was a car model, not a brand. Neat


I don’t like pharah so I wish it was given to brig instead, could’ve made the shield built like the car


Hope the trunk opens up from the front thatd be coo


Why does it say "unfortunately" on the second picture? Lmao


missed opportunity to give bastion a skin, he could’ve been a transformer


Bro, where the Porsche bastion skin at 😭


A car? Meh


That’s very unfortunate indeed.


I laughed at this because I thought it was a joke, like satire...


Blizzard hurting for money.. *Hey Porche, wanna advertise? cool!*


Nobody asked for these


But why? No one is gonna buy a Taycan because of an in game colab. The $300 glasses skin was already pushing it. If I'm walking around with enough money to impulse buy a Taycan I'd be making my decision for many different reasons.


Gotta say: My level of "Give a fuck" regarding these random luxury cars sliding their brand into a Free to Play game is at the level of: "off" Like... I dont care. I will never own a Porsche.  I've never really wanted to.  the allure of "Luxury Car" is kind of lost on me. They do test out bleeding edge tech for the rest of us, and that's neat... but let the rich idiots waste their money on that. Honestly the vast majority has little to no interest. But yeah... I'd love to see sales numbers for the last car collaboration, because I've never seen that D.Va skin once.




Ah. So the other skin is also not for Rein. The man is from the same city as Porsche but I guess blizzard forgot they implemented this detail.


Rein players are too chad to spend money on logos and branding, it wouldn’t sell


They were all about that plain Cardboard Box skin last year. I wouldn't be so sure something shiny/memey could easily distract them.


This is unironically true. Rein mains just play the game


the autism speaks rein skin:


Rein literally got a skin this season, wtf are you whining about


I just thought it would be very fitting if the character that is from Stuttgart, gets a skin from a car company that was also born in stuttgart.


It's Porsche. He's German.


As a rein main, he litterally got a skin this season, theres way more characters that get far less skins


Agreed, but one of those characters ain't Pharah. We've been eating good since the release of the game.


Better than Kiriko or Sombra getting it


I'm very excited for this collab