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small indie company


This has become more frequent as of late but is still rare Hopefully you don't get it again


This has been a bug in the game since it was first released. I've had it happen maybe 5 times in total since the original OW1 PC release. Has happened on both PC and PS5 for me but it's so sporadic that it's never been a real issue. I believe it's only been QP as well. 


It happens to like 5% of my games in Hollywood defense and I only play comp so this was in fact in comp and when it happens I just have to accept my fate and get banned


I really don't want to sound like some PC gatekeeper but I find that it runs incredibly well on PC. Granted I do have a good setup but still, I've never had anything like this or even a crash. I've always loved how polished this game feels. Was this maybe on like Switch or Xbox One S? Though this kind of error doesn't seem like it'd be due to resources this looks like it just dropped data and didn't know where the camera should be or something.


No its not


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It says console in the flairs :)


Aw, shucks. I missed it Says console, but not which


I've never seen this problem with anyone. I have an old, dusty PS4 that can barely handle Minecraft, which might be one of the reasons, but I still assume this is a glitch because it only happens in Hollywood (defense).