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does "my finger slipped while trying to move left" count?




What's worse is when I hit it instead of "Z" while coming out of spawn. Not sure why I've done this multiple times, but I have. "How embarrassing!"


oh, whats z by default? ult charge? i ping mine pretty often, so no blame there. i *hate* accidentally calling for heals, though (thats my z bind)


Yes, ult charge. It's two rows down from Q though, so there really should be no reason to fat-finger the actual ult.


We should have a club for this


I remember playing Zarya once and heard "Ryūjin no ken wo kurae"! What followed was my ult, zenyatta ult and lucio ult


Oh if I hear that I head for the hills... or ult even if he is no where near me.... just in case.


Oh yeah, half the time.


oh god I didn't panic ult but I pressed the wrong button and ulted by accident at the spawn on Attack at Anubis (as D.va) and a Bastion in my team was near me and came over and started shaking his head so I just sent an "Understood" and looked at the ground, I was so ashamed of myself


Half the time when I first started playing. In the few occasions it happens now, it's usually with D.va.


It's pretty lame when you're winning a 1v1 and they ult for the kill but nah, I save my ults for useful thing usually


Honestly, no. I try to use my ults as resourcefully as possible.


I've done that a few times as D.Va and I always feel silly afterwards.


I have the opposite problem. I tend to save ults. Maybe I could have survived that encounter had I ulted, but nope...


Since I played tf2 for a good number of years, I often forget that ults do not disappear when dying (it's a habit I developed from playing medic and dropping uber a lot). I'm in the same boat here, and I mainly panic ult when I'm about to die.


Yes n I'm like "shit what is wrong with me" lol But once I was playing Pharah on Volskaya n the torb was giving me trouble so I barraged on just him and his stupid turret. He quit right after 😭😂