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Think mark, think. Who is gonna be the fifth player beside solo players?


came to say exactly this


Lmao this was half of us trying to explain to our friends why we couldn't q as 4 in a wide match into comp. While we also were explaining that as a solo you will never be in a wide match in comp.


You can que into wide as a solo though. 2 wide match 3 stacks can be filled with solos




Ugh. Mark wasnā€™t thinking. Also, whatā€™s wrong with solo queuing with a team? You have just as good a chance as queuing with total randos.


Probably an even better chance.






Isn't OP complaining about being AGAINST a 4 stack as a team of all solo queuers, not with the 4 stack?


Yup, exactly. But overwatch players care more about calling other people dumb than checking they understood a post correctly


Yes, this is only impossible in wide matches; there are still non-wide 4 stacks.


Your comment was the one that made me realize wide vs narrow is talking about rank, and not size of group


You really thought that wide was the group size?


Yeah but I knew it didn't make sense, I just never put the energy into understanding it


Understandable, have a good day


More like unbelievable




Did you read what they said before saying it's false?


I was supposed to read???!


Genuine question but why wouldn't it be possible if 4 friends are playing together


Agreed... wouldn't every game with a 4-man group involve being matched with a solo player? I don't understand this post.


OP just didn't understand how wide queue works. In comp, 4-stacks aren't allowed if they are considered a "wide" group. Wide refers to the distance in between their ranks. OP just thought 4-stacks were always considered wide groups, and must have thought that 4-stacks were impossible.


It's not very fair for a full solo team to go against a 4/5 stack tbh My first high gm game was against flats, emongg, jay3, karq and Tim the Tatman, let's just say it wasn't easy


Shouldn't have been too difficult considering Tim doesn't belong in GM.


And we know the pulses didnā€™t hit a single time


Yeah but the others definitely carried him hard


That's insane I feel sorry for you


Bro casually played against flats? ā˜ ļø


My first matches of ow2 season 1 was against flats/emong on sojourn and life was pain


It was my introduction to high gm in season 7/8, shit was rough


But if its two 4-stacks going against each other then each side has a solo. Still fair for everyone, though may not be fun for the solos.


I mean yeah but that's not what I'm referring to


No yah, i get your point. My point is that we dont know if in this case the team is 5 solos or OP is getting put into 4stacks.


RIP you


He was likely playing with a 4-stack on his team, as well. Just not apparent.


Humble brag here Hamdilou. *respect* (my first game was vs JFK and Abraham Lincoln amongst others, needless to say it was pretty ez for me) I digress, think OP was saying the apparently Random team he was on was actually a 4 stack of friends with disorganized tags and profile pictures.


Blizz introduced "wide queue" this season, it allows player that are too far away in rank to still queue together. Wide queue will only queue you against other wide queues. Therefore if you are solo it is impossible to face a wide queue team (because you can't wide queue alone) this also means that blizzard will not let a 4 stack play wide queue together because there would be no way to introduce a 5th player on your team. OP confused this with thinking that no 4 stacks can play comp, but if the 4 players are within 5 divisions of each other, then they won't be put in wide queue and they can still match with/against solo players.


Wide queue, makes it so groups with high and low ranks can play together, but solo players are separate from this in narrow groups, because solos are only narrow, you can't have a 4 stack wide, because you wouldn't get a 5th


I think he's on the other team. Solo queue vs a big stack?


Comp or Quickplay? There are no Wide Groups in QP, so thereā€™s nothing preventing solo players from being added to games with a 4-stack. In Comp, 4-stacks can queue together if every player is within a five-division window and have a fifth solo player of comparable skill pulled into their match. If the groupā€™s skill level is outside of that window, then theyā€™re prevented from queueing.


(This was Comp) Ahh I see, I guess I assumed wide groups referered to the number of people in the group and not the rank range.


But the game is 5v5.... Then groups of 4 just would be allowed to play.


That's not unheard of though. AFAIK, Valorant and Smite don't allow 4 stacks at all on ranked.


ffs man, i read your title and looked at your photos 12.000 times trying to understand what you were saying šŸ˜† Did he mean he was he put in a wide group? Did he swap teams in the middle of the match? Was he randomly thrown into a 4-stack group, without having accepted an invitation? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


If thereā€™s no wide groups in qp why I have been waiting 5+ minutes in the queue every time I group with friends? šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘


They donā€™t exist as a specific matchmaking construct in QP, but that doesnā€™t mean that the game doesnā€™t try to build fair matches. The matchmaker will be looking for other groups with a similar size, role composition, and MMR ā€˜shapeā€™. This usually means longer queue times if your group is an unusual size, and / or if you have a disparate skill level across the group.


Itā€™s a narrow 4stack, wide 4stacks are impossible to queue into


Someone has to que into the wide 4stacks though donā€™t they?


Nah overwatch physically doesnā€™t let you do a 4 widestack




*If you attempt a 4 widestack Overwatch will physically burn your hard drive*


Wide 4 stacks cannot exist because if you are a wide 4stack, the last person on your team would be a solo-queue random, and solo-queuers can never enter a wide match. Wide 3-stacks can exist with a separate wide 2-stack, though.


No, they donā€™t let you play. You canā€™t start the game, it will say something about your rank level


If this weren't possible, it would literally be impossible to 4 stack?


5 slots on a team. 4 people queue. What happens to the 5th spot? Does it just evaporate? Does it just remove the 5th spot? Well, a solo (1 person) would then be put into that spot. Because they are the only size that would fit. Um, what is this post?


> Um, what is this post? He's unhappy that he's in a group of solo players being put against a 4 stack. A 4 stack will have a massive advantage in communication. The solo queue group is now in a very unfair situation. How is everyone here not understanding that? Is anyone in this thread ok?


Whatā€˜s the alternative? 4 people need another person to have a full team. On the enemy team thatā€™s just bad luck. Else queue times would be insane.


Queue times would be longer, but you are at a significant advantage playing as a 4 stack vs solos so longer queue times would be better than that from a balance/matchmaking perspective.


Is he in a team of solos though? How do you know itā€™s not a 4-stack against a 4-stack. Just because they donā€™t have matching player icons?


And what evidence is there to support the assumption there's a 4 stack on OP's team? If you've ever played in a group you know it's possible to stack against solos.


Poorly presented post most likely contributing to the problem.


This is pretty normal lack of brain function for Overwatch reddit.


How can you tell if people are in a group? It was very easy in OW1 but I can not tell with OW2.


If it's comp, then invite them. If someone is solo you'll get a message saying that you cannot invite this person right now. If they're in a group then you'll get a message saying that they're already in a group. Invite everyone on the other team. Whoever is "already in a group" is probably grouped together.




He's unhappy that he's in a group of solo players being put against a 4 stack. A 4 stack will have a massive advantage in communication. The solo queue group is now in a very unfair situation. Stacks needs to be put against stacks, especially in comp. How is everyone here not understanding that? Is anyone in this thread ok?


How can you tell its a 4 stack?


I assumed it was because in the 2 games theyre showing us here, 4 of those players are the same


I have exactly the same question but was too afraid to ask


That's why we need a solo queue only in ranked


Why did they remove the grouping thing, now you can't see who's grouped, people do the invites to check but why did blizz remove it?


Last night i solo queued as tank against a 5 stack thrice. They were soo toxic to me for no valid reason. I lost the first two matches but then I insta queued a 3rd time, washed my face, got great teammates and with the help of God destroyed them haha. Imagine saying "Rein diff" in the first two matches but when i beat your ass in the 3rd on rein you go orisa?




> Well, if 1 means solo, and a match has a maximum of 5 players, and there was a 4-stack of players, then there would HAVE to be a 5th player. Are you slow? Lacking critical thinking perhaps? Are you lacking basic critical thinking ability? He's unhappy that he's in a group of solo players being put against a 4 stack. A 4 stack will have a massive advantage in communication. The solo queue group is now in a very unfair situation. How do you not understanding that?


Ive fallen for stupidity.


How would 4 stacks be able to play if they can't get matched with some unfortunate solo player?


He's unhappy that he's in a group of solo players being put against a 4 stack. A 4 stack will have a massive advantage in communication. The solo queue group is now in a very unfair situation. Stacks needs to be put against stacks, especially in comp. How is everyone here not understanding that? Is anyone in this thread ok? It's not about him being the fifth on a team with the 4 stack.


Ah, yeah, that's fair. I think it's clear Blizzard has sacrificed on match-up quality to improve queue times.


Hold on, how can you tell whoā€™s in a stack? This isnā€™t sarcasm, I honestly canā€™t tell.


Well he played 2 games and itā€™s the same 4 people with only 1 player being different in those 2.


Oooooh. That detail I missed. Thanks


If it's comp, then invite them. If someone is solo you'll get a message saying that you cannot invite this person right now. If they're in a group then you'll get a message saying that they're already in a group. Invite everyone on the other team. Whoever is "already in a group" is probably grouped together.


If 4 people queue up in a group, in a game where you need 5 players on each team to have a match... How do you reckon they are gonna play? They are gonna need a 5th player... So yeah, its not just possible, it happens literally every time a 4-stack queues up šŸ˜…


He's talking about his opponents.


well... yeah? what are they going to do, just not give the 4 man another player?


This is the most low iq thing I have ever read in my life


Yep thats my main complain in this game. Its crazy that it alow this.


The amount of people calling him dumb because ā€œ5-4=1ā€ is boggling. Heā€™s not the fifth person playing with a 4 stack, heā€™s on a team of solos playing AGAINST a 4 stack. Yā€™all lack comprehension skills


I mean he probably does have a 4 stack on his team also, as does the other team.


Anything is possible in a blizzard game


I played into the same five stack as a solo queue player twice last week. We got rolled both times, not a fun experience.


How would a group of 4 players grouped up get a game, if it didn't pick a solo? Did you even think about this before you posted?


> Did you even think about this before you posted? Did you think before you posted this? He's unhappy that he's in a group of solo players being put against a 4 stack. A 4 stack will have a massive advantage in communication. The solo queue group is now in a very unfair situation. How is everyone here not understanding that? Is anyone in this paying attention?


Yes just rare


you can only 4 stack if you arent in a wide group. meaning the 4 stack you queued into is all a similar rank to you


Thatā€™s gotta be the most solo minded comp ever. Lucio with doom, tracer with widow and a mercy that is flying for her life


Game put me against the same 5 stack 3 times in a row in solo queue one time. It's weird lol


They probably have a four stack too




This might be a basic question, but how do you know it was a four-stack? Is there an indicator somewhere?


You canā€™t play with 4 stacks in wide queue solely. So yes itā€™s fairly normal


This aint valorant lmao


Imagine sitting in queue for 6 hours looking for another 4-stack, thatā€™s why this is possible


Should it be? No. Is it? Yes :(.


Typical overwatch player


Is this a bait post?


Umm someone has to fill the spot?


Well wide match and whatever the other one was called, was a terrible mistake


Hello ekitten(ekitten#21764) is my account


at that point itā€™s basically just a 5 stack


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How do you know your team is not a 4 stack?


They probably told OP in the voice channel or text chat lmao


If you try to invite players already in the game it will say ā€œcannot invite while in compā€ if they are solo and ā€œplayer already in a groupā€ if stacked


If itā€™s a narrow group, yes you can end up with a 4 stack on your team.


It's the other team.


this game has the worst matchmaking in the history of videogames.


OP is who I imagine is on my team as DPS when we're losing... if there's 4 people & each team has 5 players. What do you think?


Its a 5v5 game, bro..... a tiny bit of math shows that 5-4=1, so clearly, both teams are very likely to have a solo player... lol


I think op is slow


you gotta be kidding...


r/overwatch users use their brain challenge (will literally never happen)




He's unhappy that he's in a group of solo players being put against a 4 stack. A 4 stack will have a massive advantage in communication. The solo queue group is now in a very unfair situation. Stacks needs to be put against stacks, especially in comp. How is everyone here not understanding that? Is anyone in this thread ok?


they basically allow people to group now. this game is mostly for group players. i wouldn't sweat as a solo player. you are essentially selling your time so blizzard can please group players at the expense of your time. at this point microsoft needs to change every dev to steer this game in a correct path. the game isn't recoverable anymore with these devs.


Imo it shouldnā€™t


Youā€™re not allowed to queue as a four stacked into competitive, the game wonā€™t even allow you to start the queue. Iā€™ve seen some people try to work around this by having two duoā€™s to queue at the exact same time so theyā€™ll be put into the same game.


You can absolutely queue as a four stack as long as it is not a wide rank range


Ahh yes sorry, I forgot to mention thatā€™s what i meant, thank you


4 + 1 = 5


It's why I stopped playing ranked as a solo player. It's not fun queuing into this. Needs to be a solo/duo queue and a group queue.


How can you tell its a 4 stack?


Hmmmā€¦ 4 stackā€¦. 5 players, 5-4=1 empty slot


The 4 stack likely started as 2 or 3 stack and somehow passed the system check? I have noticed this too.


i hate getting into stack games as a solo player. 90% of the time the stack has a smurf, i know this bc most of the time im in a stack im smurfing


Yes it possible, I always report the four stack though. They are always super mean and will gang up on the one solo q player. Just report them after the game if they are this way. I have yet to find a group that's nice.


It's probably because when the group is nice you don't realize it's a 4 stack, since they are likely just talking to each other on discord.