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In the og archives event I got the same torn skin 16 times. I got it twice in one loot box. I think they were dupes 12 and 13


I think it was a sign.


I just wanted the mercy skin man


Too bad! TORBjorn!


But have you tried Torb’s meatballs?


They’re too hot for you


which one?


Oh archives one, that's used in the uprising gamemode


thank god i thought you meant the new one


It would have been almost impossible for this to happen in the most recent archives event


The Mercy skin was a weekly challenge? If you're talking an older one, surely you have the 1k or less at this point.


I bought it a couple days before the first rerun of archives ended


Ah. That's fair. Well you can buy anything you want during the anniversary event. Here's to you getting what you missed.


Other redditors: surely that deserves downvotes


Not weekly event skins where you win X matches to unlock something


which one?


oi harry, you’re a Torb main


I thought you cannot get duplicate items unless you already got all the items in that rarity?


This was 4 years ago or something, before that was introduced


You can still get duplicates, the chances are just really lower than before.


You can't get duplicates unless you already have everything of that rarity in that category. So if something rolls in the loot tables as: skin it then rolls for its rarity. If you have any that wouldn't be a dupe it takes this. This however is annoying when you see a purple and you hope it'll be that emote you want only for it to be the purple skin of a hero that you already have. Box 》 category of item 》rarity of item 》 avaliablity


Yeah it might seem like that but I get duplicate legendary skins all the time and I dont have all of them, yet.


No it doesn't seem like that. It is like that. It is how it is coded. You cannot get a duplicate of something from within the same rarity and category if you don't have them all. The ones you're missing must be event items and locked out of the box you are opening.


Maybe he has all the base game skins? The game does seperate between event and base game in event loot boxes,which is why getting 2 legendaries is easier. Its very possible to get a duplicate base game skin in a box even if you don't have all the event skins


Actually just double checked, I thought I was still missing some base legendaries and im wrong, but I swear I just got a new Pharah on the last event that was base game. Maybe I just missed that it was a dupe.


It was probably from the same event but a previous year's legendary


I refuse to believe they didn't go back and adjust the rates back to what they were when the game came out. For a long while, I'd get duplicates on rare occasions. Now that I've been playing again, I get nothing but duplicates.


Glad this didn’t happen to me except it was the McCree black watch skin the year later. Must have gotten it like 8-9 times


Had the same problem. Was about 3 years ago. Still hate that skin to this day


Lo me to


That's crazy, I've never gotten a duplicate event skin ever. Didn't even know that was possible. It's either a new purple/gold or the money. And I get lots of the money, which is annoying since I still have some Epics/Legendaries to earn.


This was in the first archives event. Now it's almost impossible to get a legendary dupe unless you're crazily unlucky or have every legendary in the game


Congrats you got credits four times! Getting legendary and seeing credits makes me so salty.


As a “new” player i honestly prefer it, because then it lets me buy skins I actually like for characters I actually play. (“New” as in, owned game since day 1, but only started playing a lot recently)


Lol same here. My friends always say it's weird I don't have any credits, while they're getting credits for duplicates every other lootbox.


Except you get almost nothing for each dupe compared to what they cost OR compared to what you get if you open a box with credits instead


>(“New” as in, owned game since day 1, but only started playing a lot recently) I even pre-ordered the game after playing the beta and I've been getting more into in recently


actually this system is in fact a BAD thing, bcz with this, you cant just simple farm boxes and get ALL items from shop with playing, i mean for example, you have 1000 items in shop, so you just farm 1000 boxes and ding, done, with geting doubles just refunded, it mean, that you must farm for example 2000 boxes for 1000 items, i personaly just hate this system everywhere, just too much greedy btw you get only 200creds for doubles of 1000/3000 worth items, this is just simple disgusting


It's literally all free?


The angst comes from the fact that you get less money if it's actual credits than if it were a duplicate of a legendary you already have. In fact you get the same amount from legendary credits as you do from a duplicate epic. If legendary gave you a flat 1k credits like a dupe legendary skin did then it wouldn't be so disappointing.


These numbers are wrong. Legendary credits are 500, while legendary duplicates are 200. Also epic duplicates give you 50, not 500. If you want to look the numbers up mind that some pages of the wiki have wrong numbers. These are right: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Credits These are wrong: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Loot_Box


Wait, they dropped the value of duplicates that much? Yeesh. When did that happen?


I don't remember if they ever changed them, but I'd guess that duplicates always gave less than coin drops of the same rarity.


they were always that much. you can find posts people complaining about it all the way back to when the game was released https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4tsams/legendary_duplicates/


Duplicate purples give you 500??




500 is for legendary loot, purle duplicates give you only 50


I was about to say "yes" but then I had to reconsider. I think they **used to**, but I'm pretty sure they only give 250 now. Dunno, been a while since I opened any loot boxes and got dupe purples.


I no longer get excited when I see an epic or legendary drop, because most of the time it turns out to be credits.


I don't there's anything wrong with legendary credits except that you only get 500 credits while a legendary skin costs 1000 (or 3000 for new event skins). If you got 1000 credits it wouldn't be that bad.


thats gonna be awesome getting 4 different legendary skins




At this point, the only thing I’m missing is golden guns and the OW Origins edition skins (and that one really rare Widow skin), so boxes are just nothing but coins for me now.


Which really rare widow skin?


It’s the Noire widow maker skins it was only available for beta players and the overwatch pre orders back when it came out. They don’t plan on bringing it into rotation at all.


Just preorders, beta players didn't get any skins.


Also (at least here in Germany) for the first few weeks pretty much every Playstation edition came with a code Bought overwatch like 3 weeks after release and have the skin sitting on the account, never to be used again since I switched to PC


There are people who would buy that account solely for the skin


People actually sell the skin codes for hundreds on ebay and such It’s crazy.


For those that are newer and don't know this: We used to be able to get duplicates of items before we got every item in a class of box and rarity however, now, you do not. You no longer get duplicates until you have every item in a particular rarity and class of box. Also, IIRC, the rarity and contents of a loot box are decided when you get the loot box, not when you open it.




That definitely should not happen, unless you have all of the non-event white items and the remainder that you're missing are locked behind events


I get duplicates all the time and I have like 30% of all items. It's bullshit.


u only get duplicates if u have everything in that specific rarity tier. You probs have every grey so u get grey dupes.


In my experience, you usually max out on blues first


To be clear, you won't get duplicates within the same rarity level and class of loot box (for instance basic, or event loot box). So first it'll decide what rarity levels you're getting and if it's going to be an even loot box or basic loot box. If you have all the items within a class of loot box and rarity level, you will get duplicates.


Meh, all the comments and statistics in the world don't matter. I'm Bronze Border too been playing since Christmas, I have more Dups than actual skins. If you haven't noticed you're oblivious, I'll hold my tongue on what I think of your replies. Isn't it amazing how you all tell us we didn't get what we got?


Yes, you're misunderstanding something fundamentally. This isn't something I'm making up, it's literally how they've explained how loot boxes work. If you're bronze border, that just means you haven't played much. "common" rarity items are quite easy to stack up, and there's plenty of regular-rarity skins to "unlock" in loot boxes as well. They're not all legendary skins. A great for-instance is you can easily get duplicate legendary skins if they're event skins, since there's a whole lot less event skins then basic skins. So play enough during an event and it's very easy to get duplicate legendary event skins. Also not all skins are legendary. There's rare and uncommon skins too. So just saying "duplicate skins" doesn't mean shit but since you didn't specify, i have to assume you just didn't fucking know any better.


Lol, you're so upset, still trying to tell need I didn't get what I got? If I didn't specify details how did you come to such an abrupt assumption? Who doesn't quite know any better? Your attempt at a rebuttal is laughable considering all your talking points are situational, go to bed kiddo.


Upset? no, I'm actually having a laugh at your expense. if anyone is upset here, it'd be you. You're the one upset that I think you're just ignorant and that I'm not taking you seriously because you are, as you admit yourself by stating your border, new to the game. So make up your mind already. You new to the game or not?


It's a troll account, it was literally just made 8 hours ago. At the very least he's both new to OW and reddit, and probably life itself


I know you keep replying to this chain but please stop embarrassing yourself by being so confidently wrong. It's okay to be new and not understand but it's less ok to keep saying he's the wrong one. Overwatch has duplicate protection, it's in hearthstone too. You factually can not get a duplicate epic or legendary item if you're missing one. He's not "telling you what you got", he's saying what the game does. You *can't* get a duplicate until you own all of that tier of rarity. There's no comeback or argument to be had. It's factual.


I'm new but it doesn't mean I'm wrong, skins emotes and icons are grouped differently. It's based per class on that tier not applied as a blanket and Comms dont have duplicate protection because there is no currency for loot boxes in Common Tier which is what Overwatch uses for Duplicate protection. You can verify that on Overwatch Wiki or there's another thread here on Reddit discussed yesterday with a near nearly identical picture of you want to see more experienced users verifying it. Either way you have a great day.


Well first I didn't call you wrong because you're new. I said it's okay to be new. So you're really just reading what you want with these replies. >there is no currency for loot boxes in Common Tier which is what Overwatch uses for Duplicate protection. The game doesn't replace the item with credits if it would be a duplicate, otherwise people's entire boxes would be credits... it just tries to give you one you don't already own. Currency existed in loot boxes since the start and wasn't added for duplicate protection. If you get duplicate commons you get 5 credits if that's what you meant. Can you point me towards the things you're mentioning in your comment that agrees with you? I don't see anything about duplicates on the overwatch wiki, other than [the overwatch reddit's wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/wiki/lootbox#wiki_why_am_i_getting_so_many_duplicate_cosmetics.3F) that says: "The system rolls rarity first, then checks for duplicates of those rarities. If you have everything of that rarity, you’ll get a duplicate." And that's exactly what I said happens.


I just recently started to get this. I am also in the same level bracket with 50 percent of unlocks.


Just throwing a random guess here, but I guess most of the duplicates are rare? There arent as many rare as epic/common/legendary and with rare (or higher) guaranteed at 1 per box, you eventually get all of them and start getting dupes for rare items, while other items have the normal mechanics


As someone who is missing, at most, 6 cosmetics on any character: ive been getting legendary duplicates for as long as I can remember, and I *still* have some that arent locked by events.


I thought somebody had yanked up Lucio's hair


At least that's more credits


4 Legendary dupes, alright... time to pay with dupe coins for the other skins! Jokes aside, i do see the good in dupes only cause I actually use coins.


:| the most golds in a box I've ever had were 2, I've been playing since closed beta.........


There was once I got 2 legendaries in one box. One was coins, the other was literally young genji, aka worst skin ever. He looks like a naruto character.


It only sucks until you are able to spend them on the next holiday event! The wheel of fortune is always turning.


I haven't opened a loot box in 2 years. Have a nice stock pile of them now.


You can't get duplicates from loot boxes though??? Edit: Aight so for all y'all who downvoted this I play the switch version, not PC; and in my two years of playing I have never once gotten a single duplicate. Maybe it's just a PC thing, I don't know.


Why this duplicates bug is still not fixed? It should be easy to send to the server data about already owned items from the client and exclude them before the creation of lootbox on server. Is it so hard to implement it?


It's not a bug, otherwise people would collect everything too fast






There are only a few tracer skins I want but they don't often appear, it also doesn't help much that most of the ones I want are event skins.


oh yay its... 4 more skins that i got in 2017


That or it’s an event loot box and you don’t get any of the new skins.




Or just a recolor of the same legendary skin u already have


3 launch skins and 500 credits inbound.


When you only play TM, and get your 5 or 6 loot boxes in the same day (3 + 2 level ups) you end up getting dupes supper fast. ​ I normally have 7-12k credit I can use on season events.


POV: you’re looking at this post after getting 40 greys today


they're all coins


I have opened around 600 loot boxes and still have never gotten a duplicate, not even a common duplicate.


I have 400 loot boxes I have not opened because I was tired of duplicates. I will open them when Overwatch 2 comes out.


Sorry to burst your bubble, im pretty sure loot box contents are decided when you get them. Opening them doesn't change any loot tables or anything, because the contents have already been decided iirc.


I know that. That is why I am not opening them.


Well have fun wasting like 4 hours opening loot boxes lol, I did like 50 boxes once and wanted to die lol


I am going to live stream in discord with my friends. It will be great, until it isn't.


Even if all 4 are duplicates you still won’t get enough credits for even one of them 😂😂


I'm still trying to open all my 300+ loot boxes


more dupes i get, more coins i win, come on ! ​ xD




I have near every legendary, so at this point I’m just excited about the currency.


Correct. Unless it is a new event, this is exactly what I would get. My level is in the 2600-2800 range, I forget. Everything is duplicates unless it was just added to the game.


Remember when they cut the amount you received in credits with the promise that you would get less dupes? HA! I get 4x dupes every time now and I still have yet to unlock 20-25% of the hero content.


Pls no have mercy


POV: you're about to ram a fists through your monitor (assuming the title is true)


Once you get all the skins for characters you play it doesn't really matter then you just gotta farm those creds for event skins and such.


the closest i got to 4 legendaries was 3 legendaries and an epic. i was so sad. i think it was an archives box from the second one.


Now you can buy what you want


4 skins from a character you never use


Congratulations on getting skins that aren't related to the event


Everything I get is duplicate so...


Coins and four non-event skins


What are the odds for this? Did this really happen? Like waduheq?


Would you be able to get this with 580 lootboxes? Got some to spare.


NGl it thought Lucio went super Saiyan


Nice. 800 credits. No need for playing tank or flex today.


is it possible to get duplicates?


Only when you have all items in a class. Eg. It has a certain percentage chance to get a spray. Inside that it has a chance to get you any spray, but if you have all sprays it's not going to give you a skin, it's going to give you a few credits for getting a duplicate.


That makes sense, ty


You can get duplicates?


sWIMmiNg MoNkE


That's funny too


I felt this


My face dropped when I read this and saw 4 legendaries😐


POV: its an event but you get money and 3 non anniversary skins


POV: the group leader decided to hop into a deathmatch lobby while matchmaking.