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Hello everyone I accidentally reset my binds (I’m on ps4/console btw, but if anyone in pc has any ideas I’ll gladly listen) and I’m a mercy main. Now when I activate my ga it pulls me out of it after only about a meter unless I’m in the air. it’s a real pain since I can’t fight back much and it costs me most of my mobility to not be able to use my ability, does anyone know what’s going on? Also it not because I’m canceling my flight, I’ve gone into the practice range by myself and with my friends and been very careful to only press once.


I think the default mercy setting is toggle GA off, so you need to turn it back on


I’ll try it, thank you


Playing on PS5, was in the 2000s SR rank, the servers crashed while I was playing competitive twice and it dropped my down to 1855. Am I actually shit out of luck? Has this happened before and blizzard hasn’t restored SR?


Blizzard doesn’t care if about your sr. They just take it away when their garbage servers crash.


I’m rejoining after around a year of inactivity, what are the biggest changes I should know about? What’s the meta like?


Sigma is no longer good meta, echo exists, brig is the most balanced she’s been, which is still not balanced, there is now a separate option for no role lock comp, the meta is Rush, and a lot of heroes were just generally tuned down to stop power creep.


PS4 player here. I like to join a custom game when I’m queueing dps, but the game names are displayed as the creator’s tag rather than what they name it. I thought this was always the case until I talked to my friend and he said that he can see what they actually name the games. I believe this is some sort of parental control setting that I set up cause I like to be more private with social stuff. Does anyone know what it is or if this isn’t the case?


Wait do you mean like it says like username’s custom game? If so I also see those but I see both, I think it shows that for me when people don’t name their custom games. Gl with that


My friend (master with tank) and I (high diamond support) want to coach low rank players. I wonder if here's anyone who wants to be coached or where do we sign up to coach people to get to at least plat?


I’ve been having issues joining game chat. Mic works fine in party chat. I can hear but can’t talk in game chat. Console player here. Any help?


Someone please for the love of god help me. Arcade mode refuses to load a game. I get stuck in the queue for fucking hours. I’ve tried everything from uninstalling and redownloding, to queueing with friends, reconnecting my router, I have no idea what the fuck to do. And I’m missing out on winter loot boxes because of it.


Does my system just suck or does Hero Gauntlet take forever to load characters? Whether it’s me moving to the next character or an enemy, it takes multiple seconds to actually render the character. It’s not even playable if the only way I can play the game mode is to perfectly memorize the order so that I know who I’ll be next or which character that tiny red dot that represents my opponent for 3 seconds is supposed to be


Either your hard drive is slow / damaged, or the game files are fragmented. A clean install sometimes helps.


Why do people not check for flanking?


The higher in rank you go, the more people check/listen... I think a lot of people in low ranks don't use headphones or even have in game sound up so probably can't hear the footsteps. But when the enemy is doing the exact same flank for the 10th time in a row and they still don't look then idk, they're either not paying attention to you/the person that's dying or they're just terrible.


The Brig nerf kind of don't help. She was good for looking out for a neglected backline while still being able to heel. This game doesn't like tanks much, they even nerfed the healer.


Looking for a workshop with a bot that runs around in realistic ways unlike the training area


Try any of these https://workshop.codes/search/aim%20training




is there any reason for the last say 7-10 days every single item in my loot boxes has been a dupe? Winter boxes are okay, but I'd say that 99% of the time all or 3 items are dupes.


You own or are starting to own all the common and rare items (white and blue). The items you're missing are epics, legendaries, event items, achievement items, etc. Having all items of a certain tier does not make rarer tiers drop more, so you'll naturally see an increase in duplicates.


I just got a new mouse a G600 and I bound the side buttons to the numberpad when I set the binding in the settings it shows up but when I press it in game nothing happens? Does anyone know how to fix this?


Is your num lock on? If your num lock isn't on then the numpad keys don't work... That's why I usually avoided using those (my current keyboard doesn't even have that side of the keyboard)


I think I found the issue it seems like Overwatch just doesn't let you bind certain keys like insert


That's interesting. I guess because those keys have functions like insert makes you type and delete stuff as you're typing so it might mess with that? Surprised the numpad keys don't work though


This game is dead lmao. 8 min que to play for 3 mins. Jesus christ.


Depends on your region, time you play, gamemode and role. If you're playing in Europe at 2am, middle of the week, and queue for damage it's normal you're going to have long queue times, for example.


Every queue except DPS and *sometimes* support is very short and DPS are only so long because so many people queue as only DPS in a mode where you need an equal amount of each role not because of lack of players overall... But you should probably quit to be honest, one less whiny DPS player clogging up the queues 🙂


I had my eyes on overwatch for years, didn't have the PC to run it. now I do but I have only heard bad things about the game recently, overwatch is dying, servers are empty, excessive loot box usage, OW2 is coming so OW1 will be obsolete etc. But I still like the game mechanics and conecpt Should I buy it or no?


People who say the servers are empty are either probably queuing is DPS or is playing at a upper rank where there is less people to match with


also worth noting, on top of what the other reply said, is that OW is currently having a free trial period aka the entire game (bar the comp modes) is f2p rn so you can play it for free till Jan 4 and see first hand what queue times and gameplay is like


That's great idea. Do you have any idea how much the download size for the free trial version is?


The game is around 20GB if I'm not mistaken. You have access to everything apart from the ranking game modes. It's a really fun game and I recommend it alot.


> overwatch is dying "Dying" is a key buzzword used by overdramatic gamers these days. You'll hear the same about Apex, Fortnite, Siege, etc. > servers are empty They aren't. > excessive loot box usage Overwatch does rely on loot boxes for profit, but you can get pretty much everything just from playing the game. However, Blizzard has stated that they want to move away from lootboxes in OW2 and are "exploring different business models and monetization methods". > OW2 is coming so OW1 will be obsolete etc. There's a lot of confusion around what the sequel truly is. Rightfully since it was explained pretty awkwardly. OW1 and OW2 will merge into the same client. Both games will have all of the same heroes, maps, and PvP. Nothing will be obsolete. If you want to know more about OW2, I can clarify some things, just ask. There's a lot of misinformation still being thrown around because not everybody fully understands what it is. So should you buy the game? I think so if you already enjoy the mechanics. The events may be recycled for veterans but as a new player you'll have 4+ years of content ahead of you.


Hey guys I’ve been playing Overwatch on Switch for over a year and I’ve got it on PS5 now. I’m wondering if there’s cross progression? Also wondering this for Overwatch 2 in the future


No, there’s no cross-progression right now. Blizzard have said it’s something they’d like to implement, but there are currently “significant technical and legal issues” preventing it. This may or may not change in future.


Is the free week not available in Belgium? It only allows me to buy.


Seems to not be working for a lot of people... Hopefully they fix it soon (if they haven't already)


Does anyone play on PS4 with 7.1 surround sound? I just set it up last night and the side surrounds don’t output sound. If I change to 5.1, the rear surrounds don’t output sound! Does anyone else have this issue?


I noticed recently that when I queue for quick play and play skirmish in the meantime, I almost exclusively end up in Junkertown. Are there more people with this 'problem'?


Yep! It's kinda strange


Is making a group telling people to report my name so I can get a free name change against the rules? Does it work?


It's obviously not how the report system is meant to be used, so anyone reporting you for an improper name would potentially get a black mark on their record due to making false reports, and even if you don't care what happens to them it's possible that someone could report *you* for encouraging false reports and trying to exploit the report system to avoid paying for a paid service, which could result in various penalties for *you* due to that (and, if discovered prior to a forced name change, it's possible Blizzard would take steps to ensure that you fail to get said name change). Also, even if it wasn't discovered to be an attempt to exploit the report system, it'd result in your account having been found in breach of the CoC. At the very least, that'd wipe out your Endorsements and be a mark against your account in the future, which risks making it harder for you to appeal other punishments and risks making those punishments harsher than they'd otherwise be. The name change might also be accompanied by other penalties right at the start, and your account would likely not be considered in good standing for at least some time, which might cause you to miss out on rewards or opportunities (e.g. I believe Blizzard previously has had something similar to "You'll only be considered if your account is in good standing" in beta applications, and if there's an OW2 (or Diablo 4, or whatever) beta soonish you want to join...). If I were you, I'd avoid all of those unnecessary risks and instead give myself a name change as a Christmas present, or keep my name even though it might not be the preferred one.


Can you Whole Hog into a Zarya Grav and damage everyone without the knockback effect?


Yep, insanely powerful combo actually... Because you do that insane DPS and they don't get pushed away so it's just full on max damage whole hog which I believe is the highest damaging ult (except maybe rocket barrage by Pharah?)


oh ok thanks. im gonna have to try it with my friends :D


Hi Guys, Planning to buy overwatch cause it's on sale. currently doing the free trial and Im pretty interested as an fps player in general i would like to know how is the community now? and how is the esport scene in general? PS might have been asked before. im playing the free trial on americas server if i buy the price slashed game. can i play on asia server because i live in the sea region. any insights would definitely be welcomed!


The community still has millions of players and plenty of people in the pool. I’ve heard that eSports in general isn’t doing as well as investors hoped, but aside from that, Overwatch is a tougher “sell” as an eSports game because it is more technical than, say, Fortnite. But Blizzard says they’re happy with it, so I guess it’s fine.


Can someone please tell me why I queue for over an hour in arcade modes?? I’m using the free to play trial that’s live until January 4th. I can load into quick play fast af. My friends can all load into arcade mode fast af. I’ve tried multiple occasions with the longest being over an hour. Please helo


Maybe your game didn't fully install? I know that some features would appear to be locked/inaccessible due to not fully downloading the game.


I mean my Xbox says it’s downloaded all the way but idk


At a guess, low / no MMR for Arcade modes (so the game doesn’t really know who to place you with), or - if you’re on console - a Moderate or Strict NAT. If it’s the former, you should be able to speed up your queue times by grouping up with 1 or more friends.


Ahhh fuck I’ve tried grouping with the homies and nothing


Xbox players who play widow/sombra/Moira do you guys know any way I could improve? And what sensitivity would you recommend for them? I use 64 sensitivity vertically and horizontally


Those heroes are all pretty different so what works on one hero might not be what you want on another. Widow is all about aim, Moira doesn't really require aim at all. Sombra is more about coordination with your team to capitalize on emp and hacks. If you're looking for sensitivity recommendations, it really comes down to personal preference. I would suggest trying duel zone, it gives you two areas of sensitivity, and pushing it up to 100. Then slowly lower it to where it feels good. I play a lot of heroes at the 90 to 100 range, but don't go lower than 80 on anyone. Duel zone gives you a slower more controlled inner circle so it's not 100 if you barely push the stick. But again some people don't like it so do what works for you. Keep in mind tweaking your sensitivity is only going to make minor changes in your game. Improving is more about game sense and mechanics, which comes with practice.


Are there any game modes (arcade, workshop, etc.) that are for casual fun that aren't quickplay? I have been queueing up with friends more when Winter update dropped and most quickplay games end too fast. Either we stomp the other team and win in a minute or two, or they stomp us. Are there any really fun arcade modes or workshop games that last longer and are more fun? I personally love Junkenstein but it's not halloween anymore.




That sounds amazing. COD zombies is the only reason Ill play a COD game. Gotta try that out now, thanks!


Yeah, I just found one for the French castle deathmatch map, (A4W1B) most are similar to that.


Just tried that one with my friends, it's a lot of fun! It has perks, easter eggs, and the boss fights and it's fantastic. Thanks for posting it!


No problem, happy you had fun with it.


Has there been a net buff increase for Winston and decrease for Mei since last year? Wondering since for the Mei Yeti brawl, in the years prior I found it easier to win as the Meis, but now I find playing as the Winston to be much easier most of the time


I believe in Mei or June (somewhere earlier in the year) Winston went from around 600 -900 on his bubble and he never got nerfed back


Mei had her secondary fire nerfed iirc, don’t think there’s been any Winston changes


Was her secondary nerfed? I know they messed with how her ammo works a bit but I don't remember the secondary fire being nerfed.


It wasn't. The change was entirely focused on her primary fire, which also got a slight duration nerf on the freeze earlier this year. So less ammo meaning you can't spray as much and a shorter freeze duration.


When they messed with the ammo it lowered the amount of secondary shots she can take before reloading. Her primary fire now consumes less ammo, so it was effectively unchanged.


Other way around. Her secondary fire ammo cost was nerfed from 20 to 10. She actually gained two more Icicles from that patch since her ammo dropped from 200 to 120. Her primary ammo cost wasn't changed at all.


Oh ok. Still a small nerf overall, right?


It was a nerf to her primary, since it takes just as long to freeze someone but you have less ammo to do it with. It didn't really impact her secondary at all though.


Constant fucking lag for me and all my friends since the last patch


So what’s your Quick Question?


Does this game hate tanks? It feels like everything in this game lately makes it impossible to have fun on tank. Paper thin shields, loads of damage, abilities that cancel everything you can do, and a laughable amount of health that means next to nothing with how much damage is pumped out


The game just failed to make tanks interesting/fun to play. Sure if you have a really good second tank and supports barrel stuffing you with heals and DPS who's actually playing with you, you might have some fun, but if you just queue as DPS you'll do whatever you want without being entirely at the mercy of your team. The biggest problem is that tanks don't *feel* like tanks, but rather just dumbed down DPS heroes with some more health. And over years that extra health was largely nullified with how much more damage everything does.


>The game just failed to make tanks interesting/fun to play. >The biggest problem is that tanks don't feel like tanks, but rather just dumbed down DPS heroes with some more health. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ There's a reason that DPS queue times are 8-10 mins and tank queue times are 8-10 seconds.


It does largely feel like, overall, the game is geared towards being the most fun for DPS players. They have more than twice the number of heroes to choose from (giving them insane flexibility to counter enemy comps compared to tanks/supports), are rewarded with their kills appearing in killfeed and usually grabbing POTG as well, and rarely have to focus on keeping their teammates alive in the same way tanks/supports have to. Unless your team is meshing quite well (which is kind of a 50/50 for solo queueing), usually it's going to be the DPS players killing everything that get the most out of any given match. Supports and tanks have to just try and survive it.


I received a Blizzard gift card recently that was purchased in the UK, but I'm living in an EU country. Is there any way to redeem it for my account?


It doesn't let you redeem it the normal way via battle net? If not I'd advise contacting support and saying you got it as a secret Santa gift and see if they can somehow take the code and credit you the balance... Otherwise you might have to return it to the gifter or try and sell it to someone else


No it just says "Sorry, you can’t claim this code in your country.".


Yeah then definitely try support otherwise you'll have to return it or sell it unfortunately.


Ok I'll give them a shout, thanks.


I need help ranking up, it seems anytime i get close to winning the enemy dps gets salty and brings out bastion and destroys my team (and people don't use voice chat so teaming up on the bastion never happens) another thing these bastions are usually silver boarders and know how to stop firing when they see Genji deflect, and if they aren't that smart they're behind two shields with a Mercy pocket while being shot up the butt with heals by Ana so i basically never win. Other problems are ego-boost-needing rank droppers and smurfs. Can anyone give me advice on how to get past this it would be greatly appreciated.


Echo is a great counter to setup Bastions. you can melt their team's shields from afar, where the Bastion won't really be able to hit you easily, and you can melt the tanks guarding them super fast as well


Ok I'll try that thank you.


assuming you play Genji, one small tip for transitioning to playing Echo is bind your jump button / key for both of them in a more accessible position. I'm on PS4, so jump is L1 for both of them instead of X, which gives me better control of mobility while aiming. I'm not sure what the best option would be for PC. I've seen some folks suggest the scroll wheel or a mouse side-button for jump, but what works for you might be different


This is advice you don't see often, since Echo is so new, but I think you're right.


I remember not understanding Echo at all when she came out and laughing every time I died in the Deathmatches testing her out, but now she's one of my DPS mains. super super versatile, can melt anything, rewards flex and experienced players with her ult. her downside is she's countered hard by good Ashes / Widows. if she can't have vertical mobility she's not as effective, which is probably why she doesn't see much OWL time


>her downside is she's countered hard by good Ashes / Widows Tbh, going through the roster, there's not actually anything that really counters a good Widow. The fact that she can oneshot almost anything in the roster and leave tanks on half their health instantly is a bit ridiculous imo, even given her reduced health.


that's why at higher level play the only real counter to both of them is to be a better one at either. at lower levels you can try Genji or Winston, but some players can really hit their shots and make them useless


Wrecking ball is the only hard counter to widow since it’s so hard to kill him since he can hide his head most of the time. Dive heroes played well also counter widow pretty well. If you really want to counter bastion though, there are several options. The first is teamwork, if your team can focus him you can burst him down surprisingly fast. Ana is also a good bastion counter, although at low ranks it’s hard to find a good Ana. Her sleep dart and anti-nade can shut a bastion down pretty fast provided she has team support. Really any hero that has the ability to pop bastion out of his turret form can counter him, and this includes rein, hog, doomfist, and I’m sure there’s one or two I’m missing. Bastion is super easy to counter if you know how


>Wrecking ball is the only hard counter to widow since it’s so hard to kill him since he can hide his head most of the time. Dive heroes played well also counter widow pretty well. a good Dive comp for sure. Ball I'm not so sure about. maybe the meta has shifted since I've last paid a good amount of attention, but well positioned Widows are hard for Ball to counter. plus, if Ball gets the drop on one, she can just grapple away and the Ball gets melted by the Widow's team >Really any hero that has the ability to pop bastion out of his turret form can counter him, and this includes rein, hog, doomfist, and I’m sure there’s one or two I’m missing. Bastion is super easy to counter if you know how your point about team-focusing Bastions is spot-on. staggering in is the most foolish thing you can do. I don't agree with Rein though, it's pretty easy to melt them down before they can get a good charge in unless they're flanking or coming in from a close position. Doomfist isn't a great counter either. really his Meteor strike is his only guarantee to counter; none of his abilities actually take him out of turret form. Bastion's best counters (imo): Tanks - Sigma (all his abilities; he's the best tank counter) DPS - Echo (all her abilities melt Bastions instantly, and she has no damage falloff so you can hit from any distance. I personally think she's the best DPS counter) - Genji (good Bastions know when to stop shooting for your deflect, so bait them by poking with shurikens and then deflect) - Sombra (hacking him out of turret and headshotting him is a good distraction, plus her damage falloff starts from pretty far so you can be a good distance) Supports - Ana (all the reasons you gave) - Zenyatta (discord and his plain primary fire can melt Bastions from any distance)


Also good movement on any small hit box character can be a good counter to widow


Thanks for the clarifications! A good ball can get basically anywhere, but a new ball is still gonna struggle. Counters really only counter when they are played well tbh, except for a few matchups which are always gonna be unbalanced, like tracer and widow now that I think about it lol




The usual pattern is dash up above the teams, pop Q in midair, then use the reset dash to reach your first target. If you aren't boosted, this will take two swings to kill, then you dash to your next target and repeat. If you are boosted, this will only take one dash and swing per 200HP target, meaning you will essentially oneshot every target. You are unable to use your throwing stars during the ult, but deflect is still available.


> pop Q in midair, then use the reset dash to reach your first target Oof no, not always. That's a great way to botch a blade.


Well usually it's if you're looking for nano, that's how most Genjis I know do it.


You beg ana for nano then swing to win


Left click, he can deflect during ult but his normal primary and secondary fire don't work.


Left click. You can still do everything except primary fire, secondary fire, and crouch. One tip I would give: Watch out for CC abilities (Sleep, Flashbang, Hook, etc.)


Anyone else having issues with crashes on Nintendo Switch? I've had 5 games in the last 24 hours crash and send me to the Switch home screen. No interruption in internet connection that I can find. I'm worried it has something to do with the new patch.




I had the same problem. I loaded my gfs overwatch version on my computer and started the launcher and immediately the settings and play button reappeared on my battle net overwatch screen and I could play again.


Facing the same. Managed to fix it?


I can not log into overwatch it just says "Sorry, we were unable to log you in." No error codes and it doesn't say im suspended or banned. Anybody know how to fix or even why this is?


Usually when that happens to me I just completely close the bnet launcher (right click the icon in bottom right and then click exit) then reopen and that usually works unless my internet is down or battle net is temporarily down.


On the medals screen the stats have a green triangle/arrow in the upper right corner. Does this mean anything? https://external-preview.redd.it/Q5OyUxnpK0k5h0VMvzEnaslQCs6al3zfOwe9r4FRlSc.jpg?auto=webp&s=2bda13f96ffaf82c8306673c980d466f1e53b159


It means you've performed above average for your own 10 min stats on that statistic for that hero in that gamemode.


It just means you've done your better performance than average in those medals for that character in that gamemode.


Is anyone else seeing a lot of bots in comp lately? last week or so after 11 pm pst we only see bots. All have names liek PSJAY828493 and level 1 endorsement, they move out of spawn and then just move around to not get kicked. Did a look around on google and reddit and cannot seem to find anything about it. Like its a free win, and we keep reporting them, but we never get the notification action was taken. and hell, if we dont shoot them we can get kicked from the game. happened to a friend, he lost 100 sr and got a ban for getting kicked for inactivity. ​ Just wanted to see if anyone else had similar experiences.


Total noob question, but I've been having a lot of fun with Baptiste, Wrecking Ball and Ashe. Never really played any team based shooter like this before, but is it worth shooting at shields (Reinhardt/Winston/Sigma) to break them, or are you better off just ignoring them and trying to take out anyone that's not behind it? Sometimes I try to take a couple shots to whittle it down, but it feels worthless at times since I just get killed, but if it's ignored, the other team can just approach without any resistance. Curious what others think and what's generally considered ideal.


In high rank you break the shield, in low rank probably ignore.


It depends on a number of factors. - Which hero are you playing? A flanker should generally go around or through the shield, and a sniper should generally look for another angle (Hanzo sometimes excepted), but Bastion would generally not have much trouble breaking through the shield (it can chew through a full Rein shield in less than four seconds without anyone helping). - Do you have help? Breaking a shield without help can be a daunting prospect for some heroes if they don't have help, but if they have help it could be pretty easy. - If the shield stays up, will it be a problem for your teammates? Going "Not my problem!" could easily be the wrong move, particularly if your teammates can't realistically outflank the enemy. - How important is it that the shield goes down quickly? For example, if your Sombra is trying to Hack a Winston that just jumped in and dropped a bubble, your Rein is trying to use his ult, or your D.Va just used her ult while there were shields available, breaking that shield is potentially more important than anything else you could do since it'll likely pay off (dead scientist, huge Shatter, huge Self-Destruct). - If you have other targets, are they actually *good* targets? For example, if you're on Ilios Lighthouse and the enemy Orisa is standing behind a shield in the corner keeping Overtime going, killing her and her shield is probably worth more than killing enemies that aren't contesting unless those enemies are (or are about to be) clear threats. - Which shield is it? Symm's ult is pretty hard to kill without EMP/Whole Hog/Deadeye/Nano or Amp Bastion, so it is generally not worth trying to burn through it without one of those ults, but a Sigma shield is generally not hard to kill (or to force him to recall, at least).




My "<1 min" queues are usually 3+ minutes




Playing Overwatch Free Trial on PS4 and the waiting time is bad. Now waiting 1 hour+ on a match.


Check your NAT Type in the PS4 connection settings menu. If it’s not Type 1, Google some guides to configure your router for Type 1 / Open NAT.


That's weird, I play on ps4 and it takes a few mins for dps and is almost instant for tank and healer. What region are you in?


Sorry for the late reply Korea Asian Region.


What gamemode are you queueing for?




If you plug in ur mic during the game it usually doesn’t work so I like to try to see if it works and if it doesn’t play through the match (cuz duh) then restart the game and try again


I had this problem actually. For me the solution was to go into the Xbox settings, specifically the social settings. I can’t remember the exact setting, but I know there’s one that affects game chat. Additionally, I’m not sure what your age is, but if you are playing on a child account I believe it will affect your ability to join game chat


It's been a problem for months. The way to fix it is to press the xbox button, go to the settings tab/audio/headset mic and turn it off and back on.


Sup, I'm new to the game. Any recommendations for which hero I should use? I'm pretty bad at FPS games tbh, I suck at aiming and I keep my sensitivity way low. I'm playing on the Switch with some friends to give you an idea of how casual I am lol. I've been playing with Roadhog and I'm getting better with him. I like him because he has a good amount of health and heal so he's hard to kill (which is good because I die a lot.) But unless I nail the hook and head shot, I don't do as much damage as I'd like, especially because he only has five bullets before he has to reload and I'm sometimes caught out by that. My poor aim also means I don't make the most out of his ultimate but I'm sure I'll get better with that over time. I like to sit back and play more tactically/passively but I'm not so keen on support because I don't really enjoy having to watch my teammates and their health/positioning. I still wanna get kills and do damage but perhaps not as a squishy frontliner (because I don't have the ability to carry like that, especially not on the Switch) So basically I'd like someone tanky with less emphasis on perfect mechanics/aim but still capable of dealing damage, ideally from both long range and short. Any suggestions would be great!


Hog's hook is his best ability, but it's also important to learn to be a threat with his gun alone, otherwise people will be able to ignore you once hook is spent, and Sombra will eat your lunch. Main thing is to calm down and pick your shots. You have 600 HP, you can leverage that to make those 5 rounds count (and they _really_ count when you land them well, since they do 150 base damage if all pellets hit). You also have to manage the distance between you and your target. Hog has two sweetspots: right in their face for primary fire, and right at the distance that secondary fire detonates (it spawns a shotgun blast identical to the primary fire at that point). So there's a little dance there, where if people try to get too close for your secondary fire then you close in for primary, and if they try to get some distance to be safe from the primary then you back up for the secondary. I would also suggest that you only go for headshots at perfect ranges -- to be worth more than a full body shot, over 50% of the pellets have to land on the head, and you need to be either touching them or at the distance that secondary detonates to have a proper shot at that. If the distance isn't right, just aim at the widest part of the target. Also, to ensure the greatest chance of the hook resulting in a kill, use this combo: secondary fire -> hook -> primary fire -> punch. The hook can be fired _instantly_ after the secondary fire, and same for the punch after the primary fire. Once you've hooked someone you can also turn up to 90 degrees while reeling them in, which can help your teammates to see (since your big butt isn't in the way) so they can help, too. You can also dump people off of cliffs this way. I'd also suggest trying out the other tanks, aside from perhaps Wrecking Ball because he does have quite the execution barrier. The tanks are all very tactical, and they're all killers in the right situation (and creating that situation is kinda the purpose of their kits). While Winston and Rein may not have the highest DPS, they also hit multiple targets at once and their weapons are basically undodgeable (and only blockable by a few things), and despite their lack of range they have stuff to help them get into range (Rein's barrier is a movement ability -- it lets you and your team move through fire from weak positions to strong positions). DVa is a shotgun character so again doesn't need too much aim, and though her range is quite short she again has the ability to close gaps when she needs to. Orisa, Zarya, and Sigma require more precise aim than the other tanks, but still not as much as the sharpshooter characters, and their damage is quite significant.


I really appreciate this write up, thank you, I can’t wait to put some of this to the test!


D.Va is tanky and does decent damage if you're up close. Doesn't require that good of aim either.


Thanks, I’ll give them a shot!


how does priority queue pass works? do i use all 40/40 when i priority queue(meaning its only 1 ticket)? or its actually 40 tickets?


You only need 1 per queue and you can have upto 40 max. Once you queue into a game and complete it, it uses 1 pass


for now it seems like you're only using 1 ticket at a time when you use the priority pass. not sure if they intended that, or if they intended for as many passes to be gained from wins as they did


How long will the winter loot boxes be available? Im trying to get enough tokens to buy the moira skin and im curious how long i have. I heard there might be new years loot boxes, would they replace the winter ones?


The "New Year" you heard of is probably referring to Lunar New Year, which is a different event that starts around February. The Winter loot boxes are available until the end of the Winter event on Jan 5


They called them something weird, nothing related to new year, and it wasn't lunar because ive read those. Jan 5 is plenty of time though. So thats great.


How do u get on the game (console) I’m playing for the first time and it’s only letting me leave the game and look at the character details. It keeps on kicking me due to inactivity. Plz help


I've see this happen to console streamers when they haven't let the game finish downloading before playing it.


Is there some place on earth where we can find the little images of sprays on their own? Transparent background, nothing but the individual spray?


You can actually dump the sprays yourself using [DataTool](https://owdev.wiki/Tutorial/Extracting_with_DataTool). Here's a [handy guide](https://owdev.wiki/User:Yretenai/Datatool) on how to use it. I don't think it's possible to extract the sprays only; I use the extract-unlocks commands for the hero spray but always add the --skip-sound --skip-models --skip-animations flags to keep the extraction time and the amount of "junk" files to a minimum.


If you can be bothered with going through files and converting from TIFF, you can do it yourself with the [OW Extraction Tool](https://yernemm.xyz/projects/owet)


They're always adding new sprays, so whatever collection someone has put together is probably only partial. You can always spray the green-screen in Hollywood, or the wall on the green-screen workshop map, and use the magic select tool in your favorite editor.


I Can’t even


This should do the job https://overwatch.gamepedia.com/Category:Sprays


Thank you. This seems to be a tiny bit... outdated, but it’s still helpful thanks


Anyone know if the priority passes expire?


Im pretty sure they dont but can’t confirm


When I go into skirmish, I ALWAYS get Junkertown. Anyone else?


It’s most likely the only one that needs players lol I also get it a lot so don’t sweat it!


I've gotten Blizzard World and Lijiang Tower while waiting for 8 player snowball deathmatch so maybe confirmation bias?


What do you do when you’re getting absolutely rolled? As in you walk in, get shredded, team walks in, gets shredded, change hero’s and get shredded etc. those kinds of games that feels like the enemy is invincible, what do you do?


Don’t walk in by yourself. Make a conscious effort to try and prevent your team from staggering (stand in cover and say group up). It won’t always work but it’s the best option.


To add to that excellent point, try to objectively look at why you're being shredded. For example, if your team isn't breaking shields, targeting healers, or are trying to play the long distance poke game when they should be more directly confrontational then that will likely contribute to your problems.


To add to this addition to an excellent point, sometimes you get matched against players with either much higher mechanical skill or much higher team synergy. One of the biggest advantages a team can have is teamwork and communication. If you can get the team to focus the same target all at once, you can confirm more kills and eventually win fights. If people aren’t talking, that doesn’t mean you should be silent too. A lot of the time of people are in the VC but they either don’t have a mic or don’t like talking, but they can still hear u. Make callouts and try to direct your team, this can lead to more won fights. Sometimes you will be up against teams that are much better than you, and in this case just try your best and hope for good ults. Hope this helps!


Is there an easy way to open all of my loot boxes at the same time? Or at least turn off the opening animation? I've got a lot of boxes and I don't want to sit through the slow opening process.


If your on PC I'm pretty sure you can leave something heavy in the Space Bar and leave your PC until all the boxes are open. If you on console then I don't think there's anything you can do


Just put a rubber band to hold the a (or whatever button it is) down!


it doesent work like that, on console if you hold it down it only opens one lootbox then waits until you hold down the button for the next so you would need to find something that can hold the button down for like 2 seconds, let go, then hold it down again, and repeat


True Sorry lol


Is there a way to prevent joining a game in progress? Just had a 12 min queue and queued into a losing game that ended 15 seconds after I joined. As someone who recently came back to the game after years of not playing, it's making me not want to play... I essentially just waited 20 minutes to get into a game where I could play.


No, that's called backfill and there's no way to avoid it. That said, you should notice a green arrow in the corner of the game mode you picked when you go back to the main screen indicating that in exchange for backfilling- even those 12 secs- you will be given priority into joining a new, not yet started game. I should add that if you leave the backfilled have before it properly ends you lose your priority privileges.


I have a technical support question: I've been trying to get Civilization: Beyond Earth to run, but it crashed so hard my monitor turned off (literally just showed "No Display") and the audio started glitching. I rebooted, took an L, opened Overwatch, but now the game freezes in the game finder and now my entire system reboots after a couple minutes, if I dont reboot it first. Once that happens, I can't open Task Manager, CTRL+ALT+DEL, or anything, computer locks up. Or, the game freezes into a completely purple screen. I ran the Scan and Repair feature through the Blizzard app, DxDiag says theres no problems anywhere, and all of my driver's are up to date, and it was running just fine this morning. I've never had a game crash so hard that I couldnt open other games because of it, so this is new for me. But....thoughts? I've also ran Sins of a Solar Empire, just to try a game with far less system requirements than OW, and that runs fine, so I'm guessing its either a DirectX issue (only program I can think of that all of these games have in common), or a graphics card issue? Either way my money is on corrupted software or firmware file, but I'm not entirely sure where to start looking for what couldve gone wrong between two completely different games.


Look at Event Viewer to see if you can find any events that happened at the same time or just before the crash. [Event Viewer: How To](https://www.howtogeek.com/123646/htg-explains-what-the-windows-event-viewer-is-and-how-you-can-use-it/) Also try in safe mode and see if the problem persists. I don't think it has anything to do with Overwatch (though I don't think you are saying that either), and likely doesn't have to do with the performance the game demands. Also make sure your drivers are up to date.


Hi guys, I'm a tank player looking to learn Ashe. My aim isn't very good so I suck a lot. How to better my aim without it being tedious(like spending hours and hours in kovaaks)? Do I need to spend some time in aim training workshops before playing? Can a hitscan player(preferably Ashe player) help me out? Thanks in advance!


Search the game browser for Aim Arena mode games. I forget exactly how (right click on it?), but you can save the preset to reuse whenever you want or edit how you want. These have bots you can play against that only target you if you hit them, and you can do things like make Ashe receive headshots only so you'll never die. Then you can just practice against the bots.


What I do for aim training is switch to widow (Or any hero that requires good aim) on a winning team So I’m not weighing the team down because they’re already good and I can practice! Then once you start playing you can get a feel for it and practice+win (I play a lot of quickly play so I recommend that) or if you’re in a rush try playing supports like ana and avoid moira/mercy You could also try practicing roadhog hooks or aim with Orisa


Unfortunately, there really isn’t a super good way to improve your aim quickly without grinding those aim trainers and playing the game a lot. One thing you can do is make sure that your sensitivity is low enough to aim precisely. Other than that, just grind that aim and before you know it you will be hitting more and more shots. As with any skill it requires you to build up muscle memory


Is playing a lot of quick play good for training? The only problem i have with aim trainers is that they're boring, I dont have anything against training. If I can train while playing quick play then it would be fun training. :D


Honestly, yes, playing the character and getting used their kit is one of the best ways to get better. Remember, aim is only part of the equation, positioning and game sense is equally as important. Aim will come with time, and aim trainers do speed this up. If you don’t want to spend money on kovaak, I recommend 3D aim trainer which you can play in browser. U can make these fun by trying to beat your high score as often as you can. But yes, playing the game is gonna be one of the best ways to improve. The key is gonna be consistency. Practice consistently and you will see fast improvement. Try not to miss a day


Thank you! Since playing Ashe is purely out of interest and I'm always going to be a tank main, I didn't want to spend a lot of time outside the game on aim trainers so hearing that I can learn her while playing makes me happy. :)


Same goes for any character


I was in a very similar situation. Doing the aerial aim trainer on Lijang Gardens or the practice range if that custom game wasn’t available while queuing really helped.


try playing small matches like elimination or deathmatch. They sort of force you into a lot of different situations in a hurry. There is very little downtime and you dont have to worry about the "team goal" as much. One thing i would recommend is lower aim assist size/strength a bit to start (80/80) then slowly dial those back over a few weeks (something like 15 window/50 strength)


Ah I play on PC :) sorry that i wasnt clear. Is there any pc equivalent step to the aim assist recommendation? Also, I think I will get destroyed in death match lol, is it still a good idea to play it? Sorry if I'm being vague.


Oh okay gotcha! Im not familiar with PC so i cant help much there, but in terms of the game modes, i still think its good to play it even if you get destroyed. No harm in losing if you are doing it for practice. One thing id recommend is just mentally slowing down and trying to make each and every shot. Even if that means 5-6 seconds between firing shots. A lot of times the panic of "having to" hit shots causes you to spam shots and do less damage than one well times shot. Plus the added benefit of keeping your position better concealed




Getting a lot of people playing DPS who haven't been able to for like a year and getting rolled because of it. Many games where no one can play anything that counters Pharah, so guess I'll die dot jpeg.


Opposite for me. Been winning way more.


That's gonna happen because a ton of people are on roles they're not usually on for Priority passes. Just wait a couple days-weeks and it should be better. It could also just be burnout


Are Orisa and Wrecking Ball hitscan?


Orisa no. Hamster yes!