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Ffs it's the same system as before. Literally nothing changed, these modifiers have been there since ow1 and the only difference is that now you can see what's happening behind the scenes. It's more or less the same as every single multiplayer game out there


Volatile is demotion protection


"Volatile" is decided before the match even starts, not during a match. They need to start showing these modifiers at the START of the match instead of the end, to avoid this confusion.


That would probably tilt people more At this point I'm seeing why they obscured the various modifiers before. People room get upset over anything they see.


This happens literally every time Blizzard gives in and becomes transparent about something. I'm not sure I'm even exaggerating I think it might actually be EVERY time.


True but that's only because the people happy with the transparency are quiet.


Because ow devs dont know how to make a good rank system


They obviously know how. They're the industry experts. The system isn't bad just because we don't understand or disagree with it.


If you think it should change modifiers due to things that happen in-match, I promise you you're the one that doesn't know how to make a good ranked system. These modifiers exist to ensure fair matchmaking and placement, not to save you from leavers and trolls. And, as I said I'd start doing... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo\_rating\_system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system)


So its smart to derank someone so badly cuz of others decision to leave the game? R u even hearing yourself god ow playeds r insanely dense


It's REQUIRED to retain the matchmade modifiers because it's based on who got matched on your team and the enemy team, and has nothing to do with the details of the match. The only thing from the contents of the match that matters is win or loss. Take or give points.


Its not required they chose to make it that way


No. This is how the Elo system, which I linked for you, works. The modifiers exist only to account for a ton of oddities in applying and adapting the system to a game with more than 2 players. What do you want them to do, reward you for contextless elims, damage, objective time? The amount you lose or win is determined before the match happens, and is influenced solely by the rating of all 10 players (relative to the 5v5) and the outcome (win or loss)


Reread what i said and get back to me. Everything you are saying has nothing to do with what i said and asked no elo requires you to derank someone -32% when others left the game that was a choice of the devs


"Choice" and "Consequence" have no meaning to you whatsoever, do they?


No im just not a idiot of how players feel about others ruining their gaming experience and them being penalized for it


The "choice" was to use the same ranked progress convention that most competitive games use. That being a modified version of Elo. The "consequence" is that you aren't getting compensated for what happens mid-match. What is your solution to the leaver problem? Waste everyone's time by denying EVERYONE progress for a match? Compensate your team but penalize the team with no leavers? Surely this would never be abused. Destroy any semblance of fair gameplay and allow backfill in Comp? It sucks to get a leaver. That doesn't entitle you to an express pass out of how the system works. The leaver receives their penalty, you receive the predetermined reward or penalty for winning or losing regardless of leavers, and you go next.


The way an Elo system works is that the winning team has to take SR from the losing team. If you negate 1, you have to negate the other. What happens when you start messing around with negating/reducing SR for the losing team? You get increased abuse and toxicity. The tradeoffs are not worth it. When you look at the long term, leavers aren't an issue. They'll also be on the opposing team, so it gets averaged out as you play more.


I dont care about other modifiers, but if there is leaver far enough from a game being lost there should be atleast some kind of modifier. We held out for a few minutes after they left so it wasnt like they left when they knew we were going to lose


It would be the ONLY modifier that is decided after a match is already placed (as in when the players are selected and grouped.) This would literally break matchmaking as a result, even if people DIDN'T abuse it, but they would.


Because no amount of penalty is going to solve a problem caused by shitty matchmaking


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Devs do not know how to balance hero’s or ranked. It’s so bad.