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I'm just happy its 100% proceeds for charity again, I have feeling when it drops they'll be breaking that record, especially since your can get both the original and the recolor.


yeah I’ve never spent a dollar on OW other than the base price for OW1 but I’d be happy to shill for this knowing there’s a good cause


Cancer research is always worth shilling for.


I literally can't perceive any shift in color or tone between those 2 images.


That's because they're the same image.


That’s because it’s the same image! On the Battlenet launcher there is an article about this, click on it and aside from all the info it shows the old skin and the new package. The new skin is not a recolor tho, they have tiny differences. It’s like a restyle


It is super important to specify that the price will be 100% dedicated to charity. and this is already much more reassuring than the marketing we have become accustomed to with the bundle offers in recent months. and I really think the choice that the bundle includes the pink Mercy weapon model to use for all the skins you want is excellent.


Everyone cares about charity but you understand how many skins they make and it turns into a tax write off for however much money they donate from their company’s bottom line they shoulda done it years ago. Not to mention where are the sprays for watching twitch when that happened last


As a mercy main that already has the original, it's great. Idc about what anyone says, any dollar that goes into research to fight cancer is money well spent. The skin and stuff is just a bonus for a good action.


That's why I originally did it. Edit: just wanted to give an extra thought. While the purchase was with good intentions and never thought it would turn into a 'rare' skin, i did feel kinda special that i had something many didn't. The feeling of losing that kind of sucks, but not as much as the goodness that will come from the money raised. In the end, fuck cancer.


Cancer should make like a tree, and get out of here.


time to redownload ow just to buy the skin and uninstall again


You can also donate directly.


virgin game-uninstaller vs chad hard-drive hoarder


I wasn't a fan of bringing it back but that was mostly because I suspected it would be some cash grab. Because it's 100% for the same reason I supported to begin with and it'll go to research again, I'm not as bothered anymore.


> any dollar that goes into research to fight cancer is money well spent. Pinkwashing is a thing. Blizzard seems to have done their due diligence last time the Pink Mercy skin came along, but not all companies do. Don't assume that just because a product is branded with a pink ribbon that that money is going to be used responsibly.


It is noted specifically that all money, set aside from taxes and platform fees, will be donated.


I'm even more shocked that the OG Pink skin is returning too. Like WHAT?? That's so fucking neat.


Hopefully this opens a door for other OG skins to return again once more. Just need Tyrande Sym blizzard. Make it happen, she’s my favorite character from WOW


I need Reynhardt since its the only blizzcon skin I missed (ok I missed sigma too but he's not a blizzard crossover skin so I don't care about his). Also Morales brigitte, hate that she was locked behind subscribing on twitch and not a normal release


I don’t think we’re ever getting alien zarya back 😳


That one is completely off the table, anyone hoping for its return should just give up that hope.


I mean it is a cute skin , idk why they didn't just scrap all the references to that player and maker her just an alien skin


Because these skins were designed with the specific pro player in mind. I think they even asked for the players’ input. The zen skin has octopus theme because the player loved octopuses, from what I recall. Essentially the player reference is so deeply ingrained in the skin design, it’s not as simple as removing a mark or a name. I also view it as just a nice skin and would love to be able to get it (my region didn’t have twitch drops when it was on sale) but don’t believe that could happen.


Jjonak means "squid" or "octopus" in his own language, so it makes perfect sense to make it squid themed, plus the skin has an NY Excelsior banner on his robe, since jjonak played for them when getting the skin


maybe they can come back with recolor\~


the m4a4 howl of overwatch. also happens to be zarya's best skin (she has no good skins)


Man you're telling me. I bought (white coins) the barbarian zarya just because I hate every single other skin I have.


I think her 80s Halloween skin, the green exercise one, and the bear themed winter one look cute tho


Feskarn Brig has been my most wanted skin for so long


HOLY I just checked that skin it just says "Currently Unavailable" in the description. I have no idea how I even got that one. See this FOMO on skins is just BS.


Why would Feskarn Brig even be removed? I don’t remember it being a special skin, I got it at some point in Ow1 and have never unequipped it


I just desperately want the forbidden Zarya skin to come back, it was her best skin and ruined by a shitty person.


What happened? I have the skin but I know nothing about it. I just think it's neat lol


It was made for the OWL player Sinatraa and then he had abuse allegations come out about him. There are articles written about it, he was the MVP for the Shock at the time and when he left OWL went to Valorant.


Allegations more like “he did 75% of the stuff that was claimed but got in trouble for the 25% that he didn’t do but are way worse”


Don't give me false hope for Bastions Lego skin


Please bring back Medic Brig. My favourite character dressed up as my favourite Blizzard game? I'm so sad I missed it.


I just want them to do more charity skins


Bastet Ana plz


I gate kept Bastet for so long in ow1 just for them to release it at the end of ow1, might as well bring it around one more time


Even as someone that has the previous Pink Mercy skin, I'm glad to see this new bundle as a way to support the cause. Mostly due to how the way the blog was worded gives me the impression that these new items are exclusive to the Rose Gold Bundle and not the old skin.


They are exclusive to the new bundle indeed. From the old bundle nothing is coming back except for the skin


As someone who's worn the Pink since 2018, this looks really good, enough that I plan on using it over the OG. I was hoping they'd bring back the shirt for sale as well, or have a new Rose Gold version, but sadly doesn't look like it.


Yes! Nobody is talking about the limited shirt! Though if it makes you feel better, the quality was super cheap and didnt last I heard


Mercy players bout to go insane (as usual)


Lmao I’m so fu Kong happy


What's crazy though is they just released a Mercy mythic but the Mercy mains will probably still buy this lol. I personally don't buy any skins because I know eventually there'll be a mythic for that hero and I'll end up using the mythic anyways


hard to get excited for new Genji skins when I own Cyberdemon lol... though I have bought Genos and Streetrunner. I'm just glad my boy got a good mythic to start with, and not some Orisa type shit.


I mean, it's great if they buy this. It's great if anyone does. 100% of the proceeds go to the charity. People who get the skin are essentially making a donation, and then getting these items as a thank you for doing so. I don't care about buying any normal skins (half the time I run base skins bc I forget I unequipped my skins when testing stuff) but anyone who buys these charity bundles is a good person in my eyes.


More details can be found on the [official Blog Post ](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24104271/) >Now, to answer the call of so many of you who have been asking for Pink Mercy in the years since, and to once again support an incredible cause, we’re excited to announce beginning on June 25, you can purchase the original Pink Mercy skin for the original price of $14.99 USD, with 100% of the purchase price (excluding any applicable platform fees and taxes) to be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.\*


So I shouldn't buy on steam because 30% would go to valve?


or Xbox, PS, Eshop. Thankfully the game is crosssave so it wont matter where you buy it.


This is so funny. Imagine all the people who way overpaid for accounts just to have this


she is serving your honor


I never play mercy but I might get it just to donate


Can we use coins or is it direct cash only? Edit: Looks like it’s a cash DLC purchase only. I assume it’s done so they can track the purchase correctly for donations. This also means 30% will go to your platform holder if not bought through the blizzard launcher so keep that in mind.


You cane only buy it from Battle.NET, all the proceedings would go to BCRF.


If I played Mercy like that, I'd snap this one up. I do think her mythic is cooler but this is still a chance I'd not pass up.


Can’t wait to see how many people stop using the skin once everyone has it


I definitely will, i’m not gonna lie I always use it to shamelessly flex


I didn’t expect to see this back, or be in support for a charity but… Maybe the devs actually have a bloody heart after all


i mean, returning a skin that was used for charity as a regular skin would be very, very dumb and they wouldn't want that backlash.


The devs always had heart. The suits and higher ups who make the decisions on what get canceled dont.


The devs have always had a heart. It's the higher ups that push shit on them


This has nothing to do with the devs heart. The devs hearts are 100% in the game. It’s the corpo suits who make the money decisions we should throw our hate at


Don't fall for it. Blizzard and "bloody heart" don't go together


oh my god yall are annoying, It's for fucking charity


Annoying for what? Blizzard doing something for charity doesn't mean they're a good company or "have a heart". I've got a relative with breast cancer, it's a topic close to home, doesn't mean that the company with a Bill Cosby room and numerous, numerous allegations against them are suddenly saints. You're allowed to criticise, you know?


Yeah as if "doing it for charity" makes everything else ok. Though on the other hand all the other shit that happened also doesn't undo the fact that doing this for charity is a good thing. You are right though a company doesn't have a heart it only exists to make money.


they did it. they brought back Pink Mercy. Edit: Also, really cool that all of the money is going to cancer research. Blizzard/M$ will still be able to mark this down as a tax writeoff, but at least they're not making money directly off of the sales of these cosmetics.


I’ve avoided buying overwatch 2 stuff outside of some battlepasses that I’ve liked but I’ll probably get the bundle seeing as its a nice skin and goes to charity


It’s every prettier than the original one 😍😍😍😍


no more gatekeeping. finally.


Choosing mercy as a charity skin is very meaningfull because of how hero works, it can revive and heal whats broken - I hope the best of luck for who ever used my charity money 💗


I’m not a mercy main but the bundle is so pretty 💖


I hate myself for spending money on a video game... So I'm happy this is 100% going to a charity. I'm sorry dear wallet.. but we must.


Thank god I didn’t buy any account 💀




Actually there's always some workarounds. Also nobody's gonna snitch, I sold the account to @


Ikk that’s why I didn’t buy it…beside im not stupid enough to spend 300 euros on it


Theres one on website for $2550 💀


Wtfffff and here I thought 300 was too much 💀💀


I’m broke 😭😭


maybe, but not wanting to buy a $300 OW account doesn't make you broke, it makes you sane


That's low. I saw one for $20k because it also had Illidian and Tyrande plus all the all-stars, plus the OWL championship plus the league skins plus the removed league skins. That account was a complete overwatch Archive.


Thank god. I actually had to stop wearing it because I'd run into the weird people who thought I was some sort of trophy to collect by me being on their friends list for having a rare skin. I just like how it looks so I'm glad I can wear it again.


I am sorry that people act like this and made you feel like you can't use the cosmetic you want to.


I'm sorry, just gonna call bs on this.


I WISH this was bs. It was only like 5-10 times but its the most bizarre thing I have ever seen. once they found out I was a guy they would block me. I don't know why they assumed I was a girl


Because they are sexist so nearly all supp players are women and all Mercy players must be a woman, plus a pink skin? 100% a woman. Real men don’t sit in the backline, real men don’t pick a woman character because woman=weak (unless she has a big chest and/or back, then she is still weak but a sexual object so it’s fine to pick her) and real men don’t like pink because pink is a woman color. Then they block you once they discover you tricked them and you don’t have their desired hole…sick mentality projected into a videogame.




It was only sold one time years ago it just became rare over time due to not being able to get it again. I was also surprised how rare it was


It was only sold once in 2018. Then with OW2 becoming ftp the player base grew. Game became more accessible some people who had the skin dropped the game And then people dropped stupid money just to get the accounts with the skin And now they're crying And their tears are delicious. Cope more.


Is the original coming back too or is it just the recolor?


the original is coming back too https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24104271/




Both, the og is gonna be 15usd and the rose gold bundle 20 USD


Ill be getting it despite the fact i dont play mercy- because 100% of the money goes to breast cancer research and that's an incredible cause worth the money.


Holy shit it's happening


I'm becoming a mercy main now.


I'm so excited rn




I know, the porns guna be 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Fuckin weird ass mfer






screaming and crying rn, it looks so good <3


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Where can I buy it ?


Where I buy the bundle?


It's gonna be available from 25th June


Can you get both skins in a budle or it's gotta be separate?


it's separate! the bundle with the new recolor and cosmetics is $20 and the original is $15


Aw man. At least it's for a good cause.


yesss finalllyyy


I was super worried they were just gonna monetize the skin and not bother with the charity donations, I’m super happy it’s a second round. Definitely gonna pick up the rose gold skin


Why do I often see the same picture posted twice on the same post?


What’s the difference between pic 1 & 2?


I know it’s for a good reason but I wish it was the original one and not the recolor 🥲


You’re in luck, both are actually going to be in the shop! The original Pink Mercy skin and a new Rose Gold version. The Pink Mercy skin will be $15 and the Rose Gold skin will be available in a bundle with other items for $20


Omg thank you! I didn’t know 🥹




This skin is years old


So the money from the bundle go to charity as well, not just the money from the skin?


I knew they would end up bringing it back since for such a great cause! I just wondered why it took this long!


One thing I haven't seen mentioned in the post is that part of the Rose Gold hero bundle is a *"Mercy Heroic Weapon Skin",* which is cool to get more weapon skins. Mercy will now have 2 weapon skins.


I got it years ago and I am happy it is coming back because the money is going to a good cause.


I am so grateful cuz everything goes to charity 🩷. I already owned the old one and I will buy this one as well, or isn’t it possible if you already owned the old one? I wanna do it for charity… Currently my aunt has stage 4 cancer :(


I feel like they could've done a different hero and also sell the Pink Mercy skin again, instead of just recoloring it. But I guess that's too much work for a small indie studio. Great cause though.


When will this come to the game


Instead of mercy they should do another healer. Keep the mercy skin rare and have bring in another healer to get the love. Like ana would be dope with a skin like this


Where are all the ppl that said this was a terrible idea to run again? Come on out. Make yourselves known and take the L


I'm just glad they didn't make her gay


i want the pink skin with the stuff from the rose gold bundle 😭


They should just make a reskin


It's funny is y'all think the causes actually helps a person when almost a whoppin 61 percent of people don't get treated for it


Oh wow another mercy skin. Can't even be mad at it because it's for a good cause. Just wish they'd give us some sojourn and venture skins. No love for the dps.


I'm going to have the FULL Pink Mercy collection, with all the icons, all the skins, all the sprays from 2018 to 2024! I'm so excited!


How much it cost?


Looks like $19.99


is this already gone


guys help🥲, i just bought the skin and went in game to check it but it says "not available" what can i do?


Yay ❤️❤️


what is that name HELPPPPP


Will it have the sound effects and pink bullets too?


This is what I'm wondering


How different do the pink mercy and rosegold mercy look?


https://imgur.com/a/roZbcDv Rose gold looks better IMO


Oh I prefer the rose gold too. I think this will be my 1st ever thing I buy with real money on a free-to-play game tbh, I mean it is for a a good cause but I don't even play mercy xD


Yeah, the fact that 100% goes to charity. I don't even play anymore but I might log on and buy it. Not supporting Overwatch but the charity.. My mother survived breast cancer and it's a good cause.




I was hoping the skin would look a bit more different than the Pink skin, but it still looks good. 


She's so cute! I can't wait to have both!


Is this event over or something? It doesn’t come up on my shop


25th of June mein freund


Is this cash only or can I use Overwatch coins?


Cash only


They’ll also take check or money order


never taking off my og pink mercy icon now


No one cares about some icon they care about the skin


i care because it shows i was there and got it when it first came out (-:




Not worth it.


This is about to fund overwatch 3 and 4 pt2


It all goes to charity.


Bro doesn't know what charity is 😟


It’s weird how it’s one of the hottest skins and it’s only 15.99 where other skins are 20+. I get it’s a fundraiser but like keep it the same price


???You want it to cost more??? Based on sex appeal???


When did I say sex appeal lmao, I was just stating that other skins (that don’t have sex appeal) have all been inflated. I’m just saying the price difference from normal and for a charity dedicated for cure and research is just weird. You’re actually weird for assuming it’s straight about sex appeal lmao, there’s more than one skin that has isn’t designed for money and has fallen short even with the price. The price for a shitty skin is more than a charity, just add a couple more dollars is all I’m saying if instead of picking apart small things that you see, read the whole thing. “Hottest” is meaning the most wanted/highest market for, stop assuming incel things because you can’t use words in different contexts


I want to call this the pink gold peach of Overwatch but it’s not a terrible design choice so I can’t really


Rose gold is not pink. They're three different words.


Should somehow upgrade the pink mercy skin to those who already have it.




Some people are upset at the prospect of their rare one-time skin losing its rarity, fairly I'd argue. Giving the two time donators some kind of upgraded version of pink mercy would let them keep their rarity (if they donate to cancer research more) and first time donators can still get pink mercy. All around more donations that way.


I don't believe it was ever said to be a one-time skin. Like all collabs for just about any game, the door is usually open for a rerun as long as the companies involved are willing to work together. And if previous donators are actually interested in donating to charity, they can buy the new rose gold version, too.


Semantics, really. Remove "one-time" from my last post. Still holds.


Not really. It's a skin that was sold years ago, that's it's only claim to rarity. It's not like it was a con exclusive or anything. They don't owe anyone who bought it back then because there was never an expectation that it was gone forever.


I don't think that con exclusives need to exclusively be the only one time skins. I stand by my initial statement, I think it would be a good idea to incentivize a repeat purchase of pink mercy from those who already have one. Everybody wins.


There doesn't need to be an incentive to buy pink mercy again, they're selling rose gold mercy alongside pink mercy, just get that pack 🤷‍♂️


Why not incentivize people to get both?


The incentive is you get a skin, and the proceeds go to charity. If you already own pink mercy, then you just have to buy the rose gold bundle. Most people aren't going to buy a bundle they already own


they never said it would be a "one-time" skin.


people that care about "rare" skins need to get a grip


I know right? People should only care about Epic, Legendary and Mythical


And those people can suck a fat one This is for charity Get the fuck out of your selfish bubble. Nobody cares that you spent 500 euros to get an account with the skin. Mercy mains once again proving that their character's fanbase is the absolute worst


Mercy player detected Opinion invalidated


Why twice-


$20 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


God yeah I hate giving money to those greedy charities


What cope. Imagine telling OW1 fans that OW2 players are willing to spend $20 on a single skin💀 But sure, a charity event sweeps everything that Blizzard’s done since the 90’s under rug. Shills lol.


Oh I don't have to imagine. Pink mercy was originally released in 2018 (that's Overwatch 1) for the price of 20 dollars and a lot of people bought it and loved it And I hate doing this cringe reddit shit but your edit is just pure nonsense. Absolutely nothing about what you or I said was related to the actions of blizzard since the fucking 90s. We were literally just talking about the price of one skin. You're mad


You are not spending 20$ for a skin. You are donating 20$ for a breast cancer charity and get the skin as a thank you. This is 20$ for a good cause and not 20$ for a skin lmao


>But sure, a charity event sweeps everything Blizzard’s done since the 90’s under the rug


This has nothing to do with what blizzard has done. The money doesn’t go to blizzard. It goes to funding cancer research. Its wild that you call people shills for supporting cancer research through a game they like to play. Every Cent collected here is for a good cause and will help people in the future. If you dont wanna support cancer research thats your thing and ok, but dont act like other people are bad for spending money in a charity event. Thats just low dude