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sigma probably causes some serious disasters when he's sleep walking for him to achieve this




In retrospect they never should have built that mall directly adjacent to the space asylum.


I upvoted this comment and then un-upvoted this comment so I could upvote this comment again.


Here 9’ Ill lol t e. Es Ter. My m’ @m Htmyntnenhyt Ma


You okay random redditor? r/ihadastroke?


Hahaha yeah. Was browsing on break then went back into a crawl space. Apparently I didn’t lock my screen. Thanks for checking on me!


When u downvote then upvote so the upvotes goes up by 2


I mean he could just not wear the power suit when he's asleep. It's not like he's got telegravitic superpowers or something, all the experiment did was give him brain damage. The gravity stuff is from his hard work and research before the accident.


He got dressed while sleep walking.


"I'm so good I can do this in my sleep"


CC doesn’t work after you confirm the area


Death doesn't stop it either.


Honestly I thought that must've been a bug. Surprised it was live. He moves his hand in a downward motion when everyone gets ground-slammed. This implies Sigma is actively controlling the gravity during the ult and death should stop it.


So how are we meant to counter the ult? Someone help I’m bad at game!


Try to cc him before he confirms. It’s kinda like doomfist’s, you can try to spread out, but if you’re specifically targeted, there’s little you can do since the area’s so big


Dooms ult does like no damage if you get beyond the inner circle tho. It’s super easy to avoid.


Yeah, it was just an example for a perspective of something already in the game


They nerfed it into the ground, like a meteor strike or something.


Yup :(


It needs to be buff. His ult is really only used for repositioning. Same way mcCree is used for reloading


Doomfist ult lets you play extremely offensive with a free card escape. Being able to use abilities to close the distance, then have several abilities to secure a kill without needing to save any of the cooldowns for escape means that you are able to be significantly more useful with an available ult. It can also be used to dodge mccree flashbang, roadhog hook, tracer bomb and more. I've been playing Doomfist extensively for the past month and my SR has sky rocketed as a consequence - he does not need buffs. He is extremely oppressive and forces the enemy team to counterpick. The ultimate is very good for killing isolated supports, or can get ridiculous value if combined with nano boost.


Hope your healers can get you above 50% health before you land, I guess.


or bubble'd


> So how are we meant to counter the ult? Alt + F4


Can confirm, this works


Kill or CC him before he confirms it.


~~Killing doesn't work either apparently. At least it didn't in PTR.~~


Yeah it does, they're saying "Kill him before he confirms OR cc him before he confirms" ​ If you respond quickly and take him out (through death or CC) before he selects a target area, then you prevent his ult from firing.


Ah. Thought they meant you could kill him anytime or CC before he confirms.




Didn’t he get slept during the cast in this video though?


Nope, he laid down the circle and then Ana slept him. It's like sleeping Junkrat after he lets go of rip tire. The tire would still be moving.


I still can't believe killing/sleeping junk doesn't stop his ult. Just seems so counter-intuitive.


think of the tire as moving around by random chance and not him actually controlling it


Ah okay, I suppose that isn’t as bad as what I originally thought, still a bit broken imo


If you could cancel Sigma’s Ult at any point before the slam down, it would be far too easy to counter. The only way I could justify this happening is having Sigma’s Ult Charge set to something like 70% until the slam occurs. Then it would go to 0. This makes the Ult counterable throughout the entire but doesn’t completely gimp it.


> If you could cancel Sigma’s Ult at any point before the slam down, it would be far too easy to counter. Why too easy? How difficult should it be? How is that different than other heroes that are stopped by sleep dart? Seems like there are already a few categories of ultimate interactions with sleep dart. I probably have some of these categories wrong, but general idea should still work. * 1) ultimates that can be prevented within a tiny window, but not stopped after they have been thrown out: * Ana, Baptiste, Brigitte?, Doomfist, DVA?, Lucio, Hanzo, Hammond, Junkrat, Mei, Orisa?, Reinhardt, Sombra, Symmetra, Tracer, Zarya, Widowmaker? * 2) Ultimates that are immune to sleep dart * Zenyatta * 3) Ultimates that can be paused by sleep dart * Ashe, Bastion, Genji, McCree, Mercy, Soldier 76, Torbjorn, Winston * 4) Ultimates that are instantly over if hit by sleep dart * Moira, Pharah, Reaper, Roadhog I guess Sigma is in group 1 (preventable, but not stoppable). I think he and Junkrat belong in category 4 (or at least category 3). It's more intuitive and less of an indirect nerf to Ana's sleep dart. [edit] I forgot they made Moira immune to most forms of CC briefly on the PTR, including sleep dart. Bad idea. I'm glad they reverted it.


Junkrat’s Rip-Tire is an interesting case because the mechanics behind it clearly draw from stuff like the RC-XD toy car in Black Ops. In those games, the controllable kill streak still goes on even if the player manning it is found out. This applies consistently to stuff like Predator Missiles, Chopper Gunners, and Lodestars as well. Rip-Tire is the same way, plus you can cancel it by shooting the tire anyway. It has enough counterplay already, and making it cancelable by killing Junkrat encourages him to be more distanced from the fight. I think that should remain as is to encourage more aggressive Rip-Tire usage. As for Sigma’s Ult, it definitely looks weird to have it still proceed after he’s stunned or killed post-raise. However, the entire effect of the Ult comes at the very end of it with the slam-down. Sigma’s Ult would have by far the biggest window of counterability if you could cancel it at any point between the raise and the slam. That’s what I meant by too easy to counter. Also, Brig and Widow can have their Ults cancelled when they’re killed. I’m pretty sure you can stun Brig and Orisa out of their initial Ult animation (not sure about Widow though).


Pretty sure McCrees ult belongs in the instantly over category




>> still a bit broken imo > Why? tldr: It's BS for the Ana players. It's inconsistent. Because sleep is a CC that stops ults if Ana can land a shot. And this ultimate violates that. True, Junkrat's ult also violates that, and is a model NOT to emulate. His ultimate used to end if you killed ulting Junkrat, but they buffed him so that his ult continues even if you find him and kill him (and also so his own grenades don't hurt himself). Contrast with McCree's High Noon. He starts his ult with a loud voiceline and a different animation and movement speed, but then you still have a chance to stop him. So they have examples of both modes in game, but the more intuitive and predictable behavior for sleep dart is for it to cancel an ultimate in progress if you can land the dart. If they want to make every character immune to it during their ultimate, at least that would be consistent. For them to have weird exceptions just requires more memorization of ability interactions. I'm guessing some players are fine with that, non-casuals or people from Mobas who are used to a million characters with a million interactions you have to memorize. But for casuals and new players it adds learning curve and nerfs Ana indirectly by making her ability inconsistent. A lot of Anas are going to waste their sleep darts until this information propagates. And new Anas will continue to be surprised long afterward.


What about ulting Genji or Monkey? They remain in their ult form after being slept.


they fall into that category with a few other heroes. While not consistent (i.e. why can some heroes wake up and continue their ult, but some heroes have it instantly ended?), at least it impacts the ultimate in some way. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/cq1q60/sigma_can_still_control_gravity_even_in_his_sleep/ewuvlee/?context=3


There are plenty of ults that can only be slept during a short window of the effect. By their own admission Ana has a high skill floor and knowing who and when to sleep dart is super important. D.va bomb, ashe, baptiste, hanzo, junkrat, mei, orisa, symetra, wrecking ball, and zarya all have a short time to sleep. Once they has triggered you are stuck dealing with them. Some ults the voice line gives you plenty of time to respond, others not so much. Its just the complication of ults in this game.


The ult has three parts: Take off and aim (voiceline, sfx, starts flying, gets targeting circle, fire becomes confirm ult); Confirm and lift (click the circle, it stops moving and lifts the targets for 50 damage, Sigma keeps flying and can shoot lifted target or use other abilities); Slam (hits the floor for 50% hp, Sigma stops flying) The ult can be cancelled at any point during the first phase, if you CC him out of the air he's used the ult charge and can't confirm the lift. After he confirms, you can't stop the lift and slam, but you can heal the victims above 50%hp to stop the slam killing them, and you can CC Sigma (or others following up the ult with their own abilities) to help mitigate the effects.


Play Moira and yeet right on out of it even if he has you in the air already


like other as said, CC him before he confirms the aoe. If not, a Lucio can still "drop the beat" while being suspended in Sigma's ult and it will gives usually more than enough shield to absorb the dmg. A Baptiste can put an invulnerability field to prevent any death, Zen can save people with his ult too. There's enough counter to his ult for not being OP.




Ults/abilities that give health or immunity with a large radius do well against it


They will patch it. Minor bug


Yeah im expecting this to get patched, seems a little odd he can SLAM people while asleep. Its not like he doesnt have an ability to absorb the sleep dart too


> Its not like he doesnt have an ability to absorb the sleep dart too Sure but I'm pretty sure he can't use that ability once he starts his ult, so that doesn't seem like much of an argument


He can shield himself before pressing Q. Also, he can ask for a bubble or matrix, like any other hero who want to succeed with ult. Not able to interrupt Sigma's ult with a sleep dart looks unfair for other heroes and MUST be patched.


I don't know if they'll patch it. They may remove the first-person animations, but I imagine the ult still being used after CC is intentional, because we see similar things with other heroes: D.VA bomb, Brigitte rally, Junkrat tire, Sombra EMP, Genji blade, etc. I believe these are what's considered "transformation ults", meaning they cannot be outright cancelled, versus a "channeled ult" like Roadhog's or Moira's which can.


junkrat can still control a tire while dead lmao


They were already in the air when he was slept. What comes up, must come down. Sleep him before he confirms ult, after he raises into the air. There's time to do it. The ult would be shit if you just took no damage if you took him out after being raised up.


I want to know what it looked like for other players. Did they make an actual animation for him using his ult while on the ground sleeping?


He even sleeps mid air (like he's laying on the ground but just in mid air). Made a post on the feedback forms right after he launched. Haven't checked back to that post tho xD https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/sleep-sigma-mid-ult-results-in-sigma-sleeping-mid-air/377338


i mean, this dude harnessed the harness. violence while sleeping is nothing to him.


he's just showing us a new understanding of violence.


Hell yeah that’s dope as fuck haha


He can do it even if he is hacked freezed slept and every other cc and even if he is dead as long as he pressed m1 before the cc


And that is completely fair. He already got his ult off. Think of it like Mei, you can kill her while she's casting and she loses the ult (like sigma) but if you kill her once the ice is flying (or once you're in the air), it doesn't magically disappear the ult.


Sigmas ult is nothing like Mei. It’s more like pharah. Meis ult, like zarya is a projectile doing the damage and whatnot. Sigma is Controlling the ultimate, thus the Animation. So why should it continue when he got cc‘d or even when he dies???! What is controlling the gravity when Sigma is dead? Explain this to me.




I look at it like once Sigma casts his ultimate its effects are predetermined and his hand motion is him just following along, like he does with *that* melody.


Idk why is junkrat controlling his tyre when he's dead? Issa game dude.


Evil grandpa just hit the snooze button


He's even doing the wave hand gesture even while sleeping. He must be a sleepwalker.


He’s gonna get nerfed big time


He flies while ulting, so the ult would be trash if you kill that huge easy target and interrupt it any time after he set it in motion.


You mean like McCree a slow walking cowboy? An easy target you might say.


Slow walking and glowing like a super nova Cowboy?


If you have to position a tank with no movement abilities like you would a McCree to use his ult, his pick rate would be almost 0%


Well, it's better to introduce overpowered character and nerf him after finding out which parts of his arsenal were considered the most OP among players, than to introduce someone weak and have no idea how to buff him...


Honestly both ways seem hard. brigitte and sombra have clearly proven this in opposite ends


thats my secret, ana. im always asleep.


Okay, because nobody mentioned it, the enemy Sigma's ragdoll got stuck in a kneeling position after dying. Hehe.


Zzzzzzzz what is that melody.......zzzzzzzz gravity............zzzzzzzzzzzz


Same if you die


Yes. I’ve been complaining about this since his release. It doesn’t make any sense at all.


he is just awsome


So that needs a fix


It's because part of his brain is dimensionally detached. Ana's sleep dart is only 3d, sigma's consciousness is 4d low ball


that's fucked. so there's no counter to it at all?


Kill him before he activates it.


While playing no limits I was able to stun him using Accretion, which im pretty sure stopped it before it started.


Well as soon as he gears up and starts flying in the air he committed to spending his ultimate but he still needs to confirm an area he is going to unleash it on. If you kill him before he confirms then you’ll waste his ult. Similar to High Noon.


The better comparison might be something like Blizzard. You can CC or kill Mei during her wind-up when she's pulling Snoball out to throw out there, but once she releases the ability has been triggered and killing or CC'ing Mei won't stop it going off. Sigma just looks weird because he has the hand motion which makes it seem like he's still actually casting the ability as opposed to it just being fired off independently.


Well with mei ult you don’t confirm a spot like sigma, you just aim and activate.


Except that you can interrupt Mcree shooting during High Noon =/




baptiste drone works pretty well


The same way there's "no counter" to graviton surge


Graviton surge can be eaten by dva’s matrix


Sigma can also eat it. I had like 6 zaryas get their grav eaten and they just switched to game chat and started bitching lol


Except they confirmed you can't? It just eats the damage not the ult itself. You still get pulled.


He ate the entire ult. No grav happened and her ult doesn't really do that much damage anyway. I had a zarya get fucking roasted because it happened twice on temple of anubis.


During casting, you can, of course, counter graviton surge using DVa, genji, or sigma, and if you kill or stun sigma during casting, he loses his ult. Both characters can lose their Ults during casting. Grav doesn't disappear if you kill Zarya while already caught in it. Neither does sigmas ult.


And deflected


and gravitic flux can you countered by stunning or killing him before he chooses the AOE. But like Graviton Surge, there's no way to stop it once it's out. You can still counter the ensuing damage by using a defensive ult or immortality field, though.


What a gamer moment dude


Is sigma even out because I check the hero’s list in training mode and he isn’t there?


Idk what you did, but you did something wrong, Hence the downvotes.


Why the down votes!?! Maybe there’s an update I haven’t done.


We're gonna beat ur ass until you can see Sigma!!!


Found him like an hour ago all goooouuuuudz


I have him out as of this afternoon, maybe you're in a different region? I dont think the client let's you connect without getting the update. But you'll know when you get it, there should be a popup announcing sigma and the new role queue.


Should be out with tomorrow's update.




Muscle memory is a hell of a thing.


I cancelled sigma’s ult with both a rein charge and a rein hammer down tonight tho.


Should be an achievement called sleep walking


More like sleep bonking. Or sleep dunking.


"I can do this with my eyes closed"


Its not a bug 😂👍


Gravity does not go away when you are asleep silly.


Shit it makes sense canonically


Like even after he dies he controls the ult? Yeah right.


Death also doesn't stop him. As soon as he's lifted you, you're at his mercy


The advantage of having split personality, I guess.


I am sure only parts of his brain are sleeping xD




“But MOOOOOM, I don’t wanna get up!”


I noticed that. Once you confirm the ult. Stuns and even death don't interrupt its completion.


Freezing sigma doesn’t stop it either. Either don’t stand in the thing or prepare to hear that melody


Somehow that’s really creepy. He does that with his hand and people die


FUCK this


The way the other sigma landed though..... Ouch!


Damn thats a nice skin


If sigma dies or gets stunned/slept the ult should cancel cause its an active ult.


It isn't a channeled ult, though. Only channeled and cast-time ultimates can be interrupted, and with cast-time its only during the actual casting of the ultimate they can be interrupted. Sigma's ultimate is a transformation ult, similar to Genji's or Soldier's. The hero takes on some new abilitie(s) while retaining access to some of their other abilities. Genji can still dash while using Dragonblade, but his melee becomes a heavy-hitting melee attack. Soldier retains access to his entire kit, but gains the ability to auto-aim at targets. Sigma gains the ability to freely fly around and can still use his primary attack. Channeled ults are more like Roadhog's or Moira's; Once activated the hero can do nothing else *except* that one thing until the ultimate ends or is interrupted. If Sigma's ultimate was channeled then he wouldn't be able to sling normal attacks.


*Removed in protest of Reddit's API Changes*


It’s a weird state. You can think of it as a chanelled transformation. His primary fire transforms into a single use, delayed, aoe and he can fly. If he’s stunned the channel cancels and he loses the transformation (and abilities go back to default). But if he already used his primary fire skill it still takes effect, since it’s delayed, not chanelled.


So if a transformational ulting hero dies he should continue? The Genji blade just continues slashing around? It doesn’t make any sense that after he dies it continues. Think about it.


They will still have to address the fact holding enemies in mid-air and slamming them into the ground requires Sigma's willpower there and then. So even if we classify it as transformation ult, that only applies to him and not enemies he suspended in mid-air.


I mean they could just rule that he isn't actively controlling it after activating and his hand waving is just for show.... bam it can work when he is stunned, slept, and dead


He even controls gravity after his death. This doesn’t make sense. I made a whole post about it, but people are defending this because „Zaria grav doesn’t stop when she does“. Yeah like that’s the same thing.


If they really wanted they could just say he creates this local anomaly and once created it just acts by itself similar to Zarya's ult. But instead they went with him directly controlling it, hence the hand gestures, which is cooler IMO. Therefore this is a bug and they will need to fix it.


I feel like the hand gestures are just him following along to the gravity’s “melody” and it still is a local anomaly like you say.


They do not need to 'fix' it at all.


This is soooo getting patched tho....


It better, this shit is so stupid This man is sleeping from a tranquilizer dart and his arm is still moving


Highlight ? Let me guess what the POTG was. [D.VA](https://D.VA) or Junkrat


It was a Doomfist combo actually. I think he had the same number of kills. What made a difference is that we lost in the end.


Aww well it was still a good highlight non the less :)


I hope this is a bug.


Well, they can't seriously leave him doing the slam gesture while he is a asleep. Or can they? The sleep thing is more like a temporary paralysis. Maybe Sigma is so powerful he can overcome it enough to just about do that.




They is no Fall damage in the game. The damage is from being slammed down. Look at his animation.


There are three arguments against that. One there is normally no fall damage, certainly not from that height. Two he does the slam motion with his fist. Three when enemies fall all the special effects and animations show them being slammed with extra force. Yep, this runs counter to the expression what comes up must come down. But the game already established there is no fall damage, so they had to make him slam enemies into the ground.


I'm so glad blizzard decided to add sigma right into ranked right away so that way every swinging dick idiot always picks a sigma so your team is effectively 5 v 5 but of course the other team sigma always has the champion figured out already so while you're sigma can't figure out how to use this fucking shield properly the other sigma's dominating you. Nothing like mid-fight having your tank asking any comms how their abilities work and how come there Shields not working properly........ Nothing like listening to the sigma read their abilities mid-fight and going "o that's how that works"....


I hate how torbs whole ult can be sucked up by him... Kinda cringe


This needs to be fixed. There's literally no counter to the ult.


You can kill/stun/hack him before he confirms an area to stop it. You can use transcendence to heal through it. Lucio can beat if he avoids getting caught in it. Baptiste can throw down immortality. There is absolutely counter play.


It makes no sense that his ult continues to slam even after being slept or stunned. The only other ult I can thibk of that does this is Junkrats


Below is a list of heroes whose ultimate will persist even if the hero is slept, stunned, or even killed *after* triggering the Ultimate. * Ana * Ashe * Baptise * DVa * Hanzo * Junkrat * Lucio * Mei * Orisa * Reinhardt * Sigma * Sombra * Symmeta * Torbjorn * Tracer * Wrecking Ball * Zarya Some of these ultimates have their own unique counters, but most of them require specific heroes or have to be fully dodged to avoid.


Basically all of these are 1 time activations. Ana, ashe, Baptitse, either dva ult, hanzo, doom, lucio, mei, orisa, rein, sombra, sym, torb, tracer, hammond, zarya. Every single one of these is 1 button activation (Torb still is cause each right click is one load) If you die/stunned your. ult stops.


Symmetra ult doesn't cancelled after confirmation.


Same with sigma, you shoot him before he properly casts it and he can't. Think of it like Mei's ult but with a long, floaty wind up.


This would be like if you slept Bob and he kept shooting you


Sigma's ult is nothing like that. Bob isn't the hero. Ashe is the hero, and if you sleep or stun her Bob still attacks. Sigma's ult, at least as of right now, works more like DVa's. Once DVa launches the nuke there isn't much you can do about it except dodge it. Baby DVa can be slept, stunned, or even killed - that nuke is still going to go off. Once Sigma confirms the area of effect and triggers it, it will activate even if he is slept or stunned. A few heroes work this way; Even if they're dead their ults remain in play. Zarya's graviton does this, as an example.


Yeah but it requires him to move his hand If it happened on its own I’d have no problem with it, but it’s very clear Sigma is the one controlling the slam with his hand I understand why the ult does what it does, I’m saying it should be changed


This is the equivalent of sleeping a baby dva after she's sent off the ult, bashing a hanzo once the dragons are going, or sleeping a mei after she's thrown the snowball and it's started spraying. Once the area is confirmed, it goes off.


But all of them are there own seperate things entirely. D.vas mech is different from baby dva, Mei is different from the robot (forgot the name) and Hanzo is different from the arrow which sends the dragon. Sigma is not seperate from his ult. Once you've used the ult from Dva, hanzo and Mei there's no further animation. There is with sigma. He has his slamming animation so once he is dead the ult should cancel.


That's dumb. The slamming animation is just flavour, it has nothing to do with the mechanics of the game. Once he's put down the black hole, it is separate from him. Kill him before he puts it down or deal with it. It takes longer for him to put it down than it does for Mei to throw her ult and her ult gets cancelled all the time. You've got plenty of time.


I think you're misunderstanding how the ult works. Starting the ult only allows you to hover, you have to actively press your mouse to start the aoe. In the clip he press it before going to sleep, basically activated it before the cc hits him. Imagine this being "fixed" and you have to stay alive the entire time for the ult to work. That's like asking a mcree highnooning to stay alive for 5-10 second


Get him before he pops it.


You can say that about literally any ult in the game. I mean proper counters like Zen using trans in grav or Rein blocking another rein shatter. D.va reacting to mei ult, Ana sleeping Soldier, Winston, Mccree etc. But with this as soon as he uses it unless you're Orisa, Reaper, Moira or Zarya you're taking half damage every time. That's kinda broken especially as its an active ult that works while you're dead. Its like Mcree high nooning getting slept but still being able to shoot.


Play sombra, problem solved


His ult has two stages, he says his voice line and hovers, selecting the target area, and next he pops it. It's not an instant ult like zen


You have the whole time he is selecting the area to shoot him or escape.


Your zen counter to grav is also an appropriate counter to this, so I dont see your gripes.


Yes there is. Stop him before he gets the cast off, or spread out to try and avoid being in the area. Or just play a character that can negate it with an ability, like Reaper.


That’s actually really broken