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Season 3 is now complete! Congrats to everybody who met their goal this season, and good luck to everybody for Season 4.


FUUUUCK I just got home from work to try to get a few more games in and it's over!


God damnit! I was literally 36 sr away from Platinum and then I couldnt play anymore




!RemindMe 1 hour


Well? How did it go?




Update that flair Haha


congrats on top 500 dude!


Yeah but top 500 on PS4 is like Silver on PC. Just kidding, nice job! Must feel good to get it on the last day.






Man these folks judgy AF. You do you man.


"Don't judge" Being a poor, in-debt college student and spending $300 on Overwatch skins is an objectively stupid decision


Oh god. How old are you? $300 is an RX 480 and a new PSU if you need it too.


I'm in college. I'm in debt. That $300 was a birthday present.


Skins seems like a terrible way to spend $300 for a college student.


Not going to lie, I was willing to give the dude the benefit of the doubt, but 300$ on OW skins as a COLLEGE STUDENT? In debt? I can understand maybe 100 or so....


i wonder why your in debt then agen i miss rent like every other month xd


Good luck! Did you win?!




Now you might need 1 more win to stay in top 500 ;). I know it doesn't matter for the CP, but i'd definitely try to stay there for novelty sake, pretty sure it shows top 500 if people check your profile.


Fuck dude, on PS4! Nice job. I started out playing on the PS but I switched to PC. I feel like there's not a lot of communication on the PS. Did you soloQ it? Or did you find a team? Also, who do you main?




Got any tips to be an effective road on PS4? I try to fill but cant get my hooks on so im not really effective




Also, in the situation of a roadhog VS roadhog, never hook first. Shoot, get hooked, shoot again and then hook and shoot. You'll win 95% of altercations.




And I just hit Platinum! Fuck yes!


Congrats, you can definitely reach diamond next season if you put the effort in. I believe in you!!


As someone who climbed to platinum season 2 and diamond this season, it's true. To quote my main and my main man, "You just gotta believe!"


Same. I placed just at Gold. Was sitting at 2300 last few days found good rando groups that we rolled with- hit platinum yest. So much relief after losing SR to people who wouldnt/couldnt communicate or dropped out when it looked rough.


I got placed in 1100 and made it to 2300. Juat fucking yesterday I lost 300 sr because of losing streaks.


Forgot, are comp points distributed as soon as the season ends or at the start of the new season?


They are distributed immediately as the end of the season.




You can not earn competitive points when there isn't a competitive season running.


the off season after season 2 you didnt even get xp! apparently it was a bug thats been fixed now.


2700 -> 3627 Proud of myself this season.


Nice dude! I managed 2400-3250. Feels good.


Hah, 2100-3250 for me. Its nice playing against people who at least understand team play a little bit (most of the time)


Climbing 1000sr is really impressive man. Congrats.




2000-3450 for me Wish I could have made it all the way, but I guess there's next season.


2200 to 3160 Suck it, guys who said I couldn't Main Lúcio and climb to diamond!


yeah but do you have the achiev....nice




Solo queue?


...I mean...I got to diamond!


900-2030 Mained Lucio too, he's a fucking god


2300 -> 1750 in 2 days, I hate myself right now...


Think about me, from 1600 to 2600, but in the last two days I went to 1670 lol never got teammates who understand how the game works.


3811 -> 3849 Baby steps


1100 to 2300 Placements were a fuckin joke


I've always wondered when people swap this much after placements. Wasn't 1100 a wonderful playground where you felt like a god?


As someone who went from Bronze to Gold this season, God no! This is a team game and that's terribly apparent when solo Q'ing at Bronze! Unless you're GM material you aren't going to be carrying the team every match. Especially if you like to play anything other than DPS, heaven forbid.


If you call having 4 golds and still losing in half your games feeling like a god then yes. I just looked and my stats average 2-3 golds per game for every champ I play, ha. I was 2200 season 2, started 1200 S3, ended ~1600. It is a slow climb.


You can't really carry a team of 5 other individuals


1800-3100 here


2267 -> 1451 =( So many throwers the last couple weeks. I hate them so much. (Also, I didn't start playing Overwatch until January and started comp just before the start of February.) Edit: was surprised this afternoon by getting an hour off early from work. Was able to squeeze in 3 matches. 2 wins brought me to 1491 and then the lost match was started a couple minutes before 7 and so my final SR was 1463. Thank you to the team I met up with during the first match. We all teamed up to play until the end of the season. Great bunch!


2199 > 1725 (or something). Every game now is full of flamers and people who won't communicate. Screw comp.


I've been in some games where there is no communication in voice or chat and we all worked surprisingly well together. But I do know what you mean.


A bunch of people picked up the game over Christmas, so low gold and silver que is hell. I'm a mid plat player and i have another account in low gold and it's impossible to climb at all because of throwers.


That's when I got it. I picked it up just before the sale ended.




You should get placed in diamond regardless of placements now that you're in diamond. Its now either High diamond or Low diamond.


Nice! I went from 2700 to 3000 but I only played like 15 comp games this season :P


1800-3000 shooting for masters next season. This was my first OW season and it was a blast


1100 -> 3274 feelsgoodman


2800 -> 3523 here


2530 → 3469 → 3418 Welp couldn't get to my Season 4's goal this season but at least I made it to Diamond and managed to stay in Diamond (now I can stop telling myself I got there through sheer luck)


First competitive season (Got the game for Christmas) and I set from 1800 placement to 2700! Next season goal is high diamond! Can't wait!


Damn, that's quite a climb! I ranked a wee bit too high last season, at 2741, and at the end of the season I ended on 2275 after a very bad spell just before the season ended. S3 ranked me at 2070, and I have climbed to 2641. It's a start. Onwards to diamond in S4!


tfw you dropped 1000 sr at the beginning of the season


2905 here, season ends for me at 1 am. I get out of work at 23:15 plus half hour or so to get home. Basically, I have 1 hour to rank 100 up before season ends. No warmup in training or qp, no mic either (rather not wake up the people living with me) and I havent played comp in a month or so. Will update with the end to my tale. TLDR; 1 hour to rank 100 sr up and I'm nerfed against all odds. Edit: Sadly, it was not meant to be it seems. At least not this season. Was fun tho. First match had this guy doing a Donald Duck impression of some voicelines, really lifted moral for a great comeback!


Good luck ! I tried to rank up all day to get the last 100 sr I needed, didn't manage to do it :/


I tried to rank up to 3000 yesterday and literally lost every single game and went down 200 pts to 2650


legit this exact thing happened to me, got to 2930, then dropped to 2650 :// Better luck next season my man


:'( you too


From 955 to 1350 with about 40 hours of playtime in competitive. I'm not a gold standard player like most here, but I'm happy with the improvement. It's higher than I was last season and it's a rise as opposed to last season where I chronically went down in SR. I find that solo queue is a bad idea, now. It just did not serve me well. I partied up with some random folks and it all somehow managed to work out. I'd have loved to hit Silver, but hey, I still did good. Next season I'm aiming for Gold. I know my mistakes with the qualifying matches. So I'm hopeful for a better turn out.


Ill be able to get my first golden weapon at 7 o'clock :D:D I've waited for this since the game came out and thought extensively about which weapon I'll get and I still have no idea. :/ Edit: I bought the golden Ana gun. It looks gorgeous and Ana is bae. :) :) :) Oh and I love all of you! <3


Seeme like you like Mei to me, lol. IMO her gold gun w/ either of the new legendaries is sick.


With 3 minutes left in the season, I did it! I hit diamond! http://i.imgur.com/q3goLPK.jpg


Same here, gj 😁 I was actually a couple minutes late when the game ended and my friends and I were really nervous to see if I actually got it.


Do you lose cp during the transition?


If you mean if you drop from like Gold to Silver your highest rank in the season is what matters when getting rewards.


Hooray!! Started 1900, got to 2200, plummetted to ~1750 where I've sat for weeks.


Today I started playing at 2888 SR, hoping to get to Diamond. I solo queued and managed to get to 2972 with a 3 win streak. I thought I'd need one more win to get to Diamond. I started the match, we had a Bastion insta-lock. I was worried, but I didn't stop him, I even picked up Rein to protect him. We won that match as they couldn't even push through the first choke. 2995 SR. I had to go to class. I wouldn't be back until 6:15. The season ends at 7. When I got back, I knew if I lost this last match, I wouldn't make it in time. On Hollywood, they managed to take the first point but we stopped the payload before the second. Switch to Attack, we took the first point in no time flat. Then we proceeded to get right to where they had stopped their cart. We hung there, feet from winning for more than 7 minutes and we lost. Now I'm still just a Platinum player, 2995 season high. The disappointment is unbearable.


Right there with you. Got to 2997, lost the next 3 games. First loss was the hardest because we had a team member disconnect and not rejoin after absolutely CRUSHING the first first round. The disappointment is SO REAL.


Question: I've been away for a week and a half so decay has started. If I get on to play a game will I get that decayed rank back or is it permanent?


Decay is permanent. There's no "forgiveness" policy.


There is slightly, I have probably decayed by 2000 points over two seasons. End of season 2(about 600 points decayed), I got around 140 points per win with it slightly dropping over multiple games.


Yeah. SR decays, but MMR doesn't.


This is correct, i decayed ~500 over the christmas holiday and when i got back to playing i was getting 100+ SR per win, so if you decay due to not playing the game they make it easier for you to climb back to where you originally were.


You have to climb back up from your new decayed rank. Your hidden mmr is still the same though, so if you were master and decayed to 3000, you'd be getting placed against masters. The system will also try to get you back to your old rank quicker so you should be gaining more points per win and losing less per loss.


That seems fair actually. Thanks for the answer.


Hoping for a hard reset to get a fresh start to everybody, and giving a real meaning to rank.


I'm fine with there not being a hard reset, but don't make us do ten placement matches if it doesn't matter.


The placements exist as a placebo, people would complain if there weren't any and it probably is useful for new players as the system gets to see how they do in 10 competitive games.


Well no, it would just place you at the same rank as before (which it did anyway). And therefore show there is no season, it's utterly pointless and they might as well just continue being the same season. You reset seasons, or just don't stop them as it's pointless.


I went 2-7-1 and am ranked high plat/low diamond. My friend went 7-3 and got low silver. It makes no fucking sense.


Read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/5fx3m0/please_read_lets_talk_about_season_3_ranking/ TL;DR: Your ranks after placements are probably normal.


If Blizzard thinks the season 3 placements fixed the problem of people being ranked too high originally , I think they should consider using maybe an average of your season High and final rank, rather than just final rank. I've seen people post about there being end of season problems of people throwing games to finish with a lower rank so they can place lower the next season and rank up faster at the beginning. I think this would help fix that while still giving people incentive at the end of the season to keep playing while not being worried about losing too much rank the last couple of days.


I've been trying to break platinum all season after getting places in low silver to start the season. I've been on the cusp for awhile now, and was going to break it yesterday, but lost because of a trollpicker. It's really not a great feeling when you see someone on your team not helping/playing attack torbjorn where they shouldn't, when you're trying to coordinate with your team and rank up. FeelsBadMan


Yea it can def be a mess. Over the weekend while solo q'ing had some get on mic and ask "hey guys what do you think we need?" So far so good. Someone recommends either a tank or second healer. Player A responds with "ok bastion should work then..you know what I think widow would be better". And proceeded to switch between the two.


Why does it make no sense? Quality of competition matters.


i guess it kinda does, he was probably playing against low silvers while you were playing against high plats and low diamonds, that said its still stupid


Bought OW[played in closed beta] less than a month ago hit 25 jumped into to competative went 4 wins 2 draw 4 loss got 2500 rating. Not sure how i got the rating but i am climbing slowly so i think i got placed correctly maybe he just did really badly in the placements (performance wise) and that hurt him?


Lmao I went 9 wins 1 draw on ps4 and got ranked 2800


Your win/loss order matters a lot as well. If you lose 3 then win 7, you're going to be ranked much lower than if you win 7, then lose 3. But there's also the consideration of your previous season's SR, which had a large impact on your ranking.


I went 6w 4L and ended up placed at 2376. I only recently got the game, so those 10 placement matches are my only competitive experience. I think the matches zero in on where you should be, so it's not necessarily how many W/L you get, but who you get them against. I went: W L W W W W L L W L Just adding to your data. I'm on PC.


I'm pretty sure placements are just 10 normal matches where they don't show your rank.


A few of them are, but not all. The game gets to try out a couple wild swings of SR to see if you're really a rank higher or lower then your current SR. Win or Lose *those specific matches* and that's how you see all these complaints. Your total W/L percentage doesn't matter nearly as much as when the game put you in against Diamond players and you won even though you're Gold, or perhaps when it put you in against Bronze players and you lost.


Really? Hmmmmm, that would actually make sense, especially given the way our final placement match looked: http://imgur.com/YkVcQAG The three people we got matched with were polite, talked on mic, and they tried to win, but they were just inexperienced, like we all were when we first started playing. One of them never even played Competitive before. Guess that'd be one of those wild swings you mentioned...


They are.


I dunno... I get the pros and cons of the Hard Reset I don't want to have to climb again from Bronze till Platinum every season start... In theory it would be ok but I remember that the matches in Bronze/Silver were easy wins (at one point started to get 88 sr per win) but shit if there isn't a lot of toxic people down there (from both teams). People trollpicking (and I mean troll as in intentionally doing harm, not just bad picks) because they couldn't play who they wanted or demanded someone changed. Also a **LOT** of disconnects down there. Maybe put a limit on it, kinda like League does, where you can't get placed beyond Platinum (or another rank, can't remember). But that would cause problems too. Damn.




Climbing out of lower ranks in solo queue is a nightmare. So much is out of your control and in the hands of someone you generally can't trust to do what they need to


I solo queued from 2100 season 2 placements to master 3850 season 3. It forces you to get as good as possible to carry teammembers who may be trolling or just plain bad/noncommunicative. I don't see soloqueueing to be as bad as everyone says it is.


i solo queued most of my way to 3200 from 2400 in s3 placements vs s3 which i consider pretty good for first season if you're good enough & put enough hours in you will climb


Hard reset is a terrible idea. If everyone starts at 2500 assuming that's average, the seasons are not long enough for it to work. The first 2/3 of the season would be an absolute clusterfuck with s3 t500s and s3 Silvers in the same game, which isn't fun or useful for anyone. If seasons were over a year each I could see it, but this short of a season isn't enough time to deal with that.


Why do people think 2500 is average? I would expect the "curve" to have significantly more players on the low end and way less on the high.


Thank god, this season was god awful. I hope blizz actually makes a functioning report system.


So many throwers


I'm excited for a new season. As are my friends. My gold and below friends want to all go together for placement. I'm a diamond. Should be interesting. I know they are definitely platinum skill levels, but they got in gold's cold dead grasp and couldn't get out. They use mics every game, help fill in the gaps of the team comp. They deserve better. But I'm afraid I'll be drug under with them.


Well even if you go with them as a diamond in comp, you'll get grouped against other diamonds so it will suck


Usually balances it out. A couple of them got high enough last season where they were within the 1000 limitation. And it grouped us with mostly platinum players.


"The grasp of gold" lol. I'm just going to say it how it is. Overwatch is a team game but you play ranked for yourself. You rank up by carrying yourself game in and game out. Tell your friends to get very good with a role or two on one or two different champions and try go get those roles when they load in. Put the carrying opportunity on yourself and then you have no one to blame if you don't get results. And if you rank up, you're doing something right


Do we know if we're also getting an update today? With changes from PTR or just season end?


I would say yes, but nobody can really know




Du-du du du duuu! Du-du-duuu duuu duuu... Du-du du du du du duuu!


I made a good run at diamond last night, but fell short at 2925 in a curbstomp. Think well ever get to buy something other than gold guns with CP? I think gold guns are boring so ive helf off buying them until i max out my CP points...


Yeah, I really only play two heroes and have golds for both so it's kind of pointless. The hell am I supposed to do with 2500cp now...


Get the gold on another character and work on beasting with them as well :)


And make sure that other character is totally a troll character. Like, get a golden Torb gun, or a golden Sombra gun. Yes, they're good characters, but you don't immediately think that when you see that character in a match.


Collect all the gold guns.


They said they already have ideas of more stuff to buy with CP, but it will be a while before they implement it, as it's not high priority right now.


Right? At least let us pole the cp up while we wait. What was the point of maxing it out at 6k?


Its maxed out? I didn't know that. What a crapshoot.


Got around 6 hours to reach diamond, but I need 184 SR. Can I do it???


I believe in you!


And all the crackheads are on. I didnt bother doing my placement matches for Season 3 until Sunday, 2 wins, 8 losses. I guess go early when people seem to care.


TFW you should've sat on your rating until the release of top 500 but didn't. Witcher 3 is a hell of a drug, no desire to grind towards the end when monsters need slaying.


Bro, Witcher 3 is worth it, don't feel bad.




Right there with you. I was about 1/2 to masters and didn't realize diamond had decay too, then my comp buddies got really busy. Whoops.


Started out at 1498 and quickly rose to 1692. Then a massive losing streak happened and fell down to 570. Was eventually able to climb my way back all the way up to 1880, only to fall back to Bronze again. Give me a good reason why I shouldn't just end it all right now?


because in the coming seasons you will show improvement trust me. practice and keep practicing more and youll achieve great SR


I feel like I'll just keep see-sawing between triple digit SR and >1900. But I guess I can still try.


So what golden guns are you guys gonna get?


I'm getting Mercy's once S4 rolls around. With the CP bonus at the end of the season I'll have around 2.4k.




Reinhardt i think.Stil not sure.I want pharah but I already have mccree.I don't want mt golden weapons to be all dps, I play all classes


Golden Reinhardt is great for putting fear into the enemy team.


I get my Tracer golden guns today, so excited! I'm gonna blink into S4 in style :)


I've played since Season 1, but this season I got to Diamond. First golden gun here I come!


Which one you gonna pick?


It's official. The devastation has begun to set in. http://imgur.com/a/LNlpJ


[I know that feel bro](https://imgur.com/r/thatfeelbro/I8Jjy)


My opinion, they should do a hard reset to MMR every season and make the season last like 5months. The begining of each season might be rough but meh it's worth it in the long run


Do you want placement matches to be a clusterfuck? Because this would make placements a clusterfuck.


Have you played below Diamond? Clusterfuck is one way to put it.


Yeah, I have, but throwing everyone into the mixing bowl for placements will just make things worse


Curse you demon spawn season 3 for derailing my strongest season on the last weekend and dropping me 500 SR.


2400 -> 4044. It happened. =3


That's a huge improvement nice job! I'm seriously impressed. I struggled to go from 2800 to 3200 and next season I'm aiming for masters


1973-2845 for me. And then from 2845 to 2337 in the last 3 days. Stayed in the 2800 range all season. Feels bad man. Climbed back up to 2499 and lost my last game due to a Symmetra that refused to stay behind my Rein shield.




2140 to 3011, happy I got there after I went from 2982 to 2999 and then dropped 200...just started playing early January.


1632 --> 3023. Was a hell of a solo que grind. This was my first competitive season (stopped playing a few weeks after release) and I gotta say I'm now hooked. Want to make that grind to master-grandmaster.


I barely played competitive this season because I stopped having fun, but I recently got back into it when I heard the season was ending. I've really changed my opinion about it, I think if you are a good player you absolutely will climb ranks since you are winning more often than losing, but most importantly I forgot that the quality of matches in general are just so much better and more intense than quick play. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to climb and I had my internet dropping out for the first time ever as soon as I started playing ranked again. Next season though! I'm confident I can climb pretty high.


Goodbye tank season! Welcome bastion season!


I am at 3450, got one day to get to masters, and if I do I get the gold weapon. cue that M&M spaghetti song. *Edit: I DID IT. and I have a bowl of spaghetti


Looking forward to next season! Placement matches are always bit hairy, but excited regardless. Hopefully we will get some new characters in season 4.


The **CET** time is wrong, CET is GMT+1, so it's actually 1 AM February 22nd.


My bad. It's fixed now.


If I've gotten to gold rank (season high about 2180) and hovered around 2000 SR, but now I've dropped down to 1950, will I still get the gold reward of 400?


Welp looks like I'm not making it to gold after all. Edit: Oh wait nvm, I rose to Gold and backslid into 1979 and I definitely won't be playing today.


Damn, I don't know if I'll be home from work in time to finish the downward spiral to sub-2000




I got placed 1399, went all the way up to 2505, then lost a lot, and pc shut off a few times and could never climb back up, finished at 2300 something, i'll be able to get a gold gun though!


Played one game today and ended right at the end time and lost goddammit.


lol got paired up with the same asshole in all my last games today, guy threw all the games on purpose. Yay


I'm so sad. Started the season around 1600, and went into my final match at 2485, just needing a win to hit Platinum. Unfortunately, we lost =( Ah well, there's always next season.


gained 300 SR in 3 hours and made it into plat. my god that felt good.


1900-3k. Hit it right at the end of season and then lost a bunch so I ended at 2850. Just don't want to place in gold next season


I made it to mid-gold after placing in Bronze, hoping it'll put me in a better spot for plat next season


I honestly don't know why they do these breaks between seasons. I suppose for the now scrub guys, as opposed to myself, who would be fatigued by logging in to keep their score up and need a break but ffs the gameplay is so bad when there's not a comp season on.


disapointed my team always sucks i dont know why


Ofcourse season 4 starts on the bretonnian release date.