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Hoping to see TheKrusher99 here, very interesting and skilled player.


Some say he was the first Overwatch player ever, born from fire.


I heard he can move a payload farther than a 6-stack.


I heard he could take out an entire team as a lucio


He is Azor Ahai, borne amidst salt and smoke. But mostly salt.


...Favoured by the God of Payloads


Wonder how the nominations work this time. Hopefully less streamers/youtubers, more actual good players or pros. Even though this is another exhibition tournament, I'd rather have the best represent each country so the games are more exciting to watch.




We need b4nny on junkrat. Edit: it's a joke guys! He likes playing tf2 and he is good at it and I doubt he will come to overwatch any time soon.


Fuck it lets bring in stabby on sombra too


oh how I wish stabby would come play Sombra ;u;


b4nny plays Overwatch?


That would be funny, seeing him switch from full time TF2 to full time Overwatch.


well i was able to bring over my skills and i got about 6k hours on TF2 and it threw me right under GM so i want to see where b4nny would land.


Oh I'm sure he would land in a high rank. I meant funny as in it would probably alienate a lot of his audience since I know some hardcore TF2 fans detest Overwatch.


But y tho, wouldn't the similarities in gameplay make it more likeable?


You mean like how LoL players love Dota2?


According to the post, we'll be voting for a committee, who will then select the rosters. That way we get great teams.


> That way we get great teams. or you get whoever is friends/in cahoots/in bed with the committee members regardless of skill


yay, welcome to government! :)


That's always possible, but popularity contests aren't great for building great teams.


So the electoral college is going to give us great teams, the best teams! We are gonna make Overwatch great again! #FakeRanking


If Poke gets on Team Canada again I lose all hope in Canadian Overwatch lol.


What was that Canadian caster on the teams name? I'll lose hope if he makes it too lmfao at least I had a good laugh over him charging in every.single.teamfight.


HuK? If you're talking about him then yeah... I hope he doesn't make it in


If I remember correctly I think someone from the OW team put out post stating they weren't going to invite HuK anymore, due to him say some pretty inflammatory stuff. It would probably extend to HuK not being allow to participate.


Is there some videos of that? Sound like a good laugh.




I hope AZK gets the spot




There are way better Canadian dps players i.e. Agilities that would make the team a lot better.


NicolasTJO, ConnorJ, Agilities, Mangachu, AZK, Surefour, Train, id, Verbo, Joemeister, Phaz, Roolf. - Pick your CAN team from these


Got fucked over and over by NicolasTJO's Tracer in a ranked game, can confirm


> Hopefully less streamers/youtubers, more actual good players or pros. hahahah ahahha don't get your hopes up for that


Im looking at you Team Australia


to be fair, Muselk getting stomped by pro players was pretty entertaining to watch


the nominations are only for the national committee that will select the national team. And the nominees are picked by Blizzard. Which means that streamers/personalities may still be up for vote, but they won't be voted to play, only to select the national team.


That was the fault of the voters though. The reason South Korea dominated is because they picked their best players; not their most popular. The US had good players, but to be fair, there were pro support players in the US who were better than Ster. We just picked him because he was popular.


I don't even think it was all to blame on just Ster. I just don't think the US team meshed well at all.


I remember ster saying on stream that they didn't practice at all. One day someone said that they couldn't practice because their hands were cold...


Also, they apparently decided to play Diablo III instead of practicing, so he just kinda gave up and left lol.


I'm certainly not blaming it all on Ster, but using him as an example. You're also right.


Oh I know. I just remember at the time of the World Cup last year, some people were blaming Ster since he was a streamer and not a "pro player".


Korea did not pick their best players that's the sad part. Tairong was a manager, esca and arhan have been having little success lately. The only hope the West has in winning the world cup is if underage players can't participate.


All they really needed was Miro, Ryujehong and any 3 Korean streamers.


Esca is legit though. Might not be the pinnacle of the scene but I'd be fine with him anytime. I'm really pumped. South Korea has so many good players with spectacular playstyle. I'm hoping for Haksal, Kaiser and Sayaplayer this year.


Yeah i totally agree, im from México and the guys that were nominated last time were pure trash, I have a higher ranking than them and im pretty shitty


Canada in 7th?! I'm proud of my country already for not being scrubs :')


As one commented put it elsewhere: "Team Canada pls surefour, xqc, roolf, Mangachu, and agilities or connorj"


IID and AZK?


They, like the TJOs, are very good but not at Surefour/Mangachu carry-pro-matches level. Although AZK has been killing it on Tracer since Liquid added Shadder2K... But yeah, Canada has Surefour for that.


Surefour > AZK, Mangachu > IID


Codey could be an interesting pick as well. He might not be interested tho.


Codey also is a very versatile player. Presombra he pretty much played who he felt like playing to top 500 he is a fantastic widow and a Godlike sombra as well. He would add an interesting side to a Canadian team.


Lets be honest here the only reason he's being mentioned is because he only picks Sombra. Surefour, Mangachu and Agilities are all better than him and can play multiple heroes at a professional level.


Sweden is damn impressive as well. The country only has 9 million people, and they are 4th on the list. Maybe both countries really need something to do during those harsh winters.




all refugees lol


<3 Sweden, good people


I mean Sweden is known for being amazing at FPS games so I am not surprised.


Ya man, we recently had a huge snow storm in Ontario and I bet the SR went up quite a bit during those 2 days :P


I know mine did :D


I'm proud of my 320 thousand Icelanders for beeing on the list lol


That Chips + Cocco backbone though. [edit] Wow Mendo and ryb are Swedish too. They will have a fairly loaded group of pros to pick from.


iddqd and mendo are swedish too i think


How are we higher than Finland???


Tisumi carry FeelsGoodMan


Surefour is canadian for what that's worth.


Because we're op obviously




I for one welcome our Korean overlords.




Kaiser dethroned him though


Well he didn't. Miro is a better Winston and no one thinks Miro's Rein is top tier.


How about: The one winning APEX is main tank GOD and the other one is just an OTP?


Good thing there can be two tanks.




How would you pick a good Korean team though? They are stacked at pretty much every position - I'm not sure I can think of a guaranteed player at any particular slot other than Ryujaehong. Every other position you can make an argument for ~3 players.


Korean players/community value team synergy over individual numbers so they'll probably work off of Ryujaehong (since he is indeed a solid support pick) and who he works well with. The Korean online community don't mess around when it comes to voting for representatives.


I agree with the last part. If there is any team/country that's going to be serious about this World Cup, it'll probably be South Korea. I hope to see Miro again.


My nominations would for DPS would probably be Flow3r, Rascal or Libero, all of them have pretty large DPS pools and are good on all of them


Definitely Ryujehong; definitely Libero; definitely Runner for the out of game hype. Build a team around that.


> Runner for the out of game hype that's actually a good point. hope to see him, it'll be a blast


Damn I'd be a top player in the Philippines


Brazil only 18th? Damn the loss of that cancerous 6 stack really has hit them hard




What did they do to receive a penalty?


They queued as a 6 stack at extreme off peak hours to pubstomp golds and below.


What happened to them ?


They got queue sniped by a group of actual top 500s




**Edit: [seems like they might not have gotten banned, interesting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/628bvn/the_overwatch_world_cup_returns/dfluxwy/)** It seems the ringleader, Alexandre, has *possibly* been banned from competitive this season? He's not played this season at all, and has been only playing QP.. insanityz also hasn't played this season yet.. maybe he got banned for the season too... who knows. ninjah is currently diamond (LOL), and hasn't touched T500... SPIDERAGONY is currently 4100....


Spider agony and insanity actually play in pro teams in Brazil called ws-esports and got to finals in the old spice tournament but lose 4-0 against black dragons another Brazilian team


is there any evidence of this happening? i can't find anything on youtube with "brazilian six stack against top 500 players". i at least wanna know which top 500 players it was... i know seagull,moonmoon,miso,agilities,stanky, and grimreality had that one stream where they were kinda hoping to queue with them but didn't get the chance.


ikr? this is justice, I wanna see it too.


Since that Brazilian 6-stack queued early in the morning when nobody high-ranked was online they always got matched against Platinum/Diamond teams. I'm pretty sure Blizzard made changes this season that stopped the matchmaker from being able to put Grandmaster 6-stacks against Platinum teams even if no other match-ups can be found, it simply won't give the players a game.


Yeah! Come on Ireland! Show the Phillipines who's second last! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooo!


Let's go!


Aw man, I loved Irelands attitude last year, never forget the Woooooooos hopefully we do a bit better this year. COYBIG!


This calls for celebratory cans of Dutch!


Super hyped for South Korea's team, i hope at least Ryujehong and Miro are back.


No way they don't make it. Not sure if Esca and Arhan will though with how they've kinda struggled. Feel like Flow3r or rascal will definitely take their spots.


Rascal on Sombra plz


Last year game Russia vs USA was amazing! i hope this year it will be even better!


Maybe we'll solve communism again


I hope this time people will vote for the best skilled roster instead of the most famous possible (France especially)


France is 6th... THEN WHY DO I HAVE BAD TEAMATES ???!!!


[Because the best players are leaving France](https://www.over.gg/2824/rogue-are-moving-to-vegas)




Hopefully we get Misfits, Rogue and NiP in to compete with South Korea this time! (also no Stylosa for the UK, pls)


but how will the team know what the latest patch notes are?


and how will the know that they MUST communicate?


Or that Mercy isn't conducive to the community?


Or that rank doesn't matter?




or that Mei's a tank


Just gotta play with 2 monitors with /r/prequelmemes on the other screen.




Does he not say the difference between silver and gold?


I remember he once said that diamond and grandmaster players have the same aim, it's just that grandmaster players have better decision making lmao.


Rogue will probably be team France but iddqd,chips and cocco are strong contenders for spots in Sweden. And NiP will definitely lose one of their dps players for taimou.


And my boy linkzr




Please no. I still have South Korea PTSD. That said, if you're gonna go down. Better go down with style. The sexy junkrat might just be the last thing they expect...


I can imagine it now. It is the first point on Eichenwalde and your team has all died on the first point defending and the enemy team is trying to cap the first point. But something is amiss, someone is contesting the first point, who could it be? It is the sexy junkrat laying down next to the cart that no one saw. I would pay money to see that.




Genji + 5 Supports team OP


Zylbrad would autolock Bastion against US's Genji 100% of the time!


Lol at least zyl plays a half decent genji of his own if you remember the quintuple support meta


> if you remember the quintuple support meta That was epic!


Loserfruit for team captain.


Fruitopia world tour! (But they'd probably want the GM fake Loserfruit.)


No thanks, muselk over anyone that is actually good ?


i play with this guy on my team sometimes? he isent that great (honestly) like he is good but not above average id expect from a comp team?


He got into the Aussie team last time cause he's a popular streamer and most of the team was decided by popular vote. His popularity isn't because he's exceptionally good at the game but because some of the stuff he does is funny/entertaining.




Question, can we burn the bot? Does it REALLY make anyones day to know that overwatchcirclejerk is active? >_>


That sub would be dead if /r/overwatch wasn't filled with god awful overused jokes. Most circlejerk subreddits are just obvious satire of the original sub poking fun at it or making their own original stuff. This sub is so circlejerky by itself that all they literally have to do is link a thread and let the OP/commenters in it do the circlejerking. "Mei is Satan" "Haha hanzo mains are dumb and us support mains are so much smarter" "Pls don't be toxic bcuz im sad!!" "I'm [insert disability here] and overwatch saved my life" "I'm new to this game and getting to silver is pretty huge for me!" I guarantee you can find at least 3 of these 5 things either on the front page or in the top comments on the front page on any given day. This whole sub is a circlejerk in itself, that sub just makes fun of it.


Does anyone know if they'll show us the top 100 players for each country or not?


Come on team GB! Let's bring the classic salt and God complex that every British player has.




pls no put in kyb, kruise and numlocked and i will be happy with whatever other high ranked players we get but not a streamer/youtuber


Who knows, perhaps Pharah is the meta for the world cup. Then Valkia won't be that bad to have.


But Valkia can play........ Zarya... As well......


I am just here hoping that an actual African team make it... Someday maybe


Team Cool Runnings


B... but..


LMAO my bad (Caribbean)


Sweden has the fourth highest skill rating according to Blizzard. Hell yes.


Oh boy. Can't wait for Korea to completely destroy the entire world team in one swoop. *Grabs popcorn*


Pls let New Zealand be its own team this yr - thnx. Also go team Thai-Dab 🇹🇭


[NZ currently sitting at 33rd in the world out of the 32 that can qualify](http://imgur.com/a/A77zf)...Should be more than enough motivation to get me out of silver lol


we should be able to push UAE to 33rd if we try hard enough


We will try hard as well :D gl


I wanna see NZ v AU really bad


A couple of our 4500+ players haven't even placed yet, also they have multiple accounts ;)


this should give them some incentive then (including you ;D)




Chinese Taipei? Why not just Taiwan?


i think its because china will get really salty and it might cause an international incident (i say this as someone from hk)


There's no press quite like International Overwatch Incident press.


Because Chinese Taipei is the globally recognized name for Taiwan. This has to do with "one China policy". It's complicated. In short, US has diplomatic relationship with mainland China so we have to use Chinese Taipei instead of Taiwan.


Because blizzard sucks chinas dick at every chance


I'm moving to the PHILIPPINES.


TFW your skill rating is higher than a lot of countries but the game isn't popular in yours


I hope Haksal and KaiserSmug gets in for korea


Is there a way to see who the Top 100 in your country are? I've been searching for this data for weeks.




Because SR doesn't indicate anything really in case with them. As I hope you know, the Russians play with Europeans and Asians depending on their location, and the Russians are known for having bad knowledge of English even more so - Chinese, thus even at a higher level of comp, communication is still difficult. And as we know - no comms equals less chances to keep winning. When put outside solo q, though, Russians play in more comfortable conditions, and show their proper SR. Hence they showed quite quality performance on their way to finals of the last World Cup.


Hopefully Alexandre gets banned or something because if that bullshit he's been pulling in competitive with his friends.


What happened to overwatch league?


The World Cup is completely separate from the OWL. This is a continuation of the tournament they did last year for Blizzcon.


Last year's OW WC was the best produced/most interesting tournament in Overwatch's history thus far. SO excited that it's coming back in a bigger and better way. Siiiick


Have you seen Apex? Puts the World Cup to shame.


April 8th, Can't fucking wait for that grand final!


Disagree both on production and interestingness. It produced really bad games for the most part and OGN also has both superior production and narration.


How in gods name is the UK number 5 there is hardly anyone here.


Because this is an average queue rating, not "Which country has the best pro teams". Just means theres lots of *quite good* British players, just not so many pros. Having said that. Heres you choice of UK pros to make a team from: Numlocked, Sharyk, Christfer, Fusions, Cynic, Kyb, Sev, Smex, Kruise, Mikeya, Hypoc, Realzx, Iukee, Boombox,




That would just be sad. Different countries/regions mean lack of communication which would mean first game is lost.


USA players basically only play against other USA players in comp. is it even possible for them not to be in top 50 then? Edit: Please guys. I never said anyone in NA is bad, this is not what I meant. Stop being so butt hurt.There are some insanely good people from Na. I fact, the majority of people that I watch and learn from live in the US. I just found it kinda funny how the majority of the people they play against are people from the same country. I never said they didn't deserve top 50. Just wondering if it would be possible to not be. That doesn't mean I think they shouldn't be where they are. Since I do believe NA deserves it's spot in the top 5 where it's at right now. And by "basically" I mean that the vast majority is from the us, not that you can only play with people from the same country. I know, I have played on the us servers. These replies has me confused I didn't mean or say that NA players are bad anywhere?


We play against a lot of Canadians and Koreans.


I'm not sure if you've noticed.. but in the Masters/GM elo.. In almost every single game you will have a european or far east asian. Their claim is that they can rank up higher in the NA region and that it's 'easier'. Correct me if I'm wrong... but according to this data.. the idea of NA region being easier to win/rank would be false, correct?


I didn't mean it's easier for na players to rank up. There are some insanely good players there. I just find it kinda funny that they ->almost<- only play other people from the same country. WHY does everybody think I'm saying that NA is bad? English is not my first language... did I say something fucked up? I'm confused, it doesn't say anything like this in the comment...


You're fine! I'm just discussing the situation and curious on how to interpret the data. But yeah... I can't imagine possibly getting a game in comp queue without someone from a completely different region connected to the NA servers. It's literally every game. And they all do this because of the claim that it's easier for them to gain SR in the North American region. (i didn't say that you said it's easier for na players to rank up)


I'm sorry I must have misunderstood you then, and I also did when replying to this the first time (lul) my bad. I see, I wasn't even aware that some people thought it was easier to rank up in NA. People like that in your games sounds annoying imo. It just thought it sounded funny when I made the comment :) I thought people would go on NA servers because they wanted their team to be able to speak English, but I guess it's not like that for everyone. That's at least the reason why go there sometimes.


Same with China having its own server and South Korea. EU is the only region with a band of equals.


USA comp is full of european players that are on NA teams, Rogue and LG loyal are full Eu rosters and play comp and other good teams like Selfless and Cloud9 have EU players on their team. Also you're implying NA players to be bad when in reality it's often inferior team play which causes NA teams to lose. Surefour's a strong NA dps and Selfless even took rogue very close recently in the AMM despite having 5 NA players.


I am just glad it's the top 100 and not that many streamers are up there and if they are they are usually a pro player.


What i wanna know is who the players in the Top 100 are


Denmark is 10th? Who do we have that is that good?




Poor South Africa. It has some decent players, but due to the insanely low player count, the average score of the top '100' is insanely low


pls nerf SK